January 16, 2007
The upside you say? He's too big of a wuss to post his email , but he has open comments on the Juba supporting blog. Go forth and express your opinion.
His bad gay lover, one Matt Hoffman, has a Saddam Hussein supporting blog here. I posted some links to this post in his comments there. His comments are moderated but he does have an email where he asks for "feedback". So let's help him out, shall we?
Posted by: Howie at
12:47 PM
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Sure beats actually enlisting, doesn't it?
Posted by: Angryflower at January 16, 2007 03:25 PM (Bss6w)
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 16, 2007 03:48 PM (YHZAl)
Posted by: blackflag at January 16, 2007 04:04 PM (Mq5jS)
Posted by: blackflag at January 16, 2007 04:07 PM (Mq5jS)
He's so busy hating bushmchitlergelibackon he doesn't see the Jihadi behind him with a dull knife.
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 16, 2007 04:16 PM (YHZAl)
Posted by: blackflag at January 16, 2007 04:25 PM (Mq5jS)
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 16, 2007 04:29 PM (YHZAl)
This sounds like projection to me.
Posted by: Paul at January 16, 2007 09:06 PM (LHlX0)
So guys. Guys, guys guys... why not go take a shot at this guba dude. All you need to do is sign up. Maybe give your soldiers a break. Those poor bastards have been over there fighting your war, pulling back to back tours, all while you sit around mastrubating furiously to Saddam Hussein hanging videos.
I mean come on.
Posted by: John at January 16, 2007 11:50 PM (S3Rzh)
In the meantime, it's almsahrah@hotmail.com
Feel free to waste your time.
And by the way who is Mark Hoffman? Oh you mean Matt? Reading and Comprehension: not your strong suite obviously. Does my wife know I'm gay? I didn't. How did you? Is it true? Really? Maybe you could email me a line on that. You know. While you're all out leading such obviously interesting lives. On the internet. In blogs.
I don't support terrorists. I support the Iraqi Resistance. Resistance. I do realise that America funded, armed and supported both Saddam Hussein AND Osama bin Laden and that is why you guys may be a little confused on the issue. Add to that, you're American and already at an intellectual disadvantage. And you're scared of the boogey man. So there.
Oh and I checked my whole house. Even outside; even in that dark shadowy corner of the backyard. Not one dull-knife weilding jihadi anywhere. Not ONE. Maybe you could tell me EXACTLY where he is, so I can deal with him and not have to live in fear like you do.
AND I looked at my baptismal, reconciliation, communion, confirmation, marriage certificates; also my schedule for last sunday morning and some other things. Seems I'm still a practising Roman Catholic. One who happens to have an open mind, a copy of the Talmud, the New World Scriptures, the Book of Mormon etc etc. AND the Koran. Right up there on the bookshelf beside a book of Buddhist philosophy. Sorry that I listed the book I was reading at the time I created my profile as a "favourite". Won't happen again.
By the way, I did enjoy the Quran. Almost as bloody and vengeful as the Old Testament. Almost.
I just turned around really quick and suddenly.
Still no Jihadi.
Later guys!
Posted by: scott rutledge at January 17, 2007 09:19 AM (JeI2Y)
you know, you just could have asked for my email address on the juba blog.
i can't be bothered looking at your profile, so i trust i'll have your email address when you decide to be really brave - (like a brave american soldier as he rapes and murders an innocent thirteen year old Iraqi girl) - and email this RESISTANCE supporting scumbag.
what was the phrase that Bush idiot used that the heroic resistance fighters stuffed straight back down the throats of dead american soldiers??? oh yeah.... BRING EM ON
Posted by: scott rutledge at January 17, 2007 09:44 AM (JeI2Y)
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 09:47 AM (YHZAl)
Posted by: scott rutledge at January 17, 2007 09:47 AM (JeI2Y)
what's the matter? lack the courage of your convictions?
Posted by: scott rutledge at January 17, 2007 09:49 AM (JeI2Y)
Boy the mujahadbeens sure were brave yesterday, blowing up all those college girls. Your heros?
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 09:57 AM (YHZAl)
driver trying to feed his family on video"
No. I meant what I said.
"Tell me what happens to our
soldiers when they commit a crime?"
I don't care at all. Hopefully something that matches the crime.
"so what kidd of award does the IAI
and MSC give a guy for the old chop chop choppity chop?"
Iraqi Resistance. Name one single group that is affilliated with the Baathists that have carried out a video taped beheading. JUST ONE GROUP.
"Boy the mujahadbeens sure were brave yesterday blowing up all those college girls. Your heros?"
Why would the Resistance kill Iraqis? Don't you think that maybe, just maybe, those Iranian backed militias, and those American backed fundamentalist Shi'ites have more to gain from targeting Iraqi civilians. Are you intelligent enough to disseminate between the Resistance and the civil war?
The Resistance targets the invaders. They sniper TROOPS, blow up check points, send rockets at helicopters, plant IEDs beside roadways, lay in wait to ambush convoys.... Makes sense that a Resistance movement would do those things.
It's idiocy to assume that they'd murder the people who they're fighting to liberate from invasion. It does not make sense. Surely you can see that.
You may not like the Resistance, and I can respect that. I can understand your obvious disgust at my stance on the issue. I respect that too.
Rest assured though. Those who behead, those who kill grandmothers buying bread and students who are heroes in their own right for merely showing up at uni at literal risk to their own lives, they do not have my respect. I abhor THEM. You can research yourself the climate in Baghdad at the moment. A good place to start is arabwomanblues.blogspot.com and riverbendblog.blogspot.com .
Both are maintained by intelligent, educated Iraqi women. They also link to blogs by other Iraqis. Let the Iraqi people tell you their stories about life in Iraq today. About the Resistance, the Militias, the Sunnis, the Shi'ites, the Kurds. About the whole shitty mess.
Once again. I don't support terrorism. I don't support terrorism. I don't support Iran. Or the Sadrs and Badrs of Iraq. I support the Iraqi Resistance, plain and simple.
Like Bill Hicks said: "It's not the most popular stance I've taken on an issue, but I'm committed."
Posted by: scott rutledge at January 17, 2007 10:21 AM (JeI2Y)
But in the mean time here are your heros in action.
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 10:54 AM (YHZAl)
Posted by: greyrooster at January 17, 2007 10:56 AM (w+w6p)
Kind of odd how the "resistance" uses the same methods the baathists used? Huh?
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 11:06 AM (YHZAl)
Shall I continue? Your Heros?
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 11:09 AM (YHZAl)
So you think ronald Shultz thought they were "freedom fighters" as they sawed his head off?
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 11:12 AM (YHZAl)
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 11:20 AM (YHZAl)
Yeah, yeah put away your opinion and out with the facts.
"The IAI often called the Iraqi resistance"
No sorry. The Islamic Army in Iraq is the Islamic Army in Iraq. Can YOU name all the groups involved in the Resistance movement, or just spit out the anagrams of a couple of them? Do you mean to say that Sadr, Badr and the Resistance are one and the same?
And NO, I didn't get to see your link on the Saddam blog before it was deleted. I only contribute and I don't have the power to delete/change things. I can post, and post only.
I'd be interested in seeing this video if you're willing still to share the link.
"It has baathists doing taped beheadings?"
How are they identified specifically as being Baathists?
"Also the IAI has murdered a lot of people on vid."
No dispute. The whole reason we're in this current back and forth. "People" is a stretch though. There's a war on over there remember. To be honest I've only ever seen the Resistance, and the associated groups killing soldiers and collaborators.
"I remember them beheading an Iraqi national guard memeber on Vid. I'll look for that one."
Okay. Damn. I just re-read my last post.... there's a missing word. Civilians. They don't behead civilians i.e. grandmothers, students, contractors, etc. Foreign or local. I admit that I should have clarified that a bit better.
Surely you can put some perspective on that. Think back to the treatment that Collaborators got in France and Italy post WWII. Those national guard soldiers, the Iraqi army, mainly comprised of death squads, Badr militia and Iranian sponsored groups are as much the enemy as Coalition soldiers. There is a war going on after all. You're astute enough to make that distinction.
I agree that beheading is extreme, {shocking AND awful} but I'll argue that the Resistance is not on film beheading any civilians. Not even an American contractor. Not once. If you have evidence to the contrary please share.
You know what? I thought about adding some smart arse little hyperlinked sentence "so i guess this is your heroes in action" and link it to Abu Ghraib pictures. But I won't. But shit man. Those prisoners are covered in acid burns, cattle prod wounds, covered in excrement, hanging upside down etc. etc. That's brutal too. And the net result was the same. A bloody corpse.
I'd rather get my head chopped off than to be tortured to death. I know that mentioning AG {look, an anagram} is probably not appreciated. But as long as we're being objective here.
I'm checking out those next few links you posted...........
Posted by: scott rutledge at January 17, 2007 11:37 AM (JeI2Y)
I used to try to make the distiction between IAI, MSC and Ansar al Sunnah until they started using each other's clips in vids and made some alliances.
I don't disagree that I was appalled by what happened at Abu Ghraib. But we are procecuting those people. It should never have happened. But you don't care about that part... ...that we prosecute war crimes and they approve and condone them as a tactic.
You are welcome to cruise the site. (Google is handy for that as our category archives may not go all the way back)
I understand your position quite well. I'm about half liberal as the commenters here will tell you. But I don't substitute a liberal distaste for the establishment with who the enemy is.
Also you are promoting an IAI (terrorists) vid, so why drag the Mahdi Army into this discussion?
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 11:49 AM (YHZAl)
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 11:51 AM (YHZAl)
Howie, i checked the links. Whoah. Contractors. Cool. I was wrong on that score. They get treated the same as anyone other collaborator. AWESOME. I approve of this. Yeah, I'm shocked at myself too. But if some money hungry contractor risks the mess in Iraq surely he knows the risk.
Whoah. Shit man. This is sweet! Honestly, the last civilians I saw getting the chop chop, as you say, were getting it from a group with a Mehdi inspired banner behind them. And the others were Badr. I'll hand it to you... this is news to me.... How far back do the videos of collaborators, damn, sorry, CONTRACTORS being punished go? Genuinely, I am interested. Holy shit. Cool.
I'll have to admit it. You got it right, I got it wrong. The Resistance has judged that contractors are collaborators. I can dig it. I might not agree with it, but hell, I'm positive Abu Ghraib turned your stomach too. I'm not trying to turn this around. You got me on this.
Wow. I still report the Resistance and I appreciate the strategy behind treating the contractors as collaborators. I'll endorse this.
The American government granted the contracts right? Hey, wait. These guys worked for companies that have redirected BILLIONS of dollars away from the reconstruction. In short, those beheaded guys worked for companies that have ostensibly stolen from the Iraqi people. So there reason for being in Iraq is greed as you said?
Posted by: scott rutledge at January 17, 2007 11:58 AM (JeI2Y)
???Has the Islamic Army in Iraq ever released any of these videos?
reply: Yes, All of these hostages were kidnapped two years ago. The first
video is of Christian Chesnot and Georges Malbrunot. They were freed
after four months for ransom. Their Syrian driver was also abducted and
rescued three months later. The second video is of two Macedonians
before they were beheaded. A third Macedonian died while in captivity
from gunshot wounds he received during the abduction.Two Iraqis
kidnapped with them were freed. The second video is of two Indonesian
women kidnapped with six Iraqis and two Lebanese. All were eventually
freed. The two Lebanese were freed for ransom though. The last video is
of Italian journalist Enzo Baldoni being shot in the head. I have never
seen these videos. I have only read about them in the news.
Hat tip: George.
So yes, your heros, the IAI that you call the Iraqi Resistance regularly beheads people alive and consious on video
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 11:59 AM (YHZAl)
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 12:09 PM (YHZAl)
Ignore my last few posts. I was playing dumb and trying to do a duh, oh wow really and provoke you. Your last few posts have been reasonable and rational, and mine have been laced with venom. We've switched roles, basically. And that greyrooster juvenile really shits me off. I'll ignore him from now on.
I see you're well informed on this issue and not the average rooster. Excellent. Let's start again shall we?
My name is Scott. Over a year ago I created Juba blog as a quick job to piss off flag waving Americans who have no idea about the war and it's consequences, realities or true origins. I soon forgot about the blog, and have made no further posts. The most interesting thing about that blog from my standpoint is watching the sitemeter. And the fact that it is provocative. Usually provoking the most ridiculous insulting comments from people who want me dead. Or say they do at least.
Today I found out I'm a terrorist supporting scumbag that should be the target of a nasty email campaign. So yeah, my back was arched. All the bullshit and baiting aside, I have studied Iraq from as many angles, perspectives etc. as is possible. And the Resistance has been one of my main points of interest. I know that glorifying IAI videos, talking up the Resistance and mentioning Mahdi in the same sentence blurs a lot of lines. But shit, admit it. Your average greyrooster wouldn't know the difference, he just swears and threatens to kill me. Sorry to have assumed a lack, and insulted your intelligence.
I'd like to engage you in a legitimate discussion about the Resistance in Iraq. To at least reach a consensus on what the resistance is, who is part of it; where the sectarian violence differs from resistance attacks; civilian {okay, IRAQI civilian} deaths and coalition military deaths.... Just work towards clarifying it all.... Make sense and apply context to the alliances, arrangements and animosity between different groups....
How about it?
Of course, we could just resort to telling each other to fuck off.... it seems to work for greyrooster....
You said you have work to do, so I'll let you get to it.... Drop me an email or post here, I'll get back sometime later.
P.S. Could you at least refer to me as a "resistance supporting scumbag"? I could live with that.
Posted by: scott rutledge at January 17, 2007 12:33 PM (JeI2Y)
thanks for taking the time though....
till later.
Posted by: scott rutledge at January 17, 2007 12:36 PM (JeI2Y)
Yeah that damn Howie is a bastage.
"Over a year ago I created Juba blog as a quick job to piss off flag waving Americans"
Mission accomplished.
I would just link you to think about what you are supporting. Ok I understand you disagree about the war. But it is the enemy's propaganda. Remmber most of the people murderecd by the terrorists/resistance or just ordinay Iraqi's. The western hostages get more press but most of the people I see killed are Iraqis, Muslims who are murdered becuase they work to make Iraq a better place.
I'm not asking you to take the site down although I hope after considering it you will.
There are a lot of ways you can help other than this. There is a girl in Iraq facing hanging for defending herself against a rape. Now that should be a subject a liberal can sink his teeth into.
If you really want to make the world a better place and fight oppression I feel you are misguided in your efforts. You can call America on her mistakes. I can deal with that, but I hope you don't find yourself supporting something much worse. The terrrorists doctine is the exact antethesis of liberal democracy.
It's been fun. The juba vids are kind of a soft spot around here. We have them for those who want to see the truth, but we don't cheerlead for murdering terrorists.
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 17, 2007 04:05 PM (2cR/Y)
Scott you <b>are</b> a scum sucking terrorist supporting piece of shit. I hope you know that.
Posted by: Howie at January 17, 2007 09:47 PM (2cR/Y)
Your pussified terrorist neck-cutters aren't going to win you any fans. Every human being who reads your tripe feels unremiting revulsion for your dickless depravity.
If I ever find you, I will kill you in the most excruciating way possible.
Call the cops bitch, because "allah" (pig shit be upon her,) cant help you.
This is the internet and I'm just kidding of course. Right?
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 19, 2007 03:12 AM (abVz3)
the juba blog will stay, as the targets are military, there's a war on, the internet is a battlefield. i see a difference between terrorism and a legitimate resistance movement. sorry. war is hell is it not???
to everyone else, i won't be back this way, so sissy men like Jeff Bargholz might want to stop by juba-thebaghdadsniper.blogspot.com and leave their death threats there. and Jeff, I live in Tully, Queensland, Australia. a town of around 3000 people. drop by sometime, ask around; i'm not too hard to find, BIG MAN.... chicken boy? burk burk burk buuurk.... you'll need to find a set of balls before you come find me little girl.... and trust me, I'll be easier for you to locate then a set of nads....
oh, and for the record, NOT ONE email has been received by this scumbag.... so, yeah.... campaign failed, sorry.
good bye, and good luck with all your endeavours Jawas
darth odie, you're allright
howie you just plain suck
and greyrooster, let me know when you turn fifteen
Scott Rutledge
almsahrah@hotmail.com {yeah sure they will}
Posted by: SCOTT RUTLEDGE at January 19, 2007 09:14 AM (R40Pn)
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