November 01, 2006

The AP actually wants other MSM outlets to use the detained without charge angle in the case. How about the is known associate of al Qaeda terrorists angle? That's how I would cover it. But, you know, that's just me and my quaint pro-Americanism talking.
From the ever biased Editor and Publisher (no link since every time E & P has mentioned the Jawa they did so without linking):
Associated Press Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll today called on other news organizations, especially those that use AP services, to increase their attention on imprisoned AP photographer Bilal Hussein, who has been held by U.S. military officials in Iraq for more than six months without being charged.Not only is Kathleen Carroll a liar, she's a bad one. Bilal Hussein was caught in an apartment with known members of al Qaeda-- with bomb making material. He also has enough clout with al Qaeda that they think it's no problem that he photographs their various activities.Saying Hussein "works on behalf of every news organization that receives news from the Associated Press," Carroll called on columnists and editorial writers at newspapers and other news outlets to focus on his plight and support efforts to release him.
"I wouldn't presume to tell them what to write, but I would presume to draw their attention to it," Carroll told E&P Wednesday. "Here is someone who has brought you pictures, images from a critical part of Iraq, who has now been in U.S. military custody for six and a half months, not charged with a crime, not charged with anything, but told he will be held indefinitely because his pictures are unwelcome."
I wouldn't wish that Carroll met up with some of Bilal Hussein's associates. The kind of people who behead American journalists for the fun of it.
See also Michelle Malkin's Bilal Hussein coverage here.
Hat tip: the very busy guys from Big Carnival who didn't have time to blog it.
UPDATE: The Bilal Hussein photojournalism kit. Bwahahahaha!
Posted by: Rusty at
06:46 PM
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September 26, 2006
How can we trust the AP on this?
Bilal Hussein, anyone?
There is a pattern here. Good news for the Jihad, probably true. Bad news for the Jihad, less likely to be true.
Posted by: Vinnie at
11:32 PM
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September 20, 2006
Call it ethics if you want. I call it treason.
Don't you just love it when the ethical thing to do gets people killed?
Michelle Malkin's latest column on the Bilal Hussein mess:
Let me repeat that: An Associated (with terrorists) Press journalist gets caught with an alleged al Qaeda leader and tests positive for bomb-making materials. That. Is. News. How does a news organization explain away its decision to sit on it for five months? Like this: "The AP has worked quietly until now, believing that would be the best approach."The link above, so graciously provided by Michelle Malkin in her column, will take you to our Bilal Hussein archives which has everything you wanted to know about the enemy working for the AP, including his inciteful analysis of how the good guy's in Fallujah we're Abu Musab al Zarqawi's al Qaeda freedom fighters and how great it was to live under the Fallujah Shura Council's rule---a rule that included murdering people for looking too Western.The best approach to journalism? No. The best approach to suppressing a damning connection to terrorists.
The mainstream media enjoys mocking bloggers as journalistic wannabes who don't do any "real" reporting and have no concern for the "public interest." But as in the case of the Reuters photo-faking debacle this summer, it is bloggers in their little home offices -- not the professionals on the ground thousands of miles away -- who smoked out a war story with profound national security implications. Well before I reported on Hussein's capture, military bloggers and media watchdog bloggers had raised persistent questions over the past two years about Hussein's relationship with terrorists in Iraq and whether his photos were staged in collusion with our enemies. (For a thorough overview, see
Michelle also has inciteful analysis on her blog today.
Oh, and way to go NY Times. Ethics above love of country and the safety of our soldiers, as I always say.
Also, don't miss out on another find about Bilal Hussein from Dan Riehl. Ethics.
More on ethicsgate from the guys at Powerline:
Nowhere in the AP's response is there any recognition of, let alone response to, the fundamental criticism that we and others have leveled: news organizations like the AP should not pay photographers to consort with terrorists and take photos that the terrorists evidently believe will advance their interests. The AP apparently considers this practice to embody an appropriate neutrality between the terrorists on one side, and their victims and American soldiers on the other. And they don't seem to understand why that view is controversial.Ethics ethics ethics!
Posted by: Rusty at
05:07 PM
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September 19, 2006

Here is some of it according to the AP and via the blogfather, Charles Johnson:
This AP story explains that masked insurgents stopped Hussein and other AP journalists, including an AP video journalist, at a roadblock and took them to the site where the blindfolded body lay, already stiff with rigor mortis. They propped the body up and allowed the journalists to photograph and videotape it.Okay, so they propped the body up. Go check out the video again. Tell me how the body is being propped up? It is possible, I guess. Likely? I dunno.
And here is the original story, as run by the AP. Italics and higlights are mine:
Iraqi militants said they shot and killed an Italian citizen after he tried to break through a guerrilla roadblock on a highway outside the insurgent stronghold of Ramadi.So, although there is a claim that three witnesses saw poor Salvatore Santoro's body, the report comes exclusively from a single source.Masked gunmen took three Iraqi journalists to a location in the desert outside Ramadi on Wednesday and showed them the blindfolded body, one of the journalists recounted.
Photos showed the body of the man in jeans and a leather jacket, a white rag tied around his eyes, propped up on a sandy incline. Two masked gunmen posed with their automatic rifles pointed at the body.
100 bucks says that single source is....Bilal Hussein. In any event, all three are Iraqi stringers.
Another troubling aspect to the original AP story is its headline: Iraqi militants say they shot Italian who tried to break through checkpoint
And here is the lead paragraph:
Iraqi militants said they shot and killed an Italian citizen after he tried to break through a guerrilla roadblock on a highway outside the insurgent stronghold of Ramadi.The implication of the headline and lead paragraph is that Salvatore Santoro was shot as he tried to break through a roadblock...ala, Nicola Calipari.
But read the actual content of the story and you realize something else happened:
told by the militants that the man had tried to run the roadblock on Monday, hit and killed one of the gunmen, then crashed the car. The gunmen said they then "executed" the man.Executing a person is a far cry from shooting him as he broke through a blockade. No, they murdered him in cold blood after his car crashed.
Much later than that. In fact, so much later that Santoro's 'corpse' is seen with his hands tied behind his back and with a blindfold on. To spin his murder as just a casualty of war disgraces his memory and is an outrage!
No bias at the AP. Nope.
And what about the portions of the video and the photographs taken by Bilal Hussein which were taken indoors? Something else is going on here folks.
And all this from a witness who is being detained in Iraq right now for his known ties to al Qaeda.
Thank you for clarifying that AP. You're a peach.
Posted by: Rusty at
05:51 PM
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September 18, 2006
Can I just take a moment and gloat? I've been calling Bilal Hussein a security threat for nearly 2 years now! I think my first thoughts on him went something like, why haven't we killed that guy yet?
An enemy propagandist is an enemy with a weapon.
Anyway, Michelle sends along word that the Pentagon has spoken about Bilal Hussein and has updated and bumped her post. I'm so happy, I thought I'd give this its own post. Al Reuters:
The Pentagon said on Monday that an Iraqi photographer working for The Associated Press and held by the U.S. military since April was considered a security threat with "strong ties to known insurgents."...And by insurgents let's be clear about something: we are talking about al Qaeda."All indications that I have received are that Hussein's detainment indicates that he has strong ties to known insurgents, and that he was doing things, involved in activities that were well outside the scope of what you would expect a journalist to be doing in that country," he said.
In three separate "independent objective reviews," Whitman told reporters, "it was determined that Hussein was a security threat and recommended his continued detention."
When the story of the Iraq war is finally written we will learn that many lives would have been spared had we simply not allowed a free press. You cannot have a free press in a war zone.
UPDATE: Did AP reporter Bilal Hussein video the murder of Italian hostage Salvatore Santoro? Our original post about the civilian Italian hostage Salvatore Santoro murdered is here.
Dan Riehl has the video of Santoro's murder here.
Posted by: Rusty at
07:39 PM
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That's right, al Qaeda. If the AP employs a guy who has access to al Qaeda, isn't there some sort of affirmative duty to report those contacts to the Iraqi government? And by not sharing that information does that not make the AP culpable in the deaths of thousands of Iraqis murdered by al Qaeda in Iraq?
And since al Qaeda in Iraq has also murdered foreigners, including Americans, it seems like the families of victims here might have legal recourse in U.S. courts.
We've been covering this for a long time now. Please see our Bilal Hussein archives for a complete history.
Michelle Malkin e-mails about the latest Bilal Hussein news. AP:
The U.S. military in Iraq has imprisoned an Associated Press photographer for five months, accusing him of being a security threat but never filing charges or permitting a public hearing...Michelle has the rest of the details.The military said Hussein was captured with two insurgents, including Hamid Hamad Motib, an alleged leader of al-Qaida in Iraq. "He has close relationships with persons known to be responsible for kidnappings, smuggling, improvised explosive device (IED) attacks and other attacks on coalition forces," according to a May 7 e-mail from U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Jack Gardner, who oversees all coalition detainees in Iraq.
"The information available establishes that he has relationships with insurgents and is afforded access to insurgent activities outside the normal scope afforded to journalists conducting legitimate activities," Gardner wrote to AP International Editor John Daniszewski.
And thanks to Michelle for does wonders for the ego.
UPDATE: And to Jim who also has more.
Posted by: Rusty at
10:14 AM
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April 12, 2006

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? That maybe the recent footage out of Ramadi shown on CNN was taken by a certain AP stringer who just happnes to know when the terrorists are about to strike?
Bilal Hussein seems to be the Clark Kent or Peter Parker of Iraq.....only the alter ego I'm thinking of doesn't wear a cape, but a kafiyah.
And it turns out Bilal Hussein is even worse than I thought. Michelle found out that it was Bilal Hussein that took the photo of two terrorists standing over the body of murdered hostage Salvatore Santoro in December 2004. Just to remind you, Santoro was an Italian civilian working for a British NGO trying to help rebuild Iraq. A group calling itself The Islamic Movement of Iraqi Mujahidin took Bilal Hussein to the body of the murdered hostage just outside of....wait for it.....Ramadi---where Hussein was picked up today!
It's just too bad that American soldiers aren't 1/10th as murderous as Bilal Hussein has made them out to be in the past. If they were, Hussein would be dead.
Just read all of Michelle's post from start to finish.
And the next time you meet a soldier in a bar or restaurant, do us all a favor and pick up the tab.
Complete Bilal Hussein Archives Here
Bilal Hussein and the Continuing Saga of Insurgent Propaganda via the Media
When Journalilsts are the Enemy
The Pulitzer and Terrorist Embeds
Pulitzer Prize Given to Terrorists
Editor and Publisher Apologizes for Terrorist Embeds *shock*
Bilal Hussein dead pool.
Bilal Hussein, still anti-American
Posted by: Rusty at
09:13 PM
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April 10, 2006
On one forum that I frequently visit, some of these doctored photos discussed in the article have been used to justify killing American soldiers in Iraq. In all cases they are used by Islamic extremists to justify their hatred of America and recruit new jihadis. Thus, the images used by the AP & other organizations--which are often staged and sometimes fake-- lead directly to the deaths of American troops and will eventually help justify the next act of terrorism against American civilians.
Via James Joyner here are some of the highlights of the National Journal article:
Thanks to digital technology, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are the most photographed in history. Photographers with digital cameras have provided, almost instantaneously, an enormous flood of accurate, dramatic, and even shocking images to people around the world. But the daily downloads of news photos include some that are staged, fake, or so lacking in context as to be meaningless, despite the Western media's best efforts to separate the factual from the fictional....more...The photo editors for Time and The New York Times' Web site declined to comment. Other publications printed images of damage from the missile strike that seem entirely accurate. For example, Newsweek and The Washington Times published wide-angle photos of locals standing beside houses that had obviously been severely damaged. The New York Times print edition published the same wide-angle photo on January 18.....
The problem sharpens when no Western reporter is on the scene, but a photographer, usually an Iraqi stringer, is. Photo editors, or even local Western bureau chiefs, have trouble judging the veracity of the images that come from such an event. Last October, for example, The Washington Post printed a striking image of four caskets, purportedly containing dead women and children, and a line of mourning men on a flat desert plain outside the town of Ramadi, west of Baghdad. The photo, provided by the Associated Press, accompanied an article that began this way:
Posted by: Rusty at
04:08 PM
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October 05, 2005

Above photo taken by AP stringer Bilal Hussein embedded with terrorist forces in Iraq. Thanks for the tip from Sir Humphrey who has much, much more.
I've written extensively about Bilal Hussein and the traitors at the Associated Press who employ him. Since I know a number of soldiers from Centcom's Iraq offices read this blog, here's a hint on how to catch some more terrorists: put a bug on Bilal Hussein.
And if he refuses put him in jail and apply some extreme pressure for him to give up his sources in the terrorist organizations he is embedded with.
What is the line between spreading enemy propaganda, having contacts with the enemy, and actually being one of the enemy? In war, no such line exists. This is why, as I have argued extensively in the past, Nazi propagandists such as Joseph Goebbels were as guilty of war crimes as any of the other leaders of the Third Reich.
Propaganda is a weapon in war. Enemies with weapons can be shot. Journalists who do propaganda for the enemy are therefore legitimate targets unless they lay down their weapons.
Earlier posts on Bilal Hussein:
Complete Bilal Hussein Archives
Bilal Hussein dead pool.
Bilal Hussein, still anti-American
Pulitzer Prize given to Terrorists
The Pulitzer and Terrorist Embeds
Editor and Publisher Apologizes for Terrorist Embeds *shock*
Posted by: Rusty at
01:29 PM
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April 08, 2005
But there were 20 photos in the series. As we have been arguing from the beginning, what is troubling is the totality of the story those photos show. The story those photos tell is of an empowered insurgency, demoralized U.S. troops, and American brutality.
Several of the photos are disgusting, such as the one in question which shows the execution of Iraqi election officials and another which shows the residents of Fallujah celebrating the murder of American civilians as their charred bodies hang from a bridge, but it may be the case that these photos were taken by Iraqi photojournalists who were anonymously tipped off or who just happened to be at the right place at the right time.
We have also noted in the past that the photo in question is not nearly as damning as two others which clearly indicate something like 'embedding' with the isurgency is (or was) going on with AP stringers in Iraq.
Here are the two photos. One of insurgents in Fallujah with ties to Abu Musab al Zarqawi's al Qaeda network firing on U.S. Marines and another of al Sadr's Mahdi Army which was then fighting against U.S. troops. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
04:18 PM
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April 06, 2005
The U.S. military said in a statement from Mosul released at the Pentagon that U.S. soldiers had been involved in an engagement with at least one suspected insurgent who was "waving an AK-47 (assault rifle) and inciting a crowd of civilians."Let's get a few facts straight. The individual shot at here may not have been embedded like AP photographers were. He may have just come across this scene after it began.During the incident, "an individual that appeared to have a weapon who was standing near the insurgent was shot and injured. This individual turned out to be a reporter who was pointing a video camera," the military statement said.
Paul at Wizbang makes the case and Rathergate note that it is quite possible that the AP stringer who shot this photo just happened upon the scene. Granted.
However, while most of the blogosphere is up in arms against that photo, the really troubling photo is this one.
This photo has no other explanation than that of the AP photographer being privy to the highest ranks of the insurgency. The photo was taken in Fallujah, where the 'resistance' was led by two well known terrorist groups, al Qaeda in Iraq and The Army of Ansar al-Sunna, and their salafist sympathizers of the Fallujah Mujahidin Shura Council--the religious leaders of the city that instituted a Taliban-like rule when the U.S. withdrew from the city.
As we noted when that photo was first taken, these 'insurgents' are in clear violation of the Geneva Convention because they wear no identifiable uniform. The photo also appears to be staged. All the evidence seems to suggest that the AP photographer, Bilal Hussein, had access to terrorist forces and was 'embedded' with them in every sense of the word.
Here is one more photo taken by the AP and which helped them win the Pulitzer. This time, the reporter is clearly embedded with Muqtada al-Sadr's Mahdi Army at a time when they were fighting U.S. troops. Note, again, the absence of identifiable uniforms. The dove on the fighters shoulder is just the icing on the cake.
While it may be argued that the murder witnessed by an AP photographer in Iraq was not staged for his benefit, clearly the above photos were. The Pulitzer Prize was, in fact, given to an organization that has information, ties, and serves the propaganda purposes of terrorists.
Aiding the enemy in a time of war is treason. The AP, an American non-profit organization, is guilty of that crime.
Posted by: Rusty at
08:58 AM
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April 04, 2005
What photographs won for Breaking News Photography?
The 20 photographs can be found here.
5 of the 20 photos were taken by journalists who were working with terrorist forces. 11 of the 20 photos would likely cause anti-American inflamation. Only two show Americans in a positive light. Three more show the victims of terrorism.
Included in the 5 photos are 1 photo taken by Bilal Hussein [more background on Bilal Hussein here and here] of terrorist forces firing at the U.S. in Fallujah. Another photo identified as taken by a 'stringer' shows terrorists murdering an Iraqi election worker. Both of these photos are by individuals who saw Geneva Convention crimes and did nothing to stop them. Both photos indicate also that the individuals who took them had prior knowledge to the crimes being committed.
Of the remaining 15 photos, 2 show prisoners receiving harsh treatment by U.S. forces [here and here]. One more shows a dead child identified as being killed by the U.S. Another photo, taken by Khalid Mohammed, shows the residents of Fallujah rejoicing as they hang the charred bodies of dead American civilians on a bridge. The famous photo that caused Kos to cry 'screw them.' The family of an alleged Abu Ghraib victim is also shown mourning. Displaced children from the Fallujah conflict are also shown, the exact story Giuliana Sgrena was working on when she was taken hostage.
Only these two photos are positive. One shows the humanity of soldiers on patrol. The other one shows soldiers praying for a fallen comrade. But even the last one might be interpreted as defeatist.
To their credit, at least three photos show the victims of terrorism. See, fair and balanced.
No photos show U.S. troops rebuilding Iraq. No photos show U.S. troops playing with kids in the street. No photos show the results of the first democratic election in Iraq. No photos show the thousands of freed prisoners from Saddam's tyrranical rule.
The Jawa Report must therefore decline it's Pulitzer Prize. I might consider taking the $10,000 reward as soon as the Pulitzer committee stops hating America.
Thanks to Avenue for the tip.
Update 4/06: I have a new post up about the controversy. The most important photos is not the ones currently stirring up such emotions in the blogosphere. Instead, two other photos clearly show that the AP has ties to terrorists and insurgents fighting the U.S.
Update: Vivi e-mails to remind us that the Associated Press is a non-profit organization. So here we have a group that has terrorist sympathizers on their payroll yet is tax exempt? There is something wrong with this picture. I wonder if the Finance Committe might look into that status?
UPDATE: A lot of other fine bloggers have important things to say on this topic. You can find them by checking out the fatwas issued below. Especially good, in my not-so-humble opinion, are Michelle Malkin's take and that of Riding Sun (via the blogfather Charles Johnson) who has a very similar take as my own.
If you're new to The Jawa Report why not surf around? Maybe, add us to your favorites list? And if you're a blogger please, for the love of all that is holy, add us to your blogroll!! If you don't, the terrorists have already won.
Others: Joyner missing the real story here. Cranky and Mark cheer Jawa, will receive fatwa ASAP. Eric has some pics more fitting the Pulitzer. Itsalanche from Dr. Glenn Reynolds.
Posted by: Rusty at
05:25 PM
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November 15, 2004
A week ago today I noted that the AP was using Bilal Hussein to cover the terrorists' side of the story from Fallujah. You can see some of Bilal Hussein's propaganda photos here. Mr. Bilal became APs 'embed' to those forces trying to kill Americans all over Iraq. By hiring a photographer to follow our enemies and to distribute their propaganda, the AP has betrayed our country. Let me suggest that there are higher standards of morality than so-called journalistic ethics. When your fellow countrymen are dying in a war, the highest obligation is to nation. By distributing images and messages of the enemy you bolster their support. There is a reason the resistance in Iraq is not getting any lighter, it is because the messages they recieve in their media is that they are winning. Why give up when you think you are winning?
Today the AP releases a story on the harrowing ordeal Hussein went through as he tried to escape Fallujah. It comes as no surprise to learn that Hussein's anti-American roots go deep. He is a native of Fallujah, the town that brought you 'We love you Zarqawi' and 'Let's mutilate the bodies of American civillians'. AP story via Boston News:
In the weeks before the crushing military assault on his hometown, Bilal Hussein sent his parents and brother away from Fallujah to stay with relatives.Wow, you mean you didn't realize that a 'war zone' meant, you know, a 'war zone'?? more...The 33-year-old Associated Press photographer stayed behind to capture insider images during the siege of the former insurgent stronghold.
''Everyone in Fallujah knew it was coming. I had been taking pictures for days,'' he said. ''I thought I could go on doing it.''
Posted by: Rusty at
12:30 PM
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November 08, 2004
Via Six Meat Buffet and Charles Johnson some interesting pics out of Fallujah. According to the Geneva Convention, soldiers caught wearing civilian clothing are not afforded protection and are thus subject to summary execution. I say we start with Bilal Hussein, the SOB working for the AP who is in Fallujah putting out enemy propaganda. If he's not already dead, that is. I give him 48 hours, tops. From the looks of it, he's hanging out in the exact areas that the 'shaping the battlefield' bombs are dropping. And now that the battle has begun in earnest, I expect to hear from journalistic rights groups complaining that we targetted him when the MOAB fell on his exact location (not that I have anything against targetting him. (PS-Is that MC Hammer and why is he wearing a mask?)

Posted by: Rusty at
05:16 PM
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