December 12, 2006

'Jihad Tax' Imposed by African Taliban in Somalia

Three very related stories. First, the Islamic Courts Union (dubbed the African Taliban by me) has imposed a jihad tax. No goat will go untaxed in the effort to defeat the crusader infidels! Seriously. They are actually taxing goats to pay for jihad.

Second, the Islamic State of Iraq (the al Qaeda umbrella group which presents itself as a shadow government) has praised the ICU in a recent communique. But remember, the ICU claims it has not ties to terrorism. Right.

Last, and most disheartening, news reports indicate that the anti-ICU forces of the Somali government have been surrounded. Next stop, Ethiopia.


Islamists who control Somalia's capital Mogadishu say they have begun collecting taxes to raise money to fund a holy war against foreign troops in the Horn of Africa country.

Announcing the tax collection campaign, the UIC has specified the levies it willl charge on livestock: a goat trader will pay 5,000 Somali shillings (7 US cents) while a cow trader will pay 10,000 (14 US cents) and a camel trader will pay 20,000 (1.05 US dollars). It was not immedialtely clear what other businesses based in the capital would be charged.

More below. SITE:
The Ministry of Information, the official spokesman of the Islamic State of Iraq, issued a message yesterday, Saturday, December 9, 2006, praising the victories of the Islamic Courts Union in Somalia. In the same language used for statements on Iraq, the group asks Allah to help the “brothers in the Islamic courts” resist the apostate government forces and establish an Islamic state. The group states, “We call upon Allah to enable the brothers there to break the spine of the apostates and their allies, and to establish the Islamic state on the land of Somalia, which Allah has glorified by jihad.”

Calling attention to Dinsor, a town in southwest Somalia, the message praises the victory there of the Islamic Courts Union over Baidoa-based government forces and their Ethiopian supporters.

Irish Examiner:
Thousands of Islamic militants today surrounded the only town Somalia’s government controls, the prime minister said.

It came as a top Islamic official promised to attack within a week unless troops from neighbouring Ethiopia leave the country.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:33 PM | Comments (30) | Add Comment
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1 As if we needed further proof that Democrats and Al-Qaeda are one and the same...first thing they do when they come to power...raise taxes

Posted by: Liberrocky at December 12, 2006 05:58 PM (kIbPk)

2 you are so sick.... ICU not have anything to do with Iraqi State or terror...They are just trying to stablize their country. Is that wrong? If the world cares about Somalia why not last 15years? We know the West world and Ethiopia don't do any good for Somalia...they only there to help the warlords to hurm the civilian...stop your negative world against ICU. You dont know anything about them....

Posted by: Somali at December 12, 2006 06:58 PM (7jcep)

3 Hey why don't you stop your this rubbish. Islamic state of Iraq does not exist and the Islamic Courts have done alot for the ppl of Somalia. We do not want your warlord government and Ethiopia in our country.

Posted by: moi at December 12, 2006 06:59 PM (gdf2Z)

4 The ICU shekis made a grave mistake by declaring a jihad war on one of the oldest chrisitan countries in the world.The Ethiopians will for sure brake the back bone of these rag tag Islamic Court militias and this will indeed herald the end of Islamo-Fascism in the horn of Africa and else where in the middle east.

Posted by: Zekre Gedel at December 12, 2006 07:14 PM (bJGxa)

5 Somalia is a shit hole, you can keep it moi. Your people are savages too, we don't want them in the west yet they keep trying to immigrate here.

Posted by: Jester at December 12, 2006 07:39 PM (iwtIO)

6 We do not want your warlord government and Ethiopia in our country.

I agree, you don't need our warlord government, when you've got your own.


Posted by: CanForce 101 at December 12, 2006 07:49 PM (xfvyZ)

7 It is high time that the Jihadist courts union(JCU)come to a better understanding that today's world has no tolerance for Taliban like forces. Somalis who live in Somalia and abroad must understand the fact that the best avenue for Somalia is not confrontation with neighboring countries and with the west. The best stategy for Somalia should be peaceful co-existence with neigbors and with the rest of the world and letting people decide democtatically what kind of government they want instead of taking power by gun and declaring the Jihadist court of Somalia. Come to your senses and make the right decision that will bring peace to the people of Somalia.

Posted by: hailu at December 12, 2006 08:35 PM (VNzig)

8 yeah what a wonderfull life style yall westerners have huh chil molesting hiv slavery of people socaled democracy is working three jobs don'nt have nothing to show for gavernment take all your many. maybe you need a taliban style life you disfusting bastards thinking they know every thing you all in cluding your priests need to stop raping childeren half af you are on thinking taking their own lives lord have mercy maybe you need to take a look on the miror.

Posted by: Abdikarim at December 12, 2006 08:50 PM (LCFPo)

9 yeah what a wonderfull life style yall westerners have huh child molesting hiv slavery of people socaled democracy is working three jobs don'nt have nothing to show for gavernment take all your many. maybe you need a taliban style life you disfusting bastards thinking they know every thing you all in cluding your priests need to stop raping childeren half af you are on thinking taking their own lives lord have mercy maybe you need to take a look on the miror.

Posted by: Abdikarim at December 12, 2006 08:51 PM (LCFPo)

10 bleive me we kicked Ethiopian behind so many time I remember 1977 over 300.000, Ethiopian army was destroyed by Somali army with a weeks our army was only 90 miles away from addis ababa till all the Christian nations come to their aid they send 30.000 Rusian and Cubans to defend them and that was the tenth time we did that Ethiopia is th cancer of Africa all they ever brough to us is the Virus aids those beging hungry bastards. This time we will finish them of, couse rusia in broke and the rest of you are oops cowards who kils innocent civilians can't stand a day with the real moslem heroes hello maybe you check Somalia and see who they are before you open you mouths Christians

Posted by: jama at December 12, 2006 09:01 PM (LCFPo)

11 A'm a christian Ethiopian.We Ethiopians have no christian-Muslim problem. We live together peacefully.I don't understand why weyane and ICU are trying to make relegious war out of nothing. Weyane shall withdraw its troops from Somalia and ICU shall respect the people and teritory of Ethiopia.Forget the religeous bla bla and find out what the real intentions of both weyane and ICU. It is up to the Somali people to choose their leader.We have the right to defend our nation but we don't have the right to envade.

Posted by: Ethio at December 12, 2006 10:30 PM (DltKB)

12 I have never come across any record of what so ever that the Somali people have choosen the ICU jihadists to be their rulers. Islamo-fascism is imposed on them by well known and convicted alqeda leaders and operatives. As far as Ethiopians are concerned they will never rest their guard until these dangerous elements are dealt with. We are well aware that the terrorist do not come from Pakistan, iraq, Syria, Egypt with doves and rose flowers

Posted by: ZEKRE GEDEL at December 12, 2006 11:15 PM (Xoqai)

13 I have never come across any record of what so ever that the Somali people have choosen the ICU jihadists to be their rulers. Islamo-fascism is imposed on them by well known and convicted alqeda leaders and operatives. As far as Ethiopians are concerned they will never rest their guard until these dangerous elements are dealt with. We are well aware that the terrorist do not come from Pakistan, iraq, Syria, Egypt with doves and rose flowers

Posted by: ZEKRE GEDEL at December 12, 2006 11:15 PM (Xoqai)

14 I have never come across any record of what so ever that states the Somali people have choosen the ICU jihadists to be their rulers. Islamo-fascism is imposed on them by well known and convicted alqeda leaders and operatives. As far as Ethiopians are concerned they will never rest their guard until these dangerous elements are dealt with. We are well aware that the terrorist do not come from Pakistan, iraq, Syria, Egypt with doves and rose flowers

Posted by: ZEKRE GEDEL at December 12, 2006 11:16 PM (Xoqai)

15 Somalis and the ICU are not terrorists. The ICU is not the same as the Taliban you moron. The real terrorists are the neo-cons and the republicans in the US. This website is full of racists white crackers, who are members of the KKK. Somalis and Ethiopian are brothers, we are all black and Africans. We have the same ethnic background, and remember that thousands of years ago, we were one nation. So stop bashing each other. The real problem is the white man who is trying to destroy Africa and the rest of the world. Africans must unite regardless of their religion. Also, the ICU is much better than the warlords, so the western countries must stop intervening in our affairs and let the Somalis manage their own affairs and resolve their own problems.

Posted by: SomaliAfrican at December 13, 2006 12:18 AM (R0AKx)

16 Yesterday it was Blackhawk-down. Tommorow it will be Black-Dog-Down. Meles is the Black dog of Africa: he has been outsourced by the uncle Sam, the global arsonist!

The proud Somali Muslim fighters will down the dog as a piece of cake just as they downed the hawk in the maalinti Rangers! Just weight and watch.

For the last 500 years, Somalis always defeated Ethiopian oppressive crusaders. These black crusers cried help from so-called major powers of the time. In the 16th century, for example,Cristropher Da Gama (Vaco da Gama's son) came to their recscue when the Somali Imam Ahmed Garan defeated them badly. The Soviets and Cubans came to their rescue in 1977 and now, the Western Crusaders will try to come to their rescue, but in vain--they will all end up in a hell-hole.

No hard feelings against Ethiopian and Western peoples, who are not aggressors. These are our brothers, most of who are also oppressed.

Posted by: Crusader-Slayer at December 13, 2006 12:50 AM (xAgcV)

17 If 5,000 Somali shillings is 7 cents, and 10,000 is 14 cents, shouldn't 20,000 be 28 cents?

It must be new Sharia math.

Posted by: cthulhu at December 13, 2006 02:25 AM (3rrMw)

18 It is in the best interest of the patriotic Ethiopians to collaborate with IUC to stop the Weyane regime. Contrary to ignorant garbage we often read, the IUC members are very well educated tolerant people. The IUC is not anti-Ethiopian or anti-any one. The IUC knows that Ethiopia is multi-religious, multi-ethnic neighbor. They recognise and appreciate the role played by the just king Negus as a friend of Prophet Mohamed. They know that more than half of Ethiopians are Muslims. They are just a popular movement attempting to stabilise their country.

However, this popular movement is able and determined to crush any one who attempts to keep Somalia in choas or colonize it. The massmurderer Meles is not interested in united democratic and developed Ethiopia. Otherwise, he would not thousands of Ethiopians just for being patriotic. He is using the divide and rule policy in both Somalia and Ethiopia. He is making Ethiopia an ethnic/religious time-bomb, while he wants to keep Somalia in clanfiefdoms.

Posted by: Omar Gaalkiye at December 13, 2006 02:37 AM (xAgcV)

19 It is in the best interest of the patriotic Ethiopians to collaborate with IUC to stop the Weyane regime. Contrary to ignorant garbage we often read, the IUC members are very well educated tolerant people. The IUC is not anti-Ethiopian or anti-any one. The IUC knows that Ethiopia is multi-religious, multi-ethnic neighbor. They recognise and appreciate the role played by the just king Negus as a friend of Prophet Mohamed. They know that more than half of Ethiopians are Muslims. They are just a popular movement attempting to stabilise their country.

However, this popular movement is able and determined to crush any one who attempts to keep Somalia in choas or colonize it. The massmurderer Meles is not interested in united democratic and developed Ethiopia. Otherwise, he would not have killed thousands of Ethiopians just for being patriotic. He is using the divide and rule policy in both Somalia and Ethiopia. He is making Ethiopia an ethnic/religious time-bomb, while he wants to keep Somalia in clanfiefdoms.

Posted by: Omar Gaalkiye at December 13, 2006 02:37 AM (xAgcV)

20 It is in the best interest of the patriotic Ethiopians to collaborate with IUC to stop the Weyane regime. Contrary to ignorant garbage we often read, the IUC members are very well educated tolerant people. The IUC is not anti-Ethiopian or anti-any one. The IUC knows that Ethiopia is multi-religious, multi-ethnic neighbor. They recognise and appreciate the role played by the just king Negus as a friend of Prophet Mohamed. They know that more than half of Ethiopians are Muslims. They are just a popular movement attempting to stabilise their country.

However, this popular movement is able and determined to crush any one who attempts to keep Somalia in choas or colonize it. The massmurderer Meles is not interested in united democratic and developed Ethiopia. Otherwise, he would not have killed thousands of Ethiopians just for being patriotic. He is using the divide and rule policy in both Somalia and Ethiopia. He is making Ethiopia an ethnic/religious time-bomb, while he wants to keep Somalia in clanfiefdoms.

Posted by: Omar Gaalkiye at December 13, 2006 02:37 AM (xAgcV)

21 I agree with Ethio and Omar Gaalkiciye. Remember, the jihad has been declared against Ethiopian troops INSIDE SOMALIA! UIC is representing Somali interests and it is up to Somalis what kind of religion or rule they want! We are free people who have their own national pride!

Solution: Everyone, hands-off Somalia, it is better for you! Otherwise, I will not be surprised to see more black-hawk-downs, black-dog-downs, or black-hyena downs!

By the Way African Taliban is the greatest misnomer I have ever encountered. Africans cannot be Talibans, simply. We have different culture, for your information.

Solution: Let the hen-minded Dr. do his research before calling names!

Posted by: Ali Bulbul at December 13, 2006 03:08 AM (xAgcV)

22 I know this artcle carried on the bbc (  doesn't quite fit Jawa's shameful view of the noble and dignified ICU but its worth reading by all interested indivituals.
Today, the Somalis regardless of social status are happy under the rule of our saviours and our heros the ICU.
My Allah Bless the ICU for bringing peace to my land.

Posted by: Victim of Warlords at December 13, 2006 03:17 AM (7Gxwu)

23 Ali, you are right! African and Taliban do not go together! The taliban movement grew out of specific cultural context and under specific circustances which are very different!

Ali, the hen-minded Dr. Rusty is a rusty-minded KKK. KKKs do not know how to do research! The just they are uncivilised terrorists who know how to hate, how to swear, and how to swear!

The only language they are able to read and write is the fulgar language of hatred!

Jawa is not worth browsing for serious, civilized readers. It is yellowish red journalism, if you see what I mean!

Posted by: Mohamed Gure at December 13, 2006 03:46 AM (xAgcV)

24 Fuck me (or preferably don't, you fucked up idiots). Seems to me the so-called ICU has got you bastards by the balls, or are you real ICU dickheads?
Well, either way, I hope you all enjoy your fucked-up maria laws. I hope you remember to fuckin' pray five times a day or the old, rusty sword will be swung into action, idiots.
You slami  fuckwits had better realise, quickly, that you're talking a load of crap and I hope Ethiopia deals with you quick smart.
I really can't see where you get off on all this 'slami religeous stuff, it's a fucking death cult, fuckwits, or haven't you realised that yet, idiots.

Posted by: TimH at December 13, 2006 07:04 AM (SUqZP)

25 Aw yeah, mo, just re-read your post and I realised that i had used a lot of fulgar language, sorry about that, maybe I offended you, maybe you'd like to cut my FUCKIN' head off, but you can't ,  FUCKWIT, can you, eh? That's 'cos you're in fuckin Sosososomalia, fuckwit and I'm not, heh.
Just give it away, IDIOT.

Posted by: TimH at December 13, 2006 07:13 AM (SUqZP)

26 And another thing, I'm going to have another BEER, so, fuckin Cheers, retards.

Posted by: TimH at December 13, 2006 07:25 AM (SUqZP)

27 Tim
Say whatever you want or fuck anyone you want, but puhlease do us all a favour: Just don't drive a car in that state of mind.

Posted by: Victim of Warlords at December 13, 2006 03:48 PM (7Gxwu)

28 #27 VoW, I didn't drive, not that stupid. I still say the ICU are idiots and they should just leave Somalia alone.

Posted by: TimH at December 13, 2006 04:13 PM (SUqZP)

29 The comments here are proof positive that Sosmallis and other koranimals will never be ready to join the human race.

The average IQ in Africa is 70. The average IQ in Somalia is apparently even lower than that.

I cant wait for the day my country destroys the IUC--assuming Kenya or Ethiopia doesn't destroy it first.

Remember:100 Americans outfought the entire city of Mogadishu, killing more than 1000 skinnies in the process.

Sosmallis are pussies.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 18, 2006 12:44 AM (bLPT+)

30 Someone please shut my pussy mouth for me once in for all.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 19, 2006 03:25 PM (Zlbra)

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