July 11, 2006

Fidel Castro Rumored Dead....Again

fidel-castro.jpgUPDATE 7/12: Fidel not dead. Yet.


My sources are telling me that Fidel Castro is dead.

How reliable are these sources? Not very. They've told me this before.

But one of the lessons to be learned from The Boy Who Cried Wolf story is that, well, sometimes there really is a wolf.

Wishful thinking? Yes.

Just remember that one of these days my unreliable Cuban sources will be right. He aint getting any younger.

PS-Before I published this post, I figured I'd better check with Val at Babalu blog, since he's, you know, the man on Cuba. He's hearing the same thing. Jonah Goldberg, too.

Take it for what it's worth...which isn't much. But keep those fingers crossed.

UPDATE: I can't say where I got the tip from. Anonymous sources. Hey, if it's good enough for the NY Times.....

Val's reader got it from Venezuelan news, which got it from Spain's EFE.

Trevor, one of my commenters, says he heard it on Venezuelan TV, then retracted. El Nacional (Venezuela) and EFE apparently both had stories up earlier, but now down. Yes, that Venezuela. You know, the one with Cindy Sheehan's macho boyfriend, Hugo Chavez, at its head.

Wonkette, too.

But check this out from The Real Cuba (thanks to anononymous tip in comments):

I received an e-mail from Cuba this afternoon saying that Castro is either dead or very gravely ill, but I don't have any way of confirming it.

The only interesting thing is that the e-mail is from the same person who sent me an e-mail early this year to tell me that Castro was planning to build a "forest of flags" to try to block the human right signs appearing at the US Mission. When I got that e-mail I posted the information also as rumor, but one day later ABC News confirmed the story.

However, since I don't know who this person in Cuba really is, I don't have any way of knowing if what he is saying now is true or not.

Knock. On. Wood.

Posted by: Rusty at 03:58 PM | Comments (73) | Add Comment
Post contains 343 words, total size 3 kb.

1 Not this again. I wish Fidel was dead but sadly I don't think he's dead.

Posted by: George Ramos at July 11, 2006 04:27 PM (CnDtU)

2 He's NOT dead. End of story.

Posted by: Jale at July 11, 2006 04:53 PM (mxqnH)

3 He's NOT dead. End of story.

Posted by: Jale at July 11, 2006 04:53 PM (mxqnH)

4 First reported on Venezuelan TV. Since retracted. I'm leaning toward dead - but news was released before Chavez and Cuba were ready.

Posted by: Trev at July 11, 2006 04:54 PM (+3JF7)

5 This may just be one of castro's two yearly deaths.

Posted by: Val Prieto at July 11, 2006 05:01 PM (J0Hqv)

6 My grandma is 83 years old and still going strong. I don't know how old Queen Elizabeth is but she's also still strong. I wouldn't be surprised if Fidel lives to be 100.

Posted by: George Ramos at July 11, 2006 05:03 PM (CnDtU)

7 Hope to visit before he dies and it becomes another Mexico

Posted by: trent at July 11, 2006 05:05 PM (4ZU3m)

8 Give it up. What I want to know is when will the outdated, ineffective, and unconstitutional embargo against Cuba be lifted? That's the real question!

Posted by: m. at July 11, 2006 05:07 PM (GuX6i)

9 Agreed that it's outdated and ineffective, but "unconstitutional"? I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Posted by: Rusty at July 11, 2006 05:09 PM (simOF)

10 To answer the question...why, when Chimpy McBusHitler invades to steal their oil, of course!

Posted by: Vinnie, Editor In Chief Pro Tempore at July 11, 2006 05:23 PM (/qy9A)

11 Hey Rusty, South Florida is scurrying for confirmation of this.....again. Let's hope this is it! Miami will be the biggest party zone for weeks on end when this happens.

Glad to see you're back on Google News!


Posted by: Vince at July 11, 2006 05:23 PM (WH40Y)

12 If true the timing is great. I will turn around and head for South Beach. Forget the Tarpon.
Losing anyway. But to salvage this trip with what will be the biggest party since D-Day. Oh boy!

Embargo ineffective. Are you friggin nuts. Have you seen Havana. We stopped this commie bastard in his tracks. The son of a bitch doesn't have the money or resources to cause the trouble he would have without the embargo.
Where the hell have you people been the last 40 years.

Posted by: greyrooster at July 11, 2006 05:39 PM (y4Vli)

13 Shouldn't the MSM print a few lines about Cuba's jails, and how there is fresh water for those in jail? Meanwhile at GITMO they have two hots, and a cot. Make sure you handle that koran with respect boy!

koran should have a capital K, but I do not have any respect for it.

Posted by: Leatherneck at July 11, 2006 05:40 PM (D2g/j)

14 Went googling.Found this website.Don't know who they are.Says:

I received an e-mail from Cuba this afternoon saying that Castro is either dead or very gravely ill,
but I don't have any way of confirming it. The only interesting thing is that the e-mail is from the same person who sent me an e-mail early this year to tell me that Castro was planning to build a "forest of flags" to try to block the human right signs appearing at the US Mission. When I got that e-mail I posted the information also as rumor, but one day later ABC News confirmed the story.

However, since I don't know who this person in Cuba really is, I don't have any way of knowing if what he is saying now is true or not.

Posted by: anonymous at July 11, 2006 05:45 PM (n+NSq)

15 So if the beard really does kick the bucket, lets place bets on the glowing obit the NYTimes will write for him. Will he get the Strom Thurmond treatment? I doubt it. Look for "Cubans weep loss of dear leader"

Posted by: Gabriel Chapman at July 11, 2006 05:46 PM (NTVio)

16 Hope to visit before he dies and it becomes another Mexico.

This may be the single most assinine, completely self-centered and ill-informed comment I have ever read.

trent, Cuba will never be Mexico. And when Cuba is finally rid of fidel castro and his "revolution", Mexico will want to be Cuba once again.

Posted by: Val Prieto at July 11, 2006 05:52 PM (J0Hqv)

17 Hey, Rusty! You're the #2 hit in Google News for "Fidel Castro".... Cooooooool!

As for the veracity of the report... All I can say is "Hope springs eternal..."


-- Kat

Posted by: Kat at July 11, 2006 05:53 PM (qUL/P)

18 The embargo has worked, by and large. By the way, the embargo isn't extended towards foods and medicinal products, which is why critics of the embargo are wrong when they assert the harm that we are supposedly doing to the Cuban Economy and people. Every last asset on the island outside of GITMO is part Castro's balance sheet, and these sources fund his prison system, his revolutionary activities in South America and Africa, and his domestic repression. We've done well keeping our money and trade out of his hands, and this policy may need to continue if Fidel's "Cult of Personality" buys Raul a seemless transfer of power.

Posted by: Vince at July 11, 2006 05:55 PM (WH40Y)

19 Agreed that it's outdated and ineffective, but "unconstitutional"? I do not think that word means what you think it means.

The barring of Americans from visiting Cuba is asinine and, yes, unconstitutional.

Why does the federal government get to dictate what countries private citizens are allowed to travel to?

Posted by: alt.world at July 11, 2006 06:56 PM (grW3B)

20 That word doesn't mean what you think it means alt.world.

Posted by: tdewey10 at July 11, 2006 07:00 PM (PTrzu)

21 Here's why- because your Tourist Dollars ACTIVELY CONTRIBUTE to the repression and subjugation of native Cubans. Tourists who visit Cuba can view this Potemkin Island firsthand, as they visit hotels and attractions that aren't reflective of the larger island. These same foodstores, hotels, accomodations, and attractions are OFF LIMITS to native Cubans by law. While Europeans are allowed to buy land and properties on the Island, native Cubans by law are prohibited from doing so. And this state of affairs is perpetuated by private citizens who spend their money there, which ultimately bankrolls you know who. It only takes a small amount of honest thinking to see what the effects of a "free trade" policy would be on average Cubans.

Posted by: Vince at July 11, 2006 07:08 PM (WH40Y)

22 alt.world,

An unwise policy is not the same as an Unconstitutional one.

And you can go to Cuba. It's just illegal to carry your U.S. passport there or spend your U.S. dollars there.

A vacation is a type of export. You exchenge your money for the pleasure generated by another country. Congress clearly has the power to regulate this. Please see Article I, sec. 8.

The power to give a passport is also the power to regulate its usage. You accept its terms and conditions, as prescribed by law, when one is issued to you. It's also the power to revoke.

Posted by: RUSTY at July 11, 2006 07:12 PM (simOF)

23 Uh oh. Does this mean that someday soon Canada's favorite honeymoon destination is going to be overrun with Yanks?
There goes the neighborhood...

Posted by: Marc Country at July 11, 2006 08:00 PM (gJvOr)

24 Good Vince good.

Rusty: You sound like some government machine. (congress has the power, according to art 1, prescribed by law, unconsitutional, regulate it's usage).

Posted by: greyrooster at July 11, 2006 08:43 PM (y4Vli)

25 In context - His Doctor pipes up on june 1st and says " castro to live to 140". It gets your attention when someone answers a question no one is asking. After that, for nearly every week since then we keep getting stories of the US "needing to prepare for the post castro world", Now after years of neglect, suddenly we start seeing monies being raised to prepare for the "new reality" And, if you look at pictures of el jefe since April, he dont look too hot to me.

Dont look for confirmation of death right away,
listen for "general recall of Cuban ambassadors" and movement of Castro family members and for word that the Cuban military has gone on alert. I suspect our best source this evening is in Manhattan, in the bars around Turtle bay. If you have a shortwave radio, nows the time to listen in. The internet will find out last this time.

Let's hope theres something cooking in the havana oven this time.

Posted by: frank martin at July 11, 2006 08:53 PM (G+H5e)

26 I don't believe Castro is dead. No fun. Everyone staying aboard tonight. Going to re-spool all reels and try to catch some live bait. We are fishing too deep. We will try the passes and shallow water tomorrow. Other contestants are catching fish. Nothing big so we could still get lucky.

Posted by: greyrooster at July 11, 2006 08:54 PM (y4Vli)

27 Hope and prayers that this may be true, but I'm not holding my breath. However, Castro, if his minions are reading this to him, should take my advice and hold his breath. It will do a world of good.

Someone is gonna cash in with the dead pool though... but not me.

Posted by: lawhawk at July 11, 2006 08:58 PM (1PNko)

28 oh, and they (cuban communist party) wont release word to anyone of anything this big until the "post castro" situation is completely locked down.

But somthing this big wont stay controlled for long, so my guess is we will all there is to know in 24 hours.

Posted by: Frank Martin at July 11, 2006 08:59 PM (G+H5e)

29 Only the USA followed an embargo on Cuba. The Europeans have continued to go spend their money at Cuban resorts, and buy their cigars.
Cuba has plenty of money. The embargo is foolish and ineffective.

Posted by: George at July 11, 2006 09:21 PM (M7YJH)

30 Cuba has plenty of money. Ha, Ha. Yea they spend it on cars. Ha, ha.

Posted by: greyrooster at July 11, 2006 09:50 PM (y4Vli)

31 New article on el-nacional. Chavez claims that "Castro is as strong as ever" and rambles on about the usual crap--including an aside about Castro's birthday.

My conclusion:
Castro is dead or dying and they won't annouce till after the b-day. If Castro was alive they would have trotted him out.

Posted by: tdewey10 at July 11, 2006 10:32 PM (PTrzu)

32 Then they convert those cars into rafts and take their lives in their hands just for the chance to get to America! Whhheeee!!, Cuba must be a veritable "Peoples Paridise" eh?

Anybody who thinks Cuba isn't a s**thole to be in if you are a native Cuban, weelll, I've got a bridge you might be interested in.

Posted by: Robert at July 11, 2006 10:42 PM (LYLpo)

33 If wishes were heart attacks, fidel would be having the big one.

Posted by: PTG at July 12, 2006 12:18 AM (rVWj9)

34 Hell, there's shitloads of money down there. And Castro's got every nickle of it!

Posted by: James Hooker at July 12, 2006 02:13 AM (VKXUB)

35 If that a-hole does eventually shuffle off his mortal coil...

Who's next in charge?

Posted by: Son Of The Godfather at July 12, 2006 03:34 AM (maXzk)

36 yassir arafat - still dead!


Posted by: zevchi at July 12, 2006 10:11 AM (nNKUe)

37 His brother Raul Castro....

Posted by: RF at July 12, 2006 08:20 PM (nGoKj)

38 Let that old man die NOW!so me and ma faamily can FEAST!

Posted by: camel and chucky love at July 12, 2006 08:37 PM (lFHHG)

39 Let that old man die NOW!so me and ma faamily can FEAST!

Posted by: camel and chucky love at July 12, 2006 08:37 PM (lFHHG)

40 Let that old man die NOW!so me and ma faamily can FEAST!

Posted by: camel and chucky love at July 12, 2006 08:38 PM (lFHHG)

41 His day is coming and its going to be a holiday in MIAMI

Posted by: Albert at July 13, 2006 12:47 AM (rF3Yx)

42 i don't understand: if the embargo is so "ineffective", why the big push to remove it.....?

as a corallary, if Cuba is such a paradise, why don't they have the illegal immigration problem the US does?

all they have is an emigration problem, where people are willing to risk dying to get out,
whereas they are willing to risk dying to get into the US.

either way, i hope the corksucker is dead, so Ronnie can piss on him from a considerable height.


Posted by: redc1c4 at July 13, 2006 01:09 AM (lL3zE)

Just because Hugo denied it doesn't mean that Castro hasn't kicked the bucket. Alarcon denied it yesterday (Hugo denied it late Tues) - but still no Castro in sight. If he isn't dead he is on his deathbed.

Posted by: trev at July 13, 2006 08:04 AM (PTrzu)

44 One more thing - Hugo's "Castro will live to 100" was over-the-top. But Alarcon going on yesterday about Castro's genetic predisposition to good health - was even more over the top.

Conclustion: If he aint dead, he will be soon.

Posted by: Trev at July 13, 2006 10:15 AM (+3JF7)

45 Latest:

Even Chavez (well asserting Castro will live to 100) is talking about what will happen if he dies... (asserts that Venezuela will help continue the Cuban revolution).

Posted by: Trev at July 13, 2006 10:20 AM (+3JF7)

46 I know it's not a pretty thing to wish for someone's death... but there are always exceptions...

If Chavez likes Castro so much... why doesn't he goes and dies with him?

Die Zankapfel...

Posted by: KShneider at July 14, 2006 08:29 AM (Ulmch)

47 I know it's not a pretty thing to wish for someone's death... but there are always exceptions...

If Chavez likes Castro so much... why doesn't he goes and dies with him?

Die Zankapfel...

Posted by: KShneider at July 14, 2006 08:45 AM (Ulmch)

48 Castro is a dyin horse..His memory is fading and hopefully by the graces of god he will die on his B-day Augt.13...(13 is a bad number)


Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:12 AM (go7Wr)

49 Castro is a dyin horse..His memory is fading and hopefully by the graces of god he will die on his B-day Augt.13...(13 is a bad number)


Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:13 AM (go7Wr)

50 Castro is a dyin horse..His memory is fading and hopefully by the graces of god he will die on his B-day Augt.13...(13 is a bad number)


Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:13 AM (go7Wr)

51 Castro is a dyin horse..His memory is fading and hopefully by the graces of god he will die on his B-day Augt.13...(13 is a bad number)


Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:13 AM (go7Wr)

52 Castro is a dyin horse..His memory is fading and hopefully by the graces of god he will die on his B-day Augt.13...(13 is a bad number)


Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:13 AM (go7Wr)

53 Castro is a dyin horse..His memory is fading and hopefully by the graces of god he will die on his B-day Augt.13...(13 is a bad number)


Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:14 AM (go7Wr)

54 Castro is a dyin horse..His memory is fading and hopefully by the graces of god he will die on his B-day Augt.13...(13 is a bad number)


Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:14 AM (go7Wr)

55 Castro is a dyin horse..His memory is fading and hopefully by the graces of god he will die on his B-day Augt.13...(13 is a bad number)


Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:14 AM (go7Wr)

56 Castro is a dyin horse..His memory is fading and hopefully by the graces of god he will die on his B-day Augt.13...(13 is a bad number)


Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:14 AM (go7Wr)

57 Castro is a dyin horse..His memory is fading and hopefully by the graces of god he will die on his B-day Augt.13...(13 is a bad number)


Posted by: Alex at July 15, 2006 09:14 AM (go7Wr)

58 Rusty. Good stuff. Thanks for the updates. Interesting. I wonder just how much wiggle room there will be after Castro dies for the US to step in and save the day. I wonder about the timing. After the parties in Miami...then what? What will the Cuban people demand? What will the Miami residents want from the US government? Can the US send the Marines, secure the premises and install a US friendly government with the Miami Cuban's approval?

Oh and what signs are you looking for to show that Castro is dead... other than unknown sources?

I know lots of questions, but this stage in Cuba's history is fascinating.

Posted by: Miami girl at July 16, 2006 05:36 AM (/OpNI)

59 its funny how people call the embargo unconstitutional just because they hear it somewhere and don't know the real facts. Kinda reminds me of how people have the audacity to wear Che shirts, but thats another point entirely. The only thing that will confirm Castro's awaited death or announcement of his bad health is if he doesn't show up at the celebration of el 26 de julio. But here is what gives me hope. The source of this information is the same source that gave ABC in the info that Castro was going to build the "Forest of Flags" in front of that federal building in Havana to cover up those "imperialist messages" transmitted on the building. Either way, I hope he dies before I go away to college because I wanna party my ass off in Miami.

Posted by: Jordanazo at July 16, 2006 04:32 PM (3IWXl)

60 You are all living in a dreamworld. If Castro dies soon..and thats a big if...His brother Raul is all set to take over and continue to annoy the hell out of you interfering nutjobs. Expecially if Chavez wins this years election and continues to trade oil for doctors.

The cuban mafia and miami can party all they want. They'll never get Cuba back.

Posted by: Go Between at July 17, 2006 04:25 AM (dV4D2)

61 Of course the will get Cuba back, not the way they want it but they will get it back, I hope it will be soon. As a cuban born a can tell you that I always love the USA like all my friends, the cuban people dream about the day when Cuba and the US shake their hands as friends once again, Castro hates america but cuban people love it,no one cant stop the change, is coming. God bless america, god bless freedom.

Posted by: Orlando at July 17, 2006 11:57 AM (Y+tjl)

62 Hey Go Between do you mind not disrespecting us because to can play that game. What credentials do you have my friend to make those kind of claims? I would agree more with Orlando than you any day even though I slightly disagree with him. After Castro, there will not be a socialist (as they call the Communist system in Cuba) successor, whether it be his brother, Roque, or anybody. No one has a fresher link to the Revolution than Castro or Che, and Che is certainly not going to raise from the dead and become to dictator of Cuba (not to mention that would be ridiculous for a non-Cuban born man to become leader of Cuba), and Castro's about to meet his maker. There will be a lot of unrest on the island before a stable transition could be implemented. Many of the rich people on the island will lost a lot of their money, and not to mention Bush has already said that the U.S. will help with the transition of Cuba toward democracy. And I don't want to hear... "Oh democracy, Cuba's not ready!" Cuba wanted a democracy after Batista. They had a free republic before Batista. The rich funded revolutionary movements of all sorts, most of which they thought would bring REAL democracy to the island, something Batista wasn't doing. Nonetheless, whether or not Batista did not bring real democracy to the island he is a hell of a lot better than Castro. And I can challenge anyone on that. But that's for another time (unless someone decides to call me out on it). Either way, no one is going to keep the so-called Revolution going after Castro because there is no fresh link to it. And not to mention a huge change will come because it's what the Cuban people want and it is inevitable. Why do you think the Cuban government/media (notice the "/" signifying that both are the same) is telling its people that Raul is Castro's successor? Castro is croaking and the government is trying to prevent chaos. But nothing can stop that. So Miami... get ready, the next few days are critical. Whether he is dead, ill, or not, these are very important times regardless of the outcome. Just be watchful.

Posted by: Jordanazo at July 17, 2006 04:42 PM (3IWXl)

63 Very weird, the Bahamas had their foreign minister, and a large delegation in Havana today to inagurate its Embassy in Havana. Castro was nowhere to be seen, and will not meet the delegation. When Cuban foreign minister went to Bahamas for the announcement that this embassy was going to be open, he called on the P.M. and Governor General of the island. It is proper ettiquete that the Head of State of Cuba reciprocate and receive the Foreign Minister.

Posted by: Boli-Nica at July 18, 2006 02:54 AM (r3L55)

64 Don't you think that Castro has a plan for when he goes? The man has stayed in power through 10 Presidents From Eisenhower to George W. He has survived invasions, assasination attempts and economic embargo's and he's still there.

The man is a legend and a genius. Do you honestly think he doesn't have a plan to continue the revolution. Cuba has just started to grow its economy aftyer the special period. Health & Education for cuban citizens is far better than the US.

You'll all have to invade again to stop the revolution. And thats a fight you will not win.

Posted by: Go Between at July 18, 2006 04:37 AM (dV4D2)

65 Don't you think that Castro has a plan for when he goes? The man has stayed in power through 10 Presidents From Eisenhower to George Jr. He has survived invasions, assasination attempts and economic embargo's and he's still there.

The man is a legend and a genius. Do you honestly think he doesn't have a plan to continue the revolution? Cuba has just started to grow its economy after the special period. Health & Education for cuban citizens is far better than the US.

You'll all have to invade again to stop the revolution. And thats a fight you will not win.

Posted by: Go Between at July 18, 2006 04:39 AM (dV4D2)

66 Wow. I'm pretty sure communism was an experiment that thoroughly failed.

I would say when the poor slavelike people of Cuba started rationing salt, it was a clear indication.

I'm begining to think that Go Between is just trying to get everyone riled. "A legend and a genius" huh? Much like Hitler. Who are you kidding? Health and education better? Good heavens my family is beging for aspirin and paper.

Yep I'm pretty sure the experiment failed now all we need is for the old horse to kick up his feet already!

Posted by: Miami Girl at July 18, 2006 11:25 AM (/OpNI)

67 No I don't think Castro has a plan for when he's gone. That's what I'm basing my point on. Why would he have a plan. You just supported my argument. He has been in power longer than any major dictator. That's exactly why he doesn't have a plan. The only plan he has is saying that his brother will take over and that's it. But I do agree with you that he is a genius. I mean I graduated from the same school he did and some of my teachers knew him. What do you mean by just started? Are you implying that it's just a matter of time until Cuba gets back its economy to how it was when the Soviets had power? First of all that's not only improbable but utterly hilarious! I mean Cuba wasn't even in good shape during the Soviet reign. And the health and education was inherited. I mean come on, you seem like a smart guy. Don't deny the fact that it was inherited. Read anywhere and it will say that Cuba has a slightly less literacy now-a-days than it had before the Revolution, however, I think it has only dropped 1-2 percent. But anyone can tell you that's inherited. And the health system? Inherited. Cuba had the one of the best medical schools in the world in La Universidad de La Habana. I should know. Half my family are doctors who graduated from there. Many rich doctors funded revolutionary movements and some were forced to stay with Castro's movement and stay on the island. Oh yeah, back to education. See now what Cuba doesn't tell people is that though everyone is allowed to go to school the much poorer children can't because they need to worry about getting money, so they resort to prostitution. And Cuba's poverty level is obscenely and much higher than it was before the Revolution. And by the way, if Cuba is so advanced in the health field, why is it that it has one of the highest AIDS crisis out of Africa?

Posted by: Jordanazo at July 18, 2006 05:09 PM (CIjUl)

68 Oh yeah. And about the successor. Roque is famous for criticizing Raul on the other side of the party's curtains. There will surely be a power struggle among Communists on the island which will only add to the chaos after Castro's death. Oh and we will win a battle if we invade Cuba as long as no one idiotically scraps air support and ignores people with the information used to come out successful (hmm hmm.. Kennedy). Don't worry if I'm overwhelming you with information, I mean for a person who comes from Cuba it's only natural that I know much more from personal experience than you will ever now.

Posted by: Jordanazo at July 18, 2006 05:14 PM (CIjUl)

69 Oh yeah. And about the successor. Roque is famous for criticizing Raul on the other side of the party's curtains. There will surely be a power struggle among Communists on the island which will only add to the chaos after Castro's death. Oh and we will win a battle if we invade Cuba as long as no one idiotically scraps air support and ignores people with the information used to come out successful (hmm hmm.. Kennedy). Don't worry if I'm overwhelming you with information, I mean for a person who comes from Cuba it's only natural that I know much more from personal experience than you will ever now.

Posted by: Jordanazo at July 18, 2006 05:14 PM (CIjUl)

70 Oh yeah. And about the successor. Roque is famous for criticizing Raul on the other side of the party's curtains. There will surely be a power struggle among Communists on the island which will only add to the chaos after Castro's death. Oh and we will win a battle if we invade Cuba as long as no one idiotically scraps air support and ignores people with the information used to come out successful (hmm hmm.. Kennedy). Don't worry if I'm overwhelming you with information, I mean for a person who comes from Cuba it's only natural that I know much more from personal experience than you will ever now.

Posted by: Jordanazo at July 18, 2006 05:15 PM (CIjUl)

71 Oh no it can't be can it? That can't be Fidel looking fine and dandy galavanting around the Mercosur summit in Argentina with his buddies can it?

Cos he's dead isn't he? Maybe its a ghost.

Better put the Gloria Estefan records and Bacardi on hold there you crazy Miami kids.


Posted by: Go Between at July 21, 2006 08:24 AM (dV4D2)

72 Dear Jordanzo

Thank you for your detailed reply. It was very interesting. I must (surprise, surprise) disagree with you on a few points.

When I said the economic growth is just starting I meant it. Do you understand my friend that after the fall of the Soviet Bloc, Cuba lost 70% of its trade. Could you imagine if over the course of a few days the United States lost 70% of its exports that would never return again? There would be chaos and anarchy and a total breakdown of Society. In short, the USA would cease to exist.

As of 2002 the GDP of Cuba finally recovered from the catastrophic changes of 1991. Each year it has posted an increasing growth rate, this despite the embargo having been strengthened under the Bush administration. Strengthened under pressure from the cuban exile population. The economy is shaping up very well and the population know this. (I've been to Cuba a couple of times myself by the way).

Which brings me to a subject I was hoping you could enlighten me on. If cuban exiles are so concerned about their families in Cuba being so poor, why oh why do they want to make them poorer by supporting the Trade embargo?

With regards to Health & Education Jordanzo, Cuba has a literacy rate of 97%. This despite, as our friend earlier mentioned, a severe lack of educational resources. Compare this to the US.

"In 1992 the USA conducted a big National Adult Literacy Survey. According to the National Institute of Literacy between 21 and 23 percent of the adult population, or approximately 44 million people scored in Level 1 which means that they "can read a little but not well enough to fill out an application, read a food label, or read a simple story to a child".
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_literacy_rate""

If we compare Healthcare between the two countries, Cuba has Universal healtcare whereas the United States has 48 million people without any form of Health insurance. The result of this is that Cuba has an infant mortality rate of 6.33 per 1000 head of population against the United States 6.50 per 1000. Seems small but is actually huge when you actually count the lives involved. And this without the proper pharmaceutical products that the US refuse to allow into Cuba.

I do understand your love of your country. I just feel that if you gave the revolution one more decade you would be very proud of your homeland. I really believe that Jordanzo.

Thank you for discussing this topic with me.

Go Between

Posted by: Go Between at July 21, 2006 09:09 AM (dV4D2)

73 Cuba has an Aids crisis???lol ok I have heard all sorts of madness about Cuba, but this takes the cake compared with pretty much any other country in latin america, and even the US per capita Cuba can teach a lesson or two to a lot of countries on how to handle AIDS, which by the way is mostly brought in by foreigners, please dont believe everything you read on blogs paid for by the state department? didnt your mom ever tell you not to believe everyting you read on the net or on TV? and for someone like me who has been in Cuba like me from the really creappy times of the mid 90's to now, you can see the difference, not to mention the cautious optimism at street level, you are also forgetting the role that mercosur is starting to play, not to mention Venezuela, I could go on and on as to where Cuba is in essense rising from the ashes but I dont want to depress the anti Castro types to much today

Posted by: Mikhail at July 23, 2006 12:19 PM (4Q2pm)

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