June 05, 2006

B&N Employee Shuns Military

This is funny because it's indicative of the 'we support the military, just not the war' type of latte drinking liberal. From Sean in RI:

I went into the local B&N to do some reading this weekend. When I walked in the greater said hello to the people in front and asked them to join the B&N club.

When it was my turn to be greeted the nice lady looked me over and suddenly became busy fixing the books behind her. Didn't really think much of it because I hate greeters as much as the perfume spraying terrorists in mall stores. Next couple behind me got the greeters perky treatment, which made me look back to see if her books were all in odder or what.

Then it dawned on me, I got profiled. I was wearing my Army T-shirt, and a hat that said Hard Rock Cafe Saigon. The profile I matched, conservative former military Republican.

Now my question to you is should I go back in the same gear or go back dressed as a whiny liberal? This kind of burns my ass, I did all told between Marines and Army National Guard 14 years service, and this is the way some one showing any signs of supporting the military gets treated?

My advice? I'd stop bathing for a week or two, grow a goater, put on my Docs, and throw on that Che tee that's been languishing at the bottom of the closet since I was a freshman in college.

But that just might be my subconcience need for the undying approval of my intellectual & moral superiors on the Left.

Posted by: Rusty at 08:18 AM | Comments (21) | Add Comment
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1 They are the same group who allow a pedophile coffee book to be sold. So buck up little camper, next time go in there and buy a copy of The Anarchist's Cookbook wearing the same clothes. They won't know how to profile you. (The Original One) Better yet, I wouldn't go back there at all. Borders is just as good and a bit cheaper.

Posted by: Cmunk at June 05, 2006 08:39 AM (7teJ9)

2 Stop sounding like a whiny liberal. Everyone is not a liberalcommiepinko out to be prejudiced against the military.

I also object to having B&N in the title, as even if true it obviously isn't a company policy.

Posted by: MiB at June 05, 2006 08:46 AM (6jwxg)

3 B&N is also the term used for Burlington Northern Railroad. My father worked for 40 years on the railroad. All the live long day.

Posted by: Cmunk at June 05, 2006 08:58 AM (7teJ9)

4 Pete McCloskey joined the Navy at 17, and was discharged honorably in 1946. He joined the Marines in 1948. He won both the Navy Cross and a Silver Star. Here is a link to last weeks Wall Street Journal on the race for that house seat. http://online.wsj.com/public/article/SB114911946350468091-AZbjwxRW1hDM1HPQH6MLdjiqPGo_20060630.html?mod=tff_main_tff_top

Posted by: john ryan at June 05, 2006 09:00 AM (TcoRJ)

5 throw on that Che tee that's been languishing at the bottom of the closet since I was a freshman in college.

I'm impressed. You can still wear that.

Posted by: RLS at June 05, 2006 09:02 AM (Lh7Vt)

6 So MIB what exactly is B&N's company policy in relation to conservative books, mainly product placement? And yes it is true, it did happen, and I'm sure it will continue to happen.

Posted by: SPO at June 05, 2006 09:02 AM (OZn2O)

7 It was very clearly stated that it was a B&N employee and never was there any indication that the writer implied it was B&N policy. I don't care if it was a Piggly Wiggly store. The story highlighted an overt prejudice by the person whose job it was to greet people. Not size them up and greet the ones she thought deserved it.

The real problem is how does one complain, even to the company, about such an issue without being considered whiney or paranoid? The writer simply decided to showcase an obvious prejudice to others. Now if he walked in wearing filthy clothing and smelling of urine and had a hair mat the size of a football on the back of his head, I could understand the woman's aversion. Otherwise - nope.

Posted by: Oyster at June 05, 2006 09:29 AM (ULAbo)

Dude that was too funny. Great effin post!!!! I read it to all my colleagues and they ROFLed. I get the same thing man.

Dude, you got friends in DC, and I got your back anytime. Here is something cool to do, when your in that situation, I often find myself there at parties, libraries, malls, coffee shops and bookstores.

Its a way of picking a fight' but everyone knows whinyass libs are puny she-men.

For example: go to a coffee shop and start talking about how in the next year our DoD interrogation policy, via Directives or people like Pelosi and Mccain, is going to succumb to asking terrorists if they would like Cheesecake or Cherry Pie, and if they tell us where the baddies are, they get both!!!!

Something I do, then I go on and say we need dogs permanetly attached to every US interrogator. See, extremists are used to she-men puny lib dogs in their country (rat-dogs) you get a black dog, they think its the devil, hell try using Pigs, they can be trained to bark and bite shit too.


Posted by: Capster at June 05, 2006 09:45 AM (JF5DO)

9 SPO: I don't know or don't care. I use amazon.

Oyster: You've seen complaints about the juxtapositioning of names and occurances in order to imply things, in FH911 and elsewhere. This is the same thing. I know Rusty is a good guy and he didn't nefariously plot this, but its still a bad juxtapositioning.

Posted by: MiB at June 05, 2006 01:37 PM (RwDCC)

10 Tune in next week, when Rusty thinks he sees the face of Jesus in a Taco.

Slow news day, ala CNN or what?

Posted by: davec at June 05, 2006 05:35 PM (CcXvt)

11 The owner of Barnes and Noble is one of the largest contributors to the Democratic Party and LLL "causes".

Here is a little test for you the next time you go in there. Go and look for books by Al Franken or Michael Moore, then go look for books by Hugh Hewitt and Sean Hannity. I bet you find it very easy to find the Franken and Moore books but you have to go on the equivalent of an Easter Egg hunt to find books by Hewitt or Hannity.

Posted by: Nahanni at June 05, 2006 08:11 PM (Zw1aW)

12 Great one Capster:
For me. A cup of hot coffee accidently spilled all over the bitch works better. All it takes is a big sneeze.

Posted by: greyrooster at June 06, 2006 04:54 AM (PV2nq)

13 Nahanni: So what, exactly?

Go into a Christian bookstore, try to find The Sanatic Verses.

Posted by: MiB at June 06, 2006 05:16 AM (RwDCC)

14 MIB: I use Amazon also, I just like getting an idea of what I'm going to buy online by hitting the B&N or Borders.
What is it you are implying when you make the reference of trying to find Satanic Verses in a Christian book store, in reference to finding conservative books in B&N?
What in the headline was purposely misleading? What was arrainged and placed out of context to achieve the so called juxtapositioning? Greeter: employee of B&N, Customer: former military + military supporter. Nothing was implied other then the employee profiled a customer. Pure facts, noting else. This is the kind of stuff Oprah gets stores shut down for if it involves race, sex, or sexual prefernce issues. So what should the headline have said "book store employee shuns military"? Well then we should take the reference to the military out also if we are taking B&N out. So it would be "bookstore employee shuns customer"? But then shouldn't we get rid of the reference that the employee worked for a bookstore, etc etc etc. Hard facts are the B&N greeter decided on who she was going to greet, and who she wasn't. I didn't realize she had that much leeway into who she was to greet and who she could ignore. It makes a person think that maybe they shouldn't be in that store. It could also bring unwanted attention to it, which is very easily done in little Rhodie.

Posted by: SPO at June 06, 2006 05:48 AM (OZn2O)

15 So Rusty lives in Rhode Island? How many universities are located in RI? Looks like the search for Rusty's secret identity is picking up!

Posted by: Cmunk at June 06, 2006 07:35 AM (7teJ9)

16 >>>>Go into a Christian bookstore, try to find The Sanatic Verses.


I've come to expect dumb comments on blogs, but that one takes the cake, lol!

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 06, 2006 08:20 AM (8e/V4)

17 If the original post by Sean had been about a black person perceiving that he was avoided by a greeter in walmart because he was black, a lot of people here would doubt the veracity of the claim. I've seen many people, black, conservative, whatever, assume that a perceived minor slight was because of their race or ideology, when in fact it was just chance. Perhaps this greeter didn't notice him, perhaps she actually HAD work to do, perhaps she he resembles an ex-boyfriend or friend of ex, perhaps she experienced sudden stomach upset...there could be a THOUSAND reasons for this reaction, but many of you accept it immediately as gospel--DISCRIMINATION against conservatives/military/Republicans. Please. Calm down.

In Illiberal Education, Dinesh D'Souza has a marvelous anecdote about how the common black complaint about whites thinking they all look alike is entirely dubious, since it is not racism but human nature. I'd make the same initial assumption about Sean's claim. Why did he immediately assume prejudice, and why did so many of you accept it immediately?

Posted by: jd at June 06, 2006 12:57 PM (aqTJB)

18 There is a Starbucks in the Clear Lake area of Texas where many of the employees are deranged anti-Bush haters. How do I know? Everytime I went through their drive through, the same cars were parked off to the side where everyone in the d.t. line had to look at them. Three or four cars with the most vitriolic bumper stickers against the President that you ever saw. They were there everytime, and I did witness an employee getting out of one of the vehicles to put on his Starbucks apron. I stopped going there long ago.

Posted by: RepJ at June 06, 2006 05:11 PM (y6n8O)

19 >>>Why did he immediately assume prejudice, and why did so many of you accept it immediately?

My theory is that because of past racism, blacks have been conditioned to look for racism. But racism has become a taboo, so the instances of real racism are now few and far between. But black folks still have that lingering paranoia, so they find racism where there is none. Their paranoia is understanble, but I still think it's mostly paranoia.

The military have also been sensitized. They notice Liberal loathing. The difference is that Lib loathing for the military has not become taboo to Libs. Lib attitudes towards the military are largely unchanged. So when a military man notices different treatment, he isn't being paranoid, he's being aware.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at June 07, 2006 12:39 AM (8e/V4)

20 OK now to let the liberal protectors in on a little secret now that they feel better about defending something they just know didn't happen. I've gone into that store plenty of times, have been greeted by the same greeter and others. The only difference is this time instead of just wearing an average t-shirt and Sox hat I wore an Army t-shirt and Hard Rock Cafe Saigon hat. No her job wasn't to arrange books that were aleradya rranged, her job was to greet every one coming through the doors, thus her positioning. Nice try guys but you liberals are about the most intolerant group of people I've ever come in contact with.

Posted by: SPO at June 07, 2006 06:54 AM (OZn2O)

21 SPO--if that's the case, your story is much more believable, and I'll agree with you that your conclusion that it was discrimination against military/conservatives was accurate. I don't think it was wrong to be skeptical when it was just one incident, which was all we had to go by.

As for liberals being intolerant--sure, it happens. Perhaps the party out of power (particularly when it is completely powerless, as now) goes a little apeshit. Certainly, that happened to some conservatives and Republicans in 1993. War also tends to bring out more intolerance on all sides. Conservatives can be very intolerant. Perhaps it says more about the person than it does about the ideology, if members of both ideologies can be prejudiced, judgmental, and overall assholes.

Posted by: jd at June 08, 2006 01:11 PM (aqTJB)

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