September 14, 2005

Feeling Sorry

I'm feeling sorry today. I'm feeling sorry for the families of everyone they are finding dead. I'm feeling sorry for those poor older folks who were left to die in a nursing home. I'm feeling sorry for everyone who has to stare at a ruin where their house used to be and wonder what they're going to do next. I'm feeling sorry for Bush. Before he stood up and took responsibility for any wrongdoing (he's a better man than I ever could be), he knew that he would get nothing but grief over it from both sides of the asile.

But mainly I'm feeling sorry for the country. New Orleans has shown us a lot about ourselves and the direction in which we are headed. During 9/11, we saw firefighters and policemen running INTO harm's way. Now, we see them turning in their badges and joining with the criminals. During 9/11, we all came together. Democrats and Republicans, Black, White, Hispanic, Asian, Irish, English, it didn't matter. We were all in this together until it was over. But now, as soon as the hurricane hit, we had politicians and politician-wanna-bes stepping up to play politics and see how they could play this natural disaster to their favor. Some, such as Hillary Clinton, were doing it to promote their agenda and attempt to smear any Republican that they could. Others, such as the mayor and governor were attempting to save face in light of horrendous errors on their part. Still others, such as Jesse Jackson and the others who started crying "race" were simply trying to keep their sway over the masses. Of course this hasn't stopped the majority of the people of the United States from pulling together and doing what needs to be done. But it certainly has given us pause. How many of you have honestly felt reluctant to give money because you wonder how it will be handled. I personally have refused to give to the Bush/Clinton charity because I have heard that all of their money is being funnled straight into the state and local governments. And I'm not giving money so a bunch of cops can have Vegas vacations.

But why does it have to be this way? Why should we be leary of giving? Why are the liberals using New Orleans as a rallying point? Why aren't we seeing all this same crap in all the storm ravaged areas? You certainly aren't seeing this sort of reaction in Mississippi. Nor have you seen it in Florida. So what's the difference?

In New Orleans, the liberals house of cards has come crashing down around their ears. Their bastion of nanny statism is no longer. And the results are plain for all to see. People who have depended on the government for all their wants and needs are now left stranded as their precious government did not provide for them. And seeing as the can't (or won't) provide for themselves when there are no disasters, expecting them to do for themselves during a disaster would be way too much. No, this is not a slam on the people of New Orleans, this is a slam on the system that let them get that way. This is a slam on the welfare that allowed otherwise healthy adults to continue their lethargic existance without actually doing anything. This is a slam on the "assistance" programs that punish people for working. This is a slam on the entire idea of "big government" being in charge of your life.

And this is why I say to the government "Let me be." Let me make my own decisions on how to live my life. Let me make my own mistakes and let me pick myself up and start over when I fall flat on my face. I've certainly done it before. And I've not been too proud to go work at a fast food restaraunt when I had to put food on the table.

The government and the constitution of the United States were created to protect us from things that are too large to handle ourselves. They were made to stop another 9/11 by going out and destroying the terrorists where they live and before they have a chance to come back. They were made to defend our borders from invaders. They were made to help out when the storm comes and the destruction is so immense that you can't even imagine where to start. These are the jobs of the federal government. Making sure you are not offended by something someone else says or does is NOT the job of the federal goverment. Taking care of you when it takes you a couple of extra weeks to find a job is not the responsibility of the federal goverment. And they certainly aren't responsible for taking care of you when you refuse to learn and keep making the same stupid mistakes.

When this tragedy is over and done, we all need to take a long hard look. The federal government needs to look at some of their emergency response procedures. I don't know enough about it to know what went wrong or where, but we certainly owe it to everyone to find out.

They also need to task the Army Corps of Engineers with doing whatever needs to be done to the levee system so that this never happens again. And while we're at it, we need to give a big green finger to all the enviro-weenies who have been stopping us from doing this exact same for nearly 30 years.

The state and local governments of Louisiana and New Orleans need to take a close look at thier policies. If their only policy for emergency evacuation includes "you're on your own" then it probably needs to be updated with something a little better. If they don't think there's an adequate place to shelter people during a storm, maybe something needs to be built. Maybe they need to make some sort of arrangements with neighboring states.

And someone certainly needs to take a look at a police force who can't stand their ground during an emergency. This is what you were trained for, folks! That's why you became cops! You've given a promise and you can't simply bug out during a time of crisis. Maybe they need a change from the head down. But whatever it takes MUST be done to prevent something like this looting and wholescale lawlessness again.

And finally, we, as the people of the United States, need to take a closer look at where the Democrats want to lead us. Do we really want to live in a world where, when the wolves come at your door, you're helpless because you've been depending on the government? Personally, I'd rather know that I can take care of myself no matter what, without relying on the government to give it to me. And if I know that about me, then I also know that about my neighbor. And his neighbor. And once we get there, we'll truly be United States.

Originally posted at Conservative Friends

Posted by: Drew at 09:36 AM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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1 Amen Brother Rusty.

Posted by: Filthy Allah at September 14, 2005 09:40 AM (5ceWd)

2 "In New Orleans, the liberals house of cards has come crashing down around their ears. Their bastion of nanny statism is no longer."

Its not that nanny state to expect that 4 years after 9/11 we can deal with disasters. And that's not a liberal house of cards either.

Posted by: actus at September 14, 2005 09:41 AM (CqheE)

3 I think I'm going to start putting "I'M NOT RUSTY" at the beginning of all my posts

Posted by: Drew at September 14, 2005 09:41 AM (Ml8z/)

4 Now see, actus, there you go thinking again. What is the one difference between New York and New Orleans? New York had a competent mayor who took charge and helped his people out rather than letting half his police force run off and telling everyone that they were on their own.

Posted by: Drew at September 14, 2005 09:44 AM (Ml8z/)

5 I just heard an urban planning specialist on NPR say that federal subsidized housing policies over the last 40 years (i.e., the "war on poverty") was the reason the poor in New Orleans were concentrated in all the low-lying areas of the city.

In the meantime the bushitler haters are blaming Bush for poverty and now natural disasters even though New Orleans has been a Democrat city for generations. How typical.

Both at the federal and local level New Orleans exposes the failed social policies of the Left. Their greatest victims are the poor themselves. That's what I'm sorry about.

Posted by: Carlos at September 14, 2005 09:48 AM (8e/V4)

6 We said drew. The gov't can help but people hold so much more power and no forms are required for yer nightbor to fire up that chainsaw or boat or generator. Fed Gov't can help States states can help parishes or counties but in the end everyting is done by people. Private companies and individuals can do so much more so much faster. The state can never replace loving your neighbor.

Posted by: Howie at September 14, 2005 09:50 AM (D3+20)

7 Just what I have been thinking. I have donated liberally to the Red Cross and also through my church. However, I will be donating no more; not one more red cent to those lazy, whinning ingrates. My money will be going to the Humane Society or the SPCA. Now, there are creatures that will be truly grateful, and feel no entitlement for what they receive. (I found it humorous that when they were loading up a plane to go to Utah, nobody wanted to go. Could it be that they knew those Mormans would expect them to actually work and pull their own weight? Good, hardworking folks, those Mormans.) This whole thing has been a hugh eye-opener for this country. Maybe just a dress rehearsal for what is to come.

Posted by: Razorgirl at September 14, 2005 10:13 AM (H+tJ8)

8 Rusty, I'm not feeling sorry. The scum have floated to the top and we can now see who they are. That in itself will be important down the road because we now know who all our enemies are, including those like Hilary who were trying to put a moderate mask on.

I feel pretty good about the people in my community who have come together and fed, housed, and entertained over 1,000 refuges without the help of the Red Cross, Salvation Army or federal or state government. You see, we don't have a Red Cross or Salvation Army contingent here. What we do have is a number of churches and individuals who got together and solved a problem without any help from the government.

You see, our city has only 11,000 people yet we handled a refugee population that was almost 10 per cent of our total population. That would be like San Francisco taking in about 50,000 refuges. That won't happen and it couldn't happen because the citizens of SF would say they couldn't handle that many.

As for the refuges themselves, I can say I've met a great bunch of people who are ready to go home and get to work. As a matter of fact, a group of men bought 18 generators, roofing materials, gasoline, food, water, and other provisions and left for the NO area Monday. They are already back home working to set their communities right. That is what makes America great, not a bunch of lefty cry babies who want the government to do every little thing for them. That's the reason you had people stealing, killing, and raping in NO. That's all they know how to do. They have been on the government tit for so long that they only have their base instincts left. They have no self-respect and gain their self-worth through brutality. The Islamists are exactly like that also, although they use radical Islam to justity their brutality.

Sometimes I do despair, Rusty, but when I talk to the average man on the street, I really feel pretty good. You need to stop listening to those goofy MSM reporters, Rusty. You'll be a lot happier.

Posted by: jesusland joe at September 14, 2005 10:40 AM (q9AWQ)

9 "Otherwise healthy adults continue their lethargic existence without actually doing anything," but you don't want to slam them? Are you serious? While I agree that the system offers certain incentives against working once on welfare, there is nothing about the system that prohibits people from getting off their asses and doing something with their lives - permitting does not equal requiring. The responsibility for their condition lies first and foremost with them. As an anaolgy, while conditions ni the Middle East, U.S. foregin policy, soldiers in Saudi Arabia/Iraq, etc., may foster anger and resentment against the United States and/or England, those most responsible for the 9/11 attacks or the subway bombings are THE TERRORISTS THEMSELVES - not GWB, not Tony Blair, not they system, not the oppression, but the individuals who chose to take that course of action. (And no, I am not comparing being on welfare with being a terrorist, I am merely stating that both should be held accountable for their actions, and suggesting that in the setting of terrorism, you would agree with me, Drew (not Rusty)).

Posted by: tk at September 14, 2005 10:43 AM (5HwRu)

10 Better to say that I'm trying not to lump everyone together. Some (very few, I know) people are drawing welfare because they've hit bottom, haven't been able to find another job yet and simply need a way to feed their family for a time until they can get it back together. But yes, the ones who are just sitting on their asses and drawing a check need a good dose of reality. And they need their comfortable little world jerked right out from under them.

Posted by: Drew at September 14, 2005 10:47 AM (Ml8z/)

11 If it is a "dress rehearsal", then it was a big price to pay for a trial run, but I understand what you mean, Razorgirl. And many have not even thought about all the pets. I'll give you a great big blue ribbon for that. Atta girl.

I think Drew hit on all the points that have been bothering me and just didn't take the time to write. For one point, in particular, the entitlements (or welfare programs, if you will) that were so predominant in New Orleans played a huge role in how these people either reacted to an evacuation or how they were actually unable to react appropriately. It created a mindset that they need help when they may not, when they may be completely capable of providing for themselves. Put in a more basic sense - it would be like the "teach a man to fish" parable and which side of that story their local government came down on. Teaching or providing.

Posted by: Oyster at September 14, 2005 11:08 AM (fl6E1)

12 "What is the one difference between New York and New Orleans? New York had a competent mayor who took charge and helped his people out rather than letting half his police force run off and telling everyone that they were on their own."

New york's disaster lasted 2 hours. then it was all over when the dust settled. New Orleans' is still ongoing. Its a big difference.

Like I said. Not very nanny state to expect disaster relief.

Posted by: actus at September 14, 2005 04:37 PM (CqheE)

13 "New York's disaster lasted 2 hours, then it was all over when the dust settled."

That has got to be the STUPIDEST thing I have ever heard anyone say. And I dare you to go up to anyone in New York and tell them that.

Posted by: Drew at September 14, 2005 04:39 PM (t6bdo)

14 Drew, I think what Actus was trying to convey was the sheer magnitude difference between NY and NO. The zone of destruction in NY covered about 16 acres while about 90,000 square miles was affected on the Gulf Coast.

I don't think he meant any disrespect toward NY, he was just trying to compare the magnitude of the two disasters.

Posted by: jesusland joe at September 14, 2005 04:57 PM (q9AWQ)

15 Yeah! Damn Hillary and all of the others who bashed Bush over his laxxed response to Katrina. And while we're at it... Let's damn the 67% of Americans who polled as not being satisfied with Bush's overall performance. Fuc*ing liberals! *lol*

Just face it, doodie. You're in the minority. It's just to my amusement that you're too much of a Dubya fanboy to handle when you're 'homeboy' gets his just deserts. Just because he took responsibility doesn't mean that he's freed himself of the consequences.

Stop crying.

Posted by: madmagickdotnet at September 14, 2005 05:00 PM (D7Fw/)

16 "That has got to be the STUPIDEST thing I have ever heard anyone say. And I dare you to go up to anyone in New York and tell them that."

Whats so wrong? the disaster is over, not the cleanup or grief. In new orleans, the disaster continues, requiring continuing policing. Also, there was much vaster victimization. You didn't see NYC's government destroyed. NO's? most of their cops are homeless and officeless.

Posted by: actus at September 14, 2005 05:32 PM (CqheE)

17 Show me one photo of a dead white guy from New Orleans.

Posted by: Downing Street Memo at September 15, 2005 08:25 AM (VhNDM)

18 Don't be so sad. I'm in Alabama. The wonderful stories aren't being told. There is much goodwil and much concern, care and help here and on its way for the long term. The media has focused solely on the negative, and there's always negative because we aren't perfect. Even those saying thank you aren't being heard out there. But they are here. So I'll pass it on. Thanks to ones who care and who will still care months/weeks from now if necessary.

Posted by: terri at September 15, 2005 12:12 PM (5F0BI)

19 "Show me one photo of a dead white guy from New Orleans."

I'll go ya one better; tell me where you live and I'll show you one dead liberal moron from your neighborhood.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at September 15, 2005 12:28 PM (0yYS2)

20 "I'll go ya one better; tell me where you live and I'll show you one dead liberal moron from your neighborhood."

Shaw, DC.

Posted by: actus at September 15, 2005 06:01 PM (y/f3P)

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