August 17, 2006

Nine Hours a Day Memorizing the Koran

Yes, we've all heard the stories of those third-world madrassas that teach school-age boys nothing but the words of the Koran. Such madrassas are all over the world--even in New York. From the NYT via Ann Althouse:

By not offering instruction in other subjects, the school may be inadvertently running afoul of state law, according to city and state education officials. Private religious schools like the Muslim Center’s program are required to provide “substantially equivalent” instruction to that offered in public schools, they said. But tracking every school-age child who leaves the public school system can be difficult. . . .

[The mother of one of the students] confessed that she sometimes questioned whether she was doing the right thing with her son, fretting that Thaha, who would have been entering the sixth grade this year if he had stayed in regular school, does not know his multiplication tables, for example.

But the beauty of this country, Mrs. Sherwani said, is that her son is free to have it both ways, to be steeped in Islam and be whatever he wants.

Tick, tick, tick...

Cross-posted to The Sammenhold Blog.

Posted by: Ragnar at 12:43 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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1 Dangerous .... but stupid. What a combination!

Posted by: hondo at August 17, 2006 01:03 AM (XrexX)

2 As expected I didn't see the following names: Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson. Any others?

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at August 17, 2006 02:07 AM (gLMre)

3 I'd rather deal with stupid terrorists that can't count to 20 than smart terrorists who study nuclear physics or biochemistry...

Posted by: CanForce 101 at August 17, 2006 03:39 AM (BMrv8)

4 Uh, Mrs. Sherwani, no. He's damn sure not "free to have it both ways, to be steeped in Islam and be whatever he wants." Guess she doesn't really get the gist of it, you know that whole steeping thing.

Steeped in shit, little Thaha grew up in his Grandfathers footsteps to become Thaha Sherwani Du Turd.

Posted by: forest hunter at August 17, 2006 04:22 AM (TjUVb)

5 CanForce, it's the stupid ones who willingly strap on the bombs that the smart ones make, all of which is paid for by the "peaceful" ones. There's a simple solution though - extermination.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at August 17, 2006 08:51 AM (v3I+x)

6 and now we know why the islam are willing to die. they know nothing better. their teachers teach them that dying is the thing to do. what a waist of good childhood. they will have their comming up soon

Posted by: frank la may at August 17, 2006 09:28 AM (B/KNF)

7 Child abuse, pure and simple.

Posted by: jesusland joe at August 17, 2006 10:27 AM (rUyw4)

8 Oh, yeah, and in a few years we will see these children blowing themselves up in cafes in NYC. So you liberals out there take note, your children are likely to be the ones killed when these children of NYC are trained to become killers. You are also the ones who need to take action. And quick.

Posted by: jesusland joe at August 17, 2006 10:29 AM (rUyw4)

9 I think the Islamist movement involves alot of brainwashing:

1.multiple prayer session a day, combined with rabid immans preaching jihad, anti-Western brochures and fliers to take home

2.isolation of the individual from other communities because infidels are unclean

3.emphasis that individuals give up much of their individual identity for the cult-identity

I don't study cults or brainwashing, but the similarities do pop out at me.

Posted by: Heroic Dreamer at August 17, 2006 10:39 AM (up9HT)

10 JJ, we reap what we sow. Liberals are sowing the wind, and shall reap the whirlwind. When the bombs are going off in New York and California so regularly that you could set your watch by them, I will try very hard to feel sympathy for the victims who have spent so many years enabling and empowering their murderers.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at August 17, 2006 11:33 AM (v3I+x)

11 IM: We must get Hondo out first. Hondo, ever have a gator in your back yard?

Posted by: greyrooster at August 17, 2006 11:48 AM (jgE7Y)

12 Anyone who lives in Lefturdistan will just have to shift as well as they can when TSHTF.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at August 17, 2006 01:50 PM (v3I+x)

13 I'm not dirty.

BTW, this is scary stuff. They should make a movie. Call it 9-11 or something.

It is 2006, and we are watching history unfold. Between the Muslims, and illegal aliens there is going to be big problems ahead.

Written this day of our Lord 17-August-2006 @ 1832 hours by the Greatest of All Barbaric Christian Infidels.

Posted by: Leatherneck at August 17, 2006 06:38 PM (D2g/j)

14 At least he's not being home schooled. That stuff's dangerous. Kid needs to get out and mingle, become acculterated, experience diversity sort of thing.
Seriously, is this for real - an accredited institution? In New York City? Where's the teachers union when they could actually do some good?

Posted by: ktel60 at August 17, 2006 07:30 PM (o9zcI)

15 Ktel60, they're too busy fighting over allowing kids to read anything other than evolution to worry about dirtying their hands with potentially offending anyone. "Brainwashing? what's that? I'm sure they're getting a well-rounded education as it is"

Posted by: Ranba Ral at August 17, 2006 09:14 PM (zjZWE)

16 ktel60, did you get "acculterated" in public school?

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at August 17, 2006 09:33 PM (v3I+x)

17 There are actually several of these "institutions" here in NYC - and yes - its all true!

Board Of Ed & Teachers Union (both very liberal) don't bother them at all - its amazing at how effective fear of physical violence and intimidation works with new age liberals! Add to that the lib fear of not appearing PC and understanding enough.

Living in NYC has its advantages - with soooo many different types of immigrants, you learn quickly that they all dislike and distrust the muslims - and (for you GR & IM) they all hold blacks in contempt. God! I love diversity! (An overall generalization I admit - but wow! You'd have to see it to believe it!)

I'm fine where I am on Staten Island - with a front row seat - GR if you remember where the Navy homeport is/was - I'm due west straight back up in the steep heavily forrested ridgeline hills overlooking the NY harbor near the rock cliffs.

Like I said before maxie - the only guaranteed fast way out of this city is by sea - you just can't see the marinas down below because of the dense forrest.

No gators in backyard - but I do have raccoons, opossums, wild turkeys n' a lot of other lil' critters.

Oh - my daughter was homeschooled.

Posted by: hondo at August 17, 2006 09:56 PM (XrexX)

18 Hondo, I don't hold blacks in contempt; I hold idiots in contempt, and many of them just happen to be black. Truth be told, whent TSHTF, I worry a lot more about white liberals helping muslims plant bombs than I do about blacks or any other group.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at August 18, 2006 03:52 PM (v3I+x)

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