An American Terrorist in Somalia
I'll let you go watch it over at Weasel Zips. It's sickening, really. To be honest, I think I might know who this guy is, but still not sure. Expect an update in the next day or two.
You may remember that there was already at least one American convicted of helping the African Taliban in their jihad. Daniel Joseph Maldonado, aka Daniel Aljughaifi, was convicted of training to commit acts of terrorism overseas. He now denies that he was in Somalia helping the African Courts Union set up an Islamic state and that he only copped a plea to reduce a potential terrorism conviction. But witnesses in Somalia not only place him as an active ICU fighter, but also receiving training from al Qaeda operatives.
It is also known that Madonado has a number of supporters and sympathizers in the U.S., some of whom have vowed to continue the jihad in Somalia.
In addition to Maldonado, one of the heads of the African Taliban is an American. Ibrahim Hassan Addou is an American citizen and the ICU's "Foreign Minister".
Posted by: Rusty at
10:52 PM
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African Taliban Killing Children
Buried in this article about renewed fighting in Somalia between the African Taliban of the Islamic Courts Union and the Ethiopian backed Somali forces is this nugget:
On Sunday, a roadside bomb killed two children and an elderly man and wounded five people.
Apparently its just too obvious to identify those responsible. In addition, at least 4 other civilians are known to have died in Somalia over the past few days.
So, we have international conferences, awareness campaigns, and conventions on the use of land mines, how come we never hear any international outrage over the use of IEDs? Maybe the U.S. or its allies ought to start planting roadside bombs just so we can finally hear some condemnation of their use.
Posted by: Rusty at
12:40 PM
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UN Human Rights Commission Member Bombing Civilians in Sudan
The Sudanese military is, once again, bombing civilians in Darfur. Sudan is a member of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Will somebody remind the U.N. enthusiasts about these two facts, please.
"After a halt in the bombing between the beginning of February and the end of April in 2007, the Sudanese government has resumed bombing in Darfur," [U.S. envoy Andrew] Natsios said.
"This should end and the ceasefire that was agreed to sometime ago should be respected. We urge the Sudanese government to end all bombing in Darfur immediately," he said. ....
Natsios also said the United States was disturbed by reports that the Sudanese government was deliberately trying to change Darfur's demography by settling non-Sudanese Arab tribes there.
In layman's terms, that last paragraph is about ethnic cleansing.
Posted by: Rusty at
11:01 AM
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Muslims Burn Koran! - But where is the outrage??
This NBC report from Chad depicts the "scorched earth" campaign being waged by the Janjaweed, which includes the burning of Korans (along with the rest of the village).
Yet surprisingly, there is no outrage from the world Islamic community!
Where are the riots? Where are the banners reading "Death to The Janjaweed"? I mean... shouldn't they at least murder an Imam in protest or something?
Apparently in the mainstream Muslim world, it is perfectly alright for 'Arab Muslims' to exterminate entire villages of 'African Muslims', but one false report about a Koran being desecrated at GITMO, and all hell breaks loose.
But who are we kidding? Muslims committing atrocities?
Deep down, we all know this is somehow the work of those damned Zionists.
1 Well at least someone is killing muslims. Looks like the brown muslims are killing the black muslims who will being killing the muslims across the border. Meanwhile the Christians for some reason are telling them to stop killing each other and concentrate on killing us. A good muslims should not be killing muslims. He should be killing other religions and people. Seems like everyone is a screwed up mess. Why is everyone killing everyone else. IN THE NAME OF GOD WHO IS ALL GOOD AND MISERYFUL. Then we can always get real and say less muslims is a good thing so God is doing a good thing.
Posted by: greyrooster at May 01, 2007 05:57 AM (MPV+3)
"IN THE NAME OF GOD" I'ts not God's fault if mankind chooses evil. It's not America's laws which are at fault if one American chooses to rob and kill another. Fault for evil always lies with the individual who actually DOES the evil. That is the baseline for any proper sense of justice. Casting a broader net of blame only draws in and punishes the innocent, along with the guilty.
That having been said, where is the Muslim outrage over the dead, and disfigured? the Quran is just a printed copy of religious verse, which can be reprinted as often as required. Human lives which are destroyed by this violence are unique, and irreplaceable. You can't just reprint someones father, Mother, or child! You can't just reprint somenes crippled body, once it has been ruined!
It's a good point that the lunatics who kill people for touching the Quran have no proper sense of value, or proportionality. That does need to be shown for the sickness that it is. The fact that it is OK to burn people for not being Arab, is as great a sickness. Killing for stupid reasons! Killing for selfish, and cruel reasons! Killing those who neither intended to provoke, nor who had sought any enemies. Killing not as just retaliation, nor accidentally, but with extreme prejudice, in it's worst connotation!
The fact that they are Muslims killing Muslims IS suppossed to be contrary to Islamic teaching, unless someone is suppossedly practicing 'heresy' and therefore an 'apostate'. More evidence that whatever is expedient for a Muslim will be excused, but the slightest accidental insult by an infidel will be met with hysteria, and aggression.
Nothing good comes from any of this.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at May 01, 2007 10:54 AM (2OHpj)
"Muslims killing Muslims is an embarrassment" Ann should of asked the next question of "why" so she could of received the answer that they should be killing non-Muslims.
Posted by: Randman at May 01, 2007 11:10 AM (Sal3J)
In the US, one is derided for wanting arms to protect against crime and here the farmers only had bows. Ann is aghast that these people can't defend themselves. Talk about double standard.
Posted by: 6Kings at May 01, 2007 11:18 AM (5ghEP)
6"Talk about double standard" Good catch! USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at May 01, 2007 01:26 PM (2OHpj)
Frankly Ann has no clue. They will kill anyone who stands in their way. They don't give a damn about their fellow muslims only their cause. I think they are on the way to going down as they have lost their scense of purpose as they are too busy killing everyone. Are they ready to rule the world? I think not. I feel they honestly do not have a ends mean to this mess. They are like the dems, sick with power and nowhere to spead the power.
Posted by: allahakchew at May 01, 2007 05:10 PM (BrndJ)
Posted by: greyrooster at May 01, 2007 10:27 PM (pW/bR)
Savage nation rules. Michael Savage for president.
Posted by: greyrooster at May 01, 2007 10:28 PM (pW/bR)
As a Muslim, I want to address two double standards. One is that Larry Baker on this website confessed to killing many Muslims in a comment he made about my buddy Black Lion being run out of the country. Ironically being run out for making some death threat, but Larry confessed and no one did a doggone thing!
I'd also address the double standard of the Janjaweed killing African Muslims in Sudan and the spread of violence to Darfur, but you all did that for me. Thanks a million. 'Praciate that. But there are double standards in that, too. One is that Christians never mentioned that except to discredit Islam itself and not Arab racism against darker people which is the real problem carried over from before Islam. Whites lynched us in the Southern US for a century with not one prison or death sentence served as penalty. It was the 80s before the first white person was executed for killing a Black Man. And now in Sudan, the lighter African Muslims call themselves Arabs and kill the darker people of whatever religion. But until Islam was seen as a growing force by conversion in the late 90s, white Christians didn't give a rat's behind about that if they even knew to begin with, and most of us never even heard about it.
In short, quit condemning Islam because Arabs are colorist and racist. Instead, condemn Arabs for being that way, so they can point the finger at whites and bring up their history, too. I don't support violence against practicing (that means non-racist) Muslims, but if two tribes of racists want to wipe each other out, I win either way. But atleast call it an Arab probelm and not an Islamic one.
On the other hand, you're right, Muslims aren't talking enough about this, and we should be. But how would you all like it if Al-Qaeda were to decide to wipe out the Janjaweed and avenge the victims, leading to the darkest Sudanese being the most priviledged and the lightest among them being the least? How would you all like that reverse color hierarchy? You'd be reaising a much bigger stink about that, with headlines like "Black Muslims Oppressing White Muslims in Africa." I hope Muslims do more than just speak against the Janjaweed, I hope they kill them and implement this reverse racial hierarchy just to tick you all off.
Posted by: Anti-Babylon at May 03, 2007 11:43 AM (gZMpS)
Larry Baker turned out to a Muslim sock puppet troll attempting to impersonate an american soldier. In fact his is an American Muslim who did serve in the military in the distant past, He was posting from the Dearborn Michigan area.
Google it.
so by your name Anti Babylon I assume you are agaisnt Iraq? Against the city of Babylon? Makes no sense what so ever.
Posted by: Howie at May 03, 2007 11:47 AM (YHZAl)
Anti-Babylon doesn't make any sense because he's probably a criminal just released from prison where he learned about Islam. Just another black crybaby. Whine, whine, whine. Give the baby a basketball and some chickenwings and he will shut up.
Posted by: greyrooster at May 03, 2007 05:18 PM (Eabxz)
Better yet. Give him allahdickchew. She likes those black guys just on of prison. Good way to get your carpet trimmed.
Posted by: greyrooster at May 03, 2007 05:20 PM (Eabxz)
African Taliban Child Abuse: 10 Year Old Fighting in Mogadishu
According to a website affiliated with the al Qaeda linked Somali Islamic Courts Union, the above picture is of a "10yr old Mujahid takes part in the fighting around Kaah Hotel" in Mogadishu.
Unlike most pictures of Muslim children carrying guns as a symbol of a future jihadi, this one is actually using the weapon. And unlike me, who is disgusted by the image, the website praises the child for "resisting the Tigree [Ethiopian Christians]".
"Shabelle" is a Somali news service. Shabelle captions it "A 10 year-old Somali Islamist boy aims his AK 47 rifle at an Ethiopian military base nearby in North of the capital on Monday."
Just to show that the image wasn't staged, a second image of the boy with two others is captioned: "Three Somali Islamist insurgents, including a 10 year-old boy, are busy unfolding their PKM ammunitions behind a building wall in north of the capital on Monday April 23, 2007."
UPDATE: Just to clarify, I found the image posted at an African Courts Union website, not at Shabelle. It is the African Courts Union that has ties to al Qaeda. I later found the original at Shabelle.
As disgusting as it is, this is hardly suprising. There are only two ways people join this death cult. Either they are told to convert or be beheaded (in spite of "there is no compulsion in religion). Or they are brainwashed from the childhood so that any rational or logical thoughts they may have are forever imprisoned in koran's hateful mentality.
The left is increasingly using the second tactic. Read Indoctrinate U and you'll demand homeschooling for your children...
Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at April 26, 2007 10:11 AM (gtZwa)
how much more proof do you need before you realize all of these little brown killers need to go? they are like any animal they do what they are bred and born to do.
Posted by: Don Bell at April 26, 2007 10:14 AM (Nhfns)
Yeah, this shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to you Rusty. After all, its Somalia were talking about here. Theres a damn good reason there aren't any timeshares in that country.
Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at April 26, 2007 10:28 AM (mak/j)
if you do not get rid of these black animals now they will attack America and Americans at some point in the future. We should be carpet bombing this cesspool to ensure not one killer survives.
of course thousands will end up with a free pass into this country by the liberals in govt and end up driving cabs before they kill more Americans.
Posted by: Don Bell at April 26, 2007 10:35 AM (Nhfns)
Dr. you should start screening for sock puppets... again.
Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at April 26, 2007 10:36 AM (gtZwa)
A fading culture does what it does as death comes before it, to encircle it and remove its very existence from this earth.
Posted by: RJ at April 26, 2007 10:42 AM (yyxO/)
I remember one Palestinian wench being interviewed on a Canadian TV program screaming accusations of racism at the interviewer because he had pointed out the use of children by Mo-slime terrorists. I guess she would hurl the same accusation at Rusty for this post.
By the way, here is a video of Paleo terrorist parasites using Paleo-children as human shield knowing that Israeli soldiers won't shoot at them while they are holding the children.
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at April 26, 2007 10:43 AM (j97MF)
Don Bell, what part of this site have you read that makes you think your comments are welcome here? Just because we are conservatives does not mean that we agree with your ignorant remarks. You are to conservatives as the Truthers would have been to the Democrats 30 years ago.
Posted by: slug at April 26, 2007 11:53 AM (2uvQu)
But Rusty will save us. He will take them to dinner and talk to them. A sure cure in Rusty's eyes. Rusty's in turning pussy and anyone who disagrees is a racist. The friggin liberals have brainwashed him. Then again. There's probably some muslim professor in the class room next to him. So kissing minority and muslim ass is a must to save his job. I hope it's worth it. Wouldn't be for me.
Posted by: greyrooster at April 26, 2007 04:58 PM (jmD0W)
But don't worry Rusty. I give you a job. Even make you a shift manager. That way you can keep playing with kids and they'll look up to you. But If Jermain hits you upside the head with a cheeseburger and calls you a stupid white honkie Mutha Fucka can't say anyting racist back. Jes talk to him. Tell him you love Al Sharpton when he heads to his car for his gun.
Posted by: greyrooster at April 26, 2007 05:08 PM (jmD0W)
I've said it before and I'll say it again....The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim.........
Posted by: doriangrey at April 26, 2007 05:21 PM (XvkRd)
shup up,5,they are not animals.
all not cause of them ,they are too young to know everyone.
only the older ones.cause there gov and other gov. take care,boy.don't do that thing!
Posted by: Tracy at April 27, 2007 02:41 AM (8lLqk)
OK ALL RACISTS KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF! Greyrooster! Give it a rest! You should be wise enough to know that skin doesn't show you a persons mind or spirit! And when totally ridiculous fruitbats like 'Don Bell' (read 'dumb-bell') show up and sound like the worst half of your average comment, it gets a bit hard to shrug off. YOU KNOW, I like a lot of what you say, but I am sick to death of you making every other thing an excuse for racism. And you whip Rusty a lot, when you KNOW he has done a ton to keep this place up and running to fight the good fight. 'Dumb-bell' is probably a moby troll, but that doesn't excuse the fuel that he is provided by the odd genuine comment by a regular like you! Do me a favor, as someone who you know has stood up for you before, and please consider if it is really necessary to blast away as casually as you do with the racism. US patriots come in all colors. So do assholes. It's not the skin, it's the thinking! C'mon rooster!? Can you please at least try??? Thank you in advance
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at April 27, 2007 04:47 AM (2OHpj)
And 'Don Bell' ... Back! Thou unclean spirit! USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at April 27, 2007 04:49 AM (2OHpj)
Hey where are the wacks from CHILDERNS DEFENSE FUND and other liberal leftard groups the same ones who object to kids knowing gun safety
Posted by: sandpiper at April 30, 2007 04:42 PM (lIqve)
Muslims Murder Christian Teacher for "Koran Desecration"
Ah, the Religion of Tolerance, once again, tolerates someone to death. The teacher had apparently taken away a Koran from a student who was reading it in class. The students then accused her of 'desecrating it' before murdering her.
What constitutes 'desecration'? Apparently her unclean (harem) Christian hands touched the Quran.
The reporter goes on to the 'nuanced' explanationthat the teacher wasn't really killed for blasphemy, but claims that in 'reality' religion just a cover for 'ethnic or political conflicts and competition for resources'.
Right. Denial aint just a river in Nigeria......
The reporter also does not let the readers know that the state of Gombe---like most of Northern Nigeria-- where the incident happened, is ruled by sharia law.
Secondary school pupils in north-eastern Nigeria have killed a teacher after apparently accusing her of desecrating the Koran, police say.
The teacher, a Christian, was attacked after supervising an exam in Gombe city....Similar accusations sparked riots in neighbouring Bauchi State last year.
Thanks to Lucky for helping make this an all Africa day at the Jawa.
I hate to stoop to their level but I believe it's time for retributions for the acts of these Muslims Assholes. They need some of their better people like teachers, newpersons and such slaughters in return. Prehaps then they can understand what it feels like. I have no more pity for muslims. The world will be a better place without them. Time for a Jihad against the filthy muslim hoard. I no longer even have feelings for their young and old. Best to rid earth of the bastards.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 22, 2007 12:15 PM (jNRRK)
"I hate to stoop to their level " I don't think we can. After you look at how long we have indulged the horror they inflict with the simple mob aggresion that they employ, and you look at the raw nuclear force we have held for decades, you can see who is on the higher moral ground. If they had got nukes first, we would all be reading in Arabic, or dead. We are virtual saints when it comes to self restraint. It's probably time we took the hint, and accepted that you can only turn the other cheek, till you run out of cheeks!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 22, 2007 12:45 PM (2OHpj)
I don't mean to nitpick but isn't 'haram' unclean?
Posted by: Vagrant at March 22, 2007 01:34 PM (yIEot)
No taco snapper can get to me. Liberals have no effect on my thoughts. I've never called for nuking them or total destruction of any people. I am getting harder on them not softer. The more I see. the more I learn. The more my common sense comes play I realize the world is being played by the religious. There is no greater danger to humanity than religious nutcases gaining power.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 22, 2007 01:49 PM (jNRRK)
Hey! I'm not exactly 'calling' for nuking them. Do you think I want that much bad karma?
But I do admit it's coming down to the point we will have to make such a decision, because an Iranian nuke will force the choice upon us. The fact we may need to strike firt, will not be good PR. People will say (as they do now) that we are already stooping PAST thier level, never really thinking about the alternative to strong action on our part. So who here wants to be President of the USA? Anyone?
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 22, 2007 02:28 PM (2OHpj)
I'm Gombe dammit !!! Sorry, had to interject the slightly twisted Eddie Murphy/SNL reference.
But seriously, any extremist is dangerous, whether an Islamic fundamentalist or a ultra right-wing Christian. Anyone who believes that their beliefs are the only correct ones AND are willing to kill anyone who disagrees are a true danger to everyone else on the planet.
As to the President question, NOT ME !! Politics is for those who have high aspirations and low morals, you know the type... LAWYERS !!
Posted by: memphis761 at March 22, 2007 04:16 PM (YHZAl)
We will remain politically correct until the last man.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 22, 2007 08:21 PM (jNRRK)
Greyrooster, that wind IS already blowing a different direction. PC is going out of style. I wouldn't sh*t you
I have seen enough now to believe we are goint to finally find our backbone as a nation again. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 22, 2007 11:22 PM (2OHpj)
Mauritania: Islamic "Model" for Democracy
Publius Pundit reports on an Islamic country which seems to fast be heading towards democracy and which, he claims, could serve as a model for other Muslim majority countries. Seems like very good news.
This isn't to say that Mauritania is a shining bright spot on the world. It's one of the only places in the world where slavery is still practiced to a large degree; racial [sic--"racism"???] has historically been extreme. Economic and cultural liberalization have been slow to take hold and in most cases outright suppressed since independence.
Hopefully he's right that the new democratic movement will lead to liberalism. Personally, I'm more of a fan of liberty than I am of democracy, but rarely do we find one without the other. I'll keep my fingers crossed, but I can only hold my breath for so long.
But...but...only white people can be racist and slave owners. They told me so in public school.
Posted by: Randman at March 22, 2007 11:28 AM (Sal3J)
Just another dimbass muslim country would will join the rest to the islamic pricks in the end. Another example of why American Blacks that continue to join islam are the most backward people in the world. No hope for them.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 22, 2007 12:23 PM (jNRRK)
I think educated people who join Islam are doing it so they can legitimize looking down at someone. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 22, 2007 12:48 PM (2OHpj)
Naw! They're jealous of who they must look up to. There is far more race in the Muslim thing than academia and the brain washed will admit. How many Western Whites, Asians or Latins do you see surrying to the filthy banner of Islam? Islam is based on hatred. Those with a lot of hatred are the ones joining. Lets face it. One would have to be full of hate to join the filthy, backward, barbarians now in control of Islam. Hate who? The white man of course. Blacks in America and the west don't join Pisslam for any other reason except to further their hatred of Whitey fueled by an inferiority complex of their own making. Half the blacks dressed in white sheets, preaching hatred in England are from America. Dumbassed can't think of an original thing. The KKK invented wearing sheets now they copy them. Ha, ha. Bunch of KKK wannabes. If it wasn't so stupid it would be hysterical.
Posted by: greyrooster at March 22, 2007 02:07 PM (jNRRK)
Thanks for pointing out the typo. Duly corrected!
Similar concerns have been brought up in my comments thread. But was America not considered a democracy in 1860? I discuss this in more depth back in my comments, but the point is that with the right political and civil involvement, democracy can be a means to hammer out what society actually is so that liberalization can eventually occur.
And, as one commenter pointed out, it might actually be beneficial that the majority of the country isn't Arab...
Posted by: Robert Mayer at March 22, 2007 05:43 PM (EM3cK)
"Screw Them"--African Taliban Desecrate Bodies
Yesterday, I noted that a group calling itself Tawhid wal Jihad in Somalia had claimed responsibility for several attacks in Mogadishu. I also noted that as being significant because Tawhid wal Jihad was the name of Abu Musab al Zarqawi's organization in Iraq before he officially changed it to al Qaeda. I then warned that you should, "expect casualties and atrocities."
Residents of Mogadishu gather around the body of a Somali soldier who was killed during heavy fighting in Somalia's capital. The fighting killed as many as 14 people in an escalation of violence which saw the bodies of dead soldiers burned and dragged through the streets.(AFP/Mustafa Abdi)
Many may have forgotten about the last time a group calling itself Tawhid wal Jihad was part of an Islamist governingg coalition. That city was Fallujah and under the administration of a Salafi Islamist Shura Council it offered safe haven for Abu Musab al Zarqawi and allowed members of his group enforce Taliban like style justice.
You're an idiot. There is a difference between burning rotting corpses to stop the spread of disease and burning corpses as a sign of disrespect. Once again, the idea of context eludes you. The only inference I can draw is that you equivocate between terrorists and U.S. soldiers.
Posted by: Dale Gribble at March 21, 2007 05:23 PM (JQjhA)
Thanks Dale, I was just thinking someone needed to sort John out from his fantasy. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 21, 2007 05:24 PM (2OHpj)
The transitional government really has/had little popular support, that was the reason that they had to bring in the Eithiopian troops. About the only popular thing the transitional government did was to re legalize the use of their national drug Kat. But Somalians who are Islamic have never gotten along that well with the Christian Ethiopians. This would be a tough piece of work if we hope to nation build it into a liberal democracy.
Posted by: John Ryan at March 21, 2007 05:51 PM (TcoRJ)
"This would be a tough piece of work if we hope to nation build it into a liberal democracy." Will be. But a necessary part of stopping Islamic Imperialism. USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 21, 2007 08:36 PM (2OHpj)
John, you're right about it being a tough job. And I don't know if its necessary, either, nor even possible. But what I do know is we can't have the ICU back in power.
Posted by: Rusty at March 22, 2007 09:04 AM (JQjhA)
Necessary? You need to get a government there that will last, and create an enviroment counter to Islamic extremes like the ICU. A 'Nation' is necessary there, and it must be built, and helped, even if only indirectly, to stand up when the forces of totalitarian Islam are pressing the attack. This is one of those areas where we can be helpful, in a subtle way. I believe it is necessary.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 22, 2007 01:27 PM (2OHpj)
Bull. Why didn't they dig a hole? Why did they use a loudspeaker to talk about the fact that they were burning bodies? Way to try and weasel your way out of a tight situation though. My respect for Americans grows more every day.
If you guys want to create a "liberal democracy", you might want to start trying to build one at home. First step is dealing with facts directly, and not trying to bullshit everybody all the time.
Posted by: John at March 22, 2007 01:40 PM (qiTAx)
Tawhid wal Jihad in Somalia Emulate ZarqawiStill think that al Qaeda and the Islamic Courts Union aren't working together? Yesterday, Vinnie posted about an "insurgent" attack in Somalia. Today, a group calling itself Tawhid wal Jihad in Somalia claimed responsibility for the attack.
Tawhid wal Jihad was the name of Abu Musab al Zarqawi's organization in Iraq, before they changed their name to al Qaeda.
A group calling itself the Brigades of Tawhid and Jihad in the Land of Somalia claimed responsibility for the late Monday attacks.
It said in a statement posted on the Web site of Somalia's routed Islamic movement that it attacked several parts of the capital where "infidels live." [source]
And, as noted by Vinnie yesterday, despite the fact that the group claiming responsibility for the attack has chosen to name themselves after that of a known terrorist who's claim to fame is slowly beheading civilian hostages, the AP chooses to call them insurgents. Expect casualties and atrocities.
The African Taliban: Now A Protected Species
Along with terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine, the African Taliban in Somalia now lies cozy under the warm blanket of media terminology:
MOGADISHU (AFP) - Mortar shells crashed onto Mogadishu's port on Monday, triggering heavy fighting between insurgents and Somali troops, as military hardware arrived by sea for African peacekeepers.
Funny, I don't recall the Islamic Courts Union being referred to as "insurgents" when they ran the country, and I don't recall the few Somalis who stood up to them as being referred to as "insurgents" at the time either.
"Insurgent" translated into plain English? "Nothing to see here, move along."
Posted by: blert at March 20, 2007 12:42 AM (cyCB9)
Spread the word! Spread links! Counter the MSM with OUR media! Take the words away from the left, and save them from corruption! The Islamic Courts are Islamic Imperialists. Imps if you like ... it does have a certain appeal to it. Change the subject, or redefine it into one we want. Words are a critical component in battle. We must impose meaning where the left tries to twist it. We can't keep surrendering the language to them.
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 20, 2007 05:08 AM (2OHpj)
Unless offcourse the 'insurgents' manage to kill a whole bunch of innocent civillians, then it'll be quagmire, bogged down, should never have gone there, we need an exit strategy.
"Funny, I don't recall the Islamic Courts Union being referred to as
"insurgents" when they ran the country, and I don't recall the few
Somalis who stood up to them as being referred to as "insurgents" at
the time either."
That's because if you're running a country, you're not an insurgent. Even when they were fighting for control of Somalia, you'd have been hard-pressed to call them insurgents because they weren't fighting an established authority, just a group of warlords. Ditto Somalis who "stood up to them" (who are you thinking of, apart from the warlords?), since the ICU were never really an established authority either.
Semantics, my friend, semantics.
Posted by: merkur at March 21, 2007 09:31 AM (vgIQh)
Egyptian Blogger Disowned by His FamilyMichelle reports on some unfortunate developments in the story of jailed Egyptian blogger Kareem Abdul Nabil Suleiman, as detailed at FREEKAREEM.ORG:
The family of Al-Azhar student Abdul Kareem Nabeel Suleiman, accused of “contempt of religionâ€, has disowned him before his court verdict session on the upcoming Thursday. His father, a retired mathematics teacher, has demanded applying the Sharia [Islamic law] ruling on him by giving him three days to repent, followed by having him killed if he does not announce his repentance. ...
The father of the accused also described the organizations that are working on having his son acquitted as “monkey rights†organizations, in his own words. He also described his son as the “monkey†who has imitated the atheists of the West in their intellectual thinking.
The family also said that they will announce their disownment of their son on the Internet as well.
Apparently, the family doesn't mind using the atheist monkeys' technology when the science set forth in their Holy Quran turns out to be complete bullshit.
My heart goes out to you, Kareem. Would that your courage was more common here in the West.
Islam: 1400 years of tradition, unfettered by progress.
Posted by: Gwedd at February 19, 2007 10:52 AM (wlNg1)
This is a copy of a comment I've just posted on the FREEKAREEM website but I felt like sharing it with you too. So here it goes:
"Why don’t they exchange their cell phones, computers cars etc. for oil
lamps, camels etc. - the first ones mentioned were made entirely in the
West, and - since West is so bad and rotten and whatsoever - they
should only use what has islamic, Koran-oriented culture invented. I
can’t quite think of too many things that it did be but I guess
it’s their problem not mine, a person living in the rotten, infidel
West and being damn happy about it.
Oh, I almost forgot to say - gee, those parents of him and people who
seem to share their values, all of whom are so concerned about the
reputation of Egypt are actually harming it sooo badly - much more then
that kid. Actually I don’t see how he is harming it. He’s one of so few
people who are trying to improve how their countrys look and work like.
And all he gets is persecution. What a cruel world."
Posted by: Haludek at February 19, 2007 11:56 AM (zLbDD)
5Jesusland Carlos - an ISLAMIC 7th century. There were cultures at the time mentioned that were still more advanced and more civilised than the present islamic states...
Posted by: Haludek at February 19, 2007 11:59 AM (zLbDD)
Daniel Joseph Maldonado: How the Internet Created a TerroristHow does Daniel Joseph Maldonado, a mild-mannered married Boston native, become transformed into Daniel Al-Jughaifi, a zealous supporter of sharia law, and then into Abu Mohammed, an armed jihadi fighting in Somalia alongside al Qaeda operatives? The internet, that's how.
Attitudes like Daniel's don't develop in a vacuum. They develop and are nurtured in community with other Muslims, and that community is found online. Islamist forums function like little terrorist factories. Muslims enter at one end, and terrorists and their plots issue forth from the other end. No matter how good we are at monitoring these online communities, the fact is that relying on such monitoring to prevent terrorist attacks is like trying to catch a bullet in mid-flight. Just ask the man who was murdered in Kismaayo. Better to go for the weapon, before the trigger is pulled. The forums are the weapon, and this is why people like Sasjamal [who ran the Islamic forum that Daniel was a moderator at] are culpable for the damage that results from their efforts to create and maintain these forums.
How we proceed from here is open to debate. There is more than one way to deal with online communities of Islamic extremists. But there is no doubt that watching them is not enough.
Indeed. You can't kill all the terrorists, but it's not nearly as difficult to take out the main jihadi forums as the talking heads suggest.
Every pitiful leftout little shit needs a friend. Something to belong to. Like John Ryan needs to be a lefturd because they make him feel wanted. Whereas a normal person says piss on ya. Slimey little nerd!
Posted by: greyrooster at February 16, 2007 07:48 AM (Lddpk)
So, Rusty, what course of action do you recommend; give them a good
talking to? If they're our enemies we should kill them; if not, we
should embrace them, but all this half-ass pussy-footing-around is
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 17, 2007 01:43 PM (eGb9y)
Give me a break. The Internet did not <i>create</i> this guy. It was just the vector for the islamic mind virus (h/t Richard Dawkins for the term).
Posted by: MegaTroopX at February 17, 2007 02:06 PM (v5fbO)
Where in the hell did you get osamabinhidinghis brains daddys picture?
Posted by: greyrooster at February 20, 2007 03:13 AM (PFUNQ)
"Where in the hell did you get osamabinhidinghis brains daddys picture?"
You drunk old man, put on your glasses: That's you're fucking wife, idiot.
Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 21, 2007 03:41 PM (ZxuJ4)
Algerian Terrorists Officially Join al Qaeda
The Algerian Salafist Group for Prayer and Combat (GSPC) had already been loosely affiliated with al Qaeda, but now they've officially adopted the al Qaeda label. Evan Kohlmann at CT blog:
According to the statement, the decision to adopt the Al-Qaida moniker was made "as an indication of the group's vibrancy, the strength of its coalition [with Usama Bin Laden], and the sincerity of the link between the mujahideen in Algeria, and other brothers from the Al-Qaida organization."
Interestingly, the group claims to "have consulted with Osama bin Laden" before making a final decision. An indication that maybe he is both alive and even possibly in Africa.
Makes no difference. They have always worked with Al-Queda.
Posted by: greyrooster at January 26, 2007 12:32 PM (w+w6p)
Could you translate the Arabic in Google's translator machine please? Also there is no way Bin Laden could have made it to Africa unless he had some private jet. LOL
Posted by: Samuel Fisher at January 26, 2007 12:39 PM (SYd2E)
Posted by: Editor at January 26, 2007 12:59 PM (adpJH)
As best I can figure it the first few lines read like this
The first two lines praise their deity Allah In the third line these terrorists introduce themselves as "The Sallafist Society for Proselytizing and Killing [I'm not kidding, they actually use the word al-Qitaal which means murdering!]
Fourth line says: "Notice of Name Change"
The fifth line quotes version 4 of chapter 61 of Qoran that says their deity loves those who kill in his path as though they were a solid structure.
Then they say that the Algerian Sallafist Society for Proselytizing and Killing has been organzied/harmonized with Al-Qaeda [Yeah, as if we had any doubts before]. Then the bastards call Osama ben-Laden "the lion of Islam in this age". After announcing the name change, they talk about "sincere cooperation and connection between the Jihadi's of Algeria and their cohorts in Al-Qaeda. And this is where the first paragraph ends.
[Now if you excuse me, I need to throw up and shower.]
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at January 26, 2007 01:35 PM (vixLB)
Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at January 26, 2007 03:22 PM (vixLB)
Claimed to have consulted with UBL? Very curious. I have a jihadi propaganda vid that claims to have a UBL statement congratulating the new "Islamic State of Iraq" that was formed by the IAI MSC Ansar al Sunnah and some other groups over the summer. I can't tell if it's new or old since it's in Arabic. Anyone want to try to XLT it?
Posted by: Howie at January 26, 2007 10:46 PM (2cR/Y)
Samuel Fisher: Ask the muslim who is buggering you to translate for you. Or is he as stupid as you.
Posted by: greyrooster at January 28, 2007 01:28 AM (w+w6p)
The new air strike came roughly two weeks after an AC-130 plane killed what Washington said were eight al Qaeda-affiliated fighters hiding among Islamist remnants pushed to Somali's southern tip by Ethiopian and Somali government forces.
One official said the targets were from the Somalia Islamic Courts Council (SICC), a militant group defeated by government troops with Ethiopian armor and air power in a two-week war started before Christmas.
A second source said the target was an al Qaeda operative. A Pentagon spokesman declined to comment.
Somali muslim dingbats. Where are you? Amazing how many somali muslims were posting when the Islamics took over the government. Now! Not a word. Cowards.
Posted by: greyrooster at January 24, 2007 12:34 PM (w+w6p)
Somali Islamist Leader Surrenders
(Nairobi, Kenya) This report has been confirmed by a couple unnamed Western diplomats.
Somali Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed has surrendered to Kenyan authorities at the Somali border, Somali intelligence officials and Western diplomats said on Monday.
Ahmed, considered a moderate in the Islamist movement ousted from power by Somali and Ethiopian forces in late December, surrendered on Sunday and was in Kenyan custody, they said.
I'd like to believe that American AC-130 gunships pulverizing Mogadishu helped Sheikh Sharif Ahmed in his decision to surrender.
What the Somalis on the internet said they had 16" dicks. Now would a Somali muslim surrender if he had a 16" dick? I guess you should have some balls to go with it. Muslims are sissys. OUTLAW ISLAM.
Posted by: greyrooster at January 22, 2007 07:11 PM (w+w6p)
Somalia : Top Islamic Militia Leader Arrested
Via AP:
GARISSA, Kenya (AP) -- Kenyan police arrested a top leader in Somalia's Islamic militant movement on Monday, a Kenyan security official said.
The leader was arrested at midmorning at a refugee camp near the Kenyan border with Somalia, the official said, quoting from a police report. The official, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, said he was on his way to the Dadaab refugee camp, 62 miles (100 kilometers) east of Garisa, to help identify the suspect.
If confirmed, the arrest could be a major step toward ending the fighting in Somalia, which began when Ethiopian troops intervened to stop the Islamic movement's advance to destroy the internationally backed government. Top movement leaders Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys and Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed have pledged to carry on a guerrilla war as long as Ethiopian troops remain in Somalia.
According to other reports, the leader in question is Sheikh Ahmed Sharif Sheikh, second in command to UIC leader Sheikh Hassan Aweys.
Hey! Still waiting to hear from those big mouthed muslim somalis who visisted us a few weeks ago. What's up guys? Having your finger nails painted? Or are your dresses dirty like the rest of you? Bunch of sissys.
Posted by: greyrooster at January 17, 2007 09:57 AM (w+w6p)
Wonder if it was spam-posting by the only Somali with electricity and a net connection in Somalia and the Spectres got him.
Posted by: RanbaRal at January 17, 2007 12:36 PM (VvXII)
And another Sosmali hero surrenders without a fight.
The Sosmali braggarts who posted here previously probably starved to death, or choked to death on flies. The guy with electricity probably burned his dung-brick hovel down with a faulty connection to a car battery.
Wouldn't it be funny if they were greased by our guys? Ha, ha!
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 17, 2007 04:22 PM (abVz3)
Some I think they are seeing my posts and to cowardly to answer. Half those muslim Somali bastards who posted here are in the U.S. or Canada going to school on some type of minority entitlement. To friggin stupid to pay their own way.
Posted by: greyrooster at January 17, 2007 05:06 PM (w+w6p)
Yeah, they don't have the balls to face up to their big talk.
But I'll bet some of you proto-hominid Sosmalis are reading this and weeping. Cry, little bitches! No more murdering people for listening to music or using soap.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 17, 2007 09:41 PM (abVz3)
I just donated my last bowel movement to Sosmalia as a care package. The skinnies are already smacking their lips in anticipation.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 19, 2007 02:30 AM (abVz3)
P.S. It contains plenty of good old Nebraska corn. Mm-Mmm. Good eatin for a starving Sosmali. They have to take the Ethiopian cocks out of their mouths once in a while.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 19, 2007 02:36 AM (abVz3)
Somalia : Islamic Courts Militias Striking Back?
Story here:
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somali gunmen fired at a convoy of Ethiopian troops in Mogadishu, the latest in a series of attacks against forces backing the government, a Somali government source said on Monday.
The attack happened late on Sunday in the northern Arafat area, where hours before Ethiopian soldiers helped government troops seize guns and explosives in a push to restore order after ousting Islamists in a lightning December offensive.
"An Ethiopian convoy was hit near Arafat hospital ... Two Ethiopian trucks were hit," the source said. "Thirty minutes of heavy fighting followed. There are deaths on both sides," the source added, saying three Somalis were killed in the shootout.
Posted by: Catholicgauze at January 15, 2007 08:23 AM (tBm4s)
The Islamist cockroaches never stand and fight like men, but hide behind women and children.
That's how they are. Worthless scum.
Posted by: templar knight at January 15, 2007 09:51 AM (634o6)
Muslim ladies only attack in sneak attacks. No matter, I understand the so called fighting went on for 30 minutes with only a few killed. Call that fighting? Friggin amateurs. They must be used to fighting unarmed children. OUTLAW ISLAM!
Posted by: greyrooster at January 15, 2007 02:42 PM (w+w6p)
Amerian Jihadi in Somalia Now Officially a Traitor
Now that the U.S. is actively hitting targets in Somalia, doesn't that make the Islamic Courts Union's 'Foreign Minister'--an American citizen named Ibrahim Hassan Addou--officially a traitor?
Today they are called "dissenters". And dissent, as we all know, is patriotic!
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 09, 2007 08:06 PM (8e/V4)
There are many thousands of these traitors(terrorists) and their leftist enablers here in the US. Actually, I would put the number of terrorists in the many thousands with several million leftists ready to provide cover anytime a proposal is made to deal with this fifth column. Yet, they continue to come, in their thousands, with no real attempt being made to deny terrorists entry into the US. We will pay dearly with the blood of the innocent. So it has always been, so it will always be, and we should be prepared to act accordingly. I am, and so should you.
As we speak, I am in the process of documenting mosques that preach hate of Christians and Jews, Wahhabist views(especially on women) and Islamic supremacy, institution of Sharia law, and support of terrorists. My research is showing a large number of so-called moderate mosques teaching hate and Islamic supremacy. The authorities should be ready to act quickly if terrorists strike us again.
Posted by: templar knight at January 09, 2007 08:28 PM (634o6)
Somalia : "We gave permission for actions that are more than airstrikes"
From Monsters&Critics:
An AC-130 gunship flying from Djibouti carried out the attack in southern Somalia after US intelligence tracked the operatives with an unmanned aerial drone, CBS news reported.
White House spokesman Tony Snow confirmed the US military operation took place Sunday, but did not offer details. ...
A close aide of Prime Minister Ali Gedi had earlier confirmed that one of those responsible for the 1998 attacks was killed, according to a Washington Post report, and also said authorization for further operations had been granted.
'We gave permission for actions that are more than airstrikes,' Abdirisak Hassan told the Post in an interview conducted early Tuesday.
The US had expressed concern that Somalia could become a staging ground for terrorists. Last week State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the US had stationed forces off the coast of Somalia and was working with other countries in the region to ensure that Islamists linked to terrorism are not able to flee the country.
Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at January 09, 2007 10:56 PM (CtVG6)
Why does it seem that some guys like the AC-130 better than they like girls? Hey! What if you could have both? Hmmm....
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 10, 2007 01:20 AM (2OHpj)
When i first heard of the airstrike, i thought, apache, f-16, one of those fancy fighter bombers. The i saw the ac-130, still didn't look all that impressive.
till i watched the video, Holy nely, goes to show how little i know about warbirds. It's capable of raining down fire and pestilence upon the America-haters.
Posted by: MK at January 10, 2007 11:58 PM (pVHqF)
Bombing the newly wed husbands is actually kind of human.
It saves them from years and years of pain (the new wife learning to cook), suffering (having to ask for seconds when your new wife botches the preparation of what your used to be "favorite meal") and nagging (goes without explanation).
Posted by: phineas g. at January 09, 2007 03:17 PM (z2QQP)
Somalia : The "Stealth" Presence
Daveed Gartenstein-Ross has a good post on the often-ignored U.S. presence in Somalia:
U.S. ground forces have been active in Somalia from the start, a senior military intelligence officer confirmed. “In fact,†he said, “they were part of the first group in.â€
These ground forces include CIA paramilitary officers who are based out of Galkayo, in Somalia’s semiautonomous region of Puntland; Special Operations forces; and Marine units operating out of Camp Lemonier in Djibouti....
...A senior military intelligence source says that some of the gunships earlier described as Ethiopian were in fact U.S. aircraft. This has been confirmed by Dahir Jibreel, the transitional government's permanent secretary in charge of international cooperation, who said that U.S. planes and helicopters with their markings obscured have been striking targets since December 25.
UPDATE by Rusty: Have I not been saying for months that al Qaeda is in Somalia? And haven't I also been saying that the U.S. has a presence there as well? Yeah, I don't have a perfect track record, but I'll take the self-congratulations when I can get them.
US Goes After African Taliban
No word on just who the high value targets were today, but we know that the US is seeking several people thought to be behind the bombings of our embassies.
Via CBS News: The targets included the senior al Qaeda leader in East Africa and an al Qaeda operative wanted for his involvement in the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in Africa, Martin reports. Those terror attacks killed more than 200 people.
The AC-130 gunship is capable of firing thousands of rounds per second, and sources say a lot of bodies were seen on the ground after the strike, but there is as yet, no confirmation of the identities....
Once they started moving, the al Qaeda operatives became easier to track, and the U.S. military started preparing for an air strike, using unmanned aerial drones to keep them under surveillance and moving the aircraft carrier Eisenhower out of the Persian Gulf toward Somalia. But when the order was given, the mission was assigned to the AC-130 gunship operated by the U.S. Special Operations command.
If the attack got the operatives it was aimed at, reports Martin, it would deal a major blow to al Qaeda in East Africa.
But USA Today reportedon Dec. 31 that Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan and Abu Taha al-Sudani were the men thought to be hiding there.
USA Today Dec 31:Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi said government troops were going after three al-Qaeda terror suspects wanted in the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in east Africa that killed more than 250 people.
He said Islamic militants in Kismayo, Somalia's third-largest city, were sheltering accused bombers Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan and Abu Taha al-Sudani...
..."We would like to capture or kill these guys at any cost," Gedi told the AP. "They are the root of the problem."
Update: My condolences to Steve Innskeep, who was audibly depressed over the defeat of the African Taliban. I thought he was going to cry. The sad, sad, Yoyo Ma cello music was a nice touch though.
Way to go. Get some payback and screw what the lefturds think. The more lessons we give the more the followers of mohammed, piss be upon him, will learn.
Posted by: Greyrooster at January 08, 2007 09:48 PM (ovoks)
Osama is in Somalia... yeah, that's a laugher !!!
The fucker is dead.
Rusty, you're breathing too much LA smog...
Posted by: Speaking for the Choir at January 08, 2007 10:31 PM (b0FZu)
What makes me think that Bush is behind all this?
Posted by: THANOS at January 09, 2007 12:32 AM (v6Xh1)
"What makes me think that Bush is behind all this?"
I would hope so, cause I'm tired of GW being a big wimp! He has become a doormat president, and not the fighter I thought I was voting for.
"Good job US Military!" THANOS has that right fur dam shure! Blast the vermin where you can!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 09, 2007 01:05 AM (2OHpj)
On the good side, there are that many less terrorists that have to worry about being 'tortured' in Gitmo. They can thank the left for shifting the US's method of dealing with terrorists from 'capture and interrogate' to 'kill on sight'.
Posted by: Fred Fry at January 09, 2007 08:08 AM (JXdhy)
Speaking for the Choir: I'm not Rusty and show me the body. I think he's probably dead too but I'd like a carcass.
Posted by: Darth Odie at January 09, 2007 09:35 AM (YHZAl)
Saleh Ali Saleh Nabahn is wanted for the suicide bombing of a Kenyan hotel and the failed attempt to shoot down an El Al passenger jet with a shoulder launched missile in Kenya. |
Was wanted apparently, because word has it he and Fazul are deader than disco.
According to the ever reliable AP, American Helicopters are firing on terrorists on the Somalia/Kenya border and other areas in Somalia. Fox News reports that the terrorists are "scurrying like rats" in an attempt to escape American wrath.
The pussies are running, but they cant hide. Escape by sea is blocked by the US navy, and Ethiopia and Kenya are guarding their borders. The news media aren't sharp enough to consider the border with Djibouti/Eritrea, but it's logical to assume U.S. Special Operations Command is plenty sharp enough. That border is probably under aerial surveillance and any attempt to flee that way will hopefully be dealt with in like fashion.
It looks like the skinny terrorists were caught with their pants down, and killed en masse. Now that's a video I would like to see.
Pentagon "sources" have "confirmed" that some Al Qaeda members were killed in the raid last night.
Go Bush! Your political capital is all spent, so you have nothing to lose. Kill the fuckers.
Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 09, 2007 09:55 AM (abVz3)
Dath Odorie would like to see the carcass so he can chew on its private parts.
Posted by: Greyrooster at January 09, 2007 08:32 PM (w+w6p)
Christmas in Darfur on Chicago Tonight [BRD]
Thank you all for your warm wishes. As a quick update, we will be appearing at 7 pm (Chicago time) on a program on Chicago's PBS station, Chicago Tonight. In support of the appearance, we've posted the results of some research about the number of people that have been burned out of their homes or killed in Darfur.
As mentioned, we will be posting regularly at the blog in order to provide updates about the status of the project, information and news, and pictures and stories from the trip. We do have a few interesting things in the offing, but we will probably sit tight on them a bit in the short term.
Past that, some folks have expressed an interest in what some of our next steps will be. Well, I am still digging out from a raft of emails, and don't have time to elaborate, but we will be explaining some of the Things That We Plan On Doing, and How You Can Help.
Again, the moral and direct support you folks have given has been of immense help, and honestly has restored some of my faith in the generosity of the American spirit.
I do not understand why Darfur is an American problem. We have our problems in Iraq and Afghanistan. Perhaps an African problem should be attended to by the rest of the world. The problems in Darfur come from 1. Religion. Not Americas doing. 2. Race. Again not Americas doing. 3. Starvation. Not Americas doing. People who continue to have baby after baby in a land the cannot feed them must learn another way. Even if the learning curve is difficult. Darfur is far. American Ghettos are near. One is not our problem. The other is. Rest of world where are you?
Chicago is poor comparison. Why? Because 30 miles away the grain fields are full every year. Millions of acres of corn just down the street. In Darfur the millions of acres of corn are across the ocean. Big difference.
Posted by: Greyrooster at January 08, 2007 10:50 AM (ovoks)
American al Qaeda Killed in SomaliaGiven the fact that the "Foreign Minister" for the Islamic Courts Union is an American citizen named Ibrahim Hassan Addou, I find the reports that American citizens are among the dead in Somalia very credible. Are the Americans al Qaeda fighters or simply Somali expats who have American citizenship and then went back to Somalia to fight for the Islamists? I'm not sure that the U.N. backed Somalian government is the best source of information given their sketchy past.
If one of the recovered American passports reads Adam Gadahn, I'll definitely be more than a little happy. I'd also be happy if Professor Ibrahim Hassan Addou was found dead.
But there are an awful lot of Somalian refugees scattered all over the world--some in the U.S., but many more in Canada and Europe--many of whom have sympathies with the ICU. So, many of these 'foreigners' are likely dual citizens. It's not all that difficult to tell an Arab or Pakistani from a Somali, though.
In any event it would be very prudent for Homeland Security to be on the lookout for American citizens of Somali, Eritrean, Djiboutian, or Ethiopian (a sizeable minority of Ethiopian citizens have sympathies to the ICU) coming home from international flights.
A senior official in the Somali government's new Ministry of the Interior told ABC News government forces had recovered "dozens of foreign passports," including several American passports, on the bodies of al Qaeda fighters killed in combat between forces affiliated with the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) and Ethiopian forces in Somalia.
According to the same source, most of the foreign passports were Sudanese, Pakistani and Yemeni, but several American, British and Australian passports were also recovered.
<EM> </EM>
May Allah [piss be upon him] fail every Somali worshiper of the Prophet Mohamed [Prophet of Bad Loans and Pedophilia], and may the real Christian God <B>covert</B> them to Christianity, or to the Jewish faith, or to Buddhism, or to becoming a Hindoooo person, or to embrace the life of a tree hugging animist vegan, to converted rice etc.
<EM> </EM>
And thank you Jesus, we are so joyful that the Shit Head Ibrahim Hassan Addou is Deader than a fucking doornail.
<EM> </EM>
Dear Somalis, Based on recent observation and historical study of your *cough* wonderful ancient culture we ask that you please stay at home in Somalia.
<EM> </EM>
It is virtually certain that your genetically selected traits adapted from thousands of generations of living in a <B>World Class Delayed Shit Hole</B> will make it almost impossible for you to appreciate the sublime nature of our country or become productive citizens living harmoniously with the rest of us.
<EM> .</EM>
Mr. & Mrs. Somalis, if you ever do emigrate here to America it is very likely that you'll only take something from her, conversely you'll be unlikely to contribute even a small whit towards enriching her nobility. <EM> </EM>
Please stay at home and kill Islamist and make Somalia a better place and maybe some day we will come visit you. [muffled laughter, heard throughout America]
<EM> </EM>
Next week a letter addressed to all DemoCraps encouraging them to move to Iraq, An Bar Province.
<EM> </EM>
[/bait ]
Posted by: Rubin at January 05, 2007 11:55 PM (qnuDf)
May Allah [piss be upon him] fail every Somali worshiper of the Prophet Mohamed [Prophet of Bad Loans and Pedophilia], and may the real Christian God <B>covert</B> them to Christianity, or to the Jewish faith, or to Buddhism, or to becoming a Hindoooo person, or to embrace the life of a tree hugging animist vegan, to converted rice etc. <EM> </EM> And thank you Jesus, we are so joyful that the Shit Head Ibrahim Hassan Addou is Deader than a fucking doornail.
Posted by: Rubin at January 05, 2007 11:57 PM (qnuDf)
6 Dear Somalis, Based on recent observation and historical study of your *cough* wonderful ancient culture we ask that you please stay at home in Somalia.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` It is virtually certain that your genetically selected traits adapted from thousands of generations of living in a World Class Delayed Shit Hole will make it almost impossible for you to appreciate the sublime nature of our country or become productive citizens living harmoniously with the rest of us.
Posted by: Rubin at January 05, 2007 11:58 PM (qnuDf)
Mr. & Mrs. Somalis, if you ever do emigrate here to America it is very likely that you'll only take something from her, conversely you'll be unlikely to contribute even a small whit towards enriching her nobility.
Please stay at home and kill Islamist and make Somalia a better place and maybe some day we will come visit you. [muffled laughter, heard throughout America]
Next week a letter addressed to all DemoCraps encouraging them to move to Iraq, An Bar Province.
Posted by: Rubin at January 06, 2007 12:00 AM (qnuDf)