July 20, 2006

Still Banned in India, Why It Still Matters, & How You Can Still Help

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India is still censoring this website. Apparently, India considers making fun of terrorists and their Islamist supporters more dangerous than the terrorists themselves. We are #2 on India's list of 17 websites that are being censored.

India reemphasized the ban today. Contrary to MSM reports, the only retreat was from the broader domain level ban, which was instituted by ISPs in India as a way to follow the directive to ban this and other websites.

You can see a copy of the document ordering us shut down in India here. The U.S. websites were banned because they are anti-Islamist in orientation. I am told that the other websites were either Hindu nationalists, advocated for the rights of the lower castes, or were anti-Communist in orientation.

How you can help

We ask that you write your Congressperson about India's actions against those of us on the web who fight the dangers of sharia, political Islam, and the institution of blasphemy laws.

You can contact the Indian Embassy here.

Also, we ask that you call in to local and national talk-radio shows so that this will begin to receive wider press.

Please read our original post Why The Jawa Report Was Banned in India and Why it Matters here. If you are a blogger, please link to that post to show your solidarity with the Band of the Banned. If you are a reader, please drop a comment into the comment section of that post.

We appreciate all of the support that we have been getting. This would not hurt if it were Pakistan or Saudi Arabia banning us. We have been longtime supporters of India and will continue to support India in spite of this slap in the face by her government.

The Band of the Banned

*Exposing the Left (aka, OpiniPundit--called 'dangerous' in Indian press)
*The Pirate's Cove
*Merri Musings (Indian government banned her old website, now abandond--also, the lovely bride of The Jawa Report's Editor-in-Chief, Vinnie)
*Princess Kimberly (now defunct)
*Editors in Pajamas
*Commonfolk Using Commonsense (their old website banned)
*My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

UPDATE: We got shirts!

Posted by: Rusty at 11:57 PM | Comments (73) | Add Comment
Post contains 372 words, total size 3 kb.

1 WOW!!! Defunct or not, I'm so honored to be banned!!! Hacked is one thing, banned is just righteously cool!!!

Posted by: Princess Kimberley at July 20, 2006 03:21 PM (hph70)

2 I just created a cafepress ring-t if anyone is interested...


Posted by: Editor at July 20, 2006 03:56 PM (adpJH)

3 Pakistan IS banning you, as most blogs are banned there now and have been since Spring. You might be surprised to know that many Pakistanis would like to have the right to see your site, even if they don't agree with you. And now the Indian bloggers are talking to the Pakistani bloggers who have more experience in bypassing bans.

You do know, don't you that not only is YOUR blog blocked in India, almost all Indian blogs are blocked as well.

With a direct link to your website on the wiki that the Indian bloggers are using, you should get a lot of traffic. You should post up a nice welcome

Posted by: Publia at July 20, 2006 04:51 PM (l++uZ)

4 I just read about a dozen news articles (not blogs) suggesting that the "17 blogs" triggered the banning of all blogspot in India, because they didn't know how to ban individual blogs? So, you're telling me that we "The 17" are responsible for raining on a fuzzy blogger parade for millions of bloggers??? The one newspaper said that we were banned because we pit muslim against non muslim. You're damn right we did! There's a war raging with islam, or haven't you noticed?

Pakistan can just kiss my infidel ass.

Posted by: Princess Kimberley at July 20, 2006 05:26 PM (hph70)

5 I would post a nice welcome if my defunt blog wasn't occupied by a Kenny Rogers loving muslim.

Posted by: Princess Kimberley at July 20, 2006 05:31 PM (hph70)

6 Why couldn't we have been banned in Turkey instead? It would have saved alot of headache.

Posted by: Vinnieâ„¢ - Editor In Chief Pro Temporeâ„¢ at July 20, 2006 05:54 PM (/qy9A)

7 Stop suggesting that anything I have to say is rooted in "neutrality" towards U.S. wars. How completely unserious can you be?

If you actually think that Al-Jazeera is one of our enemies then you are overtly taking a stand against liberty (once again). That position cannot be justified in any serious way. By your logic the likes of Helen Thomas or Amy Goodman of Democracy Now are "enemies" and legitimate targets.

Who would have thought that a former Watergate criminal and Goldwater Republican (John Dean) would now be making far more sense than you, and in so doing, popularizing a very useful literature on the authoritarian personality, which you have demonstrated in abundance since our last burger together.

Posted by: Professor Peter von Nostrand at July 20, 2006 06:24 PM (Bwpq7)

8 Indian Government is run by communist and dictators. Freedom of speech is supressed. Politicans are abusing freedom of common Indian.

Half of Indian cabinet is consist of criminals and some are even rapist. Person who had ordered ban is actually lead mafia in Tamil Nadu, he is also harrassing industralist and media. He is trying to gain full control of media.

India citizens are going through worst period.

Posted by: Radha at July 20, 2006 06:26 PM (6mUkl)

9 Enough already about India/banning/Jawa!!!!

How many topic posts do we need on the same fuckin' subject! Am I the only one to believe all this has become obsessive? How much time can one spend essentially talking about ones self and patting each other on the back!

What is this - the jawa rap? We be bad uhuh uhuh we be bad ...

Posted by: hondo at July 20, 2006 06:49 PM (MVgHp)

10 You must have missed my post from last night, hondo.

Posted by: Vinnie - Editor In Chief Pro Temporeâ„¢ at July 20, 2006 06:55 PM (/qy9A)

11 Lighten up Hondo. As far as bloggers go this is about as big a deal as any will ever get. A day or so of Freudendschade is not only expected it's neccessary.

Posted by: traderrob at July 20, 2006 07:01 PM (3al54)

12 Or is it Schadenfreude, who knows, 4 years of german and I don't know sh!t.

Posted by: traderrob at July 20, 2006 07:13 PM (3al54)

13 Cut us some freakin slack Hondo.

Posted by: RS at July 20, 2006 07:22 PM (simOF)

14 Rusty: Whats the big deal? We know that the Indian Government is merely pacifying the muslims in India.
India is slowly losing its identity to the muslim who threaten and riot and kill. Just please when the muslims are in charge don't the rest of you come here. Stay in your own countries.

Peter Von Nostril: You asshole.

Posted by: greyrooster at July 20, 2006 07:26 PM (QdgAo)

15 Professor, eat shit and die, or die and forget the meal. Or leave this blog and never come back. I'll settle for the latter.

Posted by: jesusland joe at July 20, 2006 07:36 PM (rUyw4)

16 I think the problem is many people leaving ignorant comments that are a bit harsh towards Islam. As you know, there has been a lot of sectarian violence in India. And I don't think they want radicals to get crazy and do some bad $hit. Greyrooster, it's not only the Muslims who are committing violent acts, the Hindu population has done some crazy stuff too. Jesusland Joe, he's right. Al-Jazeera has every right to show whatever they want. Denmark got to publish their cartoons and all of those neo-nazis and white supremacists in Europe and the US get to publish a lot of BS.

Posted by: Some Dude at July 20, 2006 07:45 PM (llVQM)

17 The company this blog keeps speaks loudly and clearly. Rusty, you enable these freaking dorks every time you offer up a solemnly toned post on the evils of whatever.

At least they aren't out torturing some poor girl scout while they're leaving a comment... but I have my suspicions of how the rest of their spare time is spent.

Either way... you enable their hate.

Dude, you're like that old white supremist guy in American History X. You know, the one who eventually gets his ass kicked by Edward Norton.

Posted by: Professor Peter von Nostrand at July 20, 2006 07:54 PM (Bwpq7)

18 Professor Van Nostrand I have come to the inescapable conclusion that you are a well spoken imbecile.

Posted by: traderrob at July 20, 2006 07:59 PM (3al54)

19 Let's all remember this. Throwing a chair starts a riot. So let's just through chairs at the Indian embassies. I learned this from the Boondocks! It worked!

Posted by: Some Dude at July 20, 2006 08:02 PM (llVQM)

20 I dunno I think if Hindus come around kicking muslim ass it says loads about muslims. Hindus are not going to just kill you becuase they don't like you. You have to need killing pretty bad for them to get that upset.

Posted by: Howie at July 20, 2006 08:10 PM (TDG1M)

21 Professor, it is not hate I feel for you, but pure unadulterated disgust. And you, professor, would be the sorry son of a bitch who would protect the bastard that tortured a poor little girl. So STFU on that subject.

Afraid of the truth, huh, professor, so silence everyone who doesn't agree with you. Well, our days of silence are over, Peter, and you wackademics are pissed. HaHa! After we deal with the terrorists, Peter, you and your kind need to be removed from the public payroll.

Posted by: jesusland joe at July 20, 2006 08:22 PM (rUyw4)

22 Perfesser Nostril Von Turdburger IV is an admitted, unabashed supporter of muslim terroris and a piece of shit traitor who probably hopes that when the muslims take over he'll get to be one's manbitch. Rusty has truly questionable taste in friends.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at July 20, 2006 09:52 PM (v3I+x)

23 Not to run down the bloggers, I enjoy reading the regulars and the chosen who have the keys but...I don't know man. I'm coming down with Hondo on this; India-Shiminda.I have my own problems and these people who govern India will not be able to keep a lid on free speech very long. Too much sizzle in this country, they will loose the war to impose the Professor's views on India.

My big concerns are a wife who wants to stay at home rather than work. I come home and my house looks like the neighborhood daycare? Of course, the parents of these kids are......WORKING!!!!! 3 kids in Privet school..... This whole India thing.... I can't help ya. Fighting wars on 3 fronts as it is.

The professor sounds like the guy who put the call into Rusty's interviewer when he was up for the dream job and let them know he was off plantation.
Your right Joe, India can try to put the genie back into the bottle, but the professor won't find many followers who want to ban free speech here. Get a better argument professor; you come off as pretty weak.

Posted by: Brad at July 20, 2006 11:16 PM (6mUkl)

24 I have one in private school, one in public school, and one in college. I know exactly what you mean, Brad. But shitheads like this professor get my dander up. Just who the hell does he think he is? And why does he think his opinion is something someone on this blog, or anywhere for that matter, would care about? Typical liberal asshole.

Posted by: jesusland joe at July 20, 2006 11:26 PM (rUyw4)

25 Ya, after a bottle of red wind and some great grilled PORK!!(Really), beans and rice, The Prof. comes across as a jerk.

It's funny that they think Bush is Hitler, but calls to ban speech always come from the left.

I'll leave the rest to the brains here. Looks to me like he's getting his ass kicked real good.
Does he know Greyrooster went to Berkley? Probably thinks he's fencing with a Mississippi State C student, liberal prick that he is

Posted by: Brad at July 20, 2006 11:43 PM (6mUkl)

26 This comment was banned in India!

Posted by: Pixy "142 Mexican Whooping Llamas" Misa at July 21, 2006 12:04 AM (FRalS)

27 Well, that's weird.

Posted by: Pixy at July 21, 2006 12:05 AM (FRalS)

28 Oh, there they are.  Why is the time off by an hour?  Or whatever?

Posted by: Pixy at July 21, 2006 12:06 AM (FRalS)

29 New comment system.

Posted by: Pixy at July 21, 2006 12:11 AM (FRalS)

30 Perfessor nostrum:

If you actually think that Al Jazeera is one of our friends and a beacon of liberty and journalistic integrity, you are a moron. Of course, despite being a moron, you know full well that Al Jazeera is nothing but televised jihad propaganda. You disingenuously support any organization or individual that envies America's well earned place as the world's premiere country--no matter how vile those greenies may be. That position cannot be justified in any serious way. Only moral reprobates hate America. You're in good company with the "Honor"-killing, gang-rape advocates at Al Jazeera.

You yearn for an authoritarian socialist regime--the only kind of socialist regime possible. Your projection of authoritarianism on Rusty is hypocritical and transparent. I'm surprised you didn't call him a Nazi. You have to save something for your next impotent diatribe, I suppose.

Your constant attempts to draw moral equivalencies between muslims--the worst criminals in history--and civilized people is repulsive. Yeah, "white people" are the problem. A fictional character from a movie is more dangerous and depraved than the genocidal, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, slave raiding, cultural sociopaths of islam. Are you going to put a "fatwa" on Rusty?

You're beneath contempt. You typify the flabby intellect of the unprincipled, anti-American left--you must be so proud.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at July 21, 2006 12:30 AM (jwbRD)

31 Some Dude:

Hindus, Danes and Neo-Nazis do not: fly planes into buildings, decapitate construction workers on video, strap bombs to their own children and send them off to murder innocents, murder their own daughters, mothers, sisters wives and other female relatives for forgetting to wear their bodybag burkas, gang rape "infidel" women and boys, destroy their own countries, wipe their asses with their bare hands or smell worse than camels.

Yeah, whitey is the real cuase of the world's problems. White people are evil--except for the white people who make up the overwhelming majority of muslims, of course. They force muslims to follow the koran and commit atrocity after atrocity. They must be stopped.

What's the inspiration for your screen name? Your favorite dish?

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at July 21, 2006 12:44 AM (jwbRD)

32 Why is the domain registered in Nicaragua ? any reasons ?

Posted by: vic at July 21, 2006 12:50 AM (iSAUZ)

33 Old comment system.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at July 21, 2006 01:11 AM (FRalS)

34 Okay, it's a timezone/daylight saving issue.

Let's try a brute-force fix for now.

Posted by: Pixy at July 21, 2006 01:21 AM (FRalS)

35 Yeah, that'll do.

Posted by: Pixy at July 21, 2006 01:25 AM (FRalS)

36 Okay, let's see how it goes!

Posted by: Pixy at July 21, 2006 01:28 AM (FRalS)

37 Guys, you are lucky to be banned, that is from my perspective, for you got visibility, and you have nothing to lose in this case, these blogs are not about India. I would never have visited your blogs, but for the bans.

As to the reason of bans, it is confusing. Only one sight is not anti-left, and has good relations with leftists, though they are bit extreme . All others seem to contain some disagreement to the left, but these are so insignificant to the leftists. I hope they are as dumb to think these blogs are important enough to be banned. I would also like if some freak was trying out how it would be ban blogs.

Whatever, enjoy more traffic for few days.

Posted by: From India at July 21, 2006 01:42 AM (G5whA)

38 Don't sweat it, Rusty.

Almost all non-Muslims in India know what time it is and don't need My Pet Jawa to inform them of the horrors of Islamofacism.. they face it everyday. I even think the retards at SepiaMutiny know it but are just too PC-mindfucked/ BDS-suffering to admit it.

Glory in the increased publicity & traffic. Keep getting the truth out.

Thanks for keeping the rest of the world informed.

Posted by: Raj Malhotra at July 21, 2006 08:24 AM (s7Ian)

39 I love the mypetjava.mu.nu address that is actve. That is great.

Posted by: William Teach at July 21, 2006 09:13 AM (IRsCk)

40 I just discovered you guys - why the outrage about the India ban on criticizing radical Islam? Try it out here or in Denmark - the whole world is mortally scared of the terrorists,99% of whom are radical islamists! Ever since their prophet Mohammed proclaimed the moslem faith it was also a way of life and political system-they are inseparable and incompatible with democracy of any sort. Ever since the moslem countries invaded christian countries, converted their subjects to moslems, tortured at the stake, raped and kidnapped women and children to ever increase their territory and population. No wonder everybody is scared - we have a 500 years of recent history of the Ottoman Empire to remind us of it. And an abundance of naturalized moslem citizens in the western countries to enable takeover when they reach critical mass. Look what they are doing when they are only a small minority in those countries -they have more rights, including the right to impose on the majority their religion freedom and the defend of it - the Christianity is persecuted and mocked 24/7! Thank God for the democracy in our country that is soooo helpful to the terrorists in their gaining access thru unprotected borders,secret banking that enables their financing and secret deals with them for "strategis reasons"! You are right -what harm can a blog be? It is monitored everywhere, I am sure! But ban it? Yes, they must be scared, because the secret dealings could be exposed, political survival could be jepardized and the new financial-military-industrial complex of the new world government could collapse. But how do we live as equals with people who are ready to die for their beliefs, while all we want is uniterrupted oil supply and reality shows to go on into the summer? I've checked the history, it is not possible. Unless there is something I don't know, taking the high moral ground in foreign policy and appeasment/rewarding radical behavior and blackmail is not working. It will be tested in near future, when the historic"you are either with us or against us" will reveal that any moslem vows loyalty to their faith and the country of origin or broader moslem affiliation. Inability and unwillingness to assimilate in their adoptive countries is calculated and planned. I am not an optimist. But I am ready to fight for my beleifs.

Posted by: Jenny at July 21, 2006 10:10 AM (YKst3)

41 Damn right, Jenny. You go, girl!

Posted by: jesusland joe at July 21, 2006 10:22 AM (rUyw4)

42 You know, the thing that sucks is that none of those sites, including
the Jawa report, seem to be banned in Iran. We get tagged in India, but
not Iran.

I was playing with proxy IP's, checking India ones, yesterday, and ran
across a couple Iranian ones. All our sites worked a-ok. I know,
because I tried to do a refresh on the political forum I play on, and
got a blocked message.

Posted by: William Teach at July 21, 2006 10:40 AM (IRsCk)

43 First of all, many Muslim terrorist groups are either a.)Leftist/Marxist(PFLP) b.) Wahhabi(al-Qaeda) c.)Khomeinist(Hizballah) or d.)Seperatist(BLA). Muslim invaders were in fact very tolerant of Christians. The Ottomans never destroyed any Christian relics in Constantinople. They let Christians practice freely but they had to pay a tax because they couldn't join the military. Can you name a single country that has a Muslim minority in power and has a bad human rights record? Democracy has worked in Muslim world. Turkey made that transition from a bureaucratic monarchy to a secular democracy. Bangladesh, a Muslim country, is a young democracy that is doing very well right now. Jordan held elections and are creating a parliamentary monarchy. And lastly, there is Pakistan. Democracy has been restroed. Elections were held in 2002 for parliament, and next year not only will people vote for parliament, but also for their president. It seems Musharraf has some confidence. If you go back to the beginning of Islam, after Muhammad(pbuh) died. The Muslim community took a vote to decide who would be his successor. Abu Bakr was chosen. It took Christianity 1800 years to establish it's first democratically elected government, and it has take Islam 1400 years to do so. Islam is coming into the modern world.

Posted by: Some Dude at July 21, 2006 11:48 AM (llVQM)

44 Can you name one muzzie majority nation with a literacy rate above 80%?

Muzzies - haven't contributed anything recent to society... World's biggest leaches!

Posted by: Barney Coppersmith at July 21, 2006 12:32 PM (2BOvC)

45 Some Dude:  You speak from an very ignorant position in regards to
Muslim "tolerance" of other religions.  They had to pay a tax
because they couldn't join the military?


And the rest of your statements totally ignore facts on the
ground.  Large portions of these countries are lawless and either
law enforcement is afraid to enter those areas or the ones present are
part of the problem.  And they've been that way for a long time -
democracy or not.  For example, South Lebanon, Pakistan's border
with Afghanistan and Kashmir, Eastern Turkey, and the Muslim
Brotherhood in Jordan is quite influential.  These are only a
few.  Going through the superficial motions of giving the
appearance of being democratic isn't enough.  Law must be imposed
and maintained.  While even parts of Iraq are lawless, at least
something is being done about it.

Posted by: Oyster at July 21, 2006 12:41 PM (cJvIk)

46 Someone purporting to post from India just posted on one of the "fatwad" blogs that Muslims form the single largest voting block in India! IS this true? If so, why the disputes between India and Pakistan over Muslim intrusion in Kasmir?
I thought Hindu's outnumbered Muslims by a WIDE MARGIN.
Also I wanted to e-mail the Indian government, but can't decipher that code (especially the third from the left symbol, or letter or number.
I really never thought I'd see the day that India would let Pakistan and Musims dictate what Indian bloggers can and cannot have access to the internet.

Posted by: realwest at July 21, 2006 01:42 PM (1EKDQ)

47 i am a indian... and i think congress is not going to learn like this... they are the worst goverment indian ever have.... they just know to terrorize those... who stands against terror.

anyways 15 August is comming... indian independance day.... lets make a Slave prade... everyone should know how free india is after 50 yrs of independance...

Posted by: Puneet Madaan at July 21, 2006 01:48 PM (Fha4E)

48 I do not subscribe to Francis Fukuyama theory of cyclical history. I am more in favor of Samuel Huntington's theory of clash of civilizations... and we are witnesing one, augmented by the globalization and migration of unprecedented proportions... I cheered when Pakistan came to our side to root out the taliban,(that both US and Pakistan supported on September 10th), I thought there will be a change. I cheered when the Kurd people established a "democratic" self-rule and I will cheer any other moslem people who give up the Koran and the sharia as the base law, comparable to the US constitution. But the Koran is the political system prescribed and everything else is a blasphemy. Singing songs is. Graphic art is. Being of any different faith is. It is forbidden and punishable by death. Guess what: the millitant moslem minorities/majorities are doing it in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia,Indonesia etc., with impunity, as we speak. The refugees in those countries have their eyes upon the West, thinking if only the people over there knew, they will send help immediately. Alas, they don't know that it was happening in the heart of Europe, in the Balkans, from 1990-NOW, and the western liberal governments not only didnot help the christian refugees, but helped transfer 10,000 mujahedins (officially 2,000) from Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia etc., into Bosna, to destabilize Yugoslavia and weaken the Rusian influence - do you know what the americans gained by this: the 'untouchable" blind sheik was protected by the american government and let to operate freely on us soil, with a green card and masterminded the first 1993 bombing of the world towers, in exchange that the mujahedins in bosna will not attack us troops. Please go to Bosna and Sarajevo now and see what became of a secular christian/moslem community. You will see arabs, burkas, christians selling their estates to mujahedins under pressure, the same buying bosnian brides for european citizenship.... the first moslem country in europe and we have to thank clinton for it. What to say about Kosovo - where the albanian narco and people traficking -mafia and the same mujahedins,disguised as a KLA-kosovo liberation army, with a direct access to wesley clark's cell phone, hosted osama bin ladin in kosovo with a bosnian passport issued in vienna, austria in 1993? I guess we do not have to say nothing - just look at the devastation that radical islam on the move leaves behind - over 500 churches and monasteries dating from the 11th century are ruined, bombed and desacrated daily,as well as cemeteries, along with intimidation of the christian population into leaving... if they could do it in the heart of europe, does UK, Germany, France and Spain think that they will be contained in the Balkans? The destroying of the one thousand years Budha statues in Afghanistan went unpunished, so who cares about a few hundred churches under the protection of UN? What of the desacrating of graves - no big deal, but a cartoon of the moslem prophet is a huge deal!!! The same is happening today in Lebanon
Shame, shame, shame on everybody who succumbs to the fear that islamic radicalism projects. And what to say about the 'moderate'moslems, that, when given a chance to vote, they choose 'sharia' in 'democratic' afghanistan that I pay for, choose radical shias in democratic iraq, that I pay for and sent my sons to die for,choose hamas in gaza that I pay for, and hesbollah in lebanon.
No, Some dude, the grievances against the ottoman empire are not imaginary, they are recorded in the history of my predecessors, in folk songs and historical records, in the fact that monasteries were built in top of the mountains in unaccessible places from the fierce and merciless janichari and in the oral tradition from generation to generation-that I also render to my children, the truth of the brutalty of moslem occupation of my country of origin. Well, I will be damned if I let the moslems do the same to my new homeland - America. No tolerance for burkas, sharia law,mosques that spread hatred and produce marthyrs. The only option is: assimilate or convert. If they would like sharia law, the women in burka,public executions in the sport arenas, I would strongly suggest that they go back to the past, where they belong. Americans are trusting, tolerant and patient people, but very, very unplesant when crossed. So far, they have been crossed, but I see signs that they are waking up.
Alas, I am not an optimist. While we are blogging 24 hrs a day, they are making children, bombs or not, enough food or not and leave the blogging to their ayatollahs, who have planned all this for a few hundred years - oh, yes, we'll have to vote for a new goverment again (every 4 years vs. the radical islamic indoctrination continuity for centuries).

Posted by: jenny at July 21, 2006 02:42 PM (YKst3)

49 Jenny, I understand that some Muslims are just crazy people who follow Wahhabism. But Islam isn't a horrible religion at all. The Balkans are bad from what I understand, especially in Bosnia. But I have one question. Where's NATO? Aren't they around to protect people?

Yes, churches were burned down in the first few days of conquest, but churches were rebuilt and people could practice their religion.

The Quran doesn't forbid music. There was an article on BBC about Salman Ahmed, ex-frontman for Junoon, going to the NWFP. He asked all of the clerics where in the Quran it said that music is forbidden. None of them could give an answer. Many artists are on the rise in Muslim countries. Pakistan is a very good example. In the NWFP, art is banned by the ruling MMA(Those hypocritical bastards! They hire artists to paint them!) along with music. But recently the MMA is losing ground, and Pakistani arts are on the rise. Also, in the UAE there are a lot of bands playing like Streben, Karavan, and Aatish. Visit www.umrevolution.com and you'll get a sense of Rock music in Pakistan, and the UAE(Many bands from the UAE are being signed in Pakistan because of the growing Rock scene). More and more Gulf States are walking away from their Wahhabi past. For the past 90 years, the US and Europe has supported Wahhabi governments. Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Bahrain, UAE, etc. But finally the US has opened its eyes and has called for reform. But the US still supports the Wahhabi giant, Saudi Arabia. Three factors have made the Muslim world a backwards place. The Ottoman empire's lack of reform. European colonialism. And last but not least, Western support of Wahhabi states and terrorist groups.

Posted by: Some Dude at July 21, 2006 03:08 PM (llVQM)

50 Some Dude:

You're a "taqiyah" spouting liar. Islam expressly commands its depraved followers to commit genocide against "infidels" at every opportunity--especially Jews. It commands plunder, rapine, deceit and cowardice. The "golden age of muslim tolerance" is a fable. The conquered people were treated worse than animals.

The Balkan muslims are the root cause of all conflict in that area, and responsible for the most atrocities.

The traditions of islam, the so called "hadiths" ban music. The traditions are as important to the paleolithic cultists of the moon god allah as the koran is.

Yes, the West and the Ottomans are responsible for islam's 1400 year history of uninterrupted barbarism. IDIOT. Nobody is going to believe your camel-shit.

Who's responsible for islam's colonialism?

Say hello to your friends in party of allah (hezbullah.) Oh wait. Most of them are dead now. Too bad. You stone age muslim cretins have biten off more than you can chew. The West--led by America--will bury you. Start praying.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at July 21, 2006 03:42 PM (jwbRD)

51 Hello again Some Dude, jesusland joe and all others, I am glad for the good news from the moslem world, we need it. Not that I think that everybody should listen produce and adore rock music - the world will be a sad place if we could not exchange, with respect, our cultural past, including music and dance, poetry and philosophy, and yes, religious points of view, but also admit the truth of our past, regardless of how glorious or terrible it is, FROM TODAY'S PERSPECTIVE. But as we approach different cultures with curiosity and respectful tolerance, we are blasted for our "western ways" with fatwas, and to that matter everybody in the moslem world who disagree with the religious authorities - how can we help when you, yourselves do not rise against injustice or medieval rules or radicalism that sweeps the moslem countries more and more - it is not democracy that is on the rise, it is radicalism, and as a matter of survival it is answered by radicalism!
I do agree that the West is responsible for the current state of the affairs, not in minute detail, but for the long-standing, mistaken strategic support of the PLO and the criminal doings of Arafat, for the strategic support of the Taliban against the Russians, for breaking-up Yugoslavia and establishing the first islamic republic in Europe in Bosna, for the inability to recognize that the Cold War is over and we have to make Russia an ally (like we did with Japan and Germany after the WWII), for the continuous support of dictatorial regimes in the moslem countries.... if that is the price we paid for a continuous flow of oil or to preserve our way of life, we paid dearly on September 11.
On the other side,as much as I hate to admit it, some dictators are very desirable at the present, because if given the choice the people will revert to their ayatollahs and militias teachings and choose militant radical governments. It works every time. Because of persuasion and because of fear.It happened in Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Iran, it will in Pakistan, Egypt and Turkey (although they are putting up a valiant fight for secularism/tolerance). Imagine elections in Saudi Arabia - they will surely elect bin Ladin! Soooo,
elections are not measurement of a democratic system, as it was proven recently. Lack of harassing dictatorship, lawless militia, corrupt business practices IS, but cannot be achieved overnight. We cannot right the historical injustices overnight and we cannot fight the whole world, neither should we.
As far as NATO's role in the balkan events from 1990-2000: they not only stood by when circa one million serbs left their homes in Croatia for good, but brought planes with weapons to Croatian airports, intended for the Bosnian moslems, while imposing a total embargo on the serb people (similar to let's say now Russia supplying weapons to Hezbollah, while UN imposes embargo on Israel); NATO sent military, CIA and paramilitary contractors to train the moslems, native and mujahedins from various moslem countries, on the territory of another moslem country Albania, and in bosna proper, NATO bombed Kosovo and warned the kosovo albanians to "stage a humanitarian disaster exodus" claimed as genocide, while promising everybody a green card to america or exodus to a western country! As we know it, it happened. And now we have circa 500,000 more moslems here, thanks to the political desicion of the clintons and albreight - guess who paid for their ticket to usa - the same saudi charity that was compromised in supporting hezbollah and alqaeda! While the christians overthere were and still are crying "uncle", the west (mis)calculated that it is better to betray few millions christians in favor of oil-rich moslem countries and to encircle Russia with unfriendly regimes(still going on!)
Dear Some dude, you are probably getting your news, like everybody else, from the world news sources.. alas, not only a few churches were destroyed in the beginning of the balkan wars, they are still being destroyed on a daily basis:
in Bosna, in Kosovo, in Macedonia, as a provocation of the emerging moslem minority, radicalized and sanctified by NATO and EU. I wish I knew more about Pakistan and India and their conflict , I mean firsthand reports. All I can offer is firsthand report of the Balkans. I will be glad to supply more shocking info to whoever is interested.

Posted by: Jenny at July 21, 2006 04:30 PM (YKst3)

52 Jenny:

You're right about the West suicidally aiding and abetting jihadist thugs, especially the scum in the Balkans.

You're wrong about Russia, though. The Russian people have never forgiven America for winning the Cold War--a war their government started with its imperial designs. They think America turned them into a nation of gangsters and prostitutes. They did it to themselves, of course.

Things aren't as bad there as their hard-line ideologues claim. They can become a great nation if they make the effort. Cooperation with countries like America, japan, britain and Canada is the quickest way to prosperity. We already know what happens to countries that oppose the world's most successful countries unnecessarily. No more Soviet Union (Empire.)

Russia continues to rebuff American efforts at cooperation, instead choosing to form coalitions, alliances and informal blocs of other envious countries to hamper America wherever possible. Russia is more than a French style nuisance--its short-sighted actions are adding to world instability.

Yeltsin was able to get America to bend over backwards for him, with very little effort. The direct transfer of cash, goods and services from my country--much of it free--to his was enormous.Putin chooses to play on his people's envy, recalling the "good old days" of superpower status.

Russia needs to be receptive to closer relations with America for such relations to be possible.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at July 21, 2006 06:41 PM (jwbRD)

53 Thank you jenny for reminding me of the collusion of Wesley Clark, Bill Clinton, and the stinking UN in the re-Islamization of the Balkans. I knew US support for the Muslims in Bosnia was a huge error, and would lead to further expansion of Islamism in the area. I also said on this blog a couple of weeks ago that Reagan made a huge mistake in supporting the mujahadeen in Afghanistan. How true that was. And other mistakes made include the lack of response to the embassy takeover in Iran, and the lackluster response to the Marine bombing in Beirut, and the mutilations in Somalia, and the embassy bombings in Africa, and the attack on the Khobar Towers, and the attack on the USS Cole, and the first World Trade Center bombing, and on and on.

Now we have reached the place where overwhelming force is needed to counter the threat from Islam, and what is our response? Let more of them come to the West, let them make their plans to destroy us, watch as the Left gets in bed with them, and twiddle our thumbs. Hell, I'm ready for some real action against these bastards, starting with the expulsion of them from the West. Most Muslims are not compatible with civilization once a certain percentage of population has been reached. I'm sorry, but this would be the best action at present to avoid conflict in our own country. If we don't do this, then get ready for bloodshed on a large scale right here in the US as the terrorists are preparing to hit us right where we live. And the terrorists are already here. You have a short window to prepare yourselves, so waste no more time.

Posted by: jesusland joe at July 21, 2006 07:15 PM (rUyw4)

54 Keep up the good work!

Facts about terrorist Islam and Muslims:


Posted by: Jai Maharaj at July 21, 2006 07:33 PM (P4rWR)

55 Jeff:
I agree 100% with the "Russian Analysis", especially that the russian hard line commies (not the people) will not willingly admit their defeat in the cold war. On the other hand, they have no defense in tolerating almost 50 million dead and disappeared countrymen during their reign from 1917-1990! Unprecedented!!! And never to be repeated. However, there is always however, the millions of Russians, excluding all the moslem countries newly formed after the collapse of the soviet empire, excluding ukraine, latvia, lituania etc., born in the 80's and 90's and already of comprehending and voting age had nothing to do with their commie parents and their sins, mostly and they deserve a second chance, especially that they are not radically indoctrinated by a religious or ideological beleif
Their parents on the other hand remember very well when they were sent to chechnya and afghanistan and their fellow soldiers were skinned alive, buried alive or killed themselves not to fall into the barbaric hands of the mujahedins. Where was the outcry then? The entire world press, where most people get their info from and the human rights elite was crying for the chechnyans'rights being abused. IT IS THAT DOUBLE STANDARD AND INABILITY TO ADMIT PAST MISTAKES IN THE CASE OF CHECHNYA, AFGHANISTAN, BOSNA, KOSOVO THAT DISABLES US TO SUCCESSFULLY PREVENT SIMILAR CATASTROPHIES IN SUDAN, DARFUR, CONGO, ETHIOPIA ETC.ETC.... AND IT IS THE LIBERAL POLITICAL CORRECTNESS AND EGALITARIANISM THAT COULD BE OUR DEMISE...
Communism was an anathema, but it is over as a system (I am not counting the Cuba, Venezuela and alike as real threat)and we have to carefully re-examine what the real threat is right now and form alliances accordingly.
WHO ARE OUR NATURAL ALLIES? DEFINITELY NOT ALL THE PRESENT ONES. The times of quiet and delayed diplomacy that justified choosing alliances as your present interests dictate and correcting your actions as couriers arrived and information changed relied on that delayed information, misinformation and confusion, so yeah yesterday we were with you, but today we are not! Not anymore, when the world is unfolding in front of you, in real-time pictures. TEMPORARY SOLUTIONS ARE INTERPRETED AS WEAKNESS OR LACK OF REAL PERSUASION AND ONLY DELAY THE INEVITABLE CONFRONTATION. It is time to plan for the future and CHOOSE YOUR ALLIES FOR THE LONG RUN, SINCE THE ADVERSARIES HAVE MAPPED THEIR BATTLE FOR THE LONG RUN.
(I am really not that gloomy in real life.Over & out).

Posted by: Jenny at July 21, 2006 07:42 PM (YKst3)

56 Jesusland joe:
We have the power to blog and to vote. Let's use it. If we were illegal aliens, we would have had two additional powers; to demonstrate, leave work and school and block traffic on taxpayers' expense and secondly, the support of a foreign entity, oh like a state, or terrorist organization or leftist organization supported and paid for by Soros, the Ford Foundation or the more sinister ones, hiding behind three thousand existing organizations for and against everything.

But we do have one unique power as Americans, as long as we exert pressure on our representatives to put pressure on the mystical State Department:
to limit and choose who enters and is given THE PRIVILEGE to be a citizen of USA! All those critics and america's haters will give everything on earth to live here! Try to close the embassies and consulates to foreign visas, you will see what desperation is. I know what people do to get here. The sinister ones though are tougher to discover - they are trained to be deceitful (sleeper cells) and are hard to detect - it could be your neighbor, your friend, your co-worker! The answer is - pick and choose, trust but verify, no more of that B.S. of political correctness, "racial profiling is wrong" and similar B.S.

Posted by: jenny at July 21, 2006 08:15 PM (YKst3)

57 Bargholz, you should shut the f**k up! Maybe this will help you!


You are so ignorant! Islam is a continuation of Christianity and Judaism. The reason for all of these contradictions in the Quran is because it was compiled after his death by the Ummayads. many of the verses had to go through people who were around him. many mistakes could have been made for all we know. Ignorant f**ktard! If you can give me one line in the Quran that commands people to commit genocide against jews and Christains, then I will dismiss Islam as BS. And you are such a dumbass. For the first 100 years, up to Suleimans' reign, Islam was on top and was advanced in science, mathematics, art, and literature. After his reign, many of the Ottoman leaders were very bad and didn't know what to do. They wanted to hold onto power so they didn't introduce reforms and didn't care that they were losing territory to the Europeans. Secondly, after the fall of the Ottomans, Wahhabism and Pan-Arabism became huge. This is because Britain and France were supporting them in order to defeat the Ottomans. In 1979, the US and many other Western powers started to support mujahedin guerillas. But they were supporting the bad people. Instead of supporting the more moderate and nationalist groups like IRMA and JIA, they supported people like bin Laden and Mawlawi Mohammed Yunis Khalis.

Did you know that Pakistan and Iran have baseball teams? Pakistan is 5th best in Asia!

Posted by: Some Dude at July 21, 2006 08:22 PM (llVQM)

58 Some Dude:
You convinced me that you are a moderate religious person. I wish there were more like you.
Baseball is not a prerequisite to be considered westernized. Nor should you aspire to be! As cricket is not a passport to British noble society, nor should it be. Those are all things of the past. Requirements for inclusion in the modern society are universal: LIVE AND LET LIVE!
Should I come to live in any moslem country, I should abide by local traditions and religious habits; however, there is always a however, that will be my choice. I do expect the same from foreigners coming to my country. No ifs and buts, assimilate or bust!

Posted by: Jenny at July 21, 2006 09:23 PM (YKst3)

59 Suck Dudes:

9:29 Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

PASSAGE 7: SURA 9:30, 31
9:30 And the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: Messiah is the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouths. They imitate the saying of the disbelievers of old. Allah's Curse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth!
9:31 They (Jews and Christians) took their rabbis and their monks to be their lords besides Allah (by obeying them in things which they made lawful or unlawful according to their own desires without being ordered by Allah), and (they also took as their Lord) Messiah, son of Maryam (Mary), while they (Jews and Christians) were commanded [in the Taurat (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)) to worship none but One Ilâh (God - Allah) (none has the right to be worshipped but He). Praise and glory be to Him, (far above is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him)."

9:123 O you who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are close to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who are the Al-Muttaqun (the pious - see V.2:2).

58:19 Shaitan (Satan) has overtaken them (the Jews). So he has made them forget the remembrance of Allah. They are the party of Shaitan (Satan). Verily, it is the party of Shaitan (Satan) that will be the losers!
4:76 Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (Satan, etc.). So fight you against the friends of Shaitan (Satan); Ever feeble indeed is the plot of Shaitan (Satan).

98:6 Verily, those who disbelieve (in the religion of Islam, the Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad) from among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) and Al-Mushrikun will abide in the Fire of Hell. They are the worst of creatures.
5:51 O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya' to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya', then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong­doers and unjust).

ye who believe! Murder those of the disbelievers ...and let them find harshness in you. -Repentance: 123

Humiliate the non-Muslims. -Repentance: 29

Moslems are hard against the unbelievers, merciful to one another. -Victory: 25

Muhammad has been sent by God with the religion of Truth, that He may cause it to prevail over all religions. -Private Apartments: 28

"O believers, do not treat your fathers and brothers as your friends, if they prefer unbelief to belief, whosoever of you takes them for friends, they are evil-doers." (Repentance: 20)
"Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends.... whoso does that belongs not to God." (The House of Imram: 60)
"O believers, do not make friends with the Jews and Christians; whoso of you makes them his friend is one of them." (The Table: 55)

I could go on, but what's the point. The "hadiths' are even worse, and the actions of pedophile muhammed were the vilest in human history.

A word of advice. If you mentally retarded muslim inbreds expect to lie about your cult beliefs, don't write them down in a book. Westerners understand the unholy koran better than you do. Did you really think a group of lice-ridden savages were sophisticated enough to deceive the most advanced culture in history?

Judaism and Christianity don't worship a pagan, stone-age moon deity named "allah," nor do they preach death and destruction in EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER OF THEIR HOLY BOOKS. The unholy koran does.

The koran was written hundreds of yesrs after cowardly little muhammed's death. The earlist version was written 200 years after--the most quoted version was written even later? 500 years later? 800? How shit for brains stupid do you have to be to believe such nonsense?

The 'golden age of islam" is a fable told by envious little sand monkies. Islam was never the world's leading civilization. It can't even be considered a civilization. It represents 1400 years of unparalleled savagry. All of the scientific advances claimed bu islam were made by the conquered peoples--the so-called Dhimmies.

Did you really think you could get away with lying about your depraved cult and its despicable founder, muhammed? (Torture be upon him in hell.)

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at July 22, 2006 01:02 AM (jwbRD)

60 I have one thing to say about islam..they need a makeover. Israel is the only country who who knows how to give it. I dont think anything good can ever come from middle east

Posted by: kris at July 22, 2006 07:31 AM (7gnJZ)

61 Many of those scriptures say either a)fight the Jews and Christians if they don't believe that Islam is true. or b)fight the polytheists or non-believers(Jews and Christians are believers)

58:19 explains this. When Muhammad was in Medina, one of the Jewish tribes betrayed him. So they locked themselves into the castle. So Muhammad destroyed the castle. Simple as that.

Allah is no moon god. If you were smart, you would know that Allah is arabic for God. They pray to the same God as Jews and Christians do.

Here's one more fact. The Quran was not made when Muhammad was around. It was made when the Ummayyads were in power. Around 50 years after his death. What they did was they would go to people who remembered his verses, confirm it, then put it in. Here's he problem. Some were put in when they were not supposed to, and some were left out.

Posted by: Some Dude at July 22, 2006 09:59 AM (llVQM)

62 Suck Dudes:

So now it's O.K. for muslims to murder Jews and Christians if they don't worship the moon deity of islam. (According to "many" scriptures.) You seem to have changed your tune.

"Ignorant f**cktard! If you can give me one line in the quran that commands people to commit genocide against Jews and Christians, then I will dismiss islam as BS."

Time to keep your word, f**cktard. Dismiss away. I can help you convert to the world's largest, strongest, most advanced religion if you'd like. You know the one. It created the greatest civilization known to man, and the greatest country in that civilization--the country that outperforms all others with ease.

Muhammed betrayed the Jewish tribes and many others that he subsequently massacred--not the other way around. I can provide text from the koran that backs this up too, if that's what you want. You are interested in the truth, right?

The muslims worship a moon deity who has 3 daughters. Christians and Jews do not. Our God doesn't command genocide, pillage, rapine, ignorance and intolerance. The real God would never use a degenerate, insane, cowardly, lice-ridden, lying, thieving, murdering pedophile like muhammed as an example to mankind.

The earlist version of the unholy koran was written more than 200 years after little muhammed's death. According to your toerant "hadiths," his last words on his death bed were a curse aginst Jews and Christians.

If you could learn these basic facts from a "stupid, ignorant, dumbass f**cktard" like me, imagine what you could learn from a little research.

Of course, we both know that you're a jizyah, taqiyah spouting liar. You know as well as I do that the unholy koran is a terrorist manual. As a muslick, you have no honor or integrity, so you can't admit this.

Don't forget to dismiss islame as BS.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at July 22, 2006 04:11 PM (jwbRD)

63 Did we get an earful or what?
If i have to go back 1400 or 2000 or 30000 years to prove a stupid point, namely, mine is bigger than yours, than no wonder we cannot leave in peace... who cares? The ordinary people in the whole world want one and only one thing - to go about their dayly life in peace, to have enough food, clean water, medicine when sick, beads and sparkling stones to give their women, hear their baby's first words, become grandparents and give the learned wisdom to their children before they die... if I ever stop believing in the goodness and universal striving of the humanity I'd rather not live purposeless life......................
Well, it is not that simple, especially if a large chunk of the humanity is working tirelessly on the destruction of the rest who do not share their sacred beleifs.......
What will it take, a large asteroid to destroy the planet? Imagine the survivors arguing about
whose religion is better? Logics tells us that everybody will be working on their survival! Although the way things are now perhaps they will be arguing whose god destroyed the planet!!
Leaving the spiritual and philosophycal discussions aside, what are we to do to ensure that we will survive the current "animosities' (mildly put).
The entire world communtiy is anti-American anti-Semitic (partially thanks to the liberal democratic party, that will go to great lengths to criticise Bush no matter what and jeopardize national security to further its agenda and secure political survival!) No matter what we do, the perception is aganst us! We give zillions and zillions of dollars to the whole world and we are not appreciated. The minute we cut the aid, we are again the bad guys! If we give aid and we set conditons f.i. transparency, surrender your guns and shoulder mounted missiles, as we rightfully should, we are dictators! What are we to do? Many, many, many people that I know say: NUKE THEM AND START OVER! God help me I was one of them. And then I thought of the helpless women in burkas, who are not allowed to go in the street without male relative, even if it is their 10 year old brother, I thought of those women who are buried up to their heads and publicly stoned for "dishonoring" the family and it makes me sick! WE SHOULD DO EVERYTHING IN OUR MIGHT TO DEFEAT THE SICK, SICK BELEIF THAT ALLOWS SUCH INHUMANITY TO TAKE PLACE. WHATEVER IT TAKES.WE CAN. WE HAVE TO WEIGH THE 'COLLATERAL DAMAGE' AND RID THE WORLD OF THOSE DEMONS.

Posted by: jenny at July 22, 2006 10:36 PM (YKst3)

64 So .... nuke them?

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at July 23, 2006 12:04 AM (gLMre)

65 I tried to post this comment on

(But unfortunately, it looks like there's some cgi-error.)

It's such an irony!

A hundred guys who hate each other, can still come together, and create something.

But unfortunately, I don't think any of co-creators will be proud, of whatever they have each contributed on this page. Really would anyone bookmark this page for their little daughters?

This is an extra-ordinary page where Christians, Jews, Muslims all came together to do the greatest disservice possible to Jesus, Moses, Mohammed and the rest of humanity.

And what's all this about?
A couple of really bad samples of 'photo-shopping' ??
And, if I don't find somebody's mother to be really beautiful, does it mean that, I can make fun of her, and claim protection under freedom of literary expression?
And if anybody does that, why should the rest of innocent fellow citizens, be killed?
And what would Allah, Jesus or Moses call those who defend such deaths?

This age I guess is witnessing the birth of "anti-creative".
Even bad ideas, literature can become well-known.
Play it loud enough & even noise will become an accepted genre of music.
Jingoism and strong rhetoric shall drown rationale.
Slaughter, and not tolerance shall be considered the hallmark of strength.
The statue of Liberty has become the icon of those who believe might is right.
Namaz is offered with hands dripping from blood of the innocent.
Prayers shall be offered to make a wish for death and destruction.
To prove that one's religion symbolises love and compassion for all mankind, people will spew words in anger and hate.

Sad. Very Sad.

Only the weak-minded people do things because they can, and not because they should.

The meek shall inherit the earth, but only after civilisation is replaced by cemetries.

I am an Indian, and I wish the government had not blocked this and other such sites.
But not so much because of my belief in liberty and freedom, which exists anyways.
I am sure that I am not a lone voice, and if more Indians could see that URL, I am sure somebody with a better sense of expression, may have expressed Indian perspective better.

Posted by: Manish at July 23, 2006 01:50 PM (KOd+k)

66 I've thought things over. I remember talking to a Muslim scholar. I asked him if Islamic liberalism applied to the Quran. He said it's how you interpret it. The Quran is very confusing. Many parts are metaphors. When they say fight, does it mean to pick up a sword and fight them? Or does it mean use words and non-violence? It sounds retarded, but hey! The Civil Rights Movement was a fight and they didn't take up arms and shoot people.

Posted by: Some Dude at July 23, 2006 06:36 PM (llVQM)

67 wo-manish:

Like I wrote and you conveniently ignored--every chapter of the koran preaches death, destruction and eternal damnation on Christians, jews, and other non-muslims.EVERY SINGLE ONE. Photo-shopping, my ass.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem, or are you reality challenged. islam is'nt a peaceful religion hijacked by extremeists--it's an extremist cult embraced by genocidal fanatics. It does not share equal footing with real religuions. Christianity and Judaism don't preach daeth and destruction for ALL non believwers. Neither do Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, etc.

What would muhammed say? Who do yoy think dictated the koran, you unmitigated ignoramus? Muhammed was one of the most evil, despicable animals that ever lived. LIKE I WROTE, his personal actions were even worse than the koran's commandments. He was a backstabbing, genocidal rapist and pedophile.

You need to sart believing what you see, instead of seeing what you believe. Your fantasies about how you think the world works have no place in the real world.

Talk about a weak mind.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at July 23, 2006 08:20 PM (jwbRD)

68 Jenny:

Religions come and go. The vast, vast majority of mankind's religions are extinct and long forgotten. They will never be recovered, nor should they.

Islam is just one more, and a particularly vile and destructive one at that. It will be expunged when the rest of us lose patience with its constant, innate, violence and hatred. There is no great war between islam and Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, or any other religion. Islam has been at war with everyone else for 1400 years, but they're so incompetent most Americans don't even believe they ARE at war with us.

It's a one sided conflict that will end when our tolerance ends. It's only the P.C. hyper-tolerance of the deluded masses in America that has allowed islam to last this long.

Check the quote on over-tolerance at the head of this blog. It sums up this situation neatly and succinctly.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at July 23, 2006 08:28 PM (jwbRD)

69 Suck Dudes:

Where's your denunciation of islam? I provided the koranic quotes you requested--the ones specifically calling for muslims to murder all Christians and jews. Why am I not surprised that you can't keep your word? What did you do instead? You defended muslim calls to genocide by stating that killing Jews and Christians is acceptable if A: They aren't muslims, or B: They aren't muslims. You're not only bloodthirsty, you're stupid as well.

You're either lying about talking to a muslim "Scholar" (a contradictory phrase,) or he counselled you to practice taqiyah (lying to "infidels" to hide the truth about your violent death cult.) Either way, you're a liar and an asshole.

No muslim "scholar" would claim the koran is metaphoric. They believe it's the direct word of their moon god, relayed through Muhammed.

You really are too fucking stupid to debate any further. Enjoy life in your Third World shithole. My dinner tonight probably cost more than you make in a month. I don't have to worry about food poisoning, either.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at July 23, 2006 08:38 PM (jwbRD)

70 India banned thousands of blogs last week while trying to block 17 blogs and Web sites that India's telecommunications department claimed spread religious hatred. After a government order issued July 13, Internet service providers cut off access to domain names instead of targeting specific sites. The order came after bombings that killed at least 182 people on Mumbai's commuter trains on July 11.

Bloggers from around the world expressed outrage and likened the government of the democratic country to China's dictatorship. CPJ said the Internet ban cut readers off from news and other important information. The group appealed to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to lift the ban.

"The Committee to Protect Journalists is troubled by the government's recent order to ban certain Web sites, an action that has resulted in blocked access to domains hosting many thousands of Web logs," CPJ executive director Joel Simon wrote.

"We urge you to lift the ban, which has disrupted the flow of news, information, and commentary in a medium of growing importance in India. We are concerned as well that the order was imposed with no official explanation and without judicial or independent review."

India's Deputy Consul General in New York, A.R. Ghanashyam told the South Asian Journalists Association that a computer emergency response team called for the ban. He said it targeted webpages with "extremely derogatory references to Islam and the holy prophet, which had the potential to inflame religious sensitivities in India and create serious law and order problems."

ISPs in India told reporters they received an order to block access to specific websites with no explanation about why those sites were listed. Bloggers and journalists in India said they were blocked from blogs hosted by blogspot.com, typepad.com and geocities.com.

Simon said the ban "impeded the flow of information, news and opinions during a time of national crisis."

"As a non-governmental organization dedicated to defending press freedom around the world, CPJ joins with our colleagues in India who have demanded greater transparency in state efforts to intervene in Internet content and access," he wrote. "Especially in a country like India, with a strong history of press freedom, any effort to limit or control the Internet should be subject to judicial or independent review and narrowly tailored to address urgent national security concerns. We urge Your Excellency to lift last week's ban and to clarify publicly all government's efforts to block Web sites and filter Internet content."

The Hindu has published the government order naming the originally banned blogs.


Posted by: Vinay at July 23, 2006 09:55 PM (cR3xj)

71 Islam is vanishing, good riddance !
Terrorism is the violent spasms of a dying religion.

The Koran just embodies macho values from Arabia.
Look at the "profit"" Mohammed, he knew how to make a profit. He made up this bullshit story of how you goto some
whore-house heaven full of women and young boys if you die
fighting for him. Using this brainwashed army he managed
to secure treasure and women as sex slave.

Its hard for people in countries like Pakistan and Iran
to accept that they have been duped by a pedophile.
Then again pedophilia has been institutionalised, Khomeini
married an 11 year old girl and Iran a rich man can marry
a 9 year old. The biggest disgrace here is non-muslims that too scared to condemn this barbarity, hence the ban by the India government.
bande mataram

Posted by: good bye Islam at July 23, 2006 09:58 PM (gJkE2)

72 Islam is spreading as oppose to vanishing.
At the time of his death the Prophet MOHAMMED (peace and blessing be upon him) had nothing in his possession.The opinions of yours just sparks the emotions of muslim nothing else and thats not the first time I have seen such a thing.If you think you are right then we can debate over it.
heaven is nothing like you have mentioned.
Muslims and non-muslims have existed for centuries together.Non-muslims under muslim governments have perished peacefully yet today there are some elements that are trying to fuel the emotions.

Posted by: Usman at July 26, 2006 04:14 AM (e89uT)

73 Islam is spreading as oppose to vanishing.
At the time of his death the Prophet MOHAMMED (peace and blessing be upon him) had nothing in his possession.The opinions of yours just sparks the emotions of muslim nothing else and thats not the first time I have seen such a thing.If you think you are right then we can debate over it.
heaven is nothing like you have mentioned.
Muslims and non-muslims have existed for centuries together.Non-muslims under muslim governments have perished peacefully yet today there are some elements that are trying to fuel the emotions.

Posted by: Usman at July 26, 2006 04:15 AM (e89uT)

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