September 29, 2007

L.A. Times : Ahmadinejad Walks Away With a Win

An article by Timothy Rutten:

One of the world's truly dangerous men, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, left New York a clear winner this week, and he can thank the arrogance of the American academy and most of the U.S. news media's studied indifference for his victory.

If the blood-drenched history of the century just past had taught American academics one thing, it should have been that the totalitarian impulse knows no accommodation with reason. You cannot change the totalitarian mind through dialogue or conversation, because totalitarianism -- however ingenious the superstructure of faux ideas with which it surrounds itself -- is a creature of the will and not the mind. That's a large lesson, but what should have made Ahmadinejad's appearance at Columbia University this week a wholly avoidable debacle was the school's knowledge of its own, very specific history.

The author proceeds to take Columbia to task for its close relationship with the Italian fascists and the Nazis in the 1930s, then turns his attention to the MSM's willful ignorance of Ahmadinejad and the threat he represents:
There are a couple of reasons for the media's general refusal to engage with radical Islamic revivalists, like Ahmadinejad. He belongs to a particularly aggressive school of radical Shiite Islam, the Haghani, which lives in expectation of the imminent coming of the Madhi, a kind of Islamic messiah, who will bring peace and justice -- along with universal Islamic rule -- to the entire world. Serious members of this school -- and Ahmadinejad, who was a brilliant university student, is a very serious member -- believe they must act to speed the Mahdi's coming. "The wave of the Islamic revolution" would soon "reach the entire world," he has promised.

As a fundamentally secular institution, the American press always has had a hard time coming to grips with the fact that Islamists like the Iranian president mean what they say and that they really do believe what they say they believe.

Posted by: Ragnar at 08:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 28, 2007

What Happens in Teheran, Stays in Teheran

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's clownishness at Columbia is merely another form of camouflage for this:

Thanks to Azarmehr, who exposes a fluff piece on Iran by NBC's Richard Engel: " can ski in the mountains, you can scuba dive in the south!"

Hey, lots of swingers in Iran, eh, Dicky?

Posted by: Bluto at 12:45 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 26, 2007

Ahmadinejad is Gay

Proof. QED.

UPDATE: Iran no longer gay. QED.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 24, 2007

Eaglespeak: Everything Naval

Eagle Speak is one of my favorite blogs. I always learn something.

Today's selection: Iran's Swarm Attack Tactics in the Strait of Hormuz .

Also, John Paul Jones: I have not yet begun to fight.

Posted by: JaneNovak at 08:29 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Says

"We propose more humane methods of establishing peace."


Iran Whipping.jpg
Mamand Mamandy - After 130 lashes for drinking beer




Sorry Mookie, but I'm afraid we'll have to pass on that one. more...

Posted by: Howie at 03:52 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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No Gays In Iran

There's just not any gay persons in Iran, therefore there is no discrimination against them, dinnerjacket says.

This guy is making me sick.

UPDATE: AllahP has video of him saying it.

Posted by: JaneNovak at 01:57 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 21, 2007

Dealing With Mahmoud

Former New York City mayor Ed Koch was on Glenn Beck's television show last night and he had this solution to Ahmadinejad visiting Ground Zero.

An all Jewish police escort.

Now that would be interesting to watch.

Posted by: Vinnie at 02:53 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 20, 2007

Ahmadinejad To Visit WTC Site Despite Official Refusal - UPDATED

Action Alert - Please Read and Re-Post

Prompted by the following action alert from GDG contributor Kenneth Timmerman, I discovered that Iranian president Ahmadinejad still plans to visit 'ground zero', despite the NYPD's refusal to allow it for "security reasons".

In response to this outrage, many have begun organizing to repel or protest this incursion into one of America's most hallowed memorials. Please read the following action alert, and participate if you are able:

Dear Friends of Freedom,

The Foundation for Democracy in Iran, in coordination with Citizens United and other groups, is calling on all Americans, regardless of their origin or political beliefs, to come to New York on Monday to defend Ground Zero from desecration by the terrorist president of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

We will be chartering buses from the Washington, DC area. Please watch our website,, for more details and for rendezvous points.

Stay tuned!

Best regards,

Kenneth R. Timmerman
President and CEO
Foundation for Democracy in Iran

For more information about this, please visit Michelle Malkin's blog.
(hat tip - Howie)


Updated/ bumped by Howie. McCain says Ahmadinejad should be physically restrained from getting to the WTC site. McCain is joking. But seriously, Ahmadinejad should be blocked. Allahpundit has the video. more...

Posted by: Kafir at 05:00 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces arrested an Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps – Quds Force officer in Sulimaniyah today.

Contrary to recent diplomatic initiatives, this individual has been involved in transporting improvised explosive devices and explosively formed penetrators into Iraq. Intelligence reports also indicate he was involved in the infiltration and training of foreign terrorists in Iraq.

The Quds Force is a covert action arm of the Iranian government responsible for aiding lethal attacks against the Iraqi government and Coalition forces.

Source Centcom.


Posted by: Howie at 04:20 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 19, 2007

Little Boys And Their Little Toys

I know, our military is stretched thin, so a war would be devastating, according to the usual sources.

The thing is, though, we don't need our military to win. We could beat these people with the Vienna Boys Choir:

LONDON — A Syrian military installation rocked by an explosion in July was being used to develop chemical weapons, and Iranian engineers were among those killed, a respected defense publication reported Wednesday.

Jane's Defence Weekly said the blast hit the site of a joint Iranian/Syrian project to fit short-range ballistic missiles with chemical warheads.

The July 26 explosion struck a military complex outside the city of Aleppo, killing at least 15 soldiers and wounding 50 others, according to Syria's state news agency, SANA. The agency said the blast was caused when high summer temperatures set off high-explosive materials at a weapons depot.

But Jane's cited Syrian defense sources as saying the explosion took place during a test to fit a "Scud C" missile with a mustard-gas warhead. It quoted the sources as saying the explosion occurred when fuel caught fire in the missile production laboratory.

"The blast dispersed chemical agents (including VX and Sarin nerve agents and mustard blister agent) across the storage facility and outside," the publication quoted the sources as saying.

The magazine said that, in addition to the 15 Syrian troops, "dozens" of Iranian weapons engineers were killed.

It begs the question, just whose side is Allah on anyway?

stein hoist: my anti-mullah friend with the bad link (wink wink).

Posted by: Vinnie at 11:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 05, 2007

Iranian Agent Captured in Iraq, U.S. Soldiers Killed by Iranian Made EFPs (Updated)

On the same day that the military announced that 3 U.S. soldiers were killed by Iranian made Explosively Formed Penetrators (EFPs), a wanted Iranian al Quds agent was picked up in Karbala.

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Three Multi-National Division-Baghdad Soldiers were killed and two others wounded when an explosively-formed penetrator detonated on their patrol during combat operations in an eastern section of the Iraqi capital Sept. 4....

During an unrelated pre-dawn raid in Karbala Wednesday, Coalition forces captured a highly-sought individual suspected of being an Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF) affiliate.

Coalition forces also detained another individual for questioning.

The detained individual is suspected of coordinating with high-level IRGC-QF officers for the transportation of multiple Iraqis to Iran for terrorist training at IRGC-QF training camps. He is also a known logistics facilitator providing lethal aid to terrorists operating in central Baghdad. It is likely that the affiliate is closely linked to individuals at the highest levels of the IRGC-QF. Coalition forces are still assessing his possible connection to the Special Groups. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:56 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 23, 2007

Iran Canes Man for Having Sex, Drinking

The Jawa Report is banned in Iran for reporting on things like public lashings and the hanging of 16 year old girls for crimes such as making love, or fighting back against your rapist. Heh, the moderate Muslim State of Iran, looks like a repressive dictatorship to me.Via The Daily Mail:
His face covered by a balaclava, an official brandishing a cane repeatedly lashes the back of a man found guilty of breaking Iran's morality laws.

Two police officers hold the legs of 25-year-old Saeed Ghanbari and another his arms to ensure there is no escape from the punishment of 80 lashes handed down by a religious court.

Traffic was brought to a halt in Qazvin, 90 miles west of the capital Tehran, as more than 1,000 men gathered behind barricades to watch the public flogging...

...One police officer held his hands together beneath the bench, two others gripped his legs to ensure there was little movement.

Two police officers stood-by, their faces covered with balaclavas - each to administer 40 lashes.

Both men then lashed Ghanbari, taking the cane back behind their heads to guarantee maximum impact, each stroke leaving a distinctive red mark and bruising on his back.

Several wounds began to bleed.

It was unclear exactly what his offence had been as the country's strict morality laws cover many areas, but it was reported he had been convicted of abusing alcohol and having sex outside of marriage.

Somehow I fail to find much about Sharia law that is in any way moderate. But there is resistance amongst the people of Iran against the hard line religious regime. See this video for example.
Video hat tip to Gerald. If you are like me, you probably had a bit of trouble understanding what was said in the video. Garduneh Mehr has graciously provided us with these links about Iran shelling and massing troops on the border with Iraqi Kurdistan and also a full translation of the video above as well. See below the fold. more...

Posted by: Howie at 01:04 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 21, 2007

Cowbell Alert: Jawa Report Banned in Iran!

I was reading that Emperor Misha had been banned in Iran and I said to myself, self, if any one should be banned in the Islamic Republic of Iran it's the Jawa Report!

So, I ran the same test Misha talked about at Host Tracker, and what do you know.....

The Jawa Report is banned in Iran!


403 means "Forbidden, access denied"

Judge a man by his enemies......

Is any one counting how many countries we're banned in?

Posted by: Rusty at 07:30 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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August 15, 2007

Iran: Bush, CIA to Assassinate Messiah!!


News reports out of Iran are saying that the Shia Muslim "messiah" (the Mahdi) is being hunted down by the CIA on orders from George Bush. I guess that makes Bush the anti-Christ? I knew it!

Hat tip: Brian who is having trouble with his servers at the moment.

Posted by: Rusty at 02:21 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 31, 2007

Bush Regime Sentences Journalists to Death

Oh wait, I thought it was Bush that was the real Hitler today? Iran sentenced two Kurdish reporters, Adnan Hassanpour and Hiva Boutimar, to death for being "enemies of God". Apparently writing against the regime is the same as taking up arms against them.

Has Bush sentenced Noam Chomsky to death yet? Didn't think so...... more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:39 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 26, 2007

Mullahs Murder Student Activist

They said he was a "gang member."

Meisam spent six month in the infamous Evin Prison after the July 1999 student riots. His sister was also attacked by the Police and received 40 stitches. Meisam had spent 55 days in solitary confinement after he was accused of setting tires on fire during the protests which followed the fundamentalists’ raid to the dormitory of University of Tehran.

Gee, I didn't know that the Crips and Bloods had gone international. MS-13 has, but they're just running around in our borders.

I dunno, olive skin, black hair, maybe they thought he was Cosa Nostra?

To his family, we send our prayers.

stein hoist: The too tan man from Canuckistan.

Posted by: Vinnie at 12:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 25, 2007

Who Wears Short Shorts?

Um, nobody?

"Our youth have no peace of mind. They are afraid to go out, they are afraid that if they go out they will be taken to the police. Aren't they saying that there is freedom?"

Sorry, ma'am, that's the price of radical islam.

If you could, but you can't, I'd suggest you listen to some Janice Joplin. She's the one who sang "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

You have nothing left to lose, it's time you gained your freedom.

Excrement question: Okay, this is the pop culture reference to end pop culture references. If I don't stump you with this, I'm done. What does the title of this post refer to? Hint: Nah, no hints, you bastards don't deserve it.

Posted by: Vinnie at 02:10 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 19, 2007

If It's True

Someone's got some 'splainin' to do.

According to Patterson, Congressman Henry Waxman (D-California) facilitated the transaction for CODEPINK by signing a letter allowing them to get the cash and supplies into Fallujah.

"Here is an American Congressman .... Here are American citizens who belong to these organizations," says Patterson. "They travel to Iraq and they are materially supporting, they are aiding and abetting the enemy that is killing American Marines. If that's not treason, nothing is."

I haven't read the book, I was sent the link via email, I present it with no judgement whatsoever.

Posted by: Vinnie at 01:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 16, 2007

Iraq Adopts U.S. Immigration Policies

UPI sez:

BAGHDAD, July 16 (UPI) -- Iraq Interior Ministry officials said 24 Iranians being held on illegal immigration charges escaped custody in the town of Badra.

Oh, I'm sorry, my title is misleading. It appears Iraq actually enforces its immigration laws. My bad.

According to the article, some Iranians enter Iraq illegally to get to Najaf and Karbala. I think, however, that if these people were in that category, they wouldn't have tried to escape.

Therefore, we must look on the bright side. There are 20 Iranian agents (4 were caught, btw) running around Iraq waiting to get killed by America's finest.

stein hoist: The scary brown person who stands out in the frozen tundra.

Posted by: Vinnie at 06:28 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Iran: A Plan of Attack

A brief plan for bombing Iran. I agree that it's not likely and I'm also in the camp that thinks it would be a mistake. For now.

Posted by: Rusty at 10:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 11, 2007

Good News: Iran to Stone More People to Death!


Fresh on the heels of stoning Jaafar Kiani and Makroumeh Ebrahimi for the "crimes" of adultery and prostitution, the Iranian Mullah's announce that they will execute 20 more "criminals" in the coming weeks.

UPDATED: Hmmm, I wonder if the Venezuelan Ambassador and his staff will get diplomatic immunity for similar offenses?

Posted by: Rusty at 12:13 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 06, 2007

The Proxy War Against Iran and al Qaeda in Iraq

The war in Iraq is really a proxy war on one front, and a direct war on another. We are directly engaging al Qaeda in Iraq on a daily basis. But more and more it is becoming evident that we are also engaged in a war with Iran's proxies.

We are, therefore, stuck between a rock and a hard place. If we leave precipitously, both Iran and al Qaeda are the clear victors.

Jules Crittenden has more on Senator Lieberman's thoughts on the proxy war and its implications for the greater Middle East.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:18 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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June 27, 2007

No More Blood Money For Iran

Youtube Video: No More Blood Money For Iran

Posted by: Howie at 08:03 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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June 23, 2007

Insurgents, Tehran, Over...

Tehran, Insurgents, Copy.....


Speaking of Iran, Check the progress on Iranian Divestment in California and Florida here at Rocket's Brain Trust. My apologies for not keeping up with this.

Posted by: Howie at 09:40 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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June 18, 2007

Iranians Whine, Seethe Over Rushdie Knighthood

Like I've said before, I'm not a big Salmon Rushdie fan. Not because he's insulting to Islam, but just because I find his books boring. Of course, I've never been a fan of anything the litarati at the New York Times Book Review praise. But is praising Rushdie a form of "Islamophobia" as Iran's foreign minister claims? No, it's not Islamophobia.....but it is bad taste in literature.


Iran Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini said the decision to praise the "apostate" showed Islamophobia among British officials....

Mr Hosseini told a press conference: "Giving a medal to someone who is among the most detested figures in the Islamic community is... a blatant example of the anti-Islamism of senior British officials.

"The measure that has taken place for paying tribute to this apostate and detested figure will definitely put British statesmen and officials at odds with Islamic societies, the emotions and sentiments of which have again been provoked."

He added that the knighthood showed that the process of insulting Islamic sanctities was not accidental but was being supported by some Western countries.

David Thompson has more thoughts.

UPDATE: Pakistanis--it's okay to kill people because of NJOW I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY's knighthood:

“The West is accusing Muslims of extremism and terrorism. If someone exploded a bomb on his body, he would be right to do so unless the British government apologizes and withdraws the ‘sir’ title,” ul-Haq said. ...
Our friends, the Pakistanis.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:03 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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