March 17, 2007

Anti-War Rally at the Pentagon

On C-SPAN, I watched today's anti-war rally outside the Pentagon, catching the event after it started. The initial group of speakers included Cynthia McKinney, Cindy Sheehan, Michael Berg, a couple of Muslims and several others who all complained of the cold outside. Red plastic pails were passed around for donations.

From various camera shots, I'd estimate no more than 10 thousand in attendance at the peak. The content was mostly bumper-sticker leftist sloganeering addressing impeachment of Bush and Cheney with AG Gonzalez's name thrown in as an occasional afterthought.

Then there were these people:

- A woman named Gloria LaRiva wants to free the Cuban five and keep the U.S. out of Cuba.

- Giuliana Sgrena, Italian journalist and activist -- Said there is no security, no water, and no work in Iraq. Indicates that she wants U.S. bases out of Italy but the Italian government won't comply so the Americans must leave Iraq first.

- Rocky Anderson, Mayor of Salt Lake City -- Very energetic calls for impeachment of Bush. "We will not tolerate abuse of treaties, kidnapping and disappearance of citizens."

- Melida Arredondo, Gold Star Mothers for Peace, step-mom of soldier killed in Iraq -- Said the Bush administration is at war with immigrants. The Iraq War is being fought by immigrants who are not citizens. Discussed last week's ICE raid in Massachusetts, including the story of the baby torn from a nursing mother's arms. Said they weren't even illegal, they were just undocumented.

- Carlos Arredondo, son killed in Iraq, part of hip-hop caucus traveling the U.S. -- Said he's protecting his son's honor. "Impeach! Impeach! Impeach!"

- Debra Sweet, World Can't Wait National Coordinator -- "Impeach! Impeach! Impeach! Drive out the Bush regime!" Need more protests. We need to resist and have shipments blocked at ports. We need George Bush in handcuffs.

- Efia Nwangaza, Not In Our Name -- Demanded Bush be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Calls for tax protest on April 15th.

- Brian Becker, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coordinator -- Said U.S. exploits land, labor and resources of countries throughout the world. Military recruiters will be confronted in schools and communities.

- Imam Mahdi Bray, Muslim American Society -- End the war today! "Bush lied and put wounded soldiers in rat-infested housing." Poverty, health care, Katrina mentioned. By the way, Katrina was mentioned by many speakers.

- Leah Obias, Alliance for Justice Not War in the Philippines -- "U.S. Imperialists! No. 1 Terrorists!" U.S, imperialists are destroying the Philippines causing immigration to America. "We, Filipino women refuse to join this war on terror." U.S. military is back in Philippines oppressing progressives. "Long live international solidarity!"

- Ben Depuy, National Popular Party of Haiti -- Wants more American dollars for Latin America, South America. Quoted Hugo Chavez throughout. We need socialism for the 21st century.. "Down with capitalism!"

- Chuck Kauffman, Nicaraugua Network National Coordinator -- 700 military bases unneeded, school of assassins at Ft. Benning, we need to turn from protest to resistance - Stop business as usual in cities and towns - Spend money on schools, health care - "Hands off Cuba, Venezuela, and Columbia!"

- Maria Magallanes, Mexico Solidarity Network Education Coordinator -- "No war in Palestine, no war on the border!"

- Larry Holmes, Troops Out Now Coalition -- "Imperialism abroad is not all we are fighting, we have police brutality at home, Katrina, racism against immigrant workers, deportations, ..."

- Jihan Hafiz, Youth for Truth -- Demand end to military-industrial complex. Need to resist, can't count on politicians. "Resist, Resist, Raise up your fist!"

- Unnamed, Party for Socialism spokesgirl -- Said all the problems are from capitalism. We need socialism. Credited with confronting the "fascist Minutemen" on a campus somewhere.

- Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, National Lawyers Guild, Partnership for Civil Justice Co-founder -- Bush is buiding an empire for himself which only helps Hallibuton, corporate sponsors. We want our kids to have their lives back.

- Mahdi Bray closes by telling everyone to resist. Protest and resist!

About 4 pm, the event concluded with Eugene Puryear, A.N.S.W.E.R. Coordinator, announcing website addresses and pleading for people to get involved and contribute.

At the end, the shivering crowd had dwindled to, I'd guess, 2,000-2,500 people and they dispersed quickly. There were announcements about busses leaving for Boston. I saw three. One, I think I saw twice.

Orig. at Interested-Participant.

Posted by: Mike Pechar at 03:32 PM | Comments (22) | Add Comment
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1 Heh, commies... imagine that.

Posted by: QC at March 17, 2007 04:41 PM (tnATt)

2 10,000???

Combined? Or just the anti-war hippies side?

I was there most of the day and there's no way the anti-war crowd numbered that many without including the GoE crowd.

Wind and chill kept a very large percentage of people away. As did flight cancellations last night.

Posted by: V5 at March 17, 2007 04:54 PM (bP+3v)

3 3000+ attended a prayer service on Friday night at the National Cathedral they were praying for peace.
Most estimates of the antiwar group Saturday give 10000 as the minimum. I haven"t seen figures shwing less. If there were only 10,000 it would appear that it had the highest concentration of Christians of any recent protests.

Posted by: John Ryan at March 17, 2007 06:23 PM (TcoRJ)

4 Hey dopey, every Christian prays for peace. Even the pro-Iraq war ones pray for peace.

Fear the Minx, JR, fear the Minx.

Posted by: Vinnie at March 17, 2007 06:47 PM (fdAim)

5 Who the hell was it that cut all the funding to the mental instituions?

Posted by: wb at March 17, 2007 06:56 PM (s6CsG)

6 Vinnie, that's the problem with liberals like Johnny Boy.  There are no shades of grey.  As a Christian, I also pray for peace but I also know that what we're doing over there is important.   As anyone who knows and believes in the Bible, there has always been an on-going war between good and evil.  How anyone can think that we're on the wrong side of that fight is a sign of mental instability.  They live in a world where we're all standing on a hillside singing "I'd like to buy the world a Coke ...."
I don't get how anyone can condone the oppression, lack of justice, and out-right murder of anyone who doesn't believe in their religion and still believe that we're the bad guys even though this is the first war in history where civilian casualities have been at a minimum due to our precise weaponry.  The truth is that if Bill Clinton (as he did in Bosnia) did what Bush is doing, they would be supporting the actions.  That was one of the few things that I supported Clinton on because I don't make my decisions based on a label attached to someone's name.
I have a hard time supporting Michael Savage on many things but he's correct in saying that liberalism is a mental disorder.  One of their pet projects is universal health care - which even conservatives think is a good idea under conditions that would work - but they can't answer the question of how much more of their paycheck they would be willing to give up to get it.

Posted by: slug at March 17, 2007 08:00 PM (IeitG)

7 Michael Savage is God.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 17, 2007 08:22 PM (XDiqx)

8 And Rush Limbaugh is his prophet.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 17, 2007 08:23 PM (XDiqx)

9 What Bill Clinton did in Bosnia was save the muslims from the Christians. Way to go democrats.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 17, 2007 09:31 PM (XDiqx)

10 I think you've got the Rush savage thing reversed there Rooster. Rush runs full circles around savage, daily.

Posted by: wb at March 17, 2007 10:26 PM (s6CsG)

11 "Protest and resist!"    American sovereignty, and victory.  In other words, they support socalist revolution. The benefit to
 Islamo-Imperialists will amount to 'divide and conquer'.   USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 17, 2007 10:31 PM (2OHpj)

12 Ah Professor, you bait me with my pet project, divide and conquer indeed.... it goes a little something like this..... Let them first call themselves something different that divides them, then they shall be unable to speak the truth because of implied guilt, next we take away the very means that they would defend themselves with, then we shall take their very manhood from them before we walk unopposed into their cities armed with nothing more than a band of lawyers threatening to sue them if they resist. We shall make thier men into women, their women into our whores and dispell thier families across the globe. Did I mention making the children into idiots that are too fat to play outside? Destroying the youth was the easiest part, make the parents drug useres and self absorbed and have them turn over the minds of their children to political correctness. Sounds like a liberal utopia, doesn't it? Anyone else notice a common thread here? 

Posted by: wb at March 17, 2007 11:35 PM (s6CsG)


wb, I've been watching it for years. I can tell you that Gore was a 'line in the sand' for a lot of people, and in a way the rage that we see directed at Bush is more due to having thier goals upset, and thier elitist paradise put on hold, then it has to do with anything else. I see the next election as another line in the sane, way more than the last one. I don't care who we elect, as long as it frustrates the left. 

                        USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 18, 2007 12:20 AM (2OHpj)

14 Anyway, next couple of days are busy, so don't get mad if I miss someones comment.               USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 18, 2007 12:21 AM (2OHpj)

15 Then Zell & Thompson would be your dream ticket yet again. Although,  I suspect just the fact that we would even need to  have another election pisses most of them off!   But this plot goes back farther than al gore my dear Professor, it goes back to a time, a culture and another part of the world where the people are very ancient and very patient. Just who do you think is backing Iran? It sure as hell isn't the russians.  

Posted by: wb at March 18, 2007 12:26 AM (s6CsG)

16 I will miss your veiw with anticapation , not  angered by it. Besides, rooster will sit up with me while your gone.  

Posted by: wb at March 18, 2007 12:28 AM (s6CsG)

17 The Rooster is going to bed. Flying to Orange Texas early in the morning with my friend Catfish Charlie. Maybe buy a few cows. I'll be sure to take my white shrimp boots. The tall ones. Only thing that will protect you from the knee high Texas bullshit.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 18, 2007 12:47 AM (XDiqx)

18 wb, China obviously. Proxies are always part of power projection on the global stage. On the other hand, China is on my ledger, more of a virtue than a vice. This could change. It all depends on how they decide to deal with IslamicImperialism. BTW, I have a theory or two about the 'game', that I don't share across media like this. But I will give you a clue. What will military technology look like in 100 years? Globally? Who is unhappy with thier share of global power? And ... what will prevent a large scale nuclear war? The clue is in the answers.          USA, all the way!

Posted by: Michael Weaver at March 18, 2007 05:05 AM (2OHpj)

19 These Leftards see America as the nexus of evil in the world, and the world as a far worse place for America ever having existed.  That's why they are doing everything in their power that we never win another war again.  Our surrender and withdrawal from Vietnam after the collapse of the N. Vietnamese Tet offensive was their greatest victory.  They want another surrender and withdrawal from Iraq to make sure this country never goes to war again.  Osama Bin Laden knew exactly what he was talking about when he called us a paper tiger.  He was referring to political the influence of our Leftwing 5th column.  He is on the verge of being proven right.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 18, 2007 09:08 AM (yJKSD)

20 You speak of a time where oil will be a lubricant, not a fuel.

Posted by: wb at March 18, 2007 11:29 AM (90esw)

21 Our surrender in Vietnam? What surrender? I missed that one and I was there twice. My Marine Corps never lost a battle and pulled out because the politicians and general public decided Viet nam wasn't worth fighting for. I agreed.

Posted by: greyrooster at March 19, 2007 05:38 AM (jNRRK)

22 I was at the peace rally at the penatgon. it was pretty cool. i don't understand what you guys are talking about though.

Posted by: k at March 19, 2007 06:01 PM (mOE/m)

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