July 26, 2006

Simple Math...

Current market price of crude oil: $74 / bbl

Annual oil income to Iran's mullahs at current prices: $108,040,000,000 (est.)

Iran's annual support to Hizb'Allah: $100,000,000 (est.)

Iran's promised support to Hamas: $250,000,000

The freedom to tell the mullahs they can choke on their f**king oil: PRICELESS

Posted by: Ragnar at 12:47 AM | Comments (65) | Add Comment
Post contains 49 words, total size 1 kb.

1 Wish I could blame the cost of oil on Iran. In truth America now holds the highest crude oil reserves since crude was 20 a barrel. The price is high to do spectulators. Mostly American spectulators. Even pension plans are into the market for 33% returns. The India/China/lack of refineries is all pure bullshit. The Government needs to interfer with this greed that hurts all. It will not. Unfortunately, its us conservative republicans who hold most of that wealth. Must take the bad with the good.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 05:20 AM (69hsc)

2 Yup, it's time to tap Anwar and start developing 'green' energy, because when the Arabs tell the world to either eat shit or pay more for gas, the world opens its mouth and starts swallowing.

Posted by: goesh at July 26, 2006 08:07 AM (vX0fY)

3 The Government needs to interfer with this greed that hurts all.

Scott would like a Government ran Oil industry like China, Venezuela etc?
Any other Corporation making too much money for you Scott, Microsoft? Verizon? Starbucks? Perhaps we should ask the Government to interfere with their profits too? Actually why don't we make sure the Government always owns a large part of any U.S Corporations! and just have one star on our new Red Flag!

Posted by: davec at July 26, 2006 08:19 AM (voZp6)

4 If the US boycotts Iranian oil, does the cost per barrel go up, or down? Not gas, oil. If that much oil is left on the market, I would expect the price to plummet. ANWR isn't going to help us at this time. if it had been tapped when Bush first wanted it, we could tell the mullahs to pound sand.

Posted by: Cmunk at July 26, 2006 08:26 AM (7teJ9)

5 Scott -

You raise interesting points about these 'spectulators' I have to admit I don't know much about 'spectulators' and their effect on oil prices. It sounds like the combination of a speculum and a regulator. I'm generally wary of additional regulation, particularly any type of regulation likely to involve a speculum. I hope they stay far, far away from me and 'spectulate' somebody else.

You, my friend, need to stop worrying about the 'spectulators' and take some f**king responsibility, here. Like it or not, the locus of blame for current oil prices falls squarely on YOUR shoulders. High oil prices mean psychos like Ahmadinejad are swimming in extra cash. That means YOU are helping the mullahs to purchase those katyushas and suicide bomber jackets currently being used to kill innocent men, women and children. If I were you, that'd give me pause.

Posted by: The All Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 08:47 AM (I9YKk)

6 Scott, doesn't Saudi Arabia have the largest proven oil reserves, followed by Canada? Please explain what you mean by "oil reserves," because I'm under the impression the industry definition refers to oil in the ground. Maybe you're referring to what's stored in tanks? Or maybe you're referring to refining capacity?

Posted by: Venom at July 26, 2006 08:53 AM (gyr2M)

7 Quoth Ronald W Reagan:

"government doesn't solve problems, government IS the problem......

Wake up and smell the coffee, Scott.

Posted by: n.a. palm at July 26, 2006 08:55 AM (/Xwon)

8 Then we can tell North Korea to shove those nukes up their asses and rape themselves! Yeah!!!!!!!!!! Liberate North Korea!

Posted by: Some Dude at July 26, 2006 09:06 AM (llVQM)


If the US boycotts Iranian oil, does the cost per barrel go up, or down?

All other things being equal, the answer would theoretically be "down," but all other things are never equal, and the price to Iran is likely unaffected absent a rigid boycott of "downstream" goods (i.e., products made from or using Iranian oil).  I believe the US is already boycotting Iranian oil (at least as regards direct purchases), but in a world market, a boycott by one country or even a number of countries has little, if any, effect on the price paid to the boycotted country for its crude oil so long as there are some thirsty buyers.

If that much oil is left on the market, I would expect the price to plummet.

If there was a fat surplus of oil on the market, that's 100% correct.  Unfortunately, there's no excess production on the market, and there are plenty of thirsty buyers (e.g., China, India) standing in line ready to buy up Iranian oil at (essentially) market prices.

ANWR isn't going to help us at this time. if it had been tapped when Bush first wanted it, we could tell the mullahs to pound sand.

If ANWR is indeed a huge reservoir of oil just waiting to be tapped, I'm fine with leaving it where it is for now.  There's likely to be a time in the not-too-distant future when oil under U.S. soil may be critical to our economic survival.

I don't have the numbers in front of me for expected production from ANWR, but I know it's nowhere close, even at peak capacity, to replacing current US imports.  Whether it could produce enough excess oil to drive oil back down to $23/bbl (its traditional price over the last 50 years) involves a lot of complicated math that makes my brain hurt.  I'm skeptical, though, that this would be the case.

Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 09:18 AM (I9YKk)

10 That means YOU are helping the mullahs to purchase those katyushas and suicide bomber jackets currently being used to kill innocent men, women and children. If I were you, that'd give me pause.
Posted by The All Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 08:47 AM

And by "you" you mean Scott. Scott as an international market force significant in determining the price of oil.

Even if you could contemplate it, which you cannot, there is no consumer trend or bilateral embargo that will make this Mastercard reference here make sense.
Decide unanimously today as a population today to tell Iran where to stick their oil. The reply will be why would they stick it anywhere but on Chinese markets at a premium as Asia has always been willing to pay above what the US has ?

But even something that pointless is unthinkable. So no A.S.E, you choke on it. Like you have been doing and like you will continue to do.

Posted by: Tank at July 26, 2006 09:19 AM (aOeXm)

11 That means YOU are helping the mullahs to purchase those katyushas and suicide bomber jackets currently being used to kill innocent men, women and children. If I were you, that'd give me pause.
Posted by The All Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 08:47 AM

And by "you" you mean Scott. Scott as an international market force significant in determining the price of oil.

Even if you could contemplate it, which you cannot, there is no consumer trend or bilateral embargo that will make this Mastercard reference here make sense.
Decide unanimously today as a population today to tell Iran where to stick their oil. The reply will be why would they stick it anywhere but on Chinese markets at a premium as Asia has always been willing to pay above what the US has ?

But even something that pointless is unthinkable. So no A.S.E, you choke on it.
Like you have been doing on Saudi oil financing terorrism and like you will continue to do.

Posted by: Tank at July 26, 2006 09:21 AM (aOeXm)

12 That means YOU are helping the mullahs to purchase those katyushas and suicide bomber jackets currently being used to kill innocent men, women and children. If I were you, that'd give me pause.
Posted by The All Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 08:47 AM

And by "you" you mean Scott. Scott as an international market force significant in determining the price of oil.

Even if you could contemplate it, which you cannot, there is no consumer trend or bilateral embargo that will make this Mastercard reference here make sense.
Decide unanimously today as a population today to tell Iran where to stick their oil. The reply will be why would they stick it anywhere but on Chinese markets at a premium as Asia has always been willing to pay above what the US has ?

But even something that pointless is unthinkable. So no A.S.E, you choke on it. Like you have been and you will continue to.

Posted by: Tank at July 26, 2006 09:24 AM (aOeXm)

13 Tank -

The Scott is not just an international market force. The Scott is a universal force, period.

The Scott is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds you and penetrates you (much like a 'spectulator'). In short, the Scott binds the galaxy together. It is truly meaningless, however, to speak of fully "contemplating" the Scott.

Although even I cannot fully comprehend the mysteries of the Scott, I am confident that even you, Tank, can grasp the basic principles of macroeconomics. At first it may seem, much like your early sexual experiences, like a lot to swallow. Stay with it and don't rush it and you'll do just fine.

I encourage you to enroll in a course, perhaps at your local community college. Pay particular attention to the part about "supply" and "demand". These are separate, but related, concepts.

After you have managed to get your mind around these challenging concepts, move forward to the general effect that "supply" and "demand" have on "market pricing."

After you've mastered all these things, return to me to further your training. There are many things they will not teach you of in college.

Posted by: The All Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 09:42 AM (I9YKk)

14 What if we boycott Iran and Venezuela? Venezuelan oil is high in sulphur anyway. It costs more to refine and pollutes more. I say ban Citgo from US soil. Boycott Iranian and Venezuelan oil. Buy BP only. They use only non arabian/gulf oil. For my part. I will park my Rumble Bee and ride a bike to work and back. Or perhaps carpool. I am a little too out of shape to ride a bike 30 miles a day. But I still say boycott terrorist oil the way we are supposed to avoid the blood diamonds of Africa.

Posted by: Cmunk at July 26, 2006 10:02 AM (7teJ9)

15 Davec: Read my post again. I don't believe I said government run. The government regulates many things. Interest rates, etc:

All seeing idiot: Who knows WTF he's babbling about. While telling others to take courses this guy just chases his tail round and round. I do know one thing. While he's taking these courses he sure isn't watching the news (this AM) and he sure isn't involved in oil commotities.
In fact when discussing oil he knows nothing. He needs to take a course in fiance himself.

By oil reserves I am talking about tank holding facilities at refineries. They have more than ever. They are gutted and must sell oil to receive more.
At this time China and India haven't any effect on the world price. What spectulators bid months ago controlls what we are paying now.
Again for those to slow to understand. The price of gasoline here in the states is based on what the refineries pay for it. The distributors pay for it and what the retailers charge for it. If the refineries pay $70.00 per barrel the ammount on the market means nothing. They will not sell for less than they pay. Regardless of supply and demand.
Yes the middle east sellers and making killing. So are the spectulators that set the price and companies like Exxon who are experiencing the highest profits in history. If one doesn't understand the market. Not my problem. Stay uninformed like all seeing idiot.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 10:05 AM (69hsc)

16 Davec: Sorry buddy, but I would hate to guess how much of your dollars are spend by Microsoft in court with the government. Not just ours, but in Europe also.
Walmart demands that its vendors deal with China and other Southeastern countries. Simply because they can buy cheaper and make more profits. Putting more and more Americans out of work. All at the call of free enterprise. I believe in free enterprise, free speech but controls are neccessary when they hurt the country.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 10:13 AM (69hsc)


I keep learning new words and phrases from The Scott.  He doesn't provide any definitions, so I'm forced to compose my own:

Commotities (n.): the breastal regions of women living under Stalinist/Bolshevist dictatorships.  Usage: "Wow! Check out that Cuban girl!  Nice commotities!"

"In fact when discussing oil he knows nothing."

I know I like it when a commochick rubs oil on her commotities.

"He needs to take a course in fiance himself."

I advise caution, my friend.  My buddy dabbled around with a course in fiance and ended up with a degree in wife.

Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 10:18 AM (I9YKk)

18 For those who like to spout numbers. Like Iran's est income from selling oil being 108 billion. That is income become taking out productions costs.
NOW HEAR THIS. Exxon's PROFITS, not income before production costs, will exceed 108 billion this very financial year. I wouldn't dare guess at the profits market speculators will make this year.
Once again all seeing idiots twisted view fails.

How easy it is to look at one side only.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 10:22 AM (69hsc)

19 ROFL!  Im glad I respond only to limited areas of my own knowledge.. like why muslims are not compatible with the rest of the world anymore.. things like that. 
I have a BS degree in business but I couldnt balance my checkbook if my life depended on it.  Prolly shouldve got a degree in something I can really grasp.. like computer games and firearms.  /shrug.

Posted by: JeepThang at July 26, 2006 10:24 AM (0411H)

20 Americans demand too much in pay for jobs that can be done cheaper overseas. It's just that simple. We won't mention a certain segment of the population who would rather collect their entitlements instead of working a job that is below their status.

Imaging the look on a man or a womans face in the early 1930's if we told them there was a whole segment of society who chooses not to work. Back in the day 50 bucks a week and a bowl of bean soup a day was a good living.

There is a public housing developement across the street from the King center in Atlanta. It is Govt subsidized because these folks cannot afford traditional housing for various reasons (overbreeding, drugs, alcohol and any combination thereof). But they all have sattelite TV.

How did I get here? Oh yes, what is considered manual labor, low paying work, sweat shop work, menial labor, is hugely different here in America, land of the free and home of the brave, than what you will find in the third world where they will work any job that is better than standing knee deep in a snake filled rice paddy. Don't blame Wally world if they would rather farm out their business where it is cheaper. Only a fool buisnessman spends more for their products when it can be had for less elsewhere. That is buisness 101.

Posted by: Cmunk at July 26, 2006 10:28 AM (7teJ9)

21 All-Seeing Eye,
Your estimate of Mullahs' contribution to the Hizbullah is on the low side the figure is more than twice that 250 Million dollars U.S. annually.
Yes, the subhuman Mullhas' have been draining the blood of the hapless Iranian so as to fatten their pet leeches Hizbullah.
This is something the likes of Abu-Scott El-Islami do not want you to know.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 26, 2006 10:35 AM (Bp6wV)

22 Scott, that's a very obtuse description about how the price of oil is determined. You make it sound as if refineries are going to arbitrarily pay a price and then pass it down to the consumer, completely ignoring the fact that the price of oil is determined by refining capacities, drilling costs, exploration costs, and all of the overhead associated with any of these activities (including a myriad of other tasks that companies have to perform before it even gets into the hands of your local gas station). And to completely ignore the effects on prices by supply and demand is, in a word, dumb. It sets the price of oil a lot more than "what the refinieries pay for it."

Not only that, but to completely disregard - intentionally - the effect that emerging powerhouses like China and India have on a commodity is idiotic. It's not that hard to figure out: if there's a fixed amount of something, and a lot of people want a lot of it, it's going to have an impact. Sure, there are some speculators out there, but there are speculators for all commodities. There are speculators on pork bellies, but we don't see that commodity at record levels. Same goes with a plethora of other commodities. Assuming that the price of oil is based solely on speculators is being ignorant.

I'm completely for the idea of reducing the dependence on foreign oil. In fact, I'm completely for the idea of reducing the dependence on oil, period. But, your "analysis" on how the price of oil is arrived at leaves a lot to be desired.

Posted by: Venom at July 26, 2006 10:37 AM (pYHpB)

23 Garduneh: You're probably right about that. It's probably closer to $250 million. But hey, what's $150 million between friends?

Posted by: The All Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 10:46 AM (I9YKk)


JeepThang:  I think you lost me.  (I was distracted by those oiled-up commotities.)

Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 10:47 AM (I9YKk)

25 "Scott:"  Do you speak English as a first language?  I'm being serious, here.  I'm not trying to be a dick by asking.  If you didn't grow up speaking English, I shouldn't have made fun of your spelling & grammar.  (I may be a dick, but I'm selective about it.)

Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 10:56 AM (I9YKk)

26 Vemon: I said what they pay for oil. What they pay includes all other costs.
Intentionally disregard China, India. I said they are not affecting the price. NOW. All refineries have full holding capacity NOW.
Ignorant: Stupid liberal ass.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 10:58 AM (69hsc)

27 Scott: I wonder if a simple economic principle called "Supply & Demand" has anything to do with it?

Demand: Highest it as ever been.
Supply: +/- low percent, unchanged.

It is estimated 1/20 people have cars in China, wait till that becomes 10/20 you'll see prices you would not believe.

Posted by: davec at July 26, 2006 10:59 AM (voZp6)

28 --- oh and maybe some REAL war for Oil too.

Posted by: davec at July 26, 2006 11:00 AM (voZp6)

29 All-Seeing Eye,
I told you this Scott guy is an Arab Muslim. I mean look at his barbaric conduct; his inability to discern facts, to say nothing of his superlative command of the English language. I myself didn't know a word of English untill I was fifteen.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 26, 2006 11:00 AM (Bp6wV)

30 Mehr: You little name calling jew prick. If they are all like you, time to join the Storm Front and cheer Hezbollah on.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 11:01 AM (69hsc)

31 I agree. When 10/20 people have a car, the cost of aluminium is going to go through the roof. Imagine what the cost of car airfresheners is going to be then. I don't even what to think about the price of Armour-All

Posted by: Cmunk at July 26, 2006 11:03 AM (7teJ9)

32 So now we know where he's from at least.  It's Greg's alter ego or cousin or somthing.

Posted by: Howie at July 26, 2006 11:04 AM (D3+20)

33 Abu-Scott,
Good job exposing yourself. You Muslimes were neve too smart.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 26, 2006 11:09 AM (Bp6wV)

34 Looks like ASE has a troll stalking him. I want a troll too! They're so cut with their fuzzy colorful hair.

Posted by: Cmunk at July 26, 2006 11:16 AM (7teJ9)


Garduneh: I think you're right.  I notice "Scott" completely ignored the question & related comments.

Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 11:18 AM (I9YKk)

36 Cmunk: Aren't they, though?  I thought I had two, but "Tank" may have just been a sock-puppet to back up "Scott"...
No, I take that back.  Looking back on the posts, Tank's English is a lot better than Scott's.  Unless he did that on PURPOSE just to throw us off...

Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 11:22 AM (I9YKk)

37 35 comments! Dude you are rockin! ASE is the king of this blog site!

Posted by: Cmunk at July 26, 2006 11:24 AM (7teJ9)

38 Get your SUV's ready for storage or for semi-permanent shelter as the government will need every last drop of oil to fuel the war machinery for World War III !  
And I see an idiot is right! It is all your fault! LOL  

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at July 26, 2006 11:26 AM (gLMre)


Cmunk : 35 comments pales, of course, in comparison to the number of comments Darth Rusty's posts routinely generate.  For now, I can only watch & (try to) learn something from the Sith Masters...

Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 11:34 AM (I9YKk)

40 BTW, where did my troll go?

Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 11:35 AM (I9YKk)

41 Scott, the fact you think India and China aren't affecting the price of oil now is another example of being ignorant of the facts. The demand for oil from these two countries hasn't slowed and isn't forcasted to slow for the next few years, hence a big reason for the current price of oil. Again, why you think supply and demand don't have an impact is beyond me, but maybe you're used to tunnel vision.

Time to take off your tinfoil hat and join the rest of your leftist friends.

Posted by: Venom at July 26, 2006 11:36 AM (pYHpB)

42 The troll is dead, Long live the troll!

Posted by: Cmunk at July 26, 2006 11:46 AM (7teJ9)

43 42 comments so far. Hmmm, Hey who will pitch in for me so I can get a blog at mu.nu?

Posted by: Cmunk at July 26, 2006 12:02 PM (7teJ9)

44 Well I'm back so here we go.
(1) I only finished high school and english is what the candy asses and fairies we used to beat up were best at.

Apparently, People still can't comprehend the word NOW and apply it to today. The market changes daily.

Tank you have disagreed with the piece of shit all seeing idiot. Therefore you are ignorant.

Mehr: You're nothing but a stupid little cry baby jew. A good example of why your race has so many enemies. Last I hear you jews came from the same stock as the Arabs. A sniveling little shit like you causes pain for descent Jews. Who would want a jew like you for a neighbor?

Vemon: You turncoat democrat garbage heap. Tell the truth asshole you voted for Kerry and was a liberal shit on this very blog less than two years ago. Perhaps, the all seeing idiot and the little kike don't remember, but I do. So now you are kissing the asses of the same people who ran you off.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 01:33 PM (69hsc)

45 Yeah Vemon whomever that is.

Posted by: Howie at July 26, 2006 01:46 PM (D3+20)

46 Davec: Why would we go to war for oil? When the price gets high enough people will look at the middle east with a different view. Why should Americans suffer for another country? Make friends with the Muslims with oil and mind our own business. Money will talk and Israel will walk. Then all will be well. Opec will start pumping. The price will drop. Coca Cola, Harley Davidsons, Levis and country music will conquer the minds and hearts of the Arabs. America will once again be the good guy of the world. We just have to get rid of a little pain in the ass baggage.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 01:47 PM (69hsc)

47 That should tighten the sniveling little yids asshole.
Ha, Ha.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 01:50 PM (69hsc)

48 Hahaha Scott, that's awesome. Nah, never voted for Kerry, sorry bud. And I don't think I appeared as a liberal a couple of years ago - sure I argued a lot with Greyrooster, but few here haven't. And ran me off? Please, I never left. Looks like you're batting 0.000 today. Wrong about the way oil trades and is priced, wrong about how supply and demand works, wrong about so many things. But Scott, keep reaching for that rainbow!

Posted by: Venom at July 26, 2006 02:06 PM (gyr2M)

49 Haywood and the better half are filling the tank twice, heading up to Oshkosh and watch more folks burn fuel foolishly.
BTW, the cheapest gas around these parts is at them Venezuelan guvmint run stations. I hate driving past the gluttonous (help me scotty) u.s. and euro petropowers to save about two bucks a tank.
...are you gonna eat those tots?

Posted by: haywood jablowmi at July 26, 2006 02:07 PM (VUmVc)

50 Scott:
I don't believe I said "America" will go to war for Oil, now did I? There are other countries with significant interests in foreign oil that are already cementing ties with failed states, and despots in order to assure their supply.
It seems reasonable to me, that when a resource is vital, and in short supply and you cut off access to that resource [either militarily or economically] there will be a War ~ an example would be cutting off steel supplies to Japan before America was attacked at pearl harbor.

Posted by: davec at July 26, 2006 02:07 PM (voZp6)

51 Iranians give Hezbollah 250 million. Yada, yada, yada. America gives Israel billions.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 02:19 PM (69hsc)

52 Davec: No arguement there. But nothing new either.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 02:26 PM (69hsc)

53 Rain, rain and boring sniveling little Iranian Jews. 5 more days and I'll be at my job offshore for a month. If we see any Iranian Jews we hang them from the rig.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 02:29 PM (69hsc)

54 We are givers, ya know. Iran is a cheap old man skinflint cespool of hatred and lies. They aren't arabs, they are persian shitbags who smell of currey and goat. Let them keep their oil.

In case everyone just woke up, we have already fought a war over oil. Back in the mid 20th century, Japan turned the Pacific on it's ear for oil. (you guys thought I was going to mention Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom didn't you)Lets be honest. Noone here is any smarter or dumber just because they cannot spell, or don't fully grasp what causes the price of commodities to rise and fall. But you dumb to argue over it. I mean it's not like some goofy bim is wrapping her nekkid ass in the American flag now is it?

Posted by: Cmunk at July 26, 2006 02:36 PM (7teJ9)

55 I'm sensing a great disturbance in The Scott...

A barrage of logic, or too much roughage? Difficult to tell...

Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 02:36 PM (c/4ax)

56 May the elevator hit you in the head.  Let me guess Chain hand 3 fingers.

Posted by: Howie at July 26, 2006 02:37 PM (D3+20)

57 Actually there is a very small minority of Jews living in Iran. Why I cannot possibly fathom.But then Madmandinnerboob doesn't say he hates Jews. He just hates having them in Israel.

Posted by: Cmunk at July 26, 2006 02:42 PM (7teJ9)

58 Cmunk,
There are probably more than one hundred thousand Jews living Iran. As to why they chose to live there, the answer is found in the Old Testament Ezra 1:1-11 and Isaiah 44:28 and again Isaiah 45:1-13.
They've been living there is the BEST, the most patriotic and always unswervingly loyal citizens and subjects. The current president of Israel in fact traces was born in Iran and traces his ancestory in Iran as far back as 2500 years.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 26, 2006 03:04 PM (Bp6wV)

59 Cmunk:

I agree with you. The lack of proper usage of the English language isn't necessarily a sign of low brainpower. Neither is a lack of logical thinking skills or knowledge of economic principles. Proper use of English, logical thinking and economic understanding are all learned skills. Unfortunately, our furry little troll possesses none of the above, and I'm not willing to give him a pass on it, especially not at this point.

Perhaps if & when he learns a little humility, he could learn something around here. Until that point, our troll deserves to be beaten repeatedly over the head with a dense metaphysical bagel of inescapable logic. If he's lucky, it may be wrapped in the pink lox of factual enlightenment.

Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 03:08 PM (c/4ax)

60 Logic. Shit for brains you wouldn't know what it is. Stay shut in and don't go out to the real world. You won't make it out there. Just live off the tax payers and do nothing for your pay. To me, stealing time you are paid for is still stealing. A thief and a parasite. Nothing more.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 03:57 PM (69hsc)

61 CMUNK: Do I detect some racism here? OK with me. I'm racist to. I hate Iranians. They are scum of the earth. The most filthy people in history. Cannot trust any of them. Total slim bags. Spawn of the devil. They are a ugly race. Hairy like the animals they are. Stupid, cruel, barbaric with honor. I piss on them.

Posted by: Scott at July 26, 2006 04:08 PM (69hsc)

62 I notice the troll turns a pinkish-red color when you agitate it...

Posted by: The All-Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 04:17 PM (c/4ax)

63 Scott, I mean Abu-Scott El-Islamil
Are you still trying to pass yourself off as a white Christian?
Look you've been exposed for the Muslime that you are; so just come on out and admit that you are a Muslim Arab hook-nose.

Posted by: Garduneh Mehr at July 26, 2006 09:55 PM (Bp6wV)

64 deleted

Posted by: Scott at July 27, 2006 12:40 PM (69hsc)

65 "Tank ... I encourage you to enroll in a course, perhaps at your local community college. Pay particular attention to the part about "supply" and "demand". These are separate, but related, concepts.
After you have managed to get your mind around these challenging concepts, move forward to the general effect that "supply" and "demand" have on "market pricing."
After you've mastered all these things, return to me to further your training. There are many things they will not teach you of in college.
Posted by The All Seeing Eye at July 26, 2006 09:42 AM"

One of those things they won't teach you in college is how your Mastercard reference makes sense.

You outlined how oil prices increase the wealth of Iranian leaders which in turn funds terrorism. You suggested somebody had the freedom to tell Iran to choke on it's oil.

You didn't suggest who would be forgoing purchases of Iranian oil (not even US interests), that anyone expects oil prices to sink significantly (they've acually increased due to this Iranian sponsored conflict), nor how their terrorism funding coffers would be in any way effected by anything.

Learning about supply and demand appears to have done fuckall for you in terms of understanding so I think I'll give it a miss chump. Meanwhile the coffers of the Iranians, Hamas and Hizbollah grow larger by the day due to a price spike due to the actions of Iran's proxy. Yeah... tell us all again how I'm the one missing the point. Idiot.

If the idea is you can pretend you aren't funding both sides of a war for the second time since the US civil war write another one like that about Saudi Arabia's mullahs. Then continue funding their terrorism coffers to.

Posted by: Tank at July 29, 2006 06:11 AM (aOeXm)

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