April 06, 2007
Posted by: Ragnar at
01:32 PM
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Kind of trumps any of the "chickenhawk" arguments. Bottom line, the sailors are faggots, and the Royal Navy (I exclude the Marines) sucks camel balls. Funny, the vet take on this ordeal seems to be consistently in line with mine, even though I'm a chickenhawk.
Some quotes from Jacobs:
Well, they‘re idiots, he and the other 14 are, have to be, because there‘s no excuse for this kind of behavior.
They weren‘t in captivity more than 28 microseconds before they
started... apologizing, and so on—absolutely despicable
behavior, deplorable behavior.
it‘s not the British‘s finest hour, with respect to these marines and
sailors. And, like I said, they should have a lot to answer for when
they get back home, because they acquitted themselves horribly and
Posted by: wooga at April 06, 2007 03:26 PM (t9sT5)
That's a link to commentary by a vet who served on the Cornwall, and has been held captive and interrogated. He finds the behavior "cringeworthy."
Anyone want to find some credible articles which refute me? Or will tards like John just continue to lurk about, occasionally rising to call me a coward (which I am, but that's beside the point)?
Posted by: wooga at April 06, 2007 03:35 PM (t9sT5)
Posted by: Francis at April 06, 2007 04:28 PM (h+h+b)
You wouldn't know how to support the fucking troops if your life depended upon it, because you don't give a rats ass about them. Nobody here gives a fuck about the Walter Reed scandal, nobody here cares about soldiers with PSD, and nobody here is willing to put their own sorry excuse for an ass on the front line to back up your belief in this stupid and unjust war.
First of all this dude who wrote the piece... good for fucking him. He's spend time being interogated. It doesn't mean it was the same situation. His statement:
"But the sailors and marines must have known right from the outset that they were not going to be executed or otherwise harmed."
Actually, no the fucking didn't. When they were hooded, and forced up against a wall to hear guns being cocked, they probably weren't thinking "Cheereo! This is all just a clever ruse!"
I mean fuck... they've probably seen the fucking same videos you and I have. Excuse them for being scared, and notice their statements... "I'm sorry IF we strayed into Iranian waters." That's what is called a qualified apology. If it's true that they did... then yeah, they should be the fuck sorry asshole. And if they didn't... well they basically said nothing.
Stop playing fucking games. Jesus pantysniffing Christ. Why can't you and all the rest of the assholes on the planet just hook up, and wipe each other and your pathetic paranoid fantasies the fuck out.
Stop being such a coward, and sign up. I fucking dare all you fightin' keyboard types to put your asses on the line. Your military is strained to the breaking point, and it's all your fucking fault.
Posted by: John at April 06, 2007 05:49 PM (S3Rzh)
Posted by: greyrooster at April 06, 2007 07:18 PM (NU+M0)
Posted by: 1sttofight at April 06, 2007 07:42 PM (+gb4I)
Attack me all you want, call me a chickenhawk, but my views are lockstep with the men who put their butts on the line to protect mouth breathers like yourself. So how are you "supporting the troops" more than I am? Oh, I know, you think the troops and me are too stupid to know better, and we should let folks like you run the world....
Posted by: wooga at April 06, 2007 07:42 PM (2YapR)
Posted by: wooga at April 06, 2007 07:45 PM (2YapR)
Wooga "refute me?" Not trying to. As I think I've said, I mostly agree with you. I still have reservations as far as making a blanket statement of unconditional wussiness, and I think I'm allowed. I'm mostly holding back judgement.
As far as John goes, his head is so far up his ass he should be wearing a wetsuit, but that's fairly normal. I'd expect he was the best customer for 'vaseline' that ever was, if I thought his skull wasn't already about the right size to go in on it's own.
He says "Stop being such a coward".
Well wah-wah. What if I was young enough to enlist, which I'm not, I'd lose my power to speak out. Meanwhile Pelosi and the other sh*t we have trying to ruin this country would just cut our funding woudn't they? I mean it's not like the government has voted to increase the size of our military is it? And traitors to western civilzation like John, wouldn't enlist. If drafted, they would run, and either way, they spout thier anti-American, anti-western crap. It is a noble thing to provide a voice against scum like him.
When he calls people like us fascists, he is redefining the word to include good people who want freedom and justice for all. he destroys the origional meaning of fascism, partly through his own stupidity, and partly because of the fact that what he promotes as an 'alternative' vision, IS WORSE. It will come to pass that heroism, bravery, honesty, self-sacrifice, and patriotic civil virtue are all to be called 'fascism' and John will be clueless as to how that came to pass.
Like a typical leftard, when he appropriates a word to spin his corrosive views he ruins it's origional meaning. Like Michael Moore, and his 'minute men'. Like 'progressive' which now means "progressing straight to hell and anarchy as fast as we can"
Nothing against homosexuals meant by this, your not my target, but is everyone having a 'gay old time' or are you sick of these little puppets like John, who only move because the ghost of Marx has his hands shoved up thier asses, with fingers wiggling?
And 'liberal'! Oh yeah, go ahead and have your free speech as long as it is sanctioned by the party. Don't be saying anything contrary to our political line, or we will mob your stage, call in false fire alarms, or start destroying property and rioting. "You have all the rights you want, except the right to have the rights we don't want you to have because they offend us. Right?!" The only thing left to the word liberal, is the way they 'liberally' crap on anything good in this society.
Keyboardists! This is where we fight best. It's not the same assignment as that good Americans who stand in uniform, but it is in the same cause, and it does matter. At our own expense, taking time from gainful employment, or time spent with family and friends, argueing with America haters like John, making noise to get things changed for the better. Exposing the terror sites, and revealing the effigy burning anarchists, and providing counterpoint to all the leftist lies and deciet.
The real minutemen, are the ones that Michael Moore insulted with his 'Bowling' flick, and his disgusting comparison to the murdering scum who slit childrens throats in the name of Islam. The real minutemen left a legacy, and we here at home, are the ones responsable for upholding the idea. Minutemen are people who live in thier communities, ready to respond to threats to that community, from the communities enemies. Those who love the USA, versus those who hate it. John hates it. Ladies and gentlemen, fire at will!
The only good sound John makes is when he flushes himself, and then we don't have to deal with his sh*t!
Wear out your keyboards while the keyboard has a chance of working. It's your mission. Make a noise! Be heard! Uphold the good! Praise the brave! Denounce the tyrant! Denounce the traitor! Love your country!
USA, all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at April 06, 2007 08:19 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: Jester at April 06, 2007 09:08 PM (NKgmL)
Posted by: gerald at April 06, 2007 11:04 PM (h0BrM)
And God forbid. But how would American sailors act under the same situation? I think better. I hope.
Posted by: greyrooster at April 07, 2007 04:30 AM (NU+M0)
Posted by: greyrooster at April 07, 2007 04:33 AM (NU+M0)
Posted by: tyree at April 07, 2007 07:23 AM (kpBxe)
They either fucked up, or lied about the "intelligence" to go to war in the first place.
They didn't have enough troops on the ground.
They had so many republican asskissers working the buerocratic angle and no real experts that they made nothing but mistakes in the so called rebuilding of Iraq,
They disbanded the army, and drove thousands of men into the insurgency.
They advocated new torture and rape rooms.
They basically hired mercenaries to beat the fuck out of the Iraqis, thus making any who doesn't fight back seem like a pussy.
But oh no... instead, you pathetically attack the people who are on the front lines. You are such a bunch of losers it isn't even funny.
Do you not think that maybe the Iranians counted on people like you reacting like this? They are laughing their fucking asses off at the situation they've created, and they have you to thank.
Oddly enough, this is just like how you retards played right into Bin Laden's hands. He wanted you to attack the Middle East. He knew that America was stupid enough to fall for it, and you helped to create millions more terrorists.
Nice work retards. Don't worry though... enough Americans are smartening up that the adults will soon be back in office, and you guys can once again go back to talking about how the "faggots" are taking over the world.
Now stop working your fat fingers on the keyboard, and go join up. Losers.
Posted by: John at April 07, 2007 09:16 AM (S3Rzh)
Posted by: greyrooster at April 07, 2007 11:56 AM (LnQdE)
Again... what you guys fail to understand is that I'm representing a center-left perspective. This is shocking to you, because you are far-right. You guys are dogmatic zombies who listen to everything Fox News, and sites like this feed you. You willingly ignore news that doesn't support your narrow view of the world.
In short, you are doomed. Your only hope is for the left to save your sorry asses while they save their own. Fuck knows you don't deserve it though.
Posted by: John at April 07, 2007 02:14 PM (S3Rzh)
Debatable, but for the sake of argument, I'll concede this.
They didn't have enough troops on the ground.
Practically everyone agrees on this. That's why Rumsfeld was fired - "small footprint" has been discredited.
had so many republican asskissers working the buerocratic angle and no
real experts that they made nothing but mistakes in the so called
rebuilding of Iraq,
Nothing but mistakes? Wrong. They made a LOT of mistakes, but mistakes occur in every war. But now we have Petraeus in charge, who is certainly not an ass-kisser.
They disbanded the army, and drove thousands of men into the insurgency.
The problem was not disbanding the army, but dismantling the Iraqi bureaucracy.
They advocated new torture and rape rooms.
Assuming "they" still means the USA, this is absolutely false. What new rape rooms? And your definition of torture is laughable. Beatings and waterboarding aren't torture. If you want real torture, look at what Hussein did. Your equivalence is ignorant and embarassing.
They basically hired mercenaries to beat the fuck out of the Iraqis, thus making any who doesn't fight back seem like a pussy.
What are you talking about? The private contractors are not hired by the US gov't to "beat Iraqis."
Posted by: wooga at April 07, 2007 02:36 PM (2YapR)
John, try reading a little history. I know schooling has dropped to shit the world over, but history books are still around. The screwup in Iraq are far less than the American screwups and failures in the first years of the Revolutionary, Civil, and Second World War. You can argue that we are "losing" the war, but to say we have "lost" the war is factually wrong.
Sorry, to dissapoint you, but the gains in Congress by the Dems were typically NOT by anti-war candidates, but rather by anti-corruption candidates. Public support declines for the war, and Petraeus' lead may be too little too late. But I'm sure that Pelosi remembered to remind Syria that "if Petraeus succeeds, the GOP will retain the presidency n 2008."
Posted by: wooga at April 07, 2007 02:45 PM (2YapR)
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