June 16, 2007
Apparently, the video has gone viral among the Persian expat community and among the YouTube loving generation bucking the Mullahs. The video is nearly a month old from what I gather, but the 'hard liners' in Iran just started commenting on it a few days ago. Anyway, I just got wind of it although I'm hearing from Allah that some others had it earlier.
A hardline Iranian daily yesterday launched an attack on former reformist president Mohammad Khatami who it said had publicly shaken hands with women while on a visit to Italy last month.Excuse me.....I seem to have been overcome by the vapors.....the very thought of a man touching a woman's hand....why, it's outrageous!
But don't worry, Khatami's camp is saying he accidentally touched the women. Either that, or the video is a case of Western fauxtography. AKI:
The Baran foundation of former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami issued a statement on Tuesday denying the cleric had intentionally shaken hands with women - as shown in footage of a recent trip to Italy broadcast on 'YouTube' - a gesture prohibited under Iran's strict interpretation of Islamic law banning all physical contact between men and women who are not related. The statement indicated either the footage had been edited to give a false impression or else Khatami had shaken the hands of people in a crowd without realising they were female.....What's funny is that the very next sentence--the immediately following Khatami's stance against touching a woman's hand---call's Khatami a moderate. I. Kid. You. Not."In the crowd, it is possible a hand was shaken but the former president is against any physical contact between the sexes," said Sadegh Kharrazi, a former ambassador who accompanies Khatami in his international tours.
Khatami, a moderate cleric, was president of Iran from 1997 until 2005, when his ultraconservative successor Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected. [emphasis mine]This is what passes for a moderate in the Islamic Republic of Iran: principled stances against hand to hand contact with women.
The 'hard line' newspaper that blasted Khatami for icky-girlie-touching was so appalled, that they refused to publish the name of the website that had circulated the video. Don't worry, I have no such qualms.
Here's the website.
In fact, I'll even go out on a limb and say I'm pro-touching women's hands.
I know it's an unpopular stance--one I'm sure the Christian Right, or the 'American Taliban' as we like to call them around here, are sure to threaten my life over it---but it had to be said. Touching a women's hand may seem immoral to the lot of you, but I can't help myself--I was just born with the need to touch women's hands!
Anyway, here's the vid. The obscene moment when Khatami shakes hands is somewhere between 4:23-4:28. John, who sent me the vid, tells me that "he could be tried by a religious tribunal and banned from teaching." Yup, sounds exactly like the religious-right to me. No difference. None.
Posted by: Rusty at
07:34 PM
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June 13, 2007
Posted by: Rusty at
10:48 AM
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June 12, 2007
Iran’s agricultural jihad minister said on Sunday that the economic council has issued the wheat exports permit.Must be that inner agricultural jihad I'm always hearing about....Hat tip: FQ Kafir
Posted by: Rusty at
10:09 AM
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June 11, 2007
Posted by: Bluto at
12:40 PM
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June 07, 2007
NATO officials say they have caught Iran red-handed, shipping heavy arms, C4 explosives and advanced roadside bombs to the Taliban for use against NATO forces, in what the officials say is a dramatic escalation of Iran's proxy war against the United States and Great Britain.Well, what did anyone expect of a barbaric regime that came to power through acts of terrorism and the rejection of all civilized codes of behavior? One correction: the proxy war is not merely against the US and the UK. It is against Western civilization as a whole.
Posted by: Bluto at
12:31 PM
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May 29, 2007
The Bush administration is perilously close to jumping the tracks. I’ve supported the President through the long course of the war that began on September 11, but it’s starting to look like he’s simply getting tired; he won’t defend his administration against attacks, he won’t defend the country against illegal immigration, he won’t do anything to stop the media leaks that cripple our national security ... and now this: U.S., Iran end 27-year diplomatic freeze.
Posted by: Ragnar at
01:03 AM
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May 21, 2007
Our woefully inept Congress wants nothing more than to 'have dialog' to these mysoginist throw-backs. It appears that the self-styled 'civil rights advocates' of our domestic left-wing have to keep quiet. Criticizing other countries and their regular human rights violations isn't popular among Democrats, and rocking the boat isn't wise.
You may not like Ann Coulter, but she was dead on when she noted that we finally gave the liberals a war against fundamentalism, and they don't want to fight it.
ht: LGF
Posted by: Good Lt. at
11:31 PM
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Posted by: Bluto at
07:44 PM
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May 18, 2007
"We were on an outing with family and friends, six or seven in the evening, and were having a barbecue and enjoying ourselves. Altogether I drank two beers. The police happened to drive by," Mamandy said.He said that he was immediately arrested and taken to the police station where he was sentenced to 130 lashes. This sentence, for beer drinking, was carried out publicly according to news agency Iran Focus.

Mamand Mamandy - After 130 lashes for drinking beer
"I received 130 lashes on the back of my body. Police whipped me," Mamandy said. He came to Norway as an asylum seeker in 1999. He lives in Drammen with his wife and they are awaiting Norwegian citizenship.Mamandy is recovering back in Norway, likely satiated with tolerance for the religion of peace. In the meantime, I suspect that every time I pop open a cold one, I'll think of this poor guy's experience.
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
01:49 AM
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May 10, 2007
Via Rocket’s Brain: RBT could use some help in getting the word out to all CA law enforcement officers serving or have served in the GWOT. RBT needs letters of support from these officers and other officers either active or retired expressing their dismay that their pension fund is invested in companies still doing business with Iran. RBT believes we can finesse Cal-PERS and STRS to bring strategic pressure on these companies to cease doing business with this terrorist regime. Because Cal-PERS and STRS are such huge institutional investors, the mere inquiry by their investment committes may be all that is necessary to bring about the desired action without throwing the baby out with the wash.Hat Tip: Macktasktic Rusty Wicked, Sr. Zionist Internet Spy.RBT is willing to collect these letters and see that they reach the right people. Please send them to the following address and include "AB221" in the subject line:
Posted by: Howie at
10:57 AM
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May 08, 2007
BAGHDAD—Maj. Martin Weber, an explosives expert, is trying to walk through a political mine field with me.As with an ordinary mine field, you have to be very careful where you put your emphasis. Stress the wrong truth and either the left or the right wants to blow you up....
...Bear this is mind, when you watch this exclusive Pajamas Media video shot in Iraq. The video offers startling new evidence of Iran’s involvement in the insurgency. It is the first up-close, online video showing captured Iranian weapons. These particular weapons have not been shown to the public before.
Posted by: Howie at
01:01 PM
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May 02, 2007
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been accused of indecency after he publicly embraced and kissed on the hand an elderly woman who used to be his schoolteacher.At a ceremony on Tuesday ahead of Iranian teachers' day, Mr Ahmadinejad was photographed and filmed by state media stooping to kiss the woman's hand and then clasping her arms in an embrace.
The ultra-conservative Hezbollah newspaper, which is not related to the group in Lebanon of the same name, criticised him on the front page.
"The Muslim Iranian people have no recollection of such acts contrary to sharia law during Islamic rule [since the 1979 revolution]," it said.
"This type of indecency progressively has grave consequences, like violating religious and sacred values."
The elderly woman, who was not named, wore thick gloves along with a headscarf and long black coat, meaning that Mr Ahmadinejad avoided any skin contact.
But his action raised eyebrows because according to sharia law, it is forbidden for a man to have any physical contact with a woman to whom he is not related.
Cannibalize yourselves, we'll sit back and laugh while you do it.
Posted by: Vinnie at
10:46 PM
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"The Muslim Iranian people have no recollection of such acts contrary to sharia law during Islamic rule," seethed the ultra-conservative Hezbollah newspaper, on its front page.And this isn't the first time that Ahmadinejad has upset hardline Islamic elements."This type of indecency progressively has grave consequences, like violating religious and sacred values."
"This astonishing act by the president comes as the faithful have yet to forget his decision to allow women to watch football," noted the Hezbollah newspaper. [Ed. Note: The newspaper is not affiliated with the terrorist group of the same name.]It's beyond me to understand how the feminists can tolerate the way Islamic fundamentalists treat women. There should be global outrage from the sisterhood. Yet, not a peep do we hear for fear of offending the religion of peace.
If women can devote their energy to saving African and Asian orphans, one at a time, and if they can save the polar bear, the wolf, the harp seal and just about every other conceivable cute furry animal, and if they can save Earth from global destruction, one toilet paper square at a time, then they sure can unite to forcefully and continuously protest the treatment of Muslim women as second-class human beings.
Regarding football? Of course women should be able to watch football, provided that they don't yack too much and interrupt the game.
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
11:51 AM
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April 07, 2007
[Iranians are] an educated and freedom-loving people for the most part, and reformers there have been begging us for support and sanctions that would weaken the ruling theocracy. Instead, they've just seen the Iranian dictatorship successfully bully the West into impotent submission. This is not a good thing.Read it all here.We need to understand this and use every means at our disposal, starting with serious and painful international sanctions, to prevent Iran's rulers from becoming the nuclear-armed blackmailers they want to be. Unfortunately, we are hearing demands that we abandon the people of the Middle East who have stood up to Islamo-fascism because they believed us when we said we would support them.
If we retreat precipitously, the price for that betrayal will be paid first in blood and freedom by the Iranian people, the Kurds, the Afghanis, the secular Lebanese, the moderates in Pakistan and the Iraqis themselves. And America's word may never be trusted again.
Right now, the pirate Ahmadinejad is clearly more confident about the outcome of the Global War on Terror than we are. That ought to give us pause.
Posted by: Ragnar at
03:11 PM
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As Stuart later explained: "[Saddam] wanted me to sit on his lap so he could be filmed as a kindly father who should not be feared. I refused to go near him."
Partly because of Stuart Lockwood's stubborn intransigence, Saddam's attempt at propaganda fell completely flat on its face, having the exact opposite effect Saddam was hoping for.
Yes, a brutal dictator got PWNED by a five-year-old boy.
Posted by: Ragnar at
02:27 PM
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April 06, 2007
Posted by: Ragnar at
01:32 PM
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April 05, 2007
You've probably seen the image on top all over the place. The image on the bottom? Not so much.

h/t : Allah, who has commentary & video.
Posted by: Ragnar at
11:42 AM
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April 02, 2007
Iran Claims All 15 Hostages "Confess"
Posted by: noburqa at
06:54 PM
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WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is asking
Iran to provide information about a former
FBI agent believed to have gone missing several weeks ago while on private business there, U.S. officials said on Monday.
This last paragraph in the story is, uh, rather interesting:
"It's not completely a unique scenario to have an American citizen go missing there and possibly need consular support," White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.
Really? Where do they go? Down a well to have tea with the mahdi?
Posted by: Vinnie at
02:13 PM
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April 01, 2007
April Fool! The protesters are Iranians displaying their inherent savagery outside the British embassy in Tehran:
TEHRAN, Iran - About 200 students threw rocks and firecrackers at the British Embassy on Sunday, calling for the expulsion of the country’s ambassador because of the standoff over Iran’s capture of 15 British sailors and marines.This is not something to be taken lightly. The "spontaneous" demonstrations were obviously orchestrated by the Iranian government - the same barbaric regime that came to power by violating the American embassy and taking US diplomats hostage.
Posted by: Bluto at
10:30 AM
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March 31, 2007
This war has become demoralizing because of repeated incidents of this nature: the unwillingness of Western powers to crush the enemy even in service of defending our own people. We have allowed the enemy to think he is braver than us. We have, thereby, emboldened the enemy and made things tougher for ourselves, not easier.If there is a more accurate, precision-guided missile of "Amen, Brother" out there, we have yet to see it.We fire not on their fortress mosques, nor on their ships, nor during their holy days, nor in their holy cities, nor at their “holy men.†We dare not humiliate. Instead, we allow ourselves to be forever humiliated and forfeit our men and women. So concerned are we about not offending Muslim pride we have thrown away our own. The West has decided that all things Islamic are to be granted a reverence we no longer grant ourselves. The sand and plaster of the fortress mosque seems to carry more importance than even the flesh and blood of our own soldiers.
It is really a complete disgrace. The Democrats (and weak Republicans) in Washington are apparently satisfied with this. Hell, they openly advocate for it.
Posted by: Good Lt. at
02:22 PM
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March 30, 2007
A short Army press release issued on the day of the skirmish offered the following information: U.S. soldiers from the 5th Squadron 73rd Cavalry 82nd Airborne were accompanying Iraqi forces on a routine joint patrol along the border with Iran, about 75 miles east of Baghdad, when they spotted two Iranian soldiers retreating from Iraqi territory back into Iran. A moment later, U.S. and Iraqi forces came upon a third Iranian soldier on the Iraqi side of the border, who stood his ground. As U.S. and Iraqi soldiers approached the Iranian officer and began speaking with him, a platoon of Iranian soldiers appeared and moved to surround the coalition patrol, taking up positions on high ground. At that point, according to the Army's statement, the Iranian captain told the U.S. and Iraqi soldiers that if they tried to leave they would be fired on. Fearing abduction by the Iranians, U.S. troops moved to go anyway, and fighting broke out. Army officials say the Iranian troops fired first with small arms and rocket-propelled grenades, and that U.S. troops fell further back into Iraqi territory, while four Iraqi army soldiers, one interpreter and one Iraqi border guard remained in the hands of the Iranians.
Read the article. This happened September 7th. I'm assuming that would be 2006
Posted by: Vinnie at
05:49 PM
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March 29, 2007
The British sailors and marines being held by Iran were ambushed at their most vulnerable moment, while climbing down the ladder of a merchant ship and trying to get into their bobbing inflatables.The Ministry of Defence has released coordinates showing that the Brits were not in Iranian waters, as claimed by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.Out of sight of their warship and without any helicopter cover, their only link to their commanders was a communications device beaming their position by satellite.
That went dead as they were captured. One theory is that it was thrown overboard to prevent the Iranians getting hold of the equipment and the information it contained.
A deliberate act sanctioned by Iran's government would indicate that the regime will not release the kidnapped sailors without major concessions, and might welcome a limited war to help stifle domestic unrest. In other words, a measured military response would play into their hands.
Posted by: Bluto at
09:52 AM
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March 28, 2007

Posted by: Good Lt. at
11:36 AM
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March 23, 2007
"At least" five senior Iranian officers "disappear" in Turkey - TVExcerpt from report by Israeli newspaper Ma'ariv on 22 March [Report by Gad Shimron: "Foreign reports: Five Iranian officers kidnapped"]
At least five senior Iranian officers disappeared over the past few days during a visit to Turkey. The report, which is based on reports in the Turkish press, said it is believed that the five defected to the West.
As it says in the post, there's no official confirmation.
Posted by: Vinnie at
05:03 PM
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