September 26, 2007
So when it's Virginia, Dr. Esam Omeish, leader is appointed to a panel on immigration, then you bet I'm outraged. LGF has much much more.
Posted by: Rusty at
03:43 PM
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September 25, 2007
Posted by: Rusty at
08:35 AM
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September 24, 2007
"It's extremely important to know who the leaders are of countries that are your adversaries. To watch them to see how they think, to see how they reason or do not reason. To see whether they're fanatical, or to see whether they are sly."My question to readers is this: was Bollinger talking about Iranian ruler and goat pleasurer Ahmanutjob, or President Bush. It's so hard to tell with liberal whackjobs these days. Yes, I'm aware that "liberal whackjob" is pretty much a tautology, but I'm trying to be polite.
Update: Did Columbia president Lee Bollinger plan to humiliate the Iranian madman all along, or did criticism of the invitation to the Holocaust-denying Iranian ruler motivate him?
I don't care. The result is priceless, and I applaud Bollinger for putting Ahmadinejad on the spot:
NEW YORK - As hundreds protested outside, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad took the stage at Columbia University on Monday after a blistering introduction from the school's president, who said the hard-line leader was a dictator with preposterous beliefs.Ahmadinejad smiled as Columbia President Lee Bollinger took him to task over Iran's human-rights record and foreign policy, as well as Ahmadinejad's statements denying the Holocaust and calling for the disappearance of Israel.
"Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator," Bollinger said, to loud applause.
Posted by: Bluto at
12:27 PM
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An editorial cartoon sent in by Ronny Gordon about President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to Columbia University today.
Iranian military agents are routinely arrested in Iraq. Iranian made EFPs routinely kill Americans in Iraq. Ahmadinejad, though, claims Iran is not responsible.
Seems to me that if Iran is not responsible for the deaths of Americans at the hands of Iranian agents and explosives, then the U.S. would not be responsible for the death of Ahmadinejad at the hands of outraged students.
Warped logic? Yes, but that's kind of the point.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:42 AM
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September 21, 2007
• A daily dose of Islamic jurisprudence from an Egyptian sheik, Amr Khaled, who comes direct from Cairo as TAC's prime advocate of "peaceful jihad," on how the duty of every Arab-American is to become first, second, and only a member of the Muslim Ummah.From the description the station doesn't sound like it's extremist at all. But that's just the point, isn't it? Even 'moderate' Arab stations portray the U.S. as the 'bad guy' and even 'moderate' Islamists are devoted to the implementation of sharia law.• A nightly helping of Syria's CNN-style digest of the world, sent fresh from a Damascus studio where the Iraq war is nothing but an American butchery of Arabs, and the Zionist regime in Jerusalem is just biding its time until it gets what it deserves.
Hat tip: Infidels Are Cool
Posted by: Rusty at
12:19 PM
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September 20, 2007
Prompted by the following action alert from GDG contributor Kenneth Timmerman, I discovered that Iranian president Ahmadinejad still plans to visit 'ground zero', despite the NYPD's refusal to allow it for "security reasons".
In response to this outrage, many have begun organizing to repel or protest this incursion into one of America's most hallowed memorials. Please read the following action alert, and participate if you are able:
Dear Friends of Freedom,
The Foundation for Democracy in Iran, in coordination with Citizens United and other groups, is calling on all Americans, regardless of their origin or political beliefs, to come to New York on Monday to defend Ground Zero from desecration by the terrorist president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
We will be chartering buses from the Washington, DC area. Please watch our website,, for more details and for rendezvous points.
Stay tuned!
Best regards,
Kenneth R. Timmerman
President and CEO
Foundation for Democracy in Iran
For more information about this, please visit Michelle Malkin's blog.
(hat tip - Howie)
Updated/ bumped by Howie. McCain says Ahmadinejad should be physically restrained from getting to the WTC site. McCain is joking. But seriously, Ahmadinejad should be blocked. Allahpundit has the video. more...
Posted by: Kafir at
05:00 PM
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September 19, 2007
Please help us send a strong message to New York's Mayor Bloomberg: NO!
Just Say No! to Ahmadinejad tour of Ground Zero.
The Foundation for Democracy in Iran is calling on all Americans, regardless of their origin or political beliefs, to contact the office of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, to oppose allowing Ahmadinejad to tour Ground Zero during his visit to New York next week.
NY City police commissioner Raymond Kelly announced today that the Mayor's office was "in discussions" with the Iranian regime's Permanent UN mission and the U.S. Secret Service to arrange the visit. FDI president Kenneth R. Timmerman called an Ahmadinejad tour of Ground Zero an "unconscionable outrage to the memories of our dead," and warned that the Iranian president was seeking "bragging rights" with his terrorist friends. Download our full statement as a Word doc, or as a PDF file.
[For full information, go to our website:]
Contact information for Mayor Bloomberg:
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
PHONE 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC)
FAX (212) 788-2460
UPDATE at 9/19/07 1:31:12 pm:
An update at says the NYPD has rejected Ahmadinejad’s request.
Posted by: Kafir at
03:55 PM
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Posted by: Rusty at
12:07 PM
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September 18, 2007
It is claimed that the 31-year-old dentist asked to speak to the woman in private after she turned up for an appointment at his clinic in Bury.At least they are prosecuting him.According to the charges, he questioned her on whether she was a Muslim and told her that if he was to treat her she would have to wear Islamic dress.
He is also said to have read out a number of religious rules to her.
He then told his nurse to give the patient her own headscarf to wear, the accusation says.
Hat tip: Snapped Shot more...
Posted by: Rusty at
09:12 AM
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September 14, 2007
It's interesting to see CAIR claiming, on the one hand, that Audrey Hudson's WaTimes report showing that their contributions have dried up is completely false. Yet, on the other hand, they use that same report in their motion asking the judge to remove them from the unindicted co-conspirator list.
Audrey Hudson has more in today's Washington Times.
Posted by: Rusty at
09:58 AM
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It was a nice, peaceful morning until I received an email from someone claiming to be Professor Julio Pino of Kent State University....Pino has not responded to Mike's simple request that he deny being behind the e-mail.“The martyr has no time for peace; no time to be cynical, or pessimistic.â€
“The Muslim world is poetic, and the greatest of all epics is martyrdom.“Laa ‘ilaaha ‘illallahu (There is none worthy of worship but Allah) must be on his dying lips that he may enter Paradise. Not by chance did Mohammed Atta’s ‘Instructions for the Final Night’ counsel him [sic] make these his last words before crashing into the World Trade Center. Amen.â€
Thanks to once-a-Jawa-always-a-Jawa See-Dubya at Hot Air. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
07:59 AM
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September 11, 2007
Posted by: Ragnar at
11:49 PM
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September 10, 2007
Behind the walls of federal prisons nationwide, chaplains have been quietly carrying out a systematic purge of religious books and materials that were once available to prisoners in chapel libraries....Anything not on that list gets thrown out. A lot of Bahais in federal prison, I suppose.Traci Billingsley, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Prisons, said the agency was acting in response to a 2004 report by the Office of the Inspector General in the Justice Department. The report recommended steps that prisons should take, in light of the Sept. 11 attacks, to avoid becoming recruiting grounds for militant Islamic and other religious groups. The bureau, an agency of the Justice Department, defended its effort, which it calls the Standardized Chapel Library Project, as a way of barring access to materials that could, in its words, “discriminate, disparage, advocate violence or radicalize.†...
The Bureau of Prisons said it relied on experts to produce lists of up to 150 book titles and 150 multimedia resources for each of 20 religions or religious categories — everything from Bahaism to Yoruba. ...
“Otisville had a very extensive library of Jewish religious books, many of them donated,†said David Zwiebel, executive vice president for government and public affairs for Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish group. “It was decimated. Three-quarters of the Jewish books were taken off the shelves.â€
I have an idea, why not just throw out all Korans. That pretty much covers all the hate bases.
Hat tip: Bill Dauterieve
Posted by: Rusty at
01:56 PM
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Our friends, the terror supporting followers of Omar Bakri Mohammed at the Islamic Thinkers Society of New York, notice Pam from Atlas Shrugs. Or, to be precise, her rack.
Interesting, his calling me an enemy combatant and telling me to cover up (and btw I am wearing a long sleeved black shirt) - and making crude remarks about my chest. Ah Islamist holy men. So honorable.Definitely teh ghey. Why would any one want them covered?
Pam has video of the event. Urban infidel has more.
A Democratic Congressman, Anthony Weiner, walked hand in hand down the streets of Manhattan with the same people who once shouted about 9/11, "next time we will get all of New York".
UPDATE: More pics from Gateway Pundit.
These are also the same people that brought you: more...
Posted by: Rusty at
12:23 PM
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August 31, 2007

Fears grew of a new confrontation over images deemed blasphemous by Muslims as Pakistan joined Iran in protest over a sketch by a Swedish artist portraying the prophet Mohammed as a dog.Q: If Muhammed is really so pissed at these cartoons blaspheming him why doesn't he just use his Pyrokinesis powers to burn the Swedish artist to death? Or get one of the other Super Best Friends, like Jesus, to use his super-carpentry skills to build a giant statue of artist Lars Vilks and then burn it in efigy or something?Pakistan's foreign ministry said it had summoned the Swedish charge d'affaires to condemn "in the strongest terms, the publication of an offensive and blasphemous sketch of the Holy Prophet".
Thanks to Glen Jenvey for the link.
Posted by: Rusty at
07:53 AM
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August 28, 2007
Posted by: Rusty at
08:14 AM
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August 27, 2007

Hat Tip: Captain Ed.
Posted by: Howie at
09:39 AM
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Via St. Petersburg Times: ST. PETERSBURG - For the first time in nearly five years, controversial Christian televangelist Bill Keller is going off the air.Hmm, it seems to me that is Mr. Keller's religious opinion. Just as many Muslims believe that contemporary Christianity is a bastardization of Christ's teachings. But Mr. Keller goes even further.Keller - known for his vitriolic criticism of religious, political and pop culture figures - said Thursday his program was yanked in response to pressure from local Muslims.
Earlier this month, officials from the Council on American Islamic Relations wrote to executives at CBS asking them to investigate Live Prayer with Bill Keller, an hourlong nightly program.
In a May 2 broadcast, the televangelist said Islam was a "1,400-year-old lie from the pits of hell" and called the Prophet Mohammed a "murdering pedophile." He also called the Koran a "book of fables and a book of lies."
“I do not hold any ill will toward Muslims. I want them to know the truth and find true salvation. And the truth is that Islam is a false religion that follows a false god that will lead them to eternal condemnation. Since the very beginning of the Islamic faith some six hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ, Muslims have had a rich history of attacking anyone who disagrees with them. And this is just another one such historically redundant attack. This religious terrorism is conducted by an organization found to have deep rooted ties to terrorist groups, the Council on American Islamic Relations, or CAIR, to infringe on my First Amendment right of religious expression, and CBS Viacom is an accomplice.Mr. Keller has balls, he is openly preaching the gospel to Muslims. A crime punishable by death by Sharia law practiced in many Muslim countries. Just where the heck does Keller think he is? Some nation with guaranteed freedom of religion or something? Oh wait minute, he is.CAIR, who is currently listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in a Dallas trial involving a terrorist fund raising operation, is viewed by much of the mainstream media as a Muslim version of the American Civil Liberties Union instead of the face of the radical Islamic movement that it has been proven to be since its inception here in the United States. CAIR believes that free speech ends when someone tells the truth about Islam....
...CAIR claims credit
After speaking with CBS executives, CAIR claims credit for Keller's demise on WTOG. His contract, set to end in December, will terminate on Sept. 11.
"They really based their decision upon our letter," said Ramzy Kilic, CAIR's civil rights coordinator. "They really did not know that Bill Keller was involved with this kind of anti-Muslim rhetoric."
Acting on complaints from bay area Muslims, CAIR officials began monitoring Keller's programs in May.
Keller also points out that Cair is an unindicted co-conspirator in a terror trial. Cair really hates that. Just ask Dr. Adams, when you talk about CAIR supporting terror, or the fact that the the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) , Nihad Awad, calls Hamas Saham so he can skirt US laws restricting support to terror organizations or express your displeasure CAIR in any way, they will try to shut you up, or have you locked up.
If you would like to express your displeasure with CAIR or with the attorneys helping to Dhimmify America, feel free to do so. Just be somewhat more than bothersome and somewhat less than annoying.
If you appease the crocodile long enough, it will eat you. But throwing yourself into its jaws a not a very good idea either. No you must outsmart the croc, when the moment is right, you remove the man-eater from your midst.
Posted by: Howie at
08:33 AM
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August 24, 2007

Many papers are refusing to run the latest Opus cartoon for fear of offending Muslims.
Commandment #11: Thou shalt love Berkely Breathed.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:20 AM
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August 21, 2007
CAIR is asking a federal judge to strike it as one of the more than 300 Muslim groups listed as unindicted co-conspirators in the government's case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development, which is currently on trial in Dallas."The public naming of CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator has impeded its ability to collect donations as possible donors either do not want to give to them because they think they are a 'terrorist' organization or are too scared to give to them because of the possible legal ramifications of donating money to a 'terrorist" organization," CAIR said in an amicus curiae brief filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas.
Seriously, CAIR hates the Washington Times' Audrey Hudson so much, they've actually taken to physically barring her from press conferences.
Posted by: Rusty at
04:21 PM
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John Derbyshire reviews his new book Religion of Peace?—Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn’t. Robert Minter interviews him here. And Pam interviewed him yesterday.
He also has a discussion of Islam and women here.
Bonus MoJo Nixon video below: Elvis is everywhere. If you don't like Mojo Nixon, then, well, you suck. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
09:23 AM
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August 20, 2007
Posted by: Rusty at
11:49 AM
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August 17, 2007
I actually think this sort of workshop is potentially a good thing. The vast majority of Americans don't even have the slightest understanding of Islam. Either they embrace it without question as a religion equal with all others or they blanket condemn it as singularly evil. Neither of which is the case.
Islam is not like other worldwide religions in that it accepts the use of political violence for religious goals and, in fact, has no corollary to the Western notion of separation of mosque and state. But since most Muslims in the West reject these core concepts of traditional Islam (just like most Catholics reject Papal rulings on birth control), then the essence of Islam as it is practiced is quite a different thing altogether and probably a force for good.
The problem is that these sorts of workshops are usually apologetics for the worst aspects of other cultures or they whitewash the truth. So, will this government training on "Working with Muslim communities" actually address some of the fundamental problems of reconciling core Islamic doctrines with American values? Since I've heard these kind of lectures before I certainly hope so, but I'm not holding my breath.
For instance, the workshop includes a disscussion on interpretation of the Koran and Hadith. These types of workshops usually sidestep any of the tough questions, such as Quranic commands to either convert, kill, or subjugate the infidel. Nor the rather complicated apologetics that developed in Islam for the conditions under which Muslims may permit themselves to be ruled by the kafir and not kill, convert, or subjugate them. Nor do they address the rather noncontroversial and widely accepted hadiths approving of the death penalty for adultery and apostasy.
There will also be a discussion of the difference between religion and culture. Very good, the problem is that usually anything good that comes out of the Muslim community is attributed to religious teachings while anything bad is attributed to cultural influences. Thus Islam is good but parts of Arab or Somali culture are bad. Which is true enough in that female genital mutilation or the Arab practice of honor killings is a cultural practice found nowhere in the Quran or hadiths,.
But these kinds of discussion are incomplete if they don't discuss cultural practices which are approved in the Quran and hadiths---such as slavery, polygamy, and child molestation.
So, probably a good idea for public officials to become more aware of Islam and Muslim practices, but it's never a good idea to substitute apologetics and propaganda for frank and honest discussion.
Posted by: Rusty at
01:46 PM
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August 14, 2007
Posted by: Rusty at
03:30 PM
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August 08, 2007
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said today that an "acid bomb" was thrown near worshipers outside an Arizona mosque early Monday morning. CAIR is calling on local and national law enforcement authorities to investigate the incident as a possible bias-motivated attack.OMG! Oh, wait. This is CAIR we're talking about. So, what about this "acid bomb"? WaTimes:
"Calling it an acid bomb is kind of misleading," Officer Barnett said. "It was a plastic bottle with pool cleaner that expands and pops and squirts the pool acid. It's kind of like the Menthos (mints) and Coca Cola thing you see (on YouTube) -- the pressure mounts and it pops. It's not like a stick of dynamite was placed there." ....Sounds very similar to the pop bombs we used to make with dry ice when I was a young teenager. But with CAIR, every little incident is a sign of an impending pogram against Muslims. If they didn't scare people, how would they make their money?We're not ruling anything out, we've had a few more pop bottle bombs in the area, and we're concerned and want to see if there is a motive against religion, or just a bunch of yahoos driving around and tossing these out the window," Officer Barnett said.
So two Muslims are found with pipe-bomb materials in their car and CAIR cries "discrimination," but when a couple of teenage hoodlums throw a plastic Coke bottle out their car window near a mosque...
Definitely read Audrey Hudson's post all the way to the end. Especially that last sentence. Interesting question, no?
Posted by: Rusty at
04:10 PM
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