January 05, 2007

Zawahiri Whines, Begs For Help in Somalia(bumped)

Zawahiri, ashamed of the terrible cowardice of the ICU fighters, begs and pleads for them to stand and fight. as-Sahab has again used a still image of Zawahiri. I wonder why ;)

Click the pic for Video(no subtitles).

really stonedbegging.JPG

Partial Transcript Via Centcom:
I also appeal to my Muslim brethren everywhere to respond to the call for jihad in Somalia. I appeal to the lions of Islam in Yemen, the state of faith and wisdom, I appeal to my brothers the lions of Islam in the Arab Peninsula, the cradle of conquests, and I also appeal to my brothers the lions of Islam in Egypt, Sudan, the Arab Maghreb, and everywhere in the Muslim world to rise up to aid their Muslim brethren in Somalia through offering sacrifices, money, opinion, and expertise so as to defeat the slaves of America that it sends to death on its behalf.

I appeal to the Muslims everywhere to rush to support their brother mujahidin who are being encroached upon and are being fought by America and its slaves for they chose the law of Islam instead of the law of looting, plundering, theft, bribery, corruption, and treachery.

Yes, Yes, excellent! Come to Somalia. We are waiting for you there and our Ethiopian allies are bit less PC about killing you.
Centcom:MANAMA, Bahrain-- Coalition ships from the British-led Combined Task Force (CTF) 150 continue to maintain a presence off the east coast of Africa in response to the recent events in Somalia.

CTF 150 includes USS Ramage (DDG 61) and USS Bunker Hill (CG 52) and other coalition ships. These warships are conducting maritime security operations (MSO) to ensure continued security and stability of international waters surrounding the Horn of Africa.

Coalition naval forces are performing boardings on a number of vessels to deter individuals with links to al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations the use of the sea as a potential escape route....

...MSO help set the conditions for security and stability in the maritime environment, as well as complement the counter-terrorism and security efforts of regional nations. These operations deny international terrorists use of the maritime environment as a venue for attack or to transport personnel, weapons or other material.

The entire Centcom transcript of Zawahiri's begging or blegging is below the fold.

Also See Andrew Cochran at The Counter Terrorism Blog and Strata-Sphere. more...

Posted by: Howie at 01:35 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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January 02, 2007

The Fall of the African Taliban: U.S. Navy now involved

One of the worst things about being gone from Jawa headquarters is that I missed the fall of the African Taliban. These people fell quicker than their Afghani brothers, and at the hands of our Ethiopian allies.

I hope you think twice about that next Ethiopian joke, because folks, the Ethiopians are the best friends we have in the Horn of Africa. I'm sorry that the leader of Ethiopia is a two-bit tyrant, but as an American I am out for America's interests. It's also good to see that the "at least the Islamic Courts Union will bring stability to Somalia" voices at the U.S. State Department have been utterly squelched. These were the same cup-half-full people who said that the Taliban would, you know, at least bring stability to Afghanistan. The stability that only murderous terrorist supporting regimes can bring.

I do not overstate the case against The Islamic Courts Union either. Sure, there were moderates within their group, but so too did the Taliban have their so-called moderates. Moderate in that oh-so Islamic fundamentalist sense: instead of stoning you to death, we'll just fine you and give you 100 lashes for blasphemy.

While the ICU denies ties to al Qaeda, I have personally watched three videos from Somalia (okay, one was from Eritrea), all of which clearly show Arabs fighting alongside Somalis. And both the main al Qaeda and the al Qaeda in Iraq groups have openly supported the ICU in several press releases and propaganda videos.

It's also good to see that U.S. troops are involved in the hunt. Globe and Mail via Allahpundit:

Sea routes from southern Somalia were also being patrolled by the U.S. Navy, hunting for three al-Qaeda suspects believed to be among the Islamic group and wanted for the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa.
Allah also finds this from DEBKA:
Special US forces from Djibouti join the pursuit on the Somali-Kenyan border for three most wanted al Qaeda leaders in the Horn of Africa

They fled south with the defeated Somali Islamist fighters. DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources identify them as: Abdullah Fazul, from the Comoro Islands, Ali Saleh Nabhan, from Kenya, and Abu Taha al-Sudani, from Sudan. Fazul, the most senior, is wanted for lead roles in the 1998 US embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam and Nairobi, the 1996 Ethiopian Airline 961 hijack in which four Israeli air industry directors and 3 Israeli civilians were murdered; the ramming of the USS Cole in Aden Harbor which cost the lives of 19 US seamen, and the 2002 coordinated air-missiles attacks on the Mombasa Paradise hotel and the Israeli Arkia airliner bringing Israelis to the hotel.

While I can't confirm the specifics of U.S. forces being involved in this particular operation, my own sources have confirmed to me that U.S. forces have previously worked within Somalian territory in support of related operations. Lest we forget, the U.S. has a major force in the Horn of Africa. You don't think all of those soldiers, seamen, and Marines are only there to build schools, hospitals, and to deliver flood relief, do you? And Djibouti is mostly ethnically Somali.

And to our hundreds of Somali expats in Canada, Australia, and Europe who apparently supported the ICU and left nasty messages about "Ethiopian slaves" and "killing you infidels", let me be the first to offer my condolences on the humiliating defeat of your comrades. If you happen to come across ICU foreign minister and American citizen Professor Ibrahim Hassan Addou, let me know. There are a few FBI agents I know who'd like to have a nice cozy chat with him.

As a very parenthetical footnote, let me throw this into the bag. There is a slight possibility that U.S forces are hunting for one more al Qaeda suspect believed to be in the Horn of Africa by some. Here's a hint: his name is somewhat similar to a Democratic hopeful for the 2008 election---at least, that's how Ted Kennedy sees it.

Posted by: Rusty at 06:18 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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December 27, 2006

African Taliban of Losers

So the fact that the African Taliban is in full retreat was big news yesterday. Today we have news that they are already about to lose the capital Mogadishu.

Is this really surprising? They are all cocky and stuff when they are murding civilians for watching soccer,. But like most Islamist cockroaches, when the light of day hits them, they scurry and hide.

Monsters and Critics: Government troops fought their way into Jowhar, some 90 kilometres north of Mogadishu early on Wednesday as Islamist fighters in the town retreated to the capital, after orders by the Islamist chairman, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.

'We attack Mogadishu Thursday. We will catch and behead all the terrorists and militants as they behead the innocent people,' said Mohamed Dhere, a former warlord who once controlled Jowhar and marched into the town with the government forces on Wednesday.

Residents of Balad, 30 kilometres north of Mogadishu said the Ethiopian-backed forces were 20 kilometres away from their town, while all Islamist troops had retreated from there to the capital.

In Jowhar, Dhere told residents they would now be able to watch movies and football, which the Islamists had banned.

'Now the people of Jowhar are free. Open your cinemas, open your businesses. You are under the care of the national forces of the transitional government,' he said from a pickup truck mounted with audio speakers.

I cannot condone the beheadings. Just shoot them. But it is refreshing to see a military force take the fight to the Islamists this way. There will be no escape for the African Taliban this time.

Update: The MSM is already rerunning their defeatist surrender monkey crap. Chad at In The Bullpen is not buying it.

Chad Evans: It seems odd to me, however, to classify an overwhelming victory, or perceived future victory in this case, over an Islamist organization reminiscent of any current or past war....

...I suppose that all depends on how you look at things or a nation’s ability or right to wage war against aggression, both rhetorical and military. Do we wish to simply ignore militant jihad in fear of insurgency or do we wish to fight it tooth and nail until it is vanquished?

Posted by: Howie at 09:19 AM | Comments (36) | Add Comment
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December 24, 2006

To Islamic Courts Union With Love

A little "intensive care package" is on it's way. Enjoy!

See Junkyard Blog and Dan at Riehlworldview who adds:

This will be a tough fight, but I wouldn't name my army the ICU ... just sayin'.

Posted by: Howie at 04:10 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas, African Taliban

Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey Press reports:

BAIDOA, Somalia (AFP) - Ethiopia moved tanks and other reinforcements into the battle zone for a third day of fighting against Islamist forces in southern Somalia, witnesses said, while the Islamists vowed an all-out war.

Ethiopa seems to know the stakes in this game. They appear determined not to allow Somalia to follow in the footsteps of Afghanistan.

Iran knows them too, they're giving the Islamic Courts Union their full support.

We're probably supporting Ethiopa with intel, special forces and material, but it would be nice to read that we're getting a little revenge by providing them some close air support.

Posted by: Vinnie at 11:59 PM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 111 words, total size 1 kb.

December 20, 2006

African Taliban Beatdown?

Somalia's government (if you can call it that) is claiming victory over the Islamic Courts Union forces in a battle outside of the "capital" Baidoa.

According to the report, Ethiopian troops took part in the fighting.

I wonder if the Hollywood left will rally around the Ethiopians as they fight and die to prevent Somalia from becoming another Taliban-like state the way they did when Ethiopians were dying of starvation in the '80s.

Mmm....doubt it.

Posted by: Vinnie at 09:54 PM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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December 19, 2006

Show Trial

Does anyone remember the story of the Bulgarian nurses accused of deliberately giving Libyan children AIDS?

They've been sentenced to death.


Classic totalitarian tactic. Find a scapegoat to divert attention from the real criminals, the Libyan government.

Posted by: Vinnie at 11:41 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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December 14, 2006

Somalia Already an al Qaeda State

I love how the idiots at the State Department wish for a moderate to emerge to lead the Islamic Courts Union. Moderate meaning what, exactly? Like those moderate Taliban in Afghanistan we used to hear about before 9/11?

I've been warning about this for months. But it's too late now. Somalia is no longer a potential Afghanistan, it is already the next Afghanistan. It is being used as a base of operation for Islamic jihadis now.


Somali Islamists, who are in charge of the capital and other key areas, are becoming more radical and under growing control from an al Qaeda cell in East Africa, the top U.S. diplomat for Africa said on Thursday.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Jendayi Frazer told reporters that U.S. hopes a more moderate group might emerge to lead the group had not materialized.

"The Council of Islamic Courts is now controlled by al Qaeda cell individuals, East Africa al Qaeda cell individuals. The top layer of the court are extremists. They are terrorists," Frazer said.

"They are killing nuns, they have killed children and they are calling for a jihad (holy war)," she added.

The Islamists, who seized the capital, Mogadishu, in June and are vying with the weak transitional government for control of the lawless country, have strongly denied having foreign fighters in their ranks.

No foreign fighters, right. I have personally seen video from Somalia with Arab fighters in it. They boast that mujahideen have been flocking there. What they say in English....
Washington believes at least three of the plotters behind the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya are in Somalia. The head of the Council of the Islamic Courts, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, is on U.N. and U.S. terrorist lists.

She also said an East African al Qaeda cell was providing logistics to the Islamists and training to its young Islamic fighters.

Moderates, like the American 'Foreign Minister' for the African Taliban, Ibrahim Hassan Addou? How about some treason charges here?

Posted by: Rusty at 07:22 PM | Comments (90) | Add Comment
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Jihad Media Battalion in Support of Somalian Taliban & Child Abuse

jihad_media_battalion_logo2.jpgThe cyber jihadis from the Jihad Media Battalion have produced an animated power point presentation in support of The Islamic Courts Union of Somalia declaring jihad against Ethiopia. The Jihad Media Battalion is one of the public relations arm of the al Qaeda in Iraq umbrella organization, The Islamic State of Iraq -- although there is some question as to whether they are "official" spokesmen or not.

The 48 slide presentation is mosly a recounting of the history of Somalia. One which presents Islam as the only unifying factor in the country and the Taliban-like regime of the Islamic Courts Union as "elected" to represent the nation. In contrast, all opposition to the extremists of the Islamic Courts Union is presented as Western imperialism.

Many of the slides simply lay out facts about Somalia. Apparently, the Arab speaking world knows little of this country. Ironically, much of the information seems to come from the CIA World Factbook's entry on Somalia. Other graphics are lifted straight from this Wikipedia entry on Somalia.

The Jihad Media Battalion recently produced a video in which they claim to have shot down an F-16, killed a Mossad agent, and taken out two 'robot soldiers' in Iraq. They've also recently launched a Google guide for would be cyber jihadis.

The jihad declared by the Islamic Courts Union against its neighbors in Ethiopia is fast becoming a focal point for Salafi jihadists in the world. Both the main al Qaeda group and the al Qaeda in Iraq umbrella organization (The Islamic State of Iraq) have recently issued supportive statements of the ICU.

The ICU is known to be protecting al Qaeda operatives involved in the bombing of the US embassy in Kenya and Tanzania. While the ICU denies it, both al Qaeda and the Iranian backed Hezbollah are suspected of directly aiding them. Several recent jihadi propaganda videos from Somalia have shown foreign Arab fighters.

The 'Foreign Minister' for the ICU is an American citizen and ex-administrator at The American University in Washington, D.C., Professo Ibrahim Hassan Addow. Addow is said to be a 'moderate' in the ICU, and constantly denies that human rights abuses are systematically taking place in ICU controlled territory.

This is the last slide of the presentation before the ending credits. African Taliban child abuse.


HT: John Ryan

Posted by: Rusty at 02:20 PM | Comments (31) | Add Comment
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December 12, 2006

'Jihad Tax' Imposed by African Taliban in Somalia

Three very related stories. First, the Islamic Courts Union (dubbed the African Taliban by me) has imposed a jihad tax. No goat will go untaxed in the effort to defeat the crusader infidels! Seriously. They are actually taxing goats to pay for jihad.

Second, the Islamic State of Iraq (the al Qaeda umbrella group which presents itself as a shadow government) has praised the ICU in a recent communique. But remember, the ICU claims it has not ties to terrorism. Right.

Last, and most disheartening, news reports indicate that the anti-ICU forces of the Somali government have been surrounded. Next stop, Ethiopia.


Islamists who control Somalia's capital Mogadishu say they have begun collecting taxes to raise money to fund a holy war against foreign troops in the Horn of Africa country.

Announcing the tax collection campaign, the UIC has specified the levies it willl charge on livestock: a goat trader will pay 5,000 Somali shillings (7 US cents) while a cow trader will pay 10,000 (14 US cents) and a camel trader will pay 20,000 (1.05 US dollars). It was not immedialtely clear what other businesses based in the capital would be charged.

More below. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 04:33 PM | Comments (30) | Add Comment
Post contains 370 words, total size 3 kb.

December 05, 2006

Darfur: News and Satellite Recon Tour

You probably have all heard about the Christmas in Darfur project that I'm involved with. In the course of preparation, we've been following the news and doing some research, which I figured I should share with folks. more...

Posted by: Bravo Romeo Delta at 02:43 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 786 words, total size 11 kb.

December 01, 2006

American Traitor Leading Jihad in Somalia (UPDATED)

Ibrahim-Hassan-Addow.jpg(Scroll to bottom for update) A few days ago we brought to your attention the fact that an American citizen is the Foreign Minister for the Taliban-like Islamic Courts Union of Somalia. We asked readers to find out anything they could about Professo Ibrahim Hassan Addow. We wondered if it could possibly be true that an American would be a high ranking official in a government that has ties to al Qaeda, which is exporting jihad, and which calls for death to America?

Thanks to Vonski we've learned some more about the American traitor, Ibrahim Addow. It seems that the problem with finding information was in the spelling of his name. The more common spelling of his name is Ibrahim Hassan Addou.

It seems that Professor Addou used to work at The American University in Washington, D.C. Newsvine:

Addou...worked as an administrator at American University in Washington, D.C., before returning to Somalia in 1999.
Why does it not surprise me one bit that an institution of higher learning in the US would hire someone as an administrator who is an Islamist in the mold of the Taliban?

Vonski also digs up this bio page from Benadir University in Mogadishu, where it appears Addou/Addow was named President of the University after returning to Somalia.

Funny enough, here is a screenshot of an image from the welcome page at the University, which lists our American traitor as Prof. Ibrahim Hassan Addou, MA, M.Ed., Ph.D.


Why do I have the feeling that the picture wasn't actually taken at a University in the heart of downtown Mogadishu?

Ibrahim Addou is described one of the so-called 'moderates' in the African Courts Union regime. And in fact, compared to some in the regime, he may indeed be a moderate. But only moderate in the sense that Kruschev was a moderate communist when compared to Stalin.

Here is your 'moderate' face of the Somalian Taliban. Seattle Times:

"It seems that the extremists here are getting the focus and overshadowing us....We're wasting our time and resources closing movies and things like this. Minor things like this have to wait."
Did you read that carefully? It's not that closing movie theatres is bad, it's that those kinds of things should wait. You know, like until after the Somalian Taliban solidify their control on the country and defeat Ethiopia.

And like many a Taliban spokespan, Addou plays the 'we just want peace' card. Time:

"We are ready to be a nation," says Foreign Minister Ibrahim Hassan Addou. "We want Somalia to be peaceful, and we want to establish good relations with the rest of the world." With both hands, he beckons toward the open window in his office. "Feel free to look around," he says. "You can go where you want to go and see what you want to see."

Well, not quite. The Islamists have instituted Taliban-style rules banning drinking, cinemas, dancing and women swimming, as well as curbing the press.

Peace, Somalian Taliban style also includes: murdering people for watching soccer, or for not praying or for converting to Christianity [insert any other number of 'crimes' here].

And, for many Muslims, this is exactly what they mean by 'peace'. He says:

"Our record speaks for itself," he said. "We have created the stability and peace that the entire world could not do. Now the Somali people know the value of the Islamic courts and the quality of the leadership of the Islamic courts. We don't want to spend time on cheap propaganda."
Yes, we know exactly what you are up to in Somalia. And no amount of cheap propaganda will cover it up.

What is mystifying is that I have seen no major reports about Dr. Addou. Is he not a traitor? Not simply because he is a member of an oppressive government, not simply because that government has declared jihad against Ethiopia, not simply becasue that government is hostile to the West and our values, but because he is a member of a government which receives aid from al Qaeda and which is protecting terrorists involved in bombing the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania!

We are at war with al Qaeda. If that isn't the very definition of treason, I don't know what is.

Dr. Addou and the Islamic Courts Union claim they do not support terrorism nor do they support al Qaeda. But, if you'll recall, the Taliban also claimed that they did not support terrorism. It's all how you define terrorism, I suppose. Also, there is no serious doubt that the Islamic Courts Union is backed by al Qaeda.

The head of the Islamic Courts Union has invited jihadis from around the world to join the fight in Somalia. And what do their followers chant? “Down with America! Down with Ethiopia!” And who do they praise? Check the image [and updates] below. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 02:17 PM | Comments (45) | Add Comment
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November 29, 2006

A Message from the Save Darfur Coalition

Here's the message:

For the next few days, President Bush will be meeting with world leaders in the Middle East. While there are many important issues that President Bush will need to discuss, we want to make sure that the world’s worst humanitarian crisis stays at the top of his list.

Will you please call the President and ask him to make Darfur a priority in these meetings?

We have set up a 1-800 number to make it easy (and free) for you to make this call.

Please dial 1-800-320-0095 and ask President Bush to make the crisis in Darfur a priority in his meetings with other world leaders this week.

When you’ve hung up, please click here to let us know how your call went.

Please don’t overlook this step of reporting your call to us as it’s crucial for us to know how many concerned citizens are calling.

I just called. It took a couple minutes of my time.

Posted by: Ragnar at 02:32 PM | Comments (58) | Add Comment
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November 28, 2006

American Traitor Leading Jihad in Somalia?

Ibrahim-Hassan-Addow.jpgUPDATE: Confirmed. Alternate spelling is Ibrahim Hassan Addou and he is an American citizen. Much more information in this post.

I was reading through the headlines today to see if fighting has begun between our allies in Ethiopia and the jihadis of the Islamic Courts Union which now run most of Southern Somalia, when I came across something interesting.

The head of The Foreign Relations Department of the Islamic Courts Union, Ibrahim Hassan Addow, is an American citizen.

How bad is the Islamic Courts Union? Bad enough that we have dubbed them the 'African Taliban'. They wish to impose strict sharia law on the citizens of Somalia, just like the Afghani Taliban. They also have ties to al Qaeda, just like the Afghani Taliban. And just like the Afghani Taliban, they deny that they are extremists and that they have ties to terrorists.

So, who is Ibrahim Hassan Addow? I have no idea. In fact, I can find no information on him prior to his association with the jihadis now running much of Somalia. But he claims to be an American. UPDATE: Critical information found on Ibrahim Hassan Addou. He worked at American University in Washington, D.C., and now heads a university in Mogadishu.

Since the title "Professor" is often attached to his names in media reports, is it possible he taught at the University level in the United States? If so, is there any one out there who knows anything about him?

He seems to be the main spokesman for the ICU abroad and has participated in several international conferences aimed at bringing peace to Somalia. Perhaps he was chosen for this job because of his US citizenship and status as an educated man.

I'm thinking that he is probably a naturalized citizen--that is, that he immigrated to the United States and became a citizen at some point--not that he was born here. But, since the US has stated in no uncertain terms that the Islamic Courts Union of Somalia has ties to the global jihad and is harboring al Qaeda terrorists who bombed the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, would that not make Ibrahim Addow a traitor?

On top of that it is the Islamic Courts Union themselves who claimed the warlords they were recently victorious over were backed by the US government then would this not make him a traitor times two? The organization he is the spokeman for claims it is fighting US backed forces!

I hope somebody somewhere is working on revoking his citizenship. Or brininging him back for a speedy trial followed by some Texas style justice.

Here we have a guy who is trying to put the happy face on a regime that murders people for watching soccer or for not praying or for converting to Christianity [insert any other number of 'crimes' here] and which has recently declared jihad against Ethiopia. Nice.

Oh, and since I was originally looking for whether or not the Somalians and Ethiopians were now officially at war, you might want to know that the answer is yes. The African Taliban claimed today that Ethiopian troops began to shell ICU held positions. They've also invited Muslims from around the world to join the jihad in Somalia.

Which contradicts all earlier statements made by the ICU that there were no foreign fighters in Somalia and there is no connection between the ICU and the global jihad.

UPDATE: As if on cue, the Islamists release a video called: Somalia, apostate hell. Hell for apostates they mean. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:50 PM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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November 25, 2006

War On: African Taliban Declare 'Holy War' Against Ethiopia

somalia_bin_laden.jpgIt's official: war between Ethiopia and the African Taliban of the Islamic Courts Union of Somalia. The Somalian Islamists have declared jihad against Ethiopia and Ethiopia has sent troops into Somalia.

We have been warning the world about the rise of the Islamic Courts Union for some time now. The dhimmis of the European Union and the US State Department have repeated the mistakes of Afghanistan and some even welcomed the Islamists to power by declaring that at least the group would bring stability.

But stability at what price? The same stability bought by years of ignoring the growing threat of Taliban Afghanistan.

Many of the so-called warlords of Somalia, such as Mohammed Farah Aidid, were intimately connected to the global jihad. It was Osama bin Laden's succesful support of Aidid that seems to have convinced him and many of his followers that 'the Shiekh' possessed mystical foretelling powers.

It seems that both the Europeans and the State Department have awakened to the threat posed by the Salafi jihadis in Somalia. In our public statements we hope for a diplomatic solution, but privately, it seems, we know with whom our collective fates lie. We hope that the State Department's continued calls for diplomacy are simply tactical. Perhaps they believe we can win by keeping the war a matter internal to Somalia? We cannot imagine that they belive their own press.

Like the Afghani Taliban before them, the Islamic Courts Union declares that all they want is peace, stability, and prosperity. But in deeds they are receiving funding from Islamists around the world --including reliable reports that al Qaeda and other foreign jihadis have flocked to the country-- and they are aready exporting jihad. If Somalia completely falls to the Islamic Courts Union it will become a haven for international terrorism and Salafi jihad.

That is why the US military has been quietly aiding the Ethiopian and other governments in the Horn of Africa. The US has a large presence in the neighboring country of Djibouti.

The US military has recently helped flood relief efforts in Ethiopia. The US has also been quietly training the Ethiopian military for the fight to come with the Somalian Islamists.

US military observers are also in neighboring Kenya.

Now, for the first time, the Ethipian government is admitting that it has sent troops into Somalia. Civilians are clearing out as the battlefield is prepared to go from small to large-scale war.

The question remains, though, whether or not the war can be contained in Somalia? The African Taliban of Somalia are being supported by Eritrea. Eritrea and Ethiopia have been involved in several hot wars recently and many consider the present Somalian conflict to be a proxy war between the two states.

These analysts are wrong only inasmuch as they fail to comprehend the global dimensions of the conflict. Somalia is the battleground for a proxy war, but not simply between Eritrea and Ethiopia--it is a proxy war between global Islamists forces trying to establish a foothold for the future caliphate against the West.

This explains Iran's involvement in aiding the Somali Islamists. Even though they come from different branches of Islam, the Sunni Islamic Courts Union and the Shia Mullahs of Iran share a hatred for secularism, liberalism, and the West. Further, they share the goal of sharia and the Caliphate. Where they part company is over who's sharia and where the Caliph should live--Tehran or Baghdad?

Such long-term differences are easily overlooked when short term interests are congruent. The Iranians help Sunni groups such as Hamas and the Islamic Court's Union in efforts to defeat common enemies and win future influence.

This is The Clash of Civilizations. We can hope and pretend that such a global clash does not exist, but it does. This is reality. Why is this clash being fought in Somalia? Simple, because Ethiopia is bordered by Muslim states. As Huntington said, in his prophetic book that now seems like it was published an eternity ago: the borders of Islam are bloody.

Ethiopia can wait for the Islamic Courts Union to solidify power and then begin to export jihad or it can go to Somalia and fight. And for the US, we have the same options: wait for another bin Ladenist state to emerge and then suffer the consequences or choose strategic allies now and make sure they win.

Unfortunately, it's not always easy to see which allies have a chance and which don't. In the present conflict, the CIA already picked the wrong horses by supplying arms to Somali clan leaders who were easily beaten by the jihadis. We already tried to contain the fight to Somalians fighting other Somalians, but failed.

Now open war looms. The US should make it clear which side of this conflict we are on. We stand with Ethiopia and Somalians who are terrified of the coming sharia state. A state which outlaws music and proscribes the death penalty for any Muslim who should dare renounce his religion.

Supporting Ethiopia is not only the right thing to do, it is also in our national interest. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:28 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
Post contains 2042 words, total size 14 kb.

November 24, 2006

Darfur - Why bother?

Quick question:

Some folks have expressed their opinion that we shouldn't concern ourselves with Darfur while we have problems at home or worse disasters elsewhere around the world.

How is this different from saying that we shouldn't have invaded Iraq because we didn't take military action against more flagrant proliferation violators, such as North Korea, or depose more despotic regimes, such as Zimbabwe?

There's evidently a more subtle point I am missing that animates this flavor of critique, and I'm just trying to better understand that point of view.

Posted by: Bravo Romeo Delta at 04:56 PM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
Post contains 93 words, total size 1 kb.

November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving at Home, Christmas in Darfur

Judging by the newly arrived décor I am seeing in storefronts, the holiday season is evidently upon us once again. As you already know, two friends and I are going to spend our holiday in Chad to film footage for a documentary (Christmas in Darfur), capture the feel of conditions on the ground, and interview the extraordinary people who have given and risked so much to lend a hand in a portion of the world that needs all the help it can get. I would like to thank those who have already contributed for their help and generosity in getting us started towards our goals. more...

Posted by: Bravo Romeo Delta at 03:54 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 368 words, total size 6 kb.

November 15, 2006

Mailbag: Kaffirs and Ethiopian Slaves

Here is a comment from a Somalian reader calling himself Hajji Dheere. The Hajj in his name indicates he's made the pilgrimage to Mecca. His IP traces to the Univesity of Ottawa. It's great to see that Canada's liberal assylum laws are finally paying off!

I'd start here if I was looking to find Dheere.

I wonder what our good Ethiopian readers have to say to Hajj Dheere?:

Bring it on loser. We'll take you ALL kaafirs on...you, Bush, and your Ethiopian Tigrai Habashi slaves....

Bring it on Ethiopians...your dead will litter the streets of Mugadishu worse than the 19 American special forces (Delta & Rangers), IF you get that far. A 3rd world country like Ethiopia will certainly not defeat us even with US help. If that is the case then we shall go to our Muslim brothers and seek arms too.

We live, eat, and breath WAR. You would be better of keep working your feilds and beggin the west for food Ethiopians. But if you wanna die, then follow Meles Zenawi's regime and come to Somalia and fight us.

Sounds like an invitation to me!

Posted by: Rusty at 03:42 PM | Comments (43) | Add Comment
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Christmas in Darfur: Stop the Genocide!

One of The Jawa Report's first collaboraters, BRD, is heading to Darfur. Yeah, we actually want to help the Muslim brown people. I'm proud to say that I've actually met this guy. I've been wondering what he's been doing lately. Unlike the rest of us here at the Jawa corporate offices, he's been doing good. Not just wasting company time surfing for porn.

If you can spare some cash, go to the Christmas in Darfur website and donate. If you're in the D.C. area, they're also holding a benefit concert tonight.

In addition to liking brown people and Muslims, BRD also like the J-O-Os. Or maybe he's just blegging at Goldstein's site because those people have all the money?

Posted by: Rusty at 03:18 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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November 13, 2006

Kenya Bans Flights to Somalia

(Nairobi, Kenya) Disturbingly, political turmoil in East Africa escalates daily. Kenya today imposed a ban on regular flights to and from Somalia. However, with an application completed a week ahead of time, charter flights will be allowed.

From AllAfrica.com:

Concerns about possible terrorist attacks from Somalia have been raised lately, with the United States warning last week that both Kenya and Ethiopia could be targets of suicide attacks by "extremist elements" from Somalia.

The British minister of State, Dr Kim Howells, who visited Kenya early this month also warned that the threat of terrorism targeting British interests in Kenya was real.

The uncertain situation in Somalia, coupled with a porous and expansive border made Kenya a soft target for terrorists, said Dr Howells, who is in charge of counter-terrorism.

Note that 'extremist elements' refer to the fundamentalist Islamic Courts Union which is linked to al-Qaeda and led by Sheik Sharif Shaykh Ahmed. Also note the belief that a porous and expansive border makes a soft target. Hmmm ... imagine that? Kenya should export that particular thought to the U.S.

Averaging ten departures daily, cargo flights to Somalia customarily transport sugar, textile, electronics, bottled water, fresh vegetables, butter, milk and miraa (khat). Miraa or khat is an addictive, narcotic drug used extensively in East Africa and a major Kenyan cash crop.

One may presume that the 'extremist elements' in Somalia are fairly glassy-eyed from khat as they traipse through the countryside capturing village after village. With khat shipments halted, it's possible that the Islamists will be drawn toward invading the drug-growing region of northern Kenya, through the porous border, of course.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 08:27 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
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Iran Trading Arms for Uraniam With Somalian Islamists: al Qaeda, Hezbollah Linked

What do Somalian Sunni extremists with ties to al Qaeda have in common with the Shia mullahs of Iran? The 'African Taliban' of the Somali Courts Union need weapons to solidify their control and establish an Islamic state in the Horn of Africa. The Mullahs of Iran need uranium to fuel their nuclear ambitions.

Somalia has uranium, Iran has arms.

Is Iran secretly buying uranium from Islamists in Somalia? That is what a new U.N. report which indicates:

Iran may have sought to trade arms for uranium from Somalia or elsewhere in Africa to fuel its nuclear ambitions.
The U.N. report and Reuters, of course, equivocate between all the sides in the conflict. The Islamists in Somalia are no worse than the secularists in Ethiopia. It's violence that is bad, you see.

And there is also new evidence that elements of al Qaeda are involved in Somalia, and that Somalia has begun to export the jihad elsewhere. As I've been saying for months, Somalia is the next Afghanistan. An Islamic state in Somalia (which is already a reality in most parts of the country) is every bit as dangerous to U.S. national interests as the Taliban were in Afghanistan. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:16 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
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November 02, 2006

African Taliban Threatens Ethiopia

The African Taliban are upset that during recent talks the Somali government and the rest of the world did not submit to their will. So in order to convince Ethiopia and other Christians to get in line, they will try their favorite tactic, blowing shit up.

International Herald Tribune:NAIROBI, Kenya: Extremists in Somalia have threatened to carry out suicide bombings in the Horn of Africa, the U.S. embassy in Nairobi said Thursday, the latest sign that the chaos in Somalia could engulf this volatile region.

The embassy, in a warning to Americans living or traveling in Kenya, said it has received reports of "extremist elements" targeting Kenya, Ethiopia and "surrounding countries," which it did not name.

"These threats specifically mention the execution of suicide explosions in prominent landmarks within Kenya and Ethiopia. American citizens are advised to remain vigilant and to use extreme caution when frequenting prominent public places," the statement said. A spokeswoman at the embassy said she had not seen the warning and could not comment.

Suicide attacks are exceedingly rare in Somalia. In September, Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf narrowly escaped a suicide car bomb; that was believed to be the first time such a tactic was used in the country…

…The U.S. embassy's warning came one day after talks collapsed between Somalia's official government and the Islamic group, which has taken over the capital, Mogadishu, and much of the country's south since June. The government, meanwhile, controls only the western city of Baidoa.

A leading member of the militia Thursday blamed Ethiopia for the breakdown.

Oh, and it's not just blow up anything, they want to blow up, you know, civilians and tourists. But they promise to murder Ethiopian civilians and tourists in a peaceful introspective sort of way. Islam demands no less.

Remember for the African Taliban (and most Islamic Radicals), their hirabah is always the other guys fault. They thought they might have been wrong once but they were mistaken.

Oyster asked for a map, here you go. more...

Posted by: Howie at 02:36 PM | Comments (29) | Add Comment
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October 20, 2006

Muslims Attack Apostates in Ethiopia

Bad news: some Muslims who converted to Christianity were attacked by a mob in Ethiopia led by local clerics. Apostasy is a capital offense under Islamic law.

Good news: some other Muslims denounced the attack. Oh, and then they left Islam because apparently it's not such a religion of peace after all.

Q: Is this what they mean by vicious cycle of violence? You know: a) Muslims convert to some other religions. b) Muslims attack apostates c) Muslims leave Islam in protest d) back to a

Assist News:

The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian Concern (ICC), has just been informed that on July 20, 7 Muslim leaders (clerics) brutally attacked 50 or more Christians in Henno, Ethiopia.

In a news release, ICC says, “This latest attack is just one example of the increasing violence against Christians in Ethiopia. In fact, Islamic leaders are urging Muslims in the area to kill full-time Christian evangelists. The situation has reached such intensity that Christian leaders are in fear and moving in pairs to ward off attacks. Local Muslim authorities failed to take action against the Muslim attackers.”...


Posted by: Rusty at 07:12 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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October 09, 2006

African Taliban Declares Jihad Against Ethiopia

You know "Jihad", the struggle for inner peace that comes after careful self introspection and study of the will of Allah as laid down in the Koran and the Hadiths.

BBC:Somalia's Islamists have accused Ethiopian troops of attacking a town and have vowed a "holy war" in revenge.

The town of Bur Haqaba lies on the road from the government base in Baidoa to the Islamist-held capital, Mogadishu.

Ethiopia denies that its troops have crossed the border but does support the government against the Islamists.

An Islamist leader, wearing fatigues and holding an AK-47, said a "jihad" had been declared on Ethiopia, raising fears of a regional conflict.

"Heavily armed Ethiopian troops have invaded Somalia," said Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, seen as a moderate within the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC).
"They have captured Bur Haqaba. History shows that Somalis always win when they are attacked from outside."

And if your neighbors fail to see the wisdom of Dhimmification and submitting to the will of Allah, he says you can give them a good old moderate chop chop choppity chop to the neck!

Or shoot somebody, a Nun in the back maybe?


Posted by: Howie at 11:25 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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October 02, 2006

African Taliban Update

The advancement of the Union of Islamic Courts in Somalia is continuing almost unchecked. They now control up to the border with Ethiopia and are increasing their control. Arresting journalists and closing radio stations that report any dissenting views.

Somalinet: Forces loyal to Islamic Courts have captured villages of Kalaber and Jawil in Hiran region north of Somalia and bordering with Ethiopia on Saturday - reports say. It is part of Islamists’ expansion policy to entire Somalia.

Sheik Nor Ibrahim, one of the senior Islamists in Baledweyn, confirmed today that they had seized control of Kaleber and Jawil, adding that they attacked the villages with 13 battlewagons and lost one soldier. The environs are about 400km (248 miles) north of Somalia capital Mogadishu.

The imposition of repressive Sharia law continues with the Islamic Courts suppressing any unfavorable news and opinions
All Africa: The UIC militias arrested the three HornAfrik journalists - Sahro Abdi Ahmed, Layla Sheik Ismail and Adam Mohammed Salad - at around 11 a.m. (local time) on 29 September 2006, one of their colleagues told Reporters Without Borders. Ismail is also the correspondent of the Somali Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), a privately-owned radio and TV station based in Puntland, while Salad is also the correspondent of the Puntland-based Radio Daljir.

The UIC militias, who arrived in Kismayo on 24 September, were also looking for reporter Hassan Mohammed Nur and Nasteh Dahir Farah, the manager of HornAfrik's branch in Kismayo. Both went into hiding at once. Ahmed, Ismail and Salad were released a few hours later after being ordered not to refer to the Islamic courts any more….

…The UIC militiamen said they had come to the station because it had broadcast statements by inhabitants of Kismayo criticising the militias and had referred to the disturbances in the city, the third largest in Somalia, since their arrival. Many of Kismayo's inhabitants have criticised the militias' high-profile presence, the restrictions they have imposed, their replacement of the Somali flag and the fact that they fired on protesters, killing a 13-year-old child.

Man the Commies didn’t have nothing on these Islamofacists!

Also see this interview with the leader of the Islamic Courts , Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys.

(Asharq Al-Awsat) Did you issue a fatwa ordering the Vatican Pope's murder for what he said about Islam?

(Aweys) No, none of the Islamic Courts' leaders said anything of the sort, and we are not about to sanction his killing, but I feel that the Pope did not speak well about Islam and was wrong. We are however optimistic about what he said, because in the days of the first Muslims, when people spoke ill of the prophet (may God's peace and prayers be upon him), it was a sign that the Muslims would defeat them and conquer their lands.

(Asharq Al-Awsat) Does this mean that Muslims will invade the Vatican for example?

(Aweys, laughing) No, it is not like that, but I am optimistic Muslims will triumph, and you will soon see that I am right.

Posted by: Howie at 12:33 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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