December 17, 2006

Gingrich : The Flying Imams Should Have Been Arrested

As usual, Gingrich has it right:

MANCHESTER, N.H., Dec. 16 (UPI) -- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told an audience in New Hampshire Muslim clerics pulled off a plane for praying should have been charged criminally.

Gingrich made the remark Friday night, as he delivered the keynote speech at the Manchester Republican City Committee Christmas dinner, the Manchester (N.H.) Union Leader reported.

Gingrich on GOP campaigns for 2008

"Those six people should have been arrested and prosecuted for pretending to be terrorists," Gingrich said. "And the crew of the U.S. airplane should have been invited to the White House and congratulated for being correct in the protection of citizens."

Update by Howie:

Gingrich on MTP. REad what he actually says or podcasts here.

Hat Tips: Instaundit and The Moderate Voice.

Posted by: Ragnar at 11:29 PM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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1 And Newt Gingrich should have been in the White House. What a different world it would be.

Posted by: Verkhovensky at December 18, 2006 12:31 AM (QKa+I)

2 So many people say, "I would love to vote for Newt, but he can't win". I wonder if all of those people actually voted for him if he could actually win.
Whadda youse guys think?

Posted by: TBinSTL at December 18, 2006 02:38 AM (MSiPb)

3 Why is this Gingrich person saying these terrible things? Does he want me to vote for him or something?

But based on the collected information, yes, they were trying to play 'terrorist' and no doubt thought it was all good fun. They should be standing too close to the 'pod races' in my opinion (snicker)!

I'd buy any member of the crew a drink! They done good, and they deserve credit.

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 18, 2006 04:29 AM (2OHpj)


I think I'm liking what Newt's saying more and more.  

Posted by: Buzzy at December 18, 2006 09:27 AM (CXz7T)


Posted by: Greyrooster at December 18, 2006 09:31 AM (95kFq)

6 Send Newt to the UN.

Posted by: Fred Fry at December 18, 2006 10:26 AM (JXdhy)

7 You guys are fucking stupid.

Posted by: Frank Hunter at December 18, 2006 11:20 AM (nsWyt)

8 You have so little respect for the law that you arrest people for pretending to be terrorists? Or are you disappointed that the Muslim Menace has not struck again to justify your poisonous view?
Perhaps Newt should be arrested for pretending to be an American.

Posted by: kindlingman at December 18, 2006 12:36 PM (xkrcF)

9 Hey kindlingman:
"You have so little respect for the law that you arrest people for pretending to be terrorists?"
Dude. Pretending to be group of terrorists at an airport/on a plane is clearly shoutng fire in a crowded theater. Worse, actually.
Since it is likely to induce fear/terror, it is in itself a terrorist act!
Love the way UPI mischaracterized the entire incident, too. They were NOT arrested for praying.

Posted by: gnark at December 18, 2006 12:46 PM (6cnyO)

10 Please don't call me  'Dude'.
My point is that the law has a purpose other than punishing the acts of people we do not like. The posting directly below this one is condemnatory that Iranians who converted to Christianity were arrested. My point applies here also. Using the law to punish the acts of people we do not like makes the law absurd.
I was using the same absurd principle in my snark by claiming that Newt should be arrested for pretending to be an American.

Posted by: kindlingman at December 18, 2006 02:29 PM (xkrcF)

11 Dude - I think your snark sucked.
Get the fuck out of here you ambulating turd.

Posted by: Max Power at December 18, 2006 03:05 PM (PM8kH)


Max, your opinion has no value with me. Your invective resembles the worth of your words.

Posted by: kindlingman at December 18, 2006 03:15 PM (xkrcF)

13 kindlingman, if I pretend I have a gun, and threaten you, it is against the law. It is considered assault. What these Imams did was little different, and yes, Gingrich has a good point.

Once in my younger days, some college friends, and tag-alongs decided to play a game called 'Killer', which was a game of assassination employing waterpistols, plastic dart guns, and stuff.

On this occassion, we had teams, and we were playing downtown. The Mission was sort of a 'capture the flag' buy pieces. Some of the other team had parts of some 'top secret material' and the team that collected their parts first would win. Some random 'agents' were part of the game, so you wouldn't know who to trust. It was fun.

In round one, we used a strategy of mine, and even thiough I was my teams first casualty, my team won.

In round two, we didn't finish the game, because some of the players ran across the glass window front of a BANK, carrying fake Uzi water guns!

Guess who showed up and shut us down? The cops.

You know what? It's kinda scary having an officer giving you 'that look' wih his hand on top of his holster, but he was doing his job.

I met Steve Jackson, the publisher of the 'killer' game rules at a regional convention. I learned my experience wasn't unique. Jackson, and friends had confined their activities to the site of a convention, and hotel facility. The hotel staff, and local police had been notified about the activities. In the course of play, jackson 'killed' an opposing target, who proceeded to fall down in a dramitic 'death scene'. As Jackson stooped to pick up the little paper that confirmed his 'kill', he heard a deep authoritarian voice yell for him to freeze.

Now he was playing a game where the participants 'shoot' at each other. Its like adult 'cops and robbers'. He almost spun with waterpistol blazing, but something in the voice made him hesitate, and instead, he raised his hands, and dropped his 'weapon'. As he turned slowly around, two police were pointing ready pistols, right at him! They were just doing their job as well.

We have to expect our authotities will act decisively in a crises. We also have to expect that the authorities will detain, and question suspicious characters. If they arrest someone who created a sense of danger, even by accident, they are correct. The truely dangerous among them will not be carrying water pistols, and in such a case, are not likely to be playing games.

What the Imams did, qualifies. If I can get stopped by armed cops while playing with squirt guns, Imams can get stopped for playing 'terrorist'.

I think this is the part where you hand me the little paper confirming my 'kill'.

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 18, 2006 04:20 PM (2OHpj)

14 Dude, they don't need to limit freedom of speech. They just need to apply the treason law in these United States. Death at dawn by firing squad for those pretending to be terrorists, The New York times, and CNN for supporting terror, groups like the ACLU, and CAIR for supporting terrorist rights, and any other acts of treason by individuals who hate this country.

Posted by: Leatherneck at December 18, 2006 04:20 PM (ZOc4K)

15 kindlingman, you simply can't compare the arrests in Iran, with arresting Imams for playing 'terrorist'.

They folks in Iran, will probabluy be killed according to Sharia law.

The Imams in this case could have gotten a hearing, and a trial, and probably released with only a misdemeanor or two that would stick. The point is that creating terror intentionally, is criminal. this isn't about free speech, or religion. If you want to know how I feel about those things, read my other comments.

Iran's case is about repression of anything but Islam, according to Sharia. The airline case is about people not causing a public nuisance at the very least. Big difference. Are you trying to intentionally be deceptive?

So what if I pretend to have a gun, and poke it into your back without saying anything? Am I commiting a crime?

USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at December 18, 2006 04:27 PM (2OHpj)

16 Kindergartenman:

Talk about a strawman argument. (You left-wing hypocrites love that phrase. You also love using strawman arguments.) Pretending to be a terrorist is against the law, you fucking ignoramus.

"Are you disappointed that the Muslim Menace has not struck again to justify your poisonous view?"

Uh...... you mean our view that America needs to practice national security against terrorism? The view that you leftist traitors have fought against tooth and nail? Is that the view you're referring to? The only ones disappointed that the islamic (not muslim, retard,) menace has not struck again are lefties. Deeply disappointed.

There is no moral equivalency between murdering people who abandon the death cult (literally,) of islam, and arresting terrorists for breaking the law. Look up the legal definition of terrorism in the criminal code, shit for brains.

You should be arrested for impersonating an American--bitch. Aren't you happy I didn't call you dude?

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 18, 2006 08:26 PM (bLPT+)

17 The claim was that the flying imams should be arrested for pretending to be terrorists. Make your case. What terrorist behaviors (that this blog talks about almost every day) were exhibited by this group of men? And which of these behaviors are criminal? Cite your source, please.  

Posted by: kindlingman at December 18, 2006 08:31 PM (RNsGP)

18 I love it when the lefturds do my job for me. By the time I show up to
harangue the mob, one or two of them have already made my point that a
good lefturd is a dead one.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at December 18, 2006 08:36 PM (v3I+x)

19 Kindergartenman:

Pretending to be a terrorist on a plane is illegal. If you say in jest that you're a terrorist, or that you have a bomb, you have committed a federal crime. Trying to terrorize people with your actions is a federal crime on a plane or off. Again, check the federal and state criminal codes, dip-shit.

As you mentioned, this blog has stories on the actions of the imams, dumb-ass. I'm not surprised you aren't familiar with what they did. You'll never hear the facts at your usual left-wing haunts. Facts and logic are anathema to the left.

The miserable islamopithecine pricks started praying loudly and disruptively in the boarding area, with their ridiculous rugs blocking other ticket holders. As they boarded, they praised Bin loser and cursed America. When they were on the plane, a passenger who understands the pig grunts and hawking loogie language of Arabic overheard them praising terrorism, and notified a stewardess. They requested seat belt extenders even though they weren't fat enough to need them--just like the 911 terrorists did. (The 911 pussies used them as weapons and restraining devices against the passengers.) They started ullulating and praising allah loudly and obnoxiously. They got out of their seats and moved all around the cabin while the seatbelt sign was on, deliberately trying to spook the passengers. Several of them would go in the same restroom at one time, just like the 911 hijackers did. They then sat in the same seats that the 911 hijackers sat in--seats that weren't assigned to them.

All of them have prior histories of pressing phony discrimination lawsuits or close ties with known terrorists.

Do you still think they're innocent, shit for brains? Even if you don't, you'll claim they are, because you're an America-last leftist, and you reflexively defend every enemy of America.

Don't even think about demanding to know how I know you're an America last leftist, much less try denying it.

United Airlines isn't going to pay those goldigging terrorist vermin a penny. They obviously staged the entire event with the intention of suing the airline and eroding national security standards. Along with CAIR, they are jihadi terrorists trying to weaken our country and advance islam against the Constitution.

They need to be jailed (preferably executed,) but even though our pussy government (Dhimmiecrats especially,) will likely give them a free pass, United Airlines will probably nail them in a counter suit.

Only enemies of this country are willing to defend the flying imams, but you already know that, don't you, quisling?

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 19, 2006 01:35 AM (bLPT+)

20 I have been exposed. I am so ashamed. I am an American who thinks people should not be arrested unless they actually commit a crime. I will never forget the lesson here. It is not enough to eject suspicious people off a plane, they must be arrested for pretending to be terrorists. That will show them that we mean business. Harrumph! 

Posted by: kindlingman at December 19, 2006 05:56 AM (RNsGP)

21 Kindergartenman:

You have indeed been exposed. The flying imams broke several laws, and they are most definitely terrorists.

You're probably one of those assholes who thinks only the wog with the bomb is a terrorist, and not the legions who support him. Planning, funding, sheltering, defending, or otherwise aiding and abeting terrorists are terrorist acts, although American law is slow on recognizing many forms of terrorist aid.

You must be so proud that the 911 terrorists weren't ejected and arrested. Fucking cunt.

Posted by: Jeff Bargholz at December 20, 2006 04:49 AM (bLPT+)

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