November 13, 2006

Simpsons Jump the Shark (Updated)

I've enjoyed "The Simpsons" for years.

But last night, emboldened by the Democrat victory in the midterm elections, Matt Groening and the other writers let America know just how they feel about the folks who protect us with their lives. They disagree with John Kerry, but only because Kerry didn't go far enough in betraying our soldiers.

Update: Hot Air has video. According to The Simpsons writers, anyone who enters the military is not only stupid, but evil, and eager to kill American civilians. Plus, (and despite the fact the recruitment goals have been met consistently in the real world) Army recruiters will come to elementary schools and make children sign contracts to enter the military.

If this was simply an aberration, Groening should apologize profusely and move on.

If this is a new direction for the animated sitcom, they'll go there without me.

Below is Matt Groening. This is the smug, aging hippy face of a man who hates any American wearing a military uniform.


Update by Rusty: Whatever happened to Grimey?

Let me also add that I haven't seen the episode. But I did go home and watch the Simpsons tonight. It was an episode where Homer goes to rock'n'roll fantasy camp. It totally sucked. At no point in time was I ever entertained by it.

Why did I watch it? I guess like long time soap opera fans, I just couldn't help myself. Really. My mom has been watching As The World Turns for nearly 40 years now. No joke. I guess I'm just tuning in to see what happens.

So, the Simpsons stopped being funny years ago.

I'll also add, that it's very improbably that Groening had anything to do with this episode. Or any episode for over a decade. That's why he hires Harvard educated writers---who share the liberal conventional wisdom. For all that education nothing they teach in the Ivy League can give you the funny.

Posted by: Bluto at 11:16 AM | Comments (65) | Add Comment
Post contains 327 words, total size 2 kb.

1 Its all a part of the "If we say it so many times, maybe they will believe it's true" mentality of the left. Just like all of their campaign jargon. Unfortunatly alot of people are believing this crud as aposed to thinking for themselves.

Posted by: ApexBill at November 13, 2006 11:43 AM (d6FxI)

2 I've never watched the Simpsons. "Why would anyone want to watch this trash" would be a better question?

Posted by: jesusland joe at November 13, 2006 12:43 PM (8PoNP)

3 Jumped the shark is exactly the phrase that came to mind last night when I saw the disgraceful Vietnam-era-style troop bashing.
F' the Simpsons.

Posted by: Yojimbo at November 13, 2006 12:51 PM (APTyk)

4 Family Guy even worse...From a reader at
I wanted to bring to your attention a couple of outrageous clips from the November 5th episode of Family Guy. The family is shown having a discussion about the son possibly joining the Army. The mother is opposed to the idea. The father answers that the Army is great because you can get "money for college, free food and all the brown people you can rape." A bit later in the scene, the baby (who speaks) says "the bottom 10% of our high school class is off to fight another battle."

Posted by: WVUinMN at November 13, 2006 01:06 PM (UdJCa)

5 Yes Bluto,
In that regard I find their show jaded.
South Park, however, helps clean the palate so to speak :-)

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at November 13, 2006 01:29 PM (pJzYI)

6 This is nothing new to the Simpson's. They have been trying for years to morph themselves into the liberal version of South Park ala Jon Stewart. Most of it has been simply annoying (claiming we jail patriotic dissidents like Michael Moore or mocking the "occupation" of Iraq in the recent Halloween special). However they have really gone off the deep end with this latest episode which, I wouldn’t even have seen if the restaurant I was at didn’t leave it on after the football game ended.

The fact of the matter is the show has just plain sucked for about 4-5 years. I am an obsessive Simpson's fan with all the accompanying DVD's and even a decaying collection of VHS' taped off TV. In its prime it was a witty show with few equals but it has fallen off tremendously.

This "new" (2-3 years old) attempt to reframe the show as a far-left version of South Park is obviously a last gasp. If it was truly funny I imagine it might still attract an audience. I don't know of any of the old school Simpson's dorks like myself who can even stand the show now. Not because it is liberal but simply because it is NOT funny anymore.

Posted by: Texag03 at November 13, 2006 01:36 PM (s+8EU)

7 This is nothing new to the Simpson's. They have been trying for years to morph themselves into the liberal version of South Park ala Jon Stewart. Most of it has been simply annoying (claiming we jail patriotic dissidents like Michael Moore or mocking the "occupation" of Iraq in the recent Halloween special). However they have really gone off the deep end with this latest episode which, I wouldn’t even have seen if the restaurant I was at didn’t leave it on after the football game ended.

The fact of the matter is the show has just plain sucked for about 4-5 years. I am an obsessive Simpson's fan with all the accompanying DVD's and even a decaying collection of VHS' taped off TV. In its prime it was a witty show with few equals but it has fallen off tremendously.

This "new" (2-3 years old) attempt to reframe the show as a far-left version of South Park is obviously a last gasp. If it was truly funny I imagine it might still attract an audience. I don't know of any of the old school Simpson's dorks like myself who can even stand the show now. Not because it is liberal but simply because it is NOT funny anymore.

Posted by: Texag03 at November 13, 2006 01:36 PM (s+8EU)

8 I sent Fox an e-mail this morning letting them know they have lost a viewer.
What a disgrace. Here is the e-mail address if anyone else in interested in letting them know how they feel.

Posted by: Steve O. at November 13, 2006 01:59 PM (CLQNo)

9 Grow up pussy, most of them did greet us as liberators, but we still had to take out the Saddam run military and infrastructure. Warfare is funny like that. Ask the French in '44.

Posted by: Cdat at November 13, 2006 02:04 PM (1ISxl)

10 > recruitment goals have been met consistently in the real world

Here is a good analogy...

If I set a "goal" of bedding 20 women a month, I would probably not meet my goal. If I lowered my "goal" to 1 or 2 a month, I would most likely make my goal.
Both the "goals" and the minimum education requirements keep dropping lower and lower every month.

As for the perception of "evil" don't blame Homer, he is a fictional charactor just like Murphy Brown.

If you want to blame someone for the perception that the soldiers are "evil" Blame the "Brave Heros" at Haditha, My Lai or Kent State.

Bush got the message from the people after the election... why can't you?

Chevron, Exxon, Mobil, Shell: TAKE YOUR WAR AND GO TO HELL!!

Posted by: Wiseguy at November 13, 2006 02:10 PM (T4HwR)

11 Grow up you pussy. It's a joke. They told us we would be greeted as liberators. We had to invade. They were making weapons of mass disintegration.

Posted by: George Ramos at November 13, 2006 02:16 PM (wkRws)

12 Well, it's true.

Posted by: Ryan at November 13, 2006 02:28 PM (2OYFk)

13 Now where did I see this kind of outrage over a cartoon before?

Perhaps down the road Mort Walker will be receiving mysterious envelopes of powder for his treasonous depections of the military..

Posted by: MyPetGloat at November 13, 2006 02:33 PM (06Exb)

14 OK Howie, lets talk about your "hersos" and the ever lowering education standards you confirm with your typo tirade.

1. How was Iraq responsible for 9/11?

2. Where are the WMD?

3. Why is the worlds greatest superpower getting its ass kicked by thugs with pipebombs to the point that they must murder un-armed civillians to "pad their stats" ???

Don't get me wrong, I am thankfull for the brave heroes defending Halliburtons freedom to gouge. Without your raping of your fellow soldiers and shooting cruise missles in to Kirkuk elementary schools, we would have never won the House and Senate. So PLEASE keep up the good work, if you don't keep shooting your own soldiers (Like Pat Tillman) we may not win the White House in 2008.

Posted by: Wiseguy at November 13, 2006 04:03 PM (T4HwR)

15 Here is a list for you Howie:

1.) Tara Burkhart - Raped by a fellow US soldier who was never prosecuted

2.) Jennifer Dyer - Raped by a fellow US soldier who was never prosecuted

3.) Sharon Mixon - Raped by a fellow US soldier who was never prosecuted

4.) Sally Griffiths - Raped by a fellow US soldier who was never prosecuted

5.) Timothy McVeigh Army Sergent - OKC Bomber

6.) Charles Whitman - Marine - Austin Bell Tower Sniper

7.) Jeffrey Dahmer - US Army - Cannibal/Mass Murderer

8.) John Allen Muhammad Army Sergent - DC sniper

Posted by: Wiseguy at November 13, 2006 04:08 PM (T4HwR)

16 The Army is having to turn to more high school dropouts and lower-achieving applicants to fill its ranks, accepting hundreds of recruits in recent months who would have been rejected a year ago, according to Army statistics.

--- NY Times

Posted by: Wiseguy at November 13, 2006 04:13 PM (T4HwR)

17 MyPetGloat:
Perhaps when someone gets maimed, or dies from cartoon 'outrage' that would be a valid comparison.

If you want to blame someone for the perception that the soldiers are "evil" Blame the "Brave Heros" at Haditha, My Lai or Kent State.

Haditha is a non-issue, no one has been tried.
However, perception of the many, is done by the acts of a few now? so should I now think all Teachers are child molesters, due to the fact I've seen 5 arrested in the news, all Police are racist abusers, because I saw the Rodney King video? see how that works?

As for your requirements dropping, can you tell me when the Military dropped their requirement for a High School degree?

Posted by: davec at November 13, 2006 04:40 PM (QkWqQ)

18 I've go some of Wiseguys brave hersos for you right here.


Name: Barea Nafie Dawoud Ibrahim

Nationality: Iraqi

Group: Ansar al-Sunnah

Release date of execution video: 02-10-2004


Name: Luqman Hussein

Nationality: Iraqi-Kurdish

Group: Ansar al-Sunnah

Release date of execution video: 11-10-2004


Name: Hussein Shanoun

Nationality: Iraqi

Group: Ansar al-Sunnah

Release date of execution video: 03-11-2004


Name: Hussein Jassem Mohammad al-Zubaidi

Nationality: Iraqi

Group: Al-Qaeda in Iraq

Release date of execution video: 21-01-2005


Name: Ahmad Alwan Hussein al-Mahmadawi

Nationality: Iraqi

Group: Al-Qaeda in Iraq

Release date of execution video: 21-01-2005 (same video like that before)


Name: Mohammed Mutawalli

Nationality: Egyptian

Group: Jama'at Al-Tawhid Wa'al-Jihad

Release date of execution video: 10-08-2004


Name: Jack Hensley

Nationality: American

Group: Jama'at Al-Tawhid Wa'al-Jihad

Release date of execution video: 21-09-2004

Name: Abbas Dahel Majid al-Obeidi

Nationality: unknown

Group: Al-Qaeda in Iraq

Release date of execution video: 22-10-2005


Name: Eugene Armstrong

Nationality: American

Group: Jama'at Al-Tawhid Wa'al-Jihad

Release date of execution video: 20-09-2004

Perceived evil my ass, this is fucking real evil you jackass

If wise guy wants to see it email Howie.  You watch that and tell me who's on the side of good and who's evil you  fucking retard.

Posted by: Howie at November 13, 2006 04:45 PM (D3+20)

19 Remeber we punish war crimes they get a medal for murder.  All thos people were beheaded alive.
The MSM calls that "signs of torture"

Posted by: Howie at November 13, 2006 04:46 PM (D3+20)

20 O.K.

Jump the shark? What are you all mad!?

This is satire folks in case you forgot. Last I remember it was as American as apple pie.

sat‧ire  /ˈsætaɪər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[sat-ahyuhr] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice, folly, etc.
2. a literary composition, in verse or prose, in which human folly and vice are held up to scorn, derision, or ridicule.
3. a literary genre comprising such compositions.
[Origin: 1500–10; < L satira, var. of satura medley, perh. fem. deriv. of satur sated (see saturate)]

—Synonyms 1. See irony1. 2, 3. burlesque, caricature, parody, travesty. Satire, lampoon refer to literary forms in which vices or follies are ridiculed. Satire, the general term, often emphasizes the weakness more than the weak person, and usually implies moral judgment and corrective purpose: Swift's satire of human pettiness and bestiality. Lampoon refers to a form of satire, often political or personal, characterized by the malice or virulence of its attack: lampoons of the leading political figures.

Posted by: Sharky Too at November 13, 2006 05:11 PM (Y6uq5)

21 Howie, nice post... but I didn't see any answers to my questions in there.

1. How was Iraq responsible for 9/11?

2. Where are the WMD?

3. Why is the worlds greatest superpower getting its ass kicked by thugs with pipebombs to the point that they must murder un-armed civillians to "pad their stats" ???

Here are one more:

How many US casualties are due to humvee wrecks, friendly fire and helicopter crashes in comparison to the number killed by actual enemy fire?

Our best and brightest?

Posted by: Wiseguy at November 13, 2006 05:21 PM (T4HwR)

22 I didn't see the show as I rarely watch the Simpsons anymore, BUT didn't Groehning (sp) stop actively writing the show years ago?  I though he was bought out and moved on to write Futurama, etc.

So the creator may not be to blame, just the current producers/writers/staff.  The anti-military war comments in here make me sick.  You people are ignorant.  We have the most honorable and capable military in the history of this fine country and arguably of the civilized world. 

We are in the midst of a moral and right war against pure evil.  Those that cannot see it are truly alarming to me.  Shame on Fox and the Simpsons.  Shame on ignorant and foolish Americans.

Posted by: Howie2 at November 13, 2006 05:26 PM (C5YSc)

23 It's funny cause it's true.

When are you guys going to figure out you've been wrong about the war all this time?

Reality has a well-known liberal bias, you know.

Posted by: Dan at November 13, 2006 06:29 PM (SaN+5)

24 This is why we don't watch Simpsons or Family Guy.  Matt Groening has hit a new low.

Posted by: RepJ at November 13, 2006 07:04 PM (jcCc5)

25 You, guys must really be smarting from the election to get so angry at a cartoon. Wow, doesn't take much huh?

This article was written by a muck raking hack and is simply trying to get you spun up against a non-existent enemy.

Remember, when you're angry, the political puppeteers have total control over you. Dance little puppet dance.

Speaking of getting children to sign up for the military. My 14 year old nephew is approached daily with military recruitment offers. They keep telling him "think about the military as a career". "You don't want to go to college, Do you really want to go to school for 10 more years? The military offers you a job and a career the day you graduate" This is despicable behavior. What the military does is get 17 year olds to sign delayed entry contracts then the more kids they get to sign up, the higher their starting rank and pay. So, in effect, the military recruiters can say they aren't recruiting yet, they have their contracted enlisted folks do it for them.

Why do we have military recruitment booths in our high schools after all? It's to get the young folks setup before they start college.

Sure, the military is a good job for some, but to tell kids that they don't want to waste time in college and go to war is UNAMERICAN!

Posted by: LabRat at November 13, 2006 07:06 PM (4JE2y)


Oh look, it's a LIBERAL BOOGEY MAN!

Posted by: LabRat at November 13, 2006 07:14 PM (4JE2y)

27 3. Why is the worlds greatest superpower getting its ass kicked by thugs with pipebombs to the point that they must murder un-armed civillians to "pad their stats" ???

Only someone ignorant of history would ask why Guerilla warfare brings a conventional military to it's knees, it has in every insurgency -- good example Russia, in Afghanistan.
When I re-read your complete sentence about "murdering un-armed civilians" I then realized you probably are dumber than a box of rocks.

Posted by: davec at November 13, 2006 07:53 PM (QkWqQ)

28 Wiseguy:
15 Here is a list for you Howie:

1.) Tara Burkhart - Raped by a fellow US soldier who was never prosecuted

Why don't you post your profession, and let's see how many rapists, murders and thugs share it, then we can compare you to them to.
I swear, this blog is getting overrun with idiots.

Posted by: davec at November 13, 2006 07:57 PM (QkWqQ)

29 You're right, davec, about being overun with idiots, but it goes with the territory. You do a great job of exposing their stupidity for the World to see.

Posted by: jesusland joe at November 13, 2006 08:27 PM (8PoNP)

30 The great value of a thread like this is that it exposes elitist turncoat pussies like Wiseguy, and bald-faced liars like Labrat, who says his fourteen year old is being recruited. Right, what does your wife, Morgan Fairchild, whom you've slept with, think of that?

Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto at November 13, 2006 08:52 PM (vBK4C)

31 DaveC said:
"Why don't you post your profession, and let's see how many rapists, murders and thugs share it"

People in my profession, as is the case with most others, are PROSECUTED for rape, in the US Military they are PROMOTED.

By the way, how is the hunt for Osama going? Did you find him in Iraq?

Posted by: Wiseguy at November 13, 2006 09:06 PM (T4HwR)

32 wiseguy:
You're a waste of space, in a database table that could be used for something much better.
You might invest your time better by taking some of that pent up frustration from your raisin sized balls and hit some porn sites instead, troll.

Posted by: davec at November 13, 2006 10:20 PM (QkWqQ)

33 Wow, the fact that the moonbats have come out in such force in this topic shows that it must've hit a nerve.

I only saw the last half of the episode and thought it was just dumb.  But as most of the regulars have already said, it's been at least 3 years since Simpsons has been good.

Wiseguy: promoted for rape? Examples and sources please.  This isn't the French Army c. 1800.  Most of my buddies have gotten multiple details just for singing an 'offensive' cadence, so I can imagine they'd disappear to Levenworth pretty quick if they actually raped someone.

Posted by: Ranba Ral at November 13, 2006 10:50 PM (VvXII)

34  Ranba Ral: maybe wiseguy has a point. Didn't Clinton get promoted to Commander-in-Chief after Juanita Broadderick?

Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto at November 13, 2006 11:08 PM (vBK4C)

35 Hey not-so-wise guy wasn't Clinton an alleged rapist? He was "promoted" to the presidency by moron jackasses like you.

Posted by: Monica at November 13, 2006 11:11 PM (N2FRq)

36 Wiseguy  [more like ignoramus and a lying malicious one at that]

To try to portray all coalition personnel to be the same as a few bad apples who disgraced themselves is a manifest travesty.

How about mentioning the medics, doctors, and medivac personnel who knowingly walk into harms way just to help save the innocent Iraqi's whom your filthy worthless subhuman Jihadi buddies blow up with their IED's?

How about mentioning reconstruction of schools in Afghanistan by the U.S. and NATO personnel? The schools that your mother-loving Taliban brothers purposely attacked because in your f**ked up pseudo-religion you don't want girls to receive an education?

Wiseguy, you are not worth the oxygen that you waste.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at November 13, 2006 11:16 PM (pJzYI)

37 heh, true that Bluto.

Posted by: Ranba Ral at November 13, 2006 11:45 PM (VvXII)

38 After reading all of the intelligent, articulate, and correctly spelled insults I have seen the error of my ways.

You are absolutely right god bless the brave heroes who murder for oil, rape for free and pave the way for Halliburton.

Can't wait for the impeachment to begin.

Posted by: Wiseguy at November 13, 2006 11:57 PM (T4HwR)

39 You bitches were the first to bitch about the Muslims complaining over the Danish cartoons, yet here you all are crying over an episode of The Simpsons and Family Guy. Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y, fucktards? It's satire, get the fuck over it or stop complaining when Muslims get upset over the Danish cartoons when you guys have a soft spot as well.

Seriously get a fucking life you war geeks.

And as for Garduneh Mehr, since you're a Persian, perhaps you should go get yourself a nosejob and schedule an appointment for your laser hair removal, since we all know how hairy and greasy you fucks are. Talking all tough online yet you would be scared like the little bitch you are in person. No different from the e-jihadis haha. Go back to managing those gas stations in West Covina.

Posted by: Meh at November 14, 2006 12:13 AM (IUgqk)

40 USA has fucked up, plain and simple,courtesy of Bush and any MORON who re elected him.Youll be sweeping up the mess for decades. Sometimes the truth is just too hard to face.The most ignorant voting population on earth.

Posted by: pflo at November 14, 2006 12:17 AM (NFwHw)

41 "Both the "goals" and the minimum education requirements keep dropping lower and lower every month"
Bullshit - pull another one out of your ass douchebag.

Posted by: Max Power at November 14, 2006 01:16 AM (PM8kH)

42 Meh:
As you obviously know there is a difference between "complaining" and "rioting", the Muslims did the later -- five people were killed in Afghanistan and riots in other countries caused damage to property.

Any other apples, you want to compare to oranges?

Posted by: davec at November 14, 2006 01:46 AM (QkWqQ)

43 Hey Dickwad meh - when we cut off Matt Groening's head and call for the death of all the western cartoonists then you little H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-S-Y rant might mean something.
Until then STFU!

Posted by: Max Power at November 14, 2006 01:47 AM (PM8kH)

44 Max, Dave, give the kids a break.  After all, we did take the proverbial wizz in their Cherrios by asking for facts andn common sense instead of empty rhetoric.  Don't we know that's against the rules?!

Plus Bluto and I made a swipe at THE GREATEST PRESIDENT EVAR, which I'm sure didn't help matters any.

Posted by: Ranba Ral at November 14, 2006 02:08 AM (VvXII)

45 Max:
He evidently likes 8bit computer games, and I cannot fault him for that

Posted by: davec at November 14, 2006 02:13 AM (QkWqQ)

46 davec -

Someone probably has answered your question, but if so here it is again.

"As for your requirements dropping, can you tell me when the Military dropped their requirement for a High School degree?

Posted by: davec "

"Published on October 4, 2005 by Knight Ridder

Army Moves to Recruit More High School Dropouts
by Joseph Galloway

WASHINGTON - Army Secretary Noel Harvey and vice chief of staff Gen. Richard Cody said Monday that the Army was using looser Defense Department rules that permitted it to sign up more high school dropouts and people who score lower on mental-qualification tests, but they denied that this meant it was lowering standards.

Until Army recruiters began having trouble signing up enough recruits earlier this year, the Army had set minimum standards that were higher than those of the Defense Department.

The Army has a recruiting shortfall of 6,000 to 8,000 soldiers over the past 12 months. It hasn't fallen so short of its annual goal since 1979, several years after the Vietnam war.

Harvey and Cody addressed the recruiting issue in news conferences during the annual convention of the Association of the U.S. Army.

The Department of Defense "standards on qualification tests call for at least 60 percent Category 1 to 3 (the higher end of testing) and 4 percent Category 4," the lowest end, Harvey said. "The other services follow that standard and the Army National Guard always followed it as well. But the active Army chose a standard of 67 percent in Categories 1-3, and 2 percent Category 4." It now would use the Defense Department guidelines, he said.

Cody said that increasing the number of people with General Education Diplomas allowed to enlist in the Army wasn't really a lowering of standards. GEDs are certificates granted in lieu of high school diplomas to dropouts who can pass an examination.

The Army's figures show 6.5 percent of all enlisted soldiers held GED certificates at the end of 2004, the last year statistics were available. The Army plans to keep its limit on new soldiers with GEDs at 10 percent in any year.

Harvey said the Army was working hard to resolve its recruitment problem.

He said the number of soldiers on recruiting duty is increasing from 9,000 to 12,000, and the Army is asking Congress to increase enlistment bonuses from a maximum of $20,000 to a new limit of $40,000 for some who choose branches where there are shortages. The advertising budget for the Army was being boosted by $130 million.

The problem, Harvey said, is "a combination of three factors: a good economy, the war in Iraq and parents reluctant to see their sons and daughters enlist" because of the war.

He confirmed that the recruiting shortfall was affecting the Army's plans to temporarily increase troop strength of the active force by 30,000.

The Army secretary said the long-term Army plan was to increase the operational Army, the soldiers who fight, from the current 315,000 to 350,000, while maintaining today's total strength of 482,000.

By comparison, in 1980 the U.S. Army's active-duty strength was 780,000.

Cody said there was bad news and good news on manpower. "We didn't make our goal in recruiting," Cody said. "But we reached 108 percent of our goal in retaining those soldiers already in the Army."

That means that the soldiers who come in the Army "stay with us," Cody said. He added that even after a combat tour and on the eve of heading back to Iraq, soldiers of the 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized) re-enlisted at a rate that was double what the Army had hoped to achieve.

Cody said that if the enlistment numbers had been met this year, there might have been an end to the involuntary extensions of the enlistments of thousands of soldiers".

And then there is this more recent article -

"U.S. is recruiting misfits for army
Felons, racists, gang members fill in the ranks

Nick Turse

Sunday, October 1, 2006

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After falling short of its goals last year, military recruiting in 2006 has been marked by upbeat pronouncements from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, claims of success by the White House, and a spate of recent press reports touting the military's achievement of its woman- and manpower goals.

But the armed forces have met with success only through a fundamental transformation, and not the transformation of the military -- that "co-evolution of concepts, processes, organizations and technology" that Rumsfeld is always talking about either.

While the secretary of defense's longstanding goal of transforming the planet's most powerful military into its highest-tech, most agile, most futuristic fighting force has, in the words of the Washington Post's David VonDrehle, "melted away," the very makeup of the armed forces has been mutating before our collective eyes under the pressure of the war in Iraq. This actual transformation has been reported, but only in scattered articles on the new recruitment landscape in America.

Last year, despite NASCAR, professional bull-riding and Arena Football sponsorships, popular video games that doubled as recruiting tools, TV commercials dripping with seductive scenes of military glory, a "joint marketing communications and market research and studies" program designed to attract, among others, dropouts and those with criminal records for military service, and at least $16,000 in promotional costs for each soldier it managed to sign up, the U.S. military failed to meet its recruiting goals.

This year, those methods have been pumped up and taken over the top in several critical areas that make the old Army ad tagline, "Be All You Can Be," into material for late-night TV punch lines of the future.

In 2004, the Pentagon published a "Moral Waiver Study," whose seemingly benign goal was "to better define relationships between pre-Service behaviors and subsequent Service success." That turned out to mean opening more recruitment doors to potential enlistees with criminal records.

In February, the Baltimore Sun wrote that there was "a significant increase in the number of recruits with what the Army terms 'serious criminal misconduct' in their background" -- a category that included "aggravated assault, robbery, vehicular manslaughter, receiving stolen property and making terrorist threats." From 2004 to 2005, the number of those recruits rose by more than 54 percent, while alcohol and illegal drug waivers, reversing a four-year decline, increased by more than 13 percent.

In June, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that, under pressure to fill the ranks, the Army had been allowing into its ranks increasing numbers of "recruits convicted of misdemeanor crimes, according to experts and military records." In fact, as the military's own data indicated, "the percentage of recruits entering the Army with waivers for misdemeanors and medical problems has more than doubled since 2001."

One beneficiary of the Army's new moral-waiver policies gained a certain prominence this summer. After Steven Green, who served in the 101st Airborne Division, was charged in a rape and quadruple murder in Mahmudiyah, Iraq, it was disclosed that he had been "a high-school dropout from a broken home who enlisted to get some direction in his life, yet was sent home early because of an anti-social personality disorder."

Recently, Eli Flyer, a former Pentagon senior military analyst and specialist on the relationship between military recruiting and military misconduct, told Harper's magazine that Green had "enlisted with a moral waiver for at least two drug- or alcohol-related offenses. He committed a third alcohol-related offense just before enlistment, which led to jail time, although this offense may not have been known to the Army when he enlisted."

With Green in jail awaiting trial, the Houston Chronicle reported in August that Army recruiters were trolling around the outskirts of a Dallas-area job fair for ex-convicts.

"We're looking for high school graduates with no more than one felony on their record," one recruiter said.

The Army has even looked behind prison bars for fill-in recruits -- in one reported case, they went to a "youth prison" in Ogden, Utah. Although Steven Price had asked to see a recruiter while still incarcerated, he was "barely 17 when he enlisted last January" and his divorced parents say "recruiters used false promises and forged documents to enlist him."

While confusion exists about whether the boy's mother actually signed a parental consent form allowing her son to enlist, his "father apparently wasn't even at the signing, but his name is on the form too."

Law enforcement officials report that the military is now "allowing more applicants with gang tattoos," the Chicago Sun-Times reports, "because they are under the gun to keep enlistment up." They also note that "gang activity maybe rising among soldiers." The paper was provided with "photos of military buildings and equipment in Iraq that were vandalized with graffiti of gangs based in Chicago, Los Angeles and other cities."

Last month, the Sun-Times reported that a gang member facing federal charges of murder and robbery enlisted in the Marine Corps "while he was free on bond -- and was preparing to ship out to boot camp when Marine officials recently discovered he was under indictment." While this recruit was eventually booted from the Corps, a Milwaukee police detective and Army veteran, who serves on the federal drug and gang task force that arrested the would-be Marine, noted that other "gang-bangers are going over to Iraq and sending weapons back ... gang members are getting access to military training and weapons."

Earlier this year, it was reported that an expected transfer of 10,000 to 20,000 troops to Fort Bliss, Texas, caused FBI and local law enforcement to fear a turf war between "members of the FolkNation gang ... (and) a criminal group that is already well-established in the area, Barrio Azteca." The New York Sun wrote that, according to one FBI agent, "FolkNation, which was founded in Chicago and includes several branches using the name Gangster Disciples, has gained a foothold in the Army."

Another type of gang member has also begun to proliferate within the military, evidently thanks to lowered recruitment standards and an increasing tendency of recruiters to look the other way. In July, a study by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks racist and right-wing militia groups, found that because of pressing manpower concerns, "large numbers of neo-Nazis and skinhead extremists" are now serving in the military. "Recruiters are knowingly allowing neo-Nazis and white supremacists to join the armed forces, and commanders don't remove them from the military even after we positively identify them as extremists or gang members," said Scott Barfield, a Defense Department investigator quoted in the report.

The New York Times noted that the neo-Nazi magazine Resistance is actually recruiting for the U.S. military, urging "skinheads to join the Army and insist on being assigned to light infantry units." As the magazine explained, "The coming race war and the ethnic cleansing to follow will be very much an infantryman's war. ... It will be house-to-house ... until your town or city is cleared and the alien races are driven into the countryside where they can be hunted down and 'cleansed.' "

Apparently, the recruiting push has worked. Barfield reported that he and other investigators have identified a network of neo-Nazi active-duty Army and Marine personnel spread across five military installations in five states. "They're communicating with each other about weapons, about recruiting, about keeping their identities secret, about organizing within the military," he said.

Little wonder that Aryan Nation graffiti is now apparently competing for space with American inner-city gang graffiti in Iraq.

In the latter half of the Vietnam War, the U.S. military started to crumble from within and American troops began scrawling "UUUU" on their helmet liners -- an abbreviation that stood for "the unwilling, led by the unqualified, doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful."

With a growing majority of Americans opposed to the war in Iraq and even ardent hawks refusing to enlist in droves, new policies creating a lower-quality officer corps and the Pentagon pulling out ever more stops and sinking to new lows to recruit and train troops, a new all-volunteer generation of UUUU's may emerge -- the underachieving, unable, unexceptional, unintelligent, unsound, unhinged, unacceptable, unhealthy, undesirable, unloved and uncivil -- all led by the unqualified, doing the unnecessary for the ungrateful.

Current practices suggest this may well be the force of the future. It certainly isn't the new military Rumsfeld's been promising all these years, but there's no denying the depth of the transformation."

A simple Google provides a wealth of facts.

Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 14, 2006 06:21 AM (qBTkS)

47 "Only someone ignorant of history would ask why Guerilla warfare brings a conventional military to it's knees, it has in every insurgency -- good example Russia, in Afghanistan.
When I re-read your complete sentence about "murdering un-armed civilians" I then realized you probably are dumber than a box of rocks.

Posted by: davec "

Yep, Bush had plenty of examples of how to lose a war, but he jumped into Iraq anyway.

The French and the Americans had no possibility of winning a war in Vietnam.

The Russians in Afghanistan, the more recent example.

If Bush had brought in his daddy's advisors in 2002, we wouldn't be in this mess, unless he had chosen to ignore their advice, also.

Do I have to say it, again? Guess so.

If Bush had been smart, studied hard and done his
homework, he wouldn't have gotten us stuck in Iraq.

Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 14, 2006 06:35 AM (qBTkS)

48 Not only was Tara Burkhart raped and the rapist never prosecuted, but Tara Burkhart was charged with various military infractions and sent to jail, as her reward for reporting the rape.

I don't know why a woman would want to go into the Army or become a Marine.

They certainly have no respect for women there.

My daughter is a 1st Lt and the safety officer at the Coast Guard station in Galveston.

She has not had any of these problems with men trying to rape her, although she should be a prime target, since she is petite blond and blue eyes.

Maybe there is a different mentality in the Coast Guard, than the Marines or Army.

Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 14, 2006 06:52 AM (qBTkS)

49 Now, that's rich!!!

Idiot #1 congratulating idiot #2.

"You're right, davec, about being overun with idiots, but it goes with the territory. You do a great job of exposing their stupidity for the World to see.
Posted by: jesusland joe"

It's a blog, guys, not a competition to determine which of the 2 of you is the bigger idiot.

Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 14, 2006 06:55 AM (qBTkS)

50 I believe he was talking about you and your ilk, fuddleduck. Perhaps a course in reading comprehension would be advantageous for you. It sure couldn't hurt. Because you're reaching, boy, you're reaching!

Posted by: jesusland joe at November 14, 2006 10:06 AM (8PoNP)


Wasn't puddleduck one of the ones claiming to be a Vietnam veteran? I've never met a Vietnam vet who didn't know that the South fell to North Vietnamese regulars backed by Soviet armor, not VC. The VC never fought above company strength after their near annihilation in the Tet Offensive.

Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto at November 14, 2006 11:18 AM (vBK4C)

52 Puddleduck:
Your two articles from the Liberal sites "San Francisco Gate" and "Common Dreams" has me convinced!

a category that included "aggravated assault, robbery, vehicular manslaughter, receiving stolen property and making terrorist threats." From 2004 to 2005, the number of those recruits rose by more than 54 percent, while alcohol and illegal drug waivers, reversing a four-year decline, increased by more than 13 percent.

Ever notice how articles like this switch from specific figures to percent, how that works is if you had 40 people in the Military in 2004 on a waiver then had 63 in 2005 you would have at least 50% more, sounds more damning to quote percentile statistics though?

Puddleduck, I have never commented on your service, but looking at you sticking knives in the people serving in the armed forces in every thread I think you must have been quite the Buddy Fucker.

Posted by: davec at November 14, 2006 01:21 PM (QkWqQ)

53 Let's just say most of us would not want to be in a foxhole with fuddlepuck. Having him watch your back would be like.....well, you get the picture.

Posted by: jesusland joe at November 14, 2006 01:56 PM (8PoNP)

54 I believe puddleduck said he was an Airborne Ranger, I think he can correct the details of that.

Posted by: davec at November 14, 2006 02:19 PM (QkWqQ)

55 Meh,
You filthy TAAZI worthless Mo-slime, for your information I am a scientist (Ph.D.) employed in defence industry in North America. Oh yes, I work on systems that allied forces employ to dispatch your worthless fellow Jihadist ilk to the infernal regions whence you came. Oh yes! I love my f**king job! I could get myself a 25% raise by working for a different employer, but I'd rather keep working where I am owing to the unparalleled job satisfaction. That is, the satisfaction of knowing that in my own small way (albeit insignificant next to the coalition service personnel) I am doing my part! In addition, it is my privilege to donate from my earnings of this same job to various allied funds from solidersangel to assisting the displaced in Israel to spiritofamerica.
FYI, "TAAZI" is what we Iranian patriots call your Jihadi ilk; it roughly translates "vicious rabid animal".

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at November 14, 2006 02:27 PM (vixLB)

56 Here is a recap of valid questions posed on this blog, and some of the brilliant responses from the well educated, articulate folks who read this page:

How was Iraq responsible for 9/11?

Davec: "You're a waste of space, in a database table that could be used for something much better."

Where are the WMD?

Davec: "You might invest your time better by taking some of that pent up frustration from your raisin sized balls and hit some porn sites instead, troll."

How is the hunt for Osama going? Did you find him in Iraq?

Garduneh Mehr: "Wiseguy, you are not worth the oxygen that you waste."

How many US casualties are due to humvee wrecks, friendly fire and helicopter crashes in comparison to the number killed by actual enemy fire?

Max Power: "WTF???? Is this real? No one could be this much of a pussy!"

No wonder you dipshits lost the election.

Posted by: Wiseguy at November 14, 2006 08:48 PM (5sF1s)

57 Wiseguy:
I didn't lose any Election?
I also stopped answering your questions after I figured out you were a troll, with your strawman questions, you bravely attack.

Posted by: davec at November 14, 2006 09:51 PM (QkWqQ)

58 "I believe he was talking about you and your ilk, fuddleduck. Perhaps a course in reading comprehension would be advantageous for you. It sure couldn't hurt. Because you're reaching, boy, you're reaching!
Posted by: jesusland joe"

Thanks for the compiment. I am now a proud member of an ilk.

Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 15, 2006 04:24 AM (qBTkS)

59 "Wasn't puddleduck one of the ones claiming to be a Vietnam veteran? I've never met a Vietnam vet who didn't know that the South fell to North Vietnamese regulars backed by Soviet armor, not VC. The VC never fought above company strength after their near annihilation in the Tet Offensive.
Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto"

I believe that you have me confused with someone else, except for the part about me "claiming" to be a VietNam vet.

Be that as it may, your argument is irrelevent.

We were not going to win the VietNam war, no matter who you think we were fighting and how many of our soldiers were sent there.

Ho Chi Minh was determined to win, at all cost.

Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 15, 2006 04:57 AM (qBTkS)

60 "I believe puddleduck said he was an Airborne Ranger, I think he can correct the details of that.
Posted by: davec"

Wrong again, davec.

Nothing to correct.

I never claimed to have been an "Airborne Ranger", only "Airborne".

I said I was a member of the 1st Brigade of the 101st Airborne Division, from April 1964 thru August 1966 and was only a parachutist (not a senior parachutist or jumpmaster - do you know the difference?).

The "Airborne" designation is earned by competing 3 weeks of training at a jump school (for me that was at Ft. Benning).

The Ranger, Recondo and Pathfinder designations are earned by completing additional training and is usually offered to those who have an MOS of 11BxP, or similar, where 'x' = proficiency level and "P" = "parachutist".

Once you successfully complete the training, you are allowed to wear the Ranger patch on your right shoulder above your unit patch. The Recondo patch was worn on one of the shirt pockets, I believe and I can't remember where the Pathfinder patch was worn (a chevron worn above the Recondo patch?)

I would not have taken any of that additional training, since it would not have been related to my MOS.

Many of the guys seemed to find the Airborne training difficult as 2 thirds of the class failed to complete the training and dropped out, prior to graduation.

Learned that the guys that swam 5 miles before breakfast (Navy UDT), couldn't run.

Maybe they had been out of basic training and were out of shape.

You know the terminology for dropping out of training, if you saw "An Officer and a Gentleman". The term is "DOR" or dropped, on request.

Since the training was voluntary, you could drop out anytime you liked.

Maybe it had something to do with the 3rd week?

And, for many, the 2nd week did them in.

34 feet is a long way up, when you are up there looking down (one short, sargent!!).

And 250 ft is even scarier, as you feet dangle in the breeze at 250 feet above the ground.

And it doesn't help that you just witnessed a member of the cadre climb one of those towers to help a student climb down, that got blown into a tower when the wind shifted as he was being dropped, and is now hanging on for dear life.

It also doesn't help when you see the result of failure to "rig and run, all around", where the clips, on the specially modified chutes were not all connected properly to the the "ring".

The jumper, "in the air", gets a surprise, as those clips come loose, one by one, after he reaches the top of the tower, until he is left with an uninflated chute, above his head, and he has to be lowered to the ground on the cable.

If you have ever tried skydiving, then you would know what it's like to jump out of a "perfectly good airplane".

Tried the skydiving thing too.

It was a little scarier than jumping out of a side door of a C130, C123, C119 or C124.

We had to climb out onto the locked wheel of a Cessna, while holding onto the right wing strut at 3000 feet, and push off backwards.

Learned how easy it was to fall thru your suspension lines, while your main chute is deploying.

But was able to use some training that I never had to use, while in the Airborne.

And that would be to cut away the main and pull the reserve.

At 1250 feet, your reserve chute is practically worthless, if you have a malfunction, since you have only 9 seconds from the time you jump out until you hit the ground, with a complete malfunction.

Doesn't give you much time to cut away the main and pull the reserve (and don't even think about pulling the reserve, before cutting away the main).

During the first 3 seconds, you are falling to the end of your static line, your main chute should be deploying from the deployment bag and your canopy inflating, breaking the 80 lb test line that connects your static line to the apex of your main chute.

You have about 2 seconds to verify that you have a fully inflated canopy over your head.

You've already use up 5 seconds of the 9 seconds, that you have left.

If you have a canopy that you can ride down, even with the risk of injury, you had better keep what you have got, since you, most likely, don't have the time to cut away your main and pull your reserve and expect the reserve to fully inflate, by the time you hit the ground.

The ex-special forces instructor warned me that I would be the most difficult to train, in the skydiving class.

Can you figure out, why?

Probably only an ex-paratrooper would know the answer.

A "leg" sure as hell would not know the answer.

And don't forget to check your cantelope.

Queer, Sargent, acorn!!

Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 15, 2006 06:27 AM (qBTkS)

61 "Let's just say most of us would not want to be in a foxhole with fuddlepuck. Having him watch your back would be like.....well, you get the picture.
Posted by: jesusland joe "

Yep, and I wouldn't want to turn my back on you, expecially while you are holding that jar of Vaseline.

After all, you are a Republican, in the "ilk" of Mark Folley, aren't you?

Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 15, 2006 06:36 AM (qBTkS)

62 "Puddleduck:
Your two articles from the Liberal sites "San Francisco Gate" and "Common Dreams" has me convinced!

a category that included "aggravated assault, robbery, vehicular manslaughter, receiving stolen property and making terrorist threats." From 2004 to 2005, the number of those recruits rose by more than 54 percent, while alcohol and illegal drug waivers, reversing a four-year decline, increased by more than 13 percent.

Ever notice how articles like this switch from specific figures to percent, how that works is if you had 40 people in the Military in 2004 on a waiver then had 63 in 2005 you would have at least 50% more, sounds more damning to quote percentile statistics though?

Puddleduck, I have never commented on your service, but looking at you sticking knives in the people serving in the armed forces in every thread I think you must have been quite the Buddy Fucker.

Posted by: davec "

Wrong again dave.

I am not sticking knives into the backs of our soldiers.

Just contradicting your "facts".

You would be better off if you would do some research, before posting, instead of just pulling shit out of your ass.

Maybe one of your buds can show you how to use Google. It's so simple, even you can learn how to use it. Or not.

Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 15, 2006 06:44 AM (qBTkS)

63 "No wonder you dipshits lost the election.
Posted by: Wiseguy "

Put them all together and they can't come up with one coherent thought, between them.

Pretty sad.

What next? Does my mother wear army shoes?

Well, actually, she was an army MP, during WWII, so she did wear army shoes.

Posted by: PuddleDuck at November 15, 2006 06:48 AM (qBTkS)

64 Puddleduck, speaking of "coherent thoughts", it would be useful for you to take your own advise.

Posted by: jesusland joe at November 15, 2006 12:29 PM (8PoNP)

65 PuddleDuck:
You do not have to post any details to convince me, I have never questioned if you served or not.

Which facts would you be contradicting there puddleduck? you did not disagree about Guerrilla warfare so I assume it is this:

As for your requirements dropping, can you tell me when the Military dropped their requirement for a High School degree?

You are ex-Military so you understand there are waivers for certain individuals to join. If you are going to claim that I am incorrect with a fact, I do not want to see a "commondreams" or "sfgate" URL, please show me Department of Defence policy on their site where it says you no longer require the above? not some hippy or Liberal mag -- thanks.

Posted by: davec at November 15, 2006 12:36 PM (QkWqQ)

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