April 16, 2007

Harry Reid's Main Concern

reid_will_break_you.jpgIs Senate majority leader Harry Reid concerned about America lsoping in Iraq? Is he concerned about the Iraqis, who will die in even greater numbers, if his "redeployment" is undertaken? No, Harry's main concern is how to play the politics of the war to, "pick up Senate seats."

FNS Via The Corner: Bill Kristol: John McCain said on Wednesday the Democrats are playing small politics with this war. The Democrats squealed. The next day, Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate majority leader, said . . . "We're going to pick up Senate seats as a result of this war. Senator Schumer has shown me numbers that are compelling and astounding."

What were the numbers that Senator Schumer, the head of the Democratic Senatorial Committee, showed him? They weren't numbers about casualties. They weren't numbers about whether getting out would hurt or help Al Qaida. They were poll numbers about Senate races. So the Democrats are playing politics.

For the Senate majority leader to say this war will cost the Republicans Senate seats is really a disgrace. And I think McCain is vindicated in his notion that he has made a serious argument about how we have to win. The Democrats have made no argument about the consequences of following their policy. They just want to pick up Senate seats.

Posted by: Howie at 03:07 PM | Comments (12) | Add Comment
Post contains 221 words, total size 2 kb.

1 I have to disagree about this being a disgrace. This is typical politics being played typically, and you can count on all politicians playing the game the same way regardless of party.
We as a people need to pay very close attention to what they say and what they do and formulate which of them are actually looking out for our interests.
If there is one thing I can complain about this site is, you tend to foment divisions between what is known as the "left" and what side you consider yourselves. This war against this ideology is not a right or left issue and shouldn't be presented as such. Of course, one party leans towards the wrong things a lot of the time in this circumstance, but the other side isn't exactly making the right decisions either (religeon of peace? small minority of what?)
We need to get back to the unity we had that September, and figure out how we are going to defeat this ideology. Your personal politics should be put to the side.

Posted by: jesse at April 16, 2007 04:25 PM (93bUt)

2 Dont' tell me tell Harry.  I don't disagree with you, but it seems to me that the Democrats have a harder time setting aside politics when it is called for than the Republicans do.  At times the Republicans can actually still focus on the issue. Not very often, but when it gets crunch time, they can do it.  Democrats, not so much. A few still do, normally the more conservative ones from the midwest. But as far as the leadership of the Democrat party.....never.

Posted by: Darth Odie at April 16, 2007 04:29 PM (YHZAl)

3 Jesse: We take sides? What a dork! This is a conservative blog not a woosie middle of the road politically correct say and do nothing blog. We listen to the lefturds very carefully. Then tell them what idiots they are. We don't pamper the muslims. THIS IS THE JAWA REPORT. We report on what they and their supporters are doing.

Posted by: greyrooster at April 16, 2007 04:32 PM (tdfeo)

4 Man, that's a great photo.
You can actually feel the arrogance and self-importance radiating from Dingy Harry and his minions.

Posted by: Kafir at April 16, 2007 05:25 PM (HsmTD)

5 I like what jesse says about reducing the partisanship and tackiling the major concerns of the nation.  I do agree with Darth Odie that we need to convince those we call the "left' more than we need to convince those we call the "right".  I seem to recall this was less of a "conservative" site than it was an "anti-terrorism" site, so while I enjoy greyrooster's comments (minus racism) I have to disagree with him a bit on that. As many know, I think we are at risk for civil war, and in that regard I feel jesse is seekiing the proper goal. We should find a way to be united against our enemies.                 
                     USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at April 16, 2007 05:42 PM (2OHpj)

6 Shame on you all, where is your patriotism,
USA has the best politicians money can buy.


Posted by: gerald at April 16, 2007 05:48 PM (h0BrM)

7 Harry Reid should be in a German military uniform circa 1939, standing just to the left of you know who.  This man is a true weasel just like Daschel.  I gumbas of Las Vegas must love this guy, knowing they can scare the hole bejesus out of him with one bad, mean nasty look!  These clowns represent us?  I didn't vote for his likes, you?

Posted by: RJ at April 16, 2007 05:48 PM (yyxO/)

8 Michael: Civil war may be the only answer. White persecution is getting worse not better. Why pass the issue on to our children.

Posted by: greyrooster at April 16, 2007 06:06 PM (tdfeo)

9 On a related note Indiana's eight district congressman, Brad Ellsworth was just on the local news here.  He was in Iraq and said, "We have a lot more work that we had to to in Iraq."  He had been visiting with troops from his home district.  My question is this. Ellsworth is and has been a strong supporter of the GWOT.  A former sherriff, tough, law and order conservative Democrat. Can't get elected here if you're not. Case and point Shimkus (R) kept his job. So Brad was upbeat, not overly optimistic, but you could tell he enjoyed the visit.

 However I recently saw an interview right after the house vote on the iraq war resolution. I posted on it cand I think I called Brad , "Pelosi's new bitch", for voting for the resolution.   He looked uncomfortable in that interview.  Like he had a bad taste in his mouth. What I want to know is what did Nancy use to grab Brad by the balls?  Was it pork, was it a threat to withhold pac money to cover the just past campaign?  What was Brad's price and why did he look so dead inside during that interview.

Posted by: Darth Odie at April 16, 2007 07:21 PM (YHZAl)

10 Just shot and email to my senator in washington state and will get the same form letter back. They just don,t care about fight our enemys where ever it is at

Posted by: tim at April 16, 2007 09:01 PM (JMMS0)

11 Harry Reid is just another god damn bastard willing to committ treason for political power. When the civil war comes he and his ilk will find themselves lined up against a wall and shot.

Posted by: doriangrey at April 16, 2007 09:35 PM (XvkRd)


None of the current liberals have
the first clue about geo-political events, or military matters. So let me
educate you, please... 
direct from a military intelligence office
(S2) who has already BEEN in the Iraqi theater of operations.


WE NEVER INTENDED TO LEAVE IRAQ! 62 years after V-E Day we still have a whole armor corps
based in
Germany. Almost 61 years after WWII ended we are in Japan. 109 years after the end of the Spanish American War we
still have a base in
CUBA, Guantanamo Bay (Gittmo)! We've been in Saudi Arabia since Aug. 2nd, 1990,
Kuwait since February 1991! I can go on and on...


We now have permanent American
bases in
Iraq. Why is it the default position of the ignorant
liberals and a few so-called "moderates" that we NEED to leave
Iraq? The Democratic Presidential hopefuls are falling all
over themselves over who will surrender (sorry, “strategic redeployment”) first.


Iraq is THE central
front in the war on terror, and you want to concede it to the enemy, even
though the troops WANT to be there.
an all volunteer military, and nearly everyone had a choice to reenlist or
join since AFTER the invasion. Now I know why only 9-11% of the current US
Military votes democrat. I met only 2 liberals when I was in the service. I
thought it was a BRILLIANT military strategy, to invade
Iraq after Afghanistan.... Look at a map for God's sake. Creating a democracy in
the HEART of the
Middle East - the land of Mesopotamia, the Garden of Eden - creates a land void of Wahhabbism
and state controlled media that preaches violence and propaganda against the
infidel. It's going to take a full generation, 20 years or more to start to
fully work, but it no doubt will. In the short term it will deny the enemy a
safe haven backed with state funds from oil proceeds. And immediately, it
GUARANTEED that Sadaam would never again attempt to produce or acquire


In less than a month, one Special
Forces A-Team backed up by the
,  ANGLICO (Air-Ground Liason) and CAS (Close
Air Support) defeated the Taliban and drove Al Qaeda underground. We probably
haven't killed Bin Laden yet, but we've kept him from building a movement, and
isolated him without the ability to communicate. HERE's the brilliant part...
We knew the terrorists will follow us wherever we go. We knew they would
regroup and flock to us as partisans.
Afghanistan is the most inhospitable place on the planet to defend
territory. It goes from 110 to below freezing in 24 hours, with arid deserts
and elevations regularly above 16,000 ft., has millions of places to hide, and
gives the advantage to smaller, more mobile forces (ie. small groups of poorly
organized jihadists.) It was time to open a 2nd front.


HERE's the problem. Bush CANNOT go
on TV and say, "We want to lure our
enemies into a land in which we can slow-bleed the enemy on favorable terrain.
We want to change the face of the Middle East, and create democracies in the 3
main sponsors of terror, that happen to border Iraq: Iran, Syria, and Saudi
WE WOULD LOSE ALL SUPPORT in the Arab world if he said that!
It's a delicate balance, but Bush chose to bite his tongue, and take a massive
poll hit to save national security. THAT is a leader.


We are capturing and killing the
enemy every single day in
Iraq - MANY MORE then they kill of us. Some estimates as great
as 14 times more. We have more men, we have better equipment, the best
training, and we have the will of the Iraqi people behind us. BUT THE
America. Islamic Extremists know the liberal media is on their
side. They know Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary is rooting for them. Bush
is more compassionate than conservative, so he likes to say he does not
question the patriotism of democrats. WELL
Isn't it blatantly obvious that the
democrats stand to lose politically if we WIN? Every single speech, sign, and
vote democrats have made were designed to win back power, and they didn’t care
if those policies HURT the troops and cause us LOSE a war. Isn't it obvious
that they have been trying to do exactly that since 2004? They don't even try
to hide it anymore. So it shouldn't surprise you that EVERY single "TROOP
WITHDRAWAL DEADLINE" that dems have proposed is scheduled for
BEFORE THE NEXT ELECTION! (14 in all.) Why? Because they do not want to deal
with the issue. They know they are considered “soft” and “weak” on national
defense, so they want to run for cover, then stick their heads in the sand like
an Ostrich and pretend there is no war on terror. That is their strategy to win
back the white house, and they do not care about the consequences. A win in
Iraq, or an attack on Iran would destroy all that... They have already demonstrated
the propensity to do what it takes to prevent both those things – even though
they voted for the original resolution. If
anyone disagrees, please email me with ONE thing that a liberal has done to
help WIN the war on terror.
Remember, it wasn't until Nixon was elected
that the
Vietnam anti-war movement grew. While Kennedy and LBJ were in
office, there was very little public outcry over the war, even though casualty
rates were higher in many of those years. Interesting….


Wake up people. You have been
given propaganda for years by the liberal media; You have been fed US
Casualties on a regular basis, but not enemy casualties. That's like only
getting one team's score at a football game you didn't even see, and having the
audacity to comment on the coach's strategy. You were given “pipeline” excuses
as the real reason we invaded
Afghanistan, and Halliburton reasons for Iraq. The pipeline was canceled in the 90’s, and Cheney doesn't
own a single stock in Halliburton. He sold all his stock before accepting the
VP nomination. When I point that out to liberals, they say, “Well…… But his
buddies still do!” How many of you would start a war and kill thousands of
people so your “buddies” can make more money? Think people. How many of you
knew that last year Cheney made almost 9 million dollars, but gave 7 million of
it away to charity? I'll bet you didn't know that. You didn’t know that because
the liberal media has stopped reporting news, and is now more about reporting
an agenda. Bush is horrible at communicating; therefore he has no bully pulpit.
Even if he was a “Reagan,” only Fox and talk radio would report the speech
anyway, thereby preaching to the choir. No one else would even know what as
said. This is an uphill battle, but our entire way of life is at stake, and
many of you are too blind to see it, or unwilling to acknowledge it. 


What Democrat Senate leader
Harry Reid did was treasonous. Did anyone watch Al-Jazeera today? Talk
about giving aid and comfort to our enemies... From
Cairo to Kandahar, Islamic Extremists are celebrating in the streets, and
terror cell leaders are using it as proof that Bin Laden was right…
America will cut and run after only 3.000 casualties. Ask you
grandfathers how many Americans died on D-Day. Ask a police officer how many
murders there are in Philly, DC, or
Chicago each year. How about some historical, logical prospective?
End of rant. Do what you want. I say Reid (D) must resign, or should be
arrested for Treason.
He is the current Baghdad Bob, Tokyo Rose, and
Neville Chamberlain all in one embodiment. Don't worry if you think someone may
be offended by a political email- forward this email to them. It's about
time we spoke up and put an end to this nonsense. Enough is
enough. Either way, OUR way of life WILL be affected by what we do...
more than you may know.


Definition of Treason:

of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal
of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and
purposely acting to aid its enemies.
betrayal of trust or confidence.

"The War is Lost," said U.S. Senate Democrat Leader

("Reid: U.S. Can't Win Iraq Military Fight," AP,

Those are the
words from the Senate's Democrat Leader yesterday -- the war is lost. How do
you think our troops in the
Middle East feel today after
hearing that? How emboldened are the Islamic radicals who wake up every day
trying to kill Americans?

"We are going to pick up Senate seats as a
result of this war," said
U.S. Senate Democrat Leader


Don’t take it from me, read it
from the 2nd most liberal show on the network: CNN



Now see the difference with a Fox
News story:



Joe Brignoli


Posted by: Joe Brignoli at April 22, 2007 01:33 PM (gAYV4)

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