February 21, 2007

Yeah, Me Too

"As I have been pointing out for almost a year, everybody is getting ready for war in the Gulf."

It's not paranoia when they're really out to get you.

Posted by: Vinnie at 07:12 PM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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The spirits tell me ... someone will call for more US isolationism, and blame Israel for all of this ... USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 21, 2007 09:40 PM (2OHpj)

2 Well one thing for sure if there is even a small war with Iraq the oil price will go through the ceiling, and as anyone who has studied economics will tell you in times of shortages profits only go UP.

Posted by: JOHN RYAN at February 21, 2007 10:46 PM (TcoRJ)


I will gladly follow Jane of Arc into battle, wherever she may lead us... Jane, all the way!

Vinnie can stay home and keep Debby Schnuggle warm...

Posted by: Darth Vag at February 21, 2007 11:09 PM (b0FZu)

4 Thanks Vag, I just threw up in my mouth a little.

Okay, a lot.

Posted by: Vinnie, Editor In Chief Pro Tempore at February 22, 2007 12:11 AM (fdAim)

5 John Lyin: You little prick, you can't get anything right. Now get back to your bathhouse. That other lefturd osamaisawigger is waiting for you.

Posted by: greyrooster at February 22, 2007 08:42 AM (2ZN97)

6 Gayrooster, don't pick on John just because your wife is inflatable.

Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 22, 2007 02:05 PM (ZxuJ4)

7 Osamabinbuggered:

Oil prices aren't pegged to your stupidity. Stay away from the barnyard animals.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 23, 2007 01:45 AM (Dt3sl)

8 Jeff, why don't you make yourself useful and piss out some ethanol, ya corn muncher.

Posted by: osamabinthere at February 23, 2007 04:18 AM (ZxuJ4)

9 OK Osamabinstalking ... enough already. Your getting crap all over the place. The last comment on every thread today is a personal attack from you on either greyrooster or Jeff. At least make an arguement. I know you can. I can only skip over so many of these kinds of comments before I get tired of looking for the content. I attack people also, but I at least try to base it on the arguement they have made. The closest I have ever come to following people around trying to attack them on every thread is with Ken Hoop, and I even publically backed off from that once, realizing that what I was doing was not cool. OK?                 USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 23, 2007 01:00 PM (2OHpj)

10 Hey Michael. I only attack those who attack me. They very often start a thread by insulting me. So, if you're going to lecture people on posting etiquette, don't single me out. You're defending a gas-bag and a racist. Like I have said many times before, I'd love to have a serious debate or discussion in general, but I don't take crap from mental midgets like Jeff and Rooster. You want me to stop? Make them stop. Don't blame me for defending myself against their stupid bullshit. That said, name one topic you'd like to explore and I'm on it. Besides unicorns, of course.


Who is Ken Hoop & what did he do to piss you off?

Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 23, 2007 01:09 PM (JVqe0)


Ken Hoop is probably a very nice person, in person, but he is a self described Buchanite Paleocon with a strong isolationist streak, and a way of blaming everything on Israel that I really can't stand. he buys into the idea that the USA is imperialistic, or trending that way. And I may be exaggerating slightly based on how irritated I get. I think any isolationist thinking is inherently dangerous, and I think blaming Isareal is simple minded and short sighted. I also believe that we live in a world where if we ever stop being the most powerful nation, we AND the world will suffer for it.

Now Ken is articulate, and largely polite. I sure I've jumped down his throat a time or two when it wasn't really warranted, but he absolutely hits three of my major hot buttons, and y'know, I just can't let it ride.

I spent to much time reading about the history of Israel to see them as anything but a besieged people. Eve US support for them isn't what a lot of people think it is. Do you know the US actually oppossed the UN partition plan because they knew the Arab League wouldn't accept it?

Ben Franklin used the term 'empire' to describe the USA, in it's earliest days. His usage of the term was no more meant to be insulting than to say someone has built a small empire of 'quickiemarts'. It could mean, and did mean to our founders, a nation which is strong, and enduring, and is of historical importance.

Our founders never wrote into the Constitution that we should ever subordinate the good of our own nation to that of any other. So we don't. Where our people go in good faith, they should be safe. Where they trade in good faith, thier dealings should be upheld. Where it is beneficial to us to have a presence, we should pursue the goal of establishing such a presence. We do not pursue an active plan of conquest. We do take action to protect our interests, and this is something I'm sure or Founders would approve of.

Isolationism is putting ourselves in a cage, where we will sit until we are too weak to escape. While we grow weak, the creatures roaming free become big and strong, and soon our cage isn't even a defense for us. In the age of jets, missiles, nukes, and global propaganda, isolationism is a mammoth stuck in deep tar. It's death in progress. I won't see that kind of thing promoted as wisdom.

So I disagree with Ken nearly every time he comments, and I manage to see it. He must pretty much hate me, and I guess that's how its going to have to be. I don't expect either of us to change opinions. USA, all the way! That isn't just a T-shirt slogan for me. It is the sum of my politics in one line. Friends of the USA are my friends. What we give the world is priceless. Quite often it's pearls before swine, especially in countries where free speech is against their religion. Our best product is our way of life.

And people want it, even if their handlers don't.

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 23, 2007 04:23 PM (2OHpj)

12 Example of Michael and Ken getting along like usual.
                                          USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 23, 2007 04:58 PM (2OHpj)

13 Gotcha. Thanks for filling me in. I have a lot of pride for our country too, regardless of what some morons in here think. Don't let them fool you! Just because I don't like who's running things doesn't mean I am unpatriotic. The Israeli predicament only makes me wonder what the world would be like without religion.

Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 23, 2007 07:03 PM (JVqe0)

14 Osamabinlyin:

I love my country but I hate Bush and dem Joos!

Leftist/islamopitheine troll-scum. The only truth you've sputtered is that you hate bush. All faggots do.

Suck your own prick from now on. I'm finished here. Youy cant mount a coherent argument or write English properly anyway.


Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 25, 2007 02:37 AM (Dt3sl)

15 I see you signed that one "PIssant". Lovely. Anyway, I haven't said anything about Jews. I love the USA, you are correct. I think Bush is a idiot like you, correct.

"Leftist/islamopitheine troll-scum. The only truth you've sputtered is that you hate bush. All faggots do."

You gotta stop hating yourself, Jeffy Lube. It's not healthy to hate your own sexuality.

"Youy cant mount a coherent argument or write English properly anyway."

I guess "Youy" are better at coherent arguments and English, huh? Hahahaha.

Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 25, 2007 03:36 PM (JVqe0)

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