April 05, 2007

"This is Supposed to be a HAPPY Occasion..."

"...can't go around BICKERIN' and ARGUIN' about who HUMILIATED who..."

You've probably seen the image on top all over the place. The image on the bottom? Not so much.


h/t : Allah, who has commentary & video.

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:42 AM | Comments (42) | Add Comment
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1 So maybe the British military is only 2/3rds traitorous queers... hooray!

Posted by: wooga at April 05, 2007 12:53 PM (t9sT5)

2 Hmmm. I guess you plan on joining up to show em how it's done wooga? Don't forget your diapers. You're going to need em.

Posted by: John at April 05, 2007 01:10 PM (qiTAx)

3 Hey John, you do realize that I'm not pretending I can withstand torture, and thus I have not joined up for a combat role.  I'm saying people should NOT become a marine if they are nothing but ass pirates like yourself.  You see, the chickenhawk argument is even more illogical in this context.  I have repeatedly said that I am a selfish coward, and thus I am not going to enlist.  I have excellent grounds to criticize other selfish cowards who enlisted anyway and then betrayed their country.  Staying out of the military would have done less harm to their country.

I bet it chaps your hide that the joos are able to withstand decades of torture as POWs, without giving up like the British cunt did within 24 hours.

But you should be in a better mood John, your buddies won this PR stunt completely and without question.  The British were humiliated and made out to be a "fabulous" paper tiger, from the leadership down to the enlisted man. Bravo.

Posted by: wooga at April 05, 2007 01:30 PM (t9sT5)

4 John, no one can make a person comfortably smile and gush the way the Brit jackasses did.  You can always do something to betray the fact that you were coerced.  The giddy ones' behavior is inexcusable under any circumstance.  Do not try to defend them.
The men on the right side of the picture had the correct demeanor.
They have honor.  I also don't remember seeing them in any videos.  If you don't help you captors you deny them the ability to make the propaganda.
Wooga, I have a post up (actually 3) on this subject at my blog www.halbarad.blogspot.com.  I think I beat Allah at Hotair to this one.

Posted by: Cruiser at April 05, 2007 02:09 PM (cJ5eN)

5 Armchair generals.... Sad.

Posted by: Joe Public at April 05, 2007 02:34 PM (cawS6)

6 Retarded midget Joe Public... sad.

Next time, trying actually presented some argument to back up your position.  I know you hate being humiliated when you fail at engaging in a debate, but come on and at least try, unlike the rest of the intellectually bankrupt fantasy land progressives.

Posted by: wooga at April 05, 2007 02:45 PM (t9sT5)


You're a coward and a hypocrite, devoid of intelligence and understanding.  Your ineffectual attempt at vitriol reflects the paucity of widom in your atrophied brain; clearly, it is a sad, shabby, transparent attempts to make up for the various inadequacies - social, intellectual, and probably sexual - that doubtlessly blight every other facet of your grubby little life. Put simply, you're just not worth the effort. Please expire.

Posted by: Joe Public at April 05, 2007 03:15 PM (cawS6)

8 Time will tell. Reports will be made but unfortunately I don't think we will ever hear the true story. Who are we to judge when we are not in their shoes. They are back and that is all that matters. Who believes acnejad anyway. A British military person said that they did exactly what they were taught/no more/no less. The soldiers themselves have to live with themselves. No one can put more punishment on them than there own conscious...just sayin...

Posted by: allahakchew at April 05, 2007 03:29 PM (BrndJ)

9 Nice, I love it when morons misuse a thesaurus. Words have certain meanings, and you embarrass yourself by misusing them.

That said, you still haven't addressed anything of substance.  The sailors were cowards and betrayed their nation (it looks like there was a marked split between the marines and sailors, with the sailors being the ones who happily joined in the propaganda, while the marines maintained a sense of decency and honor).  Iran won a huge PR victory, and the world was reminded that Britain lost it balls when Ms. Thatcher left power.

In response to your ad hominem, I really don't have too many inadequacies to complain of, which is part of why I am so selfish that I haven't enlisted.  It's a weakness that I see in spades among the british.

Posted by: wooga at April 05, 2007 03:31 PM (t9sT5)

10 Who are we to judge when we are not in their shoes.

Certainly, there was a possibility that the videos were heavily edited and the result of coercion.  But you can't fake the sailors' smiles when they met the Iranian pres.  I've met presidents (and many others more powerful that mad-jihad) and I never lost control of my face.

Posted by: wooga at April 05, 2007 03:33 PM (t9sT5)


Joe Pubic, this has nothing to do with armchair generalship.  We are presented, in the picture, with two distinct demeanors.  Unbroken stoicism and giddy self-centeredness.  Which one do you think that the millions of British soldiers who sacrificed and died for their country would have rather seen from the hostages?  If you do not think that the answer to that question is obviously the unbroken stoicism of the men on the right - then you have no understanding of honor and I feel sorry for you. 


The twerps on the left dishonored all of those who have honorably fought for their country, and did so lightly.  It is an awful betrayal to behold. 

Posted by: Cruiser at April 05, 2007 03:39 PM (7PR+I)

12 I misused nothing, and required no thesaurus. Don't judge other by your own limited standards.

Try following an argument through in your head before commiting it to the intarweb in one long stream-of-consciousness brainfart. Granted, those soldiers should not have been so cheerily chatty on Iranian TV, but before suggesting that all British soldiers are weakling Walter Mitty types, and all American soliders come in various flavours of Rambo, check out the figures for desertion. See, two sides to every coin.... Our guys might have fucked up, but at least they got there in the first place...

Posted by: Joe Public at April 05, 2007 03:41 PM (cawS6)

13 As it goes, I think they should be discharged. But I do not regard them as traitors, nor do as regard them as representative of the British armed forces. I drink with a marine, a para, and a doddery old spitfire ace - excellent men, and wholly undeserving of the ill-founded, generic criticism so glibly doled out by the likes of wooga.

Posted by: Joe Public at April 05, 2007 03:46 PM (cawS6)

14 Desertion rates do not compare with military competence.  The UK could have 10 million sailors, but they would still be little girls compared to any branch of our military, including the coast guard.

But you still miss the point.  All military forces will have a decent sized share of losers, dropouts, psychos, geeks, dweebs, and motorheads.  The difference is that when put to the test, the overwhelming majority of your forces are pussies.  In comparison, when was the last time even a single US (or even Israeli) POW ever participated in a propaganda video, even after years of actual torture?

Posted by: wooga at April 05, 2007 03:48 PM (t9sT5)

15 a marine, a para, and a doddery old spitfire ace

The doddery old man is of a different era, back when your nation was worthy of respect.  Nobody denies that up through the mid-80s your military was worthy of distinction.  But years of effeminate multiculturalism has thoroughly rotted your nation, and particularly those born after 1980.

The marine and para are also higher level, representing a higher level of discipline.  Notice how I made a distinction above in regards to the sailors versus marines? Most of my ire is directed at your sailors and command. 

Posted by: wooga at April 05, 2007 03:55 PM (t9sT5)

16 Joe Public, on this we agree: "I think [the ones on the left] should be discharged. But I do not regard them as traitors, nor do as regard them as representative of the British armed forces."
As to whether their actions were traitorous - I don't think so.  Though they actively aided the enemy's propaganda efforts (actus rea), they did it only during a time that they were in Iranian custody - which mucks up the analysis of their mens rea (intent).   

Posted by: Cruiser at April 05, 2007 04:09 PM (7PR+I)

17 wooga, you sound like a complete nutball.
I think most of us left the "our military is better than your military" arguments back in the school yard.
These military personal were unarmed and not trained for enemy interogation, although it is not good to see them smiling we do not know the entire situation. yet you seem to feel comforable knowing the whole story and have decided to insult them probably more than they got insulted while captives.
People join the military for a number if reasons and i think the most popular one is to serve and protect their country? So long as they do that first and foremost whats the problem ? Like i said they were not trained for this situation but all they did was smile. Maybe they were not even forced, maybe they were just overjoyed at the thought of being home with their families. 
Wooga, sounds like your ideal military would consists of just a hand full of rambo nutjobs, I'm glad you do not recruit for our military.

Posted by: rob at April 05, 2007 04:14 PM (QpkBe)

18 Joe, as to the issue of whether the ones on the left are representative of the British Military, here is an opinion piece inthe Daily Mail on just that subject.  I do think that Britain needs to do some soul-searching on this issue.  The fact that the large majority of the hostages behaved poorly should be very troubling.  It also could mean that they took their cue for some very poor junior officers.  Had they had officers with them that really understood the deadly serious business they were caught up in, perhaps the majority would have behaved quite differently.   Certainly we can hope so.

Posted by: Cruiser at April 05, 2007 04:28 PM (7PR+I)

Posted by: Cruiser at April 05, 2007 04:29 PM (7PR+I)

20 But years of effeminate multiculturalism has thoroughly rotted your nation, and particularly those born after 1980.

Finally some sense, maybe not the right date but a very true statement. The current left wing labor party in power have dragged the country into the ground with its liberal policies.  The current UK militiary force could not even invade the Isle of Wight, its a joke.

Posted by: rob at April 05, 2007 04:39 PM (QpkBe)

21 My question is, why WEREN'T they trained for that situation?  We've trained our armed forces for the event of capture since WWII (at least the officers).  I don't know how common it is in the military overall, but both of my combat MOS enlistedmen buddies had to go through a 1 week course on that kind of thing.

From where I sit, Iran either has very 'good' torturing skills, convincing ability to threaten torture, or those seamen really were pussies; regardless of if they were trained for it or not.  Just look at how quickly the lady had that letter out and how quickly the other 12 smiley guys folded.

Compare that to, say, our guys participating in enemy propaganda in the past giving the "hawaiian hand greeting", using other hand-gestures to say they were lieing, and blinking morse-code messages.  Even then, they maintained a serious air about them, unlike these 13 chuckle-heads acting like they just succeeded in sneaking booze into the after-prom party.

Posted by: Ranba Ral at April 05, 2007 04:41 PM (VvXII)

22 These military personal were unarmed and not trained for enemy
interogation, although it is not good to see them smiling we do not
know the entire situation.

Rob, they all had at least sidearms, plus floating backup and a helicopter nearby.  Second, the photo at the start of this thread makes clear that not all of them were smiling.  Why are some smiling and not others? What is the safer theory, that one group was smiling and waving because they were tortured and tricked, or simply that the un-cropped photo demonstrates the difference between sailors and marines?

Posted by: wooga at April 05, 2007 04:43 PM (t9sT5)

23  Why are some smiling and not others?
i don't know why, you don't know why and only they know why. Judging by the article published by the daily mail its obvious that the British are not going to be happy with the smiling marines, answers will be sought after for sure.
Whatever your theory is and whatever we find out about this little political propoganda stunt I don't see it as a blanket cause the call our allies miltary "girls", "2/3rds traitorous queers" and "cunts". You just sound like nutjob.

Posted by: rob at April 05, 2007 05:05 PM (QpkBe)

24 There can be no excuse for the million dollar smiles I see on two-thirds of the POWs.  As several of them managed to not smile, it proves that there wasn't some grand scheme of drugs or coercion to obtain the smiles - these smiles, hand shakes, and videos were voluntary and sincere.  That makes them traitors under American military codes, and probably traitors under English military tradition.

And they are not "cunts" (plural), but there is one cunt, being that fat scarf wearing cow.  The male sailors are just poofters.

Posted by: wooga at April 05, 2007 06:17 PM (t9sT5)


Rob - many thanks for remembering that we're actually on your side. You seem like a decent bloke.

Wooga - you clearly like to style yourself as a man of some intellect. So apply your reason to this; the British armed forces, counting all the waifs and strays, edges towards half a million people - and yet you condemn them all to pussyhood based upon a sample of fifteen. Does this seem statistically sound, to you?

Yes, those people caved. It's regrettable, and I hope they get booted out (albeit with pension, etc - I've no particular grudge against them). On the flip side, look for the lads that ran the first bayonet charge (against overwhelming odds) in fuck-knows-how-long, or the bloke (Bihari? something like that) who managed to rescue his fellow soldiers despite having been shot in the head.

Do you give them any credit? Nope. Because thirteen people smiled on camera, they're all 'pussies'. The British that have died over there, in full support (rightly so) of America? 'Pussies'.

How blinkered.

Posted by: Joe Public at April 05, 2007 06:43 PM (cawS6)

26 You know who's fucking retarded? In no particular order, the following:


Kindly please get bent. I don't give a flying fuck if they smile, or frown, or make faces for the camera. The whole childish game is a fucking waste of time, resources, and lives.

Posted by: John at April 05, 2007 06:52 PM (qiTAx)

27 Cruiser - good link. Sums it all up quite well. Plus, the picture shows an additional Brit looking rather pissy. Three out of fifteen... Not great, if I'm honest.

Posted by: Joe Public at April 05, 2007 06:52 PM (cawS6)

28 John, much as I like the unachievable ideal of a 'why can't we all just get along?' utopia, the reality is that cultures clash. It's sad, but they've been doing so since culture was invented. I suspect we're stuck with it.

If we are, and if we have to choose, I pick us. Every time.

Posted by: Joe Public at April 05, 2007 06:56 PM (cawS6)

29 Joe, I'm tarring the sailors, as it looks like they had a 100% failure rate as POWs. The marines seem to have done a pretty good job holding up.  As I've said on other threads, I would like to be wrong about this, and find out that the men performed bravely.  But after the meet and greet with the pres, I don't see how that is possible for the sailors.  The marines, on the other hand, may be saved.

So perhaps I should keep my bashing to the Royal Navy. 

If we are, and if we have to choose, I pick us. Every time.

Joe, that's a perfect sentiment.  It's the heart of the matter, and a rejection of the core of multiculturalism.  You can call me any name you like, but if you hold fast to that belief, you have my admiration.

Posted by: wooga at April 05, 2007 07:19 PM (t9sT5)

30 Multiculturalism is a failed experiment. It doesn't work, has never worked, and will never work. I'm fine with multiracialism - but if you move into a country, leave your baggage at the door and integrate. That applies to us, too - the Brits are terrible for turning vast areas of other countries into home-from-home.

Nice to have reached at least a limited understanding. Lines like 'the overwhelming majority of your forces are pussies' - italicised, to really ram the point home - do a vast disservice to a lot of brave people.

I don't argue this point for myself. I work with computers. But I know people in our armed forces, and I've more respect for them than I can adequately convey.

Posted by: Joe Public at April 05, 2007 07:35 PM (cawS6)

31 As a side-note - the Royal Marines are a part of the Royal Navy. I made the mistake, early on, of referring to my marine friend as a soldier. He took great offence at this, as he regards himself as a sailor.

Fine bloke. Loyal to the last, honest, honourable, and hard as nails. A good friend, but not someone you'd want as an enemy.

Posted by: Joe Public at April 05, 2007 08:15 PM (cawS6)

32 Joe Public: I will wait before you are forced to listen to my two cents. The HOSTAGES did not act in true British manner. I see something that either you or wooga sees. Without pointing fingers or implying anything. (1) Why did the British Navy allow the kidnapping to take place. Were they outgunned? Did they have orders from a higher command? Are muslims allowed to enter the British Officer Corps? Who was the officer that allowed the kidnapping to happen? Someone had to say don't interfere. Who was he? Possible foreigner with citizenship papers? Did the military members think they were abandoned? What were they told to say if captured. Were they instructed on what to say?
I could go on and on.  Excuse my friend Wooga. He has a fire in his belly. An important fire. One that is worth more than thousands of chicken shit John Lyins or John the Canadian fuctard.
Wooga: The trial hasn't started. Lets gather some evidence. Slow down. Something stinks here. It may not be the British Marines or Sailors. Something tells me someone else is involved. If first impressions are correct. I'll supply the rope. But this behavior is not typical Brit. Keep the fight and above all else. OUTLAW ISLAM.

Posted by: greyrooster at April 05, 2007 09:07 PM (PvyEt)

33 Looking at the picture on this post. I only see four smiling (whatevers).

Posted by: greyrooster at April 05, 2007 09:23 PM (PvyEt)

34 John: You're an asshole. As if you didn't know. When you mama called you to dinner she said "come and get is asshole". You know it. I know it. The world knows it. You're nothin. Just nothin. Punk.

Posted by: greyrooster at April 05, 2007 10:32 PM (PvyEt)

35 The HOSTAGES did not act in true British manner.
GR you got me wondering what is the "true british manner" these days?
i only ask because if you filter out the fluff in this thread then it seems to boil down to the point that people are simply annoyed that the british are not an exactly the same in every manner as the americans? in this case its honour, military standards, multiculturalism etc etc
i've lived in the UK and USA and find some of the posts here pretty sad. We have a common enemy in Islam yet we seem to get all bend out of shape over a few marines looking pretty shabby in a photo! I know they didnt look like 100% model POWs but at least they got home to their families with their heads still attached to their bodies.
UK & USA all the way !!!

Posted by: rob at April 05, 2007 11:16 PM (jjgx5)

36 Rorke's Drift
England has a heritage, and as long as some remeber the acts of courage that led her to greatness, she will continue on.                 
               USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at April 05, 2007 11:48 PM (2OHpj)

37 Rob, YES!                   UK, and USA, all the way!   

Posted by: Michael Weaver at April 05, 2007 11:49 PM (2OHpj)

38 I will just repeat what wooga said, because I agree. They were disgraceful.

You ARE trained for being a POW. I'm not talking about SERE school (which teaches how to resist torture), but in basic training. They should have had a Geneva convention card (which they should have had on them), that card has all the information you should give them. Name, Rank, and Number. You don't say anything else, you don't do photoshoots, you don't make confessions and play dress up. Name, Rank, Number....that is it.

I hope that Plt Leader gets a good beat down and relieved of his commission.

Posted by: SGT James at April 06, 2007 12:26 AM (7QqSL)

39 Rob: Nay. I always considered the British to be the bravest nation on earth. Does mulitculturism reduce testosterone? I belive so. Since WW2 to Brits have done as we have done. I have my own opinion on how good that was for their country. Was the invasion of England by foreigners of diferent cultures forced on England by U. S. policies? You bet it was. 

Posted by: greyrooster at April 06, 2007 09:30 AM (D8iNB)

40 I just watched the ex hostages being interviewed. Two sides to every story.  And where the hell were carrier based aircraft? And why haven't the Brits and Americans sank a few Iranian ships over this issue? BECAUSE LEADERSHIP IS PUSSY. That's why. The fact that we and they aren't doing a damn thing about it is proof. Our men and their men are the same. Only thing that has changed is the attitude of leadership.  In their treatment of the hostages the Iranians broke every rule of the Geneva Convention. The US, the Brits and the United Nations leadership will not do anything.  Where does our leadership come from? Academia. Taught by, brain washed by, conditioned by know it all pussys.

Posted by: greyrooster at April 06, 2007 09:41 AM (D8iNB)

41 GR IMO the UK currently does not have any quality leadership. Phony Blair and his liberal cronies have done nothing for the UK. In my opinion real leadership left the scene after the Thatcher Reagan era.

Posted by: rob at April 06, 2007 02:30 PM (QpkBe)

42 After watching the press conference today it seems that the two on the right are the highest ranking of the group and apparently the only officers (second from end a captain, end is an lt.).  Probably worried they would be held responsible for the tourist-like behavior of the enlisted personnel, as they should be.  At least they knew enough about the miltary code of behavior not to join in.

Posted by: Jeff C. at April 06, 2007 11:03 PM (YwdKL)

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