December 27, 2006
Is this really surprising? They are all cocky and stuff when they are murding civilians for watching soccer,. But like most Islamist cockroaches, when the light of day hits them, they scurry and hide.
Monsters and Critics: Government troops fought their way into Jowhar, some 90 kilometres north of Mogadishu early on Wednesday as Islamist fighters in the town retreated to the capital, after orders by the Islamist chairman, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.I cannot condone the beheadings. Just shoot them. But it is refreshing to see a military force take the fight to the Islamists this way. There will be no escape for the African Taliban this time.'We attack Mogadishu Thursday. We will catch and behead all the terrorists and militants as they behead the innocent people,' said Mohamed Dhere, a former warlord who once controlled Jowhar and marched into the town with the government forces on Wednesday.
Residents of Balad, 30 kilometres north of Mogadishu said the Ethiopian-backed forces were 20 kilometres away from their town, while all Islamist troops had retreated from there to the capital.
In Jowhar, Dhere told residents they would now be able to watch movies and football, which the Islamists had banned.
'Now the people of Jowhar are free. Open your cinemas, open your businesses. You are under the care of the national forces of the transitional government,' he said from a pickup truck mounted with audio speakers.
Update: The MSM is already rerunning their defeatist surrender monkey crap. Chad at In The Bullpen is not buying it.
Chad Evans: It seems odd to me, however, to classify an overwhelming victory, or perceived future victory in this case, over an Islamist organization reminiscent of any current or past war.......I suppose that all depends on how you look at things or a nation’s ability or right to wage war against aggression, both rhetorical and military. Do we wish to simply ignore militant jihad in fear of insurgency or do we wish to fight it tooth and nail until it is vanquished?
Posted by: Howie at
09:19 AM
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Posted by: MCPO Airdale at December 27, 2006 10:36 AM (3nKvy)
I'm no too big on it myself, but you know what they say about payback.
Posted by: Dick at December 27, 2006 10:57 AM (XlQVK)
Now we just need them to ignore the UN's calls to stop and talk this thing out. Let the Ethiopians do what should have been done long ago. All the UN will manage to do is be the savior to terrorists. Not like the terrorists listened to them before when they were attacking.
Posted by: Fred Fry at December 27, 2006 11:49 AM (JXdhy)
Without the things that ensure that the hands of the military are tied, so they cannot be effective there will not be a quagmire.
Posted by: davec at December 27, 2006 11:57 AM (yaQM4)
Only the stupid ones stand and fight.
The rest fade back and blend with the civilians and keep them terrified enough to help and not give them up.
This of course is what is happening in Iraq, except in many places, the general population has garnered enough trust in the IA or the US to actively fight aQ and the insurgents.
I have an idea that the Ethiopian backed forces will not have an ROE where they have to be fired upon before taking any offensive actions. More likely they will bring death and destruction upon all in their way, including innocent civilians.
But one can say, that is the way a real war is fought.
Too bad that our government and our American people have forgotten that.
Papa Ray
West Texas
Posted by: Papa Ray at December 27, 2006 12:02 PM (B6ERo)
Posted by: John Stossel at December 27, 2006 01:17 PM (Nhfns)
Day-oh Day-oh
Ethiopia bombs and I wanna go home
Day-oh Day-oh
Ethiopia bombs and I wanna go home
Jihad all night on a leaf of Khat
Ethiopia bombs and I wanna go home
behead the apostates till the morning comes
Ethiopia bombs and I wanna go home
Six han' seven han' eight han' bunch
Ethiopia bombs and I wanna go home
Six Koran' seven Koran' eight Koran' bunch
Ethiopia bombs and I wanna go home
put my bitch -- in a Burka
Ethiopia bombs and I wanna go home
Jihad, Mohammed, Dirka, Dirka
Ethiopia bombs and I wanna go home
Six Koran seven Koran eight Koran bunch
Ethiopia bombs and I wanna go home
Day-oh Day-oh
Ethiopia bombs and I wanna go home
follow Muhammed, he was a ped - oh
Ethiopia bomb and I wanna go home
Come mister taliban play with my banana
Ethiopia bombs and I wanna go home
come Mister tally man lets get out of Somalia
Ethiopia bombs so im gonna go home
Posted by: davec at December 27, 2006 01:47 PM (yaQM4)
Posted by: BohicaTwentyTwo at December 27, 2006 02:14 PM (oC8nQ)
Posted by: Buzzy at December 27, 2006 03:29 PM (CXz7T)
Posted by: templar knight at December 27, 2006 05:30 PM (634o6)
If so - a single shot or two right in the gut. It's much more painful and takes longer to die. But there are a lot of people who still haven't figured out how to deal with these terrorists. Most people aren't afraid of dying by a gunshot to the head. It's too quick. That may be why it's one of the preferred suicide methods. But if the thought of a beheading deters one poor kid who is on the fence about what to do with his life from joining a terrorist gang, then who am I to say that a beheading is the wrong method?
Posted by: slug at December 27, 2006 05:34 PM (WbjpP)
(Plus a noose can be re-used, saving ammo)
For a free Somalia in the New Year!
Happy New Year!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 27, 2006 07:31 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: Greyrooster at December 27, 2006 07:33 PM (7ANQo)
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 28, 2006 01:05 AM (abVz3)
Also greyrooster, the ICU was never as powerful as it was portrayed in the media and it was simply a collection of loose Islamic Courts that united to stand against the warlords. As for Somali bravery, well let me tell you this. We are a nation of 8 million as opposed to 77 million for Ethiopia, however between 1528 to 1535 we not only defeated the whole country called Ethiopia but occupied every inch of their land and effectively forced their king to hide in the Ethiopian Highlands only to be rescued by the might of his fellow Portuguese Christian Brethren. In 1977, in a period of two weeks we not only liberated the whole of Ogaden province but also were roughly 12 KM away from Addis Ababa, and again they were rescued by their fellow Christians namely the Cubans and Russians who sent thousands of men and weapons and directly financed the rest of the Ethiopian war. Keep in mind that they were almost 10 times larger than we were. In fact in all of its history, Ethiopia never had the courage to bomb any Somali city, and in fact during the Ogaden War of 1977 while our people lived in peace in Mogadishu, they had to live in terror in their capital in fear of Somali occupation. Just because they managed to defeat a rag tag Somali militia while getting American surveillance, aid does not change history. By the way speaking of bravery, Somalis are the same people who killed 18 of your “bravest†while shooting down your choppers. The dead of course were paraded throughout the streets of Mogadishu with live coverage by CNN and true to Somali hospitality fed to dogs shortly afterwards.
Posted by: ali ahmed at December 28, 2006 05:03 AM (yX0ga)
Posted by: templar knight at December 28, 2006 10:27 AM (634o6)
" Somalis are the same people who killed 18 of your "bravest" "
Let's check ol' Wikipedia for some "Operation Gothic Serpent" Somali casualty rates:
Militia and civilians
1,000+ killed
3,000+ wounded
That means that the U.S roughly killed 56 Somali's to every U.S casualty -- and you know what the kicker is? they did it without using a mobile armored division with a tank, no howitzers, no Spectre gunships, or even an F-15 or any other type of bomber!
damn those U.S servicemen owned Somali's all over the place, without using any type of heavy weapon.
There perhaps would have been less civilian casualties if Somali men could fight, and didn't hide under their ugly wives skirts, or used their illiterate kids as a meat shield.
Posted by: davec at December 28, 2006 01:58 PM (yaQM4)
Posted by: Greyrooster at December 28, 2006 02:06 PM (MItWF)
If I were you, I sure wouldn't brag about making it hard to get food and medical aid into Somalia!
That is all your so called 'bravery' has managed to do. If you had just had the sense to let us bring in the food, we would have, but 'nope!' you had to go and prove how good a Muslim you were by starving your children, and letting them die from desease. No wonder there is only 8 million of you.
Just to be clear, I hope Somalia can rise to join the modern world, and leave it's own 'midievil mindset' on the trash heap of history. I hope you find real freedom, and real progress. The ICU was not a force for delivering that to you.
In any case if your to stupid to let westerners bring you food, and medicine just because they are westerners, maybe you should starve after all. We try and share what we have, and you ungratefully stab at our backs. I am amazed I have any good will left for you, but I excuse myself by believing you are not typical of all Somali's, and that the children may live to be wiser than their parents.
Clinton was a world class pussy. Brag about licking HIM if you like. I hear it wasn't that hard to do. He would probably have enjoyed it!
When I read about Somalia making a useful contribution to the world, I'll let you brag.
Maybe you could craft a document that will become a model for what free and democratic societies Should look like? Maybe you could discover a new technology, or advance the cause of medicine? Maybe you could create a global organization to promote world peace and human rights? Maybe you could someday trade wisely, and build commercial enterprises to create wealth for your people? Then maybe you could try to use your wealth to ease the suffering of ungrateful savages in some empty, useless corner of the world, because it is a humane thing to do? Maybe the ungrateful savages will kill some of your people, and show how much they don't appreciate your civilized gesture?
Then ali ahmed, maybe you will realize how stupid such people are? Maybe you will feel sorry for their children? Maybe the savages will post ignorant, ungrateful comments on your networks, and make you wonder why you ever bothered with them at all?
God save your children ali ahmed, because you are to dumb to do it yourself. Happy New Year!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 28, 2006 08:06 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: Greyrooster at December 28, 2006 09:09 PM (mz2uK)
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 28, 2006 09:34 PM (2OHpj)
To prove that Somali culture is "complex and sophisticated," you point out that it is rooted in clan and tribe? So are baboon troops, moron. This is exactly why Somalia is a paleolithic dung-heap.
The Taliban you mentioned were also clannish and tribal, you ignoramus.
Were you and your fellow somaliapithecines alive in 1535? No? Then you didin't beat anybody. Somalia didn't even exist in 1535, dumb-shit.
The Ethiopians you maligned have already kicked Somalia's sorry ass. The African Taliban have already surrendered. So much for your mighty warriors.
The entire city of Mogadishu managed to murder 18 soldiers sent there to help them. Unfortunately for you, less than 100 Americans fought their way free of the city, killing more than 1000 skinny little pussies in the process.
Dragging dead bodies around is exactly what monkeys do. Monkeys, chimps, and baboons. How does it feel to share cultural traits with animals? Only a cowardly weakling despoils the bodies of the dead. It's a way of saying: "I don't have the balls to face a live American, but I'll kick a dead one."
When you say the bodies were fed to dogs, you mean Scumalis, right? You are all dogs.
Face it little boy. Scumalis are pussies who got their asses kicked by a tiny force of Americans. 100 Americans beat tens of thousands of skinnies.
Your heroes are already begging for mercy from the Ethiopians. You stupid savages don't deserve to breath my air.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 28, 2006 10:22 PM (abVz3)
Yes, I know I tend to go on and on, taking on my challengers with the same old tough-guy talk and logical fallacies, rarely adding anything new or surprising or unique; and yes, I purposely choose to use needlessly arcane (somaliapithecines?) words in my ramblings, oh, to impress I suppose (who, I don't know just yet); and yes, I think myself quite clever by the way I turn posters' avitar names 'round and 'round, against their own users in devilishly ironic ways!
But you've accepted me, a meaningless, insignificant poof, as one of your own. And for that, I thank you.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 29, 2006 12:51 AM (LxyIe)
Yawn! Your juvenile taunts are tedious, at best. At worst, they're the signs of a raging homo-erotic fixation.
You've been following me around with your nose up my ass for awhile now. It's kind of creepy. Try to think about something else. Your cyber stalking is unhealthy, and the concomitant chronic masturbation is just gross. I can practically hear you panting. You must be half blind by now.
Oh, how I wish I were as cool as you are. (That was sarcasm.)
Just for the record: there's nothing crude about erudition, I only comment on the issues and comments posted, tough talk is preferable to whining, the only logical fallacy I'm guilty of is wasting my time on a fruit like you, I don't care what you think of my contributions to any discussion, "Somaliapithecine" is neither arcane nor a real word, "avatar," not "avitar," is the correct spelling for a symbol, not a screen name, and describing somebody as meaningless and insignificant is redundant, because the words are synonyms.
Fuck, but you're stupid.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 29, 2006 04:03 AM (abVz3)
Many of the charges you applied against Somalia can easily be used against any African region in the region; I honestly do not know what you are trying to prove. Funny, the only people who brought peace and stability to the country were labeled all kinds of charges and due to heavy and sustained Western propaganda, portrayed as a terrorists and no real evidence was ever provided. I am assuming that you are Christian, and if that is the case, then it is very hypocritical for you to call all Blacks as monkeys, at least I know no matter where I go to any Muslim country no one looks to the color of my skin. That speaks volumes about your civilization that you even fail to accept as equals your fellow Christians. You can flush the Quran in the toilet and I have no problem with it, but please read a single verse from it before you do that.
Michael Weaver;
I honestly, don’t think Somalia will progress at any time in the future due to so much out-side interferences and also partly due to presence of warlords and other dogs of war.
Maybe God has other plans for our country, as we all know “man plans, and God wills.†But, I am sure we will be again be a force to reckoned with in Africa if a real government takes form and the country’s resources used for the betterment of the people.
The rest of you guys, if you are bragging about killing civilians then it is very sad. I was in Mogadishu when the Americans were given a beating, and almost 85 of the dead were civilians. No Somali warlord ever had more than 500 fighters at any point, and after the Yankees, left Aideed had good 350+ of his militia.
As for the rest of you guys, I shall ignore you unless you have any thing meaningful to say.
Posted by: ali ahmed at December 29, 2006 10:47 AM (yX0ga)
Posted by: ahmed ali at December 29, 2006 10:52 AM (yX0ga)
The ICU never had the military might that you keep thinking they had. As I said Ethiopia never had the guts to ever beat Somalia. As for Somalia not existing in the 1500s, that was a nice joke. Read this
"However, starting around 1527 under the charismatic leadership of Imam Ahmed Gragn (Gurey in Somali, Gragn in Amharic, both meaning "left-handed), Adal revolted and invaded Ethiopia. Regrouped Muslim armies with Ottoman support and arms marched into Ethiopia employing scorched earth tactics and slaughtered any Ethiopian that refused to convert from Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity to Islam.[1] Moreover, hundreds of churches were destroyed during the invasion, and an estimated 80% of the manuscripts in the country were destroyed in the process. Adal's use of firearms, still only rarely used in Ethiopia, allowed the conquest of well over half of Ethiopia, reaching as far north as Tigray. The complete conquest of Ethiopia was averted by the timely arrival of a Portuguese expedition led by Cristovão da Gama, son of the famed navigator Vasco da Gama. The Portuguese had been in the area earlier in early 16th centuries (in search of the legendary priest-king Prester John), and although a diplomatic mission from Portugal, led by Rodrigo de Lima, had failed to improve relations between the countries, they responded to the Ethiopian pleas for help and sent a military expedition to their fellow Christians. a Portuguese fleet under the command of Estêvão da Gama was sent from India and arrived at Massawa in February 1541. Here he received an ambassador from the Emperor beseeching him to send help against the Muslims, and in July following a force of 400 musketeers, under the command of Christovão da Gama, younger brother of the admiral, marched into the interior, and being joined by Ethiopian troops they were at first successful against the muslims but they were subsequently defeated at the Battle of Wofla (28 August 1542), and their commander captured and executed."
I am interested in having a real intellectual debate with people like Michael Weaver and the real Jeff Bargholz and since you are so into dick measurement contests I shall ignore you until you have anything constructive to say. You are getting boring, please spare the sane.
Posted by: Ali Ahmed at December 29, 2006 11:03 AM (yX0ga)
I contend the ICU was a Sharia institution. I have no example of a Sharia state that could advance without looting the remains of what had come before, or taking advanced knowledge from other nations.
I also contend that all the international calls for terrroist groups to go and aid the ICU in Somalia, show a basic connection to terrorism, and that is 'ideology'. Other connections exist, but I'm going for a short comment.
My position on 'moderate' Muslims is that they must reject imposition of Sharia, on states which do not already have it, and that they express a desire to relieve the oppression of existing Sharia states. In short, they are for free and equal expression of all religions.
Another concern is taqiyya, which puts us 'infidels' in the position of not knowing if you are telling us the truth, or just pretending to be moderate.
One of my desires is to find a means by which to seperate the 'moderate' Muslims who can assimilate into free, modern, western civilizations, from those who are 'Taqiyya', and 'Sharia first' Muslims, who are counter to western civilization.
What is your personal response to the topics I've mentioned here?
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 29, 2006 01:49 PM (2OHpj)
If applied authentically, Sharia is a great law
and lays the foundation for the progress and development of any society. However, the greatest obstruction to the implementation of authentic Sharia is tradition. In countries where Sharia is applied such as Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan under the Taliban, Sharia has closely been intertwined with tradition, and as a result some people mostly Westerns criticize Sharia when they should be criticizing the tradition. Laws such as those that forbid women from driving cars, or ones that refuses women to go to school or work are ridiculous and contrary to the teachings of the Quran. Muslim women during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (May the blessings and peace of God be upon him) used to work and own businesses, and in fact the Prophet (Peace be upon him) used to work for his wife before he married her. The other wife of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) used to be one of the greatest scholars of Islam and Muslim men and women used to come to her to learn about Islam. Therefore, some bases of the Sharia in Saudi Arabia have no justification and they should not be there to begin with.
I will not condemn the ICU and the Muslims that came to their rescue as terrorists for numerous reasons. First of all, the ICU is not a terrorist organization and even the Americans when they were asked to provide real evidence backed off. In fact, most of the charges leveled against the union will not make it to the court in a fair world. However, in a world, where the powerful are both the prosecutors and judges such things happen from time to time. America backed the Tigrey dictator who committed numerous human rights violations against his people to fight their war and they provided him with all the needed intelligence and aerial support. Thus, America justified and defended the occupation of a sovereign country, so in essence the Courts Union had the right to ask for outside help from whom ever they could, and I do not see any thing wrong with that. If any one has to justify any thing, it is the Bush administration on why they supported a tyrant to fight against a legitimate authority.
I have a major problem with moderates too. They do not know the essence of Islam them selves, yet they have the audacity to act as ambassadors of our faith. I think if dialogue between Islam and Christianity is ever to take, which I do not think will in light of the recent American policies, then it should be between the conservatives of both faiths. Trying to dodge the problems that exist between the two faiths and reducing it to a political problem will only cause more problems and this clash of civilization that is gathering storm will inevitably bring about untold consequences for this planet. Islam is a religion and the tactics used against communism should not be used against it.
I am a “sharia first person†and I live in the west. I pay my taxes, I go to school, I have Christian friends, and I volunteer in my community. I do not see my self as posing a threat to any one. This classification of Muslims as “acceptable†and “unacceptable†will only cause more problems and unneeded tension. The West should view Muslims as humans and people who have the same aspiration as any.
Posted by: Ali Ahmed at December 29, 2006 04:35 PM (yX0ga)
Loyalist to a former warlord who was defeated by the Courts carried out the killing of the Swedish Journalist. In fact, one of the warlords occupied a hospital controlled by the International Committee of the Red Cross/Crescent and threatened to kill all the patients. It is such an irony that America through her client state Ethiopia under the Tigrey dictator is supporting such fanatics. It is apparent that you lack basic understanding of Somalia and it is evident in your baseless allegation of accusing the Courts of killing the journalist.
Posted by: ali ahmed at December 29, 2006 04:45 PM (yX0ga)
Well here's your evidence. I have loads more but will this do for now.
Posted by: Darth Odie at December 29, 2006 05:24 PM (YdcZ0)
If applied authentically, Sharia is a great law
Notice how the Men love Sharia -- that is because they get to keep their women like house pets.
Posted by: davec at December 29, 2006 05:50 PM (yaQM4)
Somalia was created by the British with Italian cooperation in 1960. The Wikipedia entry you referenced confirms this. It also confirms Ethiopia's crushing victory over you Scumali pussies.
You continue to display your raging stupidity by quoting sources like Wiki which contradict your primitive lies despite.
Ethiopia has again whipped Scumalia, with your ICU heroes pissing themselves in a surrender frenzy. I guess their days of decapitating people for listening to music are over.
Enjoy your "complex and sophisticated" culture of filth and squalor. While you and your fellow sub-hominids are killing each other over garbage scraps and the human feces you use to build your mud-dung hovels, I'll be enjoying my cable TV, worm-free food and air conditioning.
One last tidbit for your enjoyment: Saddam Hussein has officially joined the daily tally of more than 100 islamopithecine cowards to die at the Coalition's hands. God hates muslimes.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 30, 2006 02:49 AM (abVz3)
Sharia uses the Hadith as well as the Quran. This is just one passage that gives indication of Islamic intolerance for freedom of religion
From the Translation of Sahih Bukhari at an MAS site:
Volume 9, Book 84, Number 58:
Narrated Abu Burda:
Abu Musa said, "I came to the Prophet along with two men (from the tribe) of Ash'ariyin, one on my right and the other on my left, while Allah's Apostle was brushing his teeth (with a Siwak), and both men asked him for some employment. The Prophet said, 'O Abu Musa (O 'Abdullah bin Qais!).' I said, 'By Him Who sent you with the Truth, these two men did not tell me what was in their hearts and I did not feel (realize) that they were seeking employment.' As if I were looking now at his Siwak being drawn to a corner under his lips, and he said, 'We never (or, we do not) appoint for our affairs anyone who seeks to be employed. But O Abu Musa! (or 'Abdullah bin Qais!) Go to Yemen.'" The Prophet then sent Mu'adh bin Jabal after him and when Mu'adh reached him, he spread out a cushion for him and requested him to get down (and sit on the cushion). Behold: There was a fettered man beside Abu Muisa. Mu'adh asked, "Who is this (man)?" Abu Muisa said, "He was a Jew and became a Muslim and then reverted back to Judaism." Then Abu Muisa requested Mu'adh to sit down but Mu'adh said, "I will not sit down till he has been killed. This is the judgment of Allah and His Apostle (for such cases) and repeated it thrice. Then Abu Musa ordered that the man be killed, and he was killed. Abu Musa added, "Then we discussed the night prayers and one of us said, 'I pray and sleep, and I hope that Allah will reward me for my sleep as well as for my prayers.'"
This sort of legal precedent is not acceptable under US Constitutional law. As an example of the foundation for Sharia treatment of 'apostates' it proves the incompatability of such law with US rights, and internationally rcognized 'human rights'. In short, Sharia is fascistic, and intolerant.
The more I study it, the more I come to that conclusion. Never mind that the MAS doesn't seem to have all of Sahih Bukhari's Hadith available to us. Some Hadith noted by other scholars are missing.
Argueing that culture is to blame for Sharia based oppression seems like a Taqiyya manuver. The whole of the Quran is rooted in a 7th century culture in any case, so we will still have 7th century barbarism finding expression where Islam refuses to reform itself.
For the record, there are unacceptable Christians as well as unacceptable Muslims.
A big difference is that acceptable Christianity is in harmony with the US Constitution, because Jesus didn't tell his faithful to force themselves on others, but rather to welcome them.
Meanwhile the term 'Jihad' and its Quranic contextual explantions are easily read as supporting Islamic attacks on anyone non-Muslim. This is not an aberration. I have a Quran, and I can read Muhammed for myself.
Please don't tell me 'Jihad' only means 'struggle'. 'Struggle' also means 'fight', or 'contend' or 'compete'. The word 'war' and the word 'struggle' are used interchangeably on a casual basis.
Because Jihad often means war, and bloody violence in Allah's name, where as struggle does not carry such a strong connotation, "Jihad means struggle'" is an phrase that acts as a kind of taqiyya.
We need to have a standard by which to determine, which Muslims are going to be OK to keep around, and which aren't. A desire for Sharia as US law, is a critical determining factor. I will not budge from that point. My patriotism will not let me.
I am a citizen of the United States of America. I pledge my allegiance to the flag, and to the republic for which it stands. That republic is not, nor was ever intended to be a Sharia law state, and it never will be. Muslim citizens who can accept that, are not traitors. Muslims who can't accept that are enemies of the republic. If they are citizens, they are also traitors in our midst.
Ali Ahmed, we have had polite conversation here, but I can't debate the replacing of US Constitutional law with Sharia. It is simply not a negotiable point, and since I'm not going to change, we should find a different angle for future discussions. I'm just saying lets not waste our time.
As a Christian, I offer you my wish for peace. If that is not to be, then I ask God to forgive us all, because I will defend my Constitution against all who come against it.
USA, all the way! I swear!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 30, 2006 03:04 AM (2OHpj)
Posted by: Greyrooster at December 30, 2006 08:43 AM (XXvse)
I basically knew that was your view. Not that I care what your religion is either, as long as your a patriot, which of course, you are.
I agree with you about 90%, and I think your a great guy overall.
I think I was trying to say (back there somewhere) you have some merit in your call to outlaw Islam, and that it is Constitutionally argueable. The point that Islam is contemporaneous justification for hate crimes, and treasonous behavior of some Americans makes a legally viable arguement for Islams restriction. Like the KKK is restricted.
I'm trying to keep my conscience clean where the precious few who are peaceful are concerned. Maybe its a lost cause. Maybe its cause the gorgeous Yasmeen Ghauri, and others have rejected the Saudi version of reality, and love the west. Greyrooster, she ain't ugly!
(Howie, if your listining, you need to see her!)
Anyway, I hope I wasn't one of the ones who ticked you off.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 30, 2006 05:02 PM (2OHpj)
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