December 14, 2006

Jihad Media Battalion in Support of Somalian Taliban & Child Abuse

jihad_media_battalion_logo2.jpgThe cyber jihadis from the Jihad Media Battalion have produced an animated power point presentation in support of The Islamic Courts Union of Somalia declaring jihad against Ethiopia. The Jihad Media Battalion is one of the public relations arm of the al Qaeda in Iraq umbrella organization, The Islamic State of Iraq -- although there is some question as to whether they are "official" spokesmen or not.

The 48 slide presentation is mosly a recounting of the history of Somalia. One which presents Islam as the only unifying factor in the country and the Taliban-like regime of the Islamic Courts Union as "elected" to represent the nation. In contrast, all opposition to the extremists of the Islamic Courts Union is presented as Western imperialism.

Many of the slides simply lay out facts about Somalia. Apparently, the Arab speaking world knows little of this country. Ironically, much of the information seems to come from the CIA World Factbook's entry on Somalia. Other graphics are lifted straight from this Wikipedia entry on Somalia.

The Jihad Media Battalion recently produced a video in which they claim to have shot down an F-16, killed a Mossad agent, and taken out two 'robot soldiers' in Iraq. They've also recently launched a Google guide for would be cyber jihadis.

The jihad declared by the Islamic Courts Union against its neighbors in Ethiopia is fast becoming a focal point for Salafi jihadists in the world. Both the main al Qaeda group and the al Qaeda in Iraq umbrella organization (The Islamic State of Iraq) have recently issued supportive statements of the ICU.

The ICU is known to be protecting al Qaeda operatives involved in the bombing of the US embassy in Kenya and Tanzania. While the ICU denies it, both al Qaeda and the Iranian backed Hezbollah are suspected of directly aiding them. Several recent jihadi propaganda videos from Somalia have shown foreign Arab fighters.

The 'Foreign Minister' for the ICU is an American citizen and ex-administrator at The American University in Washington, D.C., Professo Ibrahim Hassan Addow. Addow is said to be a 'moderate' in the ICU, and constantly denies that human rights abuses are systematically taking place in ICU controlled territory.

This is the last slide of the presentation before the ending credits. African Taliban child abuse.


HT: John Ryan

Posted by: Rusty at 02:20 PM | Comments (31) | Add Comment
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1 Randman, it may be like the marxist elite elect themselves to rescue the unwashed masses. You know those kind don't really bother to consult with people who 'don't know what's good for them'.

Western elections are corrupt because to many different opinions get aired. Only one opinion matters in Islamic culture, and only one opinion matters in marxist culture. Who needs this 'freedom' crap when it just complicates things?

That's what I think they are basically doing

USA all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 14, 2006 04:11 PM (2OHpj)

2 Islamic Courts Union as "elected" to represent the nation.

Uhhhh....I thought the idea of elections was just an corrupt Western
construct foisted upon the poor Muslims who preferred to be run by a good
ole fashioned theocracy as dictated by Allah.

Posted by: Randman at December 14, 2006 04:27 PM (Sal3J)

3 Barbarous callous savages!
The only thing they understand is forces; and that is the only way to deal with them.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at December 14, 2006 04:44 PM (vixLB)

4 Child abuse?

Are you high? Somalis HATE Ethiopia. Any fake government made up of murderous former warlords who when rejected by their own poeple ally themselves with Ethiopia and hope to gain power through fooling the west into thinking the ICU is the African 'Taliban' or Al-qaida....will NEVER rule Somalia.

Read my lips...NEVER EVER!!!!!

It doesnt matter what the US does behind the scenes.

The sooner the US learns to deal with the ICU in a respectful and freindly manner, the better. These guys are NOT terrorists. That said, arab muslim entities will and should frankly support them if Ethiopia is forcing it's way into Somalian politics.

Somalia is a country divided by clan politics and their is no way former Puntlander president/ex warlord Yussuf will force his way into the south/central using Ethiopian muscle. It just will not happen. Th eUS has to give up on it's policy of trying to put dictators in place to fight so called 'Islamists'.

Posted by: Mo at December 14, 2006 04:45 PM (xfdnu)

5 I hope the United States never deals with the ICU, and further sends no financial, or humanitarian aid to Somalia while it exists.

Posted by: davec at December 14, 2006 06:47 PM (yaQM4)

6 Hassan:

Only muslims head towards crowds with bombs strapped to their bodies. The rest of us are heading in the right direction.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 14, 2006 07:28 PM (bLPT+)

7 MO:

The ICU manifestly is the African Taliban.

The US will eventually be forced deal with the ICU alright. America will be forced to wipe it out in a "respectful and friendly manner."

The US doesn't have to stop anything. You jihadist scum have to stop practicing terrorism or die. There is no third option.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 14, 2006 07:34 PM (bLPT+)


Hassan: How cute. You muslim bastards have been saying the same thing for years. While you kill, murder and destroy other religions symbols and holy places. Islam is a gutter religion. Only practised by those to stupid or cowardly to know better. As long as you are a muslim I do not wish to be your friend. Muslims eat shit and bark at the moon. Hope you understand where I stand on this issue. Oh yea! Muslimes are ugly.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 15, 2006 01:13 AM (vLeHe)

9 Wow, Muslims is a gutter religion, they eat shyt , bark at the moon and don't know any better?

What kind of pathetic website is this?

Sorry I visited this cult hate website mypetjawa..I didn't know better alright.

Posted by: Mo at December 15, 2006 11:41 AM (DiOvY)

10  "Wow, Muslims is a gutter religion, they eat shyt , bark at the moon and don't know any better?"
Pretty much sums them up...
Now get the fuck out of here!

Posted by: Fargo Levy at December 15, 2006 02:28 PM (R4293)

11 To Mo;

Just speaking for myself, I have no problem with someone being muslim, and practicing peacefully. Further, I appreciate the maturity of those Muslims who realize that the name 'Mohammad', is now associated with mass murder of US citizens, on US soil. The name is a killer's name. If your name is Mohammad, and your a genuinely peaceful Muslim, I'm sorry for you, and I ask you for the maturity to bear the additional scrutiny you get.

There are two things I will not tolerate as an American. Violence against my country, and subversion of my nation's Constitution.

Since Islam is practiced by huge numbers of people around the world, in a fashion that requires chanting 'Death to America', that's 'one' against you!

Since members of the so called 'moderate' American Muslim groups like MAS, and CAIR quietly seek to change US law into Sharia, that's 'two' against you!

If you support either position, by word or deed, you are an enemy of the United States of America. No exceptions. You can't complain either, because you made that choice yourself.

Some of the guys here have lost patience with the 'Yes, But!' Muslims, who are really just fifth columnists pretending to be moderate. This makes them post things out of a gut feeling of anger, and outrage. As for me, I'm saving mine up for a special occassion. The American people aren't mad yet, but they will be.

Personally, I try very hard to be polite even to the 'Yes, But!' Muslims. I think you have to give them some rope. Meanwhile there are Muslims who aren't shy about hating my country.

Then guys like me will watch you wave 'death to America' banners at a protest, and then find out where you live. Then when the people get mad, they also get your adress, your liscence plate number, and any other useful details. Maybe we will have your picture to pass out.

Don't even try to pretend this is a race issue, cause Islam isn't a race, and technically it isn't even a religion of peace, as you all like to claim. It is a political system, that obligates the worshipper to wage war in gods name. This is about you warring on US!

I hope a branch of your religion loses the rabid beasts, and revolutionaries, because we are going to find them, and you don't want to be there. This isn't a personal threat, but a prediction of things to come. For all I know, your already making a clean break from the jihadist muslims, and will be safely out of the way. I wish that for you, really I do.

If your with the enemy, I think we can both predict how that will turn out. Pick your side.

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 15, 2006 03:24 PM (2OHpj)

12 "I think we can both predict how that will turn out. Pick your side"
They can't - too busy picking their noses and scratching their flea infested asses...

Posted by: Max Power at December 15, 2006 05:43 PM (PM8kH)

13 Mo:

After working for 1400 years to get the civilized world to hate you, why are islamopithecines like you upset that you've succeeded?

Islam is a vile, despicable death cult, and it will be dealt with by humanity in due time. Patience and tolerance are not infinite.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 15, 2006 10:53 PM (bLPT+)

14 Michael Weaver:

Just like a weaver bird, you are a noisy weaver. You weave lies and empty threats. When push comes to shove, do not run a away with your tail between your legs passing poisonously stinky shit! Do not fly away like a weaver bird crying "I am afraid to be beheaded by Muslims." No one beheads your likes because you are not a real man! You are a pussy and ugly weaver bird hiding behind cyberspace!

Have a nice weaving and chanting empty threats!

Posted by: Mohamed Gure at December 16, 2006 08:01 AM (xAgcV)

15 Now if american kids were seen with guns like that the liberals would raise a real fuss would,nt they?

Posted by: sandpiper at December 16, 2006 04:05 PM (S97cI)

16 Mohomo Girly:

An islamopithecine lecturing an American on running away? Hilarious. No muslim has ever stood up to an American. You run as soon as the Americans show up. Terrorism and sissy ambushes are the best you dickless cowards can do. Muslims will do anything to avoid open combat with Americans. Remember, 100 Americans outfought the entire city of Mogadishu, killing more than 1000 skinnies in the process.

Somalia is a worthless shithole, and its people are a joke. If it weren't for European and American largess, you cretins would have all starved to death long ago. 

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 16, 2006 10:28 PM (bLPT+)

17 Mohamed Gure: I am waiting for the day the armies of Islam show the courage to stand and fight. All you muslim pussys together could not even whip the tiny nation of Israel. I can't wait for the day you try the big dog. Or do you backward assholes think hijacking airplanes from unarmed women and children is a manly deed? Or perhaps a muslims true courage is setting off a roadside bomb while hiding in the bushes and playing with himself. Or your truly bravest of warriors who set off bombs in markets. Yes, you muslims are a brave people. Muslims couldn't whip the girl scouts.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 17, 2006 09:13 AM (95kFq)

18 Now, before this discussion descended into insults and threats (isn't politics wonderful?) poster Mohamed suggests that the ICU will get support from Arab muslim states in the seemingly inevitable conflict. Pardon me if I'm wrong, but the slaughter in Darfur of African origin muslims by Arab origin muslims, which continues as we post,and to which the entirety of the Arab muslim world seems to be completely blind to, would lead me to question whether such "help" would be a good idea....

Posted by: eric at December 17, 2006 10:01 AM (QUQtE)

19 Thanks for the warning Micheal Weaver, or whatever you meant it as, but I will tell you one thing - my allegiance will always be to my faith and fellow believers in the one true God - those who believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the Prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered.

But I must say - I KNOW most of the people here know little to nothing about Islam. They have probably seen a plane fly into building or seen some enraged individual shouting out 'Death to America!' on TV...and maybe righly or wrongly due to how the foreign policy of your elected officials effected the lives of his and that of his family and people.

So I ask you Micheal, are you ready for a BIG long discusion and enlighment here?

Trust me, I've just finished with my university exams (fewwww) and I am in a festive mood and feeling like a million bucks

I will dedicate at least 1 hour of my time so I could get you fokes on the right track and give you a history lesson as well as current and future perspective in your outlook on Islam. And you need to know this. I am a decent individual.

Already then........

True muslims and beleivers are some maniacs who bark at the moon lol, FAR FROM IT! They are the pinicle of human spirituality and very pleasing to their God, the God of Adam and all that came after him, heaven and Earth, and all that is in between them you see.

First of all, there is NOTHING in the Quran, which prohibits man from the pursuit of knowledge and freedom. There is a clear difference between freedom and that of acting careless and even rebellious towards God's commandments and laws. The Quran actually encourages men to seek knowledge where ever it might be and learn of the laws governing the natural world (science) i.e. God's world and systems. We figured that out and came to that reason LONG before Christians did. Not only that but Quran also encourages man to think and reflect on the heavens, creatures, and the world around him when making his mind about the existence of a supreme creator since we cannot see God. Faith only reinforces the common sense of those who aren't headless of the existence of God and of the actual existence of an afterlife.

I mean one can ask himself even now, as the pagan Idol worshiping Arabs once did nearly 1500 years ago of Mohammad (pbuh), you tell me that my body will be put together atom by atom and stand for Judgment once I have been putrefied and broken down by the elements?

If you think you are living the high life righ now, know that it is completely up to God and him alone whom of his creation he chooses peace prosperity and wealth on their few days here on Earth and who he chooses for suffering. Most times than not it’s a direct consequence of a wrongdoing and a TEST especially for believers. Disbelievers are more often than not let lose and enjoy prosperity, some power and wealth in their numbered days here on earth living that elusion. They have no happy portion of the ever-lasting world to come as long as they die in that state. He (God) does as he pleases. Second, there are things God is doing which are not always as they seem. Just because you think you are living in prosperity today tomorrow you can easily end up sitting as the bum. Third, prosperity on the outer face it self might not be such a good thing for certain civilizations or peoples like you say Japan, South Korea, US.... Ancient Egypt too who were stubborn, worshiped their Pharaohs and Idols, failed to learn from Joseph and mistreated his seed and people the Israelites (including the good believers among the Children of Israel) for hundreds of years "enjoyed" prosperity and their peoples had their few days under the sun too. What became of them? What will be their fate in the Day of Judgment? What became of Ramsis the Great and the all powerful Pharaohs? Men who's power and influence in the ancient world was unmatched in their lavish courts among world leaders making fun and ridiculing (if not worse) men/prophets like Moses and oppressing the believers

I will tell you what, they are in a small glass boxes somewhere in a museum in Cairo mummyfied, having been striped even of their dignity of burial forever.

And We made the children of Israel to pass through the sea, then Pharaoh and his hosts followed them for oppression and tyranny; until when drowning overtook him, he said: I believe that there is no god but He in Whom the children of Israel believe and I am of those who submit to Allah. [Quran 10:90]

(It was said to him): "Ah now!- But a little while before, wast thou in rebellion!- and thou didst mischief (and violence)! [Quran 10:91]

"But this day We preserve thee in thy body that thou mayst be a portent (sign) for those after thee. Lo! most of mankind are heedless of Our portents (signs). [Quran 10:92]

We settled the Children of Israel in a beautiful dwelling-place, and provided for them sustenance of the best: it was after knowledge had been granted to them, that they fell into schisms. Verily Allah will judge between them as to the schisms amongst them, on the Day of Judgment. [Quran 10:93]

Should sound familiar with some guys running around today thinking they are all powerful wrecking havoc on the world today?

You have raised some issues Micheal about the future and where we are heading here (the US and Muslims) and again, thanks for your words and time. But nothing of what is going on in the world today realy surprises me bor should it of any learned MUSLIM.

All this has been foretold and prophesized by the prophet Mohammad nearly 1500 years ago! And the learned and even the moderately learned Muslims know it too. Ask any Muslim or Arab you like who has some knowledge of the matters in Islam. More specifically it was foretold in the ahadith (sayings and warnings of the prophet) and I will get back to this later.

I can’t get into more specific detail cuz that would just take FAR too long to explain. But I will start from the beginning in a brief manner.

After shrugging off the Crusades and bringing the precious gift of knowledge to Europe, the great cities of the Islamic Empire would be brought to ruin by a force more terrible than anything the Europeans ever muster. Their libraries destroyed, their enormous wealth plundered, the empty cities stood mute in the after math of a devastation that descended upon them not from the West but from the East. The Mongol catastrophe. The Mongols were Turko-Mongolian nomads from the steps of central Asia. In the 13th century they rampaged through much of Eurasia between the Ukraine and China. It wasn’t long before they entered Islamic Persia and Iran. To these urban pampered Arabs and Muslims living in these fantastic cities complete with city lights, gardens, running water fountains, libraries, and all kinds of wealth these Mongols were a bunch of savages much like the Crusaders years before and a lot worse. When you entered the Mongol army you came with yourself and three horses and you lived of the horses. First you drank their blood, you move far enough away, you killed then you slaughter them and you eat their meat. And that is why they could go of so far and survive for so long in business of battle and conquest. That and that Terror was the Mongols principle tactic. One of the Iranians local leaders foolishly decided to kill off the emissary that the Mongols have sent and in doing that evoked the anger of the Mongols. They used this retaliatory technique of killing off entire towns, wiping them out as examples and building towers of human skulls only leaving one survivor to tell the tail to a head towns. As a result all other towns immediately give way. City after Muslim city in what was the greatest Empire in human civilization fell before them and it was only a matter of time before they reached the center of Islamic power. On February the 10th 1258 the Mongols took Baqdad putting it to the torch and killing 10,000 of its inhabitants. Mosques and libraries, the collected knowledge of centuries were all set a blaze in a matter of hours and days, might as well setting it back to the stone ages. With in less than 50 years, the Mongols seized the heart of Islamic power from the Arabs. Islamic civilization seems poised for destruction lost to posterity. Then something remarkable happened. The same guys who almost destroyed the civilization and so much of the accumulated knowledge ended up becoming Muslims themselves most of them. Now Islamic power could be held by anyone, not just the Arabs. The Mongols through open the door the great gunpowder empire to follow, the Empire of the Ottoman Turks. Islam was now set on a new course of expansion both the East and the West marching to the beat of Turkish drums. May 29th 1453 Ottomans led by Mohammed the Conqueror took over Constantinople (the new Rome) and after that led by Sulaman the Magnificent took Rhodes went as far as Vienna only being held back by poor weather and their huge canons getting stuck in the mud of no use to then on their way to Vienna. But even the great Ottoman Turk Empire (Sunni) couldn’t go as far as they would have to Europe as they had a more fierce rival just on their back door to he East, the Safavids (Shiia) undermining their every step as well as acute successional problems the end of the empire leading to it’s demise. In 1561 the man who ruled the Empire longer than any other Sultan before him or after him would for that matter died in his grand war pavilion in Segetvar (which is in Hungry now) at the age of 67. No Ottoman Sultan would ever reach his greatness. And from there, the nexcess of world power would move from the Mediterranean sea to the Atlantic Ocean and to the new world, slowly leaving the Ottomans and the Muslim world for that matter behind.

Now coming back to the ahadith and prophesy to explain the present state of the Islamic World and Even the past. It was said in the recorded ahadiths by the prophet nearly 1500 year ago that Muslims would take over Jerusalem and that was in fact done within 50 years after the death of the prophet. Islam spread far and wide like a wild fire to the dismay of Christian Europe. Places like Syria and all over the Middle East in Persia, in India and North Africa and to the east in the horn of Africa (present day Somalia) Islam spread quickly. Even the fall of Constantinople into Muslim hands was prophesized in the ahadith, which the Ottoman Turks did exactly.

But prophecy didn’t just stop and end there. To put it more gently, your book of 'Revelations' has nothing on Ahadith when it comes to prophetic tellings. It is also improtant to mention that a lot of the prophecies in the 'Bible' are very much the same or similar in the Koran/Ahadith. After all, we do beleive in Jesus the son of Marry and he truely did recieve a book of giudance from his lord for the Children of Isreal he was sent to. But I will raise that a little latter.

According to Islamic knowledge and Ahadith there would surely be lean times for Muslims to follow in to the future. It is said in the ahadith that near the end of days the Islamic community would be fractured and division stricken. They would be taken a part easily as a plate of rice being devoured by a dozen hands. That they (the Muslim community) would be weak and offer little opposition to any outside threat that would surely come their way. And when he was asked why this was so and if it was due to Muslims being small in number near the end of days, the answer was nay! And that they would be indeed great in numbers but weak in faith unlike those before them thus the reason Allah would impose this fate on them. And because of it they would be powerless to the extend that even if the wild animals were to be released on them by God they would be utterly defeated, never mind the rest of humanity Christians, Polytheists, or even the Jews. And that fate would remain in place till the coming of the Imam Mahdi, then the anti-Christ and then finally shortly followed by the second coming of Jesus Son of Marry who will kill the ant-Christ with his own two hands. After the great battle, the leader of the side opposing the Son of Marry and his army of Muslims will be killed. After the battle people will head back to their different countries and nations. A time after that, the Gog and Magog will be released and they will ransack the earth and come down from every hill killing everyone. Jesus and his followers will be saved and taken to a secure location on a mountain (No rapture of going to heaven here…not till we die and after the day of judgment anyway) while the Gog and Magog wreak havoc on the rest of the earth. After Jesus and his followers make prayers to Allah, Allah will destroy the Gog and Magog with a disease causing them to grow sours on their neck. Jesus and his righteous followers will inherit the Earth and he will lead all men on earth towards the worship of ONE GOD Allah. One who we cannot possibly see till we die in the afterlife. No one left on earth and certainly no Jew or a Christian will be able to deny him after his second coming. The ahadith say woe to those who aren’t living on Earth at that time, as the rain of Jesus as King and leader of all nations on Earth under him, with Allah’s leave, will be the best of times the Earth has ever seen. There will be a complete peace to the point that no soul will hold a single ill will towards another for a period of at least 7 years straight. Charity will be abolished, as they will be no poor left on earth. NOT EVEN ONE! People will get sick of wealth and material things and instead fall in love with prayer and God even though they are so rich and can afford all things their hearts desire under the rule of Son of Marry. Technological advancement will reach its absolute peak at that time to make people’s lives even easier than it is today. Jesus will live and rule for about a period of 40 years. And then he too will die just like any other man. After some time the Earth will fall back to corruption and sin. Creatures like the beast will appear carrying the staff of Moses on one hand and the ring of Solomon on the other marking the disbelieving people. People will be committing adultery like wild Asses then in the open and in the streets in public. No one will even remember the word or the name of God or Allah and the Koran will be lifted up from the earth and to heaven. Not a single verse will remain of the Quran on Earth or any of the Books from heaven before it i.e. Torah or the Injeel (gospel). These people left living at this time will be the worst of creation like the earlier ones around the time of Abraham and the ones just before him destroyed on Noah’s flood. They will all worship Idols openly and the Devil will command them to. It’s upon these people that the hour will come and the trumpet signaling the day of resurrection will sound. After the first trumpet by the angel Israfil is blown with Jibrael standing on his right hand and Michael at his left, all standing on Earth will drop and die. The Earth and the heavens will be destroyed. Upon the second trumpet all humanity including all starting with Adam and Eve and their family and to those last ones, which the hour came upon them, will rise out of their graves. Then it will be said to them come out for this was the day which ye have denied, go towards your lord. And the good believers and evildoers will be separated into 2 groups. All these things and more are covered in the Quran and ahadith. Muslims who aren’t headless to what is going down today are perfectly aware of what is going on in the Middle East and the world today and for that matter almost all of the Muslim world be it Somalia or what have you.

The Quran also states in a verse that one of the signs of the coming of the hour in the end of days will be the gathering of the Children of Israel out of various nations after their exile after their 2nd rejection of their covenants with Allah through Jesus.
And We said unto the Children of Israel after him: Dwell in the land; but when the promise of the Hereafter cometh to pass We shall bring you as a crowd gathered out of various nations. (17:104 Quran)

Surely We revealed the Taurat in which was guidance and light; with it the prophets who submitted themselves (to Allah) judged (matters) for those who were Jews, and the masters of Divine knowledge and the doctors, because they were required to guard (part) of the Book of Allah, and they were witnesses thereof; therefore fear not the people and fear Me, and do not take a small price for My communications; and whoever did not judge by what Allah revealed, those are they that are the unbelievers. [5:44 Quran]


Some terrible battles will go down first before any of the other signs i.e. the anti-Christ (Dajjal) and then Jesus shows up. It is said that this will be mainly between Muslims at one end and what was referred to as Al-Rum or the Romans (what the Christians/West were known as back then) at the other end. It is one of the main signs including the coming of the anti-Christ (Dajjal) and the return of the Son of Marry, coming of The Beast....before the hour can be established (Day of Judgment). This is mainly found in the ahadith.


"You will make a firm truce with the Christians (al-Rum) until you and they wage a campaign against a common enemy. Then you will alight in Al-Maraj Al-Dee Thuluul. will be granted victory and great spoils. There, someone among the Christians shall say: 'The Cross has overcome! We Are Victorius' whereupon someone among the Muslims will get angry and say: ''Nay, Allah has overcome!' And will hit them. Then They(al-Rum) will break the treaty between you. then a group from the Muslims shall take up their arms and the two sides shall fall upon each other. Allah shall grant martyrdom to that group of Muslims. After that the Christians shall say to their leader: 'We shall relieve you of the Arabs,' and they shall gather up for the great battle (al-malhama). They shall come to you under eighty flags, each flag gathering 12,000 troops." [approx. 1 million]"

It should also be added that the prophet also said that the Romans (or Christains) would have 3 very positive traits, better than even the Muslims would near the end of times in ahadith.

1) They would attend to the Orphans, poor, and needy better

2) One disaster stikes, they would recover better and cope better

3) They would not let their Kings or Rules oppress them. (anyone listening to this!? This was from almost 1500 years ago)

The Quranic verses in this regard to the Day of Judgement are the following verses: (Biblical verses to follow)

Nay, nay! but ye honour not the orphans! Nor do ye encourage one another to feed the poor! And ye devour inheritance - all with greed. And ye love wealth with inordinate love! Nay! When the earth is pounded to powder, And thy Lord cometh, and His angels, rank upon rank. And Hell, that Day, is brought (face to face),- on that Day will man remember, and what shall being mindful (then) avail him? He will say: "Ah! Would that I had sent forth (good deeds) for (this) my (Future) Life!" For, that Day, His Chastisement will be such as none (else) can inflict (89:17-25 Quran)

"The Day when the Trumpet shall be blown, and ye shall come forth in (huge) groups." (An-Naba, 18 Quran)

" And thou shalt see the angels circling around the ‘Arsh (The thrown of Allah, The Throne of Absolute Authority)." (Az-Zumur, 75 Quran)

"... And is blown the Trumpet, when lo! from the grave unto their Lord they (all) hasten." (Yasin, 51 Quran)

"When the heavens cleave asunder, And when the stars disperse, And when the seas be comingled, And when the graves be overturned (to be vacated). (Then) shall each soul know what it hath sent forward and (what it hath) kept back. " (Al-Infitar, 1-5)

When the sun (with its spacious light) is folded up, When the stars fall, losing their luster, When the mountains vanish (like a mirage), When the she-camels, ten months with young, are abandoned, When the wild beasts are herded together, When the oceans boil over with a swell, When the souls are sorted out, When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned For what crime she was killed, When the scrolls are laid open, And when the sky is torn away (Earths canopy covering is removed), When the Blazing Fire (hell) is kindled to fierce heat, And when the Garden (paradise) is brought near, (Then) shall each soul know what it has put forward. (81:1-14 Quran)

In the Gospel attributed to Mark, we see the following verse in this regard :"... The sun will be darkened and the moon will not shed her light, the stars will be falling from heaven and the powers in the heavens will be shaken." (Mark 13:24-27)

The Acts of the Apostles too has the following verse in the same regard:"... The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before that great and conspicuous day of the Lord arrives." (2:20)

The following verses from the Gospel are in the same regard: "... And then shall He send out the angels and gather His chosen from the four winds, from the end of the earth to the end of heaven. "(Mark 13:27)

The Gospel attributed to John has the following verse in this regard: "... for the time is coming when all who are in the graves will hear His voice and will come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have practiced evil to the resurrection of condemnation." (John 5: 27-29)

The First Episle of Paul to the Corinthians includes a verse with the same meaning as follows:"... in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet call. For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable ... ." (15:52)

The following verse from the Second General Epistle of Peter is in this regard: "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. Then with a tremendous roar the heavens will pass away, the elements will be dissolved with fire, and the earth and the works in it will be burned up." (3:10-11)

" On that day shall come out people (from their graves) in (scattered) groups, to be shown their own deeds. Then he who hath done an atom-weight of good shall see it. And he who hath done an atom-weight of evil
shall see it." (Al-Zilzal, 6-8 Quran)

The Gospel includes a verse in this regard too, exactly with the same meaning.

Knowledge of The hour

" Ask thee the people about the Hour (of Judgment). Say thou: ‘The knowledge of it is only with Allah." (Al-Ahzab, 63 Quran)

And the Gospel includes the following verse in the same regard: "... But about the exact date and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard; keep wide awake and pray; for you do not know the time." (Mark 13:30-33)

Addressing the last of God's Messengers (Mohammad) of Allah's previus Covenants with the Children of Israel and those messengers before him i.e. Moses

And thou (Muhammad) wast not on the western side (of the Mount) when We expounded unto Moses the commandment, and thou wast not among those present; (28:44 Quran)

But we established many generations, and, because of the length of time, (they deviated). Nor were you among the people of Midyan, reciting our revelations to them. But we did send messengers. (28:45)

Nor wast thou at the side of (the Mountain of) Tur (Sinai)when we called (to Moses). Yet (art thou sent) as Mercy from thy Lord, to give warning to a people to whom no warner had come before thee: in order that they may receive admonition. (28:46)

The deviations from the true straight path over time

And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away! (9:30 Quran)

Certainly they disbelieve those who say: Surely Allah, He is the Messiah, son of Marium; and the Messiah said: O Children of Israel! serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Surely whoever associates (others) with Allah, then Allah has forbidden to him the garden, and his abode is the fire; and there shall be no helpers for the unjust. (5:72 Quran)

Certainly they disbelieve who say: Surely Allah is the third (person) of the three; and there is no god but the one God, and if they desist not from what they say, a painful chastisement shall befall those among them who disbelieve. (5:73 Quran)

And when Jesus son of Mary said: O children of Israel! surely I am the apostle of Allah to you, verifying that which is before me of the Taurat and giving the good news of an Apostle who will come after me, his name being Ahmad, but when he came to them with clear arguments they said: This is clear magic. (61:6 Quran)

And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah and he is invited to Islam, and Allah does not guide the unjust people. (61:7 Quran)

[61.14] O you who believe! be helpers (in the cause) of Allah, as~ Jesus son of Marry said to (his) disciples: Who are my helpers in the cause of Allah? The disciples said: We are helpers (in the cause) of Allah. So a party of the children of Israel believed and another party disbelieved; then We aided those who believed against their enemy, and they became uppermost. (61:14 Quran)

Some events in the Day of Ressurection in the Quran - especialy concerning the people of the TRINITY (Christains)

On the day when Allah will gather the messengers together, and ask: "What was the response ye received (from men to your teaching)?" They will say: "We have no knowledge: it is Thou Who knowest in full all that is hidden." (5:109 Quran)

Then will Allah say: "O Jesus, son of Mary! Remember My favour unto thee and unto thy mother; how I strengthened thee with the holy Spirit, so that thou spakest unto mankind in the cradle as in maturity; and how I taught thee the Scripture and Wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and how thou didst shape of clay as it were the likeness of a bird by My permission, and didst blow upon it and it was a bird by My permission, and thou didst heal him who was born blind and the leper by My permission; and how thou didst raise the dead by My permission; and how I restrained the Children of Israel from (harming) thee when thou camest unto them with clear proofs, and those of them who disbelieved exclaimed: This is naught else than mere magic; (5:110 Quran)

And behold! when Allah will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Didst thou say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods besides Allah'?" He will say: "Glory be to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart, Thou I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden (the unseen) (5:116 Quran)

"Never said I to them aught except what Thou didst command me to say, to wit, 'worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord'; and I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when Thou didst take me up Thou wast the Watcher over them, and Thou art a witness to all things. (5:117 Quran)

"If Thou dost punish them, they are Thy servants: If Thou dost forgive them (lo! they are Thy servants)., Lo! Thou, only Thou art the Mighty, the Wise." (5:118 Quran)

Allah will say: "This is a day in which their truthfulness profiteth the truthful, for theirs are Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they are secure for ever, Allah taking pleasure in them and they in Him. That is the great triumph. (5:119 Quran)

The Length of the Day of Judgment

The Quran includes the following verse in this regard:" And they ask thee to hasten on the chastisement and never doth God fail His promise; And verily, there is a day with thy lord as a thousand years, of what ye reckon (them)." (Al-Hajj, 47 Quran)

The Second General Epistle of Peter has the same meaning verse as follows:
" At present, however, the heavens and the earth are by the same word stored up for burning, and reserved for the Day of Judgment and the destruction of godless people. But do not overlook this one fact, dear friends, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day." (3:7-

Now that doesn’t mean that you sit around and do nothing waiting for these events to occur hanging out hoping for peace till Jesus descend from heaven. No! We are still encouraged to create and foster peace even if it seems hopeless. Just do you part and let God take care of the rest.

The Prophet said to his followers if you see injustice being committed anywhere in the world ACT and do something about it! If not, then at least speak out about it! Even if you can’t do that then at least feel bad about it. Sadly that is where the Muslim community at large is in today when it comes to many critical issues including that of Palestine. All these things were foretold almost 1500 years ago and things going excatly according to their description.

This is just some of the stuff relating to prophesy. The Quran also includes many amazing detail discriptions of scientific knowlegde about the creation of the universe in the bigining i.e. Big Bang, step by step embryoninc develpment, how the mountains are formed and their function, how the waives and the weather functions in detail, the sevel layers of the earth's atmosphere (i.e. the 7 heavens mentioned in the Quran sheilding the Earth, man and all that inhabit the earth) things that exist smaller than even the atom, Nebular Hypothesis....and MANY MANY other natural phenomenon governing the function of the world and universe things we still don't know about yet. These things only becamse common knowlegde in the last hundred years or so and many as recent as 20-15 years. God has mentioned these amazing things in the Quran almost 1500 years ago even when people then didn't excatly know what to make of it then. Many of these things are also exlusive to the Quran and not mentioned in the other earlier scriptures in the Torah and Injeel.

Why? maybe Allah know during the rain of this holly book, the Quran (from almost 1500 years ago till the day of resurection) that man would discover some of these things for himself and reflect.

Read and find out about the Quran for yourself before you judge. You owe at least that to yourself!

Islam indeed is the religion of peace, but that said this isn't the promised garden of Eden for believers. This is the earthly world and life we are in. It is a TESTING ground for the everlasting life that is to come. Some pass some fail, think of it more as the ultimate Final Exam.

If you wanna know more about the Noble Quran or ahadith go to here:


Posted by: Mo at December 17, 2006 10:21 AM (DiOvY)

20 Eric

I appreciate and can understand what you are saying but we need to first realize this.

The Sudanese are NONE Arabs and they are black. All of them. Now they do have 2 types of ethnicities in their society 1) Bantu blacks i.e. the ones that inhabit the majority of Africa and non Bantu black people i.e. Ethiopians, Somalis, Eritreans, and yes Sudanese so called 'Arabs'.

The janjaweed people speak of are yes BLACK. They might not have a big flat nose, the extremely hard and curly hair, and very dark skin (and I say that with the at most respect)...but they are none the less black.

In Africa you mostly have 3 kinds of people of color living in the continent. You got Bantu Africans, non Bantu African blacks, and then Arabs in the North Africa i.e. Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt....

The lighter skinned Sudanese are along the lines of Somalians, Ethiopians, Eritreans, and so on that they look distinctly different from other 'black' Africans and also from 'Arabs'.

Just because the Sudanese speak Arabic (and they do have other languages) does not mean they are Arabs. That would be like saying Somalians are Arabs, and they are not! Many of them might speak the language (mainly due to the revelation of the Quran in Arabic) and also their close proximity to the Middle East is just a boat ride from Yemen. They do not consider themselves Arabs, but they are a Muslims country 100%. That is very unique in the world today because I think that is the only country that has pretty much every single one of their citizens belonging to the same religion (Islam). Unlike neighboring Ethiopia and Eritrea, there are no Christians or Jews to speak off. Not even any Arab nation can say that.

Both Sudan and Somalia are in the 'Arab' League of Nations and to put it in perspective Pakistan and Iran are not because they could not join in and not considered as 'Arabs'. That still does not make the Sudanese ethnic group (the lighter blacks) in power there Arabs nor the Somalis.

I wish if people in West especialy would find out more about these things you know before painting it black and white, even with good intension. You see the George Clooneys of the world running around and saying 'Arabs' arfe killing and starving blacks there and so forth lol. It might be a racial conflict, but it isn't Arab vs. African thing like the Western media makes it out to be. If anything, it is African vs. African. It is just that not all real so called 'Africans' look the same, and that is excluding the Arabs.

Posted by: Mo at December 17, 2006 11:10 AM (DiOvY)

21 Ho-Mo:

Do you really think anyone is stupid enough to read your juvenile islamic drivel? A muslim inbred couldn't arrange a logical argument if his worthless life depended on it. Nobody is intetrested in your contradictory, paleolithic nonsense.

Americans are the masters of the universe. What could you subhuman savages possibly have to offer us? Dog shit has more value than primitive islame.

There's a reason islamopithecines are the most backwards, retarded people on Earth. Little muhammad was a cowardly, lying, thieving, degenerate, lice-ridden, diseased, child molesting retard. The losers who worship him and his phony moon deity are even more wretched.

I feel dirty just having coresponded with you. I'm going to go take a shower now to cleanse the filth off.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 17, 2006 07:26 PM (bLPT+)

22 PART ONE to Mohamed Gure, and PART TWO to Mo

Mohamed Gure, your a dork! Merry Christmas to you. You have my real name, so lets see what you can do with it. What's your real name? Are you "hiding behind cyberspace"?

Look, it's gonna come down between people who want to let all religions, live in peace, and the 'other' religion, that wants everyone else to submit. I respect any 'Muslim' that will live, and let live. That is what freedom of religion is about.

If your the kind of Muslim that can't let other religions have equal respect, and equal freedom, your the enemy. It is my rock solid belief that you need to go bye bye! Only truth here M.G. so your gonna have to fight back with your brain instead of your cheap and childish tirades.

Mo, I'm glad you took so much time to respond, and you seem to have understood that I wasn't overtly trying to be insulting to you. Your response was polite, but I can't agree with your version of some historical events. Nice work on your info on the Mongols BTW.

I also have a Quran, and A Manual of Hadith by Maulana Muhammad Ali. I am using the online Hadith sources to make up for what I lack in physical books. I am currently reading through all the books of Hadith at an Muslim American Society archive. I am not that unfamiliar with the sources for Islamic law.

We happen to disagree on what the Hadith's value is to modern society. Taken as the major foundation for Sharia law, the Hadith cannot be accepted as supreme law, in any society that has equal religious freedom. I don't know how the 'Quran only' muslims approach this problem yet, but I do know that Sharia is by definition, anti-Constitutional. That's the problem.

I believe in a supreme God. I believe this is one nation, under God. I believe God blesses America. I believe God sheds his grace upon her, and I trust in God. Speaking for the majority of Americans, In God We Trust. In the USA we hold certain truths to be self evident. One is that we were all created equal, and another is that we were all created with unalienable rights.

One of the rights we protect is the right to free exercise of religion. Freedom to exchange religious ideas, or even to change religion without fear of reprisal is a bid deal to us. Dhimmi stautus is contrary to a guarantee of those rights.

I can't tolerate a system that replaces those, or any rights garanteed by our Constitution. The only possible exception would be a suspension in time of war, like has occured previously in US history, and it only happens then, with the understanding that the rights themselves are sacred, and must be put back in order at the most urgent possibility.

So Mo, if you are in living as a US American, you need to protect and preserve that Constitution. It is your highest national duty. Your religion is your personal business until someone forces it to become my business.

The Jihadists are making it my problem, and yours. There is going to be a global full scale war, and if Islam is going to survive the atomic age, it needs to put down the sword, for good. I like that you have faith in God. If you have a sword in your hand, raised against my country, or my Constitution, put it down.

You can be a Muslim American, tolerating equal freedom for all religions, or you can try to make America submit. I don't see any other choices, and I'm saying this out of concern, but if we can't tell what side your on when it gets ugly, we will probably be past the point we will give you the beneifit of the doubt.

I'm looking quietly, in my area for Muslims who believe as I do, that Islam is better served by the US Constitution, than the whims of Mullahs. As I find them, I will try to do the decent thing, and try to help them survive what is coming.

The Jihadists I already consider myself to be at war with. I am suppossing for the moment, you are not one of them. Tough times, wouldn't you say, Mo?

Anyway, no disrespect intended, but I find the various Hadiths detailing Jihad, and other religions, only solidify my views. I'm sorry, but I'm still studying, looking for a ray of hope.

Like Wafa Sultan, I'm starting to think Islam needs a transformation to fit the nuclear age. Wouldn't you like all of our kids to have a nice bright, non-radioactive future? Let's pray.

On a more humorous note, I think George Clooney is an ignorant ass. It's to bad cause I like some of his movies. Oh well ...

USA , all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 17, 2006 10:21 PM (2OHpj)

23 And to get back on topic, when you train little children to hate, and kill, your abusing that child. Islam has the worst reputation for it I've ever seen.

Islam is going to force people to have to shoot back at these poor children, and I'd would like to know what Mo, or Mohamed Gure think of that. I hope neither would try to justify it.

USA all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 17, 2006 10:28 PM (2OHpj)

24 Hate? That is a strong word.

These pics were taken from demonstrations in Mogadishu against the invasion of Ethiopian troops. Maybe you have no idea the rivalry and animosity between these two countries.

7 year in army suits aren't going to fight lol, it was for show of solidarity, young and old, men and women, in a demonstration. There were all kinds of people in the thousands.

They were demanding that Ethiopian troops get out and no foreign troops in Somalia.

That isn’t hate, that is called being a patriot and defending your land.

Posted by: Mo at December 18, 2006 08:27 AM (DiOvY)

25 Mo.

Compare it to the kinds of things we see in the media of Hezb'Allah and Palestinian, and Iranian TV. If it is any more focused than sy, dressing kids for halloween, then it will build on glorification of violence.

The Palestinians teach their children to hate, and die, for Allah. It is a kind of sickness. if your against this sort of thing, I wish you would say so.

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 18, 2006 04:50 PM (2OHpj)

26 Ho-Mo:

Why were only UIC "heroes" in that photo? Why weren't they on the border "defending their land" as "patriots?"

Because they're vicious tyrants who oppress Scumalia, and like you they don't have the balls to live up to their empty boasts.

Where were all the adoring people of Scumalia? Squatting in their filthy hovels starving to death because the UIC stole all their rice and locusts.

The child abuse displayed in that photo is hateful, not patriotic.

Islam is a disease worse than cancer, and Scumalia was a shit-hole even before it contracted it.

Convert to a real religion while you still have time.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 18, 2006 08:55 PM (bLPT+)

27 Michael Weaver:

I appreciate the fact that you are trying to educate yourself about Islam, rather than relying on media propoganda and streotyping:

The term Islam is derived from the Arabic word salama which means both to submit and to be in peace. In other words, the Muslim consciously submits to the will of God and subsequently gains internal and external harmony, synchronicity, and peace. Internal peace refers to one's psychological well-being due to lack of conflict within the self, while external peace stems from the harmonious and loving relationship with God and the environment.

From the Islamic perspective, all creatures exist in compliance with God's will. All creatures, from the tiny atoms to the mighty galaxies, worship God and thus co-exist harmoniously according to God's will. When one accepts Islam, one becomes part of this harmonious co-existence willingly. Being a Muslim thus necessitates revolving around God on an assigned course (just like the electrons and celestial bodies do) without transgressing boundaries and infringing on the rights of the self, the environment, and God. Through this pious life the Muslim strives for an all-encompassing peace which is a fundamental concept in Islam. The term Muslim means peaceful. One of God's names is Assalaam which means peace. The concluding words of Muslims' daily prayers are Assalaamu aleikum which means ‘peace be upon you.’ Muslims' greetings are Assalaamu aleikum. Heaven in Islam is called Darussalaam which means the abode of peace.
In light of the forgoing, Muslims are divinely ordained to co-exist with their social environment in peace and harmony. The Islamic values of human universal brotherhood and equality are the source of such peace and harmony. God explains in the Holy Quran that human differences in colour, gender, and language are nothing but manifestations of the beautiful signs of God. None of these differences are the source of superiority of one person, race, or gender over another. As far as God is concerned, spiritual excellence and righteous life are the only criteria for human honour. God says in the Quran:

"O mankind, verily We have created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is the most righteous" (49:13).

In Islam, human beings are equal based on there principles: equality in the origin of humanity, equality in their rights and duties and equality in judgment and implementation of law.

In short, the Islamic value of equality is based on various principles inherent in the Islamic belief system, namely: 1) All human beings are created by the One and the Same Eternal God; 2) All humans belong to the same human race and share equally the common motherhood and fatherhood of Eve and Adam; 3) God is just and kind to all; He is not partial to any gender, race, or age; 4) God judges every person on the basis of his own deeds; 5) God has given all humans an innate honor and dignity; it is then through one's deeds that one either upholds or tarnishes that dignity. When this divinely ordained value of equality among humans is fully implemented, there is no room for prejudice, discrimination, and oppression.

Posted by: Ahmed Gurey at December 20, 2006 09:43 AM (bFpCL)

28 Michael Weaver:

You say that you are at war with Jihadi. I do not understand honestly what you mean by jihadi. Do you mean any one who believes in the concept as it is establish in the authentic sources of Islam, or a specific group of people who claim to be practising the concept? If you mean the former, you are at war with all Muslims because no one can be a Muslim without believing in Jihad. If you mean the latter, it depends on what group you are talking about, and to what extent they are true to the authentic teachings of Islam. Unfortunately, the term Jihad became a politically hard currency term!

A short clarification of the meaning of Jihad from Islam's authentic sources is in order.

Jihad is from the Arabic word Juhd which means effort. Jihad that means giving effort (any considerable and sincere effort)in good causes (causes in line with the ultimate purpose of life in Islam which is to live according God's will).

Fighting oppression is only one example of jihad. Interestingly, Muslims were not allowed to fight back for the majority of Prophet's life time when they were oppressed at the hands of Meccans. It was only when they migrated to Medina after 13 years under oppresseion that they were allowed to fight bak:

"Permission (to fight) is given to those upon whom war is made because they are oppressed, and most surely Allah is well able to assist them" (Qura'an, 22:39)

"Those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say: Our Lord is Allah. And had there not been Allah's repelling some people by others, certainly there would have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques in which Allah's name is much remembered" (Qura'an, 22:39)

Obviously, the purpose of fighting type jihad is only for self-defense and as a last resort. It is to uphold freedom of worship. Why the propogandists in the West fail to tell the world that fighting type jihad was permitted in Islam to protect churches, synagogues, and their worshpers as they above verifiable Qura'anic verse says explictly! It is amazing how people can mislead themselves.

From the Islamic point of view, when human equality is not respected and rights are violated, Zulm occurs. The Arabic term Zulm means oppression or transgression. Prejudice, discrimination, exploitation and abuse are forms of Zulm.

As mentioned earlier, righteous people revolve around the guidance of God on an assigned path without violating others' rights. Just like a runaway celestial body which gets out of its course would create havoc in the physical environment, so oppression creates conflict and disharmony in the social environment. In fact, oppression or Zulm is the antonym of Islam because it is against all that Islam stands for. Thus, God prohibited Himself from oppressing His creatures and forbade them to oppress one another. God says:

“I have forbidden oppression for Myself and have made it forbidden amongst you, so do not oppress one another.” (authentic hadith).

Thus, one cannot be a Muslim and be practicing or accepting of oppression at the same time. Jihad applies whether the person herself is the victim of oppression or a fellow human being is in an oppressive situation. Further, several principles apply: 1) Muslims are instructed to stay on course and not let oppressors derail them from righteousness; 2) The oppressed need to avoid internalizing oppression by maintaining the awareness that God honours the righteous and the oppressor humiliates himself in the sight of God; 3) Muslim’s seek God's help while responding to oppression because God has promised to support the oppressed.

A word of caution about online hadiths: Complex science governs how authen, acceptable, fabricated, etc. hadiths are classified and judged. Please do not rely on sources that do not provide that critical judgement.

Posted by: Ahmed Gurey at December 20, 2006 10:39 AM (bFpCL)

29 Michael Weaver:

Islam does not allow children to fight. Ask any Islamic scholar, including the non-Muslim American professor at the Islamic Studies Department of your local university!

Posted by: Ahmed Gurey at December 20, 2006 10:43 AM (bFpCL)

30 Ahmed Gurey,
Many of those that are sent to battle by Hamas, and  others who say they are good Muslims, are children by nearly any standard.
It is an unfortunate reality that the children are indoctinated early on.
I understand what you are saying about the 'Science' of Hadith, and I'm making an effort to get the best possible handle on it. I said I'm using the Muslim American Societies own material, so it should be authentic enough.
My last college class was taught by someone who had a political agenda. I don't trust University teachers as unbiased sources, whether Arab, Caucasian, Japanese, or whatever.
To be clear, I am a US patriot. Nobody who wants to replace our Constitution, or defeat my country can be anything but a foe. Muslims which fit that definition (and there are millions) I consider myself to be at war with. They claim it is Jihad, so I call them "Jihadists".  If they attack my country, and our laws, I am taking up a Jihad of my own, and it is against them that I speak out.
If you are engaged in a Jihad against my country, then of course, I am at war with you as well. It is MY country your talking about attacking. So you understand better ...
I grew up thinking the Russians could someday attack, and there would be a nuclear war. I grew up believing it was better to go down fighting that war, than to submit the essence of American freedom to any outside empire. Better that we all go down in flames than ever surrender. I'm ready to go that far to prevent an Islamic state from forming inside America. I see Islam, as an outside empire, trying to force my country to submit. I will not have that.
I would love to have Muslims just live alondside everyone else in peace, but the enemies of my country want all the Muslims to fight America with them. If that is how it has to be, and I cannot find a peaceful Muslim to offer me hope, then all I have left is to plan for total war. I do not want to be a Muslim, nor will I surrender my freedoms, or those of others, just to satisfy Muslims.
I hope you understand me. I hope you can lead other Muslims to seek peace, and equality.  Or we'll have a war that could end the world, because we will fight to defend our country.
I'm probably not coming back to this thread, so take my wishes for peace, and my promise to fight to the death if forced, and consider them well. I never expected to live this long anyway.
My religion says to love thy neighbor, and so because Christmas is a holiday for me, I give you my love as a Christmas present!Because on this earth we are all neighbors. My new years wish for you is that you feel as I do, that we should work to be good neighbors in the future, and put down our swords.
And with with these last words I will turn the page ...
USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 20, 2006 11:01 PM (2OHpj)

31 Weird the way the post seems to run on,
Sorry about that ...
USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 20, 2006 11:04 PM (2OHpj)

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