March 11, 2007

'Global Warming' Update: Believe It or DIE

Global Warming activists are rapidly and demonstrably evolving into this generation's reincarnation of the Brownshirts:

Timothy Ball, a former climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg in Canada, has received five deaths threats by email since raising concerns about the degree to which man was affecting climate change.

One of the emails warned that, if he continued to speak out, he would not live to see further global warming.

Sounds like the failed "Vote or DIE" campaign, with a tad more irony and a lot more hot air (pun intended.)

The Democrat Party, firmly on Algore's side on this issue, tacitly approves of these tactics by refusing or failing to denounce the tactics.

ht: Misha

Posted by: Good Lt. at 09:49 PM | Comments (24) | Add Comment
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1 "Death Threats" SHOCKING !!
Sure glad that we NEVER see such things on this site.

Posted by: JOHN RYAN at March 11, 2007 11:32 PM (TcoRJ)

2 John ryan,

it's not shocking to you that loving and tolerant Liberals threaten their opponents with death?  I mean that's something you would expect from us fascists on the Right, but you loving tolerant loving Liberals?  One would almost think that maybe, just maybe you people aren't a fraction as loving and tolerant as you'd like the world to believe you are.  I just hope and pray you don't send some of that Liberal love and tolerance my way.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 12, 2007 12:36 AM (8e/V4)

3 Mounting evidence that it has become their religion.  You don't insult someone's religion.

Posted by: dcb at March 12, 2007 12:47 AM (8e/V4)


John lyin: Piss on you. that is your death threat for today.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 12, 2007 06:56 AM (W7E9s)


I saw this fruadelent TV ad put on be ENVORMENTAL DEFENSE it shows a train as if it was ready to run down a kid and some jerk saying that GLOBAL WARMING IS REAL AND IS A REAL DANGER this is a lie and where is the fderal goverment or who ever to sue or fine those lying eco-freak liars?

Posted by: sandpiper at March 12, 2007 10:20 AM (YIXxO)

These are the same Leftards who bumrush and assault conservative speakers on college campuses today.  They are brownshirts in every definition of the word.  There is no conservative equivalent to this.  The only real threat to freedom of speech today is coming from the Left.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 12, 2007 10:52 AM (8e/V4)

7 Well really death threats on the internet are rather quite common aren't they?
As I said before Rooster my address is 924 West End Ave if you would ever like to discuss things in person. I still remeber your threat to have your "friends" from the Bronx visit.Perhaps the only thing sillier than a making a personal death threat on the internet is when you threaten to have someone else do the job for you."My friends are gonna get you"
Carlos liberals are quite a large group of people. In fact, increasing faster than conservatives. So no I am not shocked that someone would say something like that. I was shocked, though, when you agreed with Impy that the Quaker peacemakers should have their throats cut. The only one of the peacmakers who was killed was the 20 year Marine vet.
Liberals ACTUALLY killing people for their political views in the USA ? I don't recall too many of those recently. Were ANY of the 16000 murders committed last year done by liberals ? of course !! but I don't see people fleeing in fear from them. Neither do I see any climatoligsts needing police protection from bombs and gunmen like doctors who perform abortions.

Posted by: JOHN RYAN at March 12, 2007 11:44 AM (TcoRJ)

8 Were ANY of the 16000 murders committed last year done by liberals?

John Ryan,

these death threats don't reflect a murderous tendency in Liberals because murder isn't their intent.  Their intent is to intimidate and silence.   They have a long and well-document track record in that regard.  So like I say over and over again, the only real threat to freedom of speech today is coming from the Left.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 12, 2007 11:51 AM (8e/V4)

9 First the Facebook liberal stalks and starts a fight in somebody's private home over dissent regarding his chosen 'political positions' (aka, heresy from the Democrat agenda.)

Now we have another flaming liberal advocating and excusing death threats made to those who disagree with the established leftwingnut orthodoxy.

Shorter John Ryan:

Note to readers:

John Ryan is excusing and tolerating leftwingnut death threats against anyone who they disagree with.

Disregard anything he writes here from this day forth as the rantings of an unstable and violent liberal mind replete with revenge and murder fantasies.

Where's Glenn Rick Ellensberg Greenwald to condemn this?

Posted by: Good Lt at March 12, 2007 11:55 AM (yMbfY)

10 What stance do the muslim oil producers have on global warming ?
Even Bush admits that global warming is a problem

Posted by: JOHN RYAN at March 12, 2007 11:59 AM (TcoRJ)

11 Well, I guess that makes global warming fact then! Bush also claims that Iraq is winnable. Is that true, or did you forget that you don't agree with Bush on anything?

Ooo - I LOVE logic games.

John Ryan is now a Bush supporter.

How's that for cognitive dissonance?

Posted by: Good Lt at March 12, 2007 12:04 PM (yMbfY)

12 Science is a religion. All that you see and hear and
think is based on the faith that it is real... not a dream, or some
matrix... it is unprovable- your own experience is unprovable.

Posted by: QC at March 12, 2007 02:30 PM (PX+vn)

13  "your own experience is unprovable."     The fact that I'm in a position to feel I need proof of anything, is in fact, proof of my existence. If I'm possible, anything else can be possible to.     USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 12, 2007 03:40 PM (2OHpj)


John Ryan is now in favor of teaching Creation Science in school. Wow!              Hell HAS frozen over.             USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 12, 2007 03:42 PM (2OHpj)

15 John Ryan thinks the Saudi's should have influence over US energy, and enviromentl policy.                               USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 12, 2007 03:45 PM (2OHpj)

16 All that you see and hear and
think is based on the faith that it is real... not a dream, or some
matrix... it is unprovable- your own experience is unprovable.
Hmmm. Somebody stopped reading Descartes a few chapters too soon.

Posted by: wooga at March 12, 2007 07:50 PM (t9sT5)

17 Somebody stopped reading Descartes a few chapters too soon.

I thought it was deep thoughts by Jack Handy

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 12, 2007 08:15 PM (8e/V4)

18 Wooga, there are some that don't hold Descartes words and there logical failings as some sort of heaven sent revelation.

Posted by: QC at March 12, 2007 11:50 PM (tnATt)

19 QC ... prove it       ( Just kidding  ;p  )         USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 13, 2007 02:18 AM (2OHpj)

20 Wooga, there are some that don't hold Descartes words and there logical failings as some sort of heaven sent revelation.

That shows you haven't even read the first page of Descartes. The whole point was to establish the bounds of logic outside of revelation.
Look, I know it has limits. It's basic stuff, and not even original.  But that's why it's taught to and understood by college freshmen/soph.  He is at least useful for some illustrating some basic logical principles and methods which you obviously never learned. If you actually studied philosophy, you would recognize the distinction between a priori and a posteriori knowledge.

But hell, if you want me to launch into some theories of knowledge and existence based on the works of anyone from Epicurus to Plantinga... I could put everybody to sleep!

Posted by: wooga at March 13, 2007 01:18 PM (t9sT5)

21 wooga, you are an offensive ass.  Bragging about your massive brain in the comments section of a blog only further solidifies your status.

Posted by: QC at March 13, 2007 02:35 PM (PX+vn)

22 Uh no,  I did not brag about my massive brain.  I simply provided arguments, and references where useful as shorthand.

There was no appeal to "my big brain."  My head is slightly large, but not big in the traditional Irish sense.

Rudeness =/ offensive.  And "offense" is only what the recipient complains, so it is a worthless complaint.  I proudly admit to firing "insults" (which is true regardless of your existence or acknowledgment), but I don't care about being labeled "offensive" (as that is entirely contingent upon your subjective personal sensitivity and girliness).

Your handle "QC" is offensive, since it makes me think of QVC the shopping channel and reminds me of my massive amount of debt.  That is taunting my financial status, and I demand an apology!

Posted by: wooga at March 13, 2007 03:07 PM (t9sT5)

23 John Ryan: Once again. Piss on you. I'm beginning to wonder if stomping your sissified lefturd ass is worth the plane ticket.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 13, 2007 03:12 PM (W7E9s)

24 Oh yea, John you lying little punk. They told me there wasn't any 924 west end ave. Said that West End starts where 11th ends at 57th and continues on until it gets to Harlem. Where you probably live with your black boy friend. Is this why they call you John Lyin? Freaking faggot.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 13, 2007 03:49 PM (W7E9s)

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