March 22, 2007

Ahmadinejad Flies Into Snit Over "300"

From Entertainment Weekly:

Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has spoken out against the hit movie 300, joining the chorus of Iranian critics who claim that the Warner Bros. movie unfairly portrays the country's history. Though he didn't name the movie by name, in a speech delivered on Wednesday (March 21), Ahmadinejad said Western countries are ''trying to tamper with history by making a film and by making Iran's image look savage.''
Silly Mahmoud, it's not "300" that makes your country look savage. It's kidnapping diplomats. And denying the Holocaust. And trying to develop nuclear weapons for jihad. And threatening to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. And supporting brave jihadi babyhunters...

Btw, "300" went over the $100 million mark last Friday.


Posted by: Bluto at 12:24 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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March 21, 2007

Another Iranian General MIA

My anti-mullah friend emails:

Hi Vinnie,
Another IRGC general has disappeared.
Radio Israel's Persian Service quotes the Sunday Times of London that IRGC Brigadier Mohammad Sultani in charge
of IRGC op's in the Persian Gulf has also gone missing. Sunday Times [according to] quotes an Israeli source as saying that
successive disappearances of Asgari and Sultani are far from coincidental; rather it appears that there are [covert]
operations in place aimed at shaking the command structure of IRGC [the main prop of the mullahcracy].
Sunday times [according to] goes on to say that the concensus in Israel seems to be that
branches of the U.S. government in charge of U.S. policy vis-a-vis Iran and Syria are in the midst of organizing
operations in collaboration with [the dissatisfied] commanders of the IRGC.

Posted by: Vinnie at 02:40 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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March 19, 2007

Ken Timmerman discusses Iran on The Daily Show

The video below contains an interview with Kenneth Timmerman.
While the interview is not new, it still has great bearing on current events, and it is well worth watching.

Ken Timmerman is a first-rate investigative journalist, a Nobel prize nominee, the founder of the Foundation for Democracy in Iran and the author of several highly regarded books. Timmerman's books should be considered required reading for all Americans who seek a better understanding of the west's current conflict with Islam as a whole, and Iran in particular. more...

Posted by: Kafir at 01:39 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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March 17, 2007

Iranian TV Reviews "300"; Hilarity Ensues

I always get a kick out of propagandists who go out of their way to lie when the truth serves just as well or better. According to Iranian TV, "300" is Zionist propaganda that depicts the Spartans as "peace lovers" and Persians as "uncivilized."

You probably have to see the movie to fully understand how ridiculous the second and third claims are, but you probably got the idea from the trailers that the movie depicts a group of warlike and battle-hungry Spartans licking their chops to take on the armies of the vast and incredibly wealthy Persian civilization. The Persian elites bathe in luxury while Leonidas's troops enjoy a lifestyle that can best be described as "spartan." The Persians are shown as rigid and disciplined, employing advanced military technology (including hand grenades) while the Spartans make do with their swords and spears. The film slams the Persians plenty--but not for being "uncivilized."

If I were looking to whip up the Persian masses, I think I might've mentioned that the only Persian women shown in the flick are lesbians, that the Persians are shown engaging in decadent, gender-bending orgies and that King Xerxes is portrayed as vain, incompetent, very wierd and ambiguously gay--and I include the word "ambiguously" only because he's not explicitly shown banging any dudes. Think Ra from Stargate--only taller and more gay.

The funny thing here is that the movie doesn't say anything about the ancient (pre-Islamic) Persian civilization that the Iranian Ayatollahs don't say about it themselves. I guess it's like that whole "only I get to say my sister is ugly" thing.

h/t : Allah.

Posted by: Ragnar at 12:46 PM | Comments (22) | Add Comment
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March 14, 2007

Holidaze In Iran

My anti-mullah friend sends:

As I expected the regime and the celebrants have clashed once again this year.
The mullahs of course claim that they don't really oppose the celebrations only "the mischief makers and the unruly element".

This blogger claims that the regime's own media outlet KAYHAN (of Tehran) reports hundreds of "mischief makers" being arrested around the country
and that nine of the regime's guards have been killed in the clashes and more than 100 other IRGC men injured.

On an unrelated note: Mullahs are training hundreds of Hama men.

Here's the celebration the mullahs love to hate.

For those thirsting for news about Asgari, the missing general, I don't have anything worthwhile to post. Conflicting stories are all over the intertubes.

However, this piece by Michael Ledeen is worth a read.

Posted by: Vinnie at 10:14 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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March 12, 2007

Pay Up, Or Shut Up, Suckas

They couldn't get their own oil out of the ground without Western technology, hell, they can't even refine their own oil into gasoline. They have to import it. Now they can't get their nuke plant up and running without it.

This story gave me a good laugh. Apparently, nobody told Khamenei and Ahmadinnerjacket that even Allah can't make money grow on trees.

Maybe if some enterprising Spartan kicked them down the well of the twelth imam, they might find some there.

Posted by: Vinnie at 04:47 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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March 08, 2007

Mullah Meltdown In The Works

Things have heated up since my initial post.

From WaPo:

A former Iranian deputy defense minister who once commanded the Revolutionary Guard has left his country and is cooperating with Western intelligence agencies, providing information on Hezbollah and Iran's ties to the organization, according to a senior U.S. official.

Ali Rez Asgari disappeared last month during a visit to Turkey. Iranian officials suggested yesterday that he may have been kidnapped by Israel or the United States. The U.S. official said Asgari is willingly cooperating. He did not divulge Asgari's whereabouts or specify who is questioning him, but made clear that the information Asgari is offering is fully available to U.S. intelligence.

Asgari served in the Iranian government until early 2005 under then-President Mohammad Khatami. Asgari's background suggests that he would have deep knowledge of Iran's national security infrastructure, conventional weapons arsenal and ties to Hezbollah in south Lebanon. Iranian officials said he was not involved in the country's nuclear program, and the senior U.S. official said Asgari is not being questioned about it. Former officers with Israel's Mossad spy agency said yesterday that Asgari had been instrumental in the founding of Hezbollah in the 1980s, around the time of the bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut.

Iran's official news agency, IRNA, quoted the country's top police chief, Brig. Gen. Esmaeil Ahmadi-Moqaddam, as saying that Asgari was probably kidnapped by agents working for Western intelligence agencies. The Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that Asgari was in the United States. Another U.S. official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, denied that report and suggested that Asgari's disappearance was voluntary and orchestrated by the Israelis. A spokesman for President Bush's National Security Council did not return a call for comment

I would like to remind that my anti-mullah friend said this:

Apparently As’gari had managed to get his immediate
family out of Iran before he went missing which lends credence
to the possibility of him have sought political asylum somewhere.

Posted by: Vinnie at 12:21 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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March 07, 2007

Iranian General Reportedly Defects

According to Kenneth Timmerman:

A former high-ranking Iranian government official, Brig. Gen. Alireza Asghari, 63, has defected to the United States, Iranian exiles and other sources told Newsmax today.
Asghari had access to highly-classified intelligence information and "defected to the Americans with lots of secrets," respected Iranian journalist Alireza Nourizadeh told Newsmax from London.

The disappearance of the former Revolutionary Guards General has created a panic in Tehran.

The full article can be read at Global Defense Group or at Newsmax. more...

Posted by: Kafir at 03:20 PM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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Assad becomes 'enraged' at Ahmadinejad

In an article today at The Jerusalem Post, it was reported that a phone call between the leaders of Syria and Iran became hostile when Iranian president "Ahmadinejad voiced support for the establishment of an international tribunal on the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri".

According to the report, "Assad became enraged and launched into an angry tirade, cursing the Iranians at the end of the conversation."

Hmmm.... trouble in paradise?

Posted by: Kafir at 02:09 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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March 05, 2007

Top Iranian General Disappears

According the Blotter, a high-ranking Revolutionary Guards General is missing.

The good news? He may have defected to the West.

Whatever the case, it seems to have put the Iranian government into full pants crapping mode:

"This is a fatal blow to Iranian intelligence," said the source, explaining that Asgari knows sensitive information about Iran's nuclear and military projects. Iran called tens of its Revolutionary Guard agents working at embassies and cultural centers in Arab and European countries back to Tehran out of fear that Asgari might disclose secret information about their identities, according to the analyst.

Update: My anti-mullah friend emails:

According to Radio Israel Persian Service, As'gari was among
the highest ranking members of the Islamic Republic's Ministry of Defence.
They also report that the regime itself publicly acknowledges As'gari's
disappearance. Apparently As'gari had managed to get his immediate
family out of Iran before he went missing which lends credence
to the possibility of him have sought political asylum somewhere.

This is not without precedence. The defectors from the IRI regime
have, in the past few years, included at least one ambassador and one
nuclear scientist.

Posted by: Vinnie at 05:43 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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February 28, 2007

Hold Iran Accountable by Ken Timmerman

When Ken Timmerman speaks, it's a good idea to pay attention:

Hold Iran Accountable
By Kenneth R. Timmerman
Published February 28, 2007

The messages we send as the world's sole superpower matter. Today, Iran's leaders are testing us. They are testing us in Iraq, where Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) networks continue to fund both Sunni and Shi'ite insurgents. They are testing us at the International Atomic Energy Agency and at the United Nations, where they continue to defy demands by the international community to verifiably suspend their nuclear programs, which constitute a clear violation of Iran's commitments as a signatory of the Nonproliferation Treaty.

How we respond to these tests is not an academic question. Understanding the intentions and the modus operandi of this regime are life-and-death matters... more...

Posted by: Kafir at 04:36 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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February 25, 2007

3 Gulf states agree to IAF overflights en route to Iran

Now this is interesting.
From Haaretz:

"Three Arab states in the Persian Gulf would be willing to allow the Israel Air force to enter their airspace in order to reach Iran in case of an attack on its nuclear facilities, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Siyasa reported on Sunday.

According to the report, a diplomat from one of the gulf states visiting Washington on Saturday said the three states, Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates, have told the United States that they would not object to Israel using their airspace, despite their fear of an Iranian response." more...

Posted by: Kafir at 03:46 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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February 21, 2007

Yeah, Me Too

"As I have been pointing out for almost a year, everybody is getting ready for war in the Gulf."

It's not paranoia when they're really out to get you.

Posted by: Vinnie at 07:12 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
Post contains 32 words, total size 1 kb.

February 19, 2007

Iran Claims US Weapons Used Against Them

LGF noted that some Iran's pics are fake fake fake. But considering how Iran has been "helping" us in Iraq, who really cares? Not me.

Posted by: Howie at 02:42 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Iranian News Agency Applies To Be A Reuters Stringer

Yesterday, the blog grandfather noted a horrid episode of fauxtography by the Iranian news agency FAR(t)S.

Today, he points out the predictable outcome. Our media picking up the ball and running with it.

Posted by: Vinnie at 12:24 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 42 words, total size 1 kb.

February 02, 2007

Gunbattle Inside Iran

Conflicting reports on fighting inside of Iran.

Gateway Pundit:

Aryamehr, a terrific Iranian blogger who frequently reports news and video from inside the regime is reporting news of an armed struggle by the Lor, Bakhtiari and Qashqai tribes in Iran against the regime.

The Iranian government paints a far different picture:

Six police officers and four volunteers were martyred and 13 wounded in a violent clash with drug traffickers in the city of Semirom, Isfahan province.

Police Commander of Semirom, identified by his surname Mokhtari, told ISNA that four drug smugglers were also killed in the 18-hour gun-battle.

The sad fact is, each side would have good reasons to concoct falsehoods. Of course, the Iranian government would cover up a battle with anti-government forces. However, if it was a battle with drug smugglers, the resistance group could be using the incident for propaganda purposes.

Maybe Garduneh Mehr will have some inside info for us.

In the meantime, I'll keep my fingers crossed that it's the mullahs who are lying. 28 years of distrust can't be wiped out with one news story.

Stein hoist: The lovely and talented Claire posting at the lovely and talented Sondra K's.

Posted by: Vinnie at 10:12 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Nazanin Fatehi Freed From Iranian Prison

Via CTV:

A young Iranian woman who faced the death penalty for killing a man who attempted to rape her is out of jail.

Nazanin Fatehi, 19, was released Wednesday following an international campaign spearheaded by a former Miss World Canada.

Fatehi was reunited with her family in Tehran a few days after posting bail of just over $50,000.

Background info on Nazanin's plight at There is also a MySpace page.

Posted by: Ragnar at 01:07 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
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January 27, 2007

Iranians Responsible for Murder of U.S. Soldiers in Karbala?

Bill Roggio reports that Iranian trained forces may have been behind a recent attack in Karbala in which 4 soldiers were captured and then later murdured.

The Fourth Rail:

Based on the sophisticated nature of the raid, as well as the response, or cryptic non-responses, from multiple military and intelligence sources, this raid appears to have been directed and executed by the Qods Force branch of the Iranian Republican Guard Corps....

Hezbollah's Imad Mugniyah executed a similar attack against Israeli forces on the Lebanese border, which initiated the Hezbollah-Israeli war during the summer of 2006.....

Mahawil [ed: where the bodies of the four soldiers were found] is in Babil province, about 27 miles directly west of Karbala. While it is impossible to prove, the attackers may have been making a bee-line towards the Iranian border....

IF it is confirmed that Iran's Qods Force was responsible, the news that the United States has authorized the death or captured of Iranian agents inside Iraq, as well as in Afghanistan and Lebanon makes all the more sense.

Read the whole thing.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:40 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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January 26, 2007

Finally, Iran Is Being Treated Like The Enemy That They Are

I've been hearing about this all day (so have you, probably), and it still seems almost too good to be true.

WASHINGTON — President Bush has authorized U.S. forces in Iraq to take whatever actions are necessary to counter Iranian agents deemed a threat to American troops or the public at large, the White House said Friday.

The aggressive new policy came in response to intelligence that Iran is supporting terrorists inside Iraq and is providing bombs — known as improvised explosive devices — and other equipment to anti-U.S. insurgents.

All I can say is... kick them in the nuts.

Update: AP has more at Hot Air. more...

Posted by: Vinnie at 03:30 PM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
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January 11, 2007

Iranian Consulate Raided in Iraq, 5 Detained

U.S. forces raided an Iranian consulate in the Kurdish north. My understanding is that the Kurds know how to deal with insurgents. They are merciless. Which is why you rarely hear of terrorist incidents in areas controlled by the Kurds.

Iranian News Agency:

In other developments, US forces raided the Iranian consulate in the Iraqi northern city of Erbil, arrested its five staff members and confiscated computers and documents early Thursday morning.
The U.S. says it was 6 detained. MNF Iraq:
Coalition forces conducted routine security operations in northern Iraq and took six individuals into custody suspected of being closely tied to activities targeting Iraqi and Coalition forces on Jan. 11.

This operation was part of an ongoing effort by Coalition forces targeting individuals involved in activities aimed at the killing of Iraqi citizens and Coalition forces.

A man who lives next to the consulate, Sardar Hassan Mohammed, 34, said he saw what he believed to be U.S. forces surrounding the building with their vehicles before entering it. Mohammed said at least five people were taken.

An official with the Kurdish Democratic Party, who declined to give his name, said the U.S. troops confiscated belongings inside the consulate in addition to arresting people inside.

Which brings us back to a quesion I asked long ago: why don't we allow our Kurdish allies to declare independence? The only thing stopping them is us. And the only thing stopping us is our allegiance to a Cold War ally, Turkey. Note to State Department: the Cold War is over.

Hat tip to Dan Riehl for first noticing this and connects the action to last night's declaration that no country will be immune if it helps the insurgency.

Update: Related from Pamela at Atlas Shrugs who notes this NY Sun video: Iran's Secret Plan For Mayhem in Iraq.

UPDATE II: Dan Riehl updates his original post with this from the CBC. Yeah, I know it's the CBC--which makes it a 50/50 shot of being true:

An Iraqi general, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the details had not been released, said a mainly Kurdish force from one of the northern Iraqi brigades would be sent into Sadr City, the Shiite slum in northeast Baghdad that is headquarters of the Mahdi Army.

The general said Kurds, who are Sunni but not Arab, were being used against the Shiite Mahdi Army to overcome the predicted refusal by soldiers from other Iraqi units to fight fellow Shiites. An estimated 80 per cent of the Iraqi army is Shiite.

If true, what was I saying about how the Kurds treat insurgents?

Posted by: Rusty at 10:16 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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December 28, 2006

Kidnapped Security Contractors Alive

mujahidin_battalion_hostages.jpgMcClatchy Newspapers has been shown a Video of the five men as proof they are alive.

Kansas City Star: BAGHDAD, Iraq | Four American security contractors — including an area man — and an Austrian co-worker kidnapped in southern Iraq six weeks ago appear in a videotape.

The area man identifies himself as John Young, 44, of Kansas City. Relatives reached Wednesday by The Kansas City Star declined comment.

There is no way to tell when the video was filmed.

The footage, which hasn’t been made public, is the first proof that all five survived their abductions Nov. 16 in an ambush in the town of Safwan.
The clip was shown Tuesday night to McClatchy Newspapers in Baghdad on condition that the provider’s name and other identifying details be withheld for security reasons.

The provider said the video was shot in response to a demand for proof that the men were alive before negotiations for their release could begin.

The provider was confident the men were still living and remained in the hands of a little-known Shiite Muslim militant group that called itself the “Mujahedeen of Jerusalem Company.”

Audio of the tape is here.

Jawa Report post from the confusion immediately following their disappearance.

Shortly after they were taken a group calling itself The Islamic Mujahedeen Battalion claimed to have taken the men. They made the claim in a video that was broadcast on Iranian state television.

Whatever the name, Iran seems to be involved with this incident. A source pointed out to me that he thought the men would be killed. I disagreed and thought that if Iran was involved they would not throw away a bargaining chip. They would hold the men.

Well it looks like we are also holding a few chips of our own. Can you say let’s make a deal. These five for your two and none can return to Iraq. Fair enough Mookie?

Deal or no deal we pray for their safe and speedy return and for strength for their families at this most difficult of times.

Hat Tip: George.

Posted by: Howie at 12:12 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 18, 2006

Iran Votes Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Candidates Lose

Heh, Apparently Iran's Voters are none to happy with his abandonment of his platform t Mahmoud's abandonment of his platform and puppet dance fotr the Ayatollahs.

The Guardian:The Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, faced electoral embarrassment today after the apparent failure of his supporters to win control of key local councils and block the political comeback of his most powerful opponent.

Early results from last Friday's election suggested that his Sweet Scent of Service coalition had won just three out of 15 seats on the symbolically important Tehran city council, foiling Mr Ahmadinejad's plan to oust the mayor and replace him with an ally.

Heh, welcome to Democracy. The people have spoken and you did even worse than the Republicans in the US.

I'd step down now, before the Iranian people hang you from a crane.

Also see OTB and Captain's Quarters. more...

Posted by: Howie at 04:57 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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December 16, 2006

Iran Planning, "Final Soluton"

Not a surprise really, I've read it and was speechless.

Via Mermi:On December 14, 2006 the Iranian news agency IRNA reported, in English, that participants in the Iranian Holocaust Denial conference, dubbed "Holocaust: A Global Vision," had announced the establishment of a "world foundation for Holocaust studies" and unanimously appointed Presidential Advisor Mohammad-Ali Ramin as its secretary-general.

According to IRNA, Ramin said that "one of the plans of the foundation is to assign a committee to find out the truth about the holocaust [sic], and noted that its main office will be in Tehran, and that it "will eventually be transferred to Berlin, once proper grounds are prepared."

Let me translate, "once proper grounds are prepared" for you. That's, "Once the Islamists control Germany".

But what could possible be the point of such a study?

"The Resolution of the Holocaust Issue Will End in the Destruction of Israel"

"Ramin (Presidential Advisor Mohammad-Ali Ramin as secretary-general of World Foundation for Holocaust Studies) claimed that the Holocaust was the main reason why Palestine was occupied, while Israel was the main cause of crises and catastrophe in the Middle East. 'So long as Israel exists in the region,' he said, 'there will never be peace and security in the Middle East. So the resolution of the Holocaust issue will end in the destruction of Israel.'

So, you guys at The Hauge hear that?

Posted by: Howie at 11:35 AM | Comments (26) | Add Comment
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December 13, 2006

Ahmadinejad Incitement To Genocide Complaint

A panel led by US ambassador to the UN John bolton will present evidence at The Hague in an attempt to bring a charge of "Incitement to Genocide" against the Iranian president.

Via The Guardian : The outgoing US ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, is backing a call for the president of Iran to be charged with inciting genocide because of his speeches advocating the destruction of the state of Israel......Mr Bolton will be joined in tomorrow's launch of the legal action against Mr Ahmadinejad by a Harvard law professor, Alan Dershowitz, and the former Israeli ambassador to the UN, Dore Gold, together with experts from the US, Canada and Israel. A suit will be lodged with the international court of justice at The Hague, which will decide whether to hear the action. The panel said the Iranian president was guilty of inciting genocide "by making numerous threats against the United States, calling for the destruction of Israel and instigating discrimination against Christians and Jews". His words violate a 1948 UN genocide convention, to which Iran is a signatory, they said.
Related: Muslim bloggers rebuke Ahmadinejad

Posted by: Howie at 03:56 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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December 11, 2006

Death To The Dictator

Update: OK FOXNEWS you owe me 20 bucks for the title! Wait a minute, they have money, 20 thousand bucks for the title. ;)

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was heckled during a speech at Tehran University.

Via Breitbart: A small number of students shouted 'death to the dictator' and smashed cameras of state television...

.... Ahmadinejad responded by describing those students chanting the slogans as an "oppressive" minority.

"A small number of people who claim there is oppression are creating oppression and do not let the majority hear (my) words," he said.

That's funny oppression is when you can't hear the dictator. Reports that the group was shouted down by chants of, "We support Short Stuff!" were incorrect. Ahmadinejad's followers were actually chanting, "Death To America!"

Posted by: Howie at 08:54 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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