May 22, 2006
You know who I'm referring to. Or maybe not, since your comment in response has been deleted.
I'm still reading the Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and frankly (Charles Martel!) speaking, you have a lot in common with 7th century Mohammedism.
Methinks we have some (as they say on 24) moles.
Posted by: Vinnie at
10:49 PM
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I've been on left-wing and right-wing discussion boards, and the left-wing boards police their objectionable content (death threats and the like) much better than the right-wing boards do.
Lefties are also a lot less likely to make the threats in the first place. I'm sure someone here could quote some instances of that sort of thing on left-wing boards, but they're generally removed when pointed out.
Here, as on other right-wing boards, they tend to be left alone or even encouraged. I commend you for taking a step in the right direction, Vin.
Posted by: Theo at May 22, 2006 11:17 PM (7AEHv)
(Although changehappens gets points for originality - killing people to use them for chum. Nice.)
I should add that it isn't just the boards that Google is taking umbrage with - it's the content, as well.
You're completely within your rights to taunt Muslims, post Muhammad cartoons, and the like - just don't expect a corporation like Google to go along with it (any more than Viacom did with South Park).
I'm sure Google still links to counterterrorism blogs - just ones that conduct themselves in a more civil manner.
Don't blame Google for making a business decision. Rupert Murdoch would do the same thing.
Posted by: Theo at May 22, 2006 11:39 PM (7AEHv)
I could care less about Google, Google is just a thing.
I care about people, like my good friend Rusty Shackleford, and his reputation, which is being tarnished by some commenters.
Posted by: Vinnie at May 22, 2006 11:49 PM (/qy9A)
I'm just saying your cohorts cared enough to post about it, and linked to two other blogs that did, too.
Just thought it was ironic that die-hard capitalists couldn't see it as a business decision, rather a conspiracy by "left-leaning Google".
Left, right - they go wherever the money is.
Pardon me for ranting on in your thread. I'm done now.
Posted by: Theo at May 22, 2006 11:59 PM (7AEHv)
Posted by: MKL at May 23, 2006 12:22 AM (GKZaQ)
We get a lot of dissent at Jawa. And a lot of healthy argument that is bound to produce a few insults. Sometimes it goes overboard with the threats and the "kill 'em all" comments, but ...
I think the real complaint being made here is not as Theo suggests, that Jawa is too hateful for Google news feeds, but that Google regularly features "news" sites that consistently disseminate glaringly false information and obvious propaganda while eliminating other sites almost arbitrarily. There are far too many instances belying their "fairness doctrine" and "pecking order" assertions. I guess it's all in "how" one promotes hatred and encouragement toward ill action. Just do it subtley and look "official" and voila! you're in. Google shouldn't remove Jawa from its news feeds because of complaints or for not censoring its comments, but because it's a blog and not set up as a real news site. Google has a blog search function. We don't see Kos or DU or command-post in their news feeds, but we sure have HuffPo and uruknet!
The fact that Google's officers and staff do not hide their leftist, even socialist, views doesn't help them. The fact that they so willingly censor content for certain markets doesn't lend much credence to their denials. The fact that for years now you can still type in "failure" and George Bush's bio is still the first result doesn't help.
Posted by: Oyster at May 23, 2006 04:23 AM (YudAC)
The left perceives a need to control speech, while the right-wing blogs are generally much more accepting of free speech.
This is a microcosm of the world.
Where the right runs things in the world (e.g., modern Europe, the U.S.), we have often seen noise, disagreement and disorder.
Where the left runs things (Soviet Union, China, Cuba) things are generally much quieter and orderly. Some may believe it is because communists are just a lot happier. I don't.
Free speech, while it certainly has its benefits, also has its attendant costs (dissention, hurt feelings, mixed messages to outsiders, etc.).
Controlled speech, while it has its own benefits, often carries a much greater price (fear, supression of good ideas, gulags, massacres, etc.).
Posted by: Ragnar Danneskjold at May 23, 2006 04:24 AM (Y0zGO)
Posted by: Oyster at May 23, 2006 05:05 AM (YudAC)
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at May 23, 2006 05:27 AM (0yYS2)
I'll even give you my address and you can come and try for me. How about it, IM?
Posted by: MiB at May 23, 2006 05:35 AM (B9sDR)
Seriously, kid, you listen to way too much Insane Clown Posse. Put the CD down, drop the copy of Rage, take off the trenchcoat, and re-integrate into modern society.
Posted by: TxMxP at May 23, 2006 06:42 AM (gOPcw)
Posted by: goesh at May 23, 2006 06:48 AM (1w6Ud)
That's why I don't bother with Leftwing blogs. First they force you to register, and if you don't tow the party line your comments get deleted even when you walk on eggshells to be respectful so as not to get deleted! But yet in their minds they're all about "free speech." lol! when you point out the obvious to them, they say the 1st Amendment only applies to government, not private entities and if you don't like it just leave.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at May 23, 2006 07:21 AM (8e/V4)
Posted by: Last gasp Larry at May 23, 2006 07:57 AM (FCC6c)
No offense to this fine sight, of course.
As for the Google thing, well, no shit, they don't want to be associated with hate speech. Call it what it is. Terms like "Gutter Religion" (Grey Turkey) Or sweeping baseless denegration of a race of people is hate speech. Just because some don't have a problem using it (being comfortable in your own rascist skin must feel good) doesn't mean its acceptable for public consumption. It's just a sign of the growing ignorance in some quarters. More Education would be a good start. Read a book, for christ's sake. I've been to Northern Africa- yeah, it's a troubled region, but that doesn't mean they couldn't use some honest help into the 21st century. People's people, ya know? Just the situations that we find ourselves in differ.
Posted by: Blue Patriot at May 23, 2006 07:57 AM (yFm36)
Blue Patriot,
that's not true. If you spent any time at all at LGF you'd know a Lefty troll called "Gordon" has been posting their for years. He gets harrassed, but he never gets deleted and he hasn't been banned. Now compare that to my treatment at Kos. Not ten minutes after I post a comment it's gone. That's the God honest truth. So why bother.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at May 23, 2006 08:09 AM (8e/V4)
Posted by: Blue Patriot at May 23, 2006 08:13 AM (yFm36)
Well, here's the thing, Carlos. Since I've been here I've seen you post almost nothing but strings of insults and profanity. In fact, the very first post I saw from you was exactly that, and it continued through the rest of the thread. To some extent you've shown an ability to have a rational discussion, as in the "Cold, Hard Cash" post, but the majority of what I've seen from you is still irrational and profane ranting.
As an observer here, what do you think is more likely to me to be the cause of your ban? That you were mistreated, or that you were just being abusive and you were banned for it?
This is why I hate blogs and bloggers. All this whining, yet, for the most part, it seems to me that all the people being kicked out of left/right/up/down/over/under blogs are simply being treated like children because they were acting like children.
As an aside, my experience with LGF was a bit different. I trolled them twice for kicks and got banned the second time. I would note however that while I was banned for merely trolling, two other people who threatened to beat me up and, in one case, stab me, still post there. The message this sends, of course, is that if you annoy us, we'll ban you, but we don't have a problem with our members making death threats.
So, yes, I deserved my ban from LGF, but at the same time they sure seem to have a highly suspect notion of what constitutes "bad behavior".
Posted by: TxMxP at May 23, 2006 08:29 AM (gOPcw)
Posted by: Howie at May 23, 2006 08:40 AM (D3+20)
Posted by: TxMxP at May 23, 2006 08:43 AM (gOPcw)
"bad behaviour" is where commenters personally harrass other commenters, kinda like what you constantly do.
You see, I have stong opinions about Liberalism, and the Left, and radical islam, etc. It's no secret I loathe them. But I generally refrain from personally harrassing other commenters who happen to be Leftwingers. I let them say their peace and respond to the substance of their comments without feeling the need to personally attack them-- the way you do.
That is unless they themselves are personal harrassers-- like you are. Then I feel free to get on their case and make their lives miserable while they're on this blog. I've found they don't last very long here after that. You're getting pretty close to the point.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at May 23, 2006 08:51 AM (8e/V4)
>>You come hear to troll, and then you pretend outrage when you're told to fuck off. lol! Lefty orwellianism knows no bounds. Come hear with a respectful attitude to argue the issues, and you'll be treated respectfully. Otherwise kindly fuckoff.
After I took exception to Bluto issuing a string of epithets, threats, and insults as a way to ask that another poster stop being abrasive.
WHO is the harrasser here?
Posted by: TxMxP at May 23, 2006 09:01 AM (gOPcw)
TxMxP: you say that you hate blogs and bloggers - I don't understand why you continue to read and comment. I think you just don't like people with opinions different than yours, and you are trying to either change them, or stop them.
Posted by: Heroic Dreamer at May 23, 2006 09:04 AM (aH6Zf)
Posted by: Last gasp Larry at May 23, 2006 09:13 AM (FCC6c)
like I've told you numerous times before, if you come here with attitude (in that case towards Bluto), you'll get attitude back. But if you come here realizing you are on other people's turf and act respectfully you'll be treated respectfully in return, at least by me. I treat people they way they deserve to be treated. Doesn't mean you aren't allowed to blow off steam from time to time, but you came here and were rude right off the bat.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at May 23, 2006 09:22 AM (8e/V4)
Second of all, there's nothing wrong with trying to change opinions. I realize that some on this type of site feel otherwise, but I happen to think that honest dialogue between competing ideologies is usually better than worse.
Finally, I hate blogs and bloggers for the simple reason that they basically stop anything approaching honest dialogue. Most people who hold strong enough opinions to rant on things seem to also have an amazing lack of perspective on those opinions, and a complete and total lack of evidence to support them. I blame things like blogs for that problem because they create echo chambers where the most "amusing" post wins, no matter how devoid of any actual information it might be.
I'd rather try and fix that problem (though I realize I can't) than just ignore it.
Besides, why do you care? If your opinion is so firmly rooted in fact that it won't change, the worst that can happen is that I'll give you the opportunity to exercise your arguments so you can better make them in the future.
Posted by: TxMxP at May 23, 2006 09:34 AM (gOPcw)
Being an independent thinker (but not necessarily and Independent) means applying the same standard to both parties. In other words, if the situation were reversed, would you argue the same way? Or are you parroting party talking points?
Would conservatives be up in arms if Bill Clinton was trampling on the Constitution or spending us into monstrous debt? Or do you defend the $90,000-in-his-freezer Democratic congressman, yet say nasty things about Tom DeLay's indictment? etc. etc.
Posted by: Theo at May 23, 2006 09:36 AM (7AEHv)
However, at the moment the "right" is in control and it's tearing things apart, so that's who I complain the most about. When the liberals are in control and everybody has to wear a fanny pack to filter their farts in case it might kill a common housefly, then I'll be up in arms against them.
All I want is to be left alone. I hate politics. I hate government. But I can't just ignore them because they're constantly forcing their way into my life. If it's the liberals, they're trying to tell me I have to put something new on my car to improve the emissions or I can't put a manger scene on the sidewalk by my house (although I'm not religious) because it might offend some mysterious shadowperson in the bushes.
If it's the conservatives they're telling me I can't watch certain TV shows because they're "bad" for showing a nipple or I have to worry about them snooping on my damn library records.
I just want left alone. I don't want to be fighting with everybody all the time. But, frankly, if I have to bash heads to try and temper some of this insane radicalization that's going on in this country, so be it. That goes for BOTH sides because BOTH side are constantly trying to screw me.
Posted by: TxMxP at May 23, 2006 10:09 AM (gOPcw)
You may live enough of a hermitous existence not to affect anyone, but I doubt it.
Government is a very necessary "evil", because without it, we'd tear each other apart, quite frankly.
Humanity isn't exactly a noble species. Government keeps us (sometimes) playing by the same rules and (sometimes) keeps us safe.
No one said it's perfect - all the better reason to get involved and right what's wrong with it.
Posted by: Theo at May 23, 2006 10:15 AM (7AEHv)
Posted by: TxMxP at May 23, 2006 11:08 AM (gOPcw)
you write: "First of all, I have no interest in "stopping" opinions. I defy you to find one example of where I've tried to do any such thing."
then you write: "...if I have to bash heads to try and temper some of this insane radicalization that's going on in this country, so be it."
regarding LGF, you write: "I trolled them twice for kicks and got banned the second time. I would note however that while I was banned for merely trolling, two other people who threatened to beat me up and, in one case, stab me, still post there."
I say: I think trolling for kicks is one way of stopping opinions. I think it's a little ridiculous to admit to be trolling for kicks and then be annoyed because someone slams you back in a manner not to your liking. And you're annoyed because they still post there. Were they trolling for kicks? Probably not. As Howie noted, it sounds like annoy is the key word here.
Posted by: Heroic Dreamer at May 23, 2006 11:14 AM (aH6Zf)
Now THAT I'll get behind one hundred percent.
Posted by: Oyster at May 23, 2006 11:34 AM (nBOAO)
Trolling for kicks, in this case, sounds more like going to a site like LGF when your political flag blows to the left. You know that the majority of opinions may be counter to your own, but you go to that blog for the lively discussion, or to laugh at the monkeys, or whatever.
That in itself isn't wrong, but you cross a line when you tear down meaningful discussions for the sake of name calling, topic hi-jacking, etc. We all could probably be accused of being a bit quick to jump on a person who's first post has an obvious slant that opposes our own. "Shut them up and shut them down."
Posted by: Blue Patriot at May 23, 2006 11:43 AM (yFm36)
And when I say "bash heads", I mean like what I'm doing here. My coming in here and forcefully stating my opinions in no way prevents anybody from stating theirs. To the contrary, you'd be hard pressed to argue that it hasn't ENCOURAGED people to state their opinions.
>>...then be annoyed because someone slams you back in a manner not to your liking.
Uh. Yea. Sorry for finding death threats directed at me offensive.
>>Now THAT I'll get behind one hundred percent.
But, it will never happen because people are too busy radicalizing on either side of the fence.
Posted by: TxMxP at May 23, 2006 11:50 AM (gOPcw)
I know that looks like one big run-on sentence and it probably is, but well, I just want to be clear.
Posted by: Oyster at May 23, 2006 12:20 PM (nBOAO)
Posted by: changehappens at May 23, 2006 03:00 PM (Bmhbf)
Posted by: Last gasp Larry at May 23, 2006 08:01 PM (FCC6c)
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at May 24, 2006 04:54 AM (0yYS2)
Posted by: greyrooster at May 25, 2006 10:00 PM (pzM6K)
Posted by: greyrooster at May 25, 2006 10:06 PM (pzM6K)
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