March 16, 2007

Maj Troy Gilbert's Body Desecrated in Video

Via Centcom:

SOUTHWEST ASIA — Recent news reports stated that the Islamic State of Iraq terrorist organization is releasing a video on Maj. Troy Gilbert’s death.

Major Gilbert was killed Nov. 27, 2006, when his F-16C crashed while he was supporting Coalition ground combat operations approximately 20 miles northwest of Baghdad.

He was positively identified and classified as killed in action through DNA analysis by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner. The identification was made from human remains recovered from the crash site. His body was removed from the crash site by anti-Coalition personnel before U.S. forces could arrive to secure the area.

“We are aware of the attempts by anti-Coalition forces to exploit Major Gilbert’s death. It is appalling and cowardly that they did not treat his remains with the respect deserved of an honorable warrior,” said Lt. Gen. Gary North, commander, United States Central Command Air Forces.

Major Gilbert was assigned to the 309th Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force Base, Ariz., and was deployed to the 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing at Balad Air Base, Iraq, at the time of his death.

The trailer, yes the terrorists release trailers for their sick videos, contains an image of Troy's ID(below the fold).

We were worried that when Troy's body was taken that the enemy would use it for propaganda purposes. This sounds similar to previous videos that the terrorist have released of american soldier's bodies being abused and descrated. This is a war crime under the Geneva Convention and the terrorists should be held to account.

We pray that Troy's remains are recovered and those who disrespected his remains are brought to justice.


Related posts on Troy here, here and here

We are working to obtain a copy of the video. We will make selected frame grabs available and copies available by request for those who need them.

Posted by: Howie at 10:10 AM | Comments (41) | Add Comment
Post contains 313 words, total size 3 kb.

1 This is why all dead Iragi goblins should be buried with a pig's foot stuff in his mouth.

Posted by: Fersboo at March 16, 2007 12:03 PM (x0fj6)

2 Are you proud of your minutemen now, Michael Moore?

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 16, 2007 12:12 PM (yJKSD)

3 You guys do know that American soldiers have done exactly the same thing right?

Posted by: John at March 16, 2007 01:03 PM (WSYwy)

4 You guys do know that American soldiers have done exactly the same thing right?

You are aware that you're a complete fucking moron, aren't you? 

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 16, 2007 02:08 PM (yJKSD)

5 Shut the fuck up, John! Damn, your hatred of America is mindblowing! Where is your evidence? Since when do our soldiers mutilate the dead and publish videos of it onto the web as a means of propoganda? You fucking piece of shit! How dare you compare our troops to aninals like these! I hope Haditha isn't your evidence. This is simply another attempt by insurgents to create a "Blackhawk Down" effect by acting like savages towards the dead and hoping for a similar reaction by the American people: lets leave! Simple as that. John, your desperate attempts to shit on America and its brave are so pathetic, and show that you are an oxygen thief and should have died in utero. Since we'll likely never meet in person, I can only hope that karma will deliver the justice I can't, and that you'll die slowly from stomach cancer. Fuck you asshole.  

Posted by: Jack's Smirking Revenge at March 16, 2007 02:10 PM (ou0cx)

6 Really John? US forces have violated the Geneva Convention by desecrating bodies of enemy soldiers?

(I was going to bait you into looking stupid. But today I feel some pity. See, militants out of uniform dispersing themselves among a civilian population are not protected by the Geneva Conventions.  There are strong reasons for that rule, but I'll let you figure them out. Hint: Geneva conventions are in part designed to minimize civilian casualties).

Posted by: wooga at March 16, 2007 02:11 PM (t9sT5)

7 well.... lets see, there was scalping, then taking of ears..... people get pretty fucked up in a war and do allot of crazy shit. unfortunatley, each side does, always. But with our troops, that sort of thing is the few and far between exception and not the rule. If it's any comfort, and I doubt it, the man's already dead and they can't hurt him anymore, just the rest of us that are still here by doing things to a bio mass that once played host to a great American.. The worst thing that can happen now is that his service is not honored and be remembered. That's why the job has to be finished. And if the sand fleas that got delight from antagonizing dead flesh are caught, the Gen Black Jack Pershing style execution seems fitting. It's time to take the fight to the enemy.

Posted by: wb at March 16, 2007 02:23 PM (tclwJ)

8 rooster?  That was beneath even you.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 16, 2007 03:56 PM (yJKSD)


I don't think that was Rooster. He's a proud racist but even he wouldn't go that far.


WB's a fat prick but Rooster wouldn't kill his family.

Posted by: Max Power at March 16, 2007 03:59 PM (TmLg9)


Also Carlos. I don't know how you deal with Rooster's racism towards hispanics. I'm not a racist and I salute you.

Posted by: Max Power at March 16, 2007 04:00 PM (TmLg9)

11 Max,

you're right.  It doesn't really sound like any of our two resident racists.  They aren't that malicious about it.

It's not hard dealing with racists like them because I consider racism to be largely irrelevant today.  Thirty-five years ago would have been a different story though.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 16, 2007 04:31 PM (yJKSD)

12 Carlos, I am glad to make your aquaintance. You are a man of good judgement.

Posted by: Mark at March 16, 2007 04:44 PM (isTfo)

13 John Doe, you choose you name wisely for you are a coward. It is only fitting that you would make such cruel and inhuman comments while skulking behind the famous non-identity. Wb is as American as they get, as far as I'm concerned. His points are well taken, and as Max points out even grayrooster doesn't hammer wb like you did. Rooster may even LIKE wb, but he wouldn't want us to know it. Your pretty disgusting.                                  USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 16, 2007 04:56 PM (2OHpj)

14 Carlos is brilliant, and I don't think people say it enough.  USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 16, 2007 04:57 PM (2OHpj)

15 wb, don't worry about it. He just proved your point with his filthy mind. He has put something else ahead of being an American, unlike you or I.  His values tell us all about him.         USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 16, 2007 04:59 PM (2OHpj)

16 Amen Carlos and Max. Amen!

Posted by: Max Power at March 16, 2007 05:03 PM (TmLg9)

17 I mean amen Carlos and Michael!

Posted by: Max Power at March 16, 2007 05:03 PM (TmLg9)

Thanks fellas.  Guys like you make me proud to be a righwinger. 

It's about the American way-- not race.  Got that, rooster?

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 16, 2007 05:12 PM (yJKSD)

19 Professor,
Your kind very words are most appreciated, but that's exactly the kind of crap I'm not worried about. I can dish it out and I can take what ever comes down the pipe back at me. That posters junk is just empty and foul, like a beer and egg fart.  I didn't repsond because there wasn't any idea or point behind it to toss around, not because that kind of stuff bothers me. But the thread isn't about me, it's about this great American soldier that we lost. If anything, I'm saddened that there's trash on it now. Maybe someone who can edit will take the tarnish from this thread, he deserves better. 

Posted by: wb at March 16, 2007 06:18 PM (/yRv1)

20 Nope not rooster. Someone from Florida.

Posted by: Darth Odie at March 16, 2007 07:24 PM (YHZAl)

21 Thanks for caring about him. WB

Posted by: wb at March 16, 2007 08:45 PM (/yRv1)

22 You know what's getting me p.o.'ed?  The fact that I am no longer shocked by news like this.  I'm angry, and eager to have our guys lay some serious hurt on the perps.  But ever since the first few murders, Pearl & the subsequent victims, the shock of hearing about things like this has progressively numbed down.  And I hate the jihadists for blunting my sensitivities like that.

Posted by: The Sanity Inspector at March 16, 2007 08:54 PM (T58ui)

23 Sanity,
It is a sad state of affairs when the action of so few can have an effect on so many in such a way. What will they do when they realize they can't scare us anymore?  Don't they realize each act of this type only strengthens the resolve to get the job done? How much sooner would WWII come to an end if we'd of gotten live feed from the death camps?  As much as the dems are demoralizing with their treasonus activities,  the terrorists are rallying the will and the might of the USA against themselves. I say let us see all that they do so that in the final hour there will be no hesitation or doubt as what must be done.

Posted by: wb at March 16, 2007 09:21 PM (/yRv1)

24 (i) I don't know what the fuck any of you are talking about. Someone spoofing me again.
Max Power: You're a lying shit. When have I ever say I am racist against hispanics. Dumb ass. Know what you're talking about before opening your shithole. Stupid bastard. Dip shits like you should check the archives so you know what the fuck you're talking about. Get your ass over to the lefturds blogs. That's the way you act. Assuming prick.
And fuck you Carlos. Your interpretation of the American way and mine may be different. My eyes are open enough to see how this nation is going. Taking the wishy, washy way ain't going to get done what needs to be done. If you would ever get off you ass and participate in the community around you as I do you may get a different feel for reality. I've spent my day with twenty kids most of which don't even know you their daddy is. Drove to Roy Jones, Jrs place. Picked up a bunch to T-shirts drove back and took twenty kids fishing. Then to my McDonalds Restaurant for dinner on me. Easy to talk shit when you do nothing but talk shit.
Strange that when I'm being spoofed (and I still haven't seen it) that a newbe black guy spotted it before any of you long time turkeys.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 16, 2007 10:57 PM (uy6LN)

25 Racism is not the American way.  Not anymore.  But that's ok, rooster.  I still love you.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 16, 2007 11:18 PM (yJKSD)

26 When you say Jorje?. But that's okay, I'm in a good mood today. Have a nice weekend.

Posted by: Max Power at March 17, 2007 06:54 AM (TmLg9)

27 Well it wasn't me. I live in the north.

Posted by: Max Power at March 17, 2007 06:55 AM (TmLg9)

28 If this sort of story pisses you off, watch this LiveLeak video. One of Mikey Moore's minute men tries to run a car bomb into an M1, but doesn't hit the detonator in time. What you're left with is a mangled wreck in the middle of the road with a breathing, but crushed and trapped jihadi holding a detonator to a couple hundred pounds of explosives. Ask yourself, what would you do? Then watch the video.

Posted by: BohicaTwentyTwo at March 17, 2007 08:53 AM (QEbPQ)

29 It's Jorge. See don't know nothing.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 17, 2007 10:02 AM (efieT)

30 And to top it off. I and my farm worker here (a Mexican  illegal) named Mundo will have to clean the boat because the good Christians had other things to do today. Soon as the cameras stopped. They stopped. Doesn't bother me to much as I have changed venue. Next time I'm going to take black muggers from New Orleans fishing and sink the boat. That way I'll get a new boat from the insurance company and I'll get rid of a dozen of New Orleans' finest. Cuse, I know where the big sharks are. A little chumming, pull the plug. flip the switch on the eprim.  Black dudes aren't the best swimmers. Particulary when you tell them that weight belts are life preservers.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 17, 2007 10:15 AM (efieT)

31 Rooster.  I deleted teh comments. They were nothing of substace.  racial slurs mostly.  I've reviewed most of th information on the video and the accomanying PDF.  I will update the post on monday. So far it's mostly a rerun of old stuff except for the ID.  the accompanying PDF is a peice of propaganda crap.   thye attempt to make it appear as though Maj.Gilbert was indescriminately attacking civilians, they have added some dead baby pics a la Hezbollah type propaganda.  The building they use as a setting is the same one in the footage al-jazeera footage. You know the one with 20 fighters all heavily armed with rpg's and possbly sa-7 missiles.  They have totally swisted the story to create a fictional account of war crimes.  The only new thing about the video portion is that it is of much higher quality than previous releases. It claims to be the original file and may well be.

As you may recall the major was supporting ground troops against these fighters.  They retreated and made a stand in this building. I have footage of the "victory" celebration to debunk it.  But what they have done is paint a very nasty fictional story around the events at the dead mans's expense.

I've had contact with several of Maj. Gilberts friends and comrades asking for copies and information when he crashed. There was one theme they all repeated.  Maj. Gilbert was of the highest character both on and off duty.  From what I gather he was a very nice as well as dedicated pilot.  He did his job well.

So they have used footage of his body in a propaganda film as well as besmirched his memory and reputation. This is not news or an independent production of some guys in the field simply recording what they have seen and using it.  This is a slick official al-Furqan (ISI/al-Qaeda) production for propaganda and recruting purposes.

There is not co-relation to official US news and propaganda. If you think differently then go here. You can use anonymous footage of battles that include those killed.  You cannot use identified corpses for anything other than strictly informational purposes. This is a war propaganda following and agenda  loosely disguised as information. They accuse Mr. Gilbert and America by association of deliberatly murding unarmed civilians who were just sitting there minding their own business.  All traces of arms and the fighters who were teh targets have been removed. 

Posted by: Howie at March 17, 2007 11:14 AM (YHZAl)

32 You want proof? Fuck me they grow them stupid in the USofA don't they?

Ever hear of a place called "Abu Ghraib"?

Oh wait... those people were still alive. Try these:

And then there was this little incident:,1284,1596556,00.html

Jesus panty-sniffing Christ. It's like talking to a sack of hammers. My bet is you will think all of this was fabricated to make the US look bad, but what you fail to realize is that it's folks like you who  would do the desecrating. That is if you weren't too scared to go yourselves.

Posted by: John at March 17, 2007 11:35 AM (S3Rzh)

33 Thanks Howie.

Posted by: Max Power at March 17, 2007 03:08 PM (TmLg9)

34 John: You muslim prick. Nothing happened at Abu Ghraib that doesn't happen at Marine Corps Boot camp. Most exxagerated bunch of bullshit in history.
the most important thing here is you are a sack of shit. By now everyone here knows it so your bullshit means nothing. So take it elsewhere. Piss on you. Your merely a cowardly little shit. Nothin you say has any bearing on anything on this blog. Or anywhere else. Again, you are shit. Nothing else.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 17, 2007 09:02 PM (XDiqx)

35 Howie: What pisses me so much is that if you recall My father was killed in action in 1943. A pilot in the Army Air Corps. A few pictures and a grave marker is all us kids had to remember him by. I fact I really don't even remember him at all since I was 2 yrs old at the time. I can relate to what Major Gilbert's family feels. Believe me you don't get over it in a few years. In fact you don't get over it at all. One time in Las Vega I had an unbeliveable urge to beat the shit out of a Japanese guy who made a minor comment about "this country". If he had not been from Japan I probably wouldn't have noticed his comment. Shows that the pain is still there after 63 years.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 17, 2007 09:16 PM (XDiqx)

36 chinese guy walks into a bar and sits and orders a drink. The guy sitting next to him says " hey, you know what today is? It's Pearl Harbor day" chinese guy says, " Yeah, so? " guy says " you got alot of nerve comin in here after what you people did . " chinese guy says " man, I'm chinese, that was the japanese"..." chinese, japanese it's all the same to me" the guy says and finishes his drink. chinese guy looks at him and says, " hey aren't you jewish?" guy says " yeah so what? " chinese guy says " you got alot of nerve sitting in here after what you people did to the Titanic"    " Idiot! That boat was sunk by an iceberg" the guy replies. chinese guy says" iceberg goldberg, it's all the same to me".

Posted by: wb at March 17, 2007 10:09 PM (s6CsG)

37 It's not just the price that our loved ones pay with their lives , it's the cost to the family. It's tough to hear that a man can go his whole life and still be brought to a raging  boil just by the right circumstances with a single sentence. Imagine that being in your everyday life and everyone that you knows life, add ignorance and dire poverty and all the things that go with being in a 4th world country and perhaps one would believe about anything. That's the difference between our great nation and over there. A man can at least go on with his life and do something rather than be consumed with hate and anger. The opportunity is what sets the US apart from anywhere else, that's why everyone wants to come here and that's why it's so incredible that anyone would ever not appreciate it. But you don't know what you have never known, maybe that's a good part of what fuels my pal roosters deep seated anger. He has known great loss and has known the suffering that goes with it. Maybe he resents people because they don't even try. That's understandable given that you had so much taken away from you to pay for that priveledge of having the chance to make it.   I don't think I'm going to stop screwing with you rooster, but I have a greater respect for where you're at even if I don't  care for how you approach things. We have more in common than you know. 

Posted by: wb at March 18, 2007 12:12 AM (s6CsG)

38 Hye john, what happened to those from abu graib, they were proseucuted uunder the uniform code of military justice. They are in prison.  I've seen what is on liveleak. Some of it outrages me, obviously not how I would expect soldier representing me to behave. Some of it is ok.  Like the say when the hit a vbied on a bridge.  Generally i don't like gore. Even some of the vids say for example bluto did offend me a bit.  But bluto is not the state or an active duty soldier.  I would hope our leadership woud talk to the troops about control of information and how two or three guys acting badly can affect the battle for hearts and minds.

Now that said the propganda I'm speaking of is Islamic State of Iraq/MSC/al-Qaeda propganda.  Approved and sponsored by the leadership thereof.  They will condone the creator, not prosecute he/they. I know it's a challenge for you to comprehend subtle stuff like that but I can wait. I got nothing but time, nothing but time. 

Posted by: Howie at March 18, 2007 08:24 AM (YHZAl)

39 Max: For what?

Darn I need to edit that comment up there.  sorry for all the typo's

Posted by: Howie at March 18, 2007 08:27 AM (YHZAl)


Fuck ya: Whose not consumed by hatre and anger?




And I still haven't seen or heard of what happend to the assholes at Abbu Ghraib that was so terrible. I guess specifics should be ignored.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 19, 2007 06:46 AM (jNRRK)


wb: Do you really think that you will give more than you receive? You wouldn't be the first to try. When it comes get down insults I am the champ. No quarter, not mercy.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 19, 2007 06:49 AM (jNRRK)

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