July 25, 2006

Do The Lebanese People Shun Hizb'Allah?

We keep hearing about how Hizb'Allah is viewed as a group of thugs and unwelcome radicals by most Lebanese. From what I can see, that doesn't quite square with all the facts. This story, for example, published a while before the recent "unpleasantries," paints a very different picture of the relationship between Hizb'Allah and the broader Lebanese population:

In Lebanon, where Hezbollah runs a network of schools and hospitals and participates in local elections, Nasrallah, a Muslim, is a hero even to the country's Christian President, Emile Lahoud.

“For us Lebanese, and I can tell you a majority of Lebanese, Hezbollah is a national resistance movement,” says Lahoud. “If it wasn't for them, we couldn't have liberated our land. And because of that, we have big esteem for the Hezbollah movement.”

President Lahoud has such high esteem for Hezbollah, he's ceded control of the border with Israel to them -- a border where Hezbollah and Israeli soldiers now confront each other just a few yards apart.

Okay, but Lahoud is a politician, right? And he's interested in keeping his head attached to his shoulders. Politics is politics. Surely the mainstream Lebanese see Hizb'Allah as the thugs and criminals they really are?

Apparently, they don't. In a 2005 poll by the University of Jordan, 74 percent of Lebanese Christians polled viewed Hizb'Allah as a "legitimate resistance organization". Majorities of Lebanese Christians had the same view of Islamic Jihad (54%), Hamas (57%) and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (53%). Note that these aren't the numbers for Lebanese population. These are the numbers for the Lebanese Christians. As one would expect, Lebanese Muslims considered all of these groups "legitimate" at levels approaching 100%.

Caveat: the above statements and polling data come from a time prior to last year's assassination of Rafik Hariri. I understand that the assassination had a significant effect on politics in Lebanon. Nevertheless, I was surprised by the above info.

I'd be very curious to hear from any Lebanese readers on this, whether Muslim or Christian.

(Note to Muslim commenters: we have already been informed that Allah is the greatest, that we kuffars will soon be dying fiery deaths and that Satan will be feasting on our bodies for eternity, so there is no need to reiterate that basic info. If you comment, please expand on these basic points or relate them somehow to the events in Lebanon. Thanks.)

Posted by: Ragnar at 10:40 AM | Comments (31) | Add Comment
Post contains 401 words, total size 3 kb.

1 Emile Lahoud is a puppet of Damascus. He is pro-Syria so he is going to toe the party line.
Second point, Hezbollah and Syria could read the writing on the walls, and knew they were going to be pushed out completely soon, and so made this move in an effort to reverse the tide.
This whole thing is only part one of a multi-staged effort on the part of Iran's President Madmandinnajob to usher in the 12th Imam. You can call me crazy, tell me to put on my tin foil hat. But I predicted this type of uprising would happen here in the jawa report several weeks ago.
Updated and newest prediction from Cmunkey, Madmandinnajoob has Syria step into Lebanon just as the Israeli's look to complete their work and prepare to move out.
The Norks fire more missiles on the same day Iran tells the UN to pound sand and fires their first Nuke at Israel. Say goodbye to Tel Aviv.

Posted by: Cmunk at July 25, 2006 11:32 AM (7teJ9)

2 Does anyone realize that if the Lebanonese Army took on Hezbollah they would lose. A new army that hasn't been paid in months and is two thirds muslim would lose in a hurry. How can they control Hezbollah?
Iran has deep pockets and it funding Hezbollah.
Who is funding the fledgeling state of Lebanon?
Maybe, after the Jews reduce Hezbollah, (they will not defeat them) the Lebanese government can take control of their own country.

Posted by: Scott at July 25, 2006 11:48 AM (nAOU7)

3 Hi "All seeing Eye",
Could you kindly compare the IP addresses of the above two messages. I think this Arab-Muslim who calls himself "Scott" is impersonating your blogger "Howie".
This is one of the ways in which these vermin pollute the media including the interet.
Next, he'll be impersonating me.

Posted by: Gaduneh Mehr at July 25, 2006 12:03 PM (vixLB)

4 I do not support muslims or the freak allah you halfwit. I just do not blindly support Israel. I look out for America.
Move to Israel and on the way kiss my ass.

Posted by: Scott at July 25, 2006 12:46 PM (nAOU7)

5 Mehr: You jewish shit. I wouldn't wish to be a muslim or a jew. How's that suit you. Both are expensive and a pain in the ass.

Posted by: Scott at July 25, 2006 12:50 PM (nAOU7)

6 israel is committing genocide here with its killing of over 350 people. back in the 1980s, the world condemned israel for the brutal killings at the sabra and shatilah refugee camps on 9/16/82 to 9/18/82. 800 people were murdered in cold blood by israeli-backed lebanese militia. When the scale of the massacre became known and photographs of the bodies in the refugee camps began to be published in the world press, Israel was held directly responsible for the atrocity. Even the Israeli public was shocked. "On September 25, a huge demonstration of 300,000 Israelis was held in Tel Aviv demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Menahem Begin and Sharon and the establishment of a judicial commission of inquiry to investigate the massacre" (http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_1967to1991_sabra_shatila.php) thats why there is even a hezbollah in the first place! unfortunately, they are taking their anger out on civilians, and that should not be accepted. and another thing, no wonder the jawa report got banned in india! many people here are concentration camp apologists that support police crackdowns on dissent, or another cointelpro. the moment a government seizes that much police power, they always start assassinating their own people, from the bolshevik govt crackdown on kronstadt to assassinations of the black panthers fred hampton and mark clark. the amerikkkan government is just another police state, just like iran, north korea, china, russia, et al.

Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 25, 2006 12:50 PM (aKAAv)

7 How do the deaths of 350 people count as a genocide? If it is, that'd be the smallest ethnic minority ever. Lefturd idiot.

Posted by: Improbulus Maximus at July 25, 2006 12:53 PM (v3I+x)

8 Anarchistmanifesto: You are one sick shit. Get a life.

Posted by: Scott at July 25, 2006 12:53 PM (nAOU7)

9 man you guys are silly. why bash me like that? what part of "left" and "right" dont you all understand? im no "lefturd idiot" neither. you need a history lesson. even the us government had killed its own citizens at waco texas. bill clinton and the fbi killed over 80 ppl of the branch-davidian christian sect. the amerikkan govt used tanks and gassed their own people in violation of the posse comatatis act. christians killing christians, tsk, tsk. i bet you all supported the waco assault. (http://www.dojgov.net/Waco01.htm) sigh, all governments end up killing their own ppl in the long wrong, if only the russian anarchists had not underestimated the treachery of their marxist-leninist "allies" (Lenin and trotsky destroyed the anarchist collectives and crushed the kronstadt revolt.) what's the difference btwn republicans, democrats, hezbollah, saddam and israel? their all mass murderers

Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 25, 2006 01:37 PM (aKAAv)

10 Sorry maxie - he is not a lefturd - he's actually a tinfoil brigader - they float all over the place - got something to do with the cycles of the moon I hear.

Posted by: hondo at July 25, 2006 01:45 PM (MVgHp)

11 a tinfoil brigader? must be a made-up word. according to internet stuff, this site is banned in india, so i, anarchistmanifesto, want to see what's up with "the jawa report". even the blogger kurt nimmo considered this website, "a pro-mass murder, neocon-friendly blog that has it out for Islamic culture"
so i wondered, why is it that ppl hate about this site of reactionary neocon-friendly ppl? it appears because they diss the dissenters outside the authoritarian left/right circles like the constitutionalists, libertarian-paleocons, marxists, and now anti-authoritarians like yours truly. i think ill stay and enjoy myself to this website to increase its political diversity. after all, do jawas know what an anarchist is? do they know anarchists like emma goldman, alexander berkman, peter kropotkin, or michael bakunin? can the jawas trounce an anti-authoritarian? beats me

Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 25, 2006 02:00 PM (aKAAv)

12 tinfoil ... brigader .... two seperate words - both exist.
Used together they form a discriptive statement/noun - quite apt in your case.

KURT NIMMMO! That's a name I haven't heard in awhile! Thought he got busted with George Michaels in LA?

My my! Aren't we impressed with ourselves ana! Feel free to expand on your self-inflating image - interesting collection of names dropped - seen us a Resume - keep it under 6 pages.

Er, yes - many of us here do know what an anarchist is - do you really know what you are? Anyway, I think maxie has one of your cookbooks.

Posted by: hondo at July 25, 2006 02:27 PM (MVgHp)

13 are u alluding to the anarchist cookbook? nope never read it. if you all know what an anarchist is, then why do you always use liberals, muslims, and moderates as punching bags? its time that you start debating with ppl with different perspectives of the world. look, anarchism is the ideology that wishes to abolish the state, police, et al., and replace them with voluntary collectives. so far in history, anarchists have been besieged by both marxist-leninists and fascists. if your familiar with the 60s black power movement, it has revived anarchism in this country. according to the black anarchist lorenzo ervin (another name none of you know, thanks to the neoliberal media), anarchists should be more radical and focus on race politics.(http://lemming.mahost.org/abr/) as for me, i admire different thinkers in the world. i agree with the anarchist black cross on the organization of society. i think we should abolish prisons and build more schools. ppl like kurt nimmo, alex jones, and the ppl at global research (even though they arent anarchists, obviously) i would have to agree with in terms of 9/11 being an inside job, because osama bin laden was on the payroll of the cia the whole time.
besides, how can the amerikkkan govt give freedom (or is it take freedom?) to the world when it kills its own citizens, like during the ludlow massacres of 1914? waco?

Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 25, 2006 02:53 PM (aKAAv)

14 We use liberals, muslims, and moderates as punching bags because - well - anarchists aren't worth the effort. Too fragile. Sorry.

Posted by: hondo at July 25, 2006 02:59 PM (MVgHp)

15 anarchistmanifesto:
Give yourself a congratulatory wank, these circle jerk posts of yours are excellent -- please can you post the address of your house, so we can send all the murders and rapists to live [after we abolish the establishments of Prisons] also, it might get crowded, so your mother may have to take some in too.

The problem with people like you, is you want everyone else to deal with societies problems -- I wonder if the above scenario was a reality, how many prison people you would shelter in your own home?
Anarchist? you're probably some middle-class kid, raging against your trust fund.

Posted by: davec at July 25, 2006 03:03 PM (voZp6)

16 "We use liberals, muslims, and moderates as punching bags because-well-anarchists aren't worth the effort. Too fragile. Sorrry."
what is that suppose to mean? you just dont have the guts to criticize anarchists. come on, anarchists took on the klan.http://lemming.mahost.org/abr/anarchistrally.htm
liberals, moderates, and conservatives are too chicken for that confrontation. even marxist-leninists are just opportunists and are sworn enemies of anarchists (although some anarchists collaborate with the marxist-leninists, many times in history marxist-leninists destroy anarchist collectives. come on jawas, read up on some anarchists. emma goldman, alexander berkman, lorenzo ervin, are some good examples.
besides, anarchists cant be "fragile". they have too many enemies, literally. even kurt nimmo isnt an anarchist

Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 25, 2006 03:21 PM (aKAAv)

17 "We use liberals, muslims, and moderates as punching bags because-well-anarchists aren't worth the effort. Too fragile. Sorrry."
what is that suppose to mean? you just dont have the guts to criticize anarchists. come on, anarchists took on the klan.http://lemming.mahost.org/abr/anarchistrally.htm
liberals, moderates, and conservatives are too chicken for that confrontation. even marxist-leninists are just opportunists and are sworn enemies of anarchists (although some anarchists collaborate with the marxist-leninists, many times in history marxist-leninists destroy anarchist collectives. come on jawas, read up on some anarchists. emma goldman, alexander berkman, lorenzo ervin, are some good examples.
besides, anarchists cant be "fragile". they have too many enemies, literally.

Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 25, 2006 03:22 PM (aKAAv)

18 God! I can't stop laughing! someone else respond to ana.

Posted by: hondo at July 25, 2006 03:24 PM (MVgHp)

19 Anarchist? Let me guess, you like to smoke a lot, have some sort of hoop pierced into your body, and you like dark colors. anarchy is so nonconformist and cool!

Here's a suggestion. Try enrolling in some history classes at your local community college. You know, where they make read intro level stuff about the social contract. Something a little bit longer and coherent than an Alex Jones screed. Then maybe you'll realize how foolish you look playing dress up anarchist.

BTW, The use of the phrase "amerikkkan" cost you all credibility.

Posted by: wooga at July 25, 2006 03:31 PM (tAB8A)

20 i dont even have a trust fund man. oww, that really hurts my feelings man. first of all, one anarchist can not fix societies ills; they have to link up with other anarchist groups or form their own anarchist collective, like an abc. hey davec, why dont you shelter former prisoners too? you could form your own abc. im only one person, how can i change the fabric of society? it takes cooperation.

Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 25, 2006 03:37 PM (aKAAv)

21 bah, i dont even smoke or do drugs. i took an ap us history exam and scored a 5 on it. besides, i read more than just what alex jones or kurt nimmo have to say, but none of you would know that already (fyi, i read books by the historian howard zinn and none of the conventional history from regular school. i like to read from different perspectives, even from opinions of the jawas and neocons, to which i disagree) the term "amerikkkan" means that there is rampant racism in this country. racism wont go away overnight you know. look up the la riots and how the "justice system" treats minorities awfully, for example rodney king.

Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 25, 2006 03:46 PM (aKAAv)

22 Maybe you can get the Mennonites to give you a hand? They know a lot about cooperation, coops, collectives & stuff.

To change the fabric of society - start small - like, raise a barn - its fun - I've done it!

Or you can go to the GAP.

Anyway - opps there goes another Mennonite horse & buggy! Damn you Israelis!

Posted by: hondo at July 25, 2006 03:47 PM (MVgHp)

23 i can see why leftist ppl dont bother blogging here, but i wanted to show how much i do know about the world. why just neocon opinions here? why atk the credibility of the blogger instead of challenging the facts posted? if all of you took history, then why is it that you never learned about people's movements. Dorr's rebellion? the anti-renter movement? US complicity in the East Timor genocide? i bet you've never heard of 'em nor the time when karl marx kicked michael bakunin out of the 1st international in 1872? learn real history!

Posted by: anarchistmanifesto at July 25, 2006 03:55 PM (aKAAv)

24 Gadnueh Mehr: Impersonate you? Ha, Ha, Ha. Where would one buy a mask that ugly. I don't ever know where to purchase one of those silly little hats.

Posted by: Scott at July 25, 2006 04:00 PM (69hsc)

25 Lefties should not blog here but learn the facts. Anarchism is a joke..no really a joke. Well you are probably young what can I say and head fullof mush. Add ten or twenty years to your life and see if you do not grow up, no offense.

Posted by: Mike Schau the Libraryguy at July 25, 2006 04:26 PM (0bxu8)

26 Wow, I forgot the topic. No, it does not appear they shun Hizbolla.

I was wondering, why would the Muslims in America sue the government for not moving faster on Americans needing to get to Cyprys?

Posted by: Leatherneck at July 25, 2006 05:02 PM (8uWFo)

27 Anarchistmanifesto fancies himself as an intellectual I see, a little mix between a Professors Tweed coat, and his Chi Ski-Mask.

His scattered references to Howard Zinn, Marxism [It's a capital by the way, if you refer to the philosophy, so you lose a few points in your "intellectual" bingo you think you're playing] is supposed to dazzle us with his brilliance.

No one cares how much you know about the world (allegedly) you've spent all your credibility, and I would not hesitate to state that most people here think you're a braggart, and most likely a moron.

Posted by: davec at July 25, 2006 05:39 PM (voZp6)

28 The moron definition works for me, davec. This guy must be in high school. Does he ever have a lot to learn?

Posted by: jesusland joe at July 25, 2006 06:01 PM (rUyw4)

29 Now be nice! I'm personally protecting the kid till the special bus comes to pick him up.

Hondo - the good samaritan

Posted by: hondo at July 25, 2006 10:33 PM (MVgHp)

30 Were I not a man of some moral substance I would be delighted to live in the world of the "anarchists". A "law of the jungle" Darwinian world would certainly favor me since being a mean sumbitch with excellent skills with all manner of firearms would assure my ascendancy.

Posted by: TBinSTL at July 26, 2006 03:08 AM (bYmT0)

31 "We keep hearing about how Hizb'Allah is viewed as a group of thugs and unwelcome radicals by most Lebanese."

Do you really ?
If that isn't something you just made up to serve as a premise for your post the simple solution is to stop listening to who keeps telling you that.

However the only source you cite contradicts this so I really don't know what these plentiful uninformed sources could be.

Posted by: Tank at July 26, 2006 09:34 AM (aOeXm)

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