September 18, 2007

Video: Muslim 'El Mujahadid' Behead Serb, Play Soccer With Head

TV report showing 'El Mujahadid' unit--which later was incorporated into the Bosnian Muslim Army--preparing to behead a Serbian. Portions of the video not shown also show these Bosnians playing soccer with the Serb's decapitated head.

Warning: About 1:45 in to the video you begin to see bound prisoners, and knives & axes being sharpened. The video does not show the beheading, but it does show one bound prisoner being shot. It also shows children being trained by the Mujahidin.

The date stamp from the beheading portion of the video shows 1995--two years after this unit of mostly foreign fighters was incorporated into the Bosnian Muslim Army under the command of the War Council headed by Bosnia's then-president Alija Izetbegovic. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 08:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Maj. Troy Gilbert's Wife Speaks Out

Over the past several days I have received dozens of requests to see the recent video released by al Qaeda in Iraq which showed the terror organization desecrating the body of downed pilot Maj. Troy L. Gilbert. The majority of those requests came from Troy's friends and comrades at Luke Air Force Base. They expressed a wish to see just what it was that Troy was fighting in Iraq.

Despite my hesitation over sending the video, many insisted that they needed to see the video. Some of them are close with Troy's widow, Ginger Gilbert, and felt that watching the video would help them support her in this time of need.

One of those that requested the video is an instructor at Luke AFB. He says he will use the video to show his students what they are up against.

Friends of the Gilbert family told me earlier today that Ginger would be holding a press conference today. I mourn with her at the grief of the loss of her husband, and I share her outrage at anti-war propagandists to use her husband's death to discredit the cause he gave his life for.

Ginger Gilbert:

Ginger Gilbert, making her first public comments since the video emerged last week, said Tuesday that she couldn't remain silent after watching media coverage of a "disturbing video" of the corpse, identification card and crash site of her husband, Maj. Troy Gilbert.

"When media chooses to use Troy's plane crash as a political catalyst to generate anti-war sentiment, it only serves to degrade the moral integrity my husband possessed and the morale of those still selflessly serving," Gilbert said at news conference at Glendale's Falcon Dunes Golf Course, across from Luke.

"Every time the press lends credibility and significance to terrorist propaganda clearly designed to erode public support or questions the validity of our brave soldiers' selfless acts of service and the war itself," she added, "it only serves to damage our country from within its own borders and embolden those who would do us harm."

Flanked by friends and family members clasping hands, Gilbert thanked Arizonans, the Air Force and her Desert Springs Community Church in Surprise for serving as a "shield of protection for my family's welfare and betterment over the last 10 months."

God bless you Ginger Gilbert, and God bless all those who knew Troy at Luke AFB.

UPDATE: Thanks to AJ Strata for pointing out that Channel 12 News has video of the press conference up here. Click on link at top of page.

Shift and click for direct Link to video of Mrs. Gilbert's statement.

Posted by: Rusty at 07:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Mukalla, Yemen Under Siege

A message from the Youth of Mukalla, Yemen to the Free World
via e-mail


WE are citizens of the city of Mukalla, Hadramout Yemen. We would like to draw your attention to what is happening in Hadramout and the southern provinces of Yemen known in the past as South Yemen or South Arabia.

Hadramout have been witnessing demonstrations and sits-in in opposition to the worse situations in the southern governorates i.e.: mistreatment, taking our lands by force, stealing our oil and fish wealth by military forces, and big officials coming from the north taking our jobs, forcing others to retire very early with a very tiny salaries, others without salaries especially soldiers, corruption, absence of security and safety, and killing in the midday.

The demonstrations have been taking place almost every other day in Mukalla and other southern provinces. Military forces open fire at the demonstrators, killing two persons in Mukalla ,two in Dhala and one Aden and many have been injuried in different areas of the south, including kidnapping of politicians and journalists.

Dozens of politicians and young men have been detained due to their participation in the demonstrations. Others have been chasing after, which forces them to leave their cities as they feel their lives is in danger should they stay with their families .

WE are the people of Mukalla as well as our brothers in the other governorates feel disappointed because the international media and press as well as the Arabic ignore their case (what is happening in the South).

WE are the youth of Hadramout claim the national and international human rights organizations, International community as well as security council to intervene to protect us from the police regime of president Salah in Sanaa to bring international teams and observers and human rights organizations to search facts and to defend the people here whose life is in danger

Youth of the city of Mukalla


Posted by: JaneNovak at 05:15 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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One BILLION Dead in Iraq!


Kos: 1.2 million deaths in Iraq. What, not high enough? Throw a guy a frickin bone. Better make that one billion!

Posted by: Rusty at 04:31 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Video: Murtha Confronted Over His Haditha Blood Libels

Hot Air has video of Rep. Jack Murtha being confronted over his blood libels against US Marines over the Haditha incident.

His shameless defense: that the "trial's still going on." That's true in the case of Frank Wuterich, but the charges have been dropped against three other Marines and Murtha made no distinctions between them last year when he accused them of having murdered Iraqis "in cold blood."

The reason this is a "blood libel" is that the accusation that US Marines are "cold blooded killers" continues to circulate in the Sunni Arab press, and Murtha's statement is often cited as "evidence" that "every one knows" that Americans routinely murder civilians.

And why is it that many Sunnis join the Islamist "resistance"? Because they are convinced that we are the bad guys. There is a moral imperative to fight Americans because of this kind of propaganda.

Of course, when our soldiers intentionally kill civilians they are prosecuted. Case in point: Haditha--when even the appearance of wrongful deaths leads to a prosecution.

When their soldiers intentionally kill civilians they are praised. Case in point: a video released by Ansar al-Sunnah--a Sunni Islamist group--this past week showing two civilians murdered by the group.

They're so proud of these murderers that they make a snuff video showing just how awesome it is to kill civilians!

Thank you Jack Murtha. People like you who slander our troops help our enemies recruit new blood so they can kill your fellow Americans.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Ansar al-Sunnah Murders Two Iraqis

After a long absence, Ansar al-Sunnah has released another of it's disgusting snuff videos. In the video, two Muslims are labeled apostates and murdered for working for the Iraqi government.The following is the Google translation of the statement released with the tape.

Confessions 2 Cronies government apostasy and establish the rule of Allah including Baghdad

Thank Allah Mu'izzaddin Islam and Muslims, humiliating infidel and apostates, peace and prayers be on the Mujahideen, Commander presentation Mahglin Alihok fighting, and his family and companions and marched on the approach and guided to Bahdehem on religion .. After:

Almighty said: (O people had come admonition of the Lord and healing in the hearts and guidance, and mercy for believers) [Yunus: 57]

We offer you the tape shows photographed confessions of two of Cronies government apostasy Rafidiyah been arrested Pkemen arbitrator by the Mujahideen brothers heroes black supporters in the capital Baghdad, former Iraqi working at the Center for Counter-Terrorism (combat uniform and Sunni) and the other works for the Ministry of Defense feedback, this tape shows the moment including the implementation of the rule of Allah, shot by a court order and legitimacy revenge every Muslim and Sunni unarmed and caught for example Drossiness angry,

The video is interesting because the first man in the video sings a nasheed. A nasheed is an Islamic hymn. The second man in the video is breathing heavily and shows a bloody nose. I suspect that he was beaten just prior to the camera taking his confession.

After the singing and the display of identification, the men are placed bound in an alley and shot in the head. The man on the left flinches and screams as the first shot misses him. The murderer follows with three more shots. Both men are left dead in the alley.

So here are two more Muslims, working for the future of their country, brutally murdered by the terrorist group Ansar al-Sunnah. I pray these murderers are caught the the deaths of these men avenged.

The murdered men's names were Ali Athim Abdul Aziz and Rahim Abdul Reza.

Frame grabs and video below the fold. (some graphic images) more...

Posted by: Howie at 02:31 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Nearly Half of British Mosques Run by Radicals

If 'moderates' want to do away with free speech--the ability to criticize their prophet--then imagine what the radicals are after. This week's Shire News Network podcast interviews Andrew Norfolk of the London Times who has spent the last nine months investigating Britain's mosques.

Listen to the podcast here.

Andrew's stunning article his here. Here's a teaser:

Almost half of Britain’s mosques are under the control of a hardline Islamic sect whose leading preacher loathes Western values and has called on Muslims to “shed blood” for Allah, an investigation by The Times has found.

Riyadh ul Haq, who supports armed jihad and preaches contempt for Jews, Christians and Hindus, is in line to become the spiritual leader of the Deobandi sect in Britain. The ultra-conservative movement, which gave birth to the Taleban in Afghanistan, now runs more than 600 of Britain’s 1,350 mosques, according to a police report seen by The Times.

What, me worry?

Posted by: Rusty at 11:40 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Ramadan in the City of Mosques

Bill Ardolino has some more pics from Fallujah, the City of Mosques.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:19 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Korean Christian Hostage Mastermind Killed!

Good news, the Taliban commander who was responsible for the kidnapping of South Korean Christian missionaries--and the subsequent murder of two of them--has been killed.

Revenge. She is a bitch.


Mullah Abdullah Jan, the Taliban commander of Qara Bagh district in Ghazni province, was among the 12 killed in the strike on a mud-brick housing compound overnight, said Ghazni provincial police chief Gen. Ali Shah Ahmadzai.

Jan watched as his fighters stopped and kidnapped a tour bus full of South Koreans in July, Ahmadzai said. Officials previously said they had killed another commander behind the kidnappings, a Mullah Mateen, but Ahmadzai said Jan was higher-ranking.

Kill all the Taliban, let Allah sort them out.

Thanks to GM.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:17 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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"Help me kill those who offended the Prophet" UPDATED

I'd call death threats against those who have the audacity to blaspheme the Muslim prophet Mohamed alarming. But it's not. In fact, it's quite predictable. Since Islam recognizes no distinction between sin and crime than anything deemed blasphemous would be considered criminal.

And what is the penalty for unrepentant blasphemers under Islamic law? Death.

Flemming Rose writes from Copenhagen about death threats against blasphemers and apostates in Europe and 'moderate' Muslims trying to stifle free speech.

Notice this posted at the al Firdaws forum last year:

“Help me kill thos who offended the Prophet”:

“I am looking for fastkilling poison. I’ll do it myself, and Allah will witness what I say.” has recently been PWNED.....

UPDATE: Image courtesy of David of Lunde Designs.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Truther: Help! Help! Help!

Heh, Apparently Andrew Meyer thinks the vast right wing conspiracy goes all the way up to and including John Kerry.

I reckon if the man in the video, Andrew Meyer, had just walked out, he would have been let go. Michelle Malkin has the full story here.

Posted by: Howie at 09:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Muslim Dentist Demands Patients Wear Hijab

The dentist is Omer Butt, the brother of Hassan Butt who once was a terror recruiter in Britain.

Daily Mail:

It is claimed that the 31-year-old dentist asked to speak to the woman in private after she turned up for an appointment at his clinic in Bury.

According to the charges, he questioned her on whether she was a Muslim and told her that if he was to treat her she would have to wear Islamic dress.

He is also said to have read out a number of religious rules to her.

He then told his nurse to give the patient her own headscarf to wear, the accusation says.

At least they are prosecuting him.

Hat tip: Snapped Shot more...

Posted by: Rusty at 09:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Former al Qaeda "Capital" Now Safest Place in Iraq

What a difference a year makes. Totten:

In early 2007 Ramadi, the capital of Iraq’s Anbar Province, was one of the most violent war-torn cities on Earth. By late spring it was the safest major city in Iraq outside Kurdistan.
Read the rest. Remember, this is the same city that al Qaeda in Iraq declared as its capital for the Islamic State of Iraq.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:01 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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September 17, 2007

Islamic Charity Funding Terror via Palestinian Universities

Patrick Poole of Central Ohioans Against Terrorism has exposed an Ohio-based Islamic group that is funneling money to HAMAS through Palestinian universities with apparent impunity.

Specifically, the not-for-profit group, Arab Student Aid International (ASAI), has pumped millions of dollars to the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) which has been recognized by Congress as a fungible cash resource for HAMAS terror activities. U.S. public funds are barred from distribution to IUG. Nevertheless, private American sources continue to provide money to the IUG and other HAMAS-connected schools.

Now, since the government has shuttered the Holy Land Foundation and other Islamic "charities" for funding terrorist organizations, why has ASAI been allowed to continue to send money and assistance to HAMAS through the Palestinian universities?

In this regard, Congress only stopped public money, via the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), from going to IUG and other terrorist-connected schools, however, nothing specifically prohibits private American dollars from being sent and used to purchase suicide belts, AK-47s or Katyusha rockets..

Frankly, the issue of private funds being slithered through universities to terrorist organizations is news to me and I'm made to wonder how widespread the practice might be. For instance, is the U.S. providing funds for the Taliban through Pakistani and Afghan schools? Or, is Hezbollah getting U.S. dollars through Syrian or Lebanese universities? And what about Jemaah Islamiyah? Is it getting American cash through Indonesian or Malaysian universities?

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 09:55 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Would-be Scottish Jihadi Convicted

A moment of honesty. Just keep reading until you see teh funny in it. AP at Breitbart:

A jury at Glasgow's High Court found Mohammed Atif Siddique, 21, guilty of four terrorism offenses and also of causing a disturbance by telling fellow students he planned to become a suicide bomber.

Siddique, from the town of Clackmannanshire in central Scotland, had stored and posted guides to bomb-making, guns and explosives on a network of Web sites, prosecutors said.

Defense lawyer Aamer Anwar claimed Siddique was merely conducting research into his religion and was the victim of heightened sensitivity fed by terror attacks.

Bomb-making guides. Yup, sounds like he was merely conducting research into his religion to me alright......

Oh, and there's a Canada connection too. Thanks to Andrew Breitbart for the tip.

Posted by: Rusty at 05:23 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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GIMF's Jihad in Germany

Roland Ströbele in the World Politics Review:

Fritz G. has been long known to Bavarian police authorities. The 28-year-old German converted to Islam several years ago and was a frequent visitor to the "Multi-Kultur-Haus" in Neu-Ulm, an Islamic cultural center that was shut down by the authorities in January 2006 on account of Islamist activism. According to investigators, radical "preachers of hate" frequented the Multi-Kultur-Haus, recruiting "holy warriors" for Jihad or collecting funds for the latter.

Incendiary writings, inciting hatred against Christians and Jews, were found among the materials seized by investigators in the Multi-Kultur-Haus. Simultaneous with the order to have the center shut down, the association that ran it was likewise banned. But the closing of the Multi-Kultur-Haus has hardly led to a diminution of Islamist activities in the region. The hardliners continue to meet in the so-called Islamic Information Center (IIZ) in Ulm. For the German domestic intelligence agency, the Verfassungsschutz, the IIZ remains the base of the Islamists.

What kind of material?
"It is our belief that if anyone claims that any other currently existing religion -- any other religion than Islam, that is: for example, Christianity, Judaism, etc. -- is acceptable to Allah, then this person is an unbeliever. He should be encouraged to show remorse and if he does not do so, he must be put to death as an apostate (murtad), since he has denied the Quran."

Posted by: Rusty at 05:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Chaves To Dictate School Curriculum

Hugo Chaves takes over schools public and private.

AP via Yahoo: CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threatened on Monday to close or take over any private school that refuses to submit to the oversight of his socialist government as it develops a new curriculum and textbooks.

"Society cannot allow the private sector to do whatever it wants," said Chavez, speaking on the first day of classes.

All schools, public and private, must admit state inspectors and submit to the government's new educational system, or be closed and nationalized, with the state taking responsibility for the education of their children, Chavez said.

A new curriculum will be ready by the end of this school year, and new textbooks are being developed to help educate "the new citizen,"

I suppose the new citizens will also have all kinds of cool state imposed extra curricular activities, like say The Junior Anti-Sex League.

Sex gets in the way of Chaves worship time.

Posted by: Howie at 04:50 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Open Links and stuff

***Sticky until you run out of links****

It turns out you can work 10 hours on posts that are original, informative, and important. Are those the ones that get read? Nope.

Any one have any links they want to recommend? I got nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'll put links in posts below for the day.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:36 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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al Qaeda in....MEXICO!?!?!

Some are suggesting that al Qaeda is collaborating with left-wing insurgent groups in Mexico. I's possible, but how likely is another question.

But since we know al Qaeda is full of Tom Clancy fans. And since we know Clancy predicts the next al Qaeda attack will be on soft targets via the porous Mexican border. What excuse do we have in not stopping illegal immigration not today, but five years ago?

Posted by: Rusty at 04:09 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Some More Good Terrorists

Dead ones. Article below. Thanks to GM. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:19 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Terror Threats in Florida?

I'm going to have to go with not serious. Yeah, I know the word jihad is in there, but still. Notice that the would-be terrorist dropped the postcard in the mail in Gainesville. I'd start by asking the dumbasses in the Florida State chapter of the MSA. I bet there's at least one member dumb enough to pull this kind of prank.

Hat tip: Martin

Posted by: Rusty at 03:16 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Is Osama bin Laden Dead II?

Look, if they can fake this, they can fake a "new" bin Laden video. Let me make it clear: I'm not taking a stand either way. I don't know if bin Laden is alive.

But I don't think it's borderline Trutherism to suggest the most recent bin Laden video might have been faked. It's not grasping at straws to notice that the "video" was actually two short video clips between which a long audio was superimposed over a static frame.

Further, the video was very unclear. Even in the 500+ meg large version of the video was fuzzy. Not like al Qaeda's as Sahab production at all.

Since I was gone over the weekend I missed AllahP's initial post, but caught it over at LGF today.

Here it is. Judge for yourself. It's pretty freakin' amazing. He even conveniently freezes the image whenever a name from current events is mentioned. Wow.

I expect Kafir, who knows more about video editing, will have some more to say on this.

Posted by: Rusty at 12:10 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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GIMF Terrorist Worked in SECURITY at Airport FREED

When I saw on Allah's headline thingy that one of the recently arrested members of the Global Islamic Media Front in Austria had worked at an airport I was stunned. The same airport that was on the target list for the ring to attack. Imagine my reaction when I realized he worked security.

Actually, he worked security for the railway company that connected to the airport, and for a time worked station security at the airport. Two targets in one.

But none of that was behind the conniption fit I just threw: Austria freed him on Saturday.

Since 2002 he has been drawing unemployment. That's right, Austria has been paying this piece of filth to sit on his ass and plan acts of terrorism. I honestly don't see how he had the time. What with all the GIMF produced videos, magazines, and online television productions which explicitly endorsed al Qaeda and pretty much every other jihad movement around the globe.

So, I guess he's free to go about encouraging violent attacks against the West while drawing his unemployment benefits.

It's also the first article to name the third Austrian suspect: Adem Yilmaz

The other two Austrian suspects were Mohammed Mahmoud and his wife. The ringleader, it now appears, was not Mahmoud, but rather the fourth member of the ring Canadian Said Namouh.

Austrian authorities are searching for at least eight other members of GIMF said to be involved in the plot.

Might I suggest starting in France? Here is GIMF's newest main website. Hosted in gay Paris.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Eine, zwei, neun: Can the German Media Count?

According to the German media 4,000 6,000 10,000 50,000 100,000! anti-war protesters showed up in D.C. last week. I guess anything more than elf is just a guess.

Posted by: Rusty at 11:28 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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AQI Musters "dozens" for "Little Tet" Ramadan Offensive

What if al Qaeda in Iraq organized a Ramadan offensive they dubbed "Little Tet" and could only muster "dozens of fighters" to show up.

Dozens. Of. Fighters = "Little Tet".


It's Hammer Time!


Posted by: Rusty at 09:01 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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