March 06, 2006

Who is more anti-American: Yale or Harvard?

Yale. Hands down. After all, Monty Burns did go to Yale (class of 1914).

Posted by: Rusty at 08:02 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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March 04, 2006

Fear And Loathing In The Alternate Universe

Nice thread from the DU.

Sooper Special Short Bus Quote (expletives not deleted, they're not my expletives, I use asterisks. Here, anyway.):

To the conservative fuck wads that are lurking here. First off let me say you are all cowards. Michelle Malkin is a racist bitch. Rush is a coward who did not serve in the military neither did that limp-dicked Sean Hannity. You people are the most pathetic excuses for human beings and you will have your day to answer for the atrocities and lies that you have perpetrated. You are all cowards. The entire planet despises your disgusting ilk and you will pay. I understand that as most of your parents were indeed siblings your inability to be decent human beings who contribute to society rests in your defective genes. Now you may return to your hate and racism. I once had a "Bad Cat" who would not behave. I put him down because he was diseased and I didn't give it a second thought. You inbred sacks of shit, return to your basements or holes or wherever you crawled from.

Improbulus Maximus, target acquired, return fire.

stein hoist Beth, who stein hoisted someone else.

Posted by: Vinnie at 07:07 PM | Comments (23) | Add Comment
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America's Worst President Jumps the Shark

Actually President Peanut might have done that a few years back, but he hasn't left much doubt about it now.

From The New York Sun:

President Carter personally called Secretary of State Rice to try to convince her to reverse her U.N. ambassador's position on changes to the U.N. Human Rights Commission, the former president recalled yesterday in a talk in which he also criticized President Bush's Christian bona fides and misstated past American policies on Israel.

Mr. Carter said he made a personal promise to ambassadors from Egypt, Pakistan, and Cuba on the U.N. change issue that was undermined by America's ambassador, John Bolton. "My hope is that when the vote is taken," he told the Council on Foreign Relations, "the other members will outvote the United States."

The UN Human Rights Commission has become a joke, whose sole function appears to be passing resolutions condemning Israel for alleged human rights violations. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 12:06 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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March 03, 2006

DU Shouts Down Marine Vet back from Iraq, Calls him Liar

It would be funny, if it wasn't simultaneoudly sad and pathetic. My favorite response to a returning Marine who is telling the DU that they've been fed propaganda?

Because He's Still in the Military He can't talk until he's out, at which point maybe he'll talk about torture, civilian killing, chemical weapons use, looting, corruption, imperialism, bigotry, abuse, intimidation, snipers, urban warfare, propaganda, etc... It ain't going to happen now, he'd be court-martialed. My only question is why'd he join in the 1st place? Was he aware of the illegitamacy of this fake war when he joined? Of course, that can't be answered either.

Posted by: Rusty at 02:47 PM | Comments (17) | Add Comment
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March 02, 2006

Ranting HS Teacher Hires Ward Churchill's ACLU Lawyer

The Colorado high school teacher who was caught on tape by a student while indoctrinating his students with vile, raidcal leftist dogma has hired an attorney from the ACLU. Not just any lawyer either, but the same one who represents Ward Churchill, the man who called 9/11 victims "little Eichmanns". more...

Posted by: Bluto at 09:35 PM | Comments (43) | Add Comment
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March 01, 2006

Am I a bigot?


bigot: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
Since both "obstinate" and "intolerant" are subjectives, it's really hard to tell just who a bigot is.

For instance, isn't obsinately insisting that all religions produce equal amounts of violence and oppression then a form of bigotry? And, isn't intolerance for criticizing a certain religion of peace then a form of bigotry? And isn't it prejudging when one assumes--contrary to all statistical evidence--that cultures produce equal hostility towards liberty?

If such is the case, then we are all bigots now. Malkin has more.

Posted by: Rusty at 09:11 AM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
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February 28, 2006

Ramsey Clark Marches Against American Troops

Former Democratic Attorney General Ramsey Clark (far left) spotted in Bulgaria marching with Communists and next to former Saddam Hussein advisor. Marching against what? Against U.S. troops, of course! He is a Democrat...

Posted by: Rusty at 06:45 PM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
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Terrorists' Early Warning System: The New York Times

Evidently, the New York Times is not satisfied with the damage they have already done to US national security by exposing the NSA's secret intercepts of terrorist phone calls into and out of the US. Now they're suing the government to release the names of those surveilled:

The New York Times sued the US Defense Department demanding that it hand over documents about the National Security Agency's domestic spying program.

The Times wants a list of documents including all internal memos and e-mails about the program of monitoring phone calls without court approval. It also seeks the names of the people or groups identified by it.

Yes, by all means, let's warn every suspected terrorist that they're being watched. It's only fair. more...

Posted by: Bluto at 12:07 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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February 27, 2006

Peacenicks Plan to "Storm" White House

In the lingo of the left, "genocide" = any civilian killed by U.S. troops, regardless of extraordinary measures taken to avoid civilian casualites. It does not include mass murderers in the Sudan bent on wiping out animists, Christians, and black Muslims.

"Torture" = any time the U.S. deprives a prisoner of sleep. "Torture" does not include enforcement of sharia law, in places like Fallujah under the 'resistance', where beheading, arm and tongue amputation, and stoning to death are institutionalized.

"Occupaton" = any time the U.S. liberates a country. It also includes any Jewish majority anywhere. It does not Turkish, Iraqi, Syrian, and Iranian control over Kurdish territory.

United for Peace
plans to "storm" the White House to "Stop Genocide, Torture and Occupation".

It's not so much that we're not against genocide, torture, and occupation. It's just that we fundamentally disagree on what those words mean.

Hat tip: Alicia

Posted by: Rusty at 10:14 AM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
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February 25, 2006

Homeland Security Objected to UAE Ports Deal

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security raised objections to selling the rights to U.S. ports to a Dubai based company. Well slap my rear and call me Charlie!


The Homeland Security Department objected at first to a United Arab Emirates company's taking over significant operations at six U.S. ports. It was the lone protest among members of the government committee that eventually approved the deal without dissent.

The department's early objections were settled later in the government's review of the $6.8 billion deal after Dubai-owned DP World agreed to a series of security restrictions.

PS-This is my only post of the day. Too much to do around Mos Eisley today.

Posted by: Rusty at 01:23 PM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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February 22, 2006

Why Port Security Matters, and Why Allies are not Friends

Many are now calling our objections to the UAE port deal "knee jerk", "Islamaphobic", a "red herring" or even "racist". I have friends making the argument, so I won't point them out specifically.

Since the last time I checked "Islam" was still not a "race", I will give no space to that silly argument other than to mention that there are millions of Christian Arabs scattered throughout the Middle East.

As for being "Islamaphobic", I'm not exactly sure how one decides which fears are objectively irrational and which fears are not. For my part, given a fairly large body of evidence, I do not believe it is irrational to scrutinize Muslims more closely than Mennonites and Buddhists. And while I'm sure any religion has its share of its fanatics, to claim that Islam has a disproportionate share of them isn't exactly a problematic in my view.

So, to the last objection: that fears over the announcement that a Dubai (UAE) based company would acquire certain ports in the U.S. were "knee jerk" reactions. This objection is related to the two mentioned above. I can draw no other conclusion than to think that such a statement is predicated on the assumption that the "knee jerk" reaction is based on Islamaphobia or hatred of Arabs. I believe I've addressed those two above, and if the reaction is not based on irrational Islamaphobia or racism against Arabs, then why is it "knee jerk"?

The fundamental problem with the White House arguments that the port sale should go through rest on a misperception of the nature of an ally.

Alliances are relationsips based on mutual interests. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 03:46 PM | Comments (37) | Add Comment
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Stand with Denmark, Rally at Danish Embassies

Posted by: Rusty at 02:17 PM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
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February 21, 2006

Bush to Veto UAE Port Legislation

Wow. And all this time I thought it was some Rovian plot just to make Bush look like a dumbass.

Unless there is some secret backroom deal going on here (eg, Dubai insists port deal must go through or kick U.S. bases out of UAE) then it looks like the White House has the ABC Afterschool Special view of Islam: it's wrong to discriminate based on religion, mmmmmkay.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:09 PM | Comments (19) | Add Comment
Post contains 74 words, total size 1 kb.

Give the Ports to the Danish

Forget the Arab companies trying to take over American ports. Give them to the Danes! Heh.

And while we're thinking about Arab companies running U.S. ports, why not take this poll which asks what other government functions should be taken over by Muslims. Preview: Turn over U.S. nuclear plant security to a council of filthy Iranian mullahs.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:04 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
Post contains 63 words, total size 1 kb.


He thinks the Omaha World Herald is right leaning?

Does he read the bylines?

New York Times

Washington Post


Does he read the editorial page?

Don't think so!

Oh wait, he's a leftist. All those listed above are objective news sources.

Well, so is this blog. We have no biases whatsoever. We link to MSM sources all the time in the interest of "balance."

THIS is hilarious:

With such twisted and dishonest reporting on display, it then comes as little surprise when Andersen stoops to that most familiar of refrains used by Republicans to excuse their representatives' most heinous and indecent crimes - making reference to the sad and unfortunate, almost 40-years-old Chappaquiddick incident and thinking themselves clever for doing so. It's a pathetic fallback position that reveals just how low their sort is willing to drag a debate before ever taking the slightest bit of responsibility for their own failings. accident is now a heinous and indecent crime whereas Chappaquiddick was just an incident

Mr. Whittington is available for comment.

Mary Jo Kopechne isn't.

I really should let this fade into the mists of obscurity, but I just wanted to show that we have this in red states too.

Posted by: Vinnie at 03:15 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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February 20, 2006

University of Illinois Editors in Hot Water(update).

The University of Illinois’ editor in chief and one other editor have been suspended over publication of the controversial Muhammed cartoons after the rest of the staff goes soft on them. The Daily Illini has taken down the web posting of the original editorial, but thanks to the wonders of the Google cache, we can see the original.

Updated : 02/20/06 : Peoriapundit has published the University of ILL Daily Illini paper's new blog policy.

Hat Tip : Instapundit. more...

Posted by: Howie at 11:11 AM | Comments (9) | Add Comment
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Paper Publishes Gay Jesus Kissing Muhammed Cartoon

jesus_kissing_muhammed_cartoon_canada.jpgThe University of Toronto's student newspaper, the Strand, has published a cartoon of a gay Jesus kissing Muhammed. The cartoon was published as part of a debate over whether to show images of Muhammed from Danish papers. The image shows the face of Jesus, but does not show the face of Muhammed. Jesus is also seen disrobing Muhammed.

The same newspaper has refused to publish the Muhammed cartoons which have sparked worldwide riots, murders, and calls to impose the death penalty on all who blaspheme by misunderstanderers of the Religion of Peace.

Here is how they hypocritically defend not showing the Muhammed cartoons, but showing big gay Jesus:

But was it really freedom of the press, or a case of media martyrdom? Publishing these cartoons seems to do little more than fan the flames of already-existing controversy. Is it the press's responsibility to decide what people should absorb, or is providing an option more important? Articles are somewhat different; you can decide whether or not to read something based on the headline - which, admittedly, is questionable on the subject of giving audiences agency. A graphic or photograph, however, is much more intense: you don't really have the choice to view it or not.

More at Exposed Agenda with hat tip to Greg at Rhymes with Right.

Related from Publius Pundit via Michelle Malkin. Incidentally, I lived in Russia for a time and the newspapers often contain nude women. So, it's okay to have a centerfold in your newspaper but it's not okay to offend Muslims?

Posted by: Rusty at 10:32 AM | Comments (33) | Add Comment
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February 17, 2006

American Muslims Protest Mohammed Cartoons, Call for Destruction of America

Irony on parade. Here are photos of the Fifth column operating in New York today. The protest over the Muhammed cartoons today in front of the Danish embassy that was organized by The Islamic Thinkers Society of New York. The retards in the MSM say that this group is simply upset about the blasphemous cartoons.

You may remember this group from past protests in the Big Apple where they shouted "we will kill you", and "next time we will get all of NYC". This is also the same group that burned the American flag and distributed the video. I've posted a few images from that video below. You can view the video here via Bareknuckles Politics.

Isn't it rich that they also carry around signs urging tolerance and calling Islam 'the religion of peace'? At one protest organized by them they could be heard screaming, God hates the US because they have Homosexuals.

Upset over the Muhammed cartoons? More like upset that the U.S. isn't an Islamic state and that the 9/11 terrorists killed so few.

Hat tip to Ace of Spades and Shawn Wasserman.

See our extensive expose on the Islamic Thinkers Society of New York here.





Image from Islamic Thinkers Society Video of American flag desecration.

Posted by: Rusty at 04:55 PM | Comments (78) | Add Comment
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February 16, 2006

Exclusive: Prisoner Abuse Photos from Iraq that MSM Won't Show You

**Jawa Report Exclusive**

The Jawa Report has obtained new photos from a new prisoner abuse scandal in Iraq. The photos show Iraqi prisoners being murdered by troops. The photos have not been published by a single mainstream news outlet.

The mainstream media has eagerly published old photos from the old Abu Ghraib scandal. These photos appear to show Iraqi prisoners in U.S. custody being abused, humiliated, and tortured. These old photos from an old scandal are sure to inflame more violence against U.S. troops in Iraq and against the elected government of our Iraqi allies.

The U.S. military has already prosecuted over 25 people over the Abu Ghraib scandal with another 2 soldiers scheduled to go on trial in the next few weeks. The U.S. government treats soldiers involved in such abusive activities as criminals. In fact, the original photos only appeared long after the U.S. military had begun an investigation into the abuses.

There is real abuse still happening in Iraq, though. The mainstream media does not want you to know about this abuse. They have refused to report on it. Even though the images are available to them, they refuse to show them.

These images are quite damning. They clearly show that prisoners in Iraq continue to be abused. More than abused, these images show prisoners in Iraq being murdered by the troops involved. Yet, nothing from the mainstream media.

The images below are not graphic. They show two prisoners in Iraq just before they are murdered by the soldiers holding them. They were both murdered by soldiers in Iraq in the last week. The soldiers holding them openly boast that the prisoners will be killed, even though this is clearly a violation of the Geneva Conventions. It is also clear that those involved are acting on the direct orders of their superiors all the way to the top of their chain of command. Instead of punishment for these acts of torture and murder, they are openly rewarded and praised.

We demand a U.N. investigation into the ongoing murder, rape, torture, humiliation, and abuse that continues to be widespread in Iraq on an almost daily basis. Clearly the mainstream media cannot be trusted to let the world know aobut these ongoing gross violations of international law and morality. more...

Posted by: Rusty at 06:09 PM | Comments (87) | Add Comment
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Only 325,000 Names on U.S. Suspected Terror List

The MSM is spinning the fact that the U.S. has placed over 325,000 names on the suspected terrorist list as an affront to civil liberties. However, because many of the names are simple variations of spelling, the actual list is closer to 200,000. And U.S. Citizens comprise "only a very, very small fraction" of that number.

So, you're going to tell me that there are only 200,000 potential terrorists in the world identified by the NSA's National Counterterrorism Center? In Britain alone 37% of Muslims agreed that Jews in the U.K. are "legitimate targets as part of the struggle for justice in the Middle East."

50,000 people in Pakistan rallied to suppress free speech in the world today. 3,000 Muslims in the Philippines were at a rally in which cartoon blasphemers were beheaded in effigy today. And you're telling me that 200,000 is a large number? Are you people out of your effing minds!?!?

It's simply amazing the depths of the denial going on in the world about the nature of Islam and the gravity of the threat it poses to Western liberalism. Alleged 'civil liberty' groups express outrage at this number as if there is no relationship between between Islam and terrorism.

For instance:

Timothy Sparapani, an expert on privacy rights at the American Civil Liberties Union, said the ACLU's response was one of incredulity, and alarm that many people are likely to be on the list by mistake, with serious impact on their lives and few, if any, means of getting themselves off it.
Okay, so the ACLU is 'incredulous' and 'alarmed' that some Muslims might be inconvenienced by the fact that they are being watched. Personally, I'd like to express my incredulity and alarm that so many Muslims support terrorism, the murdering of Jews, and the fascism that is Islamic law!

It's true, as Mr. Sparapani notes, that there probably needs to be a better vetting process so that innocent Muslims can be taken off the list quicker, but the solution to that problem is in increasing the NSA budget by leaps and bounds. I wonder how the ACLU would react should some one propose to double the NSA budget? Let me predict that they would be 'incredulous' and 'alarmed' at the potential impact on civil liberties.

While the list is problematic and should cause us some concern, 'Outrage', another word used by the ACLU, should be saved for those who support jihad and terrorism, not directed at those trying to prevent another 9/11.

More over-reaction:

LA Times: Names on U.S. Terror List Quadruple

San Francisco Chronicle: Roster of alleged terrorists swells to 325,000 names

The Standard: Fears over US terrorism list

Al 325,000 names on US “terror” list - Report (quote marks in original)

Posted by: Rusty at 09:32 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
Post contains 465 words, total size 4 kb.

February 11, 2006

I'm Sure It Happened Exactly That Way, George

George Clooney expounds on his simple-minded political views in a softball interview for the Guardian, and really gets into the role:

"I was at a party the other night and it was all these hardcore Republicans and these guys are like, 'Why do you hate your country?' I said, 'I love my country.' They said, 'Why, at a time of war, would you criticise it then?' And I said, 'My country right or wrong means women don't vote, black people sit in the back of buses and we're still in Vietnam. My country right or wrong means we don't have the New Deal.' I mean, what, are you crazy? My country, right or wrong? It's not your right, it's your duty. And then I said, 'Where was I wrong, schmuck?' In 2003 I was saying, where are the ties [between Iraq] and al-Qaida? Where are the ties to 9/11? I knew it; where the fuck were these Democrats who said, 'We were misled'? That's the kind of thing that drives me crazy: 'We were misled.' Fuck you, you weren't misled. You were afraid of being called unpatriotic."
Like, really? Like, you didn't kind of imagine this conversation in your head, did you, George? Like maybe you could name the "hardcore Republicans" so we could hear their side of the story?

But, like anyway, George, it reminds of something that happened to me the other day. Like, this hardcore liberal was, like, talking shit about America, you know, and he said, "George Bush is the biggest terrorist in the world!" And I was like, "Sir, your hypothesis is absurd. The basis of modern terrorism is the use of vicious, wanton attacks on innocent people in order to elicit fear on the populace for the purpose of coercing them into putting pressure on their leaders to make concessions that the terrorist deems desirable." And, shit, man, the hardore liberal is like, "Uh...", and then I'm like, "And obvously, George Bush, as the twice-elected President of the United States of America has not only the right, but the Constitutional duty, sir, to take whatever action he deems necessary to effect the safety and well-being of the country and her citizens, including appropriate military actions." And the lib dude is like, "But, but...", and then he had a stroke and died right on the spot! It was like karma, man, karma.

Now, none of this is to say that George Clooney is a lying sack of shit, and don't you ever question his patriotism.

Also posted at The Dread Pundit Bluto and Vince Aut Morire.

Posted by: Bluto at 12:01 AM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
Post contains 436 words, total size 3 kb.

February 10, 2006

Send Cindy Sheehan to Iraq

Finally, a cause I can get behind.

Posted by: Rusty at 02:23 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
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February 09, 2006

E-Bay Auctions Cindy Sheehan's Brain

I'll start the bidding at two-bits. But if this is Cindy Sheehan's brain, how come the jar says it belongs to someone named Abbey Normal?

UPDATE: Cindy Sheehan not running for Senate, cites lack of funds to buy own brain on eBay.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:49 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
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Details of NSA Surveillance Coming Soon to a Newspaper Near You

The White House has released highly classified details of the NSA program to intercept communications between terrorists and people within the US.

From the Associated Press via

After weeks of insisting it would not reveal details of its eavesdropping without warrants, the White House reversed course Wednesday and provided a House committee with highly classified information about the operation.

When asked what prompted the move to give lawmakers more details, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the administration has stated "from the beginning that we will work with members of Congress, and we will continue to do so regarding this vital national security program."

But the AP says that pressure from RINOs was the reason: more...

Posted by: Bluto at 12:02 AM | Comments (10) | Add Comment
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February 08, 2006

Four More Churches Burn in Alabama: Domestic Terrorism Watch and MSM Hypocrisy

When I first heard that four Baptist churches had been burned in rural Alabama in a single night, I had my suspicions. I e-mailed a few other online publishers about this to ask them if I was crazy or paranoid, and each of them said that their initial response was the same. Nevertheless, we bit our collective tongues.

Now, I learn that four more churches were burned in Alabama two nights ago. That's eight Baptist churches gone in rural areas of a single state within a week.

Dare we call this what it really is? Domestic terrorism.

Dare we speculate who might wish to burn down the churches belonging to Bush-Hitler-Neocon-Zionist-Crusader-Pigs? No, we dare not.

Although no evidence existed, the media were free to speculate about the Klan members and various Nazi thugs who were accused of plotting a spate of church's with black congregations being burnned in the South in the 1990s.

We, however, are not free to speculate that there might be a connection between global unrest over a series of cartoons depicting Muhammed and a series of arson attacks against churches attended by people that might be seen as sympathetic to those who blaspheme the Prophet (sawt), on the heels of that unrest. Nor to connect the dots between the actual murder of Christians, the bombing of Christian churches, and death fatwas against blasphemers over a cartoon and the torching of Christian churches here.

No, we will not say what is on our minds. The Left and their allies in the MSM are free to speculate as to who the likely suspects are whenever an alleged hate crime is committed. We, on the other hand, are not for fear of being called an Islamaphobe. Even when incidents of Islam inspired terror are hundreds of times greater than any other ideology or phobia.

Like I say, it is only a suspicion of who the suspect might be. The deranged person might have been motivated by any number of hatreds--our speculation over Joel Henry Hinrichs III seemed to come to mind as an example of an initial speculation based on some very good circumstantial evidence, but where we turned out to be wrong. But our initial objection to that incident was that Islamic domestic terror was ruled out by so many before the investigation even really began.

Are we making the same mistake again by ruling out that which we fear the most? Only time will tell.

CNN via Stephen Taylor: more...

Posted by: Rusty at 12:47 PM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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