September 20, 2007
Contrary to recent diplomatic initiatives, this individual has been involved in transporting improvised explosive devices and explosively formed penetrators into Iraq. Intelligence reports also indicate he was involved in the infiltration and training of foreign terrorists in Iraq.
The Quds Force is a covert action arm of the Iranian government responsible for aiding lethal attacks against the Iraqi government and Coalition forces.
Posted by: Howie at
04:20 PM
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Yahoo video: Tornado Strikes Terrorist Safehouse
Hat Tip: Captain Spaulding.
Posted by: Howie at
03:05 PM
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SHERMAN OAKS, California (CNN) -- A big day had arrived in little Youssif's life: Surgery day.And the boy's joyous mood turned into fear.
Hospitals in Baghdad meant only pain. They didn't use anesthetic when he was treated there.
Now, on Thursday, he sobbed in his room as doctors came to take him to the operating room. "No," he said in English, clinging to his father.
Tears rolled down his father's face. His mother wept.
It was 6:05 a.m. (9:05 a.m. ET). Youssif was wheeled out of the room, escorted by his parents.
The boy held his dad's hand as long as he could. When they had to let go, the boy screamed and cried even more.
His 2½-hour surgery was about to begin.
[. . .]
"I am happy and so upset. I'm not worried about the doctor's abilities. I'm worried about what my son is going to go through," [his father] said softly, clenching his hands. "A 5-year-old shouldn't have to go through this."
Marveling at her boy dressed in a Superman shirt, Zainab said her son hadn't been this joyful since he was so savagely attacked nine months ago, when masked men grabbed Youssif outside his Baghdad home, doused him in gas and set him on fire.
"Even back home in Baghdad, Youssif was never this happy," she said.
"Just look at him," she chatted with her husband. "Remember when we first arrived here and he wouldn't talk to anyone? Look at him now."
This is just the first of the many surgeries that will be necessary to reconstruct the little boy's face, but each day will bring him closer to the time when he will be free from pain and disfigurement. Hopefully each day will also bring healing to his spirit, and a sense of the love and concern that everyone involved in this project has for him. Then the smile on his face will reflect the joy in his heart.
Look below for some cute Youssif pictures.
UPDATE: Youssif's surgery 'went well,' doctor says
Five-year-old Youssif was recovering Thursday from several hours of surgery to repair his badly burned face, and his doctor is happy with the outcome.more..."It went well," Dr. Peter Grossman told CNN. "I was very pleased to see that everything went the way we wanted it to. Youssif was scared, but he was a trouper.
"Surgery really went without any complications, and we're very pleased at the outcome."
Grossman said Youssif will have some pain as he recovers.
"But kids are really pretty brave, and they get over the pain relatively quickly," the burn expert said. "And he's shown that he's a brave young boy."
Posted by: noburqa at
02:18 PM
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AP Via Yahoo News: CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden called on Pakistanis to rebel against President Gen. Pervez Musharraf in a new recording released Thursday, saying his military's siege of a militant mosque stronghold makes him an infidel.We will make a copy of the video available shortly.The storming of the Red Mosque in Islamabad in July "demonstrated Musharraf's insistence on continuing his loyalty, submissiveness and aid to America against the Muslims ... and makes armed rebellion against him and removing him obligatory," bin Laden said in the message.
"So when the capability is there, it is obligatory to rebel against the apostate ruler, as is the case now," he said.
Bin Laden's voice was heard over video showing previously released footage of the terror leader. The video was released Thursday on Islamic militant Web sites and first reported by Laura Mansfield, an American terrorism expert who monitors militant message traffic....
...Maj. Gen. Waheed Arshad, a Pakistani army spokesman, said the army will continue its fight against terrorism, regardless of any threats.
"We have the aim and objective, as our national duty, to eliminate terrorists and eradicate extremism. The Pakistan army will continue to carry out its role against terrorists wherever they are found, whether in the tribal areas (of northwest Pakistan) or elsewhere."
"Such threats issued through videos or in any other way cannot deter us from fulfilling our national duty," he said.
More from the AP here.
Hat Tips: allahakchew and Tribeca.
Update: Video added below the fold. more...
Posted by: Howie at
01:00 PM
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Posted by: Howie at
12:54 PM
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Yesterday, Rusty posted the new location of the Global Islamic Media Front's Arabic website. It was, it looks like this...
Pwned by Jawas? Twice?
Cyber Jihad Denied!
Posted by: Howie at
10:07 AM
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"Isn't Thompson the candidate who is opposed to a Constitutional amendment to protect marriage, believes there should be 50 different definitions of marriage in the U.S., favors McCain-Feingold, won't talk at all about what he believes, and can't speak his way out of a paper bag on the campaign trail?" Dobson wrote....Dobson's denouncement comes on the heels of this scandalous info:Dobson and other Christian conservatives support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would bar gay marriage nationally. Thompson has said he would support a constitutional amendment that would prohibit states from imposing their gay marriage laws on other states, which falls well short of that....
U.S. News and World Report quoted Dobson earlier this year as questioning Thompson's commitment to the Christian faith — comments Dobson contended were not put in proper context. Dobson in this week's e-mail writes that suppositions "about the former senator's never having professed to be a Christian are turning out to be accurate in substance."
At a recent campaign appearance in South Carolina, Thompson said he got his values from his parents and “the good Church of Christ.†But he said he does not belong to a church or attend church regularly at his home in McLean, Va., just outside Washington.I may be wrong, but I doubt Dobson's attacks are going to have much, if any, negative effect on Fred's standing among evangelicals. Whatever their opinions on Fred's personal spiritual beliefs, most devout Christians I know are primarily focused on how a candidate's positions on the issues are going to affect their families and their communities. If they know that Fred understands their concerns and that he's willing to fight for what they believe in, they'll be backing Fred, even if he doesn't conform to Rev. Dobson's definition of a "REAL Christian."“I guess I’m one of those people who feel a little uncomfortable getting too inside your person and personality, but I understand it’s necessary,†Thompson said, as reported by the Spartanburg (S.C.) Herald-Journal. “I’m doing the best I can with it, because I don’t hold myself out to be a perfect person. I’ve not always met the standard that I’ve set for myself, but I know that I’m right with God and I’m right with the people I love, and the people I love are right with me.â€
UPDATE : It was pointed out in the comments that James Dobson isn't a "Reverend." He's just a dude. I thought he was a "Reverend." My apologies.
Posted by: Ragnar at
09:31 AM
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Laura Mansfield: The As Sahab video, "The Power of Truth", announced today by the organization, has a total running time of 1 hour, 20 minutes, 34 seconds.We will have updates and an embedded copy available ASAP.The documentary style video begins with the voice of Mohamed Atta shortly after hijacking the plane that would fly into the World Trade Center, and includes clips from various Al Qaeda leaders, as well as clips from TV news and features. The video also includes it's spin of US politics.
Although Osama Bin Laden appears in this video, all of the clips appear to be older footage, including segments taken from his October 2004 message to the American people, and his April 2006 message "Oh People of Islam".
Portions of the video showing Zawahiri are clearly newer, with references to the events at the Lal Masjid this summer, and to the sixth anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
This analysis will be updated as we continue to analyze the video.
al-Qaeda seems to be hip on destroying itself of late, last week they issued a declaration of war against the Anbar tribes that are driving them from Iraq. I think al-Qaeda has been spending way to much time sampling their own products, don't you? Captain Ed thinks so too:
The timing of this release gives an indication of AQ's intent. By this time, their cells should have carried out at least three attacks, one each in Denmark, Germany, and Turkey, after Osama bin Laden's message from two weeks ago. The German cell had a deadline of September 15th, and one could presume that the others had similar instructions. This video was meant to be seen after three successful attacks across Europe and Asia, behind enemy lines for AQ. It was meant to demonstrate Western impotence.Instead, the failed attacks underscore AQ's own growing impotence. They have not conducted any successful attacks outside of Iraq in quite some time now, and their grand strategy to embarrass the US during the Petraeus testimony has failed. Zawahiri's claims of victory and momentum wound up being nothing more than hot air. It's a fizzle, which demonstrates the kind of affect a forward, aggressive strategy against terrorism can have when properly maintained.
Update: There is also a new audio message that claims to be from UBL, but I can't extract it. Apparently al-Qaeda is so scared of having the message intercepted that they overcomplicated things. Ha!
Update: I have the UBL tape. It contains video footage of UBL and and audio messages. Stand by. Video here.
Update II: Video added click the image below the fold. more...
Posted by: Howie at
08:50 AM
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In March 2006, Martinez was finally deported.
In May 2006, Martinez returned to the Phoenix-area and was arrested by Scottsdale Police for a domestic dispute. Upon release from custody, a judge ordered Martinez to attend domestic-violence counseling. Martinez didn't attend and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
This week, 22-year-old Erik Jovani Martinez gunned down Phoenix Police Officer Nick Erfle.
My condolences to the family and friends of Officer Nick Erfle.
Posted by: Mike Pechar at
06:37 AM
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Nigel asks the obvious question:
Just curious. Where's the father of the baby? If the church really wanted to keep the family together, don't you think they could go find the dad?
Posted by: Vinnie at
12:06 AM
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September 19, 2007
The thing is, though, we don't need our military to win. We could beat these people with the Vienna Boys Choir:
LONDON — A Syrian military installation rocked by an explosion in July was being used to develop chemical weapons, and Iranian engineers were among those killed, a respected defense publication reported Wednesday.Jane's Defence Weekly said the blast hit the site of a joint Iranian/Syrian project to fit short-range ballistic missiles with chemical warheads.
The July 26 explosion struck a military complex outside the city of Aleppo, killing at least 15 soldiers and wounding 50 others, according to Syria's state news agency, SANA. The agency said the blast was caused when high summer temperatures set off high-explosive materials at a weapons depot.
But Jane's cited Syrian defense sources as saying the explosion took place during a test to fit a "Scud C" missile with a mustard-gas warhead. It quoted the sources as saying the explosion occurred when fuel caught fire in the missile production laboratory.
"The blast dispersed chemical agents (including VX and Sarin nerve agents and mustard blister agent) across the storage facility and outside," the publication quoted the sources as saying.
The magazine said that, in addition to the 15 Syrian troops, "dozens" of Iranian weapons engineers were killed.
It begs the question, just whose side is Allah on anyway?
stein hoist: my anti-mullah friend with the bad link (wink wink).
Posted by: Vinnie at
11:36 PM
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Posted by: Good Lt. at
11:25 PM
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Unfortunately, academia is not only becoming less open, but also more political. A recent study of campaign contributions found that academics put more money toward political candidates than the oil and gas industry, electric utilities, computer and Internet businesses, and pharmaceuticals. Considering how rapidly the cost of a college education is rising, I'm surprised that someone in Congress hasn't denounced higher education’s "obscene price increases" and "heartless gouging of the consumer."Some might call it a culture of corruption. A culture of buying influence. An imbalance of perspective and opinion. A monopoly of thought.What we do know is that the political donations of academics leans heavily toward one side of the ideological spectrum -- more than three-quarters of it goes to one political party. Perhaps not coincidentally, that political party tends to support higher taxes and more money for the academic industry. In other words, taxpayer money is paying the salaries of academics who use some of their salaries to fund politicians who support sending even more taxpayer money to those very academics. That's a nice setup.
Indoctrination factories. Interesting how the Democrats, always whining about "fairness," see no problems or conflicts of interest with the ongoing self-perpetuating and incestuous political and financial relationships between themselves and academia.
Posted by: Good Lt. at
11:05 PM
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"We would have expected her to be the first one out of the box, not the last one out of the box with a health care plan" Elizabeth Edwards said. "And then for her to come up with one that looks like John's, it's almost as if she hasn't been willing to have the courage independently to be a leader on these things."She's been cruising for a bruising, as it were. Remember the Godnutroot's warning, Elizabeth:Edwards also said Clinton shouldn't raise money from people through a program that allowed donors to rub elbows with key members of Congress.
"You can have a meeting with a member of Congress if you donate to Hillary's campaign. What she's saying is she's willing to sell special access to the government. Just send a check," Edwards said.
So here’s the rule. You never repeat right wing talking points to attack your own, ever. You never enter that echo chamber as a participant. Ever. You never give them a hammer to beat the left with. Just. Don’t. Do. It. [...] We love you. We want to love you.Dissent among the left will not be tolerated.Knock it off.
Posted by: Good Lt. at
10:54 PM
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The conventional wisdom that's starting to float around about this story is that he is filing a frivolous lawsuit to make a point about the preponderance of frivolous lawsuits in this country. I watched him make this point on Glenn Beck's t.v. show tonight and he sounded downright Conservative about frivolous lawsuits.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
Too bad it isn't the truth.
Maybe you remember the story not too long ago about the Nebraska judge who barred the use of the words "rape" and "victim" in the trial of a sexual assault case. Well, the victim of the sexual assault, the one who was barred from using those words in her testimony on the witness stand, filed a lawsuit against the judge.
That, my friends, is the "frivolous" lawsuit that Ernie Chambers is responding to with his stupid antic.
The truth about Ernie Chambers, the apparently affable clown who filed suit against God, is much darker than you think.
In 1970, a 911 call was placed to the Omaha police, reporting screams coming from a house. Two of the officers who responded to the call, Larry Minard and John Tess, entered the house, which was actually vacant at the time. In the living room, there was a suitcase. As Officer Minard went to pick up the suitcase, it exploded. He was killed instantly, and Officer Tess was severely wounded.
Two members of the Black Panthers, Edward Poindexter and David Rice, were arrested, tried, and convicted for the murder of Officer Minard. They're currently still in the Nebraska State Penitentiary.
Nebraska state senator Ernie Chambers, when he's not filing lawsuits against deities, has, for 37 years, been one of these copkillers most staunch advocates.
There, now you know the truth. If you don't believe me, well, you'll just have to Google it.
Posted by: Vinnie at
10:48 PM
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Please help us send a strong message to New York's Mayor Bloomberg: NO!
Just Say No! to Ahmadinejad tour of Ground Zero.
The Foundation for Democracy in Iran is calling on all Americans, regardless of their origin or political beliefs, to contact the office of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, to oppose allowing Ahmadinejad to tour Ground Zero during his visit to New York next week.
NY City police commissioner Raymond Kelly announced today that the Mayor's office was "in discussions" with the Iranian regime's Permanent UN mission and the U.S. Secret Service to arrange the visit. FDI president Kenneth R. Timmerman called an Ahmadinejad tour of Ground Zero an "unconscionable outrage to the memories of our dead," and warned that the Iranian president was seeking "bragging rights" with his terrorist friends. Download our full statement as a Word doc, or as a PDF file.
[For full information, go to our website:]
Contact information for Mayor Bloomberg:
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
PHONE 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC)
FAX (212) 788-2460
UPDATE at 9/19/07 1:31:12 pm:
An update at says the NYPD has rejected Ahmadinejad’s request.
Posted by: Kafir at
03:55 PM
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A suspected bombing cell whose members were arrested in Canada and Austria last week had allegedly discussed attacking United Nations facilities and next year's European soccer championships.Some of the eight shouldn't be hard to find. They have a few websites I'm sure they're on as we speak. After we posted the new location of GIMF's main Arabic website, they got shut down. But they're up again.A suicide bombing at the Euro 2008 tournament in Austria and Switzerland, and attacks on large crowds and political figures, were among the scenarios allegedly considered by the suspected cell members.
New GIMF website:
You'll notice that latest posting is from yesterday and features a video from al Qaeda in Iraq.
Posted by: Rusty at
12:25 PM
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Posted by: Rusty at
12:07 PM
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Posted by: Vinnie at
10:22 AM
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Again: We won. I know that will disappoint many on the Left.
And I know the response: if we already won, how come there are so many Americans still dying in Iraq.
And the answer is: there aren't a lot of Americans dying in Iraq.
3783 Americans have been killed in in Iraq over the course of 4 years.
At the Battle of Antietam, in a single day, 23,000 were killed.
At the Battle of the Bulge 19,276 Americans were killed.
It's never been a question of if we would win, only a question of if Americans would see it through to victory.
You'll definitely want to read the article below. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
10:11 AM
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Under the DREAM Act, applicants for amnesty who claim to be enrolled in a community college, technical school, or university will receive immediate “conditional†legal status. Sound familiar? The Migration Policy Institute estimates that about 1.3 million illegal aliens will be eligible for the amnesty. Because the act’s provisions are retroactive, additional illegal aliens will also qualify. Along with illegal aliens who have graduated from high school or completed a G.E.D., any illegal alien, regardless of age, who initially came here illegally before age 16 and meets the education provisions qualifies for a green card and eventual citizenship. As green-card holders, they can all sponsor their illegal alien parents for green cards. To accommodate DREAM Act aliens and their parents, numerical limits on green cards are lifted.UPDATE by Rusty: Much more from Michelle Malkin here.
Posted by: Ragnar at
09:12 AM
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GAZA (Reuters) - Palestinian Islamist group Hamas said on Wednesday that Israel had effectively declared war by labeling the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip an "enemy entity"."It is a declaration of war and continues the criminal, terrorist Zionist actions against our people," said Fawzi Barhoum, a spokesman for Hamas in the coastal enclave.
Israel's security cabinet declaration on Wednesday that Gaza was an "enemy entity" opened the way for cuts in fuel and other supplies to the territory, an Israeli political source said.
"They aim to starve our people and force them to accept humiliating formulas that could emerge from the so-called November peace conference," Barhoum said, referring to a U.S.-sponsored meeting expected to be held in two months.
Militants in Gaza regularly fire rockets into Israel and Israeli forces have raided the enclave, from which the Jewish state evacuated troops and settlers two years ago.
These are the peaceful people who still hold Gilad Shalit captive more than a year after he was kidnapped, who gave us such loveable TV icons as Jihad Mickey and Nahoul the Killer Bee, and whose little girls make music videos about their suicide-bombing mamas. If it weren't so tragic, it would make a great soap opera or country song. Maybe when Gaza evolves to the trailer-park level, it will have a promising future as the redneck capital of the Middle East.
Posted by: noburqa at
08:24 AM
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Of course, most of us don't have the added pressure of a death fatwa or honor killing coming between us and our spouses. But, hey, that's not so different than the current credit crunch putting stress on marriage, is it?
Omar bin Laden's father, Osama, could not be reached for comment from hell. more...
Posted by: Rusty at
07:57 AM
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Given their methodology, taking first place in their South Carolina stats actually means something.
UPDATE : If Mitt's the nominee, the GOP might have trouble holding on to the Deep South. Tied with Hillary in Alabama? Not good.
Posted by: Ragnar at
12:00 AM
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September 18, 2007
h/t : Allah
Posted by: Ragnar at
11:28 PM
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