December 16, 2006

Troops Respond To Slanderous Democrat Morons

Message to Dhimmicrats Charles Rangel and John F'ing Kerry - you're slander against the troops hasn't gone unnoticed. Jackasses. From Serviceman Arnold Dupuy:

I was working on my second M.A. when an opportunity arose to train Afghan soldiers. I jumped at the chance, as I wanted to make a contribution to the war effort and help the Afghan people. I dropped out of classes, left my wife and two young children, and with a team of exceptionally intelligent and dedicated men, trained several hundred Afghan artillery men. I have since resumed my studies and will finish next year. Other than being a parent, that experience has been one of the most satisfying of my life.

Furthermore, my brother completed three tours in Southeast Asia; my father fought the Japanese in Burma; and my grandfather served in Europe in both world wars. They were all highly intelligent, educated men who made the military a career not because they were losers, but because they loved this country.

Why is it so difficult for Kerry, Rangel and their ilk to understand that bright men and women will put on the uniform not out of desperation but out of love and devotion to their county?

Because they're a gaggle of insulated elitist dipsh*ts who hate the country and think we all should too.

There's much more at WSJ's Opinion Journal.

ht: LGF

Posted by: Good Lt. at 10:38 AM | Comments (18) | Add Comment
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1 Why is it so difficult for Kerry, Rangel and their ilk to understand
that bright men and women will put on the uniform not out of
desperation but out of love and devotion to their county?

Because Liberals are internationalist "citizens of the world" whose loyalty is to "mankind".  They aren't Americans.  They very idea of patriotism evokes only self-superior snickers from them.  The thought of doing something for love of country doesn't even register on their radars.  They don't even know what America is. 

Posted by: Jesuslad Carlos at December 16, 2006 11:50 AM (8e/V4)

2 They got "love of self" down pretty good, Carlos.
Pratchet's Disk World had "Yen Buddhists". We got "Yen Marxists".

Posted by: Phillep at December 16, 2006 12:31 PM (Sq5Wg)

3 It says it all, when this soldier desribes the Left with the "ilk" term. Thats what i use to insult them as a group of cowards and backstabbing assholes. Though i also like to call them by an old term that was a huge insult back in the time of the Vikings when describing someone who is less than nothing, beyond any notice at all- a nithing-that was the ultimate insult to call someone back than. Thats the Democrats/Liberals/Leftists/Progressives, whatever they call themselves from day to day. A bunch of nithings. I use it as it confuses them, these people who consider themselves superior in all ways. Yet they havent a clue.

Posted by: THANOS at December 16, 2006 01:04 PM (rJBMR)

4 The fact that your family has gone all around the world killing people whenever your government cant get along with someone else’s does not mean they are intelligent. It means they are gullible enough to swallow what ever their governments tell them.
Well you went to Afghanistan and taught Afghans how to kill each other better, you didn’t teach them engineering, farming, reading or writing, you taught them how to kill each other. Like how Americans taught Bin Ladin how to kill when he was your friend. When the Afghans you taught ever stop being your friends, and use the skills you taught them against you. You would realise, if you were truly intelligent, you would have taught them engineering, farming, reading and writing instead of killing.

I haven’t met any dumb people who didn’t think they were intelligent. So carry on thinking about how clever you are while your politicians order you to war while they and their sons stay at home.

Posted by: Rabbi Clive Rosenberg at December 16, 2006 01:46 PM (Ypfpn)

5 Hey, Rosenberg. You ought to be thanking these men. My mother's family didn't have many left that survived the Nazi's. The ones that did were due to men who, 1941, were "gullible enough to swallow what ever their governments tell them."

Freedom isn't free, it's paid for by the blood of patriots.

Posted by: MCPO Airdale at December 16, 2006 03:18 PM (3nKvy)

Well you went to Afghanistan and taught Afghans how to kill each other better,

LOL.  Yup, it was all roses and puppies before we "taught" the Afghans to kill each other.  You put the Onion to shame.

Posted by: Jesuslad Carlos at December 16, 2006 03:37 PM (8e/V4)


What else do you expect from a party run by such eletists like TED KENNEDY and AL GORE who tend to think their members of royalty real blue bloods

Posted by: sandpiper at December 16, 2006 03:42 PM (S97cI)

8 shorter rabbi:  patriotism is "dumb."

Posted by: Jesuslad Carlos at December 16, 2006 03:42 PM (8e/V4)

9 Maggots like Race Hustlin' Rangel and Ketchup Kerry seem like the lowest form of American life imaginable, but they aren't. The assholes who keep voting for them are.

Rangel has spent his career fomenting race and class warfare for his own benifit. Kerry has been betraying his country to its enemies in every conflict since the Vietnam War. The voters know this.

What kind of person could vote for people like that? What kind of person could hate the military that defends this country and its ideals?

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 16, 2006 04:49 PM (bLPT+)

10 Clive:

How old are you? 13? If you're too obtuse to see the neccessity of a standing military--especially in a factional country like Afghanistan--you're beneath debate. Your comment about politicians was equally moronic.

Insulting those who serve in the military is contemptible. Smearing America as a warmongering bully for becoming involved in necessary conflicts over the years is not the best way to impress people with your cleverness. Quite the opposite. It only betrays your envious bigotry and national inferiority complex.

The teachers who indoctrinated you into believing Americans are bloodthirsty killers traveling the world looking for innocent people to pick fights with are the reason Britain has the lowest standardized student test scores outside of the islamic world.

You did your teachers proud today, boy.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 16, 2006 05:21 PM (bLPT+)

11 Daym, the Rabbi is nearly as full of propaganda as Bob. You two clowns brothers?

Posted by: THANOS at December 16, 2006 05:58 PM (rJBMR)

12 Rabbi Rosenberg: You're a phoney and you stink like puddledick.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 16, 2006 08:19 PM (95kFq)

13 I can see it now. Some Afghan guy runs up to a US serviceman and says Al Queda and the Taliban just killed my entire family. Will you teach me how to grow beans?
 Friggin idiot.

Posted by: Greyrooster at December 16, 2006 08:24 PM (95kFq)

14 The 'Rabbi' above probably went off and believed whatever the other Rabbi's told him. Things like that the world is only a few thousands of years old? Life on earth didn't eveolve, maybe? Some guy parted the sea for some slaves who were escaping?

Not intending to slam Jews, or Christians but just to make a point. We place a level of value and trust into those who teach and lead us. Some times they say things that sound crazy, but that shouldn't automatically require us to doubt the main value of what they tell us.

If we lived in the way you seem to suggest, we would mindlessly doubt the very people we trust with all social responsabilities. Then when a cop pulls us over, we should cast doubt against them. Should I shoot him? He's approaching me with a gun on his hip, and how do I trust him?

A doctor says we have cancer, and we should cast doubt upon their word. A teacher corrects our spelling, but maybe they had an ulterior motive? Your wife says she was only out shopping, but what did she write those checks for? A Rabbi says we are gullible, but should we trust him?

Thanks for helping me out here ...

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 17, 2006 11:11 PM (2OHpj)

15 When was it that America decided it needed to be an empire in order to survive?

Posted by: civilbehavior at December 18, 2006 09:26 AM (AYJPk)

16 Snivel Behaviour:

If America is an Empire, you should be able to name all the vassal states that pay taxes to us.


Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 18, 2006 08:34 PM (bLPT+)

17 P.S., Niall Fergusson is a lying, moonbat moron.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 19, 2006 02:00 AM (bLPT+)



Well, the Nazis were gullible enough to swallow lies, and you and your family have swallowed the same lies.

Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel: Samuel Johnson

If you had any true justification for what you did, you wouldn’t have fallen back on patriotism, that is all the Nazis had to fall back on, and you’re not much different.

The Nazis Targeted Jews and you target Muslims.

Nazis had Jews in their Army, we called them Capo, and they treated us worse than the Christian Nazis.

America has Afghan and Iraqi traitors fighting for them, the Muslims can call them what ever they want, but I bet they behave worse than the Americans.

Because the Nazi taught the Capo to behave worse than the Christian Nazis, So the Americans are teaching their Iraqi and Afghan puppets to behave worse than the Americans.


Jesuslad Carlos

Yes you taught them to fight and kill, you killed a bunch of people, and a bunch of you were killed.

But what was it all for?

Were you trying to turn it in to “all roses and puppies”, or were you trying to destroy what little they had?

The Afghans and Iraqis seem to think you were trying to destroy what little they had, because that’s exactly what you did.




shorter rabbi:  patriotism is "dumb."

Yes, Patriotism is dumb, patriots are dumber. They are a people who use the slogan of Patriotism to justify what they know is evil.



Yes this is what I believe about America, and more. Your nation has money to wage unending wars all over the world but is in capable to feed, house and educate its poor.

On top of your war mongering and whore mongering nature I would add hypocrisy.

I am considerably older than 13 so my memory stretches past the last 13 years to a time when Saddam was your nation’s best Arab friend. To a time when he was gassing Kurds and your nation was selling him more gas so he could gas them some more.

The poor members of your society fight wars where only rich men profit. And when they get home, what do they have to show for it?

Health care is not free and neither is University education.

So fight, kill, die and go to hell, while the sons of rich men enjoy themselves in expensive universities.



So what would the people whose family members were killed by Americans use these weapons and training for? You kill people and their families will come and kill you.

And the cycle will continue.

And you are right, I believe that the sea was parted and I believe in all else within religion that you disbelieve in. Paradise has a price, and that’s the price. Eternal hell also has a price, and your disbelief and warmongering nature is the price.

Posted by: Rabbi Clive Rosenberg at December 21, 2006 04:24 PM (By6L9)

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