September 27, 2006

Somali Refugees in Kenya

(Nairobi, Kenya) As the fundamentalist Islamic Courts Union destabilizes the country of Somalia, fearful refugees are flocking to Kenya for safety. According to Emmanuel Nyabera, spokesman for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), a massive relief operation may be required since the camps in Kenya have reached capacity.

From The East African:

Since September 13, more than 3,400 Somali have escaped fighting in their country to find refuge in Kenya, bringing the tally to almost 25,000 since the beginning of the year. There are more than 227,000 refugees already in Kenya, mainly from Somalia and Sudan.

Mr Nyabera said that, from interviews with UNHCR officials, it had emerged that the refugees, who are mostly women and children, were mainly from Mogadishu, Kismayu, and Lower Juba province.

Incidentally, these regions are not so far in the hands of the Islamic Courts Union.

Outside Mogadishu, the Islamic Courts are in control in the provinces of Lower Shabelle, Benadir, Middle Shabelle, Hiran, Gelgedut and parts of Mudug region.

Refugees from Baidoa -- the seat of Somalia's interim government -- have also started trickling into Kenya.

From a big picture perspective, both Somalia and Sudan have been taken over by warring Islamists and the people who don't convert to Islam are running for their lives. Both the Sudanese government and the Islamic Courts Union have vowed to fight any peacekeepers sent to quell violence.

So far, the UN has only talked about East African strife and the African Union's attempt at keeping peace in Sudan failed. Unlike 1991 when Somalia was a media darling, the current situation is getting considerably less emphasis. Consequently, the march of Islamic belligerence in Africa continues.

East Africa is not a teapot yet but give it time. Sooner or later, it will whistle.

Companion post at Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 12:07 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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September 22, 2006

Churches Burned as Muslims Riot in Nigeria Over Pope Remarks

The Religion of Free Speech and Freedom of Religion in Africa. Blasphemy against the 'Prophet' Mohammed is a capital offense under Islamic law.


Nigerian authorities have imposed a night curfew on the northern town of Dutse after Muslim mobs burned 11 churches over what they said was blasphemy against the Prophet Mohammad by a Christian woman, police said on Thursday.

Scores of houses and shops owned by Christians were also torched in the capital of remote Jigawa state during a riot on Wednesday sparked by a disagreement between a Muslim man and a Christian woman, police spokesman Haz Iwendi said.

No one was killed in the riot but up to seven people were injured, Iwendi said.

"Eleven churches and so many houses and shops were burned. The house of the Anglican bishop was also ransacked," he said, adding that hundreds of Christians fled their homes to military and police barracks fearing further attacks.

Hat tip: Robert. Oh, more on the Religion of something something below. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 08:06 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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September 15, 2006

Where's The Maginot Line When You Need It?

Appeasement gets you everywhere:

PARIS - Al-Qaida has for the first time announced a union with an Algerian insurgent group that has designated France as an enemy, saying they will act together against French and American interests.

They should look on the bright side. When the Eiffel Tower falls like the WTC did, the Palestinians will weep in sorrow, rather than dance with joy.

Posted by: Vinnie at 12:31 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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August 23, 2006

African Taliban Consolidate Power, World Yawns

And so it continues. The world welcomes the "stability" brought by the African Taliban to Somalia even as terror training camps become more apparent.

You may have heard about the Marines about to call up thousands in the inactive reserves? While the media focuses on these troops being needed for ongoing operations in Iraq, a good number of them will be sent to The Horn of Africa. I'm afraid that many many more will be needed.

CT blog is on a roll today.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:32 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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July 28, 2006

African Taliban Readying for Regional Jihad, World Sleeps

Ilyushin_IL-76_Mogadishu_Somalia_Kazakhstan_Airplane_Eritrea_arms_Islamists-AP.jpgThe African Taliban are gearing up to spread their jihad to neighboring states. Like the Afghan Taliban before them, the Somali version--known as the Union of Islamic Courts--first goal is to establish its authority in Mogadishu, and then spread the Islamic state to areas still not under its control.

The group is already receiving the aid of Arab and other non-Somali mujahadin--including al Qaeda linked fighters. Already a safe-haven for international terrorists and funded by Gulf and Sudanese oil money, it will not be long before news reports pick up the fact that training camps are being established and the flow of arms to the Islamists is increasing.

Above: AP photo of suspected arms being flown in to Mogadishu. The airplane is a Soviet Ilyushin Il-76 with Kazakhstani national airline markings. The Il-76 is one of the world's largest airplanes

Like the Afghan Taliban before them, the Islamists in Somalia deny any link or support of terrorism. And just like Afghanistan, the evidence is overwhelming to the contrary. Again, the U.N. and world community takes the word of terrorists that they are not, in fact, terrorists.

The interim Somali government--which has no authority anyway--is about to fall based on its failure to officially back the Islamist militias who are now imposing sharia law on most of the country.

War now looms between Somalia and its Islamist allies in Eretrea, and Christian Ethiopia. Ethiopian troops are already said to be inside Somalia.

And the U.N.? As usual, the main concern of the U.N. is peace at all costs. Even if that cost is the freedom of Somalis and the establishment of a new safe-haven where the jihad can be exported across the Horn of Africa and beyond.

The holy warriors receiving support in Somalia today will be the mujahadin fighting in Southern Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, & Djibouti tomorrow. From there it will move across Africa, probably first to Nigeria where sharia is already imposed in the north.

Then, before the world is even aware of the conflict, New York City.

Israel can defeat Hezbollah without our help, but if Ethiopia does not begin to receive MASSIVE amounts of U.S. military aid IMMEDIATELY, then a far larger problem looms on the horizon.

The U.S. already has troops stationed in Djibouti.

The fifth column at the Council of Islamic Relations, predictably, calls the takeover of Somalia by the Islamists a positive change (via Charles Johnson). Let me repeat that, CAIR calls the takeover of a country by an al Qaeda linked grouped a positive change.

Let that sink in for a moment.

This is VERY bad news. Eritrea may be the conduit for which arms are beginning to flow--with the help of Kazakhstan, but the real problem is in Sudan and in Saudi Arabia. VOA:

For the second time this week, a large plane arrived in the Islamists-controlled Somali capital of Mogadishu Friday, carrying an unknown cargo. But many people believe it contains weapons from Eritrea, which the Islamist leadership in Somalia denies. VOA Correspondent Alisha Ryu in Mogadishu says, reports of military activity by rivals Eritrea and Ethiopia in Somalia are fueling fears of a proxy war.

A Russian-made Illuyshin-76 cargo plane touched down early Friday morning at the recently reopened Mogadishu airport. It had the same Kazakhstan Airways markings as a plane that landed Wednesday.

In both cases, there was extraordinary security. Islamic militiamen sealed off all roads and prevented curious on-lookers from gathering near the facility. But some eyewitnesses said that they saw several large trucks leaving the airport in a convoy a short while after the plane landed.

The arrival of the two planes this week is fueling speculation among Somalis that neighboring Eritrea is helping to arm Somali Islamists, who are facing a possible showdown with Ethiopian troops, believed to be protecting the country's secular and highly vulnerable interim government, which has its headquarters 250 kilometers away in the town of Baidoa.

I highly suggest reading the rest of this post below, and immediately contacting your Congressperson. Defeating the Islamists in Africa is just about the last thing on their minds in this election year.

Below: AFP reporters captured this picture of the arms transfer. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 07:27 PM | Comments (76) | Add Comment
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July 21, 2006

African-American African Taliban Declares Jihad Against Ethiopia

Claims Ethiopia is violating their "sovereignty."

MOGADISHU (AFP) - Somalia's powerful Islamic council has vowed a "holy war" against neighbouring Ethiopia, which has moved troops into its lawless neighbouring state to protect its weak transitional government from a feared Islamist advance.

Ethiopa denies:

Despite numerous eyewitness accounts of uniformed Ethiopian soldiers in Baidoa, however, Somali government officials and Ethiopia continued to deny their presence in the town -- or anywhere else in Somalia.

"This is absolute propaganda from the Islamists," Somali government spokesman Abdirahman Mohamed Nur Dinari said. "There are no Ethiopian troops in Baidoa. Anybody with the evidence should come forward."

Well, whatever the case is, at least it seems Ethiopa is making moves to stop the spread of these pests.

stein hoist: The Blogosphere Jumping Bean.

More here.

Posted by: Vinnie at 05:10 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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July 20, 2006

Blockbusted in Somalia

From The People's Daily:

Somalian Islamic militiamen arrested some 60 people for watching videos in several overnight raids in the capital Mogadishu, an Islamic court official and residents said yesterday.

Tuesday's arrests follow several cases of the Islamic militiamen who are the new rulers of the Somali capital forcefully applying their strict interpretation of Islamic law. Some worry they want to remake Somalia into a nation resembling Afghanistan under the Taliban including offering a haven to terrorists.

Militiamen, armed with assault rifles, raided five halls in the northern Sinay neighbourhood late on Tuesday and arrested women and men who had paid to watch videos, said Dahir Ali Wehliye, a resident in the area.

In one incident, 20 militiamen in a pickup mounted with a machine-gun raided a video hall in the neighbourhood and detained those found watching a video, said Yusuf Ali, who witnessed the raid.

"They will be rehabilitated and then we will release them after they are told the disadvantages of watching such films and what Islam says about watching such films," said Moalin Shire, an official of the Islamic court whose jurisdiction includes the video hall that was raided.

Well, now that the Islamic crazies have their own little Disneyland to play in, maybe they'll stay busy & leave us alone, right?

Posted by: Ragnar at 06:24 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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July 08, 2006

Somalian Taliban Marches on

Remember, the Washington Post and some in the State Department are saying that the Somalian Taliban might be just what the Horn of Arfica needs to bring 'stability'.

Somalian Taliban Break up Wedding, Flog Party Goers
. Newsday:

The Islamic militiamen controlling the Somali capital broke up a wedding celebration because a band was playing and women and men were socializing together, witnesses said Saturday, describing the latest crackdown by a group feared to be installing Taliban-style rule in this African nation.

The Islamic fighters beat band members with electric cables and confiscated their equipment, said Asha Ilmi Hashi, a singer with the group Mogadishu Stars.

We had warned the family not to include in their ceremony what is not allowed by the sharia law. This includes the mixing of men and women and playing music"

Oh, and the Washington Post also made the asertion in an editorial masked as a news story that the African Taliban posed no threat to the U.S., had no ties to al Qaeda, and that the civil war in Somalia was a big misunderstanding. WaPo said it, so it must be true....
A recruiting video issued by militia members and obtained by The Associated Press this week shows Arab radicals fighting alongside the local extremists in Mogadishu, provided the first hard evidence that non-Somalis have joined with Islamic extremists in Somalia.
Echos of Afghanistan via Somalinet:
The Islamic court in Jowhar town 90km (55miles) north of Somalia capital Mogadishu has carried out an Islamic verdict, whipping 11 young men with 40 lashes each in public square on Saturday – a move that frightens more residents.
The Somalian Taliban marches on while the world sleeps.....

Posted by: Rusty at 06:05 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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July 06, 2006

But Don't Call It A Death Cult

Ride the rug or die.

Somali Muslims who fail to perform daily prayers will be killed in accordance with Qur'anic law under a new edict issued by a leading cleric in the Islamic courts union African Taliban [edited according to the wishes of Father - Vinnie] that controls Mogadishu.

The requirement for Muslims to observe the five-times daily ritual under penalty of death was announced late on Wednesday and appears to confirm the hard-line nature of the increasingly powerful Sharia courts in the capital.

Leave the faith? Die.

Be a homosexual? Die.

Pre-marital sex, or even get raped? Die.

Show an image of the Prophet? Die.

Insult the Koran, real or perceived? Die.

You get the picture. ROPMA.

stein hoist: the blog grandfather.

Posted by: Vinnie at 06:16 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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July 04, 2006

Somalia : the New Afghanistan?

Via the Counterterrorism Blog:

In 2002, a confidential report indicated Somalia contained 17 known operational terrorist training camps (see attached map). The environment in Somalia is said to compare to that of Afghanistan during the heyday of the Taliban. Terrorists from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Chechnya, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula are said to be flocking into Somalia to staff the camps or enter training. Camps are said to be training recruits to employ improvised explosive devices (roadside bombs or IEDs) to counter the expected Ethiopian armor. The Islamic Courts are also scouring the Communist-era weapons caches for anti-aircraft weapons, small arms, and explosives. . . .

While the U.S. formulates policy on dealing with the rise of the al-Qaeda backed Islamist Courts, the allies of al-Qaeda consolidate power and continue to churn out terrorists from the multitude of training camps. Like the border provinces of western Pakistan, Somalia is now a de facto safe haven for al-Qaeda and its allies to indoctrinate, train, arm, and deploy terrorists. Four years after the existence of the terror camps were made known, they still remain in operation.

I'm not sure what all that means, but it sounds pretty bad.

Posted by: Ragnar at 02:05 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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July 02, 2006

African Taliban Deceiving West

In September of 1996 Taliban forces captured the city of Kabul. I remember the optimism of many in the West that the group of young 'scholars' would unify and bring stability to the country. Today, history is repeating itself as Somalia's Taliban practices taqiya and lies to the Western press about it's radical goals.

And just like Afghanistan, many in the West express optimism that the 'Union of Islamic Courts' will at least bring stability to the war-torn country. Stability yes, but at what price? Only fools can believe post-9/11 that stability is a foreign policy goal worthy of pursuit.

Oh, and as the Islamists who now rule much of Southern Somalia disclaim any ties to al Qaeda and Osamna bin Laden, it would be good to look closely at the above photo showing a placard being carried by supporters of the Somali Taliban. And who can forget their public support of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi?

BBC News:

The powerful Islamist movement in Somalia has distanced itself from comments about Somalia attributed to al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden....

An internet audio recording warned the West not to send troops to Somalia.

But a leader of the Union of Islamic Courts, which has taken control of the capital, Mogadishu, said they did not rely on any outside group. ..

Speaking to reporters in Mogadishu, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, also a figurehead of the Islamic Courts, said Bin Laden was expressing his personal opinion in the audio recording, which has not been verified.

Somalia's Islamists have regularly denied harbouring al-Qaeda fighters in their ranks....

But Mogadishu's new rulers have been at pains to convince Washington and regional African governments that they pose no threat, despite their Islamic leanings, and want to bring stability to Somalia, our correspondent adds.

Diplomats have suggested there is a new window of opportunity to secure peace in Somalia, after 15 years without a functioning central government.

And this WaPo article is a whitewash of the highest proportions. For some reason, the author, Karen DeYoung, thinks she knows what is going on in Somalia far better than U.S. Intelligence agents. As if by interviewing a few expatriates and African Taliban sympathizers she really knows what is going on. Is there such a thing as an anti-Pulitzer? One for poor reporting?

In her version, the whole Somalia conflict is just a big mistake. The Islamists pose no real threat. America became alarmed only after they thought they were being fired upon--which they weren't. We backed some bad guys in Somalia as a result--not like the 'good guys' who set up Sharia courts in Mogadishu and are summarily executing people suspected of committing crimes against Islam.

It only gets worse from there. Here's a short excerpt:

The U.S. effort failed, Somalis said, because it focused only on seizing terrorism suspects, not attempting to improve living conditions in one of the world's poorest countries.

"It will radicalize the people," said Ali, a naturalized U.S. citizen. "Unless I am also safe, you are not going to be safe. That's the message the Americans must learn. They cannot fight this alone."

Right. As if the people weren't already radicalized.

She also overlooks the fact that the U.S. has long--years before the violence this year--suspected a working relationship (or much more) between the Islamist militias in Somalia and al Qaeda.

Related: Osama bin Laden is in Africa

Posted by: Rusty at 05:10 PM | Comments (39) | Add Comment
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July 01, 2006

The Consequences of United Nations Gun Confiscation in East Africa

Speaking of Africa, The Volokh Conspiracy highlights "Human Rights Atrocities: The Consequences of United Nations Gun Confiscation in East Africa.":

The monograph details how U.N.-backed gun confiscation programs in Kenya and Uganda have led to murder, torture, and arson, and have turned tens of thousands of pastoral tribespeople into starving refugees. The paper is available in PDF and in HTML.
Way to go, Blue Helmets!

Posted by: Ragnar at 04:21 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Bin Laden Warns US on Somalia

A warning from bin Laden? Well, that should shake us up. We certainly wouldn't want to hack off bin Laden. Very important to make sure he doesn't get riled up. I mean, taking out his boys in Afghanistan was one thing. Then there's that $25 million dollar bounty on his head. I'm sure taking out his boy Zarqawi with a 500-pounder was yet another irritant. Relationships between the U.S. and al-Qaeda are certainly not what they were back in the salad days of the 1980s. Some have even described them as "strained." If we keep this up, bin Laden might start thinking of the U.S. as his enemy or something. Nope, can't have that.

Reuters has it straight from the horse's mouth: . . . more...

Posted by: Ragnar at 03:44 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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June 15, 2006

BBC : Documented Evidence of "Large-Scale Massacres" in Sudan

The BBC has an update on the Darfur Jihad:

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court says he has documented evidence of thousands of killings of civilians in Sudan's Darfur region.

Luis Moreno Ocampo, investigating alleged crimes against humanity, says the killings include large-scale massacres and hundreds of rapes.
. . .


Posted by: Ragnar at 11:13 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 14, 2006

The Bad Guys Win

What am I saying. They're all bad guys. It's just that some of the bad guys are slightly better than the worse bad guys.

The 1400 year old jihad machine chugs on:

MOGADISHU, Somalia - Islamic militants captured the last strategic town held by their warlord rivals Wednesday, consolidating their hold over a large swath of Somalia even as the country's parliament called for help from foreign peacekeepers.

The brave troops of the U.S. backed warlords show us how they earned our hard-earned tax dollars:

Hours after the Islamic force attacked the town of Jowhar from three directions Wednesday, the last of the warlords' remaining fighters fled east, some in pickup trucks with rooftop-mounted machine guns. Militiamen seized the airport, just outside town. Residents were fleeing and witnesses reported as many as 19 dead.

Talk about take the money and run.

So the country's ineffectual and worthless parliament is calling for international peacekeepers. Sorry chums, we've been down that road and we've seen what happens.

It may not be realpolitik, it will never be given the Official Government Seal of Approval, but it's plausible that the only thing now to keep Somalia from being the new base of operations for Osama and Co. is a nice carpet bombing.

It's either that, or wait until Somalia is used as a base to launch another 9/11.

And, since you didn't ask, but were thinking it, yes, nearly 13 years on, I'm still bitter. If you were doing word association, and said "Somalia," the first thing that would pop into my head would be "fuc* 'em."

Posted by: Vinnie at 05:01 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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June 06, 2006

Islamists Take Mogadishu, Set up Sharia Courts: Echos of Kabul

magadishu_women_koran.jpgAs reported by Vinnie yesterday at The Jawa Report, Islamist militias with ties to Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network have succeeded in taking over the capital of Somalia, Mogadishu. It should never be forgotten that al Qaeda's first sucess was in fighting American troops in Mogadishu during the famous "Black Hawk down" incident.

Although not mentioned in the movie by the same name, Osama bin Laden later admitted that he had sent fighters into Somalia to help warlord Mohammed Farah Aidid. Bin Laden, it is said, had had a mystic "vision" in which U.S. was revealed as a paper tiger & that American forces would withdraw from Somalia, defeated. When his "vision" came true, many came to think of bin Laden as a man with supernatural powers.

Thousands of U.S. troops are currently stationed in Djibouti, which borders Somalia to the north. Strategy Page (via Glenn) has the Somalia timeline.

We cannot afford to lose the Horn of Africa to Islamists.


The Islamic side, which supports sharia courts in Mogadishu, announced they controlled the city in radio broadcasts and public meetings. Both residents and some members of the warlords' own militia said the city was in Islamic hands.

"The era of warlords in Somalia is over," resident Mohamed Asser said. "This morning Mogadishu is under only one hand, the Islamic courts."

This is eerily similar to the takeover by the Taliban--which means "scholar" or "students"--of Kabul. The Taliban promised an end to the violence of the fighting warlords and a restoration of order. It was only later that we learned the harsh reality of Islamic law's "order" in Afghanistan.

Today, protests erupted in the Somali capital over the new Islamist masters of the city. The protests, though, seem to be along tribal lines. Times:

Hundreds protested today against the Islamist takeover of the capital of Somalia....

At least 1,000 protesters, from the Abgal clan, a faction of the Hawiye tribe that used to control much of northern Mogadishu, rallied in a football stadium and on the streets.

"We want to establish an Abgal sub-clan defence line, politically and militarily," said Hussein Sheikh Ahmed, an Abgal leader. "Advances into Abgal territory should be halted immediately."

And how has the U.N. backed interim government reacted to the take over of the nation's capital by Islamist militias who want to impose harsh Sharia law?
Today's protests, which were left unhindered by Islamist militias, came as the interim Somali Prime Minister, Mohamed Ali Gedi, congratulated the Muslim forces on taking control of the city.

Mr Gedi called the Islamist victory, which the US fears could lead to the development of a Taleban-style African state, "an excellent step forward" today, telling Radio France Internationale that the fallen warlords had been "hurting the reconciliation, stabilisation and pacification of Somalia".

Echos of Kabul, ringing in my ears.

More on why we should worry from All Africa:

Al Qaeda elements responsible for the 1998 US embassy bombings in Nairobi and Tanzania and the 2002 attack on the Paradise Hotel in Kikambala near Mombasa have been moving in and out of Somalia with the aid of local sympathisers, according to US officials.

Preventing Somalia from becoming a second safe haven for al Qaeda has been a primary objective of American policy in the Horn of Africa ever since US forces ousted Afghanistan's Taliban regime in 2001. The Afghan Islamist group had provided al Qaeda with the protection and resources needed to plot the September 11, 2001, attacks on New York and Washington.

Apparently there is a faction within the State Department which believes we should be working with the Islamists to stabilize Somalia. Recently, Michael Zorick voiced that opinion and was immediately tranferred from his Somalia desk.

The theory goes that we should stabilize first, and then worry about al Qaeda sympathies later. Which, of course, is the same arguement I heard when Kabul was "liberated" by the Taliban. That "stability" was more important than the radical political philosophy of the group--which at the time no one really understood very well.

So, our covert proxy war in Somalia seems not to be working. But is the alternative the installatioin of another Taliban-like government in the Horn of Africa in the name of stability? Insanity!

Related: Kim at Wizbang: "As far as the Islamists are concerned, there is no Transitional Federal Charter of Somalia."

John at Op-For: "Another collapsed state that has the potential to turn into a big-time breeding ground. Somalia is starting to look alot like pre-Enduring Freedom Afghanistan." Indeed.

Malkin: Not Good.

Rule 308: "You want sharia? Have it, be my guests. But I bet you won't like it."

Sandbox: "True democracy cannot coexist with Sharia law."

If the Onion were half as funny as this, I'd subscribe.

This Boston Globe article reports on the covert operations the U.S. has been engaged in: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 10:04 AM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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June 02, 2006

American Among 8 Taken Hostage in Nigeria

Eight Westerners, including one American, working in Nigeria's oil fields have been taken hostage. Unlike other attacks which are usually claimed by the separatist MEND group within hours, this one was not. Whoever is behind the hostage-taking, we demand their immediate and unconditional release.


Gunmen abducted eight foreign workers in a night-time raid on an oil rig off the coast of Nigeria on Friday, raising new security fears after a series of militant attacks that cut output from Africa's top oil producer...

"Some unknown persons boarded the rig at 3 a.m. (0200 GMT) and took eight workers. They are six from the UK, one Canadian and one from the U.S.," said an executive from one of the companies that operate the Bulford Dolphin rig. He denied reports that eight Nigerians were also abducted in the attack.

Hat tip: George.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:20 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 25, 2006

U.S. Backed Forces Fight al Qaeda in Mogadishu

There is a reason the U.S. is supporting a coalition of warlords fighting in Mogadishu. There is little doubt that the Islamist militias fighting for control of Somalia are associated with al Qaeda. This would not be the first time al Qaeda linked forces battled the U.S. in Mogadishu.

As the U.N. begins to fret over the growing violence in Somalia, do not let their equivocations fool you--while both sides may be filled with people who do bad things, at least one side is filled with our SOBs. The other side is led by bin Laden's SOBs (if not bin Laden himself).

Keep your eyes open, this one is getting hot. [Image right: Somalians carry pictures of Osama bin Laden during a 2002 protest against the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan] more...

Posted by: Rusty at 04:14 PM | Comments (44) | Add Comment
Post contains 489 words, total size 4 kb.

May 24, 2006

Americans, Nigerians, South Africans Arrested in Congo

(Kinshasa, Congo) In the run up to the July 30 national elections, the Democratic Republic of Congo has arrested 32 foreigners, including 10 Nigerians, three Americans and 12 South Africans, in a suspected coup plot. No names have been disclosed.


Violence in Congo"About 30 people claiming to work for a security company have been arrested. They say they were working for the company but our information suggests they had other intentions," government spokesman Henri Mova Sakanyi told Reuters.

"They wanted to destabilise the institutions of the country, that means a coup attempt."

Sakanyi said the group had been arrested a few days ago but did not give any details other than that they worked for security firm.

Apparently, the foreigners are considered mercenaries "as they have all come back from Iraq." It doesn't make sense to me, but authorities appear to believe that anyone coming from Iraq is a mercenary. As a consequence, Sakanyi said they would be tried in court.

From another source,

According to the South African diplomatic mission in the DRC, 19 of the 32 mercenary suspects arrested in the Democratic Republic of Congo hold South African passports. Sixteen of the suspects work for the Omega Security Company, while three work for a mining company as interpreters.
There is a discrepancy in reporting of the number of South Africans which remains to be resolved. One report says 12, another says 19.

From WaPo:

The United Nations said it could not confirm Congo's allegations.

"We are not concerned about this, it appears to be a case of political manipulation by Congo's government," said Jean-Tobias Okala, U.N. spokesman in Kinshasa. "We have almost 18,000 troops here to achieve our goal of peaceful and transparent elections."

The upcoming elections are hoped to be the end of internal strife which has endured since 1998 and resulted in the deaths of four million people in a humanitarian crisis. Oddly, the tragedy in the Congo happened concurrent with the presence of UN peacekeepers. A prudent observer could logically conclude that the UN hasn't been very effective.

From Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 06:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 12, 2006

Bloody Somalia

(Mogadishu, Somalia) After 15 years without a national government, Somalia is a battlefield. Tribal militias and Islamic fundamentalists, allegedly tied to al-Qaeda, are struggling for control and many people are dying.


Islamic militiamen and secular fighters battled Wednesday for control of Somalia's capital despite promises of a cease-fire, as the death toll rose to at least 90, with nearly 200 others wounded.

The sounds of heavy weapons echoed through the city, but the fighting was not as intense as it had been in the previous three days. The battle between the Islamic Court Union and the Alliance for the Restoration of Peace and Counterterrorism has centered on the northern neighborhood of Sii-Sii, with neither side gaining an advantage.

Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed of the Islamic Court Union called for a ceasefire, but the tribal militias suspect that it's only because they ran out of ammunition. Both sides have been jockeying for position in anticipation of a major battle for control of Mogadishu. And, sadly, caught in the crossfire and dying are the civilians.

It's worth noting that every time I read of Somalia, I recall Blackhawk Down. I think of how the media plastered breaking news images of starving Somalians in front of the public, day after day, until the politicians were forced to send help. Food was sent and U.S. military units were there to distribute the food in the lawless country. Fighting started and the American forces soon were overwhelmed. Reinforcements were requested, but too little came, too late.

Some of the finest American fighting men ever to have lived died in Mogadishu. Needlessly, I think. And it all began with media reports of starving Somalians.

From Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 08:57 AM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 282 words, total size 2 kb.

April 10, 2006

Islamists Kill 13 Algerian Customs Officials

(Algiers, Algeria) Sources indicate that a convoy of Algerian customs officials was attacked by Islamist militants in the southern part of the country.


Thirteen Algerian customs officials were killed (pic) and eight others injured Friday when their convoy was ambushed south of Algiers, security sources and the Algerian news agency APS reported.

A security source said the convoy of about 12 four-wheel-drive vehicles came under rocket attack by Islamist militants around 8:00 am (0700 GMT) at Ouardhia on a Saharan road to In Salah.


Posted by: Mike Pechar at 01:31 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 29, 2006

Why We Should Be Sad Charles Taylor Will be Brought to Justice?

Yes he's a war-criminal, but here is the final word on Charles Taylor:

Yes, certain do-gooding goo-goos can cheer that "justice is being served," but if this becomes common proactice, how many hundreds of thousands will die needlessly because dictators understand that the deals they are being offered aren't worth the spit they will be signed with?

Posted by: Rusty at 03:14 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 69 words, total size 1 kb.

March 02, 2006

Rebel Leader in Nigeria Not Buddhist Monk, Big Fan of Osama bin Laden

How can I ever thank da Oyster enough for pointing out this article. Every single article I've seen about the Ijaw rebels who have recently begun attacking oil platforms in the Niger delta is careful to make the point that the Ijaw people are generally Christians or animists. It's true. They are.

So, when Ijaw rebels begin to take hostages, we are to draw the conclusion that since most Ijaw are Christians or animists then the group responsible for the kidnappings must also be composed of Christians and animists. Except that mostly doesn't count in this case:

If the rising cost of the world's oil can be blamed on any one man, a portly African militia leader with a poster of Osama bin Laden glowering from his wall is the most likely culprit.

Al-Haji Mujahid Dokubo Asari, the leader of a motley collection of gunmen styling themselves the Niger Delta People's Volunteer Force, managed to push the world oil price above $50 a barrel last year....

"Our struggle is like those in Chechnya, Kosovo, Palestine and South Africa. That is how we are going to fight. We are not going to just sit down. We are capable of defending ourselves."

Mr Asari, 40, who shuns military fatigues and sports a trilby and a silver-topped cane, is an unabashed admirer of bin Laden. Songs praising his "gallantry" echo from a stereo in his spacious home in Port Harcourt, the Delta's largest city.

Yup. Those pesky Christians and animists are the most likely culprit behind the string of attacks on oil platforms, the series of hostage takings, and the rise in world oil prices. FYI-Haj is a name taken by Muslims who have made the trip to the infidel-free city of Mecca.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:27 AM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
Post contains 301 words, total size 2 kb.

March 01, 2006

Al Qaeda Back in Sudan

I'm *shocked*, *shocked* I tells ya! Al Qaeda warns UN not to send peacekeepers into Darfur.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:35 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 21 words, total size 1 kb.

February 28, 2006

Islam Threatening Christians in Africa: Freedom for Thee, but not for Me

Be on the lookout for creeping facscism in Africa. Two questions: How is it that the traditional interpretation of Islamic law is now somehow 'fanatical'? Why is it that so few seem to realize that 'freedom of religion' in Islam means its Orwellian opposite?

Incidentally, if a 'moderate' Islamists wishes only to impose a lesser penalty on apostates--say, a fine--it's still religious fascism.

CBN News:

"It is our duty to spread Islam, and to especially try to convince the Christians to change their faith,” Hamdan said. “A man has the right to choose his religion, but once he is a Muslim, then he has lost that right. If he changes, under the laws of Sharia, he should be put to death.”

Posted by: Rusty at 12:48 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 345 words, total size 2 kb.

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