June 05, 2007

Remember Ron Reagan

...because the GOP sure as sh*t hasn't. We honor his memory and legacy on this third anniversary of his passing. We miss you, Ronnie.

ht: Misha

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:23 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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1 I remember Reagan...I remember the 1986 Amnesty Bill, I remember the the multi-trillion dollar defecit he left us, and I also remember him running like a scared dog out of Lebanon following the attack on our Marines in Beirut, 1983.  Its easy to talk shit (ie, "tear down this wall!") when either side values their lives enough NOT to push the button.  When tens of thousands of the enemy are willing to blow themselves up, anywhere, with complete disregard to any sort of "rules of war", well...thats another situation entirely. 

Posted by: WVinMN at June 05, 2007 11:35 PM (NH6NN)

2 I think Reagan had bigger fish to fry than a bunch of uncivilized camel jockeys that have no concern for innocent life. Don't for get that Lebanon didn't have 1000 nuclear tipped missiles aimed at the US and our a friends in Europe. And yes he did fuck up when it came to the amnesty of 1986. But any politician that is still in Washington today that was part of the approval of that bill should be hung. Reagan is the only politician I have shed a tear for when he/she died. I sure as hell won't shed a tear for Ford, Carter, Clinton, or the Bush's.

Posted by: Rome at June 05, 2007 11:44 PM (/GrlO)

3 "With the lever of American Patriotism, he lifted up the world."
That is all that needs to be said.

Posted by: TBinSTL at June 06, 2007 12:40 AM (MSiPb)

4 "...I remember the the multi-trillion dollar deficit he left us..."

A deficit created to cover shortfalls in a flabby federal budget built up by the Dems for decades before that. Even with budget cuts, you're still talking about massive fiscal and bureaucratic inertia.  He left the economy in better shape than when he found it, so maybe we can cut him a little slack on not being perfect...

"...and I also remember him running like a scared dog out of Lebanon following the attack on our Marines in Beirut, 1983."

First, it was DefSec Caspar Weinberger who called off the retaliation plan, after Reagan had assembled a team to plan it. And in 2001 he said, "But we still do not have the actual knowledge of who did the bombing
of the Marine barracks at the Beirut Airport, and we certainly didn't

And you might remember the withdrawal, but do you remember what condition Beirut was in? It made Iraq look like a playground. And a little thing called Operation Urgent Fury (aka the Invasion of Grenada) took place right at the same time. Marines were in Beirut as peacekeepers and without much peacekeeping to do, they were probably needed elsewhere. Sure, we don't want to leave something like that hanging, but circumstances often conspire to ruin the best laid plans.

"Its easy to talk shit (ie, "tear down this wall!") when either side values their lives enough NOT to push the button."

Then why build the missiles to being with? The Soviets knew damn well they we would never push the button first ourselves and most of the time we were building up OUR nuclear arsenal in response to their escalation. At one time, they even had a plan to turn a cargo ship into a giant nuke rigged with sensors that would set it off if the radiation level in Russia went to high, with enough radiation to have killed every man woman and child on the planet.

And of course when he said "tear down this wall!" his own advisers crapped their pants. But I'm glad you're here to judge so wisely in hindsight from the comfort of your armchair. Maybe you can turn your attention to the fact that Lincoln promoted a slew of bad generals to lead the Union Army. I guess that made him an incompetent buffoon...

Posted by: David Marcoe at June 06, 2007 02:45 AM (dJ/b4)


As usual a bunch of idiot democrats that cant see the truth, for all the bullshit they spread. When will you dumb ass people pull your head out or your ass and realize that most people would shit on all or you and we still love Ronald Regan, A man who gave me my first job in 1979 and I damn well loved kicking fucking idiots ass like yours...... Fuck all you liberals and i can’t wait till the day when we all cut you peaces of shit down for destroying our country and turning the American public in to a bunch of liberal pusses. For those who still love Ronnie, God Bless you……. and those who don’t, piss off bastards. Or do something about it.

Posted by: Mike at June 06, 2007 03:53 AM (3uFAs)

6 F*ckx Ronald Reagan - who do you think funded AQ?

Posted by: tbone at June 06, 2007 12:22 PM (HGqHt)

7 F*ckx John Kennedy-who do you think funded the NAACP?

Posted by: greyrooster at June 06, 2007 04:14 PM (1h1Tb)

8 tbone, you may or may not choose to do more research regarding that particular accusation. If you do I believe you will see that it's not fair. Since I think it's an honest mistake, I'm just going to leave you with the recommendation that you check your facts, and hope you take it. Since I really don't have the extra time for arguments lately, I apologize for not giving you more. Maybe you've noticed, but I'm not posting so much. Good luck, and I think you will change your mind.                          
                            USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 07, 2007 02:03 AM (2OHpj)

9 Greyrooster, I liked JFK enough not to rip on him. Nobody is perfect. And JFK put his neck on the line for his country, so gets the check mark for that too. I'm done here so anyone wants to argue, they are talking to themselves.                        USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 07, 2007 02:06 AM (2OHpj)

10 That fact is not refutable. (AQ history; Operation Cyclone) It also makes sense since the enemy of my enemy is my friend (until aforementioned enemy is destroyed). We haven't had a respectable president since Washington and even that's a stretch.

Posted by: tbone at June 08, 2007 10:46 AM (HGqHt)

11 Al-Qaida, literally "the database", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians - wikipedia
I never said Osama... hey, where is that guy anyway?
Hope everything is going well with you M.W.

Posted by: tbone at June 08, 2007 10:56 AM (HGqHt)

12 another choice quote: "It now appears that the American-sponsored jihad in Afghanistan was the first step in transforming the jihadist movements of Egypt, Iran, and Pakistan into an international network capable of challenging the United States. A coalescing of the jihadist movement would have occurred with or without Afghanistan, but the Afghan experience accelerated this process by years if not decades."

Posted by: tbone at June 08, 2007 10:59 AM (HGqHt)

13 "refutable. (AQ history; Operation Cyclone) "  Basically, you said Reagan funded AQ.  Your link to "Cyclone" contains some refuting remarks to your accusation.  And all I am saying is we should be careful not to make false, or misleading accusations.  Some of the benefit may have spread to AQ through the CIA suport of Afghans, but it wasn't marked for such usage, nor did Reagan authorize such a decision.  I still believe I am correct on this. Maybe when I get more time we can hash it out more. Till then                  
                             USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at June 08, 2007 05:34 PM (2OHpj)

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