January 22, 2007

Global Warming Oversold?

Hmm. Perish the thought that cyclical global weather patterns are common, historically verifiable and transpire regardless of mankind's existance.

Here's some global warming outside my humble abode in the Philadelphia area, where we had one of the coolest summers on record in 2006:

There's also snow in Arizona today.

Paging Algore. We have some questions for you. Bring your slideshow and a red marker.

Posted by: Good Lt. at 12:22 PM | Comments (37) | Add Comment
Post contains 67 words, total size 1 kb.

1 Does everything have to be a red/blue battle for you?  Does it
concern you in the least bit that 2006 was the warmest year on record
in human HISTORY?  Why must you conservatives constantly tow the
line of corporate oil interests?

This is not a partisan issue you fools!

Posted by: WormHeat at January 22, 2007 02:22 PM (heS+8)

2 Ice cores show 30% more carbon dioxide now  than in the last million years.
Boreal forests are dying back.
Ocean surface temperatures have increased as have the duration and intesnsity of hurricanes over the same period relative to the corresponding temperature rise.
The oceans are the major carbon sink within which most of the temperature rise has been absorbed thus the ocean is getting warmer.  Thus causing melting of the ice shelves allowing fresh water to be deposited in salt water. 
Warmer temperature leading to a more vivious hydrologic cycle increase the prospects of unopredictable weather as is the case with intense rainfall, floods, droughts and snowfall.
Destruction of forests has detrimental effects on soil erosion and water wasteage increasing the inability of the earth's natural systems to filter pollutants.
The real bad stuff will happen when the sea floor methane hydride ice melts which seems to be occurring as tankers equipped with methane seeking devices to prevent explosions are going off unexpectedly in the open oceans.
What's happening are not subtle changes but dramatic temperature changes affecting weather that is erratic and unpredictable given natural causes. 
Bush has driven us down the oil road and into a brick wall.  God help us.

Posted by: civilbehavior at January 22, 2007 02:25 PM (v16Xc)

3 Bush? I think was Queen Victoria.  All the coal that bitch burned during the industrial revolution. 

Posted by: Darth Odie at January 22, 2007 02:29 PM (2cR/Y)

4 China, followed by India, are the world's largest air polluters.

Shorter civil and Wormpaste: We're all gonna DIE!!!!! ARRRRGGGHHH!!! ANARCHY!!!!

Cute, but not supported by historical fact or scientific evidence.

Posted by: Good Lt at January 22, 2007 03:00 PM (D0TMh)

5 We got a blast of ice here in central Texas and it shut us down for 3 days.  That rarely happens.  But then the ice melted after a while, so I guess that's because of global warming.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 22, 2007 03:04 PM (8e/V4)

6 The northern hemisphere is getting warmer, at least as far as the short 160 years that we have been keeping records. Giving a partial 3 month local anecdote is certainly underwhelming evidence of a probable global condition.
But some people are simply less likely to believe so than others.
Many are the same people that were saying and believing that we were/are "absolutely winning" in Iraq. It does seem strange that the people who most often trust in their government are also the ones who declare that they favor small government.

Posted by: John Ryan at January 22, 2007 03:26 PM (TcoRJ)

7 The BBC reported 53 days ago Ice caps are thickening in Antartica. Here's a source that debunks the claim that "global warming" causes more hurricanes. Also read here for what we anti-hype like to call "healthy skepticism."

A consensus of science once agreed that the world was flat, but that didn't make it true.

Put that in your hash-pipes and smoke it.

Here's the broken Marshall link (PDF) :http://www.marshall.org/pdf/materials/319.pdf

Posted by: Good Lt at January 22, 2007 03:45 PM (D0TMh)

8 john ryan,
how bout that crazy hurricane season Leftard alamists predicted.  It was going to make Katrina look like a summer drizzle.  How many hurricanes did we actually get?  Zero. 

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 22, 2007 03:50 PM (8e/V4)

9 It's a never ending source of amusement to me that people who decry "fear mongering" when it comes to terrorism are the same people who get all messianic about global warming.

Posted by: Farmer Joe at January 22, 2007 04:21 PM (vKn4M)

10 1.."2006 warmest summer in human history"...Hmmm ,whom exactly was gathering weather and temperature data from, oh say, 5,000 years ago. Weather and temperature proxies are only accurate if the proxy is sound and the data isn't manipulated. Unfortunately the IPCC and those of that ilk used some poor proxies and then ginned the data to make thier, ultimately, fraudulent case.
2..Although CO2 levels are higher, there is no evidence that these levels are related to global temperatures or temperature trends of consequence. In fact there is evidence of much higher CO2 and much lower temperatures ,as well as the opposite, in the past.
3.. Ice cores can be a valid proxy if pressure changes as a rsult of drilling and exposure are accouted for as well as contamination of the drilling prcess itself.
4.. There is considerable evidence of solar energy fluctuation and cosmic ray exposure causing temperature fluctuation that will not even be considered by the proponents of anthropogenic global warming. They also tend to ignore or seriously discount water aerisols as well.
5.. Follow the money, most of those proposing anthropogenic global warming stand to benefit, directly or indirectly, monetarily from the global warming amelioration boondoggle that they are trying to perpetuate.
6.. The inconvient truth of the matter is that anthropogenic global warming is a fraud as are those whom perpetrate the hysteria surrounding it. Visit " www.junkscience.com " for a nonhysterical view point and a large collection of data to support the above positions. Note that I have no interest in the site of a monetary nature nor am I involved in it, but ,I do find the data  discussion  and evidence compelling.
7..The "enviromentalists" won't take responsibility for killing millions because of their DDT hysteria, they won't likely take responsibilty for the carnage that they are trying to propogate with global warming hysteria either.

Posted by: Edward Lunny at January 22, 2007 04:30 PM (QkaPP)

11 Warmest year on record story.
Follow the money my arse, look who stands to benifit from a scarcity of fossil fuels and lowered regulations for CO2 emmissions.  It sure ain't the church of latter day saints!

Posted by: WormHeat at January 22, 2007 05:13 PM (heS+8)

12 Reality check time - there's much more:

Global warming is a hoax, invented in 1988, that combines old myths
including limits to growth, sustainability, the population growth time
bomb, the depletion of resources, pollution, anti-Americanism and
anti-corporate sentiment and, of all things, fear of an ice age. Those
that espoused and supported the old myths have joined forced into a new
group called “Environmentalists.”

Most environmentalists
have no technical or scientific credentials whatsoever. What they have
are major news outlets ready and willing to publicize their every
utterance regardless of whether or not they are backed up by scientific
proof. Atmospheric science requires highly technical knowledge and
skills, not possessed by the vast majority of the so-called
environmentalists, who yet feel qualified to demand that human activity
subjugate itself to the whims of their new deity, Mother Nature.

claim that the Earth’s atmosphere is getting hotter. They claim that
the polar icecaps and glaciers will melt and sea levels will rise over
two hundred feet, flooding most coastal cities. They claim that many
areas of the Earth will turn into deserts. They make all these claims
but cannot substantiate them with real scientific evidence. Parts of
the polar icecap and glaciers are melting but other areas of the polar
icecaps and glaciers are thickening. The environmentalists base their
“proof” of the existence of global warming on the melting areas but are
strangely silent, even militant to the point of violence, if anyone
mentions the areas that are thickening, and those thickening areas are

More here. And here. And here. Cato Institute's slapdown. Jim Inhofe's smackdown of global warming hype and fiction. And here.

Start reading and stop inhaling the hot air being emitted by Algore's butt.

Posted by: Good Lt at January 22, 2007 06:19 PM (D0TMh)

13 wormick: You are full of shit. 1931 was warmer. Friggin lefturd.

Posted by: greyrooster at January 22, 2007 06:54 PM (w+w6p)

14 "Warmest year on record story"..... The official weather records in the U.S. go back to approximately 1880.  126 years of records is a miniscule portion of 4.5 billion years of history. But, since you brought it up, we should really be concerned about the global climate since we can no longer raise vineyards in England as had been done in the past.
" scarcity of fossil fuels " what scarcity of fossil fuels ?? Despite repeated claims of "peak oil" proven reserves have remained relatively steady for about the last 3 decades, this despite ever increasing consumption and the deliberate retardation of exploration in this country.
"lowered regulations for CO2 emmissions" so far this country hasn't fallen for the "carbon trading bovine scatology" that the old world idiots have. So, rightly, there are no CO2 regulations, nor, should there be.
You strike me as another of those who would destroy the economy and the country, no matter how foolish and unproven your "beliefs". Perhaps you shouldn't comtemplate your arse so much and join us in the real world.

Posted by: Edward Lunny at January 22, 2007 06:55 PM (QkaPP)

15 Snivel behavior: You are now a total and complete asshole.  Bush changed the weather. Naw you creep. Clinton did it. I seen him. You must be jealous of your brother Major Nagin in New Orleans.

Posted by: greyrooster at January 22, 2007 06:58 PM (w+w6p)

16 Goody, goody Lt. is correct that the ice in thickening in anartica. It is receding a little in the artic. THIS MEANS THAT SOMEHOW BUSH HAS SCREWED UP THE EARTHS' ROTATION.

Posted by: greyrooster at January 22, 2007 07:04 PM (w+w6p)


Man am I drunk. Just came back from party at the boat launch. Keep hitting the wrong keys. But a drunk like me can see that Bush is warming the earth so the ice will melt in Alaska making it easier to pump oil that will destroy all the wildlife in Angola. Just the facts. Just the facts.

Posted by: greyrooster at January 22, 2007 07:08 PM (w+w6p)

18 Actually in Alaska, the ice melting is making the ground softer, making
the roads unpassable for the trucks that would ship the oil off. 
Bush is actually making it impossible to drill for oil in Alaska. 
I would never have known!

Posted by: WormOil at January 22, 2007 08:17 PM (heS+8)

19 I can't believe you would respect a report by Inhof, a man with no
scientific background and that received more than a million in campaign
donations from the oil and gas industry.


Gawd you guys are pathetic, can't you see that you are being played?

Posted by: WormInhof at January 22, 2007 08:24 PM (heS+8)



Fewer hurricanes....El Nino increased the vertical wind shear stupid.
The data on Antarctica suggests serious changes are occurring.  While the interior of the continent has remained cool the edges have warmed   dramatically causing ice shelves to break away.  These sea based ice shelves are known to act like dams to keep the land based glaciers from moving to the sea.  Their breakaway allows further melt of the land based glaciers.  of course why would the simple idiots worry, only 75% of the worlds fresh water is stored in glaciers. And geez, only 84% of them have retreated in the last 50 years. Its been recognized for quite some time that the southern hemisphere has been in a stronger "wind" phase than the Northern hemisphere thus keeping warming air from reaching it.  Besides that, regional change does not reflect the impending dramatic change that is being measured as a global average.  There is no dispute that global mean temperature is rising.
Good Lt  .....here, James Glassman......  here hear, Bill Gray ........Lindzen??  Fred Singer?  Christ why didn't you just link to CEI for crying out loud and really totally destroy your credibility.  You were only one small peepee step away.  It simply reflects a very unfortunate education that you have been afforded to depend on oil company shills and right wing think tanks for your information.  If you can't do better than that then you shouldn't speak to things you know nothing about, especially ones of such gravity.
Smackdown?  More like gag it down.
Try geting yourself a real education.  Go to realclimate.org or read about your own shills change of heart.......www.climatesciencewatch.org/index.php/csw/details/exxon-mobil-first-steps1/
or just shut up and let the rest of us do the thinking.

Posted by: civilbehavior at January 22, 2007 09:32 PM (v16Xc)

21 oil company shills

Leftbots are just like clockwork.  So anybody who doesn't toe the Leftard party line is being paid off by the oil companies.  Isn't that so typical.  So where's my paycheck?  Well here are some dissenters from the Leftard party line who aren't being paid by the "oil companies":

Dr. James O'Brien, professor of meteorology &
oceanography at the Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies at Florida
State University

Dr. Gary Sharp, scientific director at the Center for
Climate/Ocean Resources Study

Dr. Anthony Lupo, professor of atmospheric science at the University of Missouri - Columbia

Dr. David Legates, associate
professor of climatology at the University of Delaware

George Taylor,
Oregon State climatologist.


and some more:

Hartwig Volz, geophysicist with RWE Research Lab in Germany,

S. Fred Singer, atmospheric physicist with the University of Virginia and
the Environmental Policy Project,

Dr. Ulrich Berner, geologist with the Federal Institute for Geosciences in

Professor Bob Carter of the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James Cook

Professor Tim Patterson, Carleton University paleoclimatologist

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I could go on all night cause the list is almost endless.  All paid off by the "oil companies", I'm sure.  LOL, leftards.

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Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 22, 2007 09:50 PM (8e/V4)

22 formatting at Jawa is all f*cked up these days.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 22, 2007 09:50 PM (8e/V4)

23 Nasa:  soccer mom SUV fumes reaching all the way to Mars:

Global warming on Mars


Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 22, 2007 10:19 PM (8e/V4)

24 Jesusland,
Just go to exxonsecrets.org and inform yourself of the vast network of oil industry shills.    Anyone who uses Fred Singer for their "reliable information"  on climate change has no credibility.  I could likely go through the rest of your list too as the network of paid shills IS large.  Thing is you can google them just as easily as I can only you are unwilling to face your part in creating this now runaway disaster we ALL have created by propping up your straw man arguments to avoid educating yourself. I'll bet you raced right to realclimate.org huh?  It would be above your head anyhow.
As long as  you are unwilling to recognize there is a problem then obviously we cannot count on you to be part of the solution.  What you DO become is an albatross around the neck of all the rest of us.
Typical republican hypocrisy though, the rest of us are used to it.  Not to worry your precious little head......we'll do the hard work for you.

Posted by: civilbehavior at January 22, 2007 10:28 PM (v16Xc)

25 civil,

you keep mentioning Singer, but you can't broadbrush all scientists who dissent the Leftard view as "paid shills" without providing some evidence.  It's well known that the Left lies and distorts and does whatever it takes, no matter how unethical, because it's for a "good cause."  You are people possessed.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 22, 2007 10:41 PM (8e/V4)

26 Once the Global Warming scam runs it's course, the hucksters will capitalize on another Global Cooling scare. leftists are willing to throw money at any politically correct scare story, and all leftists are idiots.

You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cant fool all of the people all of the time unless they're leftoids.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 22, 2007 10:43 PM (abVz3)

27 You know all those hurricanes that failed to materialize as predicted?  Paid off by the oil companies.  LOL.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 22, 2007 10:55 PM (8e/V4)

28 I'll never forget spring break of 1994.  Went to New Orleans and saw... snow.  It didn't stick, but it most definitely was snow.  Eeeek, that global warming.

Posted by: Rep J at January 22, 2007 10:56 PM (rqlgb)

29 Neither global temperature nor hurricanes increased in 2006. The global ice sheets are thickening overall, and the cyclical melting trend is not increasing. Increased carbon dioxide levels succeeed warming trends, they don't precede them. This suggests the left's disaster preachers have trouble recognizing cause and effect. No big surprise there. Nobody knows for sure if the Earth is getting warmer or colder, mainly because prior tremperature readings were surface temp. readings instead of much more accurate atmospheric readings. According to the disaster merchants model, surface temps should have been the first to increase in a Global Warming catastrophe, but that hasn't been the case. (Step outside and feel the chill, leftards.) The "dramatic" temperature increase that has supposedly occurred within the last 100 years or so has not amounted to even 1 degree farenheit. The lefties don't go back more than 100 years in their deceptive temp. charts because the world suffered a mini ice age at the turn of the 20th century. Whoopsie!

Don't get me started on the computer simulation from the computer primitve 1980s that started the whole Global Warming money train. ("Pong" was more sophisticated.)  It didn't even take water vapor into account, and water vapor composes more than 97% of all greenhouse gasses--the selfsame greenhouse gasses that are supposed to be cooking the planet! All computer simulations since then have turned out wrong. Every single one.

Global Warming is a fable, peddled by hucksters and bought by rubes and leftists who desperately want to believe evil Westerners are destroying the environment rather than protecting it.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 22, 2007 11:43 PM (abVz3)

30 Wormick: It's shipped in a pipeline not trucks. Friggin Idiot.

Posted by: greyrooster at January 22, 2007 11:53 PM (w+w6p)

31 Snow in Malibu is a sure sign of global warming on the coasts of America. WHAT A BUNCH FRIGGIN RETARDS. It's snowing in Pheonix and Los Angeles. BUSH ISN'T CAUSING GLOBAL WARMING. HE'S CAUSING GLOBAL COOLING. and I'm freezing my ass off in Nawlins. You lefturds who read all this shit are just plain sick. You look for something that ain't there. As long as you read it someone will write it. As long as your stupid enough to eat at McDonalds I will serve you. And laugh all the way to the bank. Friggin lefturd dorks.

Posted by: greyrooster at January 23, 2007 12:01 AM (w+w6p)


I'm off to greener pastures, goodbye to bad rubbish!


Posted by: WormBye at January 23, 2007 02:43 AM (XM56o)

33 Wormbitch:

Buh bye.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at January 23, 2007 04:35 AM (abVz3)

34 Obviously there is no way for you to read about the effects of te climate chnage occurring when you have your head somewhere where it can't see the light of day.
Look for the IPCC report due out on February 2nd.
Of course that is if you dare.  Essentially the lot of you are cowards and pussies afraid you'll have to change your wasteful consumptive ways if it turns out that you are the problem.  Why would you want to be part of the solution?  It would cut into your redneck lifestyle.
God help us.  I never believed that Americans could be quite this stupid but you have proven yourself to be the shining example of what the rest of the world fears.  Utter and complete morons.

Posted by: civilbehavior at January 23, 2007 09:45 AM (v16Xc)

35 afraid you'll have to change your wasteful consumptive ways if it turns out that you are the problem.


my lifestyle wouldn't really change, though it's true I might have to pay more for my lifestyle.  And so would American companies, who would then move to non-kyoto countries (China, India) to save money.  The problem is those countries have zero pollution controls (unlike America), which means we'd end up with less jobs but more pollution.

The only way Kyoto would work is to get the Chinese and Indians and dozens of other 3rd world polluters onboard.  Otherwise you're "solution" is just going to create a bigger problem.

Most leftards (you included) haven't even considered how Kyoto would actually make things worse cause they're too consumed with hatred for the West and it's "oil companies".  It's what drives you.  Hate, not concern for the environment.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 23, 2007 09:57 AM (8e/V4)

36 civil,

hello?  What's going to happen when our companies leave these shores in search of greener pastures in China and India who have no pollution controls?  What you gonna do then.  Bueller?  You there?

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at January 24, 2007 09:46 AM (8e/V4)

37 lszxwo wtzco cseomxvfk zjxcs rgmx phiqa mjnzfd

Posted by: yzmvxtpke ljsq at March 03, 2007 02:40 PM (UirQ5)

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