February 21, 2007

Iraq Roundup

So, CNNJazeera did a pretty good job digging up every piece of bad news from Iraq today. Let’s see…

CNN: • A bomber wearing a suicide vest detonated his explosives in a funeral tent on eastern Baghdad's Palestine Street, killing five and wounding 15 others. The attack took place before 5 p.m.
• In southwestern Baghdad, a car bomb exploded outside a fuel station in the Sadiya district, killing six people and wounding 11 more, police said.
• In southern Baghdad, police said, a car bomb exploded near a market in the Rashid district, leaving five dead and seven wounded.
• In Tikrit, a would-be suicide bomber wearing an explosives vest was shot and killed by authorities outside an Iraqi army recruitment center, police said. Tikrit is about 80 miles north of the Iraqi capital in Salaheddin province.

In other developments, Iraqi police reported finding 20 bodies across Baghdad on Monday.

Twenty dead is still too many, but it is way down from just a couple weeks ago. Over the last year until just before the new security plan began, it up to one hundred found dead each day. Why they fail to emntion this is anyone's guess.

So what else happened in Iraq, that didn’t make CNN today? Turns out, quite a bit. What was wrong with these stories? I’m not sure, maybe because no one died and nothing blew up I guess.

See below the fold because they are long and I want to run them unaltered. AL QAEDA IN IRAQ OPERATIONS INTERDICTED BY IA, 2-7 CAVALRY IN NINEWA

MOSUL, Iraq - Company D, 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Soldiers, teamed with 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 4th Brigade, 2nd Iraqi Army Division and conducted a raid on 12 houses in the Rashidayah Neighborhood, targeting known safe houses for AQIZ members on Feb. 14.

D Co. entered the neighborhood and began detaining targeted individuals and other persons identified as anti-Iraqi forces, while 4th Brigade, 2nd Iraqi Army Division troops established blocking positions to isolate the objective.

Seven individuals were detained along with seven AK-47 magazines, rounds for a DsHK machine gun, two pistols and ammunition, 92 identification cards and $50,000 in Iraqi Dinar.

IA soldiers continue to team with Coalition forces in rooting out the sources and funding for insurgent terrorist acts in the Ninewa Province.

CAMP FALLUJAH, Iraq - Local citizens and Iraqi Police denied an al Qaeda in Iraq convoy entry into Jumaylah, 60 km west of Baghdad, early Feb. 20, firing on the convoy and detonating a suicide truck bomb that injured one Iraqi Police officer, one civilian and the bomber.

U.S. Army Soldiers from the 3rd Battalion, 509th Infantry (Airborne) responded to the attack where Iraqi Police were already on the scene.

An Iraqi officer reported that AQI terrorists seeking a safe haven within the town near Karmah had been threatening the citizens over the past several months. The citizens responded by forming a check point within the town to deny AQI any sanctuary.

At about 4 a.m., an Iraqi Policemen attempted to stop the seven-vehicle convoy from entering the town. When the convoy continued, local civilians manning the checkpoint opened fire and one vehicle equipped as a car bomb exploded.

The injured Iraqi officer was medically evacuated to a coalition hospital. The civilian injured in the attack received minor injuries and was treated on the scene by Coalition Forces.

"The leaders and soldiers of 3/509 applaud the citizens of Jumaylah and others in Karmah who are ready to stand against the terrorists," said Maj. Paul Edgar, 3/509 executive officer. "They are the true heroes and patriots of Iraq."

The driver of the vehicle used as a car bomb survived the incident and was transported by Coalition Forces to the Joint Coordination Center in Fallujah for questioning where he was later identified as a Syrian national. Iraqi Security Forces and Coalition Forces are currently attempting to locate the remaining insurgents involved in the incident.

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Coalition Forces killed seven terrorists and detained 13 others while performing raids Wednesday targeting al-Qaeda terrorists and those supporting foreign fighters and vehicle-borne improvised explosive device cells.

Intelligence reports indicated terrorists involved in foreign fighter facilitation and the manufacturing of VBIEDs were operating in Ramadi, Fallujah and Baqubah.
Coalition Forces in an area northwest of Ramadi targeted a building believed to house terrorists involved with foreign fighter activities.

Ground forces were immediately confronted by two armed terrorists who refused to surrender. Ground forces killed the two terrorists.

Meanwhile, four more terrorists were attempting to flee the area. Coalition Forces observed they were armed with AK-47s, hand grenades and vests containing magazines. After multiple failed attempts to get the terrorists to surrender, Coalition Forces killed the four terrorists.

Ground forces detained seven suspected terrorists at the site and destroyed the weapons and grenades, preventing further use by terrorists.

Also on the scene were 13 women and 26 children. None of them were harmed during the raid.

During the raid south of Baqubah, three individuals fled the scene as Coalition Forces arrived. One individual was detained without incident; however, another individual lunged at ground forces. Ground forces used proper self-defense measures and killed the terrorist. The third individual crossed the river and escaped. While investigating the scene, Coalition Forces discovered AK-47s, magazines, body armor and a suicide vest. They seized all items to prevent future use by terrorists.

Coalition Forces targeting terrorists involved with a foreign fighter facilitator network in Fallujah detained four suspected terrorists without incident. "Foreign terrorist facilitators and terrorists involved in the production of IEDs are killing innocent Iraqis daily and are trying to prevent the peace and stability Iraqi citizens deserve. Coalition Forces will continue to successfully disrupt foreign fighter activities around Iraq," said Lt. Col. Christopher Garver, an MNF-I spokesperson.

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The Central Criminal Court of Iraq convicted 23 security detainees from Feb. 11 - 17, for various crimes including possession of illegal weapons, possessing fake identification, passport violations and illegal border crossing.

The trial court found a Moroccan man guilty of Article 24 of the Iraqi Penal Code for illegal boarder crossing. On Dec. 29, 2004, The defendant crossed the border into Iraq and was apprehended by Iraqi Boarder Patrol (IBP).

After being questioned by IBP, the defendant was further questioned upon suspicion of being a suicide bomber affiliated with Al Qaeda, these suspicions were validated. The defendant was then transferred to MNF custody. On Feb. 11 the trial panel found the defendant guilty and sentenced him to life imprisonment.

The trial court found two Iraqi men guilty of illegal possession of special category weapons in violation of Order 3/2003 Section 6, Paragraph 2B. On Dec. 10, 2006, MNF detained the defendants during a security patrol near Haditha after spotting suspicious antennas on the roof of the defendants' house. Inside the house MNF found ID making material, a timer, a circuit tester and an HK magazine. MNF then searched two sheds within the compound and found numerous rifles, handguns, explosives, hand grenades, ammunition and military radios. On Feb. 13 the trial panel found the defendants guilty and sentenced them each to 30 years imprisonment.

The trial court found four Iraqi men guilty of illegal possession of special category weapons in violation of Order 3/2003 Section 6, Paragraph 2B. On Nov. 15, 2006, MNF were conducting a targeted sweep near Turki Village. MNF saw one defendant carrying a pistol. MNF then chased after him when he ran away. MNF soon came under attack from a shed and one American soldier was killed. MNF defended themselves and killed one of the insurgents and captured three others. The original defendant who had the pistol was apprehended by another team of soldiers nearby. Inside the shed and on its roof were a total of four AK-47s, six hand grenades, one PKC heavy machine gun, dozens of Republican Guard uniforms and 16 AK-47 magazines loaded with armor piercing rounds along with other weapons. All the defendants tested positive for explosives residue. On Feb. 14 the trial panel found all the defendants guilty and sentenced them each to 30 years imprisonment.

Those convicted of passport violations, possessing and using false ID's, illegal boarder crossing and illegal possession of special category weapons were, sentenced from between two years to life imprisonment.

Those convicted totaled 19 Iraqis and one each from Egypt, Morocco, Sudan and Yemen.

Since its reorganization, under an amendment to CPA order 13, in April 2004, the Central Criminal Court has held 1,888 trials for Coalition-apprehended insurgents. The proceedings have resulted in the conviction of 1,630 individuals with sentences ranging up to death.

Much more here at Centcom’s press release site.

Posted by: Howie at 02:56 PM | Comments (16) | Add Comment
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1 Howie also another helicopter was shot down, a Blackhawk. Fortunately no one was killed but these helicopter losses seem to be occuring more frequently.
It was posted on CNN at about 3:30

Posted by: JOHN RYAN at February 21, 2007 05:55 PM (TcoRJ)

2 Damn it. I still don't understand why these muslim retards are blowing each other up. How do you expect to win someone to your side by blowing his kid to kingdom come. Just doesn't make sense.  Where is the payoff? Get these Islamic bastards out of our country before it starts here.

Posted by: greyrooster at February 21, 2007 06:50 PM (MMhDt)


i just want to see what the moron comes up with for "shoogie woogie"


Posted by: shoogie woogie at February 21, 2007 07:26 PM (AeRA2)

4 One thing I've noticed is that the suicide bombers seem to be losing some of their lethality, lately the majority seem to only kill 2-5 people versus the 120-150 kill quagmirefests that the MSM was reporting earlier in the year. Even with new toys like the chlorine bombs the kill counts have been much lower the last few days. Do you think the bombers may be detonating early at checkpoints or have to choose smaller groups to attack because their usual hunting grounds are denied?

Posted by: maxh at February 21, 2007 07:32 PM (JePW9)

5 Thanks for all the neat updates--thank God for sites like this where we can find the whole story, which is all we ask for.  Bad things do happen in Iraq, fine, but goodnes, there is much good as well...and the security clamp down is working.

God bless our brave men and women--so proud of their service. And God bless the Iraqi people and their armed forces--how admirably have they endured the murderers in their midst. 

You bastards in AQ!  You will pay--there is no escape; you will leave Iraq dimmoralized and diminished, and many of you will meet the God you claim to serve, but serve Him not.

Posted by: Richard Romano at February 21, 2007 07:52 PM (/2Xsz)


osamaisawigger is shoogie woogie. Shooger wigger is closer to the truth. Now get them chicken wings. Boy!

Posted by: greyrooster at February 21, 2007 08:12 PM (MMhDt)

7 It's not hard really. The links to these stories are right next the the casualty counts.  I shit you not. It's so easy that even Howie can do it. Shame shame MSM, CNNjazeera.

Posted by: Darth Odie at February 21, 2007 08:34 PM (YHZAl)

8 I suppose if we didn' t report the deaths and the destruction and the bombings we could all pretend we are having "enormous successes" huh?

Posted by: civil behavior at February 21, 2007 10:06 PM (S1/Ta)

9 Jeff Bargholz is greyrooster's Bohemian butt-buddy. They give each other wrap-arounds while sticking their asses up in the air for Muslim prayers. That sort of flagrant Islamism should be outlawed.

Jane, all the way!

Posted by: Darth Vag at February 21, 2007 11:28 PM (b0FZu)

10 Civil behavior ... All our losses in Iraq amount to about a single day during WW2. We are only losing here at home where weak minded idiots and the misinformed buy into your sick defeatist mythology.  The FACT that your kind do more damage to our progress than the terrorists makes me think of you as a full blown traitor. The longer you spew, the longer this will take. the longer it takes, the more we spend in blood and resources. The more we spend, the more you spew. if you weren't part of the cycle this would be a lot quicker, and cleaner. Your kind disgust me when I can't just ignore you.  
                                USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at February 22, 2007 08:09 AM (2OHpj)

11 Do you sheeple still believe that al Qaeda and the US government are
really enemies? Wake up, you bunch of dumbasses, and realise that they
are in league with one another. George Bush is a traitor along with
every member of congress, and they should all be tried and executed

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at February 22, 2007 09:02 AM (eGb9y)

12 Snivil Behaviour.  I reported both the good and the bad, didn't I?  Got a problem with that?

Posted by: Darth Odie at February 22, 2007 09:30 AM (YHZAl)

13 Darth Fag: Better Jeff than your butt mate. John Ryan.

Posted by: greyrooster at February 22, 2007 10:43 AM (2ZN97)

14 I know who Gayrooster's real butt buddy is:


Posted by: osamabinhiding at February 22, 2007 02:13 PM (ZxuJ4)

15 Boogie Moolie:
Jeff Bargholz seems to have the terrorists and moonbats here in a neurotic dither.

Could you faggots be any more terrified?

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 23, 2007 01:56 AM (Dt3sl)

16 Darth Fag:

Do you have a point to make? Besides your incurable stupidity, I mean.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at February 23, 2007 01:57 AM (Dt3sl)

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