September 25, 2007
I’ve received phone calls and emails from Southern Baptists about Senator Thompson. They are all furious at Doctor Dobson. They just feel that first of all there was a mischaracterizing of his positions. Do I wish that he supported the marriage protection amendment? Of course I do. To say that he is for 50 different views of marriage in 50 different states is a gross mischaracterization of his position...he problem with these cotton picking conviction politicians is that they follow their convictions and Fred Thompson has been for a long long time a very staunch federalist and it’s hard to convince conviction politicians to change their minds.He also comments on Fred's church attendance record:
[D]o I wish that he attended church every Sunday? As a Baptist pastor, of course I do. But does that make him a person of unbelief? That’s harsh and unwarranted.H/t : Allah.Posted by: Ragnar at 11:16 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 20, 2007
"Isn't Thompson the candidate who is opposed to a Constitutional amendment to protect marriage, believes there should be 50 different definitions of marriage in the U.S., favors McCain-Feingold, won't talk at all about what he believes, and can't speak his way out of a paper bag on the campaign trail?" Dobson wrote....Dobson's denouncement comes on the heels of this scandalous info:Dobson and other Christian conservatives support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would bar gay marriage nationally. Thompson has said he would support a constitutional amendment that would prohibit states from imposing their gay marriage laws on other states, which falls well short of that....
U.S. News and World Report quoted Dobson earlier this year as questioning Thompson's commitment to the Christian faith — comments Dobson contended were not put in proper context. Dobson in this week's e-mail writes that suppositions "about the former senator's never having professed to be a Christian are turning out to be accurate in substance."
At a recent campaign appearance in South Carolina, Thompson said he got his values from his parents and “the good Church of Christ.†But he said he does not belong to a church or attend church regularly at his home in McLean, Va., just outside Washington.I may be wrong, but I doubt Dobson's attacks are going to have much, if any, negative effect on Fred's standing among evangelicals. Whatever their opinions on Fred's personal spiritual beliefs, most devout Christians I know are primarily focused on how a candidate's positions on the issues are going to affect their families and their communities. If they know that Fred understands their concerns and that he's willing to fight for what they believe in, they'll be backing Fred, even if he doesn't conform to Rev. Dobson's definition of a "REAL Christian."“I guess I’m one of those people who feel a little uncomfortable getting too inside your person and personality, but I understand it’s necessary,†Thompson said, as reported by the Spartanburg (S.C.) Herald-Journal. “I’m doing the best I can with it, because I don’t hold myself out to be a perfect person. I’ve not always met the standard that I’ve set for myself, but I know that I’m right with God and I’m right with the people I love, and the people I love are right with me.â€
UPDATE : It was pointed out in the comments that James Dobson isn't a "Reverend." He's just a dude. I thought he was a "Reverend." My apologies.
Posted by: Ragnar at
09:31 AM
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September 19, 2007
Given their methodology, taking first place in their South Carolina stats actually means something.
UPDATE : If Mitt's the nominee, the GOP might have trouble holding on to the Deep South. Tied with Hillary in Alabama? Not good.
Posted by: Ragnar at
12:00 AM
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September 07, 2007
[Thompson's] tech acumen showed up again last week when -- after months in an unofficial shadow campaign -- Thompson announced he would kick off his official run for the White House with a webcast this Thursday. "By announcing via webcast, Fred is able to take his consistently mainstream conservative message directly to the voters who are already responding to that message with a strong upwelling of grassroots support," Bill Lacy, Thompson's campaign manager, said in a statement....Thompson's highest-profile tech legacy in his congressional record is the establishment of an information-sharing and security infrastructure across the federal government. Thompson was the prime Senate sponsor of a bill called GISRA (Government Information Security Act), signed into law in 2000. It forced government agencies to conduct annual security audits and report the -- usually embarrassing -- bottom line results to the public.
Posted by: Ragnar at
12:03 PM
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September 06, 2007
Is it just me, or does Thompson come across as a guy who just doesn't give enough of a hoot to pander? There was nothing artificial about him, nothing prepackaged. Not only does he not smell of desperate effort to be liked by the audience, he seems like he's equally happy with winning or with going home to a happy life with Jeri, the kids, and playing an authority figure in whatever upcoming television project Dick Wolf has. This does not seem like a man who will flip-flop depending on political winds; if you don't like him... he really doesn't seem to care.
Posted by: Ragnar at
11:12 AM
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September 04, 2007
Arizona is the home state for John McCain, but Fred Thompson is the strongest GOP Presidential candidate in the state at this time.In other news, Fred managed a "surprising" and "unexpected" showing at the Texas Straw Poll this weekend:A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that Thompson leads Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton by seventeen percentage points, 51% to 34%. Thompson will be formally announcing his candidacy this week.
FORT WORTH – Rep. Duncan Hunter of California will go down as the official winner of the first-ever Texas Republican straw poll.Pics of the FredHead presence here.But what followers of politics will be talking about is former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson's second-place finish.
His strong showing cements the actor turned presidential contender as the conservative alternative to front-runners like former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Arizona Sen. John McCain...
Not bad for a candidate who didn't make any personal overtures to Texas voters because he wasn't officially in the race.
His band of Texas "Fred Heads" picked up the slack, calling more than 3,000 potential delegates before the straw poll began. And only the ubiquitous backers of Rep. Ron Paul of Lake Jackson bested the Fred Heads' enthusiasm during the event.
In other news, the FredHeads have some "FRED 2008" bumper stickers available for FREE. First come, first served.
Posted by: Ragnar at
09:16 AM
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August 24, 2007
Posted by: Ragnar at
03:43 PM
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August 20, 2007
But other than the general stupidity of the Media Matters article, isn't it telling that they decided not only to attack Fred but also to send out mass e-mails about it? It's almost as if they were afraid of something.....
UPDATE: Sock puppets for the DNC fear the Fred?
UPDATE II: You expected me to read a MM article? Post corrected with less stupid.
Posted by: Rusty at
05:07 PM
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August 15, 2007
If you listen closely, you can hear a small group of FredHeads chanting "Fred Thompson!" in between the chants of "Ron Paul!"
Posted by: Ragnar at
09:44 AM
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August 14, 2007
Well friends, the Iowa Straw Poll is done and there weren't many surprises. Except for maybe that small band of Fred Heads from Texas who drove up to Iowa. I enjoyed reading about their efforts to make a mark over the weekend!...Of course, this could just be a clever ploy to get the renegade FredHeads to come out of hiding, but I'm thinking it sounds pretty genuine. Sounds like all is forgiven...When I read about those kids from Texas it inspires me to keep working to get our message and our vision for America's future out to as many of our friends, supporters, and potential supporters as we can...
Posted by: Ragnar at
02:00 PM
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August 13, 2007
Posted by: Ragnar at
11:40 AM
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August 12, 2007
Through the course of the day, four volunteers handed out approximately 1,500 bumper stickers, 1,000 business cards and 900 premade buttons. We also manufactured and passed out another 500 buttons on-site and signed up almost 100 new Iowa FredHeads.Full article, with photos, here.No, we didn't win the big game, but in our defense, we suspect the other candidates might have spent a little more than we did...
Posted by: Ragnar at
10:44 AM
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August 09, 2007

It is now only a matter of time...
Posted by: Ragnar at
07:18 PM
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August 08, 2007
Details at FredHeadsUSA.
Posted by: Ragnar at
07:34 AM
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July 17, 2007
Posted by: Ragnar at
05:49 PM
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July 02, 2007
Don't you just love these guys? I mean, come on, when was the last time such scrams and rails were uttered by an opposition before an opponent had even thrown his hat in the ring? What, exactly, are these people worried about? I'll tell you. They're worried they will spend jillions of dollars, and he'll walk away with the election without even breaking a sweat.Full post here.
Posted by: Ragnar at
04:13 PM
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June 29, 2007
This from The Huffington Post:
FRED is in the building. The Wayfarer that is. Former Senator Fred Thompson makes his first Granite State visit on Thursday. Thompson will appear at a fundraiser for the NH Senate Republican Victory PAC. Senate Minority Leader Ted Gatsas got Thompson there by reaching out to volunteers working to draft Thompson. The Fredheads in New Hampshire are led by Steve Smith, who was NH Director, but is now "Head of the North Territory," which also includes New York, Connecticut, and Maryland...We're always looking for good heads. Should you be so inclined, you can Join FredHeads Here. If you're curious, you can learn more about the New Hampshire FredHeads here.Asked about Thompson's appeal, Smith says you hear the full range of reasons. Foremost, Smith says, Thompson's been a consistent unapologetic conservative and not compromised on a lot of the big issues.
"They can't tell you why they're supporting him, that's the great part. They just look at all the other candidates and they look at him and they say, 'thats the guy,'" opines Smith. "After the debates in Manchester, Fred was on Hannity and Colmes afterwards and he can reach out and grab the person in the living room and get his point across."
Posted by: Ragnar at
07:30 PM
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June 26, 2007
The latest Rasmussen poll shows Fred FOUR POINTS ahead of Giuliani.
Last but not least, Fred is making a swing through the Eastern U.S. starting today.
Posted by: Ragnar at
12:50 PM
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June 24, 2007

If you would like to take part in our brand new super exciting Blog Sabbath Hot Chicks for Fred 08 poster contest, send yours to Vinnie because he needs the hassle.
Fatwas will be issued.
Update: Fatwas issued!
The much coveted, "I cut u neck fatwa", issued against Vinnie for playing along.
The, "Damn I'm good Fatwa", issued against Howie for being so effing cool.
The brand new, "Ya'll suck!" fatwa issued against the rest of you for being a bunch of non participating schmucks.
Posted by: Howie at
10:51 AM
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June 20, 2007
Update by Howie: Ask and ye shall receive.
Well, Whaddya Know? The real Women for Fred Thompson site here.
Posted by: Rusty at
02:04 PM
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June 19, 2007
The full text of the speech can be found here, but here's what I found to be most interesting:
Many in Europe simply have a different view from that of the United States as to the threat of radical Islamic fundamentalism. They think that the threat is overblown. That despite September 11th, and July 7th and other attacks in Europe and elsewhere, America is the main target and therefore the problem is basically an American one. The fact that no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq at a particular point in time resolves the matter for them. Also, they see no meaningful connection between terrorist groups and countries like Iran.Read the rest.Admittedly, even some in America think that the threat is overblown, and that if we had not gone into Iraq, we’d have no terrorism problem.
However, most Americans feel differently. We understand that the Western world is in an international struggle with jihadists who see this struggle as part of a conflict that has gone on for centuries, and who won’t give up until Western countries are brought to their knees. I agree with this view. I believe that the forces of civilization must work together with common purpose to defeat the terrorists who for their own twisted purposes have murdered thousands, and who are trying to acquire technology to murder millions more.
When terrorists in their video performances pledge more and bigger attacks to come, against targets in both Europe and America, these are not to be shrugged off as idle boasts. They must be taken at their word.
As Borat would say, very nice. Is Rusty becoming a Fredhead? Only time will tell......
Posted by: Rusty at
12:09 PM
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