November 15, 2006

Mailbag: Kaffirs and Ethiopian Slaves

Here is a comment from a Somalian reader calling himself Hajji Dheere. The Hajj in his name indicates he's made the pilgrimage to Mecca. His IP traces to the Univesity of Ottawa. It's great to see that Canada's liberal assylum laws are finally paying off!

I'd start here if I was looking to find Dheere.

I wonder what our good Ethiopian readers have to say to Hajj Dheere?:

Bring it on loser. We'll take you ALL kaafirs, Bush, and your Ethiopian Tigrai Habashi slaves....

Bring it on Ethiopians...your dead will litter the streets of Mugadishu worse than the 19 American special forces (Delta & Rangers), IF you get that far. A 3rd world country like Ethiopia will certainly not defeat us even with US help. If that is the case then we shall go to our Muslim brothers and seek arms too.

We live, eat, and breath WAR. You would be better of keep working your feilds and beggin the west for food Ethiopians. But if you wanna die, then follow Meles Zenawi's regime and come to Somalia and fight us.

Sounds like an invitation to me!

Posted by: Rusty at 03:42 PM | Comments (43) | Add Comment
Post contains 191 words, total size 1 kb.

1 LOL.

Sorry Hajji Insanity. We already beat you to kingdom come twice. But if you want another, we will oblige. Perhaps we will start by expelling the thousands of Somali's we care for in Addis Ababa...with no discrimination whatsoever...treated as if our own. Let's see u get that treatment in Kenya where you get robbed by the corrupt Cops.

An Ethiopian.

Posted by: Ethiopian American at November 15, 2006 04:17 PM (O3iDX)

2 Hey, this is not the first time. We have been victims of Islamist for the last 1600 years. And to think that we spared the Prophets family during the hijra. That is what you get being nice to nomads.

Posted by: japhet at November 15, 2006 04:23 PM (6Nk59)

3 Hajji, you remained me the Iraq information Minster at the start of the Iraq war what he was saying, it makes him a celebrity for a while, not sure what he in the deck of cards I am not sure either yours. Actually I don't have to write that much you wrote an article as a bravely as you can. I certainly know one thing Ethiopia at least has a government supported by most of the international community. Please form a government based on civilized ideas and values like the government you and your friends are sheltering, you and your friends are raising your kids. Please don’t think like the Taliban. We need a prosperous and civilized Somalia that would be a friend to Ethiopia, Kenya, Eritrea and Djibouti. Just to let you know, if Ethiopia can’t feed its people for some reason, sure its government knows how to beg. However I am not proud of this, unfortunately it is the duty of a responsible government, rather than empty pride and boosting and fanning about the supremacy of war on the land of nomads. Please stop the anarchy and lawlessness that traverses the people of Somalia for decades. Act responsible, act civilized, face the reality.

Posted by: Girma at November 15, 2006 04:54 PM (kddO6)

4 Thems Fightin' Words!

Posted by: JeepThang at November 15, 2006 05:07 PM (yZQoS)

5 I saw this guy on the thread last night, and asked where he was posting from. I knew he was either from the US, Canada or Britain. These guys need to be kicked out of the West. Let him go back to Somalia and see if he wants to fight.

Posted by: jesusland joe at November 15, 2006 05:55 PM (8PoNP)

6 And Girma makes more sense in one paragraph than these Islamists do in pages and pages of their rhetoric.

Posted by: jesusland joe at November 15, 2006 05:56 PM (8PoNP)

7 Comrades,
   Ahhh... he's just a typical deranged jihadi, spouting drivel from the safety of his campus computer room.
   Of course, he probably HAD to go to Canada to find a computer to use. Somalia's not exactly haven for technolagy, now is it? They call their truck-mounted slobber-gunners technicals, right?  Is that because they figured out how to wash their hands after taking a dump? That's pretty much what passes for education in Somalia these days. It's even more true now that they've allowed Islam to infect their gene pool.
  Jihadis like our lil friend here are simply jealous of Ethiopia, that's all. I mean, here they went and infedt, er, invaded Somalia and all they found were sand fleas and aids. What a bunch of maroons. At least Ethiopians have a wonderful tradition of learning, of culture, of being, you know, CIVILIZED... unlike those jihadi rat bastards.
   Tell me, oh Haji Dear, did you become a Jihadi because you got aids from your camel, or because the local women found out you were unable to get it up anymore?

Posted by: Gwedd at November 15, 2006 06:01 PM (PC8fB)

8 "We live, eat, and breath [sic] WAR".
I guess that's why you're in Canada.  That's where all of our cowards go when they're afraid to go to war.

Posted by: slug at November 15, 2006 06:04 PM (FuzGk)

9 He's a slime bag muslim. This is what to expect from muslims. That's why I say OUTLAW ISLAM IN THE WEST. It's a filthy religion, practiced by filthy backward people.

Posted by: Greyrooster at November 15, 2006 06:09 PM (R6qo5)

10 we are habesha ethiopian you no us we no you
don,t forget ethio-somali war i wanna remaind you
you that time you are raning look like a dog
you live your shoose behind you
let me remained you again the war 1989-1990
the moqdishu(humer)war i am ther that time
with general fara haidid i spy your idiot
peopel inside moqdisho the place of depka
humer wine sholobot no 4 i told hem haidi
to kill on hes peopel he did it
becous we are habesh we have gifted to do
werever we need that arogant waild peopel
even now we have power wereve we need by
that land from the bigining god give us power
over shiretam somale blive or not i will
come back againe with husen haidid wach it
somal aba hawese.

Posted by: shotolay at November 15, 2006 06:12 PM (LP/Iw)

11 I support the Somali people. They are defending their country from the Ethiopian invaders. The Ethiopians have invaded Oromia and Ogadin and collaborated them to Abyssinia by force in 1880s. Yet they, want to invade the whole Somali. It will not happen!

Posted by: Gadaa at November 15, 2006 06:29 PM (5PMZ8)

12 The Prophet said to Abu-Dhar, "Listen and obey (your chief) even if he is an Ethiopian with a head like a raisin."

Gabriel came to Muhammad and said, ‘If a black man comes to you his heart is more gross than a donkey's.'

Get back on your Slave block, Mohammed and Allah demands it!

Posted by: davec at November 15, 2006 06:58 PM (QkWqQ)

13 Chill out white man!! You motha fuckers brain washed. Arab is not a religion but a racial idnetity. Just because you are muslims doesn't mean you are Arab. As if Arab meant a good thing! Some one would rather disolve in thy mother's woumb than be an Arab. I believe no human identity is dirty and ignorant, but if there be one it would be an Arab.

There is an an ignorant person by birth which happened to be an Arab and there is the other one which is even more stuppid that wishes to be an Arab. How ignorant is that?

I know the presence of wonderfull somalians. But a stupid somalian like yourself thinks and wishes to be an Arab. You brainwashed Nigro.

Black is the color of the people. Did you read what Homer had to say about Ethiopia? "The Just man on the east side of the world", "The just Abisynian man, dark skin but his heart bright as the sun". Even Nebiy Mohamad declared Ethiopia as a saint land. where in hell have you heard of any country whether in Bible or Quoran?

Make up your mind you Ignorant.

To home it may apply!!!!!

Posted by: Abraham at November 15, 2006 07:03 PM (VdrZ6)

14 Chill out white man!! You motha fuckers brain washed. Arab is not a religion but a racial idnetity. Just because you are muslims doesn't mean you are Arab. As if Arab meant a good thing! Some one would rather disolve in thy mother's woumb than be an Arab. I believe no human identity is dirty and ignorant, but if there be one it would be an Arab.

There is an an ignorant person by birth which happened to be an Arab and there is the other one which is even more stuppid that wishes to be an Arab. How ignorant is that?

I know the presence of wonderfull somalians. But a stupid somalian like yourself thinks and wishes to be an Arab. You brainwashed Nigro.

Black is the color of the people. Did you read what Homer had to say about Ethiopia? "The Just man on the east side of the world", "The just Abisynian man, dark skin but his heart bright as the sun". Even Nebiy Mohamad declared Ethiopia as a saint land. where in hell have you heard of any country whether in Bible or Quoran?

Make up your mind you Ignorant.

To home it may apply!!!!!

Posted by: Abraham at November 15, 2006 07:03 PM (VdrZ6)

15 Chill out white man!! You motha fuckers brain washed. Arab is not a religion but a racial idnetity. Just because you are muslims doesn't mean you are Arab. As if Arab meant a good thing! Some one would rather disolve in thy mother's woumb than be an Arab. I believe no human identity is dirty and ignorant, but if there be one it would be an Arab.

There is an an ignorant person by birth which happened to be an Arab and there is the other one which is even more stuppid that wishes to be an Arab. How ignorant is that?

I know the presence of wonderfull somalians. But a stupid somalian like yourself thinks and wishes to be an Arab. You brainwashed Nigro.

Black is the color of the people. Did you read what Homer had to say about Ethiopia? "The Just man on the east side of the world", "The just Abisynian man, dark skin but his heart bright as the sun". Even Nebiy Mohamad declared Ethiopia as a saint land. where in hell have you heard of any country whether in Bible or Quoran?

Make up your mind you Ignorant.

To home it may apply!!!!!

Posted by: Abraham at November 15, 2006 07:03 PM (VdrZ6)

16 It is very alarming to read these kind of messages from the so-called anti-Islamist
drum-beaters. Dr. Rusty ( no insult inteneded
here) took the trouble to trace Hajji Dheree's
IP back to Ottawa University and also prompts o
others to look for him. Fortunately, he lives
in a democratic country where freedom of speech is protected by its constitution. Canada
is not Ethiopia. In Ethiopia, his message may
cost the Haji his life but not in Canada.
Definitely, visiting Mecca is no cause for suspicion of being a terrorist in Canada.
Having said this, war advocacy is not a good thing. Our people have suffered enough in the hands of brute dictators and warlords. Yes,
Somalis breath war because they have not seen
peace in 15 years. This is a period of one full generation. This is nothing to brag about; it is rather a tragedy. So, my brother Haji should
seek a new direction for the Somali people-
the direction that leads to a lasting peace.
He has the opportunity to see things in a different light. Other Somalis in Somalia don't
have this opportunity.
Dr. Rusty wondered what "good Ethiopians"
would say regarding Haji's message. Well, I hope he is satisfied with the Monkey's beauty
pagents. My Ethiopian brothers and sisters who
pride themselves with the sense of nationalism
do not seem to be able to see clearly. The
biggest irony is that they don't even live in
the country that they pretend to love so much.
One who truly loves his country and his people
should try to do whatever it takes to avoid war
War is destructive, war kills, maims, spilits
families, takes away loved ones, destroys the environment, ruins the economy etc. It is good
for nothing. We just lost hundreds of thousands
of precious children in two wars between Ethiop
ia and Eritrea. Billions of dollars that could
be used to save lives were used instead to take
lives. What have we gained?
Once again, the sinister Ethiopian government
is on its final phase of preparation for another
war. This time, it will involve many interest
groups not just Ethiopia and Somalia. This war has nothing to do with Ethiopia and Somalia.
Somalis are doing what they think is best for their country. They have the right to follow
their religion as strictly or as loosely as
they want. They have the right to form the kind
of government that they want. Ethiopia has no business to interfere. In fact, Ethiopia has
violated the international law by deploying
thousands of soldiers to Somalia. For Meles,
this war is an opportunity that he has been pray-
for and he will never forgive himself if he
lets it go by. For poor Ethiopians, however,
it only brings back the agony of loss. It also
means living under extended oppression of the
brutal regime of Meles because if Meles
defeats the so-called Somali Islamists, he
will be guranteed a green light from the U.S
government to rule over the Ethiopians as he
sees it fit. This is why everyone should oppo
se this war.

Posted by: An Ethiopian at November 15, 2006 07:10 PM (dMIbF)

17 I cann't agree more brother. Well said bro! This isn't about Somalia and ethiopia. It's instead about a fight between the Islamist leaders and the leaders of EPRDF in Ethiopia. It has nothing to do with the Somalian pubic and the Ethiopians. If it has something to do with them it will only be loss on both sides.

Posted by: Abraham at November 15, 2006 07:18 PM (VdrZ6)

18 war is not a game that some one proud of it
as a winner.
Innocent poor people die for the benefit of
stupid and dictators leaders of like Ethiopia
and Somalia.
Somalians are very smart and educated people
they know more than this when it comes to the truth
Let it be death for the dictators in any side not for the poor.
thank you

Posted by: TEFERA SHIMELIS at November 15, 2006 08:12 PM (kLz2L)

19 Just wait.  First they will solidify power.  Then they will export the jihad.  They ALREADY are exporting it.

And a nation cannot CHOOSE to follow Islam.  Only individuals can.   For those who live in nations under sharia, but who do not choose to follow it---well, you know what the ICU is doing to those who do not agree with them or their interpretation of sharia.  Death.

Posted by: Rusty at November 15, 2006 08:31 PM (JQjhA)

20 I hope not all Somalies think like this stupid individual, Hajji. However, it seems respecting people who did good to them is not in the dictionary of Somalies. Let alone Ethiopia who engaged in two unnecessary wars to stop the dream of Grater Somalia, they even humiliated Canadians on their own national TV, the CBC by saying "this is a stolen land, we have to share the wealth of the country equally. It does not belong only to the white people". Hearing such words from people with no country is too strange. Ironically sometimes their tactic works well, but in a place like South Africa it didn't. That is what I am afraid it could happen to them again any where in the world if they do not shut their mouth . My advice to Hajji and to the alike would be don't provoke Ethiopians. In general know yourself.

Posted by: Gobezu at November 15, 2006 09:23 PM (BUtGb)

21 Jawa are you breathing person or A dead slave of Rascal Arab.
I feel bad when I read senseless things. By the way I hope those Somalians take Meles out of Ethiopia and play with him like a toy the evil Meles. First of all I am proud Oromo Ethiopian nevertheless I will not support the Meles regime and its stupid desire of going to fight in Somalia. I do know so many good Somalians I know they are kind and nice people I love them really as my own Ethiopian people however I will not support idiot individuals like Haji bud head . Haji bud head is an idiot slave of ass washer Arab. Look people especially you black Muslim people how Arabs are killing and raip black Muslims in Sudan so if you are proud Muslim why don't fight those evil and godless Arabs to save your black Muslim brothers and sisters. your master Arabs when they kill black Muslim brothers and sisters in Darfur and Chad you turn your filthy ass instead of facing to stop them from killing blacks in Sudan and everywhere. Long live the people of Somalia and Ethiopian people. Short live to bad godless Arabs and Jihad and Eritrea and Meles and Tigrea. Long live America and Democracy and god fearing Arabs.

Posted by: Proud Ethiopian Oromo. at November 15, 2006 09:57 PM (Qor86)

22 Jawa are you breathing person or A dead slave of Rascal Arab.
I feel bad when I read senseless things. By the way I hope those Somalians take Meles out of Ethiopia and play with him like a toy the evil Meles. First of all I am proud Oromo Ethiopian nevertheless I will not support the Meles regime and its stupid desire of going to fight in Somalia. I do know so many good Somalians I know they are kind and nice people I love them really as my own Ethiopian people however I will not support idiot individuals like Haji bud head . Haji bud head is an idiot slave of ass washer Arab. Look people especially you black Muslim people how Arabs are killing and raip black Muslims in Sudan so if you are proud Muslim why don't fight those evil and godless Arabs to save your black Muslim brothers and sisters. your master Arabs when they kill black Muslim brothers and sisters in Darfur and Chad you turn your filthy ass instead of facing to stop them from killing blacks in Sudan and everywhere. Long live the people of Somalia and Ethiopian people. Short live to bad godless Arabs and Jihad and Eritrea and Meles and Tigrea. Long live America and Democracy and god fearing Arabs.

Posted by: Proud Ethiopian Oromo. at November 15, 2006 10:00 PM (Qor86)

23 Insanity begs insanity! I advise you not to fall for this bogus posting by some jerk who wants to amuse hmself with the inevitable and expected angry reactions from Ethiopians. Any fool who negatively steriotypes a whole nation should be referred to the studio of Jerry Springer to find a partner. Thrash is thrash.

Posted by: moges at November 16, 2006 12:50 AM (Bpnk1)

24 Insanity begs insanity! I advise you not to fall for this bogus posting by some jerk who wants to amuse hmself with the inevitable and expected angry reactions from Ethiopians. Any fool who negatively steriotypes a whole nation should be referred to the studio of Jerry Springer to find a partner. Thrash is thrash.

Posted by: moges at November 16, 2006 12:50 AM (Bpnk1)

25 Insanity begs insanity! I advise you not to fall for this bogus posting by some jerk who wants to amuse hmself with the inevitable and expected angry reactions from Ethiopians. Any fool who negatively steriotypes a whole nation should be referred to the studio of Jerry Springer to find a partner. Thrash is thrash.

Posted by: moges at November 16, 2006 12:50 AM (Bpnk1)

26 Insanity begs insanity! I advise you not to fall for this bogus posting by some jerk who wants to amuse hmself with the inevitable and expected angry reactions from Ethiopians. Any fool who negatively steriotypes a whole nation should be referred to the studio of Jerry Springer to find a partner. Thrash is thrash.

Posted by: moges at November 16, 2006 12:50 AM (Bpnk1)

27 Ethiopians were attacked by Italian planes and armor just before WW2. The Italian tankettes were crude by modern standards of armored warfare, but the Ethiopians had nothing like them.

In battle an Ethiopian chief was struck down by machinegun fire from an Italian tankette. The other tribesmen rallied in anger, charged the tankette, and heaved it onto its roof by sheer rage and numbers.

Another tankette was taken out by a man with a sword. He knocked on the crew hatches, and as the Italians stuck their heads out to see who was knocking, he killed them.

The Italians had their way, but I wouldn't go around swaggering about how wimpy Ethiopians are. This 'Dheere' fellow needs a rethink.

USA all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at November 16, 2006 02:34 AM (2OHpj)

28 MP calls on opposition to unify against tyranny
Dr Getachew Jigi, MP of the House of People’s Representatives

Press Release

November 11, 2006

To introduce my self, I am MP of the House of People’s Representatives of Ethiopia, run and elected as candidate of the Oromo Federal Democratic Movement (OFDM) from Mana Sibu-Kiltu Karra district of Western Wallagga, Oromia region. I am one of the founders of this organization and a member of its Executive Committee.

We, the founders of OFDM had high hopes and aspiration that by participating in the legal political forum of Ethiopia we would contribute to the democratization process and bring stability and development. It was with strong belief that the Constitution of the land will be respected and supremacy of law will prevail, that we decided to join the legal political system. It was also our firm belief that democracy and working federation would solve the problems of Ethiopia . Unfortunately all our aspirations were dashed, hopes turned sour and our morale crashed within few months after May 2005 elections. We learned in the hard way that there is no democracy or supremacy of law in Ethiopia .

In this statement, I want to give my honest and sincere testimony of the conditions currently prevailing in Ethiopia and particularly since May 2005 elections. This testimony is in no way intended to defame the ruling party and its cohorts. The main purpose is to expose the hidden realities in Ethiopia and in Oromia in particular.

Today, there is no peace and stability, democracy, and rule of law in Ethiopia . What really exists is dictatorship of one party and gross violations of democratic and human rights. The regime carried out mass killing of civilians in Gambela, Sidama, Shaka Mazengir, Oromia and CUD supporters in Finfinne. In all of these incidents the perpetuators were not brought to justice. The ruling party has two very contradicting political images that it uses according to time, place and its audiences. In and around the capital city -Finfinnee- the ruling party shows the image that it is democratic and respect rule of law. This semblance is targeted to diplomats of donor countries to gain their support to finance and strengthen its other hidden image. For any foreign dignitary that visits Ethiopia and discusses with the Prime Minister, Ethiopia is really a promising democratic state. Elections are conducted periodically, there is ¨private¨ press, there are opposition parties with seats in the parliament, etc. These are facades to attract and win the sympathy of donor countries. The reality on the ground is completely to the contrary.

The other image of the EPRDF regime hidden from the outside world is its true nature. EPRDF is simply a dictatorship. It does not respect its own Constitution nor abide by the supremacy of the law. Everything is done at the whim of EPRDF officials who can reverse court ruling as they wish, kill, detain, torture, and harass innocent citizens without any evidence or crime committed. Anybody that they suspect as a threat is eliminated. The Oromo are in the forefront to be subjected to EPRDF’s bad-governance.

Since May 2005 elections, gross violation of democratic and human rights are being conducted in Ethiopia by the ruling party. Citizens are being killed indiscriminately, thousands are detained for long period without charges and tortured to sustain life long injuries. Tens of thousands are forced to flee their country fearing harassment and intimidation. Properties of innocent individuals are confiscated without court order. In short today in Ethiopia there prevails a total atmosphere of fear and terror.

Legally registered and operating organizations like Oromo Federal Democratic Organizations are facing the severe hand of the dictator ruling party. While top leaders of opposition organizations are sitting in the parliament, meeting the Prime Minister, attending consultation meetings with donor groups, invited to parties with diplomatic dignitaries, there members are languishing in prisons, their offices closed and properties confiscated in the regions. Opposition MPs are not allowed to go back to their constituencies to hold meetings and gather public opinions of their constituencies. Even if an opposition MP manages to go back to his constituency, it is crime for the residents to greet and talk with the person they elected to represent them. From my experience many Mana Sibu -Kiltu Karra residents who greeted me were detained and heavily fined. This is the bitter reality that is existing in Ethiopia outside of the capital city.

The EPRDF regime is on a wide campaign of detaining Oromo nationalists, students, farmers and merchants for no crime committed. An Oromo individual who asks the democratic and human rights of the people to be respected is automatically branded as OLF member and thrown into prison to stay there for years without appearing before appropriate court. Oromo students who voted for us are being killed, dismissed from schools without any reasons. Dozens were refused their university certificates. These are the vivid reality under which my people who voted for me to be MP are living under.

I have been hoping things would get better over time. But instead the situation in Oromia in particular and in Ethiopia in general is getting worse daily. This has been giving me mental torture for the last several months. Now it became so unbearable that I had to make my decision. I have been receiving death threats for speaking up against the wanton disregard for the rule of law by EPRDF. Under the circumstances my conscience could not allow me to continue to be a member of parliament when I cannot speak with and for the people who elected me and cannot spare them from the daily harassment, intimidation, repression, extra-judicial killing, torture and displacement. Hence I have chosen to desist myself from the EPRDF regime and its rubber-stamp parliament.

To sum up, today in Ethiopia , democratic and human rights are grossly violated, the rule of law is trampled upon by none other than the ruling party. The regime is doing everything it can to stay in power that it lost in May 2005 elections, in which it was totally defeated. The regime is purposely instigating and fanning religious and inter ethnic conflicts. The situation in Ethiopia is very dangerous. There is disaster looming over the country. Finally I call upon OFDM members and supporters, the Oromo people in particular and the Ethiopian peoples in general, opposition party members to stand up in unison to avert this looming disaster. And remind the international community to play a constructive role expected of them rather than continue to appease a tyrannical regime.

Dr. Getachew Jigi

Posted by: EWNETU at November 16, 2006 02:42 AM (P4bEs)

Hi every body if you read all this jerks poted on this sit don't take it siriosly because they don't know what they talking about.
Let us pray for pease in horn of africa we are the same people and also we are the child of one "GOD" not riligons.


Posted by: E.AFRICAN at November 16, 2006 02:48 AM (lnoMf)

30 I can assure you that the Ethiopian people have nothing to do with the Somali internal affairs. It is the current racist government's decision for the sake of gaining support from the world superpower, US. Everybody knows that the government is in a brick of loosing power. The only way it can stay in power is by diverting attention of the Ethiopian people and gaining support from the US in the name of anti-terriorism. I am quite sure that the Ethiopian people believes on the fact that the Somalis must be left to solve their own problems by themselves. The people of Ethiopia will no more fight against any of the Somali rivals as the issue doesn't concern us. The so called Ethiopian goverment may fight until it finishs the existing force under control. It is highly likely that you will successfully outperform. Finally, what I want to emphasis is the need to have different looks to the Ethiopian People and the fragile government of Ethiopia.

Posted by: Alemu at November 16, 2006 05:38 AM (JCMbj)

31 The ethiopian are always one and the same when it comes to national soverenighty. Despite unhappy with the current government, we will fight against any move which could potentially challenge our nations sovernieghty. It might not as the above commentator believs.

Posted by: Tefera at November 16, 2006 06:37 AM (JCMbj)

32 Dave C you have 2 quotes, funny no verse is attributed to them.

Civilized governments would be nice but araby wasn't converted from christians it was taken by force.

Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon were all Christian when the roman empire fell. It was why after hundreds of years of opression the crusades were launched.

Why wait the hundreds of years?

The Koran is clear about the fate for infidels,

008.012 Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."

9:005 But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

9:14 Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers,

33:25 And Allah turned back the Unbelievers for (all) their fury: no advantage did they gain; and enough is Allah for the believers in their fight. And Allah is full of Strength, able to enforce His Will.
33.26 And those of the People of the Book who aided them - Allah did take them down from their strongholds and cast terror into their hearts. (So that) some ye slew, and some ye made prisoners.
33.27And He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, and of a land which ye had not frequented (before). And Allah has power over all things.

IE 'why they own israel'

47:4 Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their necks; At length, when ye have thoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on them): thereafter (is the time for) either generosity or ransom: Until the war lays down its burdens. Thus (are ye commanded): but if it had been Allah's Will, He could certainly have exacted retribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order to test you, some with others. But those who are slain in the Way of Allah,- He will never let their deeds be lost.

47:35 Be not fainthearted then; and invite not the infidels to peace when ye have the upper hand: for God is with you, and will not defraud you of the recompense of your works...

Posted by: Gary H at November 16, 2006 10:37 AM (bx7wo)

33 From what I see here, I doubt Ethiopia will have a chance against the Arabs and their supporters in Somalia. I have little doubt that Arab militias from the Sudan, and ICU fighters from Somalia will topple the Ethiopian government, and take over large parts of Ethiopia.

And I suppose the West will have another refugee problem to have to take care of, this one likely to be in Kenya, which is another nation subject to attack.

See if I'm not right. I predicted this scenario 2 years ago. The next big push from the jihad was bound to be in Africa.

Posted by: jesusland joe at November 16, 2006 10:52 AM (8PoNP)

34 Dear Ethiopians,
Don't let the Hajj provoke you.
We, the Ethiopian people do not want war with the ICU or the Somali people, for we are brothers and we should think as brothers! We have a government which we didn't elect and it works against the interest of the people. And if you, honorable Hajj, say that you (Somalis) "live, eat, and breath WAR" then you also don't stand for what is best for your people. Let's face the facts: The horn of Africa is one of the poorest regions in the Earth. We need to stand together and support eachother, and not fight. And a respectable person, like a Hajj, should not preach hate, especially not against a whole people! If a all out war erupts, the losers will be the people in both countries. The world won't care and they will even support either side to fight their own proxy war on our soil. May Allah (swt) the almighty prevent that! And do not forget that some of the first Muslims found refuge in Ethiopia. And the Najashi didn't give them to the ones who hunted them, not for all the gold they had. So we are not the enemies of the Muslims! And if you have a problem with our government, then attack the government. Not the people!
May Allah (swt) stop your hatred against the Ethiopian people! And may peace, freedom and prosperity prevail!

igzio meharene

Posted by: Abba Tateq at November 16, 2006 12:18 PM (dn6xf)

35 funny that guy -^ said "May Allah stop your hatred"
Ironic, since Allah is pretty much the start, and end of all your hatred problems.

Posted by: davec at November 16, 2006 02:02 PM (QkWqQ)

36 Hello Mr Hajji! I do not believe a religious person as Hajji as you say these evil words -"Live, Eat and Breath WAR" as if for all these past years Somalia has been living in a Heaven. Let us face the reality brother. May be for all those years you were in Canada breathing democracy, eating hamburger and living in heaven compared to the life in somalia. A person who eat, live and breath war, knows how tormenting a war is. And he will do whatever it takes to bring peace to the people he love. Not war. And do not try to preach religion. Ethiopia is may be the only country where people with different religion live in peace together. Thanks to your interference we heard a little odd here and there nowadays. Somalians are like brothers to us. Ask them how they were treated when they were in Ethiopia as a refugee for all those past years. they will tell you how Ethiopians respect their Somalias brothers and sisters. So you better pray for peace if you really have faith in your Allah and try to bring peace to your country.

Posted by: Ethiopian at November 16, 2006 04:16 PM (n85nh)

37 I have been practicinig Islam for 27 years and I was the luckiest to comrhend the truth in Mohamed's and co. trash book. It teachs hate,war,polygamy,robbery.... so You good ,kind, people of Ethiopia , Don't get surprised with his writting it is what he was preached from the messenger of Satan Mohamed throuhg the little devils Sheiks and Imams. I know the book very very very well. It is all about war kill kafirs,attack kafirs, rob kafirs, f... kafirs......Hopefully there will come a time that most of these people come to the light and breath peace. Honestly you are proudes people with your own alphabet, culture ,religion ,name ....I am ashmed of my Arabic name, language, culture...which I got it by spear and sword. My identity is invaded by warlords of Satan.
peace. And pray to Alah to give all muslims the light of truth.

Posted by: Ahmed at November 16, 2006 04:18 PM (yzUi/)

38 u r one sickass motherfucker jihadist,let me tell u smth we have been touched in 2000 years get it!! so if u wanna start this jihad b*****u gonna get u ass fucked.we gonna burn u all mutherfukers alqiada, alitahad who ever the fuck u call ur self.

Posted by: ras mick at November 16, 2006 10:03 PM (om/Fp)

39 Let not talk about so called "Ethiopia". There is no such thing as Ethiooia. Let me teach you it's called OROMIA. got it? you better. Do not fight Somalis from Ormia. Before Somalis fight you Oromos will fight you. We hate you Habasha(Nafxanya) and Tigrai (Woyane). You call yourself Ethiopians. Let me tell you something, get out of our Oromia (Finfinne) and go back to wherever you come from. We are sick and tired of your beggers in Oromia cities. One day you will go back to gonder and gojam with shame from Oromia. You know Oromia is you breadbasket that is why you busters never let us live in peace with our good neighbor somalis. Somalis and Oromos are the same We are family of Kush. Habashas If you fight Somalis you know you are fighting with Oromos as well.

Posted by: Oromo at November 17, 2006 12:33 AM (z0iQB)

40 I wish all Somalis and ethiopias peace and happiness. Just do me a favor and stay in your own beautiful countries and don't come here. Oh yea. If you  continue to have babies you can't feed don't ask us to feed them. We have enough problems.

Posted by: white motha fucka at November 17, 2006 01:34 AM (R6qo5)

41 There you go again.
Trying to fight with Ethiopia and think at the same time that you will get assistance from Arabs? Forget about it. They don't even treat you like a human being let alone give you a gun to kill fellow African for a futile cause. Don't full yourself by thinking you are ally with the arab islam. You are damm black muslim from Africa. Who cares about you. You still are considered by those Arab muslims as Slave don't you know this/ If not you must be naive from the Somali desert.
Listen ,let me advice you one thing Don't fool yourselves by thinking that you are a muslim with identical previledge and acceptance with muslims in the rest of the arab world. Be ally with fellow Africans and try to solve problems by peaceful means. Share power,forget the ideology of radicalism.Believe me it is not going to last long. Then you will find yourself back to reality again and have to search for allies in your neighbors. Ethiopia is by the way a refuge to your thousands of people and should be respected in that regard.

Posted by: Selam at November 17, 2006 09:34 PM (YSI/+)

42 Proud Ethiopian: So proud of Ethiopia that you left ???????????????????????????
I'm a proud American and have no intention of moving to Ethiopia. Think I'll stay and fight for what I'm proud of.

Posted by: Greyrooster at November 18, 2006 06:34 AM (R6qo5)

43 To all those who are still doubtful of the evil plans of the islamic courts, read below. The time to act is now before the Jihadists and jihadism engulf the whole region.

Somalia: "Epicenter of jihadism"

By Andrew Cawthorne

NAIROBI (Reuters) - Somalia has replaced Sudan as the "epicentre of jihadism" in east Africa since the rise of a powerful Islamist movement, according to a U.S. author who has just finished a new book on the Horn of Africa nation.

"The most potent expression of jihadism in the region has occurred in stateless Somalia," says Gregory Alonso Pirio.

His book, "The African Jihad: Bin Laden's Quest for the Horn of Africa", is due to be published early next year.

"With the military triumph of the Islamic Courts, southern Somalia came to replace Sudan as the epicentre of jihadism in the region with the spectre of renewed regional instability," he added in a hawkish analysis of the religious movement's roots.

Borne out of sharia courts, Somalia's Islamist movement kicked out U.S.-backed warlords from Mogadishu in June.

It went on to take a swathe of southern Somalia in defiance of the authority of a Western-backed interim government trying to restore central rule for the first time since 1991.

Critics say the Islamists are a Taliban-like movement, with links to foreign terrorists. The Islamists say they are bringing order and have been smeared by U.S. and other propaganda.

Pirio, a former director at the U.S. government-funded Voice of America radio and now president of media firm Empowering Communications, said the Council of Somali Islamic Courts were descendants of a previous radical group al-Itihaad al-Islaami.

The current top Islamist leader in Somalia, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, was head of that group's military wing in the 1990s, when it was largely decimated by Ethiopian attacks.

"The rise of the Al Itihaad-led Islamic Courts presents to counter-terrorism strategists what is likely their nightmare scenario for Somalia," Pirio added. "The people in charge of the (Islamist) military are out of the al Itihaad movement...all al Qaeda-connected...They control the guns."


Al Qaeda operatives trained al Itihaad operatives in the early 1990s, while Iran also supplied arms, he said. The U.S. intervention in Somalia in 1992, ahead of a U.N. peacekeeping force, merely fuelled Muslim radicals, Pirio added.

Washington pulled out soon after Somali militias shot down two military helicopters and killed 18 rangers in late 1993 on a day later dramatised in the movie "Black Hawk Down".

Pirio's mention of Iran echoed a report by U.N. experts in recent days charging that Iran backs the new Islamist movement.

"It doesn't surprise me," he told Reuters in a weekend interview. "You can see that with the U.S.-Iraq situation, then Somalia has a strategic importance for Iran."

Critics say Washington promoted the emergence of the Islamic courts by funding their enemies -- warlords in Mogadishu who formed a "counter-terror" alliance -- and thus fuelling popular support and militancy. But Pirio said that view was flawed.

"I argue in the book that the Islamic courts are actively aggressive in Somalia prior to the U.S. support for this anti-terrorism group," he said.

"Rather than seeing the U.S. support as triggering this aggressive position, the Islamic courts under Aweys back in 1999, 2000, 2001, were already expansionist."

The Islamists' relatively unchecked expansion around southern Somalia could now be held back both by the opposition of regional power Ethiopia, and the movement's concentration of leaders from the local Hawiye clan, he argued.

"As they are moving into other areas, they are being branded a clan phenomenon rather than an Islamic phenomenon."

Their wider goal, however, was ambitious, he said.

"They have a kind of romantic vision of what Somalia was in the past, and (their aim) is to unite all Somalis under a caliphate or an emirate," he said, referring to ethnic Somali regions of neighbouring countries like Ethiopia and Kenya.

Pirio said an anti-poverty "Marshall Plan"-like strategy for the Horn of Africa was the best strategy against extremism. A representative democracy like Kenya is a good example of a positive antithesis to Somalia, he said.

"People actually listen to Muslim concerns in Kenya."

Posted by: Stopthecourts at November 19, 2006 07:07 AM (mVsXJ)

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