August 14, 2006

Kossacks : 'Mike Wallace was totally rude and a jingoistic idiot'

While many commentators have roundly criticized Mike Wallace for letting the Iranian President walk all over him in the recent 60 Minutes interview, the reality-based community at Daily Kos is upset that Wallace was so terribly rude to Amadinnerjihad:


The comments to the poll are here. This is a fun one:

Ahmadinejad seemed to be more in touch with reality than our Dear Leader....

At least it sounded like he takes time in the day to stay current on things other than his own narrow focused agenda (meaning Bush's way).

As to any statements regarding Israel and the Holocaust - we don't know of anyone who uses inflammatory rhetoric, do we?

Sadly, due to Mike Wallace's condescending behavior and the own demonstrated incompetence and obtuseness of George Bush, I couldn't help thinking that in another time and place, Ahmadinejad with his education and obviously quick wit would have been more than a match for the dolt we have running our country.

Another good one:
Iran has no such history of instability, and is in fact one of the few stable democracies in the mideast - even though it might not be a form you or I might like, as it's closer to the religious democracy right-wing Christians would prefer. When only one antagonistic power in a region has nukes, you can argue that it's an unstable situation, such as when India had them before Pakistan. Right now, only Israel has them in the mideast, and has indicated a willingness to use them. Iran is in a dangerous neighborhood, with 3 antagonistic nuclear powers within striking range of its territory. And the most dangerous, aggressive, hostile nuclear power in the world, the US, has made threats against it.
Let's see: the NPT specifically ALLOWS uranium enrichment as well as other technical research. There is no apparent evidence to date, according to the UN, that Iran has a weapons program. You seem to assume there is one because...the Bush administration says there is? What other assumptions have you swallowed from Bush?

In my view, Iran NEEDS nuclear weapons, if only to hold the US at bay - a government which has made clear threats against Iran, has a previous history in overthrowing Iran's democracy, and a recent history in waging unprovoked war against one of Iran's neighbors. Further, Iran is now bordered on two sides by the military forces of that same government.

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:23 PM | Comments (27) | Add Comment
Post contains 412 words, total size 3 kb.

1 "In my view, Iran NEEDS nuclear weapons, if only to hold the US at bay - a government which has made clear threats against Iran, has a previous history in overthrowing Iran's democracy, and a recent history in waging unprovoked war against one of Iran's neighbors. Further, Iran is now bordered on two sides by the military forces of that same government."

What the hell is this? There have been many more threats coming out of Iran and the U.S. has never overthrown Iranian Democracy. Iran has never had Democracy.

This the an even decent size voting bloc within the U.S.? So. Very. Sad.

Posted by: Chad Evans at August 14, 2006 11:50 PM (Zt3ks)

2 Gotta agree. Mike Wallace came across as a frothing jackass, while Ahmadinejad remained calm, civil and rational throughout--even as he endured Wallace's incredible rudeness. Even my 63-year-old father-in-law thought Wallace was a jerk, and he voted for Bush. Mike Wallace did the right's propaganda machine a grave disservice this weekend.

Posted by: Mark F at August 15, 2006 01:25 AM (Lnuna)

3 Gotta agree. Mike Wallace came across as a frothing jackass, while Ahmadinejad remained calm, civil and rational throughout--even as he endured Wallace's incredible rudeness. Even my 63-year-old father-in-law thought Wallace was a jerk, and he voted for Bush. Mike Wallace did the right's propaganda machine a grave disservice this weekend.

Posted by: Mark F at August 15, 2006 01:26 AM (Lnuna)

4 Gotta agree. Mike Wallace came across as a frothing jackass, while Ahmadinejad remained calm, civil and rational throughout--even as he endured Wallace's incredible rudeness. Even my 63-year-old father-in-law thought Wallace was a jerk, and he voted for Bush. Mike Wallace did the right's propaganda machine a grave disservice this weekend.

Posted by: Mark F at August 15, 2006 01:26 AM (Lnuna)

5 Wow. Sorry for the multiple posts. Your BB gave no indication that my post was going up--just sat there doing nothing.

Posted by: Mark F at August 15, 2006 01:28 AM (Lnuna)

6 Hello, you human filth. I would like to direct this to whom ever started this pathetic blog. First, your opinion counts for shit. Second, A blog with "Star Wars" connotations? Puh-lease. This is the most pathetic pile of dog feces I have ever seen in my life. Third, let's take a little time to get to know each other. You first, OK I'll describe you, then you tell me if I am correct. Can your miniscule brain handle that you fucking proto-human? My guess is that you had inappropriate relations with your own sister or mother. Your mother didn't set the proper boundaries for you sexually, so that completely messed you up during your adolescence. I don't know if you are a he/she/it so if you are a female this still applies, it just makes you a lesbian. Anyway, I grow weary of this so let's just end with this. Somebody in your family sexually molested you, probably your father. On an aside, do you know Leshawn Barber? That chick is whack, I can't believe a black chick would ever be brain washed enough to join the republican cult. She must of blown somebody and then received a hefty allotment for said blowjob. Anyway she sucks too. Both literally and figuratively. TTFN

Destroy ole boy,
Jara sang

Posted by: Jara sang at August 15, 2006 02:01 AM (AVl7c)

7 Looks like a Kossack got out and is spreading that so called tolerance to us.

Didn't realize tolerance could sound so much like racism and bigotry.

Posted by: Mr. Mxyzptlk at August 15, 2006 03:02 AM (Nv6CM)

8 Let the Kossaks sputter.

Their boy in CT is done in Nov, so they're charting a course back to irrelevance. They're just angry that they aren't the story, and refuse to believe that there are bigger and more important issues to deal with than what a bunch of high-school wanna-be keyboard punks think and feel regarding things they know nothing about.

Entertaining, though!

Posted by: Good Lt at August 15, 2006 05:51 AM (yT+NK)

9 Sara Sang: Yea, the posters haven't been doing to great of late. Our subject matter used to be much better. I think it's because Rusty hasn't really been running things. Now if they disagree with your comment they either threaten to delete it or delete it.
Sort of like the friggin muslims do.
Come back some time and we will talk about it.

Posted by: greyrooster at August 15, 2006 08:23 AM (y5dGS)

10 Why is it when they decide to troll all over a comment section, they immediately start describing sexual acts. Is it because they believe we are so naive that we will blush and melt into a corner?
Anyway, I missed the interview. I decided I would not give the miniature mouth from Iran a forum. I will comment on the KOS crap though. Nobody needs nukes. Nobody does. Israel doesn't need them. They want them as a deterrent, and they have probably worked to some degree. A country with leadership like Iran will use them as an offensive threat, and more or less as a defensive deterrent. Needless to say, the offensive threat is what worries the world the most.

Posted by: SeeMonk at August 15, 2006 08:28 AM (7teJ9)

11 >>>>Hello, you human filth.

We got us a real flower child here. I'm basking in his Liberal love and tolerance. It's just like the 60s.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at August 15, 2006 09:24 AM (8e/V4)

12 The Left isn't for peace, they're just for the other side.

Posted by: dcb at August 15, 2006 09:40 AM (8e/V4)

13 could you IMAGINE people comparing Reagan to Leonid Brezhnev in 1982? i frankly think that's bush's fault more than anything else. but generally, a comment post at kos is no more meaningful than at lgf.

Posted by: milowent at August 15, 2006 09:47 AM (xpzPb)

14 I have to agree that Mr. Wallace did nothing but re-inforce the world's view that Americans are a rude, impatient lot. Sad. They should have had someone like Barbara Walter's doing the work! Madhatterdinnerjacket on the other hand was impressive and composed. Wallace kept waving his hands in the Mad Hatter's face and asking him stupid questions like " are you vain? " It was funny how there was a comment about the jacket Mad Hatter was wearing. Made me wonder if it was an Iranian stab at humor.

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at August 15, 2006 09:52 AM (gLMre)

15 Our clumsiness and rudeness is to the Iranians as the Soviets and Chinese clumsiness and insensitivity is to us.

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at August 15, 2006 09:55 AM (gLMre)

16 I think Wallace did exactly as he planned to do; he made Alphabet look good, and he made Americans look bad. He is a piece of shit traitor who should be shot.

Oh, and please don't delete the lefturd's comments above, because they just show why the lefturds deserve no mercy.

Posted by: Impobulus Maximus at August 15, 2006 10:11 AM (v3I+x)

17 jara sang is a good candidate for deportment to the shithole he/she/it came from. We are going to have to deal with this scum pretty soon I think. And deal with them harshly.

Posted by: jesusland joe at August 15, 2006 10:44 AM (rUyw4)

18 Mike Wallace is a traitor and a liar and a usial liberal left-wing news journalists when can we send him to outer siberia?

Posted by: sandpiper at August 15, 2006 02:30 PM (aoHRB)

19 Notice the second place winner on the poll at 29%? Here, ladies and gentlemen, is the true winning response.

Posted by: grinnel at August 15, 2006 06:27 PM (u8Vo9)

20 >>>Notice the second place winner on the poll at 29%?


must be another one of those "moral victories" you Libs are so famous for. Back in the day that was called losing.

Posted by: dcb at August 15, 2006 07:38 PM (8e/V4)

21 dcb, you are SO sage.

Posted by: grinnel at August 15, 2006 08:12 PM (u8Vo9)

22 Wow, when I jokingly call the site Nedbollah it turns out I am closer to reality than I really want to be. Scary stuff.

Posted by: mark at August 15, 2006 08:36 PM (Nf33P)

23 The world can rid itself of nuclear weapons only after all nations are democracies.

If even one dictatorship has nuclear weapons, the democracies need them for balance. It's just too dangerous to trust a secretive, unaccountable regime with atom bombs, with no deterrence on the other side.

If we want to get to disarmament, we don't want to see more nations, and particularly not dictatorships, with nukes. We especially don't want nukes in the hands of a suicidal fanatic who publicly calls for the destruction of other nations and who doesn't care if his nation goes down with him in a blinding flash.

Posted by: Frank Warner at August 15, 2006 11:03 PM (dZ1Kx)

24 Why is democracy the magical cure-all? What about Palestine whose democracy voted in Hamas?

Posted by: Last gasp Larry at August 16, 2006 11:18 AM (gLMre)

25 As a native Iranian, I think the ones who have a pure heart can find who was right! and will find out all the bad things have been said about our president in news are big lies! Just think about it!

Posted by: Reza at August 16, 2006 12:52 PM (fQvYm)

26 Reza: Sorry Charlie. We don't have time to pamper a bunch of backward, barbaric animals who kill people in the name of God. What we need is Iranians in Iran. Then we can protect our people. They can cure their problems or we get rid of their problems for them.
Iranian with a pure heart? Where do you hide them.

Posted by: greyrooster at August 16, 2006 01:22 PM (vCjBd)

27 Jara Sang: What is it with you people. All the sex, sex, sex thing. Do you assholes ever get laid. Something weird here. They breed like rabbits then worry about the sex life of others.

Posted by: greyrooster at August 16, 2006 01:26 PM (vCjBd)

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