Site Rebuild & Appeal to Pixie
I had to rebuild the entire website today. It took 6 hours, and comments still don't work. The problem was that with comments down the old archived posts wouldn't open as browsers couldn't find comments to insert, making it appear as if the page wasn't there, or making loading time so incredibly slow that it would often time out. As a result, traffic dropped dramatically. I let it slide for about a week, but then couldn't handle it anymore. The end result of the rebuild is a Jawa that works, but still without comments.
I got word from Pixie that we were migrating to a new platform over the weekend. Alas, we're still stuck with MT as the migration didn't happen. Apparently he's busy helping Ace out first. And I also hear, via the grapevine, that Phin is too busy to help his ol' pal Rusty redesign Sandcrawler Central, but drops everything to help out Ace.
I see how the pecking order works.....Save us from MT Pixiewon Phinobi, you're our only hope!
note from phin: haloscan comments and trackbacks temporarily installed, so Rusty won't keep throwing rocks at me. Not that the rocks bother me much since he throws like a girl, and not one of those hairy liberal unkempt chicks either, a real life girlly girl.
note from pixy: Sorry, Rusty! Your site is pretty big, so I had to test things carefully before moving you across, and I needed a few days for that. I was hoping that things would be okay until next weekend, but if your site is falling over we need to get you moved pronto. I'm on it like a hamster on... another hamster.
Posted by: Rusty at
03:34 PM
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***In honor of Vinnie's father, this post will be sticky for the rest of the day. Scroll down for newer posts.***
Dad, June 12, 1940 - July 11, 2007
Leaving flowers on your grave
Show that I still care
But black roses and Hail Marys
Can't bring back what's taken from me
I reach to the sky
And call out your name
And if I could trade
I would
UPDATE by Rusty: Since comments are down, on behalf of the Jawa community, let me express our deepest sympathies to Vinnie. Condolences can be sent to vinceautmorire(at)gmail(dot)com.
UPDATE by Vinnie: Thank you all for your kind words, and for taking the time to write them. Nothing I type can do justice to the gratitude I feel towards you all right now, both on my blog and in my email.
I thought this comment was interesting, given the Kos hordes' penchant for mindless lemming-like groupthink:
dKos is not about setting a progressive agenda (ed. - BWAHAHA!), it is about electing Democratic Party candidates. And to the dismay of many, that includes DLC dead wood and Blue Dogs.
This could get ugly, should Senator Hillary Clinton win the party's nomination for the presidency.
Yes, it will. I have 50 pounds of popcorn reserved for next year's Democrat nomination. Also, check out what some Kosbots tolerate in furtherance of "the common good/the narrative:"
I overlooked so many things about Cindy Sheehan in the past because I thought she was doing more good than harm. Our own daughter of a U.S. soldier has been attacked by "peaceniks" espousing Cindy's Code Pink views and still I supported her. That was my choice though and I make a different one today and Cindy hasn't done anything that has helped my children in a very long time, but she has done things that have hurt my children very recently.
Mother of the year!
Posted by: Good Lt. at
12:08 PM
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Post contains 206 words, total size 2 kb.
Rusty on the Radio Tonight
I'll be talking to my brother from another mother tonight on the Rusty Humphries show around 9:35 Eastern. Just in case you ever wanted to hear the Jawa speak, here's your chance.
Sorry if I miss it. Heard that light in the loafers voice before. OUTLAWING ISLAM would make good subject matter.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 06, 2007 06:17 PM (DYtTi)
What time Rusty? If I miss you, I'll listen to the podcast on Humphries' page
Posted by: mrclark at July 06, 2007 06:40 PM (RXRMl)
Having trouble staying connected this week. Should be good though.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at July 06, 2007 09:20 PM (2OHpj)
Nice job Rusty. We listened and enjoyed it. Rooster, are you still trying to be a troll at Dick's Place, or did he redirect your ip to a scat video? He does love to play with trolls.
Posted by: Kelly at July 06, 2007 10:36 PM (p58Mf)
Kelly: Like you I don't know what you are talking about. Perhaps you get confused and excited when you open his blog and it says BIG DICKS place. Anyway the Dallas Dickhead is alright with me. Just like to mess with Texans. Why? Because I'm really a member of La Raza.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 07, 2007 12:15 AM (BREeL)
Posted by: greyrooster at July 07, 2007 12:57 AM (BREeL)
Gheyrooster, are you just a lonely old bastard who wastes his life away typing stupid messages here? Obviously your son and wife do not have much time for you. Get a life, bigot.
Posted by: Darth Vag at July 07, 2007 02:24 AM (b0FZu)
So, the Taliban's webmaster wants a challenge, eh? I say, bring it on!
Anyone interested, there's a free program out there called "Xenu's Link
Sleuth" that will crawl any website you give it, and give you a full
list of all files it finds, and which / how many are broken links.
Seems that at the moment, 55% of the Taliban's website is not coming
Go ahead, try the software out. You can get a list of video clips
(stream 'em, hose their bandwidth), or a list of email addresses. All
kinds of goodies.
Posted by: Trogdor at July 07, 2007 03:07 AM (CqqUW)
Darth Fag: Wrong faggot. (1) Have beautiful wife. 2 sons, 4 daughters (2) adopted. 1 grandson. I sit in front of my big screen with picture in picture with wireless keyboard on my lap. When weather is good I go fishing in the Gulf and elsewhere. Humidity is horrible here in Summer so I sit in my lazyboy and enjoy the AC, look out the window and watch my cows multiply. Sometime I yell at my Mexicans (both illegal) on the walkie talkie. Stupid things like have you fed the dogs yet? Need to change the oil in the tractors? Sometimes I tell them there are asshole losers like you in life. They don't believe it. Ex-Marine son is sitting here right now. Showed him your comment. Told him you were a black faggot. He just laughted, poured me some more coffee and mumbled something I didn't understand but I get the meaning. Now back to your ghetto mailbox and wait fo de check fo yo be a nappy headed hoe.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 07, 2007 09:11 AM (H8X2B)
Rooster, I noticed you came by my site and left a worthless troll comment.
You didn't even have the courage to leave an email address.
That's cowardly and you've now shown the world what you really are.
Dallas Dickhead: There's nothing of note on your site. It's a dud. At 265 lbs, I must be a scared big boy. In any case your still a punk with a insignificate blog. Viva la Raza.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 07, 2007 11:52 AM (NU+M0)
Rusty, I'm sure you were awesome! Stick to your guns, and keep up the good fight! USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at July 07, 2007 02:06 PM (2OHpj)
Dallas Dickhead: Coming to Lancaster to deliver new freightliner next week. Let you know when we get to Hooter's, Mesquite. Ain't life great. Sometimes you get what you ask for. This is going to be fun.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 07, 2007 04:25 PM (2f4mu)
I praise God that your wife, your child, and you are now all doing fine and everyone is safely home. Glad to see you back in the trenches to again wage war against the evils of Islam. Your contributions to those efforts are vital.
Thank you for all that you are doing.
Posted by: FLLegal at July 05, 2007 12:48 PM (UCVDK)
Did you miss anything? Well, I guess you missed me trying to teach some of these bozos a thing or two about what it means to be a true conservative - and getting nowhere. If you want a quick snap-shot without having to sift through dozens and dozens of postings, this conversation sort of captures it:
Yes posting links to Bill Moyer really give you authority to pontificate on the true meaning of being a conservative, good god you are a brain dead retard.
My ancestors arrived here from Ireland in the early 1800's(LEGALLY). One made his way to a wilderness known as Indiana Territory, married a Cherokee girl, the rest is history.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 03, 2007 05:04 PM (PZKTv)
My ancestors were, from what I was told, horse thieves who had to change their names to avoid prosecution.. the original family name is lost in the sands of time.
Nice vid.
Posted by: JeepThang at July 03, 2007 05:16 PM (bhnHj)
12 generations of Nordic breeding with a little English/Irish that was quickly bred back out.
Posted by: greyrooster at July 03, 2007 05:33 PM (S0oBW)
Where are my manners! Happy 4th of July to the friends of the JAWA's as well as the JAWA's themselves. (This ought to have been my comment #1. Apologies.)
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 03, 2007 05:39 PM (j97MF)
No you old smelly old drunken loyalist bigot. She was actually the only one full blodded indian we know of. I get to be immune to poison ivy for it dickface er I mean rooster. The rest are all english genman and Irish. A little Indian here and there didn't hurt the mix it made it better. We still have her old recipe book that's been handed down with all kinds of Eurpean and Indian cures. Yes the medicine is right in the same book with the cooking stuff. Grandpa's dad used it to cure whooping cough in grandpa and his kids. The neighbors called him a damn Indian witch-doctor when he offered them some, but they were back in just a few days when their kids started getting bad and it worked. If you've never seen whooping cough, it's terrible.
Posted by: Howie at July 03, 2007 09:07 PM (YHZAl)
Posted by: greyrooster at July 03, 2007 10:41 PM (visiI)
howie that explains your hatred of the british then, did you try visiting the irish bars in the boston area during the 80's when they passed around hats for a collection money to support the IRA terrorists?
Posted by: rob at July 03, 2007 10:50 PM (jjgx5)
I don't hate the british. In fact we used to do a little mercenary work for them. Plus that's me mums side. Me dad's side is brits... Mine granny is of german descent. That's why we're American's are different. We're everybody all at once....
Posted by: Howie at July 03, 2007 11:31 PM (YHZAl)
Where's Rusty?
Just a quick update. My wife and new baby girl are doing just great. If anything, my wife is going stir crazy from the doctor's orders not to do too much. Neither of us really likes to sit around the house all day.
It's been hard to keep away from the computer, especially with the rather lame terror attacks that just happened in Britain. Anyway, thanks to all who have sent their well wishes and prayers in my wife's direction. I'll be back as soon as I can
In Search of Flat Jawa
While stories and legends of Flat Jawa have existed for centuries, no one has ever held any organized scientific expedition in an effort to prove or disprove the existence of Flat Jawa once and for all. That is not until now.
Inspired by this story about an expedition to find Big Foot, Dr. Vince Aut Morire and his assistants have embarked upon an ambitious project to find definitive evidence of Flat Jawa.
The challenges to this endeavor were many and difficult. After repeatedly being turned down for scientific grants, Dr Aut Morire explained that one of the more significant goals of this expedition was to, “Determine the effects of global warming as a threat to the very existence of Flat Jawa.â€
Within minutes donations from Daily Kos readers began pouring in! We’d like to thank them all for the $27.36 in nickels and pennies. These funds covered almost five gallons of gas, several (3) disposable cameras and a six pack of beer.
I’m glad to report that those funds have not been wasted. So far our brave expedition leader has captured two images of the elusive Flat Jawa!
In the first image we see Flat Jawa in his natural habitat deep inside the bowels of the sandcrawler.
But what about the science, you say? How does global warming affect Flat Jawa? We’ll as you can see from this next image, not very much. Flat Jawa left his sandcrawler and is resting, in air conditioned comfort, inside a Motel6 with a cold beer and a flask of unknown contents.
Our conclusion is that, as of the date of this article, Flat Jawa has been able to cope with the increasingly harsh conditions brought on by this catastrophe we call global warming. But more study is required. We must never lose vigilance in these ever changing conditions.
You spent good money on frigging LIGHT BEER? I am tearing up the generous check I was going to send you as I type(which ain't easy).
Posted by: 1sttofight at July 01, 2007 02:22 PM (Kh5gw)
My own research into the 'flat jawa' crisis has come across evidence which leads to this startling conclusion ... Global Warming is THE CAUSE of the flat Jawa! Evidentally, the rapid loss of the Tatooine glaciers due to planetwide evaporation, has resulted in severe changes in the tatooine enviroment. Exposed to the new, harsh and barren landscape, the Jawa has been forced to evolve 'flatness' as a defense. An exmple of the usefulness of this adaptation has been documented at considerable risk, and may be seen in the following clip ...
Clearly, if the warming of Tatooine was reversed, the 'flat Jawa' would be in danger of losing it's habitat, and could even die out. This forces us to consider some difficult issues.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at July 01, 2007 03:48 PM (2OHpj)
While I understand and appreciate your quest, you are too late, as I have already spent all of my allowance on a "Sexy Shrillary" blow-up doll.
Posted by: Codekeyguy at July 01, 2007 05:08 PM (+WuRB)
Michigan Expedition To Search for Australopithecus Robustus/Gigantopithecus
CNN: MANISTIQUE, Michigan (AP) -- Researchers will visit Michigan's Upper Peninsula next month to search for evidence of the legendary creature known as "Bigfoot" or "Sasquatch."
The expedition will focus on eastern Marquette County, said Matthew Moneymaker of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.
The fact that the expedition is led by a man named Moneymaker pretty much says it all. Even though his last expedition required six times as much remedy and turned out almost as badly as a live performance by the Black Crowes, he promised to look Twice as Hard as the last time he wasted a few hundred G's.
Where do we sign up for these grants anyway? I've already found shocking proof that Bigfoot does exist in Hollywood California!
Posted by: Greyrooster at June 28, 2007 05:39 PM (DoJ0v)
Sheesh, its not hard to find Sasquatch:
Posted by: Robin Roberts at June 28, 2007 09:45 PM (lb5ht)
So in other words they are looking for Robin Williams....
Posted by: Weasel Zipper at June 28, 2007 10:03 PM (//96s)
Rob Rob, went to the site, friggin hilarious. Lichen and Fungus Abuse Prevention? I thought I was the only one with that habit, now I can be part of a support group dude!
Posted by: Barry at June 28, 2007 10:06 PM (KRpJM)
Fianlly, we need some answers Sasquatch. Where were you on the night of 9-10-01? Do you have access to explosives? Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Zionist Freemasons? Do you like beef jerky?
Posted by: tbone at June 29, 2007 11:34 AM (HGqHt)
I just found a Bigfoot trail outside Vegas! Send more money!
Posted by: mojo at June 29, 2007 03:38 PM (g1cNf)
Posted by: sandpiper at June 30, 2007 10:29 AM (4yJRe)
I moved from Northern California because they spell worse than I do. Which is bad.
Posted by: Greyrooster at June 30, 2007 05:15 PM (IvQrN)
Dem Yoopers up dere gotta purty good sense a humor. I figger dere will be lotsa "bigfoots" runnin around leavin tracks an watnot. Oughtta be a real hoot ey!
Posted by: Paul Moore at June 30, 2007 06:22 PM (bapPL)
Paul Moore, it'll be funny alright. They'll either leave 'tracks' all over or else just shoot at 'em! Say Ya to da U.P. eh!
Posted by: tbone at July 02, 2007 05:18 PM (HGqHt)
It's A Girl!!
Mother and daughter are healthy. My wife had a c-section, though (her first), and recovery time will be a little longer than expected. Keep her in your prayers.
Posted by: Gunner at June 27, 2007 01:47 AM (LjQ8D)
Congratulations. Yes, you will have less sleep, but your world will be forever changed for the better.
I heard once that you fall in love with your children as they grow up. That is so true. You love them when they are born, but as you get to know them, you love them even more.
I very much enjoy your work as a Jawa, and I am happy that you have a new addition to your family.
Posted by: Watergate at June 27, 2007 03:08 AM (BC1Xw)
Fantastic! Congratulations to you, Mrs. "Shackleford", and your new daughter.
Posted by: Hucbald at June 27, 2007 01:10 PM (wii9D)
When my daughter was born, it was a constant reminder that all of those cute 17 year old chicas in the mall were really just babies. Still have a few years before she's allowed to date (I figure 30 is about right) but I've got the shotgun ready to go. Her mother thinks I'm joking about this. First tip: don't potty train her. The boys won't ask her out and it will keep her home on Friday nights. Second tip: organic milk. Bovine growth hormones have been attributed to girls' early development. My 11 year old is the only one of her friends who hasn't started developing yet. Her best friend was in a 'C' cup at 10. Congratulations!
Posted by: slug at June 27, 2007 01:13 PM (0gfV1)
Congratulations! I had a C-section (17 years ago) ... tell Mom that the scar will be numb and look terrible, but after about a year she (and you) will be hard-pressed to even find it. And thanks for the cigar!
Posted by: surfhut at June 27, 2007 01:21 PM (v/die)
Congratulations! Leia is overplayed, Padme is much hotter! Do yourself a favor and don't tell her anything about inheriting the galaxy until she's at least 18!
Posted by: tbone at June 27, 2007 05:12 PM (HGqHt)
Chiming in late, but, congrats Rusty and family!
Posted by: William Teach at June 27, 2007 08:01 PM (doAuV)
a. Because they are not very attractive. Just because you have an attractive body does not make it good gay. If your face appears to have been beaten severely with an ugly stick and also it is visible, sorry, still bad gay.
b. Because they are having sex in a public place where children are present. (self explanatory)
c. Because they used threats and violence against the pregnant mother of said children. Ranks them right up there with that Cutts fellow.
The bastages!!!!...... Was on my yahoo at the time. Not signed in to flickr. don't have an account.....Maybe they were upset that we were looking?
Silly people think they can post their boobs on the internet and then get upset that people are looking? Er uh, dumbasses. I suppose I can email you a copy if I can still see it but I't not pg 13 so I can't place it here. We're already in enough trouble on ratings for posting news stuff that is graphic.....
Posted by: Howie at June 27, 2007 04:07 PM (YHZAl)
I'm lost. Two weeks ago 80% of the country was against this crap bill. Here we are today and 80% are still against this bill, yet our political leaders feel the need to move forward with it. I have a feeling a bunch of senators aren't going to get re-elected when their term is up. And you know what, that ain't bad.
Posted by: Rome at June 26, 2007 01:40 PM (/GrlO)
topping the summit, the angry villagers stormed the castle gates, only to find not only the Amnesty Monster had been revived....but a whole army of Zombies trailing behind it to fight for it...
let the games BEGIN!
Posted by: mrclark at June 26, 2007 03:58 PM (RzC4B)
I would feel this awsome film should get an oscar! They really got the best actor for Kennedy! (or was it a guest appearance?)
Posted by: Barry at June 26, 2007 05:14 PM (KRpJM)
Another Shackleford?
Hey folks, the wife is due any day now. If she doesn't have the baby tonight or tomorrow, she's scheduled to be induced Monday. So, if I'm not around much next week now you why.
Congrats. Still waiting for you to say OUTLAW ISLAM.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 23, 2007 07:56 PM (1p01H)
I still remember clearly when my first one arrived. You are in for the shock of your life because you are going to have to take care of that little person for 20 years. But I would do it all over again, nothing like it. Wish we had done it several more times. Congratulations.
Posted by: 1sttofight at June 23, 2007 07:59 PM (SzUAe)
Congrats man. Have you considered Randman as a name? Just saying.
Posted by: Randman at June 23, 2007 08:00 PM (Sal3J)
George W. Shackleford... sounds like a fantastic name !
Posted by: Conservative Voice at June 23, 2007 08:09 PM (b0FZu)
BTW, That young man I mentioned is now a Marine Sgt in the thick of the battle in Iraq. I have not talked to him in 3 weeks. Yall pray for him and all the troops.
Posted by: 1sttofight at June 23, 2007 09:11 PM (SzUAe)
Congrats Rusty! This is a very exciting time for you and your wife now I would imagine. Be sure to stock on on coffee if you are a caffeine drinker as you, ahem, may need it :-)
Posted by: allahakchew at June 23, 2007 10:03 PM (m2p07)
Congrats, old chap, and a very obnoxiously loud "huzzay!" to you too.
Would that I were there to share a box of Cohibas with you!
Posted by: Misha I at June 23, 2007 10:43 PM (i0jwS)
Posted by: William Teach at June 24, 2007 08:56 AM (doAuV)
Do you have any names picked out yet? If it's a boy, I like Leonidas Shackleford. If it's a girl, I like Ayan Hirsi Shackleford. But that's just me.
Posted by: Kafir at June 24, 2007 09:01 AM (HsmTD)
And the sycophantic toadies just keep it comin'...
Posted by: Kato at June 24, 2007 09:36 AM (b0FZu)
John Redcorn Shakleford. Hmm, that has anice tone to it don't you think?
Posted by: SeeMonk at June 24, 2007 11:19 AM (yKwZ2)
Best to you and the Mrs.
May her labor of love be short.
Coffee darlin' coffee!
Don't cry if she squeezes your hand so tight you cannot feel it for a week
Is there a diaper fund in your future?
Posted by: Melissa In Texas at June 24, 2007 01:11 PM (xi2u/)
God bless you and the Mrs. Shackelford! A safe and happy delivery -- and many blessings beyond
Posted by: Richard Romano at June 24, 2007 02:20 PM (iD1fP)
Good for you and your Beautiful Lady. Congratulations on your flesh and blood contribution to the future! For all the babies, lets keep working to make the future they inherit, a worthy one!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 24, 2007 10:57 PM (2OHpj)
Early congratulations to you, and prayers it all goes well!
Posted by: bikermailman at June 24, 2007 11:56 PM (O3mf7)
Jawa Report Being Censored by Marines and Navy?
As the son of a Marine, the grandson of a Marine killed in the South Pacific, and an ardent supporter of the Marines--real support, the kind of support which goes beyond wishing them safety and includes praying for their swift victory-- I find this a bit perplexing......
Please, someone say this isn't so. I'd love to hear that it was some kind of a glitch in the system, of some error only affecting this particular Marine at his particular work area.
A Marine sent it to me with the following letter of explanation. The letter has been redacted to help keep him anonymous:
Yesterday I emailed Rusty at the Jawa Report because I thought this only affected him. But today I discovered that all MuNu sites are now blocked by NMCI (Navy-Marine Corps Internet). As far as I can tell this has only been in effect since the beginning of this week.
This means that Marines (and Sailors) cannot access your blog from any NMCI DoD computer system in at least [part of the U.S.] and likely the whole country.
For deployed systems, this is not uncommon, as bandwidth is at a premium. But here in [place X], that's an honor usually reserved for NSFW websites, and stuff hosted out of China or North Korea. Typically, if HQ doesn't want us to get to something (Hotmail, YouTube, etc) the site times out or we get an error message. As you'll see from the attachment [see above photo], the MuNus were specifically denied. I've only ever seen that twice over the last year, and I ride a desk, so I'm on the computer all day.
For those of you who have satire or "personal" blogs I suppose this is no big thing. But for others who cover news, politics, and current events, your blogs are great search engines for those of us in the military. You have active, engaged readers who bring your attention to hard to find stories, and then you expose that information for the rest of us. For someone like me, it's like having 500 people sift through the news for me and filter out the noise until the good stuff comes up. Some of this info I would never come across without the contacts that you all have established as bloggers.
I know you are all great supporters of the military, and some of you former soldiers or sailors. I'm not sure if any of you are in a position to inquire with someone from Marine or Navy Public Affairs about this, but I figured you ought to know that the United States Naval Services have declared you off limits. I'm sure some of you will wear that as a badge of honor...
I'm speechless. Is it just that's being blocked, or has anyone heard of any other bloggers or blogger domains that are also on the Navy's hit list?
We have a lot of .mil readears, and I'd love to hear some logical explanation for this.
PS--and Vinnie was in the Navy, so maybe he'll chime in.
UPDATE: Could this just be a localized problem??? Brian the Sailor drops this in the comments:
Rusty, I was just on your site on an NMCI computer not two hours ago. Can't watch the vids, especially if they're YouTube embeds, but I just make a note to myself and watch when I get home.
I may be wrong but I thought i heard on the news that the military was blocking access to websites if using their computer. Personal computers are not affected.
Posted by: allahakchew at June 22, 2007 02:58 PM (m2p07)
Do I smell a mass e-mail newsletter in the works? Some pointy headed lib in Washington must have seen the link to the piggy posing with the quran pics and freaked. And we all know that offending the enemy is out of bounds (SARCASM ALERT.) If it wasn't for sites like this and Michelle Malkin's site, our troops would eventually return home to find their houses occupied by 18 illegal aliens, undocumented immigrants, employment seeking refugees or whatever the fuck we're calling them nowadays. If Harry Reid had his way, the troops would only be able to access the Huffington Post, NY Times, and
Posted by: Rome at June 22, 2007 03:04 PM (/GrlO)
I was just on your site on an NMCI computer not two hours ago.
Can't watch the vids, especially if they're YouTube embeds, but I just make a note to myself and watch when I get home.
HA HA HA HA HA HA, Rusty got pwned again. Just like when he got demoted on Infovlad for trying to have Wilenski become a moderator.
Posted by: None of your business at June 22, 2007 03:50 PM (TmLg9)
I noticed this yesterday. NMCI touting net-centric warfare for the Dept of Navy ..has caused more delays and headaches for everyone then can be imagined. Retired Marine of 27 years I will send an e-mail to the IT folks on this one but NMCI answered to a higher calling...
Posted by: Stoney at June 22, 2007 03:59 PM (ffX31)
It could be a te,porary glitch... I tried to comment a second ago, and got this.
You are not authorized to view this page
You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.
If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please try to contact the Web site by using any e-mail address or phone number that may be listed on the
Homepage(); home page.
You can click Search to look for information on the Internet.
HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden Internet Explorer
Then I tried again
Still it wouldn't surprise me if some turd somewhere took exception to the Jawas. Maybe they think this blog is to radical, or maybe it's 'penis envy' on the part of some moonbat. In any case, I'm sure there are ways to get around this. Link more to blogs that arent blocked maybe ... I'm no expert, but I know this can't stop the mighty Jawas!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 22, 2007 04:52 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 22, 2007 04:53 PM (2OHpj)
I'm sure they'll even block the Jawa Report at my company soon along with some of the other blog sites I read daily. They already blocked Liveleak so I can only watch vids from Liveleak that are embedded in the blogs. I'm sure YouTube will follow eventually. And then, all I'll be able to watch is the sheeple news from CNN and MSNBC.
Posted by: DrTheopolis at June 22, 2007 05:16 PM (9ZqGe)
All the DOD computers at Ft Hood block many blogs. I can get Captian's Quarters and Power Line but can't get LGF or Jawa. I can't access hotmail or yahoo mail. I think it's more of a virus security risk thing than politics. I can't pull up many lib sites either.
Posted by: Chief at June 22, 2007 07:16 PM (q0OTH)
I can access the Jawa Report as well as LGF on the USAF computers at my
squadron. Might be what the particular LAN shop blocks for each base,
as they're not global.
Posted by: Airman at June 22, 2007 07:20 PM (AGQTk)
Michel. That's the same message I have received when trying to access some muslim terrorist hugging sites.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 22, 2007 08:36 PM (k0DWG)
I can't access this site from a State Farm computer. This has happened only recently.
Posted by: furren leejen at June 23, 2007 08:57 AM (N1oPW)
Hey, is it possible that the military might be clamping down prior to the start of a certain operation? You know...Loose Lips Sink Ships.
Posted by: Macker at June 23, 2007 09:43 AM (Wfjwm)
You were blocked up to 2 weeks ago on Army-networked computers in a BRAC'd fort in NJ (you guess which one) and I gave up trying from work over a week ago.
My semi-educated guess as a Network Admin for said facility, it had to do a lot with the embedded/streaming videos you serve up hot n' fresh, which are a complete no-no these days to watch on Govt. PC's as per AR 25-2.
If just one person actually watched one, it flagged the IP and it was subsequently put on the naughty list.
Posted by: Olaf at June 23, 2007 09:46 AM (Zi4EW)
Marine computers should be used for work. Reading Jawa is not work. Well sometimes it feels like work. My point is unless the access is blocked in the baarracks or in base housing, this is the appropriate thing to do as long as they are not targeting specific sites. Internet access unless work related access should be banned especially if you are at work, particularly if your work is protecting the US and her allies.
Sorry Rusty, even propaganda for the good guys is less important than what a jarhead should be doing otherwise.
Posted by: SeeMonk at June 23, 2007 02:08 PM (yKwZ2)
16 Apparently the Marines want their people to read something other than serious bullshit.
Just wanted to let you all know that, the commercial sister site to, has gone live. This is the software that The Jawa Report, Ace of Spades, and the rest of the blogs will be migrating to - and you can get it before they do! Just hop over to the registration page and sign up.
Right now it's primarily a blogging system; we will be adding forum, photo album and podcast features over the next few weeks.
You can find the documentation - incomplete as it is - at
The help area is at, or you can email Or post here.
Note that if you have ever been created as a blogger, your username will already be reserved at Email me at andrew -at- and I'll get that sorted out for you.
Q. Is this free?
A. It's free, but ad-supported. There will be an ad at the top of each public web page (but not in the user interface). Paid accounts with no ads will be available in the coming weeks; pricing will be posted early next week.
Q. What do I get?
A. A web site to do with as you will - as long as you respect the terms of service. Full control over your CSS and templates. 100MB of disk space for photos and files (more with the paid accounts).
Q. Are there any other templates/styles/themes available?
A. Our designer is working on a new set of styles. When they're ready, we'll be enabling a style chooser, and you'll be able to choose whichever takes your fancy. Here's a sample of the new layout we're working on; you'll be able to choose an overall look and then drop your own images into the banner and sidebars.
Q. How much bandwidth do I get?
A. With ad-supported accounts, you don't have a fixed amount of bandwidth, but since there's only one ad on a page, we need that ad to pay for the bandwidth the page uses (at least on average). If you load up too many large pictures and files, you might be asked to either reduce the size of the files or move to a paid account.
Q. Does this mean that the sites will be moving to
A. No, the sites will remain at, but we will be sharing a server cluster. has two dual Opteron servers, while has four quad Xeons, so this will be for the best.
Q. What can I post?
A. What you like - as long as it complies with the terms of service.
Q. Can I import my blog from (X).
A. I have an import module - I imported my blog from Movable Type - but it's still a bit buggy. It will be available for importing from (at a minimum) Blogger and Movable Type in early July. Other software that can export in Movable Type format should also work.
Q. I have a free blog from the beta test. Do I now get ads on my blog?
A. No, your blog is ad-free; it counts as a paid blog in all respects except that you don't have to pay for it. So if we later add features that are only available to paid users, you will get those features. Oh, and thanks. :)
Please post whatever questions you have, and I'll answer them and/or add them to the FAQ.
Pixi, my signon doesn't work. Howie is a user but I can't access. I think it may be because my pwd was imported from the old server and I don't know it any more. Can you fisk please. Make it something and let me change it afterward.
Posted by: Howie at June 21, 2007 09:53 AM (YHZAl)
Thanks to the prompt response and help from Tulip Systems for resolving the issue--they were very helpful once we found the right person to talk to-- and for all the Jawa Readers for helping out. But, come on guys, helping take out the Taliban's online presence has to be worthsomething. I must have spent 40 hours in the last week fighting the online jihad, and have helped take down at least five Taliban websites this week alone.
And believe me, for every post I put up about our efforts at dismantling the online terror network, countless posts go unwritten. And just to put some of our well meaning critics at ease, the vast majority of our posts decrying U.S. companies providing hosting services to terror organizations are first vetted through our contacts with various government agencies and those that work with them on these issues.
However, Mrs. Shackleford tells me that unless my little hobby doesn't start paying off soon, I will be forced to stop. I've grown rather accustomed to having my lovely bride of nearly 14 years by my side and don't plan to do anything that jeapardizes that relationship in the near future. So, if you think that what we're doing here is a worthwhile endeavor and you have a little extra cash, please think about donating to The Jawa Report so I can take the very pregnant Mrs. Shackleford out to a nice dinner and tell her that it's courtesy of my little hobby. I can think of worse ways to spend my free time.
Posted by: Howie at June 15, 2007 04:02 PM (YHZAl)
I feel for you. I need to make some money before I have any to donate. Since Mom was ill I have been greatly constrained. My wife is a Fury though. She runs her verbal spear through anyone who tries to tell her I am wasting my time with any of this. I need to make sure her faith in me is not squandered because she takes almost all the heat for what I'm doing. She had some 'friends' tell her they would leave thier husbands if they were behaving like this. Overcoming a little dyslexia has actually been easier than fielding the comments from 'more realistic' members of the family. But my wife believes as do I, that the USA, and western civilization ARE at risk today! We would rather go down guns blazing, or win! But you have to eat to fight, don't you? If I make anything off of this, I will send The Jawa Report a boost. I owe a lot to this blog, and it's contributors, and more than money can repay!
USA, and Jawas, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 15, 2007 05:54 PM (2OHpj)
Good night folks. Not senting well as I have to post 3 times. Everyone onboard is in the bunk. We are 40 miles out in the Gulf at a place called the lump. Nice because 210 foot depth allows you to anchor out and shut down engines. Total silence. Water like glass. About 10 other boats visable. If a dolphin farted you could hear it 5 miles away. Didn't do well today but we are going to clean up in the morning. Life's a bitch. Shit! Charlies snoring. There's always someone to screw things up.
Posted by: greyrooster at June 16, 2007 11:58 PM (AsTKg)
Very pregnant?
Well, congratulations!
Never let it be said that we can't assist one of our own.
Posted by: Melissa In Texas at June 17, 2007 01:22 AM (xi2u/)
Rusty Vents at CIA Incompetence
Folks, we are effing screwed. When the effing CIA webpage tip submission form won't take your effing tip, instead giving you error message after effing error message telling you that you didn't leave an effing message in the effing message field, then the effing terrorists have already effing won. How many billions of effing dollars do we give to the effing CIA, and they can't even get their effing web submission effing thingy to effing work?
Rusty is not effing happy. That is all.
Update by Vinnie: As I am fluent in teh cussing, a full translation of this post is below the fold.
The CIA web form works fine, but it gives you a fake "message not received" error message to keep the fact that they have your intelligence... well... secret.
That way, if it helps to oppose Presidential policy, they can action it, but if it aids accomplishing the administration's goals, it remains secret.
See. Feel better now?
Posted by: Christoph at June 14, 2007 02:08 AM (BqJ1D)
I've had the sneaking suspicion for the last few years that the CIA has turned into a bunch of chart reading, Merlot drinking leftist.
Posted by: Randman at June 14, 2007 02:11 AM (Sal3J)
At least they have Valerie Plame and her studly husband.
Posted by: Busty at June 14, 2007 07:42 AM (b0FZu)
Rusty, "Incompetence" is exactly the right word. I'll give a much more serious example. Remember during the Iran hostage crisis when a dozen Americans were holed up in the Canadian Embassy and the CIA tries to take credit for their rescue? Well, the truth is that the idiots at the CIA didn't know that the Iranian new year does not fall on Jan 1st so their forged visas on the passports given to them by the government of Canada had entry dates several months in the future! This error was detected and corrected by the staff of the Canadian Embassy in Tehran. Yes, this is indeed the measure of the level of intelligence gathering of the CIA that they don't know the first d@mned thing about a country in which they are supposed to have been active for decades.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at June 14, 2007 08:38 AM (j97MF)
As for Valerie Plame, there was something sickeningly bizarre about her testimony.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at June 14, 2007 08:41 AM (j97MF)
Another example of CIA's brilliance: Look up Canada under the "World fact book" link on their website and you'll see this:
Country name:
conventional long form: none
conventional short form: Canada
They don't know that the conventional long form name of this country is "The Dominion of Canada". And we're right next door for f**k's sake! And it's not like they can blame this on the language barrier.
Yes, Rusty, "incompetence" is exactly the right word.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at June 14, 2007 09:06 AM (j97MF)
Thanks for your attitude, which I heartily support, and for your tacit support of Canada by referring to us
I especially appreciate your reference the work my countrymen (and women) did in aiding your citizens during the Iran hostage crisis.
However, Dominion of Canada is not the long name of Canada anymore. Used to be. Hasn't been in common use since the 1950s and as of the 1982 Canada Act, our long and short name is, in fact, Canada.
Oh Canada!
Posted by: Christoph at June 15, 2007 01:10 AM (BqJ1D)
Chritoph, I'm actually a citizen of Canada (originally a refugee from Iran); and believe me the full name of Canada is indeed "The Dominion of Canada" and the Wikipedia reference that you give does not say otherwise. It's a common misconception amongst Canadians that the repatriation of the constitution changed that. Incidentally, the head of state is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (Dei Grati Regina) not the governor-general.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at June 15, 2007 03:00 PM (j97MF)
Sorry that was meant to read "Dei Gratia Regina"
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at June 15, 2007 03:05 PM (j97MF)
The Return of Rusty
I'm back. My apologies for yet another absence, but I was on a business related trip.
Believe it or not, the Jawa Report board of directors don't pay me nearly enough for the lavish jet setting lifestyle I've grown accustomed to. Since coming to work for Jawa Publishing International, Inc. ®, I've had to cut my weekend trips to the French Riviera in half, and can now only afford to keep two mistresses at a time. Even worse, I've been reduced to lighting my 2003 Cohiba Double Coronas with $20 bills-- rather than the customary $100s-- like a common peasant!
So, until that crazy blog money starts rolling in, I'll be reduced to selling my services to the highest bidder --- like a common whore.
Apologies for not returning e-mails, but my internet access was quite limited. If it was something important, do me a favor and send me a follow up note so I don't have to look through every single one of the hundreds of unopenned e-mails.
For the three or four people interested, I've posted a pic or two from Daytona below.
Jawas Gone Wild: Daytona
I'll be in Daytona Beach, Florida for the next week or so. Drop me a line if you want to hang out or just look for me on the beach.
Why is Danny getting a job out of the question? I can remember working 16 hrs a day and my wife working full time and paying child care ( 3 kids). Sorry, I'm not cruel. Will help anyone who will help themselves. But if a well educated person cannot support his family on the internet perhaps another occupation is in order.
Habitat for Humanity. Isn't that a Jimmy Carter thing?
Posted by: Greyrooster at May 24, 2007 09:01 PM (YnEfg)
Your cronies have done a good job in your absence, but it just hasn't been the same. I risk getting fired from my job every day by standing at my computer and reading the Jawa Report at least once every hour.
Keep up the good work.
Posted by: J. Stevens at May 24, 2007 11:58 AM (w4Lxq)
Other than Bluto accidentially shooting Dieter on a very strange duck hunting trip, nothing.
Breaking! Most US Lutherans Reject Beheading as "Barbaric"Via Iowa Hawk:
Chicago - By an almost two-to-one margin, Midwest Lutherans voiced solid opposition to decapitation, suicide bombing, and chemical warfare in a new comprehensive survey of their social attitudes.
The Pew Research survey, conducted May 13-19, queried nearly 2,500 randomly selected Lutherans at flea markets and convenience stores across the Midwest. Interviews were conducted in High Plains Twang, Great Lakes Nasal and Flat Ohio Valley Bland.
"If there is one headline here, it's how remarkably moderate the Lutheran community is," said Pew director Andrew Kohut of the survey, which was co-sponsored by the Council on American-Yooper Relations. "It really paints a picture of a dynamic culture in or somewhere near the American mainstream."
Kohut pointed to one of the study's key findings that only 29% of all respondents agreed that "bloody, random violence against infidels" was "always" or "frequently" justified, versus 56% who said such violence was "seldom" or "never" justified. The approval of violence rose slightly among younger Lutherans and when the hypothetical violence was targeted against Presbyterians, but still fell well short of a majority.
I'm Lutheran, and nothing in our peaceful religion forbids beheading. Especially for people who screw with my ice-fishing shack. Are you listening, Olaf Hansen of Great Falls? NOTHING!!!
Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at May 23, 2007 10:49 PM (K/lgF)
Posted by: Randman at May 23, 2007 11:08 PM (Sal3J)
That was hilarious. As an LCMS Lutheran myself, I can vouch for the accuracy of IowaHawk's poll. LOL!
Posted by: Hucbald at May 23, 2007 11:20 PM (XoJMC)
It is really sad that we live in a world that you have to ask the Lutherans that question at all. But they brought it on themselves!
Posted by: Mrs Abe Froman at May 24, 2007 06:47 AM (HiXpB)
My grandmother was Lutheran and she never wanted to talk about any of the slaughters she took part in. She took the secret to her grave. If I had to guess, I would think she slaughtered at least 6 Presbyterians and at least 3 Episcopalians and maybe 1 or more Roman Catholics. I won't ever know the real number. Why, granny, why?!?
Posted by: DrTheopolis at May 24, 2007 10:36 AM (9ZqGe)
Everything Must End
But now how how do we amuse ourselves? Patrick at Clarity and Resolve is hanging up his blogging gloves. We're not sure how he will make it wothout all that crazy blog money that the Zionist/Neocon Cabal Payroll Program is dishing out, but we wish him well and hope he writes a thing or two now and then.
Sugar and Coffee, A Winning CombinationI’ve had plenty coffee and sugar to help me move my blips this morning. Speaking of coffee and sugar…
Via UPI: SALEM, Ore., May 16 (UPI) -- Sales are up at a drive-through coffee shop in Oregon where the lattes are served up by female baristas wearing bikini tops.
Coffee Nation owners Adam Marshall and Steven Rotan say they decided they needed an edge when the state required they install a median that would block left-turn access into their Salem, Ore., business, the Statesman Journal reported. So to attract customers, they decided to have their six female employees wear swimsuit tops.
"It's really worked," said Marshall, 28. "Our profits are going up every day."
Ummm, how does that work exactly? USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at May 08, 2007 09:41 PM (2OHpj)
If you are a yahoo user and have a my yahoo page and are signed on to yahoo you click the pic and boom, you are whisks away to a page. A page where you can add MPJ to your myyahoo age. Life will never be the same....
Yahoo had never offered to let me add MPJ before.I saw it and immediately geeked out on it.
Posted by: Howie at May 09, 2007 08:32 AM (YHZAl)
I have a 'love-hate' thing going with Yahoo. I usually don't like thier 'extras' but I'll give it a look. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at May 09, 2007 12:38 PM (2OHpj)