March 08, 2006

And They Call Us Bigots?

What a dumbass.

So - the 82nd Airborne needs a guy to sell pencils in Iraq now? After the war is over he can get a job as a greeter at Wal-Mart. Trailer-people can come in and rub his stub for good luck on their way to the dog track.

Nothing for me to add, except this:

Picture 925.gif

Update: And on a related note, Cindy Sheehan's son lies in an unmarked grave.

Update Too: LA drops a turd in his own comments:

I was mildly surprised that almost nobody understood what I perceived to be the gross absurdity of the situation: a bunch of fucking war cheerleaders crying about a nasty prank card some asshole sent to this poor kid whose leg has been vaporized and THEN we’re going to clap our hands and pretend that everything is OK because he’s going to go back to work for the 82nd. Way to cleanse yourself of sin, wingnuts. It’s such a brave and inspirational story! Is it? Or is it a devastating tragedy?

What a perfect display of leftist thought. The Leftard Avenger is trying to backpedal from his original display of glorious stupidity.

But even his own readers aren't buying it:

# Terry Says:
March 8th, 2006 at 10:02 pm

Jesus, LA and sgo. Stop it. Just stop it. Your attempts at shock and awe are wearing a little thin. That’s right - shock and awe. Are you proud of this? I hope not.

The man made a sacrifice for his country. An extreme sacrifice. You may (as I do) question his motives for doing so, but he made the sacrifice nonetheless. He bought the Nazicon’s sale of goods, and he paid for it. Big time. Is this a reason to ridicule his sacrifice? I don’t think so. I think he did what he thought was right, and he got his ass kicked for it.

So stop ridiculing this poor bastard to make your point. You’re really not doing the cause any favors. I don’t think the fact that this poor son of a bitch bought the company line makes him fair game for our derision.

And that’s what you’re doing, boys. You may think that you’re making a political point, but you’re not. What you’re really doing is belittling another american’s sacrifice to further your own agenda. Exactly what you blame the other side for doing.

So knock it off. Just grow up and knock it off.

I love Leftist cannabilism.

Final update: Ayup, he yanked the post. And then he does a mea culpa, which I'll not link to, comparing PFC Sparling to Max Cleland. Sorry, chuckles, it doesn't fly.

Posted by: Vinnie at 06:57 PM | Comments (55) | Add Comment
Post contains 446 words, total size 3 kb.

1 here we have a traitor. this person should be brutally assaulted and killed. his entire family should be slaughtered. his house should be burned to the ground and a sign posted on the ashes with that disgusting blog entry on it.

Posted by: USA Patriot at March 08, 2006 07:03 PM (AqYSV)

2 The more they keep posting trash like that, the more they expose their contempt for the military, all this:
We support our troops, just not the War
is fake, and they keep proving it. It almost needs a compilation of quotes such as this, to show their lies.

Posted by: davec at March 08, 2006 07:04 PM (CcXvt)

3 davec, I think I agree with what you said on the other thread. More posing, I'm afraid. USA Patriot is most likely Greg.

Posted by: jesusland joe at March 08, 2006 07:23 PM (rUyw4)

4 As soon as I cursored over the link I burst out laughing. Is this your first encounter with this guy? I've been watching him for a long time. He's really, really effed up. He's especially obsessed with Michelle Malkin and used to comment regularly at captainsquarters. Everyone was so fed up with his absolutely disgusting commentary that I don't know if he was banned or if he finally got tired of the ridicule. Now I'll go read his screed because I'm a glutton for punishment. Or maybe this one will be a real laugh. Who knows?

Posted by: Oyster at March 08, 2006 07:24 PM (YudAC)

5 I left some love for them. It is full of compassion, and care for their feelings.

Posted by: Leatherneck at March 08, 2006 07:27 PM (D2g/j)

6 Nah, Oyster, I've seen him, er, it around.

Posted by: Vinnie at March 08, 2006 07:31 PM (f289O)

7 And davec, I apologize for how my post came off. Greg and the noice have got me a little edgy, I'm afraid. Sorry!

Posted by: jesusland joe at March 08, 2006 07:35 PM (rUyw4)

8 Kill 'em all; it's the only reasonable option left to us.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 08, 2006 07:35 PM (0yYS2)

9 It's just easier to be mean. Also it's an expression of the anti-war crowd's bitterness about wounded soldiers not feeling (or rather publicly expressing) any kind of resentment or hatred aimed at the government over what's happened to them. Instead they're faced with people who either want to go back and risk their lives again or just get on with their lives and be productive i.e. get a job, be a responsible citizen. A concept foreign to a lot of people.

As for USA Patriot's contributions, isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery?

Posted by: Graeme at March 08, 2006 07:51 PM (qR32H)

10 Graeme, you just hit the nail on the head.

Posted by: Oyster at March 08, 2006 07:55 PM (YudAC)

11 My man Graeme has a way with the written word! Perhaps the spoken word, also, but I can't say. Great post, Graeme.

Posted by: jesusland joe at March 08, 2006 08:03 PM (rUyw4)

12 Joe, no problem.

Always amusing how no one can never tell friend or foe, when Greg is around, due to the fact that he creates new characters, or brings his friends here.

Google is full of examples of how Greg's posts are followed by characters that claim to be Republicans, and use some crazy opinion to slander everyone, or some 9/11 conspiracy freak post, gee might want to start posting as a whack job a couple of days before you reappear Greg, so it's not so obvious.

Posted by: davec at March 08, 2006 08:45 PM (CcXvt)

13 Why are all Repubican men pussies?

Posted by: Count Istvan at March 08, 2006 09:01 PM (BJYNn)

14 The little cunt has to hide behind his gay-boy blog; come to my jobsite (no, not a desk, you coward LA)and we can just as easily discuss your "let's bend over and get fucked in the ass" worldview... What a dhimmi, camel cock-sucking, sandal-licking coward, to attack who he did. I really mean this: he'd best hope his IP is not easily traceable!

Posted by: jonathan at March 08, 2006 09:01 PM (rh5AQ)

15 what Would you do if he cam to your jobsite Jonathen shit your drawers? or would you do your job and serve him his Big Mac and fries?

Posted by: Prince Esteban at March 08, 2006 09:11 PM (BJYNn)

16 Ricky Martin:
Whatever I did I would do it using proper English, you swallower of Juan Valdez's cum. Go die.

Posted by: jonathan at March 08, 2006 09:20 PM (rh5AQ)

17 Oh Jonathan! you should know about swallowing cum. I bet no one has ever given out more BJ'S to men then you!

Posted by: Duke Ivan at March 08, 2006 09:32 PM (BJYNn)

18 thats's true Ivan! We are forever having oral, I mean we turn on Fox news and when O'Reilly or Hannity come on the tube we just masterbait off each other and blow each other silly!

Posted by: Jonathan's Boyfriend at March 08, 2006 09:36 PM (BJYNn)

19 Lookie, lookie, a gaggle of sissies has appeared. What will it be gents, or should I say, ladies?

Posted by: jesusland joe at March 08, 2006 09:39 PM (rUyw4)

20 I love LA's blog! When i'm not busy being a traitor to my country, or feeling guilty for the West's superiority (even though I would never admit this to anyone!), or going to my local mosque to foster understanding, sensitivity and dialogue, I bend over in front of my computer so that my friend Abu Arafat fucks me in my poop-shoot whilst reading LA's manly pronouncements!

Posted by: reader of liberal avenger at March 08, 2006 09:44 PM (rh5AQ)

21 hey jesusland you're kinda cute want to three way with me johnathan?

Posted by: Jonathan's Boyfriend at March 08, 2006 09:45 PM (BJYNn)

22 Haha, funnyboy, you wouldn't want to get that close to me I don't think, but if you want to entertain a meeting, just give me your address or meet me somewhere. Or I will give you my address. Wanna play?

Posted by: jesusland joe at March 08, 2006 09:51 PM (rUyw4)

23 I can't wait until America is 6o% Muslim; then, I'll be a minority, a status I have wanted all along! I love to be a victim, almost as much as I love the Liberal Avenger and getting fucked in my ass by my local imam! Ohhhhhh, I'm so proud of my party-- they really help people of color! Ohhhhhhh!

Posted by: reader of liberal avenger at March 08, 2006 09:56 PM (rh5AQ)

24 So much for the pussy comment. We all know who fits in that category, and it is not the regulars on The Jawa. You monkeys from the Liberal Avenger need to grow a spine, and quit acting like a bunch of girls.

You're likely to need that spine sooner than you think, as you boys live in cities that are likely to be hit by terrorists, while us rednecks live in rural areas unlikely to be attacked. No charge for those words of wisdom, little monkeys.

Posted by: jesusland joe at March 08, 2006 10:11 PM (rUyw4)

25 I guess the gaggle had to run off to their sensitivity training seminars. Or maybe the "How To Be a Good Dhimmi" class. Or maybe to continue their ruining of our country. Or maybe they went back to academia to ponder "Ontology of Other-ness/ A Radical Subversion of Hegelian Dynamics and Thoughts on a New Paradigm for Understanding People of Cultures Wherein Muslims Explode Themselves" .

Posted by: jonathan at March 08, 2006 10:47 PM (rh5AQ)

26 wow, who opened the door for the trash to blow in?

Posted by: davec at March 09, 2006 12:38 AM (CcXvt)

27 Yes we sure do know who the pussies are! If I walked behind any of you fuckers and yelled boo there would be so much shit in your drawers no amount Calgon could ever take the stain away.

stupid pussies.
I bet Jonathan and jesuslandjoe are pleasuring each other as I write.

Posted by: Duke Ivan at March 09, 2006 12:40 AM (BJYNn)

28 Oh dear God! here comes them towel heads! I just shit myself again!

Posted by: Real Republican at March 09, 2006 12:45 AM (BJYNn)

29 you seem rather obsessed with homosexual sex, projecting a little? even more ironic you combine it with the need to come across as very 'manly' with threats, whilst belitting others manhood. You do not need to be Einstein to work out who's really insecure in their sexuality and manhood, tough guy.

Posted by: davec at March 09, 2006 12:46 AM (CcXvt)

30 Or maybe to continue their ruining of our country.-Jonathan

Jonathan I am on your side but how are "they" ruining the country when we are in charge of all three branches of government?

Posted by: Real Republican at March 09, 2006 12:47 AM (BJYNn)

31 It smells like traitor on this thread.

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 09, 2006 01:50 AM (8e/V4)

32 Man, who confiscated all the bongs?

Are you libtards so pissed that Brokeback Mountain lost Best Picture that you need to vent here?

>>>stupid pussies.
...Says Dookie Ivan from the protection of his mighty keyboard.

Posted by: Son Of The Godfather at March 09, 2006 03:21 AM (maXzk)

33 It's really going to be fun killing them when the time comes, and I hope that's real soon. I lay awake at night dreaming of how they babble and shit themselves when the rope begins to bite as they're hoisted up -not dropped down- to choke slowly, and maybe I'll let them dangle on their tip-toes for a while. Come on you little fags, let's get this party started.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 09, 2006 06:05 AM (0yYS2)

34 Ha,

The original post is not gone. "Error 404"

Guess he couldn't take the heat.

Posted by: Fred Fry at March 09, 2006 06:51 AM (JXdhy)

35 I see "Liberal Avenger" tore down his/her post. LOL
Couldn't stand the heat

Posted by: Don Surber at March 09, 2006 06:52 AM (OIxNx)

36 So you guys send death threats for a joke? You're a regular bunch of Muslim terrorists...

Posted by: Sirkowski at March 09, 2006 07:20 AM (fMeQP)

37 Not threats you idiot, promises.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 09, 2006 07:53 AM (0yYS2)

38 LA took the post down without explanation ala Kos? Will he just pretend it was never there or offer some lame platitude? Inquiring minds want to know.

Posted by: Oyster at March 09, 2006 08:34 AM (rf0W8)

39 For supposed "activists" that favor or claim to advocate "inclusion" and "tolerance," the leftist trolls that infected this comment thread are surprisingly (or not) homophobic, slanderous and hostile.

Where's the original post, Lib Avenger? Down the memory hole with the rest of your bullsh*t jargon? What a seditious moron.

Posted by: Good Lt at March 09, 2006 09:07 AM (yT+NK)

40 All the homophobic language here sounds suspiciously like greg as well. He even thought he was hurting my feelings a couple weeks ago calling me effeminate. haha. When he gets backed into a corner he starts with the foul sexual references and "faggot" language.

Posted by: Oyster at March 09, 2006 09:16 AM (rf0W8)

41 He offered a lame platitude that I didn't bother linking to, Oyster.

Posted by: Vinnie at March 09, 2006 09:49 AM (f289O)

42 "Not threats you idiot, promises.
Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 9, 2006 07:53 AM"

Ooooh, threats on the interweb, look at the big boy! X-D What are you gonna do, poke me with a keyboard? lol

Posted by: Sirkowski at March 09, 2006 09:59 AM (fMeQP)

43 Is it just me, or do Count Istvan, Prince Esteban, Duke Ivan and Jonathan's Boyfriend sound like a teenage girl working herself into soupy panties by saying anything and everything that doesn't die of loneliness in her vacuous little mind just to piss you guys off? At least three have the same email address, the fourth is basically the same. No matter, she should be treated the same way you would treat any child acting out just for attention -- ignore her. They only thrive if you feed them.

Posted by: Sly2017 at March 09, 2006 10:11 AM (UADHi)

44 Improbulus Maximus has promised to kill someone.

I'd say that's a *real* procecutable threat.

Posted by: ira at March 09, 2006 10:21 AM (ZQ41M)

45 IM's going to get procecuted?

Posted by: Oyster at March 09, 2006 10:51 AM (rf0W8)

46 >>>I'd say that's a *real* procecutable threat.

As opposed to treason and sedition, nowadays. Today, that's considered "patriotic."

Posted by: Jesusland Carlos at March 09, 2006 11:02 AM (8e/V4)

47 No, I'm just going to hoist you up on some structure and move on down the line.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 09, 2006 12:11 PM (0yYS2)

48 Good grief! Where did all those Homos come from. I bet you they have aids form poking each other in the old A hole. That type of behavior will not get you into Heaven.

Bad Homo, Bad Homo!

Posted by: Leatherneck at March 09, 2006 05:59 PM (D2g/j)

49 Oh wow a blog full of racist, homosexual, star wars geeks! I bet you guys are ultra cool

Posted by: King Midas at March 10, 2006 12:10 AM (BJYNn)

50 I am so fucking stupid. But hey I do play with myself alot especially when Hannity is on. Oh boy I do slap myself silly then.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 10, 2006 12:13 AM (BJYNn)

51 Good grief! Where did all my Homos go?. we all have have aids form poking each other in the old A hole. I know That this type of behavior will not get you into Heaven. I have been Bad Homo, Bad Homo!

bt the way the name is Mark
come fuck me up the ass.

Posted by: Leatherneck at March 10, 2006 12:16 AM (BJYNn)

52 Real Republican did ask a good question though guys and maybe we could figure out an answer at are next group ass bang. How can they be ruining the country when we are in charge of all three branches of government?

Posted by: Leatherneck at March 10, 2006 12:20 AM (BJYNn)

53 Oh no! Someone has spoofed my identity! Whatever shall I do? I am vanquished...

Jesus H., liberals are such fucking morons. It will indeed be a pleasure to kill them when the time is right.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 10, 2006 08:27 AM (0yYS2)

54 I thought that was weird. Sure didn't sound like you.

Posted by: Oyster at March 10, 2006 12:08 PM (rf0W8)

55 No, 'twasn't me, 'twas only the idiot pedophile greg, recently returned, no doubt, from one of his tours of Mexico, when he ventures on occasion to find those "special treats" that he can't easily get in his hated home country.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at March 11, 2006 09:31 AM (0yYS2)

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