January 20, 2007

CNN's Hummer Brings 1.25 Million

howiehummer.jpgCNN has sold a Hummer they used in Iraq for charity. Proceeds will go help soldiers injured in Iraq.

(CNN) -- Proceeds from the sale of Warrior One, which toured military bases and medical centers nationwide before the auction, will be donated to the Fisher House Foundation. The organization temporarily houses families of patients receiving major medical care in military hospitals and Veterans Affairs facilities.

Dave Liniger, founder of Re/Max International Inc., had the winning bid of $1 million for the Hummer. An additional $250,000 was thrown in by Dave Ressler, a businessman from North Dakota and Montana.

Asked why he bought the vehicle, Liniger said he is a Vietnam veteran who started Re/Max with his wife, Gail, in 1973. The real estate company has grown to 65 countries, he said.

That’s very nice, But how about they split any profits from airing this video?. Eighty percent for the families of sniper victims in Iraq, both US and Iraqi, living and dead. The remainder toward resources for fighting the cyber Jihad. Then I’ll feel better, maybe.

Juba Sucks!

See related: CNNJazeera Airing Sniper Vids for Profit.


Also see related post here at Gateway Pundit.

Truth is the IAI are terrorists. They and those who follow them support the murder of innocents and many other war crimes. It's a soft spot with me because I've seen them murder so many.

Posted by: Howie at 08:52 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
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January 16, 2007

Email A Terrorist Supporting Slimebag

While I was checking the google scores for the jubasucks blog I ran across this little gem. A juba blog ran by a terrorist supporting slimebucket from Australia. Now I know a few Aussies, and I would bet good money they'd smack him up side the head.

The upside you say? He's too big of a wuss to post his email , but he has open comments on the Juba supporting blog. Go forth and express your opinion.

His bad gay lover, one Matt Hoffman, has a Saddam Hussein supporting blog here. I posted some links to this post in his comments there. His comments are moderated but he does have an email where he asks for "feedback". So let's help him out, shall we?


May the force be with you.

Posted by: Howie at 12:47 PM | Comments (34) | Add Comment
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January 15, 2007

Juba Sucks Linkwhoreing Update: The Continuing Saga

Those low down Muslime terrorist media scumbags at alboraq media have moved that piss ant sniper Juba's website back ahead of Juba Sucks on google search for Juba Online. Of course you know, This means war. more...

Posted by: Howie at 08:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 28, 2006

CNNJazeera Airing Sniper Vids for Profit

JUBA1.JPGMichelle Malkin has the story here:

Go to The Return of the Conservatives blog for the story of how TimeWarner Cable's CNN on Demand is marketing the Iraqi sniper video of terrorists targeting American troops. Notice the category of the video? "Family."

But, you know, don't question their patriotism

Juba Sucks! more...

Posted by: Howie at 03:38 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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December 18, 2006

Reader Love Mail: Juba Sucks Edition

Here we have a comment from a terrorists supporting A$$hole. He got caught in the flypaper over at Juba Sucks, our anti-Juba Sniper site.

what shame
juba did all that to you guys?
juba defeat US cowerd rats in iraq
ur planning to escabe like road runner :)
am happy to browse such blog
cuz that show how ur terrifieng from juba
your dieing there mother f--kers
the blood of cheldren following you chasing you
half of your soldiers are legless or handicap or killed like a cow

and the future hiding more fun in iraq

hey hey hey

its not just a horror movie
its real death
say bye to your relatives

your f--ked relatives

He was obviously disappointed that his search did not quite end up where he thought. Don’t let him get away without stopping in and giving him a reply.

Posted by: Howie at 12:05 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 151 words, total size 1 kb.

November 30, 2006

"Juba" the Baghdad Sniper Captured!

JUBA1.JPGThe Iraqi Ministry of the Interior announced that it has captured the Baghdad sniper known as Ali Nazar al Jubori. The name sounds eerily familiar. al Jubori....could this be the original Juba sniper? That is the claim being made.

Let me remind my readers that the "Juba the Baghdad sniper" does not exist--at least, not in the heroic sense that the jihadi crowd has painted him as. He's a myth. A piece of fictional propaganda produced by terrorists. A heroic superman for the al Qaeda supporters of the world.

This is not to say that there never was an al Qaeda linked sniper in Iraq who got the nickname "Juba", only that the popular videos showing "his" work are really compilations of not only different snipers, but also of different terror organizations. We know this because the "Juba top 10 video" shows previously released material from several different known terror groups and that at least one of the snipers who's work is shown in the video was later arrested.

But like many heroes, there may actually be a man behind the myth. Al Jubori may actually be the original "Juba Baghdad Sniper" as the Iraqis are claiming. In fact, a recent video proported to show the real "Juba" and included interviews with the Baghdad sniper.

The sniper cell he is said to have trained, also called the "Juba snipers", was also broken up and many of them arrested. Again, that is what the Iraqis are saying. We'll see.

If it is "Juba", then this is an important moral victory for the US and anti-terrorist forces in Iraq. Juba is a real hero to many in the Salafi terrror supporting community.

There were several websites devoted to Juba, and which were alleged to be run by him (although I doubt that), and which were based in the US. They were bought and paid for by someone claiming to be a member of the terrorist organization knows as the Islamic Army in Iraq (IAI)--which has links to al Qaeda. Oh, but thanks to Jawa Report readers, those websites are down.

Of course, not all of Juba's webzines are down. Only those that were commercially bought and paid for by the IAI. There is still one website up, provided for free by the Google owned Blogger/blogspot platform. That's right, Google continues to host a terrorist's website--or one proported to be run by him.

We've begged and pleaded with blogspot over this and other terrorist websites to no avail. They literally help the enemy while wrapping themselves under the veil of the First Amendment. The best we could do was set up an alternative Juba website.

Interestingly enough, I found this information from Michelle Malkin, who I believe doesn't yet know the value of the press release she was sent from CENTCOM (UPDATE: Now she does). The purpose of the press release was to counter stories by the AP which seem to be false. But buried down in it is this from Brig. Gen. Abdul Kareem Khalaf Al-Kenani, Ministry of Interior spokesman (update: also buried in this MSM report):

The third subject is, this week the strikes we made against the al-Qaeda terrorist organization in Baghdad were many and very strong in Baghdad. Before my arrival to this press conference, I was informed that one of the three who were just captured or detained is Mazer Al-Jubouri, aka the Baghdad Sniper, and his group. He admitted many things that are very important and very dangerous and our forces used this information about his network and conducted raids in the past 24 hours and detained 30 terrorists.

Those terrorists executed several explosions in Palestine and Beirut streets, and the New Baghdad area. He also admitted that their base is in Diyala province, which supplied them with money, weapons and explosives. They are now under investigation and we think this cell or network has been dismantled.

Expect updates.

UPDATE II: Murdoc has an exclusive (and short) podcast about media coverage of the "juba" capture.

UPDATE: Howie grabbed this image of Juba the Baghdad Sniper from one of the Islamic Army in Iraq's propaganda videos. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 10:35 AM | Comments (70) | Add Comment
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November 20, 2006

CNNJazeera Update

Via Gateway Pundit

CNN decided to revamp one of its hummers, "Warrior One", that CNN used to cover the War in Iraq. The TLC show "Overhaulin" did the work on the hummer by airbrushing scenes from the Iraq War on the side panels.

CNN will embark on a tour of the country with the Warrior One hummer before they auction it off in January.

Yeah and maybe CNNjazeera can get a better bid from Cindy Sheehan if they can prove that an actual enemy of Iraq and the United States rode in it.

But then again we know who’s army is foreign to CNNJazeera, ours. What I would like to see happen is some guy buy this thing and have it crushed.

Definition Mercenary: Using your giant news network to publish enemy propaganda for profit.

Of course CNN knows most people have not seen the entire video so they can claim it’s not enemy propaganda.

But I happen to have the first half of the original IAI terrorists Juba sniper video here. See for yourself. (Frame grabs below the fold).

So CNN chose to only play the “money shots”. No reference to the slick production complete with English subtitles. That’s because it’s directed at English speaking audiences. I’ve been holding back on uploading this until after the election. I mean I would not want to actually help the terrorists get this message out before the election like some people we all know.

Here’s another video from the Islamic Army in Iraq. Why don’t they(CNNJazeera) show you this one. No Americans dying maybe?

Note: available by download only. Only way I could get it to play. I don’t know why Google wants to semi reject my stuff. I mean, Google is the home of al-Qaeda’s new blog as well as the IAI’s Juba blogs.

Update I note the juba video post has been removed from the Juba Online blogspot blog.

Progress with Google? Or did IAI just move it because of our pestering? more...

Posted by: Howie at 02:02 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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November 04, 2006

Juba Sniper Survivor: Screw You CNN!

Since I'm about as close to a lay expert on the Iraqi terrorist sniper known as Juba, let me first make something clear: there is no Juba. He's a myth. The Sasquatch of Iraq.

Or, at least, there was a sniper calling himself Juba, but he's dead--if he ever really existed. Has been for more than a year, or more.

How do we know? Because the very first Islamic Army in Iraq produced "Juba Top 10 video" included footage of an American soldier being hit near his Humvee. What is not shown in the Juba footage is the fact that the American survived, the sniper was killed, and this "Juba's" sidekick who filmed the incident was captured down the road, videotape in hand.

So terrorist propaganda going around the internet recounting the alleged recent deeds of Juba are a lie. Complete fabrication. Propaganda of the worst kind.

There are snipers in Iraq and those snipers have gotten better over the years, but the Juba videos are simply collections of jihadi snuff films that are all attributed to a single individual.

Lance Cpl. John McClellan is a survivor of one of the many "Juba" attacks. And while CNN has no problem telling the story of Juba--a fiction of terrorist propaganda--it has yet to tell McClellan's story.

Gateway Pundit tells McClellan's story. Check it out.

As a child, my father was dazzled by the stories of Audie Murphey and of Chesty Puller. You know, back when our media was busy telling the stories of American heroes. Back when they wanted us to win. Now we hear stories of the heroes of our enemies, but not of ours.

How times have changed. And if you want more on Juba, go here.

Posted by: Rusty at 06:40 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
Post contains 294 words, total size 2 kb.

November 02, 2006

Exlusive Video Juba The Sniper Training

Posted by: Howie at 04:37 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 6 words, total size 1 kb.

October 30, 2006

CNNjazeera’s 'Not Terrorist Propaganda' IS

JUBA1.JPGVia Gateway Pundit.

L. CHENEY: Well, right, but what is CNN doing running terrorist tape of terrorists shooting Americans? I mean, I thought Duncan Hunter ask you a very good question and you didn't answer it. Do you want us to win?

BLITZER: The answer, of course, is we want the United States to win. We are Americans. There's no doubt about that. Do you think we want terrorists to win?

L. CHENEY: Then why are you running terrorist propaganda?

BLITZER: With all due respect -- with all due respect, this is not terrorist propaganda.

Dumbass doesn’t think its terrorist propaganda!? Well, the terrorists sure as Hell think it is. I have seen the video and it is intended for the US. How do I know, from the terrorists own mouth.

Big White Infidel Via the new Juba Sucks website:

The "commander,(terrorist commander of the sniper known as Juba)" however, says the Islamic Army now has "a fair amount of snipers" with the steady hand and eagle eye required for the task. "The idea of filming the operations is very important because the scene that shows the falling soldier when hit has more impact on the enemy than any other weapon," says the "commander," whose face is obscured.
Maybe Blitzer can explain to Marine 2nd Lt. Joshua Booth’s family how it’s not propaganda? Maybe Wolf should watch it before running his big fat pie hole?

Posted by: Howie at 10:37 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 236 words, total size 2 kb.

October 26, 2006

Juba Update

I have updated the IAI/Juba thread. Rusty is right, whack a mole indeed.

Posted by: Howie at 02:29 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 15 words, total size 1 kb.

October 25, 2006

The Only Good Sniper…(Updated)

…is a US sniper. Michelle Malkin has all the info on how you can support our boys in the field. She also has news that some of CNN’s pretty boys have been killed/captured.

Multi National Force:CAMP AL ASAD, Iraq – The Coalition Forces killed six insurgents, wounded four and netted five sniper rifles Sunday in the Euphrates River city of Hit, Iraq.

The Coalition Force positively identified 10 males conducting insurgent activity in a parking lot prior to engaging them with a heavy volume of fire.

The insurgents were gathered around a car while distributing black masks, AK-47 assault rifles and rocket propelled grenade launchers to one another.

After the engagement the Coalition Force personnel searched three insurgent vehicles in the parking lot and captured the following equipment:

o (5) sniper rifles
o (3) sniper rifle magazines
o (11) AK-47 assault rifles
o (19) AK-47 assault rifle magazines
o (3) rocket propelled grenades with launchers
o (1) RPK machine gun
o (2) PKC machine gun
o (1) video camera
o (1) bullet-proof vest with protective plates
o (2) hand grenades
o (7) load bearing vests
o (8) black masks

During the engagement, some of the insurgent weapons were destroyed, and found burning inside the vehicles.

“Today was significant for Coalition Forces because it reduced the sniper threat in Hit by a considerable margin,” said Lt. Col. Thomas Graves, commanding officer for the Friedburg, Germany-based 1st Battalion, 36th Infantry Regiment.

“We will take advantage of this opportunity by continuing our efforts to develop Iraqi Army and Iraqi Police forces within Hit,” said Graves.

1st Battalion, 36th Infantry Regiment is the Coalition Forces unit responsible for training Iraqi Security Forces and providing security to the city of Hit.

Coalition Forces evacuated the four wounded insurgents to a nearby U.S. military medical facility for treatment. Their condition is unknown at this time.

Hit is a city of about 60,000 located 35 miles northwest of Ramadi in Iraq’s Al Anbar Province.

I for one sure hope it was CNN’s pretty boy (For Ace who somehow thought that I hoped some CNN journalist was abduced or something I dunno, No ace I meant I hoped that it was CNN's sniper buddy in the IAI, Juba that was killed or captured). He seems to be enjoying the attention. Staring his own website and blog. Now you know who or what CNN knows.

Update: Jubaonline.org is hosted where? You will never guess! the good old US of A. Laura Mansfield was onto this Monday and a Jawa reader has pointed me to her post.

Laura Mansfield: It's no secret that jihadists frequently exploit US webservers, email providers, and ISPs in an attempt to spread their propaganda throughout the internet.

So it should come as no surprise to learn that when the Islamic Army of Iraq decided to release their new Juba 2: Baghdad Sniper 2006 video they turned to American-run blogs, webservers, and email providers. Juba 2, like it's predecessor from last fall, documents the sniper attacks of the group on US servicemen in Iraq.

According to whois, the jubaonline.org domain is registered to an Aaron Wilson, of Van Nuys, CA, using the email address mawsuat@yahoo.com. Both Wilson's name and the mawsuat@yahoo.com email address have been used before by other jihadist websites.

The site is hosted on a server in Rochester MN, hosted by Sitegenie LLC

I have the entire whois record below the fold. More to come...

Update II: Very interesting. Several of you I see are doing research of your own. The same friend of the Jawa from above did some more digging last night.

First alboraqmedia.org is the Islamic Army of Iraq's website. Dig around a bit on them and you find a similar registration. Also with the same registration is The Algerian Salafist Army(via blackflag an anti terror website). Very similar but with a different email.

More to come soon I hope....

Update III. Jubaonline.org is offline! So is the alboraqmedia.org. Now they are all down. Gone bye bye.

Jubaonline.org is back up.

I contacted Site Genie by email and phone. They said they have notified the reseller and asked them to take the site down. I suggest we keep up the pressure. Maybe if an effing big indian called they would be more responsive?

Minnesota FBI contact page.

Oh they are so down now, Hell yeah! The keyboard is more mighty than the sword eh?

Update IV: We would like to express our thanks to Site Genie for their quick response. Maybe it wasn't as fast as we would have liked, but then we are impatience little cusses. Often times providers are unaware they are hosting a terrorist website. I've found that most US providers, once aware, will do the right thing. It takes a bit of doing. But we are dealing with corportations here, 48 hours is PDQ for them.

Update V.

alboraqmedia.org is still up in Kentucky. and Juba online has moved to Illinios.

Other urls of interest are

IAI site is at

Hosted by ecommerce abuse@ecommerce.com, Note the name of the tech that refused to take the site down. SAID, FATHI. Hmmm. Tell me Said Fathi how does about 20 years in the federal bang you in the ass prison sound?

Juba is at hosted by - Ecomdevel Llc



OK that one is down.

Who is link.

FBI Tip line. FBI Local office directory.

Hat Tip: Black Flag.

Since we can's seem to get Juba off blogspot check out his new blog.


If you would like to contribute email Howie. Or link with the words Juba-online. you get the idea. more...

Posted by: Howie at 08:00 AM | Comments (60) | Add Comment
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