March 30, 2006
UPDATE 8/02/2006: Rumors that Fidel Castro is dead are flying again. This time I have more than one source making the claim.
Again, no confirmation. We know he is very sick, but that is it. When we finally get confirmation of his death (God speed the day) we will post in on the FRONT PAGE.
UPDATE 7/11/2006: Rumors that Castro is dead are making the rounds again. Still no confirmation. Please see this post for latest details about Castro death rumor or go to MAIN PAGE HERE.
Rumors have begun circulating in Spanish language publications that Cuban dictator Fidel Castro has died. Cuban officials are denying the reports. Developing....
UPDATE: Okay, so the consensus is that those reports were wrong. Hey, a guy can dream, can't he? Plus, how often do you get to read a story where the translation talks about Fidel being castrated? Anyway, Gringo unleashed has a cleaner translation, with far fewer references to castration than Google's. Here is a very rough Google translation from an Argentinian Indymedia:
The dictator Fidel Castro dies in Havana.Via Robb who heard it from Publius Pundit who has a bottle of Champagne just waiting for the moment--now or in the future--that Castro's death is confirmed.May 29th, 10:22 P.M.
This afternoon, the Cuban dictator Fidel Castro died in his residence of the Laguito longevo .
According to sources officials the Cuban dictator I have not been castrating for some days was in delicate state of health after to have undergone a sudden infarct.
.....Official sources of the government, the dictator's brother Raul Castro, and stops leaders of the regime have not even wanted to notify to the Cuban town, awaiting an international reaction.
Update: JJ points out that Val at Babalu Blog doesn't buy it. False alarm, maybe?
Posted by: Rusty at
11:47 AM
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Posted by: Robert Savage at March 30, 2006 11:56 AM (CnDtU)
Posted by: jesusland joe at March 30, 2006 11:57 AM (rUyw4)
Posted by: Robert Savage at March 30, 2006 12:13 PM (CnDtU)
Posted by: Chip at March 30, 2006 12:20 PM (0PjVX)
"Peugeots too slow, French police get Subarus"
What's wrong with a 425hp V8 Dodge Charger?
Posted by: Rob at March 30, 2006 12:23 PM (qaLUq)
There's a school of thought in the Cuban-American community that these rumors are actually begun by fidel himself in order to gauge public opinion.
I will say however, that if you ever want to see an American city completely stop on its tracks - not from bedlam or tragedy but from sheer unbridled joy - keep an eye on Miami when the bearded bastard finally meets Beelzebub.
Posted by: Val Prieto at March 30, 2006 12:35 PM (Suix3)
Posted by: Oyster at March 30, 2006 01:01 PM (c/HVo)
A lack of straightaways?
Seriously, the WRX is no muscle car, but it's fast enough, and it's AWD makes it ideal for windy, narrow European roads, especially in bad weather.
Posted by: Brian B at March 30, 2006 01:03 PM (rGfpg)
Does the translation mean that the Cuban dictator I (the first Cuban dictator?) has not been castrating lately or that according to the official sources of the dictator, the reporter has not been castrating lately. Either way, I approve of the sudden decrease in castration.
Posted by: Apesnake at March 30, 2006 01:06 PM (scKzN)
I like how Google translated it, mié 29 sea, 20h22 In afternoon today died in its residence of the Laguito longevo Cuban dictator Fidel I castrate. According to sources officials the Cuban dictator I have not been castrating for some days was in delicate state of health after to have undergone a sudden infarct. Fidel I castrate volume the power the 1 of January of 1959, with a coup d'etat, demoting to Fulgencio dictator Batiste and since then one has stayed in being able. Official sources of the government, its brother Raul I castrate and stops leaders of the regime have not even wanted to notify to the Cuban town, awaiting an international reaction.Cuban dictator "I have not been castrating".
Posted by: Dale at March 30, 2006 01:10 PM (VE3QR)
Posted by: jesusland joe at March 30, 2006 01:11 PM (rUyw4)
And he's still alive.
To find these things out, check
Posted by: Kristine at March 30, 2006 01:49 PM (O6S8T)
OK, so Castro is probably not dead. But if he's been castrated, or if he has stopped castrating, those are all nice outcomes too!
Posted by: Don Neuendorf at March 30, 2006 02:01 PM (rD6oC)
Posted by: Babs at March 30, 2006 03:04 PM (iZZlp)
Posted by: Oyster at March 30, 2006 03:17 PM (c/HVo)
Let's hope so.
Posted by: Asgerd at March 30, 2006 03:23 PM (Elsgc)
Posted by: Steve Sharon at March 30, 2006 03:27 PM (ri2iY)
Posted by: Mark at March 30, 2006 03:52 PM (UN2Uu)
Infarct is a major brain aneurism - like dead in sixt seconds type.
Posted by: shiftright at March 30, 2006 04:05 PM (tdeDO)
Posted by: Oyster at March 30, 2006 04:22 PM (c/HVo)
Posted by: Vinnie at March 30, 2006 04:32 PM (f289O)
I think an infarct can be any blood blockage. A myocardial infarct would result in a heart attack but just infarct could be anywhere (if it is newsworthy it would probably be a stroke, or heart attack or something) and of any degree of severity. It is also still unclear to me if castro had the infarct or the person he was castrating. If he was castrating himself it could be both.
Posted by: Apesnake at March 30, 2006 10:00 PM (scKzN)
Posted by: Apesnake at March 30, 2006 10:06 PM (scKzN)
Posted by: Harrison at March 30, 2006 10:10 PM (SX0hA)
Posted by: conductor at March 30, 2006 10:27 PM (Lak4z)
If the Cuban people knew that he was dead, that would likely be the end of that regime, and I'm sure there are others in his regime that want to step into his place while leaving the existing structure in place. (I'm not an expert on Cuba, and this is entirely my opinion, but I would strongly suspect if Cubans knew he was dead some sort of uprising would take place and we'd be seeing either a brand new dictator, or a "Cuba Libre" in the next little while.)
Posted by: LC CanForce 101 at March 31, 2006 12:22 AM (3smJS)
Sorry for the error, just wanted to clarify what I meant.
Posted by: LC CanForce 101 at March 31, 2006 02:07 AM (3smJS)
Posted by: Oyster at March 31, 2006 06:02 AM (YudAC)
More moron idiocy. Your sources are about as reliable as your IQ's are high (not a bit). Get fucking real. alvarorios.htm
Posted by: da weaz at March 31, 2006 06:44 AM (0Felb)
Posted by: Oyster at March 31, 2006 07:44 AM (YudAC)
Posted by: fisherwy at March 31, 2006 09:24 AM (lQSli)
Posted by: jesusland joe at March 31, 2006 10:18 AM (rUyw4)
Posted by: Robert Savage at March 31, 2006 02:02 PM (ok/wr)
Posted by: George Ramos at March 31, 2006 05:57 PM (CnDtU)
Posted by: Steve Sharon at April 01, 2006 03:27 AM (iz4He)
Long life to Che Guevara and Fidel!!!!
Posted by: Fabián Vázquez at April 06, 2006 08:28 PM (n395c)
I bet your sorry ass lives in America and yet you say American bastards. I am Cuban and am ashamed there could be such idiotic ideologies as yours still prevelant.
You are an idiot of sorts.
Posted by: Jorge Rodriguez at April 07, 2006 04:19 PM (sApS4)
Posted by: Ricardo Del Toro at April 13, 2006 04:22 PM (jL/Tf)
Posted by: yudiel at May 28, 2006 10:24 PM (Ffvoi)
What is true is that the day that man, that leader die, will be one day of sorrow in the whole planet, because he is one of the greatest leaders still alive, loved by hundreds of millions, hated for a few of miami-pariahs.
Posted by: Luis Rissoto at July 11, 2006 07:56 PM (nAPgm)
Posted by: armandox at July 12, 2006 09:00 AM (6pn37)
Let me tell you Comunism is OUTDATED. It had it's try in russia years ago, and they realized it doesn't work. Look how Cuban people lives. All cars are more than 40 years old, they don't have access to services we all give for granted.
I'm inmensely shocked to see how there are people still brainwashed with all the neofreedomness-equality-revolution jada jada jada stupidness.
Posted by: antichavez at July 12, 2006 09:49 AM (fon05)
Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:16 AM (go7Wr)
Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:16 AM (go7Wr)
Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:16 AM (go7Wr)
Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:16 AM (go7Wr)
Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:16 AM (go7Wr)
Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:16 AM (go7Wr)
Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:16 AM (go7Wr)
Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:16 AM (go7Wr)
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