October 31, 2006
Update II: Kerry responds:
Washington – Senator John Kerry issued the following statement in response to White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, assorted right wing nut-jobs, and right wing talk show hosts desperately distorting Kerry’s comments about President Bush to divert attention from their disastrous record:There's more in this vein, i.e., blaming Republicans for interpreting Kerry's words as if they were spoken in plain English. Oh, wait, they were. Watch the video.“If anyone thinks a veteran would criticize the more than 140,000 heroes serving in Iraq and not the president who got us stuck there, they're crazy. This is the classic G.O.P. playbook. I’m sick and tired of these despicable Republican attacks that always seem to come from those who never can be found to serve in war, but love to attack those who did.
No wonder this idiot lost in 2004.
2004 Presidential loser John Kerry spoke to students Monday at a rally for California gubernatorial candidate Phil Angelides at Pasadena City College. Kerry delivered an intolerable insult to the brave Americans protecting us in the War on Terror. You didn't hear about it on the Nightly News. From The Conservative Voice, here's what Kerry had to say:
“You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don’t you get stuck in Iraq.â€As NewsBusters points out, the mainstream media, in full Democratic campaign mode for next week's midterm elections, have failed to report this outrageous and revealing Kerry gaffe.
Posted by: Bluto at
09:37 AM
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It wouldn't be the first time someone displaced their own shortgivings unto others.
Posted by: MidnightSun at October 31, 2006 10:53 AM (AiuZK)
Posted by: Sapper Chris at October 31, 2006 11:17 AM (ZEIBc)
Posted by: Greg at October 31, 2006 11:22 AM (/+dAV)
are too smart to die for a lie and can get a real job.
Posted by: steve at October 31, 2006 11:44 AM (sKAxf)
We always appreciate it when the Leftys expose their true "thinking." Thanks for playing.
Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto at October 31, 2006 11:51 AM (vBK4C)
you forgot to add the part about how you "support the troops".
Next you'll be "outraged" that someone questioned your patriotism.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at October 31, 2006 11:58 AM (8e/V4)
Kerry was not presidential material for other reasons, but it never ceases to amaze me that people bought that classic Rove defamation schtick.
Then there's that other Kerry quote, which is pretty ironic, considering his own tour in Vietnam...
On the other hand, you can't really argue with the point. The more educated you are, the less likely you are to end up in a war zone. And the spirit of what he was saying, was to try and get the students he was addressing to stay in school.
It was certainly ineptly put, and indicative of why Kerry couldn't sell himself to the American public in '04, but this is hardly an "outrageous and revealing Kerry gaffe."
Simply put, the mainstream media didn't report on this because it is no big deal, and Kerry is old news.
Posted by: kevin at October 31, 2006 12:12 PM (O2fFC)
My wife heard about it on the radio, and flew into my office like an Angel of vengeance! I couldn't say "hi" before she was demanding I research the full story about Kerry.
She wanted the facts, and she wanted blood. She was taking the message to her day job when she left this morning. People aren't going to put up with this Kerry crap.
As for 'Steve' you guys already said it ... but I want to add HEY STEVE! Move to France, they are smart like you!!!
USA all the way!
Posted by: Michael Weaver at October 31, 2006 12:21 PM (2OHpj)
Posted by: Big White Infidel at October 31, 2006 12:26 PM (9sWBO)
Posted by: Sapper Chris at October 31, 2006 12:46 PM (ZEIBc)
Posted by: codekeyguy at October 31, 2006 12:50 PM (+WuRB)
I am a college professor in an elite private university and I have a Marine son fighting in Iraq. In terms of intelligence, guts and understanding current events, the Marines win hands-down over the average college student.
John F-ing Kerry and his elite band of effeminate snobs would destroy America in an effort to re-gain power. They are so smart, they can make everything right again if only they are in power. God help us!
Hold your nose and Vote Nov. 7. Don't let these people gain any more power.
Posted by: Ralph Hatcher at October 31, 2006 12:58 PM (gzxW2)
However this administration is not fighting the war on terror and is misguided. Our precious marines and fighting forces are dying for nothing at the hands of a filthy subhuman race. Rebuild Iraq? Hell no.
Muslims and Arabs attacked us on 9/11 we must not rest until every muslim and arab man, woman, and child has been eliminated from this Earth. This is the ultimate victory over terrorism.
Posted by: Anti-Muslim Hero at October 31, 2006 01:13 PM (Nhfns)
Between this, the Foley scandal, and other worthless campaign blitzes from both parties it's a pure joy to sift through the rubbish for actual issues that matter...
Posted by: kevin at October 31, 2006 01:16 PM (O2fFC)
Posted by: Last gasp Larry at October 31, 2006 02:05 PM (Dd86v)
Posted by: The Dread Pundit Bluto at October 31, 2006 02:37 PM (vBK4C)
Iraq asks U.S. troops to stay
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at October 31, 2006 02:38 PM (8e/V4)
F'ing Kerry is a POS. PERIOD. He makes Jane Fonda look like a Rhodes Scholar
Posted by: n.a. palm at October 31, 2006 03:03 PM (s0Sf6)
Posted by: BohicaTwentyTwo at October 31, 2006 03:08 PM (oC8nQ)
Our well educated troops in Iraq are engaged in a tough fight, they are limited by the Iraqi government, But they are succeeding.
Dimmocrats led by JF Kerry would encourage greater acts of terrorism by their sheer stupidity.
This country is in far better shape now than it was 6 years ago.
Posted by: Marvin at October 31, 2006 03:30 PM (iUKa6)
Kerry Flip-Flopping again - what a surprise! Say one thing one day and say the opposite thing another day. Kerry is nothing but the front man for the FLIP-FLOPPING Dhimmicrats.
Posted by: Daniel at October 31, 2006 03:31 PM (AMccd)
Posted by: Greyrooster at October 31, 2006 04:13 PM (mCJ+p)
Posted by: Greyrooster at October 31, 2006 04:16 PM (mCJ+p)
CodeleyGuy: Careful my oldest is an officer on his third tour. If your son has that kind of brain power he should be using it. The job of running the show falls on those that can. Nothing wrong with being a leader. There's so many that can't be.
Posted by: Greyrooster at October 31, 2006 04:25 PM (mCJ+p)
Posted by: Walid at October 31, 2006 04:37 PM (/WnV9)
There's this movie everyone's talking about "No Substitute for Victory: from Vietnam to Iraq". Originally "No Substitute for Victory" was a documentary hosted by Jon Wayne released when during war in Vietnam. Now this film is re-released on a DVD and examines out current conflicts in the Middle East as seen through the scope of history from our previous conflict in Vietnam. It has exclusive modern day interviews. I think it will be an excellent source of vital information and entertainment! You should check it out!
Posted by: joe at October 31, 2006 04:43 PM (ZFFyU)
Heck, even CNN is writing his career off after this and we know how much they love America and her soldiers.
Posted by: Mathewk at October 31, 2006 05:31 PM (pVHqF)
The chicken sh*t coward who deserted his men after 3.6 months (for those who are under 55 or did not serve that is 30% or a tour, or 0.3 tours not the lie the MSM/DNC told us over and over “2 toursâ€!) Bush may be a leftist liberal but JFK is a stupid, gutless, dumb as* liberal. I am glad Bush won and I voted for him!
Steve – you are full of *SHIT*! I have several degrees and graduate degrees and I sure as Hell went to war and I have the scars to prove it! Fuc* you as*hole! Come to Cerritos and say that you gutless wonder!
A former FMF member
Sgt 1/5
Nam 1967 – 1968
R. A. Stanton
Posted by: Rod Stanton at October 31, 2006 05:47 PM (WCsUZ)
Didn't mean to offend. He's considering applying for Warrant. He really does not appreciate too many of his officers. And this is not from my brainwashing, but from his observations. He does act like a mother hen to his troops, though. THAT makes me proud.
Posted by: codekeyguy at October 31, 2006 05:51 PM (1N6ha)
Semper Fi Rod Stanton. How's the bay area these days? Sometimes I miss it. Sometimes I don't. You were in Viet Nam during the same years as my first tour. 2nd Batt. 26th Marines.
Posted by: Greyrooster at October 31, 2006 08:44 PM (EhXUQ)
Posted by: Last gasp Larry at November 01, 2006 12:04 AM (Dd86v)
Quit being such sheep and think for yourselves, how would this comment make any since for him or the politician he was campaigning for?
Posted by: Ryan at November 01, 2006 12:34 AM (jzElD)
LOL...You idiots he is talking about Bush getting us stuck in Iraq.
Bush went to Harvard and Yale, and got better grades than John Kerry. So if his joke was about Bush it made no sense. But we all know it wasn't about Bush because Liberals are well known for disrespecting the military and calling them uneducated sods. I've heard it all my life. John Kerry just happens to have admitted it in public. Not smart for a Liberal senator whose politics requires stealth to go around saying stuff like that out loud. We knew he was a liar too, and now he's proved it.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at November 01, 2006 01:41 AM (8e/V4)
Check your facts, and get them straight before running off at the mouth. Kerry served .3 tours (thats 3/10 of one tour) not the 2 tours you are giving him credit for. Kerry has been trashing the military since 1971. Kerry is a traitorous bastard who should have been shot!!! Kerry is a POS elitist snob. Kerry is a Viet Cong sympathizer. The list is endless......
Posted by: codekeyguy at November 01, 2006 04:22 AM (+WuRB)
because nothing infuriates lefturds and muslims like the truth. A good
lefturd is a dead one.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at November 01, 2006 08:31 AM (v3I+x)
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:1.. AJ Armbrust3731 Grand AvenueDuluth, MN 55807
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Posted by: JANE123** at November 01, 2006 10:55 AM (INxhg)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 01, 2006 10:56 AM (ZzIWW)
Posted by: Greyrooster at November 01, 2006 11:01 AM (ZzIWW)
Which of you morons still believes that Kerry was insulting the troops when he bungled a joke about Bush's failures in Iraq.
Your tipoff that it was a joke, even though bungled, should have been the part about doing your homework.
Had Bush done his homework, we wouldn't be stuck in Iraq today.
This was so easy to figure out, that even the most ignorant, amongst you, should have figured it out.
Posted by: Puddleduck at November 01, 2006 11:03 AM (F+9W9)
Iraq asks U.S. troops to stay
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at October 31, 2006 02:38 PM "
Hmmm...the Iraqi government wants us to stay and the Iraqi people want us to leave.
So who represents the Iraqi people?
It sure ain't the Iraqi government.
Posted by: Puddleduck at November 01, 2006 11:09 AM (F+9W9)
Posted by: Jo macDougal at November 01, 2006 01:59 PM (2vpLj)
Let's start with the John Kerry facts, '66-'68
February 18, 1966:
A senior at Yale, Kerry commits to enlist in the Navy.
December, 1967:
Kerry is assigned as an Ensign to the guided-missile frigate USS
Gridley. After five-months aboard, he returns to San Diego to undergo
training to command a Swift boat, used by the Navy for patrols in
Kerry arrives in Vietnam, where he is given command of Swift boat No. 44, operating in the Mekong Delta.
December 2, 1968:
Kerry gets his first taste of intense combat, and is wounded in the arm. He is awarded a Purple Heart.
OK, now onto the George Bush facts:
February, 1968:
A senior at Yale, Bush takes an Air Force officers test. He scores in 25th percentile in the pilot aptitude portion, and declares that he does not wish to serve overseas.
May 27, 1968:
Bush enlists in Texas Air National Guard. Aided by Texas House Speaker Ben Barnes, he jumps over waiting list. He pledges two years of active duty and four years of reserve duty.
June 9, 1968:
Bush's student deferment expires.
September 1968:
After basic training, Bush pulls inactive duty to act as gopher on Florida Senator Edward J. Gurney's campaign.
November 1968:
After Gurney wins, Bush is reactivated and transferred to Georgia.
Hmmm...OK, let's try Kerry '69
January, 1969:
Kerry takes command of a new Swift boat, completing 18 missions over 48 days, almost all in the Mekong Delta area.
February 20, 1969:
Kerry is wounded again, taking shrapnel in the left thigh, after a gunboat battle. He is awarded a second Purple Heart.
February 28, 1969:
Kerry and his boat crew, coming under attack while patroling in the Mekong Delta, decide to counterattack. In the middle of the ensuing firefight, Kerry leaves his boat, pursues a Viet Cong fighter into a small hut, kills him, and retreives a rocket launcher. He is awarded a Silver Star.
March 13, 1969:
A mine detonates near Kerry's boat, wounding him in the right arm. He is awarded a third Purple Heart. He is also awarded a Bronze Star for pulling a crew member, who had fallen overboard, back on the boat amidst a firefight.
Okay, back to GWB, '69:
November 1969:
Bush is flown to the White House by President Nixon for a date with daughter Tricia.
December 1969:
Bush transfers to Houston and moves into Chateaux Dijon complex. Laura lives there too, but they don't meet till later.
End of military service for both about this time; Kerry moves onto politics, with a run at the Senate in '71; George Bush moves on to alcohol, run-ins with the law and drifting from job to job, usually landed through his father's well-placed connections.
If I was George Bush, I'd be ashamed.
Posted by: Gleep! at November 01, 2006 06:05 PM (UHKaK)
So who represents the Iraqi people?
The democratically elected government of Iraq represents the Iraqi people. That's why they have elections.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at November 01, 2006 10:21 PM (8e/V4)
John Kerry pledged to release his military records after the election. He has yet to honor that pledge despite repeated requests. Therefore everything you said about him is worth crap.
Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at November 01, 2006 10:23 PM (8e/V4)
And they haven't been able to hold a parlimentary session in going on three months because too few of the democratically elected lawmakers are willing to risk their lives to show up. Really, JC, you should move beyond a schoolboy's knowledge of what is actually happening on the ground in Iraq.
Posted by: Gleep! at November 01, 2006 11:17 PM (a7sMc)
Show numerous commendations
WASHINGTON -- Senator John F. Kerry, ending at least
two years of refusal, has waived privacy restrictions and authorized
the release of his full military and medical records.
Uh, what the f--k are you talking about JC? All of the dates for both Bush and Kerry listed above are on record ...
Oz to JC, Oz to JC, come in for landing JC. Over.
Posted by: Gleep! at November 01, 2006 11:22 PM (a7sMc)
Posted by: Gleep! at November 01, 2006 11:23 PM (a7sMc)
and non-combat meritorious service. The Bronze Star medal is often
issued to individuals who performed notable accomplishments, but not to
the level required of the Silver Star.
George Bush: DWI, Cocaine Habit, Bar Tab.
Posted by: Gleep! at November 01, 2006 11:27 PM (a7sMc)
Max Cleland
Wesley Clark
James Stockdale
Jim Webb
John McCain
Notably absent from the list:
George W Bush
Dick Cheney
Karl Rove
Donald Rumsfeld
Ruch Limbaugh, (Non-Office Holding Honorable Mention)
Posted by: Gleep! at November 01, 2006 11:34 PM (a7sMc)
Posted by: Last gasp Larry at November 02, 2006 01:50 AM (Dd86v)
Kerry = integrity Bush = trailortrashchickenhawk
Posted by: Last gasp Larry at November 02, 2006 02:13 AM (Dd86v)
sorry for the messed up spelling today not a good day for me lol
Posted by: the young republican of the U.S.A bitches at November 05, 2006 08:46 PM (RdZRN)
Newt was on Fox yesterday trying to explain this, and eventually he fell back to the position of arguing about Kerry's behavior in 1971. Okay, fine, but if we're going to evaluate our leaders based on their choices in 1971, let's make sure we spend some time on Bush Jr.'s choice during that period as well.
Posted by: DavidSteele at November 06, 2006 10:05 AM (vN9mU)
Just to set the record straight.
Posted by: Ralph Hatcher at November 14, 2006 06:51 PM (loE3F)
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