March 06, 2007

Walter Reed: Prelude to Hillary Care?

Has it dawned on any of the Democrats currently pouncing on the problems of the military medical care system that the issue is a miniature version of the chaos which would be created by a national health care system? I think not.

Even as the alleged deficiencies at Walter Reed hospital are being investigated, politicians and pundits are weighing in with their opinions and, from what I've heard, the primary complaints are mismanagement and lack of funds. Multiply everything being said and the investigative findings a thousand-fold and the result is -- the chaos of a national health care system.

Congress is holding hearings and legislators have stated that they want answers while fearing that Walter Reed is just the tip of the bigger iceberg of problems with "the nation's ability to care for the thousands of soldiers gravely wounded from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan."

Well, if there are serious failures in the government-administered health care system in the military, which arguably does many things percentage-wise better than other government departments and only services a few million people, how can Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, et al., claim that a national health care system for 300,000,000 will do any better?

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 05:49 AM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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1 Hillary care. Don't think so. She made a first class fool of herself pandering to southern blacks.  Next she will be wearing cornrows and gold teeth in an effort to draw them away from Barrack HUSSEIN Jomama. Won't work. Blacks would vote for a child molesting O.J. Simpson before a whitey even if she is kissing their ass. The Clinton bitch is a wigger.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 06, 2007 07:35 AM (wTIrf)

2 They might vote for her just to piss you off.  Who knows what people will do in the voting booth, I twiddle my bincky.  It's up to the electoral group anyway, has nothing to do with you or I. They could throw a muskrat into a pool filled with ping pongballs with  names written on them  and whoevers ball came back in his mouth is who they picked, would be about the same thing. Either way, you should lose the racism and turn up the sarcasm. Good luck with that. It's taken me almost a life time. Practice reverse discrimination. ( For those of you with a dictionary, look those terms up and apply them towards each other to get my point)  Then way you can make fun of everybody!  Practice prejudice, not racism. That way you can rip on somebody from another counrty!!! ( para phrased Chef  from South Park ) It's a great feeling when have someone tell you you're racist and you can look them in the eye and say " No mother f- er, I just hate you!"  People.... can't we all just get along? ( R. King) Corn rows and gold teeth might just work for hillary but that's what she's bring sharpton in for. Amazingly enough, he just found out that his family were slaves that "belonged" ( held captive ) by strom thurmans family....Does anyone know why this came out now?...... " I'll take 'Duh ' for $ dee do da do dee do **Ding** The correct answer is " What is the difference between barak obama and almost all other Americans that are black?  Ain't this fun?

Posted by: wb at March 06, 2007 10:31 AM (dFKOS)

3 i can't spell or make a word sentance will hillary come pander me? Only if she thought she could get my vote. She'd  have to be fat, old short, need to trim her nose hair  and be damn ugly... hey.... wait a minute.....

Posted by: wb at March 06, 2007 10:34 AM (dFKOS)


Posted by: sandpiper at March 06, 2007 10:38 AM (4v/PL)

5 For 9 days since the Washington Post broke the story Walter Reed has been front page news. Here, when I see something written it Mike Pechar decides to use the words "alledged deficiencies". Our veterans deserve much better than these "alledged deficiencies" They have not been taken care of the way that they were either promised or should be. Thiese problems should not provoke partisanship, if anything the Republicans should be in the lead on this issue.

Posted by: JOHN RYAN at March 06, 2007 11:50 AM (TcoRJ)

6 This atrocity at Walter Reed happened under Bush's watch and under republican control.  Why can't you see that?  As a veteran I am deeply disturbed by the lack of accountability here.  Turning this into an attack on Hilary Clinton is short sighted and will not solve this problem. 

Posted by: Robert at March 06, 2007 11:56 AM (tC3sF)

7 It's not about solving any problems, it on pointing out how much worse things could be under cuntin

Posted by: wb at March 06, 2007 02:57 PM (dFKOS)

8 Actually guys:
Who decided to give IAP Worldwide Services the contract to run Walter Reed?Why did IAP, whose chairman, Al Neffgen, a former executive of Halliburton, get the contract?Why did the Army "unilaterally" increase the government cost to run
Walter Reed by $7 Million, making the government bid to run the
hospital higher than the IAP bid?Why did the Army give IAP the contract after IAP failed so
miserably in fulfilling its previous government contract to deliver
water to New Orleans after Katrina?Why did more than 250 out of some 300 government employees at Walter Reed leave after IPA got the contract?What is IPA doing for the $120 Million contract?When Donald Rumsfeld found out from his wife that things were
getting bad at Walter Reed, did he even bother to look into the problem?Your ignorance is showing. I live in Canada, and I can tell you right now... our care is way, way, way better than yours, and I don't have to worry about going bankrupt. But go ahead and believe what you will. You guys are suckers, and you're doing the work for the rich assholes who are laughing all the way to the bank.

Fuck you guys are dumb. You deserve everything coming to you.

Posted by: John at March 06, 2007 04:10 PM (qiTAx)

9 (C3PO to R's): Sir, the odds of successfully navigating an asteroid field are approximately 3720 to 1!!

Posted by: tbone at March 06, 2007 05:26 PM (HGqHt)

10 John, where can one verify your claims at? For the record, you no tipping canool  fuckers are always coming down here for your health care. Your system is lame.   People who can afford it come from all over the planet to get health care in the USA.

Posted by: wb at March 06, 2007 07:13 PM (dFKOS)

11 wb: The difference is his muslim upbringing. Something that needs to be addressed at the proper time. Won't matter anyway. The Clinton bitch will get the nomination. Didn't you know that racism is in. It's the thing to be. All the beautiful people are turning racist. Ask any nigger.          
Robert: Bullshit! The veterans administation was a fucked up mess 20 years before Bush came into office. It got worse under the military hating admistration of the worlds bigges liar. Namely, Bill Clinton. 90% of the lazy government employees running the show are friggin democrats. How do you expect Bush to fight a war, fight the lefturds, fight tax increases and watch every organization in the government at the same time.  Take a walk around Keesler Air Force Base Hospital. Those hundreds of black women with 3 illegitimate kids dressed in combat boots and fatigues sure the hell aren't republicans.          
John: You are a fucking nutcase. No need to even start to prove your lies are just that. Stupid ass. What the fuck to you know about Katrina. I was here. People here still have hundreds of cases of MREs in storage. They were throwing so much water and ice at us the grocery stores couldn't sell what they had. When they pulled out from Claiborne hills they left thousand of cases of bottled water just sitting in the middle of the parking lot for any who wished to pick it up.  No one I know of waited more than a half hour in line. That is except for the free money the state, feds and red cross were handing out like candy.  Shit, Fema even called me and offered to give me a $10,000 grant to replace my fences.   Get that prick. Offered $10,000 to someone who is fully insured.  Yea sure Walter Reed only has 300 employess. You sick fuck. Stay up in your stupid country, keep your mouth off of mine. If there was a good doctor in Canada he would move to the US like the rest of the top 10% do. Cheap drugs and cheap doctors don't get it done for me. Socialist asshole.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 06, 2007 10:16 PM (wTIrf)

12 Rooster, you've really got to get off the black thing. You should hate people because of where they are from, not what color they are.

Posted by: wb at March 06, 2007 10:43 PM (dFKOS)

13 Right! When did the truth begin equaling hatred?  Are they now considered the same? Oh yea. I remember. The sixties. During my college days. Students then are running educational institutions now.  Half of UC Berkley was wacked out on drugs and other half didn't bathe. Fine group to pick our future academic administrators from. Once again, Pol Pot was right but his fix was a bit overboard.     Maybe. 

Posted by: greyrooster at March 07, 2007 08:13 AM (wTIrf)

14 No.... I'm pretty sure pol pot was just beyond fucked up. All I'm saying is don't label a screwed up circumstance by the color of the people, label it, slander it demean it hell nuke it for being the circumstance that it is and what brought it to be there. But leave my people alone..... wait, that was Charlton Heston and the Heabs....

Posted by: wb at March 07, 2007 09:20 AM (hiEju)

15 No.... it was Ronald Reagan in Bed Time for Bonzo..... I don't know who the hell said it.  I'm still thinking about Woogi's description.....

Posted by: wb at March 07, 2007 06:14 PM (hiEju)

16 It was a guy named Hitler the day before he destroyed Europe.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 07, 2007 11:28 PM (wTIrf)

17 he set out to take back the lands lost in WWI, humilate france and then destroy stalin. If he'd of gone the other direction first, I don't think it would of turned out the way it did. But, who ever wins gets to tell the story, that's why it's called "his-story"!

Posted by: wb at March 08, 2007 01:25 PM (I+UH4)

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