June 04, 2007

Ron Paul Supporters: 9-11 Was An Inside Job

Great find by LGF. They might want to get in contact with this angry Democrat.

So these are the Republicans nutbars who've been spamming online straw polls.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 01:11 AM | Comments (40) | Add Comment
Post contains 35 words, total size 1 kb.


The bickering between the Hillary supporters and Paul supporters was an extra bonus. One doesn’t have to refute these clowns … just step aside and let them go at each other.

Posted by: Jason Pappas at June 04, 2007 07:36 AM (LGcWX)


All things being equal, the Dems seem to have more capable leaders than the GOP at the moment.  Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate with balls and is not afraid to speak the truth.  The others are all either whimps or hypocrites.

Things will not go well for Republicans until all the neocons are jettisoned out of the party and power for good.  Only then will traditional conservatives return and support the party. 

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 08:59 AM (Ywo+X)

3 So "Bo" is a Ron Paulbot.

That explains a lot.

Was 9-11 an inside job, Bo?

Posted by: Good Lt at June 04, 2007 09:04 AM (yMbfY)


I am a Libertarian.  I believe in less government and that is why I support Ron Paul.

Republicans have sold their soul to the wacko religious right.  All the other candidates trip over eachother and pander to the nutbars that would like nothing more than to turn the country into a fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

I have no comment on 9/11 being an inside job. 

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 09:57 AM (Ywo+X)

5 Bo is Rue Paul.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 04, 2007 10:52 AM (+N3be)

6 I have no comment on 9/11 being an inside job.

So you're "open minded?" You're not denying that 9-11 was an inside job?

That's objectively pro-Twoofer. There is no room for "on the fence" with this.

If you don't have an opinion on that, you can now safely (by not standing up for reality) be lumped in with the Twoofer crowd. You're as much of crank as those Ron Paul supporters marching around with the signs.


Posted by: Good Lt at June 04, 2007 11:23 AM (yMbfY)

7 These people have a mental illness -- seriously, they must develop a 9/11 conspiracy medication for these guys.

If that fails, good ol' fashioned straitjackets might do.

Posted by: Richard Romano at June 04, 2007 11:27 AM (iD1fP)

8 Good lt,
In your mind you seem to think that you have the authority to control the debate and decide what categories to place people.  Fine - whatever turns you on I guess.
I'm much more concerned, and you should be as well, with the complete over-reaction this administration had to what was quite simply a terrorist act perpetrated by 13 men with box-cutters.  Our so called leaders ended up starting a war in Afghanistan and Iraq and loosing both.  If Clinton had done that he would have been removed from office and hung a long time ago.
And by the way: I think going into Afghanistan was justified.  Iraq - NOT.  If that's heresy to you - so be it.
And finally, to me supporting the troops means holding our fearless chickehawk leader's feet to the fire - and not allowing him to wrecklessly endanger the lives of our brave soldiers.  They may be cannon fodder to you and him, but not everyone shares that view and that does not make the rest of us to be traitors either.  In fact, the opposite is true: if you really love this country and the people who serve it, you need to make sure that they are not sent on suicide missions with no clear benchmarks or outcomes.

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 12:08 PM (Ywo+X)

9 Just makes me sick.  Like I've said before, he will have a competitor in the next election and that person will win.

Posted by: Rep J at June 04, 2007 12:17 PM (cl1Cf)

10 So Bo -

Was 9-11 an inside job or not?

Posted by: Good Lt at June 04, 2007 01:16 PM (yMbfY)

11 the complete over-reaction this administration had to what was quite
simply a terrorist act perpetrated by 13 men with box-cutters.

What would Bo do? And here's a real brain buster - indictments and jail were issued to the perps of WTC 1993 bombing. Did that stop or prevent 9-11? Thanks for playing.

Our so called leaders ended up starting a war in Afghanistan and Iraq and loosing both.

Bet the Democrats all wish they could take back those authorizing votes, then. They're trying, that's for sure. But they can't.

Both are lost now? Maybe you can ask the Troops themselves what they think of you determining their missions as "losses" and/or "failures" from mommy's basement.

And finally, to me supporting the troops means holding our fearless
chickehawk (sic) leader's feet to the fire - and not allowing him to
wrecklessly (sic) endanger the lives of our brave soldiers. 

It is the terrorist subhumans (the same that kill children, women, civilians, soldiers, each other, 3000 on 9-11) that are endangering and killing our soldiers, fruitcake. Too tough to wrap that warped little mind around? That's why you're open minded about 9-11 being an inside job.

They may be
cannon fodder to you and him, but not everyone shares that view and
that does not make the rest of us to be traitors either. 

That's cute, but your grasping desperately at straws because you have nothing of substance to say. They're not cannon fodder, nor do they view themselves that way. You aren't a great protective mother to the poor widdle military. They can handle themselves without your patronizing and denigration of what they do and who they are. They're not victims. They're volunteers and patriots. They know what they're doing - its the morons in Congress and particularly in the Democrat party who have no farking clue what they're doing.

And another thing - did I call you a traitor? I'm pretty sure I called you a Twoofer. I can understand conflating the two, as they are both big words that begin with T. I'll thank you not to put put words into my comments that weren't typed, throw up inept straw-man arguments, and play victim when you're clearly not one.

In fact, the
opposite is true: if you really love this country and the people who
serve it, you need to make sure that they are not sent on suicide
missions with no clear benchmarks or outcomes.

History didn't start in 2000, moron.

Mogadishu. Google it.

Bosnia - Google it.

Iraq Liberation Act of 1998. Google it.

USS Cole - Google it.

African Embassy bombings - Google it.

Clinton's military sevice - Google it.

Wars are by their very definition imperfect. People die on both sides - expecting a war with no casualties is fantasy and delusional.

Saddam is gone, an elected government is in place, and life in Baghdad is no doubt rough. As it was under Saddam. The entire country, however, is not in tumult, chaos or on fire. One carbomb in Baghdad does not equal worldwide chaos. But whatever you say - you're the Twoofer.

Posted by: Good Lt at June 04, 2007 01:33 PM (yMbfY)

12 Good Lt,
How would I know one way or another if it was? 
Q for you:  Did Oswald act alone?
Once we dispense with the hypothetical scenarios, maybe you can outline for me what your strategy is for "winning" against the jihadists (short of nuking Iran, Iraq, parts of Southeast Asia and Africa) using a volunteer army.
Here's mine:
1.  Impeach both Bush and Cheney for getting us stuck in this mess and lying to both Congress and the American people.
2.  Cut the losses in Iraq.  Pull out and work with our allies to at least stabilize Afghanistan.
3.  Neuter AIPAC by declaring them as an instrument of a foreign government - and remove that silly little exemption they mysteriously received from the anti-corruption legislation passed earlier this year.
4.  Threaten to cut all aid to Israel unless they start complying with UN resolutions.
5.  Re-establish positive relations with American allies that Bush has managed to completely destroy (something made easier if Bush and Cheney are removed from office - along with an apology).
6.  Ramp up all domestic security - especially the ports.
7.  Repeal the torture legislation, close down the American gulag, and start behaving in a fashion that counters the Abu Grab propaganda images (which only recruits more jihadists).
There - I've given you plenty to chew on.
Have a nice day.

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 01:36 PM (Ywo+X)

13 "It is the terrorist subhumans (the same that kill children, women, civilians, soldiers, each other, 3000 on 9-11) that are endangering and killing our soldiers, fruitcake. Too tough to wrap that warped little mind around? That's why you're open minded about 9-11 being an inside job."
To you being open-minded is a bad thing - but that's not what I wrote.  I said I am not aware of the facts and therefore do not have an opinion on the matter.
Here is something you cannot seem to wrap your mind around:  our soldiers are fueling the jihad and civil war - the way red army soldiers did in Afghanistan in the 80s.

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 01:44 PM (Ywo+X)

14 Bo, sorry to burge into the conversation... who's "fueling" the jihadists in Tailand? Somalia? India? Spain? France? Kosov, Argentina? Chad? Canada? Russia? China? Central Asia?
just please don't tell me that it is our soldiers are fueling the jihad and civil war. Do let me know when you can finally find your butt with either or both of your hands

Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at June 04, 2007 01:51 PM (gtZwa)

How would I know one way or another if it was?

Ahh - the Twoofer is strong in you.


Get it now?

1.  Impeach both Bush and Cheney for getting us stuck in this mess and lying to both Congress and the American people.

And what, pray tell, did they lie about?

 2. Cut the losses in Iraq. Pull out and work with our allies to at least stabilize Afghanistan.

Tell it to the families of the fallen who you want to mandate their sons, fathers, brothers, sisters, friends die in vain. Then, completely destabilize one large country swarming with Islamists to "stabilize" another country that doesn't need "stabilization" as it isn't "collapsing." Great plan, Patton!

3.  Neuter AIPAC by declaring them as an instrument of a foreign
government - and remove that silly little exemption they mysteriously
received from the anti-corruption legislation passed earlier this year

Which party controlled Congress earlier this year? Complain to them.

4.  Threaten to cut all aid to Israel unless they start complying with UN resolutions.

Meanwhile, Iran, Sudan, China, Russia, Palestinian Territories, Gaza, North Korea, Syria, Lebanon, etc. all can continue to receive UN funding and  for continuing to violate UN resolutions on a daily basis.

Why Israel but nobody else? Why pick the Joooooos and ignore the rest?


5.  Re-establish positive relations with American allies that Bush has
managed to completely destroy (something made easier if Bush and Cheney
are removed from office - along with an apology).

They're still allies, R-tard. They're not enemies, are they? Are they taking up arms against us? Didn't think so.

France has repeatedly asserted that they won't send in troops no matter what party is in control. The Brits, Italy, Germany, Japan, Canada, still are our allies and have troops in theater. You really have no idea what you're talking about.

Another question - if all of your "allies" were allies prior to Bush, why didn't theywork with us to stop 9-11?

6.  Ramp up all domestic security - especially the ports.

The 9-11 hijackers didn't come in through ports - they came in through student visas, temporary visas, etc. They infiltrated the limitless bureaucracy of the US. Should phones and emails be monitored in greater numbers with your plan?

7.  Repeal the torture legislation, close down the American gulag, and
start behaving in a fashion that counters the Abu Grab propaganda
images (which only recruits more jihadists).

There is no torture legislation, you lying fool. There are no "gulags," as it is quite evident that you don't even know what a Gulag is. North Korea, repeat violator of the mighty UN resolutions, DOES know what gulags are. I suggest you look there or in Communist Russia.

And you might want to take your "we're so bad" moral equivalence to the jihadi snuff film and beheading video producers and tell them their propaganda images and terrorist plots are continuing to inspire us to kill them.

My G-d, how to you turn on a light switch without hurting yourself?

View it well, folks. "Bo" is a poster child for what the public education system does to the average skull full of mush.


Have a nice day, Twoofer. Tell us when you get an update on that.

Posted by: Good Lt at June 04, 2007 01:57 PM (yMbfY)

16 P.S.:our soldiers are fueling the jihad and civil war - the way red army soldiers did in Afghanistan in the 80s
For your education civil war was already in progress when soviet troops entered. And the civil war was between Mujahideen rebels (jihadists) and the government. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Afghanistan
History works to whatever end you want it when you are ignorant of it huh?

Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at June 04, 2007 02:01 PM (gtZwa)

17 Dear Kamchatka,
The analogy is all that more relevant isn't it?  (Suni vs Shia)

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 02:06 PM (Ywo+X)

18 Bo - care to respond to my decimation of your laughable  "platform?"

I thought you were leaving, because you signed off with "Have a nice day."

Just wondering if you can ever be honest about anything you type here.

Posted by: Good Lt at June 04, 2007 02:08 PM (yMbfY)

19 Dear Kamchatka,   The analogy is all that more relevant isn't it?  (Suni vs Shia)
Dear Bo... if we are going by analogy let's see what happened after Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan...ahh... oh yeah Taliban, aka AQ base. I am sorry but the verdict is conclusive - you are facts ignorant and emotion driven.

Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at June 04, 2007 02:17 PM (gtZwa)

20 Still waiting to hear your plan Good lt.....I didn't think you had one.  People like you usually do not and are constantly being beaten by those that do.
Where did you learn your debating skills by the way - from Rush (anal cyst) Limpdick?  He likes to use that over-bearing crap to shut off all debate and reason.  Hint:  works on lemmings only.
Given 3 members of my family perished in the Gulag, I'm pretty sure I know what it is.  It is however quite obvious that you are in no way familiar with the evils of bolshevism as you eagerly cheer on as our government is now copying their playbook and scrambled in the 11th hour of the last rubber stamp congress to pass enabling legislation.
As for the rest of your knee-jerk mindless drivel - I could go on shooting down every moronic point you make, but what is the point??  Your mind appears as closed as that of your glorious leader (the life-long incompetent known as George W. Bush). 
Have a nice day.

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 02:20 PM (Ywo+X)

21 P.S.: Dear Bo. Also you statement that "The analogy is all that more relevant isn't it? is a moot. Reason being you are saying even though things are completely different (because your history knowledge is rather poor), you can still compare the situations. Ever hear of apple to apples? Either way you are wrong.
Given 3 members of my family perished in the Gulag, I'm pretty sure I know what it is. out of curiousity, what zoning were they in... surely you would know unless you are making it up.

Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at June 04, 2007 02:29 PM (gtZwa)

22 Kamchatka,
You need to move out of attack mode.  I am not the enemy.
Lots of lessons that have not been learned with respect to Afghanistan - starting out with how not to engage the die-hard Islamic fanatics. 
The rise of the Taliban, that too is a lesson for America.  The main one there: todays allies are tomorrows enemies.
That Ron Paul small "c" platform is more and more attractive the longer you look at it huh??

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 02:35 PM (Ywo+X)

23 Still waiting to hear your plan Good lt.....I didn't think you had

You called that 'a plan?' Surely, you jest.

People like you usually do not and are constantly being beaten by
those that do.
Where did you learn your debating skills by the way - from Rush (anal
cyst) Limpdick?

Actually, I have a two degrees, one of them graduate level. So I learned to read,  write and think critically about bogus pseudo-intellectualism like the kind in which you seem to specialize. What does Rush Limbaugh have to do with anything?

Still waiting for your evidence of "American Gulags," our need to condemn the Jooooos and nobody else, evidence of 9-11 being anything other than what it was, that jihadis in other countries like Malaysia, Thailand, India, France, etc. are being inspired by the US (considering that they're all against us in the GWoT), evience that you have a clue of what you speak, etc.

And for the record, I don't approve of GWB's Administration. Guess you slept through blogging that day.

Just because somebody shoots down you inane babbling doesn't mean they're "Bushbots." We're just reality based thinkers who demand more facts from weak-minded demagogues like yourself.

As for the rest of your knee-jerk mindless drivel - I could go on
shooting down every moronic point you make, but what is the point??

That's what I thought. You've got nothing.

You have nothing to say to me, because your history is poor, your factual grounding is nonexistent and the jury is still out in your mind as to what happened on 9-11. Plus, the Jooooos are responsible for the eeeeevils in the world.

You lose, dumbass.

It is however quite obvious that you are in no way familiar with the
evils of bolshevism as you eagerly cheer on as our government is now
copying their playbook and scrambled in the 11th hour of the last
rubber stamp congress to pass enabling legislation.

So what's a gulag? A work/prison camp in which political prisoners and critics of the central government are sent by that government to die. Initiated by the Communists, still used by the Communists.

Since there are none of those operated by the United States, you prove once again that you are nothing but a brainless child with not even a rudimentary understanding of what it is you are spewing.

So I'll end with the million dollar questions that you can't seem to definitively come down on one side or the other on.

Was 9-11 and inside job or not?

Bonus: Are you MIHOP or LIHOP?

Posted by: Good Lt at June 04, 2007 02:45 PM (yMbfY)




Regarding your number 21 post - we seem to be having a communication problem.  I cite Afghanistan circa 1986/7 as a parallel to today's Iraq (we are now playing the role of the soviets).  YOU said it was different: there was a civil war in existence even before the soviets arrived.  I say: "perfect" - the analogy is even more relevant (Shia and Sunni rift pre-dates our invasion of Iraq).  You then switch gears claiming that I said that Iraq and Afghanistan are different.




As for the gulag story and some sort of validation - what exactly would satisfy your curiosity?  My family were Ukrainian nationalists.  During the civil war in the 20s my grandfather was fought with Simon Petliura against the Red Army.  For this they gave him 15 years hard labour.  I also had two uncles who fought the soviets in WWII in the Ukrainian underground.  They were shipped off sometime in the late 1940s and never returned.  If you think I make this stuff up well hell what can I do about that.........

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 02:49 PM (Ywo+X)

25 wow bo you need to move out of the assumption and ignorant patronizing ranting mode lol.
Lots of lessons that have not been learned with respect to Afghanistan - starting out with how not to engage the die-hard Islamic fanatics
so what did you learn? share, don't be shy,,,,
The rise of the Taliban, that too is a lesson for America.
this lesson apparently went over your head since you belive that the soldiers are fueling the jihad and civil war  (do I need to mention your poor knowledge and understanding of history again?)
The main one there: todays allies are tomorrows enemies.
then should we stop making allies? lol
That Ron Paul small "c" platform is more and more attractive the longer you look at it huh??
no, I'll stick with the likes of Fred, but since your assumptions are "facts" I must be lying lol

Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at June 04, 2007 02:51 PM (gtZwa)

26 Umm...Bo

When you sign off with "Have a nice day, that usually means YOU GO AWAY.  You've done it twice now. Why are you still clinging to the tattered shreds of your stupidity that you spent hours spewing here? You made your (non) points, now have the courage to walk away if you're so anxious to leave.

You're an egomaniac who can't accept dissent and internalize historical facts, because you know we're going to shred your propaganda and beat your BS about the head with a clue bat here right after you leave.

You need to move out of attack mode.

Quoteth Bo:

Where did you learn your debating skills by the way - from Rush (anal cyst) Limpdick?

As for the rest of your knee-jerk mindless drivel - I could go on
shooting down every moronic point you make, but what is the point??

That's 'defense' mode, huh? Pathetic.

That Ron Paul small "c" platform is more and more attractive the longer you look at it huh??


The .5%er Ticket? Nah - you're the fringe lunatics who will be shocked when you learn that nobody knows or cares who Ron Paul is outside of your cloistered little universe. There's a reason for that - HE'S A NUTBAR WHO'S MIND ISN'T MADE UP ABOUT WHO AND WHAT CAUSED 9-11. That's known as the fringe (unless its the Democrat parte, in which case its a large percentage of the base).

But you went away and wished me a nice day, so I assume you know this and don't care.

Posted by: Good Lt at June 04, 2007 02:55 PM (yMbfY)

27 Bo -

Still waiting for your evidence of "American Gulags," our need to
condemn the Jooooos and nobody else, evidence of 9-11 being anything
other than what it was, that jihadis in other countries like Malaysia,
Thailand, India, France, etc.

Any time. We'll wait.

Posted by: Good Lt at June 04, 2007 02:57 PM (yMbfY)

28 "So what's a gulag? A work/prison camp in which political prisoners and critics of the central government are sent by that government to die. Initiated by the Communists, still used by the Communists."
Leaving out the work details, the methods employed against "enemies of the people" from the moment they were arbitrarily arrested (usually because someone implicated them during a "confession" under torture).....the lack of any sort of impartial justice......the techniques used to break them down......as copied now by your government.
And yes, I missed the blog where you criticize Bush.  My apologies.
As for who pulled off 9/11 - I never said the Joooos did it.  You're projecting.  And where is your beef?  I will restate:  I have no reason to believe no one other than the 13 hijackers had anything to do with it.
Still waiting for you plan / platform......

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 02:59 PM (Ywo+X)

29 "...because you know we're going to shred your propaganda and beat your BS about the head with a clue bat here right after you leave."
My dear lt, maybe in your little sandbox you can pretend to "shred" - but from where I sit, you sputter and wail like a banshee....
So how do we defeat all the jihadists bright boy??

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 03:06 PM (Ywo+X)

So how do we defeat all the jihadists bright boy??



Any other brain busters? And what are you still doing here?

Leaving out the work details, the methods employed against "enemies of
the people" from the moment they were arbitrarily arrested (usually
because someone implicated them during a "confession" under
torture).....the lack of any sort of impartial justice......the
techniques used to break them down......as copied now by your government

So sorry, but they aren't being copied by our government. We giver terrorists captured on the battlefield Korans, meals, medical care, lawyers, prayer time, soccer balls, custodial protection, etc. What would you give them besides their freedom? And this rank bullsh*t you just spewed has what to do with the United States? Torture and gulags are what the Communists did and still do. the US doesn't "torture" anyone.

In case you need a refresher, here's what real torture looks like. Courtesy of those "friends of the people" you seem to be giving all benefits of the doubt to. Read up. Lots of pictures.

When you're done there, show us when and where the US did this to anyone, and give names, ranks, military branches, etc.

Humor us with some details (can't wait to see this).

Do you have any evidence to prove we have "gulags" run by the United States government, or can I just assume you have none and we move on to the rest of your crap?

I have no reason to believe no one other than the 13 hijackers had anything to do with it.

So you're not open minded about it, then. You know what happened, and there no "mystery" about it. Glad we cleared that up.

As for who pulled off 9/11 - I never said the Joooos did it.

Again, I never said or typed that. Go back and read what I wrote. I'll be here.

Can't you read, or do you just have an affinity for strawman arguments?

You the one who wants to sanction Israel but leave other violators of UN resolutions (like prewar Iraq) unmolested by the UN. Your "platform," not mine

Posted by: Good Lt at June 04, 2007 03:24 PM (yMbfY)

31 I predict Ron Paul will lose so miserably in the primaries, that moral fools like Bo will be forced to concede defeat.  But, that's in a real world, not in the fantasyland ethos that fringe kooks like Bo are in.

Bo, kook 9/11 medication on the way!

Posted by: Richard Romano at June 04, 2007 03:28 PM (iD1fP)

32 Dorian Grey,
Thank you very much for the insight into the minds of the religious fanatic.  Believe me, I appreciate the viciousness that they are capable of.
I will however stress, yet again, that we have done everything in the past 5 years to ensure more and more fanaticism of this kind by inserting our military into thier swamp, err I mean trap. 
And the "puppy dog" theory that terrorists will follow-us home was recently blown out of the water by Richard Clarke:

Does the President think terrorists are puppy dogs? He keeps saying that terrorists will "follow us home" like lost dogs. This will only happen, however, he says, if we "lose" in Iraq.

The puppy dog theory is the corollary to earlier sloganeering that
proved the President had never studied logic: "We are fighting
terrorists in Iraq so that we will not have to face them and fight
them in the streets of our own cities."

Remarkably, in his attempt to embrace the failed Iraqi adventure even more than the President, Sen. John McCain is now parroting the line.

"We lose this war and come home, they'll follow us home," he says.

How is this odd terrorist puppy dog behavior supposed to work? The President must believe that terrorists are playing by some odd rules of chivalry. Would this be the "only one slaughter ground at a time" rule of terrorism?

Of course, nothing about our being "over there" in any way prevents terrorists from coming here. Quite the opposite, the evidence is overwhelming that our presence provides motivation for people throughout the Arab world to become anti-American terrorists.

Some 100,000 Iraqis, probably more, have been killed since our
invasion. They have parents, children, cousins and fellow tribal clan
members who have pledged revenge no matter how long it takes. For many, that revenge is focused on America.

At the same time, investing time, energy and resources in Iraq takes
our eye off two far more urgent tasks at hand: one, guarding the
homeland against terrorism much better than the pork-dispensing
Department of Homeland Security currently does the job; and two,
systematically dismantling Al Qaeda all over the world, from Canada to Asia to Africa. On both these fronts, the Bush administration's focus is sorely lacking.

Yet in the fantasyland of illogic in which the President dwells,
shaped by slogans devised by spin doctors, America can "win" in Iraq.
Then, we are to believe, the terrorists will be so demoralized that
they will recant their beliefs and cease their terrorist ways.

In the real world, by choosing unnecessarily to go into Iraq, Bush not only diverted efforts from delivering a death blow to Al Qaeda, he gave that movement both a second chance and the best recruiting tool possible.

U.S. military raids in Iraq have uncovered evidence that Iraqis are
planning attacks in America, perhaps to be carried out by terrorists
with European Union passports that require no U.S. visas. But such attacks here over the next several years are likely now no matter what happens next in Iraq - and that is because of what Bush has already done, not because of any future course we choose in Iraq.

But we can be sure that when the next attacks come in the U.S., if
Bush is down on the ranch cutting trees, he and whatever few followers he retains by then will blame his successor. You can almost hear them now: If only hissuccessor had left enough U.S. troops in the Iraqi shooting gallery to satisfy the blood lust of the enemy, as Bush did, then they wouldn't have come here.

The truth: If not for this administration's reckless steps to push
America into war - and strategic blunder after strategic blunder that
has satisfied the blood lust of the enemy - fewer evildoers would
follow us home like the dogs that they are.

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 03:55 PM (Ywo+X)


Bo what are still doing here... you should be going home, start helping your uncles pack.. lol

Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at June 04, 2007 04:07 PM (gtZwa)

34 Kamchatka,
Please point out where I said that I had 20 relatives in the Gulag.
My family is from Galicia (western Ukraine) which was not occupied by the soviets until WWII broke out.  Petliurites living in Galicia were safe until the soviets arrived.  As for pogroms - most common during tsarist times - before Petliura.
Fact:  In WWII, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) fought BOTH the soviets and the nazis.  UPA collaborators and family members were punished severely.
Looks like you are the one ignorant of history, but more importantly:  why do my ideas threaten you so much that you go into such hysterics?

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 04:08 PM (Ywo+X)

35 lol... reading comprehension problems?
message # 20: Given 3 members of my family perished in the Gulag,
lol now please explain to us, how did 3 of your relatives perish in Gulags if your family lived in Galicia?  you just said that "which was not occupied by the soviets until WWII broke out." (oh wait... I am sure now somehow they would have conveniently been in Russia during that time, or something else) As for your uncles, I am sure it they didn't participate they won't get deported. This not NKVD. But it never hurts to check, does it? So you just might want to warn them. If they have heart attacks, then you really should help them pack right away.
and do not flatter yourself, your ideas do not threaten anyone here. But your ignorance of history is disturbing.

Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at June 04, 2007 04:19 PM (gtZwa)

36 Kamchatka,
Tell me a little about your background - as your handle sounds intriguing.
But more importantly, what is the point of this little inquisition?
My knowledge of history as it concerns WWII and eastern europe is quite high - I assure you.  I have read everything by Ulam and Richard Pipes have written about the USSR - and Stalin in particular.  Where does your knowledge come from?
ps:  Soviets enter Galicia in '39, round up all designated undesirables and ship them off to Siberia.  They rinse and repeat several times.  What part of this larger story fails to sync with you?

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 04:32 PM (Ywo+X)

37 They rinse and repeat several times.  What part of this larger story fails to sync with you?
lol once again dodging my question and instead going on a bunny trail.
The history overall is correct If you would actually read my entire posts you would see it. However, your family history is rather questionable. You mentioned earlier that your relatives fought soviets, fought for Simon Petlura. Both UPA (allied with Nazis) and Simon Petlura fighters commited atrocities against civilians, jews, russians and ukranians. I am sorry but if you want us to believe us that they were "good", you are wasting your time. It's like saying "my grandpop was a nazi, but he didn't committ any atrocities and you have to believe me because I say so". Now I don't deny a possibility they really were not involved in a specific wrongdoing, BUT to tell us that you know what it's like to have relatives in Gulag (when your family FOUGHT soviets and was involved in organizations that committed horrible war crimes) is going to bring only as much sympothy to your relatives as to the nazis that also perished at Gulags. So please get off your little soap box and stop preaching to us about your "innocent" relatives who perished at Gulag. Unless of course you still don't understand that old fashioned "compare apples to apples" concept...

Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at June 04, 2007 04:53 PM (gtZwa)

38 Methinks BO be full of shit. Bo can always go back to his commie beginnings.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 04, 2007 06:58 PM (1h1Tb)

39 Both UPA (allied with Nazis) and Simon Petlura fighters commited atrocities against civilians, jews, russians and ukranians.
Hogwash.  UPA initially tried to get the Germans to accept the idea of Ukrainian independence, but as soon as it was proclaimed the Germans arrested anyone in the leadership they could get their hands on and the organization went underground.  From that point on they fought both the Nazis and the Soviets.  Soviet propaganda tried to paint them as collaborators for their own purposes (NKVD actually used to put on UPA uniforms and burn and pillage Polish villages).  Later in the war UPA split and a portion went on to form the Galician Division - armed and trained by the Germans to fight the soviets.  They signed a declaration which stipulated that they would only fight soviet forces (not allied).  Two commissions, one in Britain and one in Canada exonerated them of any war crimes.  Of course I don't expect you to know these details, but I do. 
As for Petliura, his government had two Jewish Ministers - so they were hardly the blazing anti-semites you believe them to be.
So before you go and smear all Ukrainians as collaborators or anti-semites, I suggest you do a little more research into the historical facts.  Ukrainians were victims of Yalta and victims of both the soviets and nazis.
Over and out.

Posted by: Bo at June 04, 2007 09:38 PM (euN4c)

40 - So before you go and smear all Ukrainians as collaborators or anti-semites, I suggest you do a little more research into the historical facts.  Ukrainians were victims of Yalta and victims of both the soviets and nazis.   Over and out.-
not like you would read my answer since I wasn't able to answer in a timely manner, BUT once again you have a MAJOR problem with reading comprehension. I DID NOT TRY to :" go and smear all Ukrainians as collaborators or anti-semites," as you claim. Nor did you answer my questions by pretending that you don't understand them or that I am asking something completely different. It is no wonder that you whitewash the terrorists (clear through your posts) and generally sympathize with them. If you admit their side as wrong you'll have to live with understanding that your family also has criminal (terrorist like) past. Exit question for Java readers: is Bo too DUMB to understand an arguement or is the understanding too INCONVENIENT in light of his/her "views".

Posted by: Kamchatka Bear at June 08, 2007 02:18 PM (gtZwa)

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