. Even if the authority is an A$$hole.
Hate to say it, but the guy needs to retain a lawyer.
This is pure and simple assault with a deadly weapon.
Amazing that if this guy was Black, the Feds and the media would be all over it.... sad...
Posted by: Romeo13 at May 19, 2007 01:02 PM (v1/4E)
Amazing that if this guy was Black, the Feds and the media would be all over it.... sad...It would be a hate crime, there would be rioting in the streets a la south central L.A., people would be losing their jobs over it, Liberals would be apologizing for slavery, and I guarantee you gays would be getting in on the action too. But white male gets brutalized and he's accused of whining.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at May 19, 2007 01:26 PM (8e/V4)
Check over at A Soldier's Perspective. A moment of it was caught on his cellphone. He and his wife are asking to get the word out and have form letters with addresses to news organizations.
Posted by: Sharm at May 19, 2007 02:17 PM (q51o4)
I don't want to be down on police but it seems there are a lot of people who for whatever reason want to be cops so they can be a prick. We need some sort of asshole screening process to filter out the rectums.
Posted by: Howie at May 19, 2007 05:26 PM (YHZAl)
Asshole screenings would be hard to implement because the rectums are in charge, and police policy in virtually all large police departments is designed to prey on the public rather than to protect it. Officer "safety" comes first, revenue raising arrests and tickets of John Q. comes second and avoiding actual high crime areas comes third. Power trips and poor educations among officers are the norm.
Ombudsmen who answer to the communities they represent would be a good start. Complete policy overhauls are what's necessary. The public needs an efficient means of redressing the glaring problems inherent in our SS style law enforcement. Apologists for police thuggery are part of the overall problem. (Most of them are cops, or related to cops, natch.) We need police departments that are required to protect the public, not a brotherhood of assholes acting out juvenile fantasies.
Wonder if these thugs will use the twinkie defense. They're hoggish enough, that's for sure.
Posted by: Muhammad Wasa Fuquad at May 19, 2007 06:45 PM (P6kNY)
Hmm....Constables you mean. We used to have a cop and a constable. The cop and the constable were allowed to use judgement and the community opinion. Now we have guys who are bound by "policy" to "enforce the law" who drive by and send you to the count cash register. Our town gets phththtth.
Posted by: Howie at May 19, 2007 10:08 PM (YHZAl)
Yea man! A black man could have made money on this one. Then the local wal-mart could have its big screen tvs swiped. A few rapes of white women. 12 car burnings and a 18 million dollars payment to the victim. But alas! He's only a white soldier serving in Iraq. Nothing will happen. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are jigaboos and any white leader who rises to the cause of white victims will be called bigots, racists, KKKrs and stromtroopers. Meanwhile blacks continue to gather under the banner of Islam. AKA lets get those white motha fuckas.
Posted by: greyrooster at May 21, 2007 08:38 AM (q7s2f)
What? No comments from the brothas?
Posted by: greyrooster at May 21, 2007 04:28 PM (dHAkw)
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