December 14, 2006

Somalia Already an al Qaeda State

I love how the idiots at the State Department wish for a moderate to emerge to lead the Islamic Courts Union. Moderate meaning what, exactly? Like those moderate Taliban in Afghanistan we used to hear about before 9/11?

I've been warning about this for months. But it's too late now. Somalia is no longer a potential Afghanistan, it is already the next Afghanistan. It is being used as a base of operation for Islamic jihadis now.


Somali Islamists, who are in charge of the capital and other key areas, are becoming more radical and under growing control from an al Qaeda cell in East Africa, the top U.S. diplomat for Africa said on Thursday.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Jendayi Frazer told reporters that U.S. hopes a more moderate group might emerge to lead the group had not materialized.

"The Council of Islamic Courts is now controlled by al Qaeda cell individuals, East Africa al Qaeda cell individuals. The top layer of the court are extremists. They are terrorists," Frazer said.

"They are killing nuns, they have killed children and they are calling for a jihad (holy war)," she added.

The Islamists, who seized the capital, Mogadishu, in June and are vying with the weak transitional government for control of the lawless country, have strongly denied having foreign fighters in their ranks.

No foreign fighters, right. I have personally seen video from Somalia with Arab fighters in it. They boast that mujahideen have been flocking there. What they say in English....
Washington believes at least three of the plotters behind the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya are in Somalia. The head of the Council of the Islamic Courts, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, is on U.N. and U.S. terrorist lists.

She also said an East African al Qaeda cell was providing logistics to the Islamists and training to its young Islamic fighters.

Moderates, like the American 'Foreign Minister' for the African Taliban, Ibrahim Hassan Addou? How about some treason charges here?

Posted by: Rusty at 07:22 PM | Comments (90) | Add Comment
Post contains 337 words, total size 2 kb.

1 "The head of the Council of the Islamic Courts, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, is on U.N. and U.S. terrorist lists."

Guess what? Legendary African leader Mr. Nelson Mandela was once on that list as well. Was he a terrorist? Hell no. The same goes for the ICU leaders who happen to have defeated the real terrorists who terrorised the Somali people for the past 15 years. Its just plain stupid for the US who supported the same Warlords terrorists that killed our people and raped our country, to come here and accuse the ICU as terrorists.

The Somali people as well as ay sane person with an ounce of brains fully knows who the terrorists and murderers are. The bloodsucking Warlords that are holed up in Baidoa and their supporters and financiers (USA and Ethiopia).

Posted by: Victim of Warlords at December 14, 2006 09:15 PM (RR4g+)

2 These nuts won't even let people watch soccer or listen to music....

Even I-madly-need-jihad isn't that crazy.

Posted by: wooga at December 14, 2006 09:39 PM (t9sT5)

3 "No foreign fighters, right. I have personally seen video from Somalia with Arab fighters in it. They boast that mujahideen have been flocking there. What they say in English...."
You are totally wrong. There are no arabs in Somalia. Somali people have both light skinned and dark skinned clans. You might have seen the lighter skinned Somalis who are also fighting for their country agaist the brutal Warlords and their external supporters.

Posted by: Victim of Warlords at December 14, 2006 10:25 PM (RR4g+)

4 Fake Victim of Warlords:

Was Nelson Mandela a terrorist? HELL YES. Try reading some history, and learn about the terrorist activities the groups he belonged to engaged in.

The ICU are warlords, dipshit. Your Arab Al Qaeda buddies hve been in Somalia for a long, long, time. Bin Loser loved the place. Al Qaeda provided the training and much of the arms that contributed to the "Black Hawk Down" incident.

You remember that. 100 soldiers fought their way out of an entire city bent on murdering them. They only lost 19 men if I remember correctly, but they took out more than 1000 Somali pussies.

The next time America spanks Somalia, there will be no headlong withdrawal--just a whole lotta ass kicking.

Terrorist stronholds are on the short list for destruction since 911. Your terrorist buddies are an endangered species.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 14, 2006 10:53 PM (bLPT+)

5 who ever wrote this article is totally wrong because that tape that u claim u saw is pure us and western propaganda, the icu ousted the terrosorist that the us and ethiopia were supporting who raped and killed so who are the terrorist here?
and that tape did u forget somalia is an arab nation and also a muslim country. muslims and arabs enjoy full citizenship in somalia and those warlord terrosists are now in the puppet goverments base so surely the goverment is not going to be accused of harboring terrorists are they, jus admit ur just against islam and dont want no muslim goverment instilled in somalia.

Posted by: abz at December 14, 2006 11:32 PM (6wveo)

6 We actually lost only 18 in the battle. One was killed in a morter attack a day after the "battle".
18/1000 - that's about the current rate in Shitraq. We would have loved to have that ratio in WWII!

Posted by: Max Power at December 14, 2006 11:43 PM (PM8kH)

7 Max Power:

That's for sure. Jihadi combat skills just don't measure up to those of the Nazis and Imperial Japanese. Those guys were stinkers, but they sure as hell weren't pussies. The jihadis are pussies, and their ideology is even more despicable than that of the Axis powers. 

I don't really care about the Somalian public, but I do look forward to the "Caliphate" being expunged from that area.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 15, 2006 12:00 AM (bLPT+)

8 Frankly, I don't give a shit about what happens in Somalia. Just look at the stupid posts from those claiming to be Somalians. One is a phoney the other an ignorant asshole. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS SOMALIS DO NOT COME HERE.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 15, 2006 12:53 AM (vLeHe)

9 Even if Somalia is already Aghansitan, so what? Dr. Rusty-minded? Is Afghanistan or Somalia your country? Hell no! Then hands off Muslim peoples and get out of Muslim lands! It is better for you! Simple!

Posted by: Mohamed Gure at December 15, 2006 03:40 AM (xAgcV)

10 Mr. Grey Rooster Chicken, "Somalis do not come here"! Here is where? You are so ignorant that you do not realise that you are posting to the whole world! Obviously the term globalisation has not reached you yet, Mr. Chicken.

If you mean "here" by the US, Somalis are already here!

For your information, it was only one Somali clan that kicked the fans of Uncle Sam's rangers!

Just leave Somalia alone. Somalis are not red Indians!

Posted by: Omar Gaalkiye at December 15, 2006 03:59 AM (xAgcV)

11 The person who compiled this article is an ignorant islamophopic individual. The United States is damaging its interest and good name by throwing its weight behind war criminals and bloodthursty thugs in Somalia. UIC is the saviour of Somali nation. They practically stopped all the criminal activities and crimes against humanity that warlords were carrying out (with United States' support). Bring them on, UIC will effectively defend Somalia from any outside aggression. That right of self-defence is inshrined in the UNited Nations Charter.

Posted by: Freedom Fighter at December 15, 2006 04:15 AM (eeets)

12 The person who compiled this article is an ignorant islamophopic individual. The United States is damaging its interest and good name by throwing its weight behind war criminals and bloodthursty thugs in Somalia. UIC is the saviour of Somali nation. They practically stopped all the criminal activities and crimes against humanity that warlords were carrying out (with United States' support). Bring them on, UIC will effectively defend Somalia from any outside aggression. That right of self-defence is inshrined in the UNited Nations Charter.

Posted by: Freedom Fighter at December 15, 2006 04:15 AM (eeets)

13 THe only means that can solve the situation in SOMALIA is dialogue & discussion.

Posted by: ADRI at December 15, 2006 05:42 AM (r0fq6)

14 I am not a somalis but i know these islamist have accomplished alot for the last six months.

Posted by: allew at December 15, 2006 06:16 AM (O9OfD)

15 Yes to UIC Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys no to the warlords no to theUSA,Sort out your own problems usa

Posted by: saeed at December 15, 2006 07:36 AM (i9Uty)

16 I wonder why other posts about islamic states don't garner much of a response, but all the retards flock to the defense of a 3rd rate hellhole (even by 3rd rate hellhole middle-eastern dictatorship standards) with a chip on its shoulder.

Posted by: Ranba Ral at December 15, 2006 07:51 AM (VvXII)

17 The statement of Ms.Frazer right and on the dot. Who is UIC? I mean only the facts!The UIC force is now composed of:
Foregn fighters: Eritreans eager to open a southern front against Ethiopia (no Somali peace agenda there),Armed Ethiopian opposition (OLF,ONLF, Amhara etc) eager to use Somalia as a staging ground ( Somalia peace will work against their stated goal)and so called (Muslim) Global Terorrists fighting for global Jahad (No interest in Somalia peace either).
The Somali Militia now armed and fighting for UIC is Al-Shabab (the Youth) who have and are guided by exactly the same Al-Qaeda and/or Islamic Global Jahadis agenda (no interest in Somalia Peace either). They want o continue the global terorrism.

Posted by: DMJ at December 15, 2006 01:02 PM (Nxwqw)

18 Somali's must like to bugger little boys, it's always funny when mufti's have to give an edict saying Jihadi's should only bugger boys with hair on their faces...

Posted by: davec at December 15, 2006 03:48 PM (yaQM4)

19 Bitch Frazer does not know what she is talking about. A house slave bitch. Why U.S. always like to bush around small countries. We Somalis want to be left alone... simple as that

Posted by: Siad Barre at December 15, 2006 08:11 PM (4yu7s)

20 DMJ,

I guess you are one of those mother fucker traitors who like Ethiopian cock up in your ass. You are fucking foolish. There are no so called forgien fighters in Somalia. Somalis can fight thier own war unless you happen to be that an octogeneration Melis Zenawi's bitch aka Cabdulaahi Yuusuf who is asking Melis to protect him. I cannot wait until Tuesday. That is the deadline the true patriotic Somalis gave to the rag tag Tigraay militia to leave Somalia or face the wrath of the Somali fighters. I cannot wait to see Ethiopian blood being shed on Somalia soil.

To Rusty Shackleford,

Sir you are really really dumb with a brain of a chicken. You do not know what you talking about. Go to Somalia and find out on your own the reality on the ground. And I promise you we wont slaughter you and drag you on the streets of Mogadishu. Somalia is at peace with itself for the first time in a long time. However, blood sucking Melis and ill informed US goverment do not want to see peace and progress in Somalia.

I hope the US govermnet comes to its sense and changes it policy towards Somalia.

Posted by: Siad Barre at December 15, 2006 08:31 PM (jIy1f)

21 its real actually when you think what it was missing past 16years when we clear all the war the second the govent coming up like they can do something right actually they all square out so we said them sorry for that prime minster cleaning zenawi his ass that is real trouble we saying allahu akbar somalian guul every where thank you

Posted by: gaadeey at December 15, 2006 08:44 PM (Qriam)

22 Siad Barre:
I hope the US govermnet comes to its sense and changes it policy towards Somalia.

Hold your breath, and see if it happens -- bringing to power a radical extremist organization as a Government Body, modeled after the Taliban isn't going to make the U.S change it's policy, it will only strengthen our current policy.

I personally wish our policy was to leave Somalia alone, and by that I mean no economic aid, no resources via the United Nations, no telecommunication providers, or American corporations being able to do business with Somalia, a full on embargo if you will.

Posted by: davec at December 15, 2006 09:52 PM (yaQM4)

23 The scumbags on this thread defending the vile UIC are perfect examples of why Somalia is a disease on the Earth we all live on, and why the muslims ravaging that worthless shit-hole need to be bombed off the face of the Earth.

100 American soldiers handed a city full of skinnies a 1000/18 kill ratio, with no outside support. If America decides to take out the UIC terrorists--and I pray it does--it will roll over any resistance like a tank on a turd.

The islamopithecines here are puffing up their chicken chests and spouting the same empty bravado I used to hear concerning  Somali pirates, and were are those pirates now? Britain's royal Navy exterminated them like the cockroaches they were.

I'm not exactly worried about being slaughtered and dragged through the streets by woefully inept Somali pussies who are so scrawny they could choke on a kernal of rice.

You So-smallies are the ones who need to be worried.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 15, 2006 10:43 PM (bLPT+)

24 Rusty Shackleford! The name speaks for itself. I imagine this guy shackled or "shackle-folded" guy full of rust from brain to toe, lying in a pigshit hole somewhere in Texas! What does he know about Somalia and its civilization.

Go back to history and you will find the majestic Somalis in the records of this punt and paradiseland as far back as the hatshepsut pharoah, Ibn Batuta and Vasco Da Gama's times! That is, centuries before the existence of your violence-based country. It is all in the internet!

Posted by: Mohamed Gure at December 16, 2006 01:46 AM (xAgcV)

25 Hi all,

without prejudice, hatred, or insults, any one who is interested in fair intellectual discussion is welcome:

United States’ definition of terrorism is “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against innocents.” Somalia’s Islamic Courts did not commit violence against innocents. Can any one prove the countrary, save the cheap soccer fan propoganda!

• The Islamic Courts are homegrown movement that was created to restore law and order. Clan elders came together and formed these courts, and the Somali people supported.
• The Islamic Courts openly communicated to the world that they have Somali agenda. As a Somali movement, the courts want to restore law and order in the areas that are controlled by the warlords by using Islam.
• The Islamic Courts believe that, since all Somalis are Muslims, Islam is the solution to the problems of the Somalis. It transcends clan bounderies which dived Somalis for too long
• Linking the good name of the courts with terrorism is based on fabricated and self-serving intelligence by warlords and Ethiopians.

NB: Any one who can not respond intelligently should hold his/her emotions.


Posted by: Ahmed Gurey at December 16, 2006 02:20 AM (xAgcV)

26 Hi all,

without prejudice, hatred, or insults, any one who is interested in fair intellectual discussion is welcome:

United States’ definition of terrorism is “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against innocents.” Somalia’s Islamic Courts did not commit violence against innocents. Can any one prove the countrary, save the cheap soccer fan propoganda!

• The Islamic Courts are homegrown movement that was created to restore law and order. Clan elders came together and formed these courts, and the Somali people supported.
• The Islamic Courts openly communicated to the world that they have Somali agenda. As a Somali movement, the courts want to restore law and order in the areas that are controlled by the warlords by using Islam.
• The Islamic Courts believe that, since all Somalis are Muslims, Islam is the solution to the problems of the Somalis. It transcends clan boundries which divided Somalis for too long
• Linking the good name of the courts with terrorism is based on fabricated and self-serving intelligence by warlords and Ethiopians.

NB: Any one who can not respond intelligently should hold his/her emotions.


Posted by: Ahmed Gurey at December 16, 2006 02:20 AM (xAgcV)

27 Mohammed Gory:

Somalian paridiseland? Civilization? You crack me up. I think you meant fantasyland and savagery.

"Infidels" live in holes full of pig shit. Very witty. You sure told him.

I honestly wouldn't have believed a human being could be so stupid, until I read your comment. I didn't even think an islamopithecine subhuman could be that stupid.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 16, 2006 06:52 AM (bLPT+)

28 Ahmed Girly:

Somalia's islamic "courts" haven't commited violence against any innocents. I guess those children and nuns had it coming.

The islamic "courts" were created with Al Qaeda's help to seize power and tyrannize the population. Any who oppose them are murdered.

There is no such thing as islamic law and order. Every islamic society on the planet is a barbaric, violent, shit-hole--and they always have been.

The islamic "courts" believe islam is an effective tool to gain power.

The self serving terrorist "courts" don't have a good name, they are reviled throughout the civilized world as despicable fascists.

The only difference between the regular warlords and the islamic "court" warlords is that the islamopithecines want to export their violence.

Somalia has no chance of beating Ethiopia, but once the terrorists inevitably try to spread their savagery to Kenya, we'll really see an ass whipping. The Kenyans and their British trained troops will crush the wimpy little islamopithecine Somalis.

By the way, there was absolutely nothing intelligent about your deceitful little screed. You're a genuine Somali like Jamil Hussein is a genuine police captain.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 16, 2006 07:09 AM (bLPT+)

29 Omar Gaalkiye: Since you have decided to call names I would like for niggers like you to understand that this is an American blog. That is why I refer to it as we. A computer is something a Somali muslim piece of dog shit like you could not understand how to make. You backward monkeys couldn't even make a light bulb or a ball point pen. You act proud. Proud of what. You are a nothing people. I do not want you to come here because you are savages and smell bad. To show your ignorance you refer to the cowardly attack on a small unit of Americans who came to aid in peace. Something your ugly animal people don't understand. To prove you are animals you drag the bodies of the dead through your streets. How brave. How stupid you monkeys are to believe you could ever fight and win against your betters. You are still just a bunch of savage jungle bunnies. Nothing more. We don't want you filthy bastards in America. You stink to bad and your people are ugly. So how's that asshole.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 16, 2006 08:24 AM (95kFq)

30 Tried to think of something Somalia has done for the good of the world. Nothing, simply nothing. Waste of space. Waste of air. Just a waste. Can these ignorant people even feed themselves? Doubt it. Let the muslims have them. Just a bunch on nothings sitting around with flies crawling all over their faces. They look like shit so the flies are drawn to them.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 16, 2006 08:42 AM (95kFq)

31 Jeff Bargholz,

Boast as much as you like dude. I have came across bigoted racist fuckheads like you who are nothing but pussies in real combat situations.

Personally the American and the Somali people have no animosity or hate towards each other. The problem is that the U.S. government thumbs its nose of every one else's business instead of minding its own.

Fuckhead Jeff, how do you know that the UIC are vile terrorist fuckheads like you? Where did you get your info? If you think you are a man and Somalis are pussies then I would advise you to take next plane to Mogadishu where you will find out who is the real pussie in here... fucking cock sucker retard.


You seem to be pretty respectable fella, however, please educate your self and do pretty through research before you comment a country that I believe you do not know much about. And I wish that the US government and its proxies would leave Somalia alone so that we can get on with our lives.

Posted by: Said Barre at December 16, 2006 04:10 PM (+0iD3)

32 Said Fairy:

How am I a racist and a bigot? Sosmallies have earned my contempt, and the contempt of the civilized world. Are you implying they're contemptible becuase they're  mulattoes? If so, you're the racist and bigot.

Your juvenile boasting is a perfect example of why Sosmallies live like vicious, unruly, stupid children. The entire country is a "Lord of the Flies" style dystopia. That's what happens when you have a nation with an average IQ of 70 or below.

Your IP address is from America, not Somalia, so feel free to show me a "real combat situation." I'm in the phone book. We can always use more scarecrows here in Nebraska, scrawnbones.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 16, 2006 05:48 PM (bLPT+)

33 Said Barre:
What do I need to know about Somalia? I can tell you what will happen to Somalia, now they've elected a radical ideology to take charge.
1. You will no longer have a history, anything you accomplished before Islam will be purged, including music, art and your customs -- this happened to Afghanistan, thousands of years of customs purged.

2. Anyone who refuses to give up the customs, sing the old songs to their children, continues to do things the somali way will be decapitated, or "mercifully" shot in the skull.

3. The Mufti's/Mullah's will ban Khat, and tell you this isn't the islamic way, this will be pushed as an improvement, that they did away with drugs (but will kill dealers, and users a like to do it)

4. The ruling body will swan around in BMW's, and Toyota trucks and live in luxury compounds, the average Somali will not even have sewage disposal, or running water.

5. Women will be banned from medical treatment, or attending schools, women will have a social status of an animal, and will be treated by men as property, barbaric Islamic customs such as female genitalia mutilation will be come the norm, as will females being forced into Burka's.

6. Anyone who does not seem pious, or does not follow Islam, anyone who rejects the "authority" of the Mullah's religious law will be killed (perhaps the U.N will build you a soccer stadium to carry out the executions in? bonus!)

Yeah, lets embrace that change.

Posted by: davec at December 16, 2006 07:50 PM (yaQM4)

34 The above is proof that we should not be allowing these ignorant Somalis in our country. If their country is so great why are they coming here? They don't come here to be Americans. They come for the dollar. They offer nothing in return except complaints. I agree with the Somalis. Leave them alone and get the ones here out of our country. They will never be real Americans. Screw them. Let the muslims enslave them. They are to stupid to know the difference. The entire population of Somalia isn't worth the death of one American.
And yes I am a racist. Whenever I see the films of Somali monkeys dragging the bodies of white people through their dirty streets I am reminded of why I am a racist.
Who are you Somalis to speak for the American people. All the American people I know think Somalis are backward savages who haven't the brains to feed themselves. Rightly so.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 16, 2006 08:03 PM (95kFq)


One more thing. The warlords you Somali idiots cry about are Somalis. Not Americans. Who is in the warlords gangs of thugs? Somalis, Not Americans. Who is killing and staving and raping the Somali people? Somalis, not Americans. I'm sick of you animals blaming my country for what you dumbasses to do yourselves.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 16, 2006 08:11 PM (95kFq)

36 Jeff,

I was very hessitant to respond to you initially, but I decide to go ahead any way for the sake of exposing the truth!

If the nun you are talking about is sister Leonella, she was a friend of the UIC and a fluent speaker of Somali. He was serving the Somali people for many years. As reported worldwide, the UIC condemned the criminal act and arrested two suspects immediately.

It turned out the nun was slain by warlords who wanted to label the UIC as terrorists and to show that Mogadishu was not save (unfortunately, with CIA money!). See the BBC link below:

I do not know what children you are talking about but I can tell you that it is well known that nuns, monks, women, and children cannot be killed in Islam even during compat! How can it ever be possible that a practising Muslim kills this people in cold blood? Impossible!

Sorry, as a practising Muslim believer, I do not insult, swear, or use profane language!


Posted by: Ahmed Gurey at December 17, 2006 08:21 AM (xAgcV)

37 Ahmed Gurey:

You are too nice on these father-fucker KKKs! You are a nice, pious, righteous Muslim, I am not! let me have their yankee ass. UICman, you are way too soft and "intellectual"! Get religious and intellectual somewhere else my dear! These bunch of ass-holes do not have any intellect! These Devil-shorshiping pig-humping shit-licking bitches do not have any morale! I can get low with them! Go with your high morale ground argument somehere else buddy!

Greychicken, Jeff bargirlz, Devil, Rusty Shackle-folded, or whatever stupid name you have, you have no minds! Just asses!

Posted by: Omar Gaalkiye at December 17, 2006 10:12 AM (xAgcV)

38 Gaalkiciye, I like the way you correct their disgusting names. Very funny.

By the way, these are a disgrace to the American Society. They are fringe of the fringe of society. I am lucky to know that these stinky welfare bums do not represent the American society! These are cyberpussylords!

Americans in general are tolerant, peace-loving people. More than eight million Muslims live in America. Do not be misled by these assholes. These no-minders think that they are helping America, but they are giving bad name! These hate-mongering, drug addict, school-drop-outs are misrepresenting the great American society.

Posted by: Mohamed Gure at December 17, 2006 10:25 AM (xAgcV)

39 Oh, one more thing Greychicken, Jeff bargirls, Devil:

There is one more thing I want to tell you about these skinies: They are called the TTT, as opposed to the KKK! That is, the Tall Three-leg Taliban! They are called three-leg because their cock is so big and long that they can use it as a third leg to walk on, when they are horny! When they see KKK ass-holes like you they really become savages, animals, know better. They do not only behead KKKs, bu they also devour their asses with their third leg!

Never venture into Somalia.

Continue in you current hateful, profane, flea-ridden, stinky life. Keeping collecting welfare and spend your time Muslim-bashing instead of working or studying!

Ahmed Gurey might care, but I do not give damn!

Posted by: Omar Gaalkiye at December 17, 2006 11:40 AM (xAgcV)

40 Mohamed Gure:
Americans in general are tolerant, peace-loving people.
Until push comes to shove, Buddy.
September 10th 2001 was the last day American's are going to take a radical Islamic Government, because they breed terrorism, and create safe havens for America's enemies.

Posted by: davec at December 17, 2006 12:02 PM (yaQM4)

41 Omar:
They do not only behead KKKs, bu they also devour their asses with their third leg!

I don't think Somali's are quite as homo as Arabs, but funny reply non the less.

Posted by: davec at December 17, 2006 12:47 PM (yaQM4)

42 Bravo Omar Gaalkiye and Mohamed Gure for your response to these welfare collecting, easily brainshed, bum low lifes. I guess they represent a fringe in our American Society.

Grey girly chicken,
You do not own and represent America. This is our country as well and we are here to stay, so get use to it or die trying it. But again, a bum like you with a brain of a leg horn thinks America belongs to the white man. By the way you seem to be the dumbest racist fuck head I have come across yet.

You do not know what you talking about so do not even try it. The future of Somalia is brighter than ever. Your evil grim prediction is nothing more than the scare tactics that will not amount to nothing.

Jerk bigoted asswhole,

Sure I'm in America and you will hear from me pretty soon...Just watch your stinky rear end.

Posted by: Siad Barre at December 17, 2006 02:41 PM (T43Lo)

43 Stupid ass muslim says impossible for muslimes to kill women or children. Dumb asses. So you think the World Trade Center had only men working in it. Airplanes hijacked only have men in them. Market places in Israel only have men in them. You stupid lying bunch of monkeys. Back to your trees where you belong. Animals is what you are. Always talking about screwing in asses. Hey! I just discovered why Somali muslims are the same color as shit. They don't know what hole to screw in. Just stupid animals. Nothing more.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 17, 2006 03:18 PM (95kFq)

44 Oh yea! You are also an ugly people. Sitting in the dirt with flys around your nasty heads. Why? Because Somali Muslims do not know what a bath is. You are a nothing people. You produce nothing. Invent nothing. You dumb bastards are to stupid to build anything. Everything you use comes from another country. All you can do is copy other people. You even must use other peoples languages to comunicate. Talk in your own language you filthy muslims. Quit copying others. Dress in your own stupid backward clothing and quit copying the west. Stay out of the civilized world. Stay in your own stinking country. Animals. Just ugly animals.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 17, 2006 03:26 PM (95kFq)

45 UN refugee agency indicated that more than 22,000 Somali migrants that started their adventurous voyage from the port city of Bosaso in the Somalia’s semiautonomous region of Puntland have penetrated Yemen in past three months. Those Somalis have reportedly reached Yemen by 188 fishing boats, which were threatened by horrendous sea waves.

Yes, where is the jobs that the ICU bring? why are people going to other countries?

NAIROBI, Kenya, Nov. 30 - Suicide bombers, including possibly a veiled woman, attacked the transitional government of Somalia on Thursday, killing at least five people and edging the country even closer to war

Look Islam brings peace, and suicide bombings!!

The Islamic Courts officials in the Somali capital Mogadishu explained about an ongoing operation of collecting weapons that were in the hands of ordinary people and business people.
Earlier Islamists issued a decree ordering all heavily armed

Take everyone's weapons, then they can't fight us!!

The United Nations today launched a $237-million humanitarian appeal for Somalia for 2007 to alleviate the suffering of 1.8 million people, including 1.4 million chronically hungry and 400,000 internally displaced, as the war-torn country reels from the triple blow of continued fighting, drought and devastating floods.

Wait, best ask the United Nations, what that cash is for, Somalia is a paradise!

Mujahideen are observed carrying the flag of the ICU. The propaganda film also shows the training of the fighters, glorification of the Emir of al-Qaeda, Usama bin Laden, and interviews with the Islamic poet, Abshir Bacadle, and a female Mujahida.

ICU glorifies Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden -- they're both the same. I say cancel any humanitarian aid to Somalia, the ICU & Bin Laden can take care of you?

Posted by: davec at December 17, 2006 04:40 PM (yaQM4)

46 Ahmed Girly:

"How can it ever be possible that a practising Muslim kills this people in cold blood? Impossible!"

Bwah, ha, hah! The idiots here defending the terrorists in Somalia are the dumbest dumbfucks I've ever encountered in my life! You guys are hilarious!

The nun was murdered by muslim savages. (Is there any other kind?) Of course the UIC (Useless Islamic Cunts,) blamed the other warlords. They blame them for everything. I guess it was those "warlords" who murdered the nun because they were angry about the muhammad cartoons. Fanatic islamopithecines never go apeshit over cartoons of their child molester, sex offender, prophet pretender--little muhommosexual--pig grease be upon him.

Keep it up. We're all laughing at you dorks.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 17, 2006 05:59 PM (bLPT+)

47 Amen and Amen. Impossible for muslims to kill women and children. BIGGEST LIE EVER TOLD.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 17, 2006 06:43 PM (95kFq)

48 Siad Barre: You stupid monkey. How can this be your country too. You have done nothing to deserve to be here. You and your people are nothing but welfare scum. To ignorant to make a living in your stupid backward country. So you had to come here and live off your betters. Back to your tree monkey. You are nothing but a cancer on civilazation. Soon we will be getting rid of your kind. You talk about dying. We'll see when decent people realize what you scum really are. Muslimes are cowards. You know it. I know it and the world knows it. This country wasn't founded by or for trash like you muslime bastards. Go back to your silly, backward, stupid, uncivilized people. You are not welcome here. Piss on Mohammed and Piss on Somali muslims.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 17, 2006 06:53 PM (95kFq)

49 Omar Girlyguy:

"You are too nice on these father-fucker KKKs! You are a nice, pious, righteous Muslim, I am not! let me have their yankee ass. These Devil-shorshiping pig-humping shit-licking bitches do not have any morale! I can get low with them! You have no minds! Just asses! They do not only behead KKKs, bu they also devour their asses with their third leg! Continue in you current hateful, profane, flea-ridden, stinky life. Keeping collecting welfare and spend your time Muslim-bashing instead of working or studying!"

Your primitive, juvenile replies are hilarious! Thanks for showing exactly why the world laughs at Sosmalli pedophiles. Even by Third World standards, Sosmallis are a backwards joke.

You seem to be hung up on big dicks and asses. I guess they go together in Sosmallia. Do you prefer big ones? Is that why Sosmallis are so scrawny? Do they prefer big dicks instead of food? Are they on the all-semen diet? No wonder all the pigs in Sosmallia wear burkas, and the goats wear lipstick. Is that why Sosmallis recruit young boys to their islamic gangs? They prefer boys to women?

You can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the monkey. You've proven that. You felch sucking shitmongers couldn't catch up to the stone age if you had a one million year head start. Only mental defectives and slaves convert to islam. Your Arab masters have trained you well. You don't even have your own names anymore. You have to use hawkena Arab names now.

"Never venture into Sosmallia."

I guess I'll have to cancel my vacation plans. I was looking forward to the insects, rocks, and filth, but I guess I'll just have to settle for Hawaii or the High Sierras.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 17, 2006 06:57 PM (bLPT+)

50 Mohomo Girly:

"More than eight million Muslims live in America."

Yes, and islam is a religion of peace, muslims bathe regularly, and Sosmallis are tough guys.

Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil Sosmalli cowards. It takes a real genius to become a refugee. I guess you're the Einstein of the islamopithecines. Oh, wait, I forgot. There have nevr been any islamic or African Einsteins. Plenty of dim-witted savages though.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 17, 2006 07:03 PM (bLPT+)

51 Greychicken:

Muslims have more followers thank KKKism in America! You are the ones to go! Islam is the second religion as well as the fastest growing religion in America. Imams like Sheikh Hamza Yusuf and Siraj wahaj are welcome any time in the Whitehouse; you are not! actually, no KKKer is! You hide behind a white mask while Muslims pray in public stadiums in America. There are Muslim congressmen who proudly take oath on the Koran inside the congres. Who is the KKKer who can swear KKK style in the congress?

You know what, much of sharia law is already applied among Muslims in the USA! Does that make you really mad? You cannot do anything; therefore, you might as well commit suicide.

Patriotic democrats will win next presidential elections (Amricans have shown their preferences during the last elections). More Muslims will gained political power, commensurate with numerical, economic, and educational power they already have in America. America might as well have a Muslim president in 2012! Just wait and watch if you are not in jail or kicked out of America by that time.

In short, Muslims have bright future globally and in USA in particular. KKKer losers have no future in the civilized world! they are endangered species! Get more education than hatred and use of foul language!

Posted by: Mohamed Gure at December 17, 2006 07:05 PM (xAgcV)

52 Sad Girly says:

"Jerk bigoted asswhole, Sure I'm in America and you will hear from me pretty soon...Just watch your stinky rear end."

Why, are you going to nibble the Nebraskan corn out of it? Americans use toilet paper for that.

You don't belong in a civilized country, much less the greatest country ever. We don't need animals like you to flip our burgers and clean our toilets.

Stop by any time, pussywhip.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 17, 2006 07:08 PM (bLPT+)

53 Jeff Bargirlz:

"There have nevr been any Islamic or African Einstein."

Funny eh, that is what I mean when I say "get more eduaction than how to use hate and use foul language"!

First of all, Einstein was closer to Islam than KKKism.

Second, if you had not droped out before finishing your K-12 you would have known that present science is originally Muslim invention. You would have known, for example, that Einstein would not have been able to do anything without Muslim invented Algebra! In fact, you would have recognized that today's science and technology would have collabsed if Muslim invented algebra is withdrawn or unlearned, if you have the brain to understand a bit of what I explaining!

Third, were the pharoahs who built the unresolved scientifically mysterious pyramids white trash KKKers? HELL NO! They were Africans

Get educated to get lost!

Posted by: Mohamed Gure at December 17, 2006 07:27 PM (xAgcV)

54 davec:

You seem to be bit different from the rest of colobus monkey, leprosy-ridden KKKs. At least you are trying to argue (though ignorantly) rather than shitting!

Just one advice: Do not believe whatever you read or hear in the media! Somalia does not need any KKK aid! Give this aid to the millions of homeless in your backyard, including yourself, bargirlz, and greychicken!

Posted by: Omar Gaalkiye at December 17, 2006 08:01 PM (xAgcV)

55 Greychicken:

Yell ver loudly "OUTLAW ISLAM"..BLAH BLAH...WE HA WE HI WE, like a pig passing air!

Who would listen to you? Who even knows you colobus monkey!

We are more worthy to Amrica than you! You get out of your country to hell with Hitler.

Posted by: Omar Gaalkiye at December 17, 2006 08:17 PM (xAgcV)

56 Mohamad Gure: Monkey man I am far more educated than you or any of your ignorant muslim countrymen. As far as education goes. That is another thing you animals copy from us. Like everything else. Nothing but another ghetto rat. Muslims are nothing but shit. Somali muslims look like shit, smell like shit, and eat shit. You come here to a nation based on Christian principles because your society is a failure. Same as muslims are a failure. Everything you say is bullshit. You animals are allowed here and there because we wish to keep an eye on you. Why? Because we know you and your religion is no good. Why don't you get your education in Somalia? You could finish the highest level there in two days. Get out of this country. Take your filthy ass back to where you come from. You are a cowardly dirty people not wanted here. Go back monkey. Back to your tree. OUTLAW ISLAM.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 17, 2006 08:38 PM (95kFq)

57 You stupid black muslims can only copy from Arabs and then you claim to be one of them. Bullshit. The arabs who are responsible for what little muslims have contributed to the world are not black muslims. Arabs put you monkeys in chains and sold you into slavery. Stupid black muslim. They are still doing it today. All you Somali assholes can do is copy other people because you are lower on the evolutionary scale. Perhaps in another million years you idiots will catch up to real civilization and not have to copy everything you are from other people. Back to your tree. OUTLAW ISLAM.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 17, 2006 08:43 PM (95kFq)

58 Omar,
I find it ironic you go back to 813 to tell us about the Islamic accomplishments, and telling us how uneducated Europeans and Americans are -- over a Personal Computer (IBM) with a CPU (Intel) most likely running Windows (Microsoft) with a TCP/IP stack (DARPA) transmitted via Ethernet(Xerox PARC) most likely over a switch, to a router (CISCO) that is output to HTML (Tim Berners-Lee) to your Browser.

I don't want to give Somalia any aid, not a single dime! I think we should have a total trade embargo with Somalia, no U.S corporation provided services, nor U.S manufactured technology transfers, nothing, not so much as a bag of nails. so you're with me on that.

By the way, were the Pharaoh's Muslim?

Posted by: davec at December 17, 2006 10:47 PM (yaQM4)

59 Mohomo Girly:

Islame is neither the second largest nor fastest growing religion in America. Not even close. It isn't even a religion, it's a cult. There are more Wiccans and Scientologists in America than islamopithecines, and there always will be.

Eventually Americans will lose their tolerance of you cockroaches, and exterminate your infestation of  the country.

President Bush invites imams to the White House so nobody can claim he's anti-Islamopithecine. Meanwhile, he's having hundreds of thousands of them slaughtered in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's a public relations ploy, Einstein.

Meanwhile, Robert KKK Byrd has been the Grand Dragon of the Democrats in Congress for decades.

Islamopithecines pray in stadiums and planes because we let them do it. If they get out of line, they get their asses kicked and they're forcibly evicted. You know that. You sure as Hell wont see a koranimal praying in public here in Nebraska. They won't even look you in the eye here, because we don't put up with their monkeyshines.

The Congressman you mentioned is not a muslim, he's a Black Supremacist. He's a member of the Nation of Islam, not the religion of islam. Real mustards consider the NOI to be heritics. Even so, he will never be reelected, and he is a pariah in his own political party. There is no application of sharia "law" in America, and there never will be.

Only 35 million people out of a population of 300 million voted for the Dhimmiecrats. The election was decided by those who stayed home. After 2 years of Dhimmiecrat stupidity, the people will put Rudy Gulliani in office, and he will ravage the islamic world.

Does this make you feel frustrated? There's not a damn thing you can do about it. You might as well kill yourself by challenging an "infidel" to combat.

You stupid koranimals have no economic, political, and especially no educational power in America, despite the ongoing jihad by CAIR and the other domestic terrorist groups. In fact, you dogs are being singled out as invaders, and your time here is limited.

Meanwhile, America is crushing the wimpy islamotard terrorists around the world. Iran and Syria are going to be overthrown before Bush leaves office--and you know it. Islamopithecines have become an endangered species of animal, and America will continue to slaughter them by the millions.

Too bad. So sad. Don't cry.

By the way, you raging ignoramus--algebra was devised by an Indian mathematician, and the filthy koranimals squatting on his country took the credit for it. All of the scientific achievments dishonestly claimed by islam were achieved by the conquered peoples--peoples who have since thrown out the filthy islamopithecine invaders.

It's a moot point, because "present science" is not based on algebra.

37 years ago, American were striding to the moon like Gods, while you koranimals lived in mud huts. You koranimals still live in mud huts. Every major scientific achievement of the last century was an American acheivement. Electricty, the light bulb, the telephone, television, air condoitioning, refrigeration, cars, planes, purified water, modern plumbing, and everything that koranimals want but cant produce themselves. These are the greatest scintefic ahiements in all of history.

Oh yeah. There's one more I didn't mention. Atomic bombs. We have em, we've used 'em, and we're gonna use 'em again--on you bugs.

You retards have contributed nothing to the world but baby killing, daughter and mother killing, gang rapes, human bombs, cowardice, body odor, ignorance, incompetence, ingratitude, and abject stupidity. Some accomplishment.

The engineers who designed the Pyramids were white Egyptians, and the people who built them were Jews. Neither koranimals nor Arabs existed at the time, you fucking, shit-for-brains imbecile.

If you weren't such a racist piece of shit, you'd know that not all Africans are Black, and they never have been. You're hung up on race because you're a bigot.

The vermin calling themselves Egyptians nowadays are diseased invaders from the Arabian Peninsula--which is why that debased country is a shit-hole, just like every other koranimal lair.

You and the other Sosmallis commenting here are without a doubt the stupidest, most ignorant mutants I've ever encountered. Even by islamopithecine standards you're severely retarded.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 18, 2006 12:17 AM (bLPT+)

60 Girly Grey chicken cunt,

Who built the Pyramids you redneck, dumb ass, fuck head, white trash? It was not Arabs but Pharoahs aka Somalis... go and read you scumbag pig shit eating. By the way since you can not fuck your women how do you like to watch my monkey 16 inch cock slid your bitch's cunt if you got one or your sister and once I'm done I insert a broom up in your tight kkk ass you mother fucker.

Girly Grey chicken cunt, why do not you go back to what ever shit whole white trash country you came from since America is Indian land you fucking dumb ass...

Jerk bigoted cunt,

I bet you have been molested and raped by a priest... As far as I know it is only Christianty especially in America that is associated with Pedophilia...Did you forget what happened in Chicago and Boston but again since you the lowest of low and you do not either read or know any thing about your next door nieghbor you may not know what I'm talking about...

I guess there is no point in talking to you retards... It is better to spend my time on something useful... Hasta luega ...Auvior...ala prochain.. I guess none of you ceast pools would understand any of these expressions.

Posted by: Said Barre at December 18, 2006 01:43 AM (ZcN+K)

61 Gaakiciye and Barre:

Your are right Said Barre, I am not even addressing myself any more to these mindless KKKers. They are very very very stupid dickheads! They are not even able to read and understand our posting! So why waste our time?

Gaalkiciye, I realize your name means KKK-expeller. Right? OK, I need your advise: when we are elected to rule the United States in the near future, I think we will have to deport these venomous anti-humans. OK, if you agree with me, where shall we deport them to? No country will accept them.

You might argue: Put them in the Caucasus mountain caves, where their neanderthal ancestors lived. They can identify with that culture. They will recognise the drawings on the cave walls and they will be happy.

I would respond to you: No Omar. I agree that is where they might originate. I also agree that is their race. Can you see, like the neantherthals, they possess only very very limited vocabulary--fuck, shit, swear, insult, hate, such primitive, animalistic instincts. That is it! Nonetheless Gaalkiciye, Caucasia is a Muslimland now. No Muslim can accept to live with these anti-humans. Shall we put them in the Island of Grotta D'inverno? what do you think? We shall see. We still have time to discuss.

Posted by: Mohamed Gure at December 18, 2006 02:47 AM (xAgcV)

62 I laughed a lot after reading your last posting Gure. It seems like you are have fun pissing on these garbage dumps!

Somali guys, let us all focus on something useful.


Posted by: Omar Gaalkiye at December 18, 2006 02:55 AM (xAgcV)

63 Simian Bare-ass:

Sosmallis built the Great Pyramid? Is that why they live in mud huts and crap in the corners? All you Sosmallis working together couldn't build a bad case of hemorrhoids. Homo habilis was a better builder.

Your sophomoric bragging about penis size and imaginary sexual prowess reflects your Stone Age mentality. 10 year old Americans are more sophisticated in their boasts. They probably have bigger dicks, too. Anybody who brags about being a stud has an impotent needle-dick. If you have a 16 inch dick, spit it out, because it aint yours.

You need to go back to your shithole country, because the American Declaration of Independence and Constitution weren't written by Indians, and the Indians migrated here the same as everybody else. Unlike refugee pussies like you, they fought for their right to live here. You're just a scum sucking parasite living off the accomplishments of your betters. You left Scumalia because it's the butthole of the world, but you don't belong here.

Yes, I know you live in America. No sub-literate cretin like you would have access to a computer in Scumalia. The only reason you know how to access the internet at all is because you were taught how by the Americans you sponge off of.

I'm not Catholic, but you sound jealous. Do you miss the serial pedophilia in Scumalia? Buggering boys is an integral part of islamic "culture," but it's a crime in America. So is rape, which is another islamopithecine standard. My neighbors don't molest boys, but you seem to know your neighbors well. All Sosmalli boys, no doubt.

You got your welfare check on Friday, so you'll probably be broke on Monday. I assume having something better to do means jerking off to internet porn. Boy porn, naturally. Maybe while you're online, you can look up the translation of "goodbye" in a few more languages. Bencong. Le peuf. Joto. Chango.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 18, 2006 04:28 AM (bLPT+)

64 You Somali niggers forgot another one. Adios mother fucker. Now these monkey men are claim the achievements of the Egyptians. They take the religion and dress of Arabs. Then everything else they copy from the white western world. Somalis are not a people. The are merely imitators like all monkeys. They cannot even be considered to be human as human create things, think of things, invent things, product things. Animals do not and Somalis do not. These monkeys should be in the cotton fields. What other good are they. 

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 18, 2006 08:52 AM (95kFq)

65 Who built the Pyramids you redneck, dumb ass, fuck head, white trash? It was not Arabs but Pharoahs aka Somalis...

It was neither the Pharoahs nor the Somali's, the Pharaoh was the name reserved for the ruler of Egypt, unless you mean "The Pharoahs" which is Eygpts national soccer team, but they did not build the pyramids either.
Somali's didn't build the pyramids, unless they were slaves, under the whip, dragged away from Somalia in a slave convoy?

Anything else you guys discovered, created or designed you want to claim credit for? space shuttle? westminister abby? dna?

Posted by: davec at December 18, 2006 10:44 AM (yaQM4)

66 That's quite a regression. From building great  pryamids to building mud huts.
I hope those who don't fully understand these muslims. Look at the posts above and you will see their main purpose. It is not being apart of a free, progressive country.
QUOTES ABOVE: "When we are elected to rule the United States in the near future"
"Sharia law is already applied among muslims in the USA".
"Sure I'm in America and you will hear from me pretty soon... just watch your stinky rear end." That comment was at least honest. Muslims always attack from the rear.
Listening carefully you can tell what these monkeys are about.
Their is really only one difference between countries. The people. America is rich and decent and just because it contains Americans.
Somalia is a shit hole, ugly, dirty, corrupt, filthy and backward because it is inhabited by Somalis. Why do we allow these monkeys in our country? They offer nothing. They bring nothing but a desire to copy our achievements. Once we educate them enough for them to realize they haven't got what it takes to be like us they become jealous of us. Let these ignorant animals educate themselves. Also they are an ugly people. Dog ugly.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 18, 2006 07:23 PM (SWRDR)

67 Davec:

Somalia does not need your aid! Somalis are suffering because you looted their resources. Don't you know that you are the citizen of the most indepted country in the world? You survive on what you on the booty you collect from deffenseless countries. On the countrary, many of us Somalis collected aid and sent it to New Orleans when you did not only forgot your fellow citizens, but you also killed them, looted them, and raped them while they were being battered by Catherina on the other cheek!

As for your fart regarding tecnology: Do you know what would happen to your PC if Muslims take back their cypher? No more ICT, if you can understand what that means. By the way Mogadishu has more cypercafes than your average same size town. ICT is much cheaper too. Get real!

Posted by: mareykanwasse at December 19, 2006 01:04 AM (DZnsA)

68 mareykanwasse:
Can you read?
The United Nations today launched a $237-million humanitarian appeal for Somalia for 2007 to alleviate the suffering of 1.8 million people, including 1.4 million chronically hungry and 400,000 internally displaced, as the war-torn country reels from the triple blow of continued fighting, drought and devastating floods.
Nothing would happen to my PC. but thanks for playing, though the scary thought of Muslims hitting me with a digital koran 'suicide bomb' nearly made my pants - not.
I personally am jealous I don't get to hang out at a 'cyber cafe' that smells of Yak's piss, and B.O with a bunch of Somali's but here we don't pay a weeks wages to surf the net, we just buy computers and an ISP, and we don't live in houses made of dry cattle turds and sticks either.
Show me documentation that the U.S looted anything from Somalia, last time i checked we were bringing you food, because you were all starving, you guys are liars,
and pretty much anyone with a brain cell knows it.

Posted by: davec at December 19, 2006 02:21 AM (yaQM4)

69 monkeywassee: Mogadishu has cypercafes because of no taxes. Nothing more. Those that killed,looted and raped in New Orleans were blacks. The ones that did the killing a rapes where blacks. That is another reason we don't wish for anymore blacks to immigrate here. Get it right muslim. I know. I was one on the bridges with by automatic shotgun to keep them from my community.
After a few days conversations with these Somali Animals we can decide they are no better than any other muslims. Just liars, uneducated monkeys who haven't said one truth on this thread. Sending aid to New Orleans. Who would need cow dung and flies. That all they have to offer.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 19, 2006 07:52 AM (SWRDR)

70 Bargirlz, Greychicken:

I see you dancing around and celebrating because you thought I left! You are dead wrong! I am still here to expose your ugly neanderthal tail again! No cause to celebrate yet little anti-human rats!

Bargirlz, you call me nigger! But how come your sister calls me Tiger? What is the difference? I guess it is my third leg! The solution may be to take you as my second wife! When you see my 3rd leg, you will be compelled to call me brother! You will then drag your buddy Greychicken, the other colobus monkey, by the tail to join my harem and he will call me black panther! I will the tell you: Get lost! I am not homosexual homo erectus like you! You will have to shag yourselves anti-humans!

You know, I blame those who taught you how to type and post message before educating you!If you were abused by your family and society, why are you so angry at the world? Why are you directing such anger against clean people? Are you saying why you did not stop them? We were not there to stop them. Do not blame us please!

Contrary to what your rat mind thinks, I am not a refugee! Refugees are dignified people who leave their country for higher level needs. Most refugees worldwide are obliged to flee their countries nowadays because of the policies of your warlord president.

You have rendered your country uncivilzed Bushland! Anti-humans like you including your warlord president have taken back your country to the days of New York gangs! Remember the New York Draft Riots? Or you do not know your history?

I will give you a short history lesson here, but I afraid that your primitive homoerectus mind cannot capture it! Try hard any way! You remember when your one-eyed, great, great, grandfather escaped justice in Europe because he stole a hen during the potato famine? That was around 1862, if I am not mistaken! He came to the US and your ancestor lived on what he rob or steal since then. I am obliged to expose further that your ancestors followed the footsteps of that gangster criminal whose family members died during the potato famine. That is how YOU came to America, criminal rat! If you want to know more about your history and that of your warlord president, watch your film "Gangs of New York" That is how your George Bushland was, and that is what it is becoming, cyberpussylord!


Posted by: Omar Gaalkiciye at December 19, 2006 09:39 AM (bFpCL)

71 Gure and Gaalkaciye:

As a fellow Muslim, I am very disappointed with you. Actually, I am more disappointed with you than the Jeff, Davec or Greyrooster.

These guys do not understand Islam but you do. You might not even understand Islam, but you at least have Muslim names. Why are you exchanging insults with these guys, contrary to the teachings of your religion? Why are you engaging in such despicable behaviour? You know (or at least you should) that Islam requires you to either say something good or shut up!

I am not trying to tell you what to do but at least have respect for the names you carry Omar, Mohamed...I am really shocked about the language you use my friends. Now tell me: What is the difference between your two groups? You both have called names one another. One group seems to despise pigs more while the other seems to have contempt for monkeys more! That is about it!

Posted by: Ahmed Gurey at December 19, 2006 01:18 PM (bFpCL)

72 Ahmed Gure:

In a way, you have a point buddy. OK. I admit: I have watched too many American films. On the average, there are at least 30 instances of fulgar language use in an hour-long holywood film. I have watched hundreds of them! At least some of this profane language might have corrupted me! As you are saying, in Islam, I have to say something good or shut up. I recognise that. I must admit that I am not a good Muslim, but I would definitely like to be one.

However, Sheikh Ahmed Gure, you also need to understand that this particular cyberspace is KKK den. It is not the best place to preach. I was just using a language they understand. In a way, I was actually trying to be culturally sensitive to them. I dare you Sheikh Gure, try to say good things to them. That when they will get more angry at you and behave more disrespectfully towards you. I know these guys well.

Posted by: Omar Gaalkiciye at December 19, 2006 01:56 PM (bFpCL)

73 haha a history lesson via the movie "Gangs of New York", perhaps I should watch "Planet of the Apes" for a documentary on Somalia?

Posted by: davec at December 19, 2006 02:16 PM (yaQM4)

74 Davec:

Thanks for your posting.

First of all, we Somali Muslims are very proud and we do not accept any one to dictate to us. But we are not arrogant either. No one, and I say one one can dictate to us! No, Arab, no American, no African, country, no friends, no foe. We just do not accept! We rather die in thousands. We are very proud (but not arrogant)and independent people. WE choose what law we choose, what kind of society, what form of government we want, etc. That is the UIC.

Islam is our religion and we apply it to our lives the way we want. Again, no one can tell us how! I do not care about what cheap proproganda is out there in the media, but we are what we are and we do not apologize a bit for it! We are Muslims, Islam is our religion, and we do not seek permission of any one in practicing it the way to see right!

Islam means emancipation from all forms of subordination except God’s. Islam would help the Muslims meet his/her lawful needs and gain internal and external harmony, synchronicity, and peace. Internal peace refers to one's psychological well-being due to lack of conflict within the self, while external peace stems from the harmonious and peaceful relationship with God and the spiritual, physical, and social environment. In the Islamic view of the purpose of life, peaceful existence in this life would lead to eternal peace in the hereafter. Thus, the UIC is not anti-American or anti-any one for that matter.

Somalia is rich in its resources and will soon stand on its feet again. The UIC policy is to be self-sufficient. Somalis are very enterpricing people. They will very soon establish a dynamic, vibrant and developed country soon.

Posted by: Ahmed Gurey at December 19, 2006 02:36 PM (bFpCL)

75 Ahmed Gurey:
You know what is ironic about that statement? the average American does not want war with Somalia, nor do we want bad things to happen to Somalis. The American people have always responded positively to countries in crisis, often giving more money than the Federal Government [in the case of the Tsunami for example] we have charities to help the people of Pakistan, ravaged by earthquakes, charities to help Afghani children have shoes, and coats for the winter and nor is the plight of Africa ignored by the West.
What America does have problems with however, is radical Islamic Governments, and their "Lords of the Flies" type "court system" and their ability to both train and attract terrorists, there are other models of an Islamic Government, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan and UAE that the U.S has no interest in. If your Government lionizes Al-Qaeda, and Bin-Laden you have transcended from an Islamic Government, to a state sponsor of terrorism, and that puts you in the cross hairs, not the fact you are an Islamic Government.

Somalis have a choice to make, it is possible to have an Islamic Government that is peaceful, and you could be an ally of the West, like a lot of the other moderate Islamic Governments, or you could create the ICU, decapitate "apostates", train mujahideen , invite terrorists from across the globe to Somalia as a safe-haven, accept rule by elitist Arabs, and non-Somalis and become the African Taliban, it is your choice that identifies you to the American citizen: Somalia, Friend, or Foe?

Posted by: davec at December 19, 2006 02:48 PM (yaQM4)

76 Best yet. Keep out of America. OUTLAW ISLAM the religion of ignorance. These Somali idiots talk on a third grade level and actually believe they know more about history than we do. That is the sign of stupidity. To stupid to know you're stupid. So backward they can't recognize backwardness. the west doesn't neet these animals. They were to cowardly to fight for their country so send them back and let others deal with them.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 19, 2006 04:39 PM (SWRDR)

77 New York Gangs dramatizes real historical events. NW and many other major cities in the US are still ganglands. But I am concerned much about that. The chinese, japanese, etc. have these notorious gangs too. That is more local crime issue. I am more concerned about what this gangster culture has lead to. This gangster mentality and behavior infiltrated into the top leadership in American foreign policy. Allowing these gangsters to lead a big country like the US will bring about global insanity and destruction.

The sooner the American people replace this gang the better. Decapitation, mass-murder, cold-blood killing, torture Abu Ghuraib style, etc.! This gang (I almost sweared but remembered Gure's eagle eyes scrutinize!), is making the American people hide with shame.

Violence begets violence terrorism begets terrorism, global gangsterism leads to global gangsterism. That simple. I do not care about the religion or nationality of any gangster who kills innocent people.

Posted by: Mohamed Gure at December 19, 2006 09:21 PM (bFpCL)

78 Do all these gangsters wear pin-stripe suits and carry violin cases?

Posted by: davec at December 20, 2006 02:15 AM (yaQM4)

79 The KKK rooster (a little cock) keeps crying "Cock a Doodle Doo" "OUTLAW ISLAM" who knows you exist? You are an OUTLAW IN AMERICA!

Shall I also teach you who you really are and how you came to America? Shall muffle you eternally like I have done to Bargirlz? Sheikh Ahmed Gurey: Can I let him have it one more time or will that be "too profane for you" You will have the option of not reading my next posting Ahmed.

Posted by: Omar Gaalkiciye at December 20, 2006 02:18 AM (bFpCL)

80 No Davec. Just read again my posting "I do not care about the religion or nationality of...." Obviously, pin-stripe suits are not the global "national dress"! They might as well wear scull-caps, mini skirts or even turbans!

Posted by: Mohamed Gure at December 20, 2006 02:47 AM (bFpCL)

81 You keep talking about animals: cocks, monkeys, pigs, rats, etc. These animals are better than most humans, regardless of their race. These animals are the real Muslims (those who live according to God's will); they are the ones who live according to God's will.

Omar, God is watching you; I am not.

Posted by: Ahmed Gurey at December 20, 2006 03:04 AM (bFpCL)

82 Ahmed Girly:

You're a fraud. You're obviously a muslim convert posing as a Sosmalli. You're probably a white, suburban punk. You may know about the true agenda of islam, which also makes you a liar for misportraying its rapacious savagery, institutionalized deceit, racism, hatred, misogyny, homophobia and intrinsic evil.

Just for the record, dung and flies aren't rich natural resources outside of Scumalia.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 20, 2006 05:12 AM (bLPT+)

83 The deranged and juvenile comments made here by Somalis and muslims are proof positive that neither group is ready to join the human race.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 20, 2006 05:33 AM (bLPT+)

84 These goat humpers just don't get it. Their stupidity hits a all time high. For one thing you stupid monkey I am not Christian. You must be a Christian to be a member of the KKK. I know many members of the Klu Klux Klan simply because I agree with some of the truths they teach and act on. They are correct about their feelings on blacks, muslims and are incorrect concerning jews. They really don't care much about Jews anymore because their rightful hatred of the muslim pigs is growing and growing. They are far more in number and power where I live than you could possibly believe.I hope they become powerful enough to drive the muslim pigs from America. I have also noticed large groups of whites rising up in Germany, England, Australia and much of Europe. I believe the day of the muslim dog barking is soon to be over. A world without filthy muslim swill be a better world.  Only thing worse than a muslim is a black muslim. They stink like pigs and copy human being like the monkeys they are. OUTLAW ISLAM

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 20, 2006 11:19 AM (SWRDR)

85 Omar: You overrate your bullshit. You haven't gotten the best of anyone. Merely showed your ignorance. Proofing that you are nothing but a backward animal to stupid to know stupid. Muslimes like you are why I say OUTLAW ISLAM. There members are too stupid to a part of civiliazation. Now be a good little monkey and get back in your tree. Perhaps I will leave you something shiney to play with.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 21, 2006 02:04 AM (vgc1P)

86 jonny669

Posted by: jonny431 at December 21, 2006 06:21 PM (VA/jM)

87 jonny1

Posted by: jonny14 at February 13, 2007 09:23 PM (/wHPX)

88 jonny15

Posted by: jonny18 at February 13, 2007 09:23 PM (/wHPX)

89 jonny6

Posted by: jonny18 at March 27, 2007 11:37 PM (RPsKH)

90 jonny10

Posted by: jonny18 at March 27, 2007 11:37 PM (RPsKH)

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