December 30, 2006

Saddam Is Dead - The Left is Apoplectic

You can practically taste the tears of sympathy and feel the tangible pangs of moral outrage through your screen. Outrage, I tell you!!!

Ragnar highlighted the initial reactions of some Kos Kidz - Bush sucks!!11!!

Gateway Pundit has another roundup of lefty reaction- pure and unvarnished America-hatred and BDS drip from these links (especially in the comment sections of these sites).

Kevin Drum tries to convince us that the execution will cause a sudden "spiral of violence" that has yet to materialize anywhere but in the fervent imaginations of the news media and in the fever swamps of the leftosphere. CNN reports that audience members were dancing with joy.

HuffPo morons Raed Jarrar and Martin Lewis lament and wax tragic over the death of the Butcher of Baghdad. A maroon at some site called "Shakespeare's Sister" is also not happy about justice being administered to Hitler, Jr.

Steve "Blackface is Groovy" Gilliard calls it a murder by the Iraqi government (the one that the left claims doesn't actually exist).

Sheldon Dronby, Air America's founder/sugardaddy? Bush is worse, you stupid neocons.

Because, you know, Bush is worse. Or something. Poignant stuff, all this.

Nothing gets the moral compass of the left out of whack quite like the deserved death of a Jew-hating, anti-American tyrant.

ht: Radio Equalizer, Jules Crittenden

Posted by: Good Lt. at 08:53 AM | Comments (42) | Add Comment
Post contains 226 words, total size 2 kb.

1 Judging from the comments from the left, they must all be suffering from anoxia-caused brain damage.
The air must be pretty damn thin way up in those ivory towers

Posted by: lonevoice at December 30, 2006 10:03 AM (eP161)

2 Wow, some of those comments at Kos are downright morally
bankrupt.  The butcher of Baghdad has finally been served his just
desserts and all those whiny little emotionally retarded brats have to
say is "Bush deserves the same"?  Only in their depraved little
minds can they hold the opposing thoughts that capital punishment is
wrong, but Bush should be hanged.

These people vote?  I'm scared.  Hold me.

Posted by: Oyster at December 30, 2006 10:24 AM (YudAC)

These people vote?

Yup.  Truly scary what passes for moral outrage on the Left.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at December 30, 2006 10:27 AM (8e/V4)

4 If the Lancet study is  correct and the statistics of refugees fleeing Iraq is also correct then there is inarguably about a million and a half people who are either dead or have had to flee from their homes that were better off under Saddam.  In less than four years.  It took Saddam more than 21 years to reduce the population by at the highest count 500,000.  Heck, we achieve that population decrease in ten years by automobile deaths alone.
What 70% of Americans also realize is that you bring order to Iraq by doing what worked for Saddam, secular nationalism.  The same reasons why 80% of Americans work hard every day for a living so the 20% can live in splendor is the same system that Saddam had working in Iraq.  He shared the oil wealth with the top 20% Sunni's.  No different here.  Bush does the same thing. 
So when will the 10% of the 30% percenters realize they are being chumped by the guys in the $5000 suits.  If god told GW Bush that we needed to invade a nation that held the oil that powered our SUV's so we can remain superior to the rest of the world then "bring it on" right?  We are superior, we have all the answers, and we want all the rest of the world to share in it, right?  Just like the top 20% shares with the other 80%, right?  Whew, you guys really believe this democracy rules stuff don't you?
Foolish Americans........

Posted by: civilbehavior at December 30, 2006 10:33 AM (SGHzB)

5 civil,

if you are not going to respond to people's comments and responses to your comments, and are just here to bloviate you can forget it.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at December 30, 2006 10:52 AM (8e/V4)

6 ...
absurd thought -
God of the Universe wept
when Saddam was killed

he wanted him pissed on
being dragged through Baghdad

absurd thought -
God of the Universe sings

if there is a BIG bad HELL
Saddam's registered by now

Posted by: USpace at December 30, 2006 10:58 AM (HMm2Y)

7 civilretard,

You just don't get it, do you?

Posted by: Dick at December 30, 2006 10:59 AM (XlQVK)

8 You, on the other hand, are just so happy about the fact that Moqtada Al-Sadr, whose followers in the black hoods ("long live Moqtada Al-Sadr!") executed this infidel dictator, finally got his vengeance. Once Iraq finally turns into Shia theocracy you will probably feel exulted.

In case you didn't notice, or in case you can't read, this was the point that Kevin Drum made: the execution was carried out in a way of just another sectarian killing, and _this_ is what made him feel unhappy, not some mysterious love for Saddam.

Posted by: Nikolay at December 30, 2006 11:14 AM (mS6dz)

9 If the Lancet study is  correct

Its not. It uses very shoddy methodology so cry all that you want that
Saddams children prisons aren't open anymore or that Uday is not
choosing which 12 year old he wants to abuse this week.

is that you bring order to Iraq by doing what worked for Saddam, secular nationalism

Wow...are you really this fucking dumb. You think it was patriotic
posters and songs that kept people in line or the fact that they knew
if they got out of line they could be put into a shredder feat first or
watch their entire village die from nerve gas.

The rest of your drivel is too fucking stupid to respond so go weep over your lost hero. Boo fucking hoo!

Posted by: Randman at December 30, 2006 11:21 AM (Sal3J)

10 Randman,
Exactly what part of "Mission Accomplished" are we in at this point? 
90 body bags of American kids in December one it the highest death tolls yet for American troops.  October it was 105 body bags full of American kids.
Iraqi's close to 3,000 dead in December.
Merry Xmas.
Not enough yet huh?

Posted by: civilbehavior at December 30, 2006 11:40 AM (SGHzB)

11 The Lancet study have been completely discredited. If you are going to quote some figure, use the one from, which put the number in the 50 thousands. Of course, that number is suspect too as they use the MSM as the source of their numbers.

Posted by: BohicaTwentyTwo at December 30, 2006 11:55 AM (/wT0K)

12 Civil. Where did I mention "mission accomplished"? I understand you
love the terrorist and excuse anything they do but you are one brain
dead fuck. You don't give a fuck about the troops so shove that crap up
your ass.

Posted by: Randman at December 30, 2006 12:06 PM (Sal3J)

13 " Where did I mention "mission accomplished"?

Nobody did. That's his scattershot attempt at defending the actions and legitimacy of the Hussein regime, because his blind hatred of George Bush won't allow him to see Saddam Hussein as a tyrant. He was a foil to US power, and now he's gone.

Mission accomplished.

Besides, that banner was put up by the military members on that ship to indicate that the mission of toppling civil's hero from power was accomplished. Which it was.

Facts. Liberals. History.
One of these things does not belong.

Posted by: Good Lt at December 30, 2006 12:31 PM (D0TMh)

14 " Where did I mention "mission accomplished"?

Nobody did.

You didn't have to mention it.  Leftists like snivel have a script and they read from it.  That's all.  They doesn't have to address what you actually say.  See my comment at #5. 

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at December 30, 2006 12:39 PM (8e/V4)

15 "Iraqi's close to 3,000 dead in December.
Merry Xmas.
Not enough yet huh?"

Civilbehavior has become the resident dipsh*t here. Maybe I can put his "logic" in terms that leftarded morons can understand. Here goes.

We totally should have left Europe in WWII after the death toll of US troops surpassed that of Pearl Harbor. After all, Hitler never attacked the US. Neither did Mussolini. What an unjust incursion into other's affars. None of our business. Practically a war crime. We were wrong to inter Japanese citizens of the US under a Democrat president in order to secure the internal security of the nation.

We decimated Germany and killed millions of civilians in all theatres of war all over the Earth. What warmongers we were. We invaded Normandy and lost thousands in a single day in a country that wasn't even involved in the war (except when it surrendered to Hitler, who never attacked the US and had no WMDs).

Would've been better off if we left Hitler alone and retreated from Tojo. Nearly 1 million American troops came home in body bags - some didn't even make it that far. FDR's war was a disaster.

This has been civil's lesson in retarded leftist history. Apologies to normal people who have been injured mentally by reading this. We now return you to your real life.

Posted by: Good Lt at December 30, 2006 12:42 PM (D0TMh)

16 the execution was carried out in a way of just another sectarian killing, and _this_ is what made him feel unhappy,

He got a fair trial, with a horde of Leftwing defense lawyers defending him for over 3 years.  That's just "another sectarian killing"?  LOL.  Folks, now you know why Liberalism is considered a mental disorder. 

You people make me ill.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at December 30, 2006 12:44 PM (8e/V4)

17 Four lawyers and a judge murdered during this farce of justice. How many children killed in what was once the most developed infrastructure in the Middle East reduced to poverty and ruin?

 Let's see who can we compare Hussein to:


This list goes on but you get the point. All tolerated and accepted by the "great democratic nation" when it served their interests. What fficial&hs=FIN&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=hypocrisy&spell=1" class="p">hypocrisy.

I'm sorry, but this simple does not make me feel safer in my home.

Posted by: gentleman at December 30, 2006 12:46 PM (nX3GV)

18 To make it even sweeter, Ramsey Clark is now weeping with the lefties highlighted here.

You remember him, don't you civil? A Democrat defense attorney who ran for Congress in 1974, if I'm not mistaken. A former Attorney General under failed President Lyndon Johnson (the escalator of the Vietnam War).

And Democrats wonder why they're percieved as siding and defending the enemies of the United States.

Wonder no more. Here's what the Iraqi judge presiding over the trial had to say about the Democrat disgrace defending this piece of human debris:

"Clark was ejected from the trial of Saddam Hussein after passing the
judge a memorandum claiming that the trial was a travesty. The Chief
Judge Raouf said to Clark in Arabic, "No, you are the mockery...get him
out, out". Abdul Rahman then told Clark, in English, "You come from
America and ridicule the Iraqi people."

Posted by: Good Lt at December 30, 2006 12:52 PM (D0TMh)

19 Pinochet?

What, no Castro?  No Ceacescu?  No Pol Pot?  LOL.  You get the idea.  These are darlings of the Left and are never mentioned by them.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at December 30, 2006 12:54 PM (8e/V4)

20 Four lawyers and a judge murdered during this farce of justice.

Rhetorical nonsense.  For every lawyer that was killed, another one replaced him.  Saddam got better representation that I'll ever be able to afford-- and I'm not a mass murderer.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at December 30, 2006 12:56 PM (8e/V4)

21 Four lawyers and a judge murdered during this farce of justice. How
many children killed in what was once the most developed infrastructure
in the Middle East reduced to poverty and ruin?

Translation - we should have let Saddam continue to fill the mass graves. It was none of our business. Despite his violations of UN resolutions. despite his hostility to his neighbors and the region. Despite his hostility towards us and Israel. Iraq was a peaceful place before the US came along - rainbows, infinite productivity for the world, chocolate rivers and kids flying kites (unless they were Kurds or Shiites).

If they keep going along this route of 'reasoning,' I'm placing bets that the leftards will be defending Hitler by nightfall.

Posted by: Good Lt at December 30, 2006 12:58 PM (D0TMh)

22 Pinochet?





list goes on but you get the point. All tolerated and accepted by the
"great democratic nation" when it served their interests.

Let me see if I have your logic right. We are evil for taking Saddam
the tyrant out. We are evil for not taking those other tyrants out. If
we buy their oil at market prices we are stealing their resources. If
we don't buy those resources we are starving their children. Have you
always been a self righteous America hating twit?

what was once the most developed infrastructure in the Middle East

God your stupid. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and now the
big one that will make you favorite....Israel. Would you
like to play again.

Posted by: Randman at December 30, 2006 01:10 PM (Sal3J)

23 This is simply my observation, and I mean this to be general, and without intended malice (my bias is not a secret, and isn't the point):

civilbehavior doesn't actually do anything to promote a real discussion around here.

By way of comparison Nikolay (who I hope will not be ofended by my usage of him here) has comments far superior. Though I disagree with him a lot of the time, I would say I find his comments to have some individuality, and thought put into them. He doesn't finish off his comments with "foolish Americans" either.

Now if Nikolay was an English patriot, and said "Rule Britania!" at the end of his comment, he is entitled to his loyalty. If he was french, he could say "Vive La France" or something. Like I say "USA, all the way!" Just who is civilbehavior loyal to? Hmmm.

I don't see Nikolay, or myself using routine and formulaic slander as a feature of every comment. I would say if either of us is getting heavy with slander, it is in reaction to a specific arguement, or emotion, not as part of a dogma of hate. (And Death to AP! OK, so I'm not perfect!)

For example, I might say we need to fight back against the 'Jihadists', but turn around and say we need to try and save the 'moderate Muslims'. This is more of a limitation on language, than a true desire to generalize.

I see dogma in civilbehavior's comments, and to me, that makes them uninteresting. I tend to skip them. When I get to Nikolay, I stop, because there is something to read. I may disagree, and he may recite a leftist talking piont, but he isn't a droid.

I understand that many will feel a need to react to civilbehavior. At times one accidentally notices the dead and irrelevant horse he keeps beating, and must, out of shock, say something.

I found PuddleDuck at least a hundred times more interesting than civilbehavior, and I disagreed with him lots. I kinda miss him. I feel that way about No Fear.

So it's not about ideology. civilbehavior is boring! I wouldn't miss him. I wouldn't notice if he disappeared. I usually only notice him when Jesusland Carlos, or Jeff Bargholz reacts to him, because THEY ARE NOT BORING!

My advice to civilbehavior would be to stop repeating mindless dogmas from the left. Stop saying "foolish Americans" unless you want to attach it to a real sentence. Like "those foolish Americans at 'Daily Kos' really made me mad today!"

Do some of your own research. Have a point of view that is your own, and not borrowed from Michael Moores collection of leftist CrackerJack toys. In short, unplug yourself from the matrix.

One of my main dogmas is that I talk to much

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 30, 2006 03:09 PM (2OHpj)

24 Yeah, the phony Israeli-owned neocon Right loves the failed war. As the Russian press said, this is not a milestone but yet another
millstone re US occupation. As a Buchanan Traditional Rightist
I oppose the war and the Empire and yes, as Buchanan explained
(and the America Firsters of both Right and Left then agreed) Hitler
was no threat to a strongly defended America had we stayed out
of THAT war too-for which France and the bulk of Europe no
longer seem to thank us!
As to Iraq, many of Saddam's worst enemies long for his rule by
way of comparison to the essential long-term anarchy Bush and
his neocons implanted in Iraq. The Lancet study has been backed by most of the world's leading epidemiologists who have studied
it-and that means the totals of innocents killed resembles the above
40% of Iraq's professional class have voted with their feet and fled
Iraq. The Shias who dominate the ineffectual government are
pro-Iranian and have every intention of instituting a system which
is even stricter than Baathism-already noticeable in the Iraqi
women who are now veiled and have less rights in marital law,for example.
Yet the 20% (and that is all you Bushies compose of the electorate,give or take) go on crowing about the punishment
of Saddam as if it will usher in peace to a destroyed nation.
Less than 50% of all self-indentified conservatives still support
the war and the February Zogby Poll of US troops in Iraq
revealed 72% believed the mission would have failed if Iraq was
not stable by December 2006,and beleiving they should leave then if instability still reamined. It does. So the chickenhawks and others
on this site who do not recognize an Iranian victory as well as
an insurgency which has fought the US to a successful stalemate
for nearly four years should start reading for the
harsh truth.

Posted by: Ken Hoop at December 30, 2006 03:36 PM (DZbll)

25 Ken Hoop;

Buchanan was wrong about Hitler if he said that.

Go find out more about the concept of the 'World Island'.

Also consider the sheer quantity of materials Hitlers Germany fought against, and how much of it we supplied. Most of the weapons used (and to a large degree even in the USSR) were produced by America. Every ally used American equipment in combination with their blood. They died till we could mobilize trained military that could help.

If we had skipped out in the 1940's, we would have later ended up fighting Nazi's coming up from mexico, and down from Canada, not to mention the Japanese imperialists. I bet we would have been glad we didn't waste our energy helping out earlier. Heaven forbid we should have fought them 'over there'.

Also consider the enslavement of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, moving on to South America ... while we sit on our hands claiming we are doing the right thing? Just minding our own business?

Zogby is biased, and the Zogby polling style produces the results Zogby wants them to.

As for your claims about Iran, and the Insurgency, I credit you that Bush has failed. He should have taken the gloves off, and kept them off until both iraq, and Iran had clearly been crushed, and had surrendered. Yes, I said Iran.

However Bush's failed to keep defeatists at home muzzled! Yes I said Muzzled! We are at war! There are requirements of all people of every station, in a war! If you aren't goint to help, SIT DOWN, AND SHUT UP!

Bush failed when he involved the UN. He failed when he defined the captured terrorists as enemy combatants, instead of enemy soldiers. He failed when he didn't attach the realese of those POW's to the defeat of the Taleban, Iraq, and Iran. He should have made it clear that enemies loyal to Hamas, and Hezbollah would be treated the same.

As far as I'm concerned, any Islamist taken on US soil should be held as a POW, until the war against the parties I listed is over.

Further, Bush failed when he neglected to mention that the Gitmo creatures are still fightinfg a war against us. They want to die fighting their jailers, or they want to get out and do some real damage. These are not SHOPLIFTERS! They are jihadist against the west. For them the war will not be over till they die. There is no releasing them unless they know they are defeated.

Getting out is stupid. We need to mass up, and take out Iran, and capture the evidence to go after all their little pawns, like Hezbollah, and Syria. We need to FIGHT the war! Not play act it. The only stalemate is political. The left has got you believing that we have lost.

If we are only 'losing' we can fix that. Frankly, the Democrats can only make it worse. Buchanan can only make it worse by making more useless comments.

Buchanan has picked up a nasty aroma, and I no longer like him. I don't like quiters, and I don't like people who walk past a mugging, and pretend it isn't their business. Like Hitler wasn't our business.

Have a good one.

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 30, 2006 03:47 PM (2OHpj)

26  Hey Ken , take your stupid bogus polls and Hoop them up your ass.
You think you speak for the people like your pig Rodham? YOU DON'T.





  So which which one are you?  A liar , felon, stupid or all the above?

Posted by: Rob LA Ca. at December 30, 2006 04:35 PM (wuhXN)

27 shorter Ken: it's all the Jooooo0000oooo00ssssss!!!!! fault.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at December 30, 2006 04:45 PM (8e/V4)

28 New Bumpersticker idea:

"Saddam died, Democrats cried!"

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 30, 2006 06:09 PM (2OHpj)

29 LOL! Where can I buy one of those Michael?

Posted by: Randman at December 30, 2006 07:16 PM (Sal3J)

30 Gentleman Jerk:

Are you defending the intimidation of lawyers and judges by murder? Does the fact that there were a legion of people ready to take their place at great personal risk somehow make the trial a farce?

Are you saying Hussein was innocent?

Iraq under Hussein was never even close to being the Middle East's most developed infrastructure. Even the original Iraq democracy created by the British was a joke compared to Israel or even the other big oil producing islamopithecine countries.

Iraq's infrastructure, economy, oil production, and per capita income have all improved exponentially since Hussein was deposed. You can thank George Bush for that. While you're at it, thank him for handing Iraq one of those democracies you moonbats are always screeching about.

    Let's see who can we compare Hussein to:


The people you mentioned were loathed but tolerated by America. They were never removed from power by America. They were never darlings of the right, either.

     Let's see who we can compare you to:

Pol Pot
Kim Jung Ill
Robert Mugabe

This list goes on but you get the point. All embraced and celebrated by the "morally superior" left despite their manifold crimes. What hypocrisy.

Leftists all, and also history's most prolific murderers. More than 300 million in the last century alone.

I'm sorry, but it simply does not make me feel safer in my home knowing that raging cretins like you have the capacity to vote.

Hussein the genocidal tyrant is dead, and Bush is not the devil. Get used to it, little man.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 30, 2006 09:55 PM (abVz3)

31 Ken Poop:

An article on the well deserved death of Saddam Hussein wouldn't be complete without an anti-Semite crawling out of the gutter. Thanks for spreading the world's oldest and most pernicious libel.

Buchanon is a crank and a hatemonger. He's so far to the paleocon right that he's crossed the top of the circle into leftyland. Nobody who thinks Hitler wasn't a threat to America is rational enough to take seriously. Then there's that inconvenient fact of Hitler declaring war on America.

I guess the only thing that could make WWII worthwhile would be the thanks of France and the other Eurotrash countries. That should become the focus of U.S. foreign policy: convincing countries that suck to love us.

The only thing less reliable than a Zogby poll is the Lancet "study" which was debunked the day it was released to loud guffaws and knee slapping.

What the polls are deliberately skewed to conceal is the fact that only the lunatic fringe wants America to cut n' run from Iraq.

Your election figures are equally spurious. Bush won both of his elections with a clear majority, and only 70 million people out of a population of 300 million voted in the last congressional elections. If it weren't for the constant anti-Bush indoctrination of failure and quagmire by the Establishment Media, the Dhimmicrats would never have won Congress.

No worries. We're just two days away from the Djimmies taking office and transforming America into Utopia.

Saddam's worst enemy was Iran. You claim Iran pines for Hussein's return, but is trying to conquer Iraq. Which one is it, you dyslexic moron?

It never ceases to amaze me that chickenshits like you can claim the terrorists ("insurgents" my ass,) have fought America to a stalemate rather than the Establishment Media. Your beloved "insurgents have failed to accomplish a single one of their stated goals. Elections were held, a Constitution drafted, infrastructure built from the ground up because Hussein never had one, the rial's value up, agriculture and commerce up, economy up, oil production up, a free press and media up, etc., etc., etc.

The Coalition has accomplished every goal it laid out so far. The only goal left is to leave Iraq sttanding on it's own two feet, but maggots like you are trying to take that away from them. I'll be sure to read for the truth.

What makes you think Bush is going to let the mullahs in Iran continue their misrule. He has two more years in office, Iran is surrounded by battle hardened veterans, and Iraq will soon be largely self sufficient.

Bush says he will probably send more troops to Iraq--which borders Iran, by the way. Gee, I wonder why?

There's no excuse for going apoplectic over the execution of a genocidal monster who fed live people to dogs and used power tools on children. You are beneath contempt.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 30, 2006 11:04 PM (abVz3)

32    It's these ignorant Un-American stupid POS's that are
destroying this Country and I wish our Dictator in Chief would start
feeding them feet first in to wood shippers. Then execute the
Traitorcrats that keep commiting treason and undermining our President
in a time of War.

  Uhhh ... wait a second.... if he really was a dictator like the
Democrats claim then none of the above would be taking place and the
Media is over 90% democrat. It's the Democrats and their 90% of the MSM
that is dreaming of a Democrat Dictatorship. They have already talked
about banning Republicans from running for office.

  When will be ok to exterminate these sick fucks or throw them in unpadded cells?

   Does the false claim of "Freedom of Speach" by the party
of Criminal Democrat Frauds trump acts of TREASON , SEDITION  and

  Nov 7th was a result of allowing liars to lie and cheaters to
cheat until they created the conditions where they all got it just
right. Democrats celebrate their unmeritted and undeserved victory and
our Country will suffer from it once again as we are still suffering
from the damage of 8 years of the criminal Clintons.

Posted by: Rob LA Ca. at December 31, 2006 12:40 AM (wuhXN)

33 28 New Bumpersticker idea:

"Saddam died, Democrats cried!"

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 30, 2006 06:09 PM

29 LOL! Where can I buy one of those Michael?

Posted by: Randman at December 30, 2006 07:16 PM
SORRY Randman, but I only just thought of it. I'll have to see what it costs to make up some, and if I can run some off I'll send you one. If you do it first, keep me in mind, that's all I ask 
USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 31, 2006 05:04 AM (2OHpj)

34 ..
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
admire brutal dictators

absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
mourn evil tyrants...

Posted by: USpace at January 01, 2007 06:08 PM (HMm2Y)

35 The Left wouldn't be saying a damn thing against Saddam's execution if it happened under a President Clinton, Gore or Kerry. Since it happens under a President Bush the Left shows their Hypocrisy, don't forget when Clinton was President Saddam was a threat and had to be removed aka the 1998 Iraq Liberation Act. Bush is President Saddam isn't a danger, Iraq is a country with Rainbows and sunshine under Saddam's regime..

Posted by: Johnny Utah at January 01, 2007 08:31 PM (27PLw)

36 Jeff and Rob La-the only reason I bother with you guys is I know how appalled you are going to be at the war's outcome-and I could care less who you blame. See, I'm further to the so-called "right" than you on the Mexican invasion/illegal immigration. You support
the war of a president who is SOFT on the real battle which can
unravel American apart at the seams if it loses, and you grumble because he doesn't declare a police state and imprison war opponents. This tell me all I need to know about your intelligence. You believe a softie on immigration a cheap labor lovin' middel of the roader, has the balls to attempt to round up war opponents?
Like Buchanan says, Bush and the neocons want to protect Israel's borders more than America's borders. The Iraq War was lost in 2003, the Sunni insurgency has years of life left in it until the
Shia-dominated Iraqi government grants it amnesty, including killers of US troops. Whatcha' gonna say when that happens and the new
Iraq government is as anti-American as Saddam was? Much to Iran's delight.
Oh, Jeff-I didn't say Iran wanted Saddam back, only that many Iraqi Shias have been quoted as saying as much as they hated Saddam, he at least kept law and order and didn't kill you unless you crossed him. America has created the anarchial law of the jungle with 650,000 innocents killed-a tally worse than Saddam's per time occupied by far..But no matter, Iran wins, the Sunni insurgency gets amnesty and the Israeli owned neocons lose.
Put the troops on the Rio Grande where they might win, but let
'em force Israel off the West Bank on their way home.

Posted by: Ken Hoop at January 02, 2007 02:50 PM (DZbll)

37 Ken: I have to laugh that you say America is adhering to some law of the jungle.

That sort of law is what the Jihadis are operating under.

You seem so eager to blame America that you have no sight of the real problem... the revival of Islam from a 200 year nap.

This "war" is not going to be over anytime soon. Indeed it's been waging since 700AD.

Posted by: James A Pacella at January 02, 2007 07:20 PM (WFl1e)

38 James Pacella says the war has been on since 700AD. Funny how the US wasn't involved from 1776 until 2003,but Jimmy infers
from now on we must be. With a depleted military and 20%
war support for Bush, I doubt it, James.

Posted by: Ken Hoop at January 03, 2007 04:47 PM (7GYBH)

39 Ken Hoop:
Study, William Eaton, Tripoli, and the United States Marine Corps. Muslims chose to demand tribute from America, when our nation was still in diapers. WE were declared war on.
USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 05, 2007 05:03 PM (2OHpj)

40 Were we? I missed the Congressional war response.Let's return
to the post-Bush and many other US officials have retreated from their initial joy at the Saddam execution and are expressing regret.
Must have got a touch of that "Baker realism."

Posted by: Ken Hoop at January 05, 2007 05:23 PM (7GYBH)

41 "Baker" realists apparently don't pay very good attention. You took a shot at James Pacella.  He is correct in that Islam is at war with the world, and it doesn't care much if you want to be involved or not.
As for Iraq, we had, and still have plenty of good reasons to be taking action. Deny all you like. baker, like Buchanan is not expressing wisdom.
USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 05, 2007 09:59 PM (2OHpj)

42 Ken Hoop:
I think your a liberal trying to dress yourself as a Conservative. I'd like to know what you call yourself, and how you define that. You use what seem to be core liberal talking points, so its hard to believe your not play acting.
And seriously, you should consider the high price of isolationism, and apathy. The world is far to small for these concepts to survive.  
USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at January 05, 2007 10:13 PM (2OHpj)

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