They couldn't get their own oil out of the ground without Western technology, hell, they can't even refine their own oil into gasoline. They have to import it. Now they can't get their
This story gave me a good laugh. Apparently, nobody told Khamenei and Ahmadinnerjacket that even Allah can't make money grow on trees.
Maybe if some enterprising Spartan kicked them down the well of the twelth imam, they might find some there.
Posted by: busywwolf at March 12, 2007 07:12 PM (HObrn)
Posted by: Vinnie at March 12, 2007 07:44 PM (fdAim)
Unless they are stockpiling fuel like crazy, I still think they would be ruined in a few weeks of unrestricted missiles and bombs, backed by a few helicopter assaults to dig out hardened sites. If they have the fuel to fight back, it would take longer. We could simply kill thier economy in about three days of hard work, even still. Note, I'm saying bomb'em, and leave'em to rot. Forget occupying. Let them beg us to be occupied.
USA, all the way,
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 12, 2007 08:36 PM (2OHpj)
IRAN WILL IMPOVERISH ITSELF BEFORE IT IS ABLE TO MAKE WAR EFFECTIVELY. Prior to 9/11, Iran was able to carry on for decades, pursuing a mediaeval society without much Western influence. Tyranny was accepted, dissent stifled, its immediate neighbours gave up any interest in conflict, and in any case were just as tyrannical and mediaeval as Iran. Now, Iran is flooded by rapid change. Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan are progressing bumpily towards democracy, and these democratic ideas are spreading to Iran. The Iranian people clearly want to liberalize and live in freedom, and these feelings are likely to grow stronger as the Western onslaught of cultural influence continues. Iranian leaders have responded by increasing their hate and encouraging the people to hate. This process is clearly at an advanced stage, the hate invective is ubiquitous and unending, and it is ever more emotional and irrational, as one would expect from emotions out of control. The invective is aimed at almost every conceivable population, it is effusive, it is moralistic, it is articulated in loud, stained voices, and it is so irrational that much of it is self-contradictory. One minute, the UN is to be praised for partially agreeing with something Iran has done, but the next minute, the UN has done something offensive to Iran, which means the UN should be abolished. Clearly, Iran feels itself to be in a very tight corner, and like Hitler in his final days in his bunker, they vainly hope for the arrival of “super-weapons†which will obliterate the enemy, and remove the threat. I am relieved that the Allies have finally determined to fight Iran with cold war methods, because they will probably work.
Posted by: DemocracyRules at March 12, 2007 10:57 PM (L/SIz)
Hmmm......Kicked him down the well of the twelfth Imam...I'm feeling some inspiration. I think I need to go seed some leftist and Islamist board.
Posted by: TBinSTL at March 12, 2007 11:15 PM (MSiPb)
Iran is so stupid that it has to import gasoline. Friggin dummies.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 13, 2007 07:17 AM (W7E9s)
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